@Lnafziger I just saw your revised answer to the "where can I fly my model aircraft?" question, that's a nice answer and might be/is applicable to a couple other questions as well
First off, it is VERY important to note that you DON'T fly a Drone. RC Model Aircraft are flown by hobbiests, and Drones are flown by the government. It is enumbant on all of us R/C modelers to enforce that at all times, lest the government decide that all R/C hobbiest model aircraft be banned.
which is similar
Yeah, he contributes a lot of good quality content for sure!
@BretCopeland Hotels are indeed cheap in Germany. I got a room in downtown Munich last fall at €80 (~$110) per night. That's roughly what my parents charge for a B&B room in rural Sweden, albeit for a double room. In the town where I live you can get a room in a decent hotel for less than €60/night including breakfast.
Does anyone know why when voting to close because "off-topic -> belongs to another SE site" I can select only meta and not any other SE site? (and I cannot put the link to any SE site anywhere)
I (a hypothetical person) am involved in an activity like laser light shows, model rocket launches, fireworks displays, or construction which I think might be important to pilots. How can I submit this information to the FAA so that they can issue a NOTAM?
If you ever issue a NOTAM, make sure it expires... I still get NOTAMs about wind turbines erected in 2012 in my briefings.
@voretaq7 basically, they talked about an alert that would let you know that if you go lower or slower you will touch the ground even if you attempt a go-around.
I literally get two pages full of wind turbines in my NOTAM briefing whenever I fly. Most of them are already on the chart, some never will because "meh, not everything is depicted on the chart, use your eyes dummy"
@voretaq7 that would be the LBA.
and I'm not going there, I'll rather sift through the pile of wind turbines
Parenting teaches an important game development lesson: they are going to break your shit.
@voretaq7 yeah, they don't show up on the english NOTAMs for some reason. Problem is, neither do the aerobatic stuff (the paradrop do though, maybe because they go higher or something)
There's a reason I only look at the weather, TFRs, and navaids I expect to use (then I pick up the phone and make the nice briefing-monkeys tell me about all the other crap)
pastebin.com/wTBS4vz8 that's an area briefing which is probably a more fair comparison
Thanks guys. I get it - the weather thingy in my cockpit works now. Can we retire the NOTAM?.
@falstro being able to use gmail for work is so much nicer. It just seems like most companies which run their own Exchange server are big corporate entities which probably have some dealings with the government.
:) yeah, Gmail has a tendency make you picky wrt email clients. I have a grandfathered free small business google apps account, and I'll hold on to that as long as I can :)
@BretCopeland I like Exchange, as long as I don't have to manage it.
As an end user Exchange is great: good calendaring & Free/Busy, nice distribution lists, resource scheduling, identity management..... As an admin? Please saw off my leg and shove freshly-cut and salted lemons up the bloody stump.
and distribution lists? please. use mailman or something, where there's a decent archive. Or bugzilla. some kind of collaboration tool. anything. just no frickin distribution lists. :)
they should not be used to replace mailing list software for managing mailing lists, but for "Send this to every member of department X" they're wholly appropriate.
@Lnafziger there's also the issue with industrial espionage, I think a lot of companies over here trust Google about as much as their Chinese counterparts.
And if you don't think a company will read your email for personal gain, Microsoft just did ;)
@falstro This would be my other objection to it. I'm also in a regulated industry, so I need to be able to show that we're maintaining confidentiality (and I don't trust Google enough to sign off on that)...