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@Wesley I'm going to be havening DNS and DHCP on the gorram router where it belong if the damn thing would ever get here.
@Magellan 5PM, you've still got a chance that it will arrive before the day ends. I've seen local deliveries take until 9PM
"we can probably run the IT with a dongle and mobile phone" ....
@Wesley Unlikely in this neighborhood after dark. Afraid the Grues will get them. I'm not that far from the ghetto.
@Andrew No, that's TomTom.
@Magellan oy! Move out to Kirkland!
@RyJones Are you fucking insane? I'll take the ghetto over the oblivious soccer moms in monstrous SUVs. Far lower chance of dying here.
@Magellan I never see such beasts on the hard streets of Kirkland!
the wikipedia article on Kirkland is hilariously misinformed
@RyJones I worked at Carillon Point for 2 years. That was seriously scary.
Ok, now I have to read that. Or at least after I feed the ferocious felines.
@Magellan I worked down the street at McCaw
ah, they've rewritten most of the idiocy out
@RyJones Hmm. I didn't realize McCaw had moved before they were bought. We were in the North Building at Carillon that McCaw used to be in. 2nd floor right above the plastic surgeon's office. Lots of eye candy in that parking lot.
@RyJones So the page history is good reading, eh?
It should be.
I worked on the top floor of this building for McCaw: bing.com/maps/…
3933 Yarrow Bay
McCaw had a lot of space in CP, of course
@RyJones At the Shell station?
across the street
that was weird for a second
McCaw used to have all of Yarrow Bay, then they got bought, and blah blah blah
@RyJones Sorry, no Silverlight on this decrepit old thing.
ah, well, it's 3933 Yarrow Bay, over from The Keg and the Shell
man, only three episodes of Breaking Bad left
Ah! I see. Not too far away at all. In the end, I wonder if that property was worth more than the McCaw Wireless empire.
heh. BillG's office is in that area now
Sweet! Phone screening scheduled for Friday morning with the UW.
"I'll be staying home today as I fear I may throw up :(" <- woo, office to myself. Oh crap, office to myself...
@Andrew Time to get your cock out
@MarkHenderson glass-walled office...
@Andrew Ah, so no the whole office
Put it away then
@Andrew Bring extra tissues and Windex then.
Who's the douchey guy we keep banning once a year because he's a cock?
@JoelESalas probably me :(
Not sure of the douchey guy, but there's the Final Boss Troll guy that cannot remain banned.
Not you! Is it Evan Anderson ??
Close... Evan at least
he has 721 rep
so more than me
System Lord of the Internets
@RyJones unlink that, code quote it. Don't want any referring links stats showing up on his analytics.
oh well, time to burn this room down
@RyJones You've added more value in only 4 answers than that person has in their 4 years.
@jscott I dunno, I had a good laugh at his first and 2nd moderator nominations
So product recommendation time folks. Looking for some nice in-ear headphones/earbuds. Would be great if there was volume/track controls, but that's not required. I'm not Ewwhite rich, so I can't blow $300 on something I'm going to break putting on my helmet.
@MarkHenderson Don't get me wrong, that dude is really trying. He means it, I'm sure. I just don't see the value in it. :)
@jscott The free ones that come with a Samsung Galaxy S3 are pretty damn good
Better than the iPod headphones
@MarkHenderson I liked the new iPod touch earbuds (the triangle ones)
in the end, I just use a bluetooth speaker on my sun visor
@RyJones They are beter than the previous ones, but the samsung ones sitll shit all over them
@MarkHenderson wouldn't know, got them for free
I've the old iPhone 4 ones, but they don't even stay in... too flat. I only started using them because I've broken all the others.
The samsung ones have a jelly thing that fills your whole ear and their bass response is good
@Magellan - fuck me, I just figured out you're Adrian
I've been thinking "Man this new guy has been hanging around and its like he knows us or something"
@MarkHenderson yeah I had the same problem
I was all, shit, I need to invite the new guy to have beer with me and Adrian if Adrian ever shows up again
@RyJones What a fucktard. Who changes their name and their gravatar
At least when I changed my display name a few years ago I had the decency to keep the same avatar
@MarkHenderson No idea. I own what I say - which causes me a lot of real world problems, because I say things that piss people off
@MarkHenderson What did it used to be?
@JoelESalas Farseeker
@MarkHenderson Not saying you're slow, but...
I saw mine post first, then your's bumped me down. Props to AU Interneting.
@JoelESalas Remember I was on holidays a while back and when I returned this new guy was hanging around
@jscott Latency!
lol wat, updating itunes requires a reboot?
fuck that shit
@JoelESalas Yeah so does updating vmware tools. WHO KNEW?!
I won't even reboot for Windows updates, what makes itunes think it's as special as that
Sometimes I'll install a driver without shutting down the other programs I have running. I don't give a shit.
@JoelESalas Tell you what, anyone who fucking owns a mac and bitches about Windows Updates can go fuck themselves. Since I got a mac, all it ever wants to do is update. It's irritating as shit, doesn't go away if you ignore it, and most importantly: 50% of the time it doesn't work and gives an even more useless error than WU
@MarkHenderson I hate OSX, I refuse to use it anymore
@MarkHenderson Color me surprised when I discovered VMware Tools in ESXi 5 is able to auto-install/reboot Debian VMs. Opps.
It's quite literally the worst commercial OS out there
Also, it comes up on my sons account and he has a limited account with parental restrictions and it still shows up and when you cancel it, it brings up an access error
@jscott Yeah; I had that problem a few weeks ago where I rebooted a production SQL server in the middle of the day because I upgraded its vmware tools
It didn't give me any warning
@JoelESalas There's really only two, so that wouldn't be hard
@JoelESalas Yes, and I supported the Server edition at the last job.
@MarkHenderson Yeah, Zenoss was firing off "omg, down! down!" and it took me a minute to figure out the upgrade had "worked".
@Magellan Fuck you; I'm not talking to you any more Adriiaaannnnnnn - I feel betrayed and hurt by your deception
@MarkHenderson Dude there's a lot. RHEL, ESXi, Solaris, AIX, etc
@JoelESalas Oh, I thought you meant commercial-for-end-users
Q: Are most webserver benchmarks useless?

OC2PSThere's a plethora of benchmarks out there, comparing Apache, nginx, lighttpd, LiteSpeed/ OpenLiteSpeed, Cherokee etc. Unfortunately, it seems that most of the benchmarks are of the "small static file" type, which is quite useless...who uses a webserver to serve small static files? How come...

"because real-world tests are hard and depend on stuff"?
"and people are lazy and want to sell stuff on useless numbers"
@Andrew I was one of three people on the world's fastest web server for a while.
ruling specweb was sweet
@RyJones I can write a "fast" webserver too - local browsing!!!!!!!one
A: Are most webserver benchmarks useless?

Joel E SalasI think you just answered your own question. Static file benchmarks are easy to set up and easy to measure. Once you add an application stack, you're going from one variable (the web server) to possibly dozens. "What about the PHP configuration? Maybe the MySQL server is starved for RAM? Is the ...

@RyJones Which was it? Open market? RS/6000 H80?
@JoelESalas and also why our canonical question for benchmarking is "it depends on your workload".
Ah, much later than those two.
@Andrew: set up automated tests, charge for people to test their software, profit? ;p
@jscott yup. As you might imagine, it's hard to search for "chrome linux webserver"
No kidding. :)
@JourneymanGeek That exists
Does anyone play BFtriple
dammit can you flag a flag?
flagged as "off topic" by some numpty who went "well I don't know lol"
competitive flagging: if I can't make rep off it, flag it!
decline it works ;p
eh, it's a marginal "migrate to U&L"
@MarkHenderson Odd. My ex-girlfriends say that rather frequently too.
Oh boy...severe thunderstorms with a chance of a tornado
@NathanC We've had bushfires; not sure which one I would prefer
@NathanC I vastly prefer Occasional Earthquakes with an outside chance of Volcano to that every damn year Violent T-stroms and frequent tornadoes thing out there. I'll gave business a Nope to the Nope power.
@Magellan try the A(Nope,Nope) function
In computability theory, the Ackermann function, named after Wilhelm Ackermann, is one of the simplest and earliest-discovered examples of a total computable function that is not primitive recursive. All primitive recursive functions are total and computable, but the Ackermann function illustrates that not all total computable functions are primitive recursive. After Ackermann's publication of his function (which had three nonnegative integer arguments), many authors modified it to suit various purposes, so that today "the Ackermann function" may refer to any of numerous variants of the or...
Woohoo! My Buffalo Technologies WZR-300HP arrived. You all may now commence with telling me that I bought the wrong one and what I should've bought.
@Magellan I think that was a mistake, the 300TP only allows you to put the rolls on over the top
@RyJones Dinner rolls or Hula-Hoop rolls?
@Magellan rolls of toilet paper
@RyJones Oh. That might be a problem. Not sure where else I could mount it in the bathroom.
@Magellan Shoulda bought the Asus RT-N66U
And then put Tomato on it
@MarkHenderson This one comes with dd-wrt. But I might put OpenWRT on it. I'm not a fan of the ASUS units though. I've had 2 out of 3 that I bought fail within 90 days.
I thought DD-WRT was dead?
@JoelESalas Could be. Going to put a recent "preview release" from 2012 on the old WRT54GL that I'm running now.
Run a throttled and filtered guest VLAN with it.
@Magellan for the wiffy?
@JoelESalas Yeah and the neighbors if their internet blows up.
@Magellan Hm, a lot of nopenopenope weather there
@Magellan hah, my neighbours are out of wifi range
the other end of my house is almost out of wifi range
@JoelESalas DD-WRT should be dead, but like a zombie it has no real purpose in life but to inflict destruction on those who can't run away fast enough.
DD-WRT sucks cadavers and likes it.
@Andrew yeah, we're in a WW2 era subdivision. The lots are pretty small and the houses are even tinier.
@Wesley I seriously doubt it's any worse than the stock Linksys firmware.
@Magellan At least LinkSys firmware's sparse feature set works and has no delusions of grandeur. Oh, and doesn't have a tick box to reboot on a schedule because it knows its own shame but doesn't care.
I'm bitter.
@Wesley It should have one. Or at least a watchdog. That way it wouldn't require manually rebooting within 10 minutes if exceeding 8Mb/s.
Me to all hardware vendors: I don't want your shitty apps. I don't. want. your. shitty. apps. I just want drivers. ONLY install your drivers. DRIVERS ONLY.
I'm totally gonna throttle that thing down to 1-2Mb/s. If limited to that, it runs fine for months on end.
@RyanRies Stop getting so uppity. Your job is to consume. So consume. And stop Whining. Sincerely, every large company in existence.
@Magellan Odd - never had that happen, what model is it? Then again, I think I've ran the gamut of just about ever pre-Cisco, Cisco, and post-Cisco model of the bastards.
@RyanRies But this Silverlight plugin is totes badass.
@Wesley Should I ignore recruiters that are so awful that they don't know the difference between they're, there, and their?
@Wesley It's a Cisco. WRT54GL v1.1
@Magellan ...uh oh... is this a certain someone that we both know? -.-
@Magellan Wow, weird, those things are usually tanks. =/
@Wesley No. It's a local recruiter. the one we both know definitely screwed up a whole bunch of other things that I had to fix though. Once it was fixed, I got lots of compliments. But I really don't expect to have to that carefully proofread work that I'm paying for.
@Magellan That was bad. >_<
@Wesley: heh, my home router runs a very old version of it
pretty wierdly reliable
later gents. time to ride the scoot.
@Magellan Toodles
@Magellan (That's what they're calling it these days?)
@Wesley: or polishing the snark
@JourneymanGeek Flogging the dolphin.
So much bad DNS knowledge today
A: Setting Up Domain to Static ip

lVlint67Please take note that domain name changes (especially at a registrar DNS server) can take up to 48 hours to propagate through the global DNS systems.

@MDMarra Eh, I know propogate isn't the correct word but the effect from the end user is much the same
I can let that misnomer slide most of the time
Not in the case of a new domain, which is what the question is about
I tell my clients that they need to wait for propogation; mainly because it's what they've heard before and it's simple enough to understand
@MDMarra Oh, right
im not being pedantic. New zones don't have to wait for the TTL because they're not already cached anywhere
DD-WRT isn't dead, they just sold out and only put any work into their commercial stuff. The open firmware is left to rot. Tomato forked sixteen different ways and few or none of them are being updated.
@MDMarra Yeah I missed that
@MichaelHampton The Tomato I use (Tomato USB) gets regular releases, but it's frustrating with Tomato that's for sure
And DD-WRT wanted to start charging me. Fuck that shit.
I got rid of Tomato USB when it wanted to run a 400 MHz router at 133 MHz...
@MichaelHampton That's odd
ponders flagging it
I've had good success with it on my RT-N66U. Supports dual band wifi, reasonable number of options
@MarkHenderson Quite odd. Oh well. I went to OpenWrt and haven't looked back.
@MarkHenderson DD-WRT is worse than Hitler.
@Wesley I've had many years of experience with it. I don't regret leaving it behind
Although Tomato has some of the same issues
Anyway lunch time, Im hungry
@MarkHenderson OpenWrt has it :)
@MarkHenderson DD-WRT is less stable than a schizophrenic in a house of mirrors.
Be careful starting out with OpenWrt though, if you just download the default firmware image you will get a "server core" with no GUI :)
@MichaelHampton It's a good "Do I really know Linux networking?" moment
Or a "Can I perpetrate a crime against humanity using only a toothpick, bungee cord, and iptables?" moment.
And now for something completely different.
@MichaelHampton there goes the rest of my morning
Let's just say that I will never own a self-driving car that isn't rooted.
@MichaelHampton I loaded it into tomato, but it was a) a pain, and b) all command-line. Nothing against command line but in a consumer level router I expect gui
@Andrew Awesome - but... $30 for international shipping? Who are they shipping with? And are they putting a brick in there or something?
@MarkHenderson yeah, especially he's saying that shipping inside canada is already included in the pledge levels
@Andrew Its probably to cover obscure cases like delivering to uzshitistan by armoured courier
@MarkHenderson It costs me $24 USD to mail a 2kg parcel to Australia.
@MarkHenderson: heh, we had to ship some documents via courier to a middle eastern shithole. over a hundred dollars for something less than 100g ;p
> I wish the international shipping were cheaper. In the end, printing a set in ABS costs about $60, unless you have a great deal on filament, so you wouldn't be saving all that much. I'll keep you posted if I add that option. Thanks for your interest!
(re: getting the design files rather than paying for shipping)
Yeah, i've tried to find cheaper international shipping options but there's nothing unless you're shipping hundreds of packages a day.
@MichaelHampton: I tend to use comgateway, but I'm told thats pricy to aussieland too
If anyone wants an oscilloscope / signal generator etc: kickstarter.com/projects/652945597/…
@Andrew hmmmmmmm
@Andrew :O
checks sampling rate
hooray for purchase history data mining: estimote.com
125MS/sec - not too bad
60Mhz of bandwidth is not bad too. Vastly better than most cheap digital scopes
Can it be a logic analyser too?
it's software defined, so yeah
@Andrew No mention of it, but you should be able to take the samples and load them into something hopefully
comments indicate probably: kickstarter.com/projects/652945597/…
$400 is just ever so slightly out of my price range though :(
I really hope they build a case for it though
currently yes; I need to pay bills & get a new phone first
also, need to find a cheap supplier of breadboard & jumper cables for my FPGA board
@Andrew EBAY!
Almost all my breadboards and cables come from china
I just bought about 10 packets all at once
wouldn't it be easier to contact the BBC props dept?
Watching another movie... "The Colony" (short version: future earth, ice age, colonies of survivors underground). So far, a few smart things here and there, but a whole lot of stupid, and the plot holes are starting to pile up. I'm not amused for something that got 87% on RT.
@ChrisS 5 stars on IMDB
IMDB ratings are often incredibl wrong because of paid reviews etc, but sometimes they get it right
5 out of what? 5 out of 10 wouldn't be too far. I'm thinking more like 5 out of 15
@ChrisS 5/10
I see it stars Morpheus. I watched the Hannibal TV series recently, couldn't take the Morpheus seriously.
This year's "The Core", huh?
oooh a new Riddick movie
@Andrew Wow that was a while ago :P
@Andrew It looks a bit shit. All the Riddick movies are a bit shit
Planes got 5.2/10 - where's Trains?
Jobs only has 5.5
@Wesley They'll give me a jetpack if I work at SE?
Work at StackExchange and you too can get paid to expel catastrophic flatulence while posed as Superman!
Pft fairly sure everyone who works in sysadmin at SE is dick
@MarkHenderson lawl
@Wesley Secretly inside I'm jealous, but I also suspect that if I did work for SE I would be fired for being grossly incompetent. I felt like such a fraud when I did my Fog Creek interviews - so sure they'd find me out at any moment
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I've got a story to tell too. =P
@Wesley Is it about that time you turned up to the job interview and the interviewer was wearing leather arseless chaps and wanted you to give him a rimjob?
@MarkHenderson IM'ing you...
what is the topic of this chat room?
1 min ago, by Mark Henderson
@Wesley Is it about that time you turned up to the job interview and the interviewer was wearing leather arseless chaps and wanted you to give him a rimjob?
@anti-happiness We know who you are. Don't even THINK about pulling any shit here.
@MichaelHampton What is it with the people from the maths site spreading out into all the chat rooms? 99% of the time when a new user comes in, they're a maths.se user
@MichaelHampton Brother of Undo? =P
omg I think I'm famous
That's "infamous".
@Andrew This is a low budget film... So no explosions, not much CGI, and short. But slow paced, mediocre acting, and they jump the shark every 15 minutes.
And they just nuked the fridge...
so how do you know who I am? @MichaelHampton?
@anti-happiness Because we're the ones who have to deal with all the flags people give you in other chat rooms
Don't worry, we won't bother flagging you in here
We have.... other ways of dealing with trolls
lol seriously?
@anti-happiness Also, I notice that you're meant to be banned for another 121 days but you created a sockpuppet account to bypass your chat ban
it's like you're very upset :S
A: Can I configure IIS (7.5) FTP Server to have "unix-like" responses?

AndrewYes, you can change the directory output style to be UNIX-based.

@anti-happiness haha you clearly don't know us then
why are you so upset?
and a downvote for failing to Google.
@FalconMomot trolling back works
I had never been here and you're treating me like you hated me
@anti-happiness We hate everyone =]
It's not just you
@ChrisS I like how you said that with a smile.
should I feel better now?
Die screaming in a fire with everyone you love! =D
I'm not so much into the hate-fuck
@MarkHenderson Make up sex!
@anti-happiness The general vibe you give off
Plus I'm never a bottom. I'm way too precious
I'm not just after a bottom though; I need a power bottom
Someone who can really, really take it
When I fuck, someone usually ends up with a black eye
@MarkHenderson And internal bleeding.
@Wesley Shit if it's a special occasion, you're damn right
@MarkHenderson You put fist in fistula.
I can take it @MarkHenderson
@anti-happiness Down for spit roast?
i'm a pro
I was thinking I might grab one of these for the coffee table I've been putting off buying for the office:
@FalconMomot Nice
I dont think I'd fit though
I would
I'm small
I think the point of those types of things is that they're somewhat cramped
and if you look at how it's arranged I think all but the largest of people would fit... I get the impression you're supposed to hang off the sides a little.
anyway, it should have enough room on top for a coffee pot and some supplies.
the agony! I am out of close votes!
and look at the front page.
@FalconMomot: I might know a guy who custom makes stuff like that ;p
haven't seen him on IRC in a while tho
btw I kickbanned antihappiness - he has two other accounts, all of them on long term suspensions. We've had our fun
I can't imagine how small a life someone must have
to take the trouble to do shit like that
@FalconMomot the maths site seems to attract these weirdos. Maybe they're highschool students?
but the last troll was from arqade

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