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@pauska D) Complacent Directory
bah, I got another 6-vote review question and I'm afraid to close it...
Decided to bring my bike into work - with hindsight, an unfaired bike isn't the ideal motorway commuter bike
turns out I was right, another audit.
The audit questions need to be very obvious after reading
or atleast be exempt for users above a certain rating..
Q: Proxy server on Debian

user965748I'd like to create a simple HTTP(S) proxy allowing only certain IPs XXX.XXX.XXX.* and requiring authentication. Also it won't be forwarding IP of the guest. What solution should I choose? If you have created such a thing using some tutorial, link would be welcome.

In other words - please do my work for me
@pauska: eh, problem is, really, the audit system is really designed to solve a SO problem
Is there a limit where you stop getting honeypot questions? I'm 3 flags shy of 700 flags on ServerFault and I'm still getting honeypot questions. I'm fairly sure I know what I'm doing at this point. — tombull89 May 15 at 20:05
@tombull89 unlikely: I have about twice as much flags at Programmers (~1300) and I am getting honeypots. BTW I am also still failing some of them, as well as making mistakes in flagging - which is probably the reason why audits won't stop (no matter how good one is now, there's no guarantee this will be always so in the future) — gnat May 15 at 21:53
@tombull89: I have slightly over a thousand on SU. Still get em. Most of them make me groan at how bad they are ;p
@JourneymanGeek The only problem I have is where the trigger is. I click close just to see how many votes are on it and bam!
damn didn't realise how difficult it was to vote for someone
morning all
@Iain: eheh. I open them up in new tabs
@ColdT: tell me about it. Lots of good candidates ;p
I don't spend enough time in the review queue, sorry :(
@JourneymanGeek It's what i generally do but on the one occasion I didn't
@JourneymanGeek first vote was easy :)
@ColdT Was it Evan?
@tombull89 ;)
@tombull89 could be worse, right?! lol
hm, pat's apparently trolling on RA
Yay! Popcorn time!
Ahem. I mean.
Any powershell freaks here? Get-Acl is confuse me
When you format the result as a list, ("Get-Acl | Format-List"), in addition to the path, owner, and access list, Windows PowerShell displays the following properties and property values:
-- Group: The security group of the owner.
@JourneymanGeek RA ?
Security group of the owner?? It makes no sense..
@Iain Root Access, SuperUser Chat.
yeah, tom complains when he misses these things ;p
heed a mod hammer ?
we have mods around
and someone flagged and had him temp banned
@syneticon-dj I see what you did there but like most questions associated with LAMP/WAMP/XAMP etc developer stacks its still crappy. All you've done is change it from OT to NARQ as it really doesn't provide any useful information - I don't understand why you wasted your time :(
@Adrian Thank you, that was a great way to start a morning.
@tombull89 that looks worrying...
@tombull89 I love that he has a cup INSIDE his case
huh so I thought our USDT machines were "Ultra-Small Desktops" but they're "Ultra-Slim Desktops". Make a different with The Googles.
Do they look like the new Xbox?
Not really.
Ah, those. Shifted some of those in my time
Quite nice little machines. Although I've got one the other site of the office that is point blank refusing to work.
Think it's memory errors.
The new XBox is oogly though
And they're massively focussed on being a set top box / HTPC rather than a games machine
He did a flip!
@Dan I like how he attempted to steer when he started going backwards.
@tombull89 Yeah, he gave it his best shot :D
I was laughing at this too much last night.
@tombull89 Haha, that got a genuine out loud laugh
@pauska this seems to be the "primary" POSIX group of the principal. I am not sure where it comes from, though - System.Security.Accesscontrol which is the object type returned by Get-ACL does not have this property.
Thanks man , Since my question considered not real question :( i post those specifications here , dovecot , sendmail , over 1,200,000 users and 25,000 active users , migrating from an exchange server which was windows 2008 R2, i am the developer of web client and mobile client, they asked me to give my opinions on how they should configure the server specially partitioning , my developing environment was CentOS 6.3 ~ 6.4 — Synxmax 3 hours ago
@syneticon-dj Where is this set? I know that some users had a different primary group than Domain Users in the past, but this has all been revoked to Domain Users long time ago..
maybe it's just set when the folder is created?
@Iain The question seems answerable as @Adrian has proposed an answer. And it likely is on-topic too, although it certainly is not suffering from being too descriptive. I think having it re-opened and the answer accepted is of more value to the site than leaving it as is.
@syneticon-dj this one serverfault.com/q/509654/9517 ?
@pauska It is part of the ACL - the SDDL string even has the G: property to denote the "group" permissions. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc982153.aspx
@pauska Just scan reading, but you can still change the primary group if you need to
@Iain no
This one was just an edit proposal making things marginally better where I clicked on "improve" to remove all the unnecessary spaces.
that's the one I was talking about hence the reason to mention *AMP etc
Sorry people, I need you to help me partition my CentOS mail server which will have 1.2 million users.
@Iain I just misunderstood then
@ewwhite you give me root credentials, I help you real good
@ewwhite where ?
A: Best Practice for Partitioning CentOS as a Mail Server?

ewwhiteThis is a big server... It's probably overkill for the application of just running mail. We're missing so many details here that it's difficult to give a real answer. Consider: What mail solution are you using? How many users do you have to support? How much data needs to be stored? Are you mi...

@ewwhite if you have to ask theat many questions then surely that should be a comment requesting clarification ?
Comments don't lend themselves to bullet lists. But the main takeaway is to use RAID 1+0 and a FBWC controller.
I feel that SE is lacking a decent process to cycle questions through the request/improve phases. Using comments for asking questions, making edits and again writing comments to notify the people asking is ... ugly at best.
I was waiting for more info... but 1.2 million users is nuts.
@ewwhite he's migrating from a single exchange server with 1.2 million mailboxes
this guy is clearly on drugs
1.2 million can't be right
I would run 1.2 million users on my laptop. Over 3G.
@syneticon-dj I'm running 5 million right now
@syneticon-dj this is true
The majority of our infrastructure is on AWS but there are some other elements: a few mac minis and a pool of Android virtual machines on dedicated hardware.
@syneticon-dj Yes, I understand that part, but it's not reflecting the current primary group of that user. Which is why I said that it seems like it's not something that changes when the user modifies the object (it stays at the same SID forever, apparently)
@ewwhite I can't think of any better alternative, but I am sure someone has. I would love to see this changing one day.
@ewwhite ...
I love reading the tools list touted by DevOps job ads... All sorts of things I've never heard of...
@ewwhite Android Virtual Machines?
I bet that those devops shops use 90% of their total workforce time on setting up tools, rather than actually developing stuff
No, I suppose that kind of makes sense. Not sure what good they'd be on intel x86 though
@pauska no, it would (and should) not - it is set once and is the equivalent of what is set in UNIX by issuing chown :group. No idea what is capable of changing it - probably Cygwin's chown would
so here's the thing... devops jobs are the holy grail it seems... MY company wants to hires someone who would be a fit for THAT job.
@syneticon-dj or perhaps setacl. Blah, I'll just let it fly by.. we don't use any Unix components here either way
and I think the people who are running the environments for that sort of environment aren't the right fit for what we need.
@ewwhite To be fair, I kind of wish I did fit that job. Sounds more interesting than where I've ended up, to be honest
@Dan !!!!!
But every day... on the right side of my SF page, the same sorts of devops job descriptions.
stop it! group policy is pwn!
@Dan I think you'll experience what I did when I was posing as a devops-capable syasadmin through most of last year...
A shop with no real internal infra, Netgear switches, entirely dependent upon Rackspace Cloud or AWS, and maybe a couple of dozen servers.
Oh, I don't want to do DevOps as such - I just like the automation route that Linux has took. I know Microsoft are trying the same with Orchestra and the like, but, hmm, I'm not so convinced
or such glaring engineering mistakes... At work I have a major devops client. And while they've automated this crazy infrastructure, they're missing so many sysadmin basics that it's sad.
@pauska I do like Group Policy, besides I'm so entrenched in Microsoft that it would take me a long time to be able to realistically put Linux on my CV for the kind of job titles I want
It's funny, I look at all these jobs and they want people who have dealt previously with "massive" databases or "scaling" and things of that sort. Hard to get exposure to this sort of stuff when everyone requires experience already. :P
It's like asking for 5 years experience on Windows Server 2012!
@NathanC Big databases have been around for a long time - it's just that before you hired a DBA. Now they want a programmer :D
after working for DAYS on an specific SELinux policy for this bloody oracle database, I've been forced by management to set the server to permissive. This DB admin dude says: "see, it works now" . Sometimes I feel like 3.bp.blogspot.com/-Cd3t-tecEOA/TnDVQiHX16I/AAAAAAAAAGo/…
But even my firm is looking to get someone from one of those environments... discounting the fact that collectively, we have the experience to do it
@dawud If it don't work, disable it!
And...that's how the server got hacked.
pretty much
Actually, what I see more often is that people request "3+ years" experience in the most obscure software that probably only that company uses
Q: what are the Advantages Of Computerized Asset Management Software?

user173043what are the Advantages Of Computerized Asset Management Software? http://www.nexgenam.com/

Blatant advertising best advertising.
@NathanC Like copperegg, rundesk and redis?
@NathanC Straight from their website :) "Efficiently manage and sustain a comprehensive asset management program through a single software solution"
Yeah, I flagged it too.
@NathanC "3+ years experience" is just code for "we have no idea what we are talking about, you better will!"
Yep, basically. A college degree apparently doesn't count either :P although, it's not like I managed a network as part of school...
When I applied for this job their requirement was "must know EDI." Well, I don't know EDI and also they don't have the software capability to do EDI
So apparently Lexmark customer support can not open PDF files...
Can't or won't? :P
They say they are unable to
Send a .txt, that'll show them.
It's an HTML file
In my previous job the recruiter couldn't open a .docx because they didn't have an updated version of Office...
It was a sad day.
Awesome - questions are auto-deleted after a certain number of spam flags thrown?
Yep! This job I have now was like that. I didn't hear back so 3 days later I resent them a follow up in .doc and .pdf
Q: failing the boot and detect the hard disque raid smart array of hp proliant dl 180 G5 server

ghoualI have broblem when the server start boot , boot Server does not boot a previously detect OS and leds off hard disque is all off.

@NathanC "updated" would mean Office 2003 or newer?
@syneticon-dj: yup
@syneticon-dj Honestly I have no idea what they were trying to open it with (it was my resume). I ended up re-sending it as a .doc so they could open it.
"I have a bro blem"
@NathanC: .... thats painful
@syneticon-dj 2000 with compatibility pack opens docx. 2003 is the same
We have Office 2000...
2000 did not have a compatibility pack, did it?
@syneticon-dj Yep
@syneticon-dj We use it now. I finally got them to let me buy 10 licenses of 2013
@syneticon-dj But since only 3 machines are Windows 7....all our XP machines can't run 2013
@Travis Not that it would matter much as Office 2000 is 13 years old now, but do you have a link?
@syneticon-dj Just standard pack for 2000 and 2003. One and the same
Okay, guess I should do work...even thought that means modifying our pricing catalog which is done in excel of all things
@NathanC Now when I do a "save as" it doesn't save my answers on that check list to send to them lol
@NathanC Whats a price catalog :)
Some sort of paper catalog that should be all web-based by now that's what. :P
@NathanC We have a catalog we send out. Could be called a product guide, product catalog, item catalog...something. Nope. They call it a "Guide to packaging profits..." I am still looking for where it instructs our distributors to make more profit from their packaging
@ScottPack Sir
@Travis isn't it about what wrapping to choose for your profits?
@ScottPack ahem
@JennyD Nope. We sell aluminum foil
@Travis Easy choice, then.
@JennyD Just doesn't make much sense to me
@Travis Oh, I see. To be honest, I never noticed the compatibility pack has been updated to include older Office versions. As it has been distributed initially, Office 2000 was not supported IIRC.
@Travis It's marketing. Sense costs extra.
@JennyD Lady.
@syneticon-dj Maybe. I've never used it before until I got here. Didn't need it at previous jobs. They upgraded on a lifecycle..
@ScottPack Sir.
@JennyD Glad I'm not in marketing
My sincerest apologies. Had I seen your name in the recent speakers I would have been more inclusive.
@ScottPack No worries
I'm not really that thin-skinned...
Guess I actually need to do work and install this certificate authority
@Travis Don't. You certainly will regret it.
@syneticon-dj Which part. Working or the CA lol :)
Q: How do I check whether I'm Internet2 routable?

lidHow do I check whether I have access to/am accessible from Internet2? Google says I should be using Internet2 Detective, but that tool seems to have disappeared.

I guess an electric dragster motorcycle would be the fastest server..
@Travis I'd go with the computers in fighter planes. I think there are some in there that can be considered servers, depending on your definition.
@NathanC lol, I almost posted that
@JennyD Space shuttle maybe faster
I did post that in the question actually. I post that to those "Google it" questions
@Travis But is it still considered "in the world?"
I'm looking at the Network Solutions DNS zone for one of my clients... and I see:
capital.aca .productiveBLAH.com
baa.aca .productiveBLAH.com
dev .productiveBLAH.com
Titan is a supercomputer built by Cray at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for use in a variety of science projects. Titan is an upgrade of Jaguar, a previous supercomputer at Oak Ridge, to use graphics processing units (GPUs) in addition to conventional central processing units (CPUs), and is the first such hybrid to perform over 10 petaFLOPS. The upgrade began in October 2011, commenced stability testing in October 2012 and it became partially available to researchers in early 2013. The initial cost of the upgrade was US$60 million, funded primarily by the United States Depart...
@JennyD For a period of time :)
But will it run Crysis (3)?
You can't have dots in your A record name, right?
You wouldn't believe what I'm having to go through to build a VM right now
@tombull89 I bet that thing can mine the fcuk out of some bitcoins.
@AaronCopley You'd have to mine a shit-ton of Bitcoins to get your $97 million back.
haha right?
I'm running a VMware Workstation VM, to run a VPN so I can RDP to a server. From there I'm RDPing to a server which runs their VSphere Client. I'm then using the console to build a VM. It's painful
How the hell does a bitcoin translate to real money?
@Dan rough
@Travis: what people think its worth
@Travis Randomly
@Travis Same as any currency - because people are stupid enough to believe it :D
same as any money
@JourneymanGeek Just like a stock I guess...
@Travis No idea. I am too old to understand it. But, I do know they use GPUs in parallel like this Titan.
@Dan so I heard you like RDP
@Travis: or real money ;p
@JourneymanGeek Shush. Gonna take my vote for mod away from you now lol
@NathanC One hop, I do. This is a bit much :D
@Travis planetmoney.npr.org had some podcasts about bitcoin a while back, they were reasonably accurate as far as I could tell
@JennyD Thanks. Seen some info on slashdot but didn't read much into it. Looked more like a scam to me
@JennyD Actually, the computer components are very outdated. The procurement and processing and years of acceptance and safety testing pushes them well behind what is "current"
@Travis: difference being of course, that real money is backed up by a government
Bitcoins are at a point now where it's worth the cost of electricity and such to mine...I still find them kinda meh though.
but there's places where there's non 'government' legal tender
Q: Can I have dots in a hostname?

BenZenI'm using names like a.alpha for the hostname of my linux box, but it seams that these name are not completely usable. The response of a hostname shell command is correct (a.alpha). But the name printed after my user account is "user@a" instead of "[email protected]". When I use avahi, I can reach (b...

scotland has its own pounds, not printed by the british government for example
You need a lottt of power to really make money off them, plus you'd just wear on your own components really.
and in singapore we can use brunei dollars due to a interexchange treaty
@gWaldo Sure, but they move fast!
@NathanC Guess I need to understand bitcoins to understand your statement :)
@NathanC That's if you mine them. You can also buy and sell them.
@JennyD LOL; that they do...
@ewwhite Could he set ndots:2 to do what he wants?
@Travis mining bitcoins is basically munching hashes as fast as possible. In a sense, you can use it to benchmark if you really want to...
@JennyD True, but in that case you need money to make money :P
@AaronCopley see:
@NathanC I see bitcoins like buying shares in minor companies: it's a gamble, don't use money you're not prepared to lose; you may get lucky but don't count on it
6 mins ago, by ewwhite
I'm looking at the Network Solutions DNS zone for one of my clients... and I see:
capital.aca .productiveBLAH.com
baa.aca .productiveBLAH.com
dev .productiveBLAH.com
Plus I wouldn't want to invest in bitcoins as they stand right now.
Right... It would make every thing have 2 dots... Nevermind.
@ewwhite BLAH is a terrible name
It's clearly wrong to have that in a DNS zone, right?
I don't necessarily think so. Let me see if I can support it with a reference.
@NathanC Yeah, I did a quick Google to see how to mine them because I have a dormant server I could do it on that has 64GB of RAM and dual, 6 core processors
@Travis You need GPUS too.
@tombull89 Don't have that...
@ewwhite On MS DNS it'll create a new subdomain and put your a record in there. I think, can't test it
Well, you don't need then per-say
They're just better at it then CPU grinding.
@NathanC Right, makes it faster
@NathanC You and I need to get back to work!
True story.
@Dan this is Networksolutions Public DNS
@ewwhite I don't know if it's stricly compliant, but I can't think of any reason it won't work unless you end up with a conflict
The problem with using dots in your record is that it is the separator. It's a bit like asking, "Can I put commas in the fields of my CSV?"
Afternoon all
@ScottPack Agreed, it's bad form
And it makes things unclear
@ScottPack except that DNS doesn't have quoting, so it's even worse
@ScottPack there's no subdomain
@JennyD It's not a perfect example, but yes. :)
@ewwhite There is when you put a period in the name.
@ScottPack I spent an hour this morning discussing DNS with the guy who writes the dnscheck program. He gets questions like that way too often...
@Dan I think the only way you're going to have conflict though is if you actually expect the hostname to have the dot in it. If you understand that capital.aca with $ORIGIN productiveBLAH.com is really hostname capital then it's acceptable. It seems when BIND does AXFR to a slave it will set $ORIGIN "correctly" on the slave. Either way it will resolve. So, if it's done as a shortcut on the master to avoid creating a whole seperate zone file for 1 or 2 records, I see no problem.
@JennyD On one hand, that must get tiresome. On the other hand, that's pretty cool to talk to guys like that.
Here is where they talk about the results after zone transfer. mentby.com/Group/bind-users/dots-in-hostnames-problem.html
@ScottPack It is cool, that's part of the reason I married him
@JennyD At this point my best claim to fame is that my MS advisor is the author of tcptrace.
@JennyD I'm trying desperately to make a joke regarding children and glue records but it's just not happening.
@ScottPack I laughed anyway :-)
I appreciate that. It's still rather early for me.
@ScottPack It's post-lunch coma time for me.
@AaronCopley Interesting. So it's valid?
I'm not sure whether to tell the client that it's wrong and should be corrected.
Why don't you just go for "Personally, I'd recommend you do [abc]" rather than outright say it's wrong
@ewwhite It's not exactly wrong, it's just that it may or may not work as they expect, depending on how various programmers have interpreted the RFCs
Anyone have a good guide that they used on securing certificate authorities?
(not just a google response..but one actually used)
@ewwhite It seems so. At least from an RFC and an "it works" stand point. But, it's a matter of scale and maintainability. Also, like that SF question postures. As long as you don't expect to be able to mail [email protected].
This is on superuser, but this guy's running a 680ti graphics card on a 650W power supply..
My understanding was that periods are not permitted characters. I haven't looked at any of those RFCs since before unicode was allowed, so I may be out of date or misremembering.
@Travis We have one but I'm not sure I am allowed to give it out. I'll see if I can find something that's OK to be public with
@Travis I'm pretty sure there's been a fair bit of chatter on that over at security.stackexchange.com
@ScottPack This isn't really putting a period in a hostname.
@Travis SSL and CA stuff comes up quite often.
@ScottPack yeah, that's probably a better place to look
@JennyD Ok. @ScottPack: I'll search it. Thanks.
@AaronCopley Well, it's a website.
@ScottPack This is using a period in DNS to create a subdomain "on the fly."
The hostname itself cannot have a period in it, as far as I can tell.
@AaronCopley Oh, so a subdomain but not a fully separate zone?
@Travis ejbca.org/security.html may be a little useful
@ScottPack Right! If you only have 3-4 DNS records that are hostname.dev or something, I think it's fine to keep them in the parent zone with a common $ORIGIN rather than setting up another zone file. But, if you expect that "dev" subdomain to grow, it might be better off to do it now rather than later?
@JennyD Cool
I'm not sure how really "insecure" it would be anyway since the only thing the CA is doing is providing a certificate for the firewall to do LDAPS queries
@Travis Also, it's not enough that the CA server itself be secure (which basically means it's locked in a cage, not reachable by the internet at large or even internal systems other than those absolutely necessary, not allowing even SSH logins, etc). The main issue is making sure that absolutely everything done by sysadmin, CAA, etc, is always logged and always traceable
@Travis Given that, scratch my latest screed. I was thinking of a CA made for really important purposes
@JennyD Not at the moment. I'm thinking if we go to a new ERP it may become useful for something though with user authentication and security
@AaronCopley Ah, ok, I get it. We actually do quite a lot of that here. So, for example, it.example.com is the subdomain used for internal IT resources and is a fully separate zone. Then you'll have security.it.example.com for the security office, net.it.example.com for the Networks stuff, sysops.it.example.com for the SysAdmins stuff, etc. All of those still exist within the it.example.com zone.
@Travis In that case, cost/benefit analysis - what is the risk if it gets compromised, what is the cost of securing it further?
@JennyD Right. Really no risk if it is compromised. All it would do is prevent the firewall from performing LDAP queries to determine which user is using what service..
@Travis Any time you want to look into hardening something you need to take a hard look at the actual risk profile of the system. You don't want to end up putting a $5000 padlock on a shed storing a $100 mower, for example.
@Travis It should be as secure as the ldap server that is trusting the certificates, then.
All of this is IMAO of course; but I've been setting up an internal CA actually used to give out credentials to banking customers, so our security requirements were very high...
@JennyD Yep! I'm all about security coming from the Dept. of Defense
@ScottPack Right
@ScottPack Right, but in your example the zone $ORIGIN would be example.com and the records security.it. net.it, and sysops.it. It's dirty when considering dozens of records. But, only a handful?
@Travis nod Same mindset, I would guess
This firewall is much more robust than what we had. Almost makes your head spin. Now I know why folks were talking about the complexity of setup
@AaronCopley Well, in my example example.com would be a zone, it.example.com would be another zone, and the others would just be subdomains within the it zone. How messy that gets from a management environment I can't say. That's what the DNS guys are for. :)
@AaronCopley I do know that the arrangement works completely fine in both BIND and MS-DNS.
@ScottPack Oh, you were sayin those were zones, too. Got it.
@AaronCopley Yeah, so not one monolithic zone for dozens of subdomains, each of which has handfuls of subdomains.
@ScottPack Yea, I see no problem for a handful of records. But, if you are part of a rapidly growing organization, you may want to go ahead and create a separate zone to save the trouble later.
@AaronCopley I just wanted to tell client that they were wrong... and use the internet to back me up!!
@ewwhite Sorry! If I agreed with you, I'd have to go make some changes to our own DNS! :X

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