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Is this an improvement?
I... I don't know. Mmmmmmm pizza disks.
Seriously, though. What are we looking at here?
Lower I/O queue length...
@ewwhite Well, they are wrong, sort of, but it's going to work anyway, mostly. Which is the worst thing to try to explain to customers.
I'm with @AaronCopley on this, though the only time I'd create an a.b subdomain is if I was just setting up a couple of early hosts on something I planned to break out in to a new zone. Otherwise, I'd never use that convention.
I made a storage change and am trying to come up with a succinct representation of why my new solution is MOAR better.
@SmallClanger That's exactly the only time I would (and do) do this. Small zones... 1-4 hosts. And don't expect them to last longterm.
@AaronCopley they have about 12 of 100 that look like this
@ewwhite That's already > 10%. If it's expected to grow, put it in a proper sub zone now to save them headache of moving 50 later. I have thousands of records and only a handful are like this.
@AaronCopley perfect
Indeed. It works, but distributing a static hosts file works. Once the admin overhead of setting up a new zone is less than that of maintaining a monolithic, single one, it's a no brainer.
@SmallClanger same client doesn't use internal DNS... they distribute a huge-ass hosts file to their systems...
That must be... fun.
@ewwhite o.O
@ewwhite We have teams that do this for their development stuff. -_- Their stuff changes too quickly to be bothered submitting tickets for DNS.
@ewwhite Well. Maybe they want to move into the 21st century at some point?
@JennyD Some way away from 1968 would be a start.
@ewwhite So, they basically made their own, shite DNS
@ewwhite They could at least use NIS/NIS+ with only a hosts.byname map if BIND is too hard for them. (Not suggesting it for authentication.)
Great. I killed chat by mentioning NIS in a positive context. :)
@AaronCopley I am stunned by the fact that there actually is something that NIS is good for, other than driving sysadmins over the edge
@JennyD When you're up against SCP'ing around a hosts file. It's easy to make NIS look good.
@AaronCopley I knew it in theory, I just thought that we were past the point where it was applicable in practice
@AaronCopley At least, for once I don't get to feel old here. So that's a plus, I guess.
@JennyD It's just so easy, you still see it out there way more than you should.
@AaronCopley I know - "easy" trumps "right" far too often
Q: DD-WRT, forwarding TCP port 80 for http doesn't work from WAN?

Darth ContinentI'm running DD-WRT firmware on my router, version DD-WRT v24-sp2 (12/12/11) std. I'm trying to port forward http traffic on port 80 to my PC's local IP,, and although I can browse my hosted site on my LAN, when I try from a remote IP offsite I get "The Connection has timed out". ...

What the hell is this doing here?
@MichaelHampton +4, too
I know you were trying to figure out how many licenses you'd lose out by ceding your partner status.
Anyone use BGINFO on their servers to set the wallpaper with info?
@Travis I never have, but a bunch of my customers do
@MDMarra I am trying to figure out if it is a security risk when doing RDP or if someone got access to the console screen to see the info. Or if they can. I used it a long time ago at the previous job but can't remember
@Travis One [funny] guy here does for the DCs. They get bright pink wallpaper to discourage/remind you when you're RDP'd in.
@MDMarra I use it to read a text file with listed services the server provides in case something happens to me someone else can see what is running on it without sifting through docs
@Travis If they're already in the system, you're fscked anyway
If an unauthorized user gets console access, you have bigger issues to worry about than someone saving the one step of opening task manager
@jscott lol
@Travis Uh, if you've got RDP access, I would think the bginfo is the least of your problems.
@MDMarra One of them is. Rest are 2008 and I think I just answered my own question...
@MDMarra Nope. We only have three silver competencies, so it's not that hard to just add them up. Also, we aren't nearly big enough to use all the licenses we get (except Server DC)
@Travis Are you on Server 2003 still?
@MDMarra One is. I just answered my own question when I tried to RDP to an 08 server. I use an RDP client now so I hardly use the standard RDP...
@Travis Yes, and when I did desktop support I used it in conference rooms and kiosk workstations too. (With Help Desk contact information included in the custom portion.) It helped callers to provide the correct information.
@MDMarra No wallpaper until you provide creds
Use NLA on everything newer than 2003. You have to authenticate before you even are presented with anything on the server side. Also, in 2003 it doesn't show you the actual wallpaper on that logon screen. Wallpaper is profile specific and you're not logged in at that point
@AaronCopley That's why I did it at an old job
@Travis Why aren't you running a newer RDP? Also you can make bginfo run at logon, so it only changes the user's wallpaper, not the logon wallpaper.
Damn @MDMarra Types too fast.
@jscott I am. I was going off old knowledge
@MDMarra requiring NLA is very hard for some companies (like mine) where we have a ton of oldschool clients with RDP 6.0 and so on..
yeah but you use RDS
@jscott I use mRemote for RDP connections (and SSH, telnet, etc) so I don't have to keep typing in server names.
err pre-6.0 I mean
for most places that don't use RDS, it's not difficult to get the admins to Win7 or 8
@Travis run bginfo as the logged on user via a group policy loopback (add a HKCU\run on the user object)
and stick it to the ou where your servers live
@pauska I just got MCSE: Private Cloud the other day
Oh wow, nice. Congrats.
@MDMarra ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Clouded in Private.
@MDMarra shit, that fast? How did you score? congrats man
@pauska Just going to run it on servers so I'm going to just put it in the startup folder
If you've used all of the products tested in the suite it's not difficult to pass 70-246 and 70-247
@pauska PERFECT score on 70-246
899 on 70-247
@pauska I already run it on clients but no info is displayed on the desktop to users, just for logging purposes (to spreadsheet)
Show off
@MDMarra NICE! Congrats, man.
thanks dudes
@pauska It was only two tests for me, since I had MCITP: EA 2008
one last Monday, one this past monday
how much did you prep with downloaded exams?
don't be lying!
haha none!
@Travis No... don't put stuff in startup folder. Use group policy and standardize...
I don't fuck with those, especially now that getting caught with something like that could cost my employer a competency
@MDMarra How is one going to get caught? Seriously
@pauska Good point
no idea
so you basically had no books, no exams to try
@pauska Being lazy :)
@MDMarra Cloud master!
@pauska Or use Group Policy CSE to put the items into the startup folders. Cover all the bases :)
@Travis doing it via GPO takes 1/10 of the time it takes to manually insert it into each server..
@pauska one sec
my gpo for bginfo automatically copies over the executable+config file and puts it into HKCU
so I basically have to join a server to the domain and it's done..
we do that kind of thing for all our servers and clients.. the goal is zero hands-on work for any kind of customization that can be done via gpo/gpp
@jscott but start up folder is so windows 95 :( try finding it on windows 2012.. you have to dig through the file system
@pauska I had a TechNet blog bookmarked that has like 25 links to things on the exam
@pauska Yep...still lazy because I still have to copy the txt file I'm using out to each server
@pauska Not under C:\programdata ?
@pauska But yes, I would take the "pure" GP route -- the Startup thing is antiquated.
@jscott Yes, it's there (%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp) - still a ton more work than doing it from one place..
@pauska there was a bunch of stuff on borntolearn.mslearn.net for self-study but it looks like the site is down for a redesign
Also, I've had to set up and configure every product being tested on in our demo environment, so I got a lot of hands on very quickly with them right before the tests. So that helped
@MDMarra did you write down the links to the resources somewhere? I'd like to pick your brain once I get past mcsa.. waiting for press books (or some kind of functional online documentation besides technet)
yeah but its in my icloud booksmarks
I'll link them to you tonight
(not on my mac now)
I actually find the last two on MCSA a bit difficult. They ask a ton of shit about almost unused segments within ws2012.. stuff like teredo, branch office printing yada yada
great. you got my mail add?
that's a good (but looong) overview on all of the products as well if you're not familiar with some of the lesser used ones like SCSM and SCO
it was behind a "partner" login but the link redirects you to a public TechNet site
I found it useful since I hadn't used anything from the SC suite. You'd probably find a lot of it boring or redundant
@pauska found it datacenter-flo.de/?p=48
Damn, and I always hated it when people pronounced it jif:

Any recommendations for IT policy templates? SANS, OITPP?
@jscott SANS
@Dan Jurassic interchange format?
@MichaelHampton hehe
@jscott sans, comic sans :)
@Dan Mind blown.
@JennyD Thanks. There seem to be lots of options out there and with each lots of templates to sort through. @DennisKaarsemaker Will do -- ctrl+a, font -> Comic Sans. -> Save As PDF. The auditors with thank you.
@jscott I need to pull that trick on our auditors. A simple proxy trick that turns our wiki into comic sans should do.
@jscott IT Policy: Screw around and I will find you. I will kill you.
Too easy. I don't kill, I torture.
@DennisKaarsemaker Leave your home life at home, that's what I say
This is the same group I provided a 16K+ page PDF (dump of icacls C:) when asked to provide "security info" for our staff file server.
@jscott hnng
fuck today
Oh goody, going to be deploying DNSSEC... I'll consider it a resume building opportunity
Failed my VCP
@Cole Aw, sucks dude. Badly?
30 pts
270 needed a 300
Yeah, I was already in a shit mood because of my girlfriend
Sorry @Cole :(
She wanted to sleep over last night. I was like "just sleep over Wednesday, I have my exam early and I need to study more."
She literally threw a hissy fit
and started crying
So I was like, just come over but I need to study so I need quiet. WTF does she do when she gets there? Turns the fucking TV on and won't stop talking to me
So fucking annoyed, and I want to punch something or cry. I really wanted to pass this.
Doesn't help my hormones are all fucked up too so I'm already grouchy
We all should be grateful for having Intel introduce an additional month into mid-summer: "Spares parts list & configuration guide, Revision 2.6, Junly 2012",
Yay, Junly - they happiest month of them all
@Cole I got a 180 on VCP
I'm just really bummed out
@cole It is a hard test though
I was so close - stupid vApp shit
@Cole reconciliation sex is the best there is, or so I am told.
@syneticon-dj I'm so angry I don't even want it lol
@Cole Hell mine was 85% about the networking piece. No vApp parts
@Travis there was a good amount of vDS which I felt pretty good on - it was a lot of vApp
@Cole I wasn't comfortable with vDS. The class I took a few days before was stupid (you know, the required one) and hardly went over any vDS
@Travis have you since retaken it?
@Cole Nope
Yeah I don't know if/when I will
@Cole That was pretty selfish of her, man. It may suck to have the conversation and cause a fight but you need to talk to her about that otherwise this will become a pattern. Have you two been together a long time?
@AaronCopley we've been "officially" together for 3 months - dating for ~6
@Cole I want to but need to do a lot more self study
Her reasoning was "well the way you were saying it is how my ex would say it when they were cheating on me."
I'm like "uh, I'm not your ex. I really have to study."
@Cole You are NOT her ex and she cannot project their problems on you.
@Cole Porn doesn't count as study time, by the way
And neither does hookers and coke. Trust me.
@Dan depends on what you are studying
@AaronCopley yeah her best friend even said that to her. He said "It's not fair that you did that to him. He's done nothing to make you think he can't be trusted."
I saw the text when she was showing me something on her phone.
Personally, I would ask her to pay for the re-take as part of the conversation, too.
She can't afford to
Future moderators and their low quality posts!
Then she shouldn't have F'd your chances at passing.
@AaronCopley agreed - but if I say to her...yeah don't even want to go there
@TheCleaner nobody trusts @MichaelHampton anyway :-)
@DennisKaarsemaker he's from New Hampshire - those kinds can't be trusted.
Since they're almost Canada and all.
New Hampshire? Isn't that next to Narnia?
Pretty much
I don't go up there.
@Cole Pretty sure @MichaelHampton is a bot
@Dan Bots aren't usually that cranky.
Guess I should go get ready for work. Not looking forward to all the did you pass!?
@Cole just wear a shirt that says "NO" and point to it.
@DennisKaarsemaker Grumpy cat shirt
@Cole It's been 6-months. It sounds like things could be getting pretty serious... You should be figuring out how to have these kind of conversations with this girl. There will be more difficult conversations than this -- consider it practice for those. :) It doesn't have to be a fight, but she needs to understand you barely missed the exam, and it was very likely due to the inability to cram last night.
It cost you money and time and now you have to re-take. What if she throws a fit the night before the re-take?
@AaronCopley she probably would
I don't think I'm going to retake it anytime soon - I can't afford to
I had the voucher so it was like $65 this time.
So google has been updating maps: google.com/help/maps/helloworld/desktop/preview
I've seen it in action, pretty nice. Needs invite though :(
@Cole Plus a day off work?
Porsche Design P'9981 Gold - for those with more money than sense.
Porsche - for those with more money than sense
Blackberry - for people with no sense whatsoever.
@DennisKaarsemaker Well played.
I just swalled a whole orange segment, am I going to die now?
So, how much does that ugly monstrosity actually cost?
@AaronCopley No - half day. heading into work now & I'm salary so it doesn't really matter
@Dan Probably.
@ScottPack :(
@Dan I mean, it sucks, but I don't make the rules.
My sister just sent me a picture of a Frisbee that said "Team Jesus" on it and said "I found a frisbee for you."
@DennisKaarsemaker does the "cycle" option on Google Maps show grades? It seems kind of important to know if you have to climb 500 m within 2 km to get there.
@DennisKaarsemaker They're weird there
@Cole I started abusing religion the other day then realised the person I was talking to was brought up Catholic and, despite being gay, clearly has some affection for the religion. It all got a bit awkward after that
@Dan weird - my sister actually had a Catholic wedding. We were both raised Catholic
She was saying last night - if she could go back and change things, she would certainly not have a Catholic wedding
If I could go back and change things I'd probably kill a pope or something
Well then
@Dan but surely you would kill Hitler first?
ok i'm off to work bbiab
@syneticon-dj dunno. We don't have hills here :)
@syneticon-dj Not before killing the inventor of the term "cloud"
@Dan don't say that word out loud. You may attract the devops.
@Dan it seems like you are an atheist, but you are not going to kill god, are you?
@DennisKaarsemaker Not a problem, I'll kill them too
@DennisKaarsemaker Who said devops?
Need to find my segfault generator...
@syneticon-dj No, that sounds like trouble
Cloud = "We'll store all your personal information on remote servers far far away and do whatever we want with it. It's okay though because we say we won't do stuff."
@NathanC "...because we are not evil"
@syneticon-dj "…because we say we are not evil. Trust us."
@MikeyB Avoids tax
@syneticon-dj I'm pretty sure there's at least a handful of Hippies around here that changed their legal name to God in the 70s. Hippies may be annoying, but killing them is way over the top.
@syneticon-dj How could someone kill something that they claim doesn't exist? It seems rather tricksome.
@ScottPack I don't claim God doesn't exist - I'm just waiting for those that claim he does to provide evidence. But I'd better back out of this lest someone gets hurt because I don't really have an issue with people believing what they feel they need to believe
@ScottPack it probably is the extension of the killing-my-ancestor paradoxon. I never involved in philosophy.
@syneticon-dj But...but...lies!
@Dan I can't disagree.
@Dan Meh - I used to feel bad when I destroyed people's little worlds by asking questions which they could answer, and the answers to which didn't fit with their believes. I'm now a subscriber to "the unexamined life is not worth living". If your faith can't hold up to a little bit of logic, then is never was faith in the first place.
@ChrisS To be fair, I'd argue that what you say is the definition of faith and it's the concept of faith which is completely flawed.
I don't mind debating or even arguing about it with people I don't care about, but I'm not going to upset friends and family over something which they're never going to agree on
Are we debating religion now?
I do try to avoid such arguments.. But have been drawn into more than a few.
@voretaq7 More debating about debating religion :D
@voretaq7 Not yet. Debating whether we should debate religion. =]
@Dan Jynx!
What's to debate? During the unplanned midnight outage of the production environment every sysadmin believes.
@ChrisS I was amazed when I found out Americans used that phrase, thought it was a proper British school phrase
@Dan It can't be very proper if us Americans use it.
See also ^
@ChrisS Lynx.
@voretaq7 I wouldn't mind owning a Lynx, but it's illegal in Michigan. =[
@ChrisS You would need a suitable sink.
@voretaq7 I have a sink just like that
@voretaq7 arrives, room goes surreal.
I wish I could drink at work.
@Cole From what I can tell @JeffFerland spends most of his time at work drunk.
@ScottPack I did at my old job :(
@ScottPack At the previous job, a coworker was out drinking when on call. He got a call, went to work, got into the server room, stumbled and managed to pull over an entire computer rack
Oh jeez
"Well, whatever the problem was, it's worse now!"
@JennyD Seriously. Show some professionalism and recuse yourself. If you're that drunk then clearly you should know better than to come into work.
@ScottPack I never figured out how that man kept his job. It's not as if he was any good when he was sober, either.
@JennyD I sometimes wonder that about people as well.
@JennyD When you accidentally an entire server rack, that makes me wonder too.
In other news. I need more vulnerable systems on my network. I need more data points!
Those things are kind of heavy.
@JennyD Because there's places that would rather keep incompetent people around than have to interview replacements?
Yes, I know. Was a rhetorical question.
That moment when someone pastes ~10 lines of text in a comment and it all squishes together.
@Adrian I think it was more he was friends with the right people.
Why the fuck do NTFS permission not apply till the user logs off and back on/reboots.
@JennyD Yeah, that works too. Amazing how some people can seem to fly right up the corporate ladder despite possessing precious little of either charm, skill, or wit.
@Cole Security tokens or something
@Adrian they're kind of people no one wants so the onl way it up
@Cole If it makes you feel better, the same thing happened with Gnome 2.x and group memberships.
@Iain or fire them and get replacements. But yeah, that's especially true if the manager doesn't want to deal with the hassle.
@Adrian I'm just trying to figure out why and if that's normal behavior. Or if my network just sucks dick.
@Cole The latter is always a possibility and not strongly tied to the former.
@Cole If you're changing group membership then you'll need a logoff. Otherwise it should be immediate
@Dan ah that's why.
We have groups for the shares on the file server.
lol, someone mentioning the iptables man page as "light bedtime reading"
You know you're a sysadmin when...
Yeah, that's it. Group changes dont' take effect until they request a new security token
@Adrian It did give me a big list of anecdotes, though
Dear Lord today is a day I wish I had headphones.
@Cole Because the permissions are only read in at log in time. Group membership on UNIX accounts are the same. Annoying, really.
@NathanC I think @MichaelHampton used to say that rather frequently
Two words: Packing tape
@ScottPack very annoying. Users get all UGH I HAVE TO LOG OFF?! -_-
@Cole I do, with active noise reduction. Totally worth the $+++ I paid for them.
@JennyD we're not allowed to wear headphones :(
@ScottPack at least we have newgrp
@Cole You need some bone conduction auditory transmitters. Not headphones :D
@Cole I've never been able to figure that out, if they want you to be productive you should be able to focus.
@MikeyB You kids today what with your newgrps and your package managers.
@ScottPack back in the grand old days of the republic, we had thousand of slaves, building new groups and packages at our every whim
Funny enough, the doctor's office just called to schedule an appointment for my ADD testing.
@ScottPack Pretty sure newgrp has been around for longer than some of the people in this chat room.
oh wait, wrong show. When I were a lass...
@JennyD Yeah, I've talked to my manager about it but it's per the director.
@MikeyB That's not really much of an achievement.
@Cole See if you can get a higher authority (the Doctor) to indicate a need for them
@MikeyB I probably could, especially since I'm going for ADD testing
@MikeyB That could work.
@MikeyB I've had my beard longer than some of the people in this room.
@Cole Exactly.
@MikeyB I had a padawan once that decided to write a script to add users to every single group in the org because he could never remember how to get a list of groups so that he could add that to the useradd -G.
@ScottPack I'm envious of your beard.
Anyhow, I'm off home now. See you.
@JennyD Have a lovely evening!
@Cole I like to stroke it.
@ScottPack Thanks, I'll do my best!
@MikeyB my PCP would totally write me one.
@Cole There you go. Take that to HR and shove it up their nose.
@ScottPack My goatee is finally long enough that I can do that now. Before it just looked like dirt or chin pubes.
@Travis but really lol
Even back in December I thought I had a lot of facial hair...I didn't.
Now my facial hair shows up in pictures without having to be in the right light/angle/etc
Some days I wish I didn't have to shave twice a day
@Travis I will trade you
@ScottPack Bastard. Now I have "I like to stroke it stroke it… I like to stroke it stroke it…" running through my head.
@Cole I'm a hairy SOB lol
@Travis I'm Irish and French Canadian - so not too hairy. Although I do have a lot of body hair compared to the men in my family (on both my mom's and dad's side)
@Cole I can grow hair like the vikings in the Capital One commerctials
@Travis LOL
Wow, a 4GB Dr Watson log file.
Open it in Notepad :)
I said I was gonna do actual work like an hour ago ...and instead I've been browsing SF questions ..
@NathanC I actually did work!
How common is ITIL Certification for technical positions?
But...but...I don't wanna modify a sorry excuse for a price book done in excel :(
I got my work done and now I'm looking up DIY bagger attachments for my lawn mower lol
...and updating my passive income wordpress site
@Travis what is it?
@Travis I think this is 2W of growth:
Pretty sad eh?
@MikeyB That's a Monday morning for me (don't shave on weekends)
@MikeyB nah - i have spotty sideburns, random hairs on my cheeks and grow just a patch of hair on my neck
my goatee and mustache are pretty full though
@Travis glad I did not open that in front of my coworker
@Cole lol
Solarwinds monitoring - you suck
@Travis I can certainly grow hair in other places though (NSFW)
my body looks like teen wolf
I look like a total douche in this picture: fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/…
But my goatee has gotten longer.
@MikeyB lol
@cole You look hispanic in that picture. I've noticed several hispanics lack the ability to have thicker facial hair
@Cole I didn't think there was NSFW stuff on the first page of my site btw
I just love these Redmond-based businesses whose idea of cross-platform is supporting both Windows Server AND various Windows Desktop OS .
@Travis he would have just been like "uh..?"
oh lol
and yeah, I'm not sure why I look Hispanic because I'm not
i'm like.....translucent
@Cole I look mexican but I'm not
I think its the beard
^-- yep
I agree
@Travis I look like an IRA terrorist… but I'm not. (ok, not so much in that picture, but you should have seen that one passport photo)
@MikeyB lol! At least no one screws with you
@Cole I like solarwinds

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