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3:04 PM
@Wesley I can't marry you - my family would never approve of an interspecies relationship!

JJJJNRI am reviewing an esxi 4.1 host memory usage I would like to lower some of the memory usage on some virtual machines. For example here I have a windows 2003 server This server is using 1GB Ram one more than it needs, I want to have a lean environment for the ESXI hosts. Here is an example of...

That guy needs to read a book I think
I swear some days the computer is just screwing with me... Just got a MS key with "VXVXK" as one of the groups.
@ChrisS is that like getting a custom license plate of 1ll11l1
Saw someone with 88B8BB8 or something like that the other day.
3:17 PM
Oooooh, oh fuck
"Remote console has been closed due to firmware upgrade"

Guess how the ISO was mounted..... I'm scared now!
I was on a team called Binary Dreams one time in a game. You could pick the name your would appear as to other people in the game at the beginning of each round. So all our names started and ended with 01010101, with 32 random other 1s or 0s in the middle. The team screen looked something like:
@Dan ohnosecond!
Am I only useful for HP questions?
@ewwhite No
You know a fair amount about Nexenta and ZFS too.
3:24 PM
@TheCleaner It came back - all hail HP!
Meh, I forgot about Nexenta.
Ed knows vmware as well...and how to spot horrible server room setups.
Any of you guys run Debian?
Pondering if I'm embarking on a fool's errand of moving my home network over to Debian.
@TheCleaner That's cos he's built half of them
3:26 PM
@TheCleaner Oh yeah, decent photographer too
@Magellan: from?
@JourneymanGeek Ubuntu. Finally had enough last night and gave up on it.
@Magellan: commands should work the same way... tho, stable runs REALLY old packages
@JourneymanGeek Not sure if that would be any worse than CentOS though.
3:28 PM
Holy ballsack
(though I just spent about a day building a torrent client on my raspi, so I have a dim view of old packages)
$600/month for health insurance for a single person
Yeah, this is not going to work out. Plus, it's tripling my commute.
3:30 PM
I pay $322 for 2 people - Employer pays the other 2/3.
I pay ~$80/month for just me.
and that's health, dental and vision.
Oh everyone else got their insurance premium adjustment letters?
Mine's not changing... yet
Ours went up to $793 for single, $1200ish for a couple, $2300 for "Family"
(hopefully staying 100% employer paid - one of the big reasons I stay at this job)
Got 3 pages of ObamaCare explanation and a brief explanation of our coverage, including how much my work pays.
Employer paid 100% for Single when I first got here. You had to foot 1/2 the difference for Couple and Family, which wasn't nearly as much as it is now. Now we pay 1/3 for 80% coverage with an Employer covered deductible.
3:36 PM
I have a question
For the married folks.
Say your S.O. gets free dental coverage for themselves and heavily discounted for their spouse. Can you opt in to their dental but take your medical if it's better?
and such.
@Cole depends how the plans are structured but usually yes
@Cole depends on the company's policy.
3:37 PM
Ah cool.
sometimes the dental is a rider on the medical, or the company gets a bundled rate that means you have to take both
Since well.....Jenna's a dental assistant.
so if it ever gets to that point - weee dental.
My coverage didn't change either, but I pay $120/month for my family.
My dental coverage is ok.
@ScottPack damn son
Bot attack... already
I've never understood HMO vs PPO
one has a "network" of doctors that you get a better price at, and you need referrals to see specialists from your PCP
The other one is basically a free for all
But I get them confused with which is which
Ah I have that one.
I have a multi-plan. Cigna/Tufts
My plan doesnt need a PCP or referrals
I think mine...does.
My dental is PPO
3:41 PM
@Cole Again, it's an advantage to being self-insured. Our coverage is administered by Anthem but the University actually covers the insurance.
@ScottPack really good coverage.
Do most uni's have good benefits?
@Cole Both have a "network" - with PPO/EPO plans you get a substantially reduced rate (usually just your copay) at "in network" doctors, and the insurance company covers some percentage of "out of network" stuff (plus or minus pains in the ass like "max out of pocket")
HMOs usually have very limited (or no) out of network benefits & require you to select an "approved primary care physician"
@Cole The last time I looked my benefits package was valued around 40%. The governor has mandated some changes that have modified it some, but it's not going to have dropped down to the typical 25-30.
And then there's "traditional insurance" (like the Blues) -- you get sick, the insurance company covers it.
that pretty much doesn't exist anymore unless you work for a hospital or have VA benefits.
This being an adult thing kinda sucks.
3:44 PM
@Cole "It Gets Better Worse."
My dad worked for the town, so it was similar to being a state employee - his insurance was fucking awesome.
I miss it /tear
(Seriously, those videos just fucking lie to kids. Taxes. Insurance. Mortgages. Life fucking sucks and it doesn't matter who you're fucking!)
Good news though, my 401K almost has $10K in it.
Mother fucker - I really need my degree.
@voretaq7 Though they can pretty much do whatever they want.... Mine's a HMO, I can pick any participating doc (which is everyone in this area, as the insurance is based in this area too), out of network is covered, but you pay then get reimbursed.
@Cole Just start this year?
@ChrisS yep
3:49 PM
That's pretty good.
I do the full 5% and my employer matches 5%
@voretaq7 It seems better as you get more numb/jaded =]
@ChrisS most of the HMOs around here have no out of network benefit, but are good-to-excellent in network
I contribute 12%, employer matches 4%.
@voretaq7 I've heard stories like that from others... Seems pretty typical
OpenSSL for Windows <3
3:51 PM
Steady climb
Ours is a HMO/PPO - it's Oxford/UHC's network & there's no in-network referral required. You have to precertify out-of-network stuff
I hate when things fail with "Unable to installl XYZ on server" error messages... How helpful.
@Cole explain to me what a 401K is with 15 words or less
@MathiasR.Jessen Money in an account that hopefully grows over time so you can retire.
Oh wait, I'm not @Cole. Dammit!
@MathiasR.Jessen retirement account
3:56 PM
@Cole Can I be you for a few minutes?
@Wesley So... like a regular retirement account? How is it taxated?
@Wesley do...do you want to?
@MathiasR.Jessen not taxed until withdrawal
@Cole Yeah okay, then it's like a regular retirement/pension plan account here in DK
@MathiasR.Jessen 401(k) is a tax-deferred retirement account. Can't contribute more than a certain amount each year ($17500 in 2013), can't withdraw until age 62 (without penalties anyway). Has to be employer sponsored/organized.
@MathiasR.Jessen Depends on the structure of the account here. Most of us have "traditional" IRAs or 401(k)s that are tax-deferred (taxed at withdrawal)
You can also have a Roth IRA which is funded post-tax, and not taxed on withdrawal. Useful if you expect to have an obscene income in "retirement"
3:59 PM
A "Traditional IRA" is very much like a 401(k), except not sponsored/organized by an employer... So you just go to the bank/brokerage/etc and get it. A "Roth IRA" is the same idea, but pre-tax, no tax on the interest.
Cool, the "traditional" is exactly the same as I have here then
@ChrisS (and the contribution limits are obscenely low)
Well I have the danish equivalent of a 401(k) then, employer sponsored, 13.5%
brb lunch
well the tax-deductible limits...
4:00 PM
@voretaq7 True, $5500 in 2013.
@ChrisS I thought it went up a little this year?
SEP and SIMPLE IRAs are higher, but only available under certain circumstances.
I need to have some extra money laying around to put into a Roth IRA soon - the 5k/yr I can put into my regular IRA is simply not going to fly when I retire with no social security and inflation like a fucking weather balloon.
They really need to just unify the limits... And index them to inflation, or the poverty line or something like that.
@ChrisS Inflation. The poverty line is the second most neglected federal economic metric
they really need to move the poverty line to a level where you can actually afford to eat.
4:04 PM
@voretaq7 What is the most neglected then?
It's there... You'll just be eating Government Cheese and 50-Year crackers.
@MathiasR.Jessen tough to pick - but I'd say the federal funds rate (which gets played with a lot like it's the only possible tool of fiscal policy, but never really studied and adjusted logically)
@ChrisS $11,490?
A bedroom in someone's basement is $600/month where I am. Tough to live on $4000ish a year.
Hrm... I was thinking it was more than double that.
@voretaq7 This is the poverty rate for the whole country... Not just the expensive places to live.
@ChrisS that's the HHS number, there's a census number that might be different
that's also for a single person
@ChrisS "48 contiguous states, and DC" - it's very slightly higher in AK & HI
but they're saying I should be able to live anywhere in the 48 contiguous states as long as I'm making $11,491 or better.
(I would get you the Census number, but apparently census.gov is shut down as part of the... well...shutdown)
What a f-ing mess.... I hate congress.
4:10 PM
aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/13poverty.cfm#thresholds <- that site is still working though
it's 23,000ish for a family of 4
which I think is the number that gets used the most?
Sounds about right.
I think I saw just under $25k quoted earlier.
@ChrisS yeah I hear $24k and $25k thrown around a lot
which is starting to be almost reasonable (figure my apartment costs me 1300-1500/month when you total everything up, so split it down the middle and that's 16,800/yr, which means at 24k I'd have $7200/yr ($600/mo) for food and other actual necessities
On a conference call with client, and hosted CRM management company. I'm in a maze of twisty database fields, all alike... with no foreign key constraints.
Grr. Getting tired of documentation for kickstart and various auto-installers being written like this isn't a solved problem FFS. Debian's docs read like they're written by a great-grandmother going on about the dangers of flying stick & rudder biplanes after dark.
I have to admit it's mildly ironic that we're discussing the poverty line as a rummage my desk for something edible.
4:13 PM
I'd have to sell everything I own (plane, car, cell phone) but I could "live" on 24-25k/yr if I really had to
@voretaq7 I hope you remembered to take tax out of that...
@voretaq7 It's not a fun thing to do, but more importantly that still isn't poor. You'd be single, no dependents.
If we're being realistic, below $40k is "first world poor" for 1-2 people
@84104 I'd have to find homes for the fish and lizard - I wouldn't be able to afford food/vet visits/tank supplies
By which I mean benefits legal speak poor, not relative this sucks poor.
@voretaq7 Net or gross. =)
4:16 PM
@ChrisS @Wesley Nope. I'd need to net that. At those levels you don't lose too much to tax though.
1/3 of nothing is still nothing.
@voretaq7 You lose more when you're self-employed. =(
@84104 right, there's a difference between "survival" and "living"
@Wesley yep
legal-speak poor is frankly not even survival (Try to feed 2 kids on $24k/yr - even with assistance programs it's not going to happen)
$40k just touches "living" in New York
as in "able to put gas in the car and get to your job" -- on $24k/yr I'd have to be able to walk to work.
"So when we upload our data to your hosted environment, how is it secured?"
"VPN? Some kind of encryption?"
"Uhh... you have a password that you have to enter..."
"Right but, what's the encryption or security method?"
"I uhhh, don't have the answer to that question. I can look into it... ?"
(Gas is no joke about $2-300/month for me)
@Wesley Tier 1 support doesn't breathe.
@voretaq7 This is supposedly one of their higher engineers.
@RobM Kitteh!
4:21 PM
@voretaq7 Do you get a personal deduction on your taxable income? Like a lower bound for taxation
@Wesley other kitteh!
@voretaq7 You mean the fans blowing air over their heat-sinks doesn't count?
@MathiasR.Jessen at some point the income tax vanishes
other stuff sticks around (property taxes, sales taxes, I believe SS/FICA stays after the income tax vanishes)
You still PAY the tax - it's just refunded to you at the end of the year.
Happy 55th @NASA! Since NASA is shutdown & I don’t have 5 mil followers to share with, please RT 5 mil times. Thanks.
@Wesley I'm confused as to why this is a question you're asking. If you know the upload method you know how it's secured (or not) in transite.
Things You Don't Expect - Needing a Census data point and being unable to get it because of the #Shutdown. http://t.co/KzNd6PIHUb
4:26 PM
@voretaq7 I pay 8% before deductions in so-called Labouring Market Contribution (some kind of commy plot) - no refunds
@MathiasR.Jessen don't you guys get cool things like universal healthcare for your 8%?
@MathiasR.Jessen We pay a varying rate (irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4s.pdf)
(the IRS site, note, is still apparently functional)
For my progressive-plus-28% I get... um.... this delightful shutdown.
(I'm getting ripped off, aren't I?)
@voretaq7 Same here, but it's "stacked", but the outcome is the same
My marginal tax rate was at 56% last year
That's AFTER the aforementioned 8%
@MathiasR.Jessen yeah, ours is stacked progressive
All told my marginal tax rate came out to be <does math>
just a hair under 30% which is about where it winds up every year after I grab every deduction allowable under the law
(thats a round numbers estimate since my tax papers are all at home but I'm pretty sure I'm remembering correctly)
I would be totally fine with a flat 15% or 20% income tax and zero exemptions. The annual cost savings in IRS administration alone would probably balance our fucking budget :-/
The effective taxation on my income was just around 45% last year, all deductions accounted for. But yeah, we do get universal healthcare (almost free ADD medication and treatment, yay), and the infrastructure is in pretty good shape basically everywhere
@MathiasR.Jessen oh, I was just considering our federal taxes
4:34 PM
@voretaq7 You pay state-level taxes in addition?
I also have local property tax, state income tax, state and local sales tax, state and local "use tax" (sales tax applied to things you buy and bring over the border)
No pity, we have mandatory 25% use tax on everything sold to consumers
technically part of my property tax is also "school tax" (which also funds libraries) but it comes on one bill and I rarely do the math -- most of that bill is for schools.
@MathiasR.Jessen standard sales tax where I am is 8.625% - all prices are advertised pre-tax
@voretaq7 That sounds f'ing annoying
there are also "other" taxes like gasoline tax (much higher), alcohol tax (paid by the brewery/distillery and factored into the price, so have a double-whammy!), and tolls (which aren't a tax, but if you want to go over that bridge you're giving them their $8 or you get arrested)
@MathiasR.Jessen yup. The price on the sign is not what you pay.
4:37 PM
Somewhat related, I read somewhere that as a side-effect of massive privatization in the US, most areas are still prone to electricity outtages because there's no incentive to pay the upfront cost for renovating basic infrastructure like the last miles of the electricity grid
@voretaq7 Yep...that annoys me greatly. State taxes went up today..
Some things are exempt ("necessity" foods - bread, milk, etc.), other things aren't (alcohol, soda, candy, juice cocktails (Orange juice: No tax. Cranberry juice: No tax. Orange-Cranberry mixed? 8.625% please)
@MathiasR.Jessen yup.
@MathiasR.Jessen en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Island_Lighting_Company -> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Island_Power_Authority -> (Now we're talking about making it private again)
@MathiasR.Jessen It's not thirdworld, but it isn't good.
@voretaq7 Seriously? That's like... a 3rd world problem?
@84104 no, it's fucking third world. My parents had no power for about a week after Hurricane Sandy. Some People were still without power for over a month.
Electricity and Water in my village are municipal utilities. I pay about 1/3 what my parents pay for both.
they still have village water, but their village wants to sell the water system to a private company
4:40 PM
@voretaq7 Right, you live on the East Coast.
Guess the same thing would happen out here if we had more regular disasters.
@84104 yes, and I didn't lose power. The parts of my village that DID lose power were all restored within 2-3 days (with the exception of areas that were massively flooded where all the houses had to be disconnected before they could energize the grid again)
the 5 or 6 villages with municipal electricity were all back up and running within a week or so, the "Long Island Power Authority" megaconglomerate power beast couldn't get their shit together to save their collective asses in some places
I was thinking more along the lines of the rolling brownouts we get here when the electric companies play chicken with each other and the municipalities.
utilities really need to be a municipal function - I keep saying that but nobody in this country wants to hear it. Rah Rah Rah free market privatization deregulation for everyone!
@84104 oh yeah that's ALWAYS fun
@voretaq7 Exactly. That would never have happened here (in the 1st world)
"We can't agree on a price, and we don't want to run our generators - so your neighborhood has no power this week"
4:44 PM
@MathiasR.Jessen Don't you mean second world you commie? =P
@MathiasR.Jessen I cut them a lot of slack - there was serious damage to a lot of the infrastructure
but when you've got undamaged houses with no power for a month or more - something's wrong here.
@84104 lol, still better than your 3rd world Freedom from reliable Utilities Utopia :P
@MathiasR.Jessen Not disputing that.
Clearly if you don't have the personal responsibility to provide your own power and instead choose to rely on someone else...well....you deserve to fail. Liberal pinko commie.
Q: Unable to browse to Google but Bing and Yahoo Works fine

john doeI am connected to the company's Ethernet and for some reason I cannot browse to Google.com. Bing and Yahoo works fine. Any ideas?

4:46 PM
@voretaq7 It's wrong before that ... when you transfer electricity on wooden poles, prone to fail under wind and weather, and the calendar says 2012 something is wrong :P
@MathiasR.Jessen Your calendar still says 2012?
@ScottPack My second amendment rights to a nuclear powerplant and being infringed!
@ScottPack Is Sandy still on?
@MathiasR.Jessen we really don't have an option -- the entire island is sand
most of Freeport is still poles. Very few places are high enough above the water table that we can have power vaults.
@ScottPack Ayn Rand would be so proud! wipes tear
The vagueness of this question is boggling. — Nathan C 5 secs ago
4:48 PM
@voretaq7 Sand makes for some easy digging. Come down here and help me trench my goddamn fill dirt yard. I swear this shit is 75% gravel, 10% dirt, and 15% slate. No wonder that part of the yard is so bumpy.
@ScottPack Sand makes for some great digging...then it falls back into the hole.
@ScottPack Pave yard. No bumps, no more mowing.
Also after you dig down a few feet water starts coming out
Remember, Long Island really is a giant glacial sand bar.
@jscott I still need to trench in order to replace this drain pipe.
It's always something with you people...
4:52 PM
@voretaq7 And people pay to live there.
@MichaelHampton When Long Beach washes away I'll move to Connecticut.
When Long Island washes away I'm not sure where I'll move - I need to find another barrier island to hide behind...
@jscott I started noticing a problem when rain water was fountaining out of my drains where the gutters go underground.
@ScottPack That's normal!
@voretaq7 Tahiti!
@ScottPack That's not a problem, it's free fountains
4:54 PM
Tahiti has a nice westerly coral barrier.
Tip: don't live on the east side.
@Wesley Scantily-clad natives bring me drinks with little umbrellas in them!
@voretaq7 That could happen.
@jscott So far I've found 3 cracks in the pipe that are 3 or more inches long and at each one soil has filtered in completely clogging it up.
@jscott Schedule 40 this is not.
Schd 15?
Or 5
I've not seen any markings yet and I haven't actually started pulling pipe out yet.
5:08 PM
@ChrisS replacing it with wrapped ABS? PVC?
@voretaq7 Not my project...
I rather like Schd 40 PVC too...
@ChrisS make sure they put a soil barrier mesh around the pipe before they bury it
unless you're draining out to a well?
Ah, rainwater collection or something... I'd still use Schd40 PVC...
@voretaq7 It's draining out to the street.
@ScottPack oh, then whatever heavy solid PVC you can get your mits on :P
5:15 PM
@voretaq7 Exactly. I just need to get something stronger than the late 70s PVC they used. It's pretty weak.
30ish years is about all you can expect from PVC - even heavy grade stuff
though I guess you have fewer "temperature excursions"
Hate it when I get so focused on coding that I forget to eat.
@Magellan Eat Code.
@voretaq7 It's not very filling and it doesn't keep me very warm. It's 62F in here and I'm not acclimated to winter yet.
@Magellan It's 72 in here and the breeze through the open windows is awesome.
5:23 PM
74 degrees right now. High of 81 tomorrow...
@voretaq7 Instructions unclear. Teeth broken on rubies and pearls. Please advise.
we're in the mid 70s right now
@Magellan I find that a nice bracing hour outside at the coldest part of the day really helps one to acclimate to colder weather quicker.
@ScottPack yeah, we mostly went directly from Summer to Winter this year with about 10 days of Autumn
@Wesley Switch to Python
5:27 PM
@freiheit My Lady sleeps with the upstairs windows open every night until it gets below freezing. =/
@Magellan your in winter?
im still in summer...
@Magellan Maybe she's just trying to encourage snuggling?
@MattBear This is Seattle. Cold, damn, and rainy is winter.
@Magellan grass is greener on your side of the fence, literally
@freiheit Not really. She's from the higher elevations of Idaho. She just doesn't notice temperature.
@MattBear Well, it's mostly moss.
5:28 PM
Around here, winter is when everything turns green.
@Magellan That's because she knows what winter is, and ... well, Seattle has summer, fall and spring, but no winter.
@MichaelHampton Hey! We have 3 seasons here: Spring, Tourist, and Anti-Depressant.
@Magellan We only have 2, Construction Season and Winter.
@ChrisS Hmm. I lived up in Ludington. It's more 'Tourist' season up there.
@Magellan I suppose I could see that...
5:31 PM
There's a non-tourist season?
I hated living in town on US10. Until the highway got routed around town, it would take 15 minutes to get out of your driveway due to the traffic backups.
I'm in Fresno... it all sucks
Maine's Seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Tourist, Construction
1 season, "sucks balls"
@Wesley Keep Eating.
5:32 PM
@MattBear It's like LA. LA doesn't have weather, it has climate.
@NathanC You forgot Blackfly.
@MichaelHampton Ah yes, the state bird.
It's a toss-up between mosquitoes and black flies
Mosquitoes stick around longer.
In speaking of weather, it's been clear skies and 60-70s for the past week
and here I am in a freezing office. #firstworldproblems
Should not have taken two Ativan
5:35 PM
I have a feeling this WSUS server is gonna have a hammer thrown at it soon...
@NathanC Same here. 80º Outside - 65º Inside
I deleted all the registry keys relating to WSUS and the installer still insists on removing it
because it fails for some strange reason ...it's all corrupted and broken
5:54 PM
I know everyone starts somewhere, but this one cracked me up...turns out the guy deployed a DNS server and never bothered to setup a forward zone, just a reverse one.
Q: Windows 2008 dns server can't find his own host name

henkI'm working on configuring a DNS server for a small network. I installed the server, added the DNS role, I configured two forwarders (provided by the ISP) and the clients pick the server up as a DNS server. Everything seems to be working except his own host name (malam1). This is on a windows c...

@TheCleaner He's got a Windows DNS server that isn't doing AD? That's odd.
@TheCleaner Wat? I'd have expected a forward and not a reverse.
yeah...just as odd as deploying a Windows server period in a very small network IMO. It's an odd setup. My guess is he's used to "Windows" and someone convinced them to deploy a Windows server for some reason.
@Magellan yeah when I reviewed his nslookup debug I had to triple check it, because I was not expecting it to point to "yo...you never created a zone bro"
@TheCleaner Umm, I assume all that detail is information that he was prompted to provide? I find it tough to believe that anyone that would know the tools well enough to provide that level of data would not know to set DNS up properly.
@TheCleaner Now I kind of want to edit the strings in nslookup.exe and translate it all to bro speak.
6:02 PM
@Magellan yeah, I asked for the output.
@TheCleaner Ok. Only scanned it and the mental dissonance between the detail provided and the noobie question was giving me a headache.
@RyanRies ha...well there's always JIVE.
wow, with MDT I can inject applications and drivers into an image, without needed different images for different hardware!?!?
or different departments?
I think my panties just got a little wet...
what other awesomeness do I have yet to discover?
6:11 PM
@Magellan After I saw the issue I thought it was similar in nature to, "I have this server I installed Apache on, and I put my website on Dropbox. My website isn't pulling up on any clients. Any ideas?"
lol I can't tell if this guy is really thanking me for my sarcastic remark or not
Q: Skype chat history and web browsing history CHECK

mazraaraIn an office work place, can a network admin have access to my Skype chat history and web browsing history without logging in to my pc since all pc's are connected with the same network?

@TheCleaner Yeah. Exactly.
@TheCleaner Ha! Actually, I think that was an actual thank you.
You did answer his question, after all.
@Magellan Whatcha codin'?
@Magellan that's what I was thinking...
and then Chris gets all formal and serious up in here. :)
@Wesley KVM Deployment script in Shell.
6:26 PM
I love this:
Trollin' trollin' trollin' reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/1ni0jj/…
@MikeyB I hear that Reddit's contagious.
@voretaq7 Canada: Almost Winter, Winter, Winter's Almost Over, Construction.
@Magellan Luckily, Reddit's not resistant to any antibiotics. yet.
@freiheit Better to be on the safe side and not go there, I think.
6:36 PM
@Magellan You go to Reddit, and next thing you know, you're running Gentoo on your servers, wearing a patchy neckbeard, and thinking that a fedora totally dresses up a stained t-shirt pretty well.
@freiheit Normally I don't even venture into /r/sysadmin, but that made it to the front page somehow. I tend to restrict my viewing to /r/nsfw, /r/wtf and /r/clopclop.
@MikeyB Reddit is addictive. /r/sysadmin is a subset of /r/cringeworthy
(two of those three are true)
@RyanRies I don't get it...is it a reference to a particular situation/cause/events?
@Magellan Extremely
6:46 PM
@TheCleaner I think it's more a reference to how people value certain things way too much, that actually aren't important at all
@MikeyB /r/spacedicks
@Wesley I really need to wait for someone to leave themselves logged into reddit and change their homepage to only show clopclop, spacedicks, etc.

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