So if I were to link a transcript of the chat from Roll20 to give somewhat of an idea of what happened would you guys be able to see the chat (other than the whispers obviously)
[Context, the 1d100 is a percentile Dice for Dark Heresy, and my character has 1 skill they can only critically fail in because we are playing Ascension]
I came across a question today tagged with the (partial) name of the specific spell the question contemplates. Now I like a tiny-hut as much as the next sheep, and I do believe in emergent folksonomy.
But is this a point where we, as a community, say "hmm... maybe not?"
To be a little cleare...
> Rather than relying on client-side pseudo-random number generation to perform dice rolls, Roll20 now utilizes a "true random" source of entropy, based on the fluctuations in the power of a beam of light.
@goodguy5 I mean, not 'trusting' a commonly used dice rolling bot that has no history of being shown to be weighted or not accurate and just going off of "it seems" seems like fakenewz.
@SeraphsWrath I have a DM who does this with falling damage. 1d6 for first 10 feet. 2d6 for the next 10 (3d6 for 20) and 3d6 for the next to (30' is 6d6) and 10d6 for 40', 15 d6 for 50' ... and there is no cap until 200' ... but it's easy to run out of dice by then.
I take the number of feet a character falls, divide it by ten, and plug that number into the function to generate Graham's Number and have players roll that many dice.
@KorvinStarmast Yes, but they never get paid because any fall damage causes so much damage that the quantity of information created by that fall is enough to instantaneously create a Black Hole, devouring the entire campaign setting.
@Xirema I divide the falling distance by ten, use that number for the dimensionality of a NP-hard problem, and then roll a number of damage dice equal to the number of minutes it takes for the player to solve the problem.
Oh that reminds me. Our DM laid out 6 Tomes of [Improve X Ability Score], and let us pick 3 (1 per player) to use to boost ability scores. So I guess my paladin is capping out at 22 Charisma instead of 20 this campaign.
@goodguy5 ah, gotcha. It also depends on how 'heroic' you want to start. Our previous campaigns were that, but we also did an extra 4d6v1 and dropped the lowest score.
@Glazius Half the time I ask how to use the basic principles, this turns into tangents and pinpoint examples that get harder and harder to extrapolate from.
@goodguy5 they took a frustratingly long time to get back to all the comments trying to clarify what book they actually had and have still managed to have a vague answer to that even now
@vicky_molokh It's unfortunately a little unavoidable with Fate because every rules element has an easy-grip slider you can grab and run with, so that there isn't so much a core rulebook as a reference implementation. So, easy one to start: is this the game artifact that every player saw and was using?
@Glazius Always moving first and acting (or moving again with a roll) afterwards? That's how everyone always acted. I have already looked at the pages, and this is why I asked if there are any additional canonical sources.
@vicky_molokh Sorry, I meant the game map. Is that the actual map you were using to run the game, or just your mockup? Because I'm curious how many zones were on the map you were using.
@Glazius Yes. Before that I ran with bigger and less regular zones and that was met with a request to change to more regular/clearly-formed zones, with hexes being listed as a nice shape.
@NautArch I suspect it'd get closed as a duplicate of the meta I linked earlier. Fundamentally, tagging is an "emergent folksonomy" - and I think ultimately the tag will end up getting removed as unnecessary and overly specific, as questions about shape water aren't hard to find via search (and it's not really a thing someone can be an expert in, in my opinion).
@NautArch Anyone can edit tags - mods have no special power over that other than synonymizing/merging. As for the best way to bring that up - well, it can't hurt to bring it up on meta, at least, as SSD could at least comment on that meta to discuss his reasoning etc. even if it gets closed as a dupe
@NautArch I see why you dropped the GS crusade. It's very disheartening to have someone emphatically insist that their suggestion is going to be more helpful to a querant than someone with actual experience with the matter at hand
@G.Moylan ANd it seems like the site as a whole is moving away from wanting it. It was also bothering me more at a personal level than I was willing to let myself understand :)
@vicky_molokh Well, I have bad news and I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is that this is another thing where understanding the core implementation isn't going to help. The good news is that understanding the principle behind the core implementation will help you make an appropriate judgement call. The bad news is that it's going to be a decent chunk of writing I can't do until I get home.
@Glazius tbh any time someone says "I have bad news" (especially twice) I assume something awful is happening in politics. lol. I mean, I was immediately corrected when I actually read what you were saying, but still.
@NautArch yeah, I don't get it. People say "but you can't prove I'm not lying," but that isn't the point. We shouldn't have to prove anything because you shouldn't be answering in the first place if you don't know what you're talking about, via direct or relevant experience
Recently, there were several questions posted in quick succession regarding the shape water spell in 5e. Shortly after that, a new tag was created for the spell and added to the questions. Subsequently, the tag was added to older questions as well.
Given the previous meta on tagging individual s...
(Nickel version: "move one zone for free" is meant more to align with tactical thoughts like "cover is good" than tactical thoughts like "this cover is three zones long and if I get here nobody can free-move to a good angle")
@Someone_Evil eh, not everything needs to be a big site-wide deal. Often we can recognise the wisdom of taking an action without waiting for votes. I think we actually lean much more heavily towards wait-and-see though.
Is there a sign in button anywhere on this site that doesn't go through Meta first? The DM is trying to sign in but Meta is blocked so he can't get to a sign in button