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@goodguy5 discord?
We vetoed the discord roller a while ago. DM said it gave too good stats
Just use RPBot, that thing hates me
So if I were to link a transcript of the chat from Roll20 to give somewhat of an idea of what happened would you guys be able to see the chat (other than the whispers obviously)
@goodguy5 roll20?
/roll 1D20 --> 4

/roll 1D100 --> 89
i mean, discord's bot is just a random number generator. Is there any evidence that it's weighted?
@Himitsu_no_Yami That's probably not necessary
no. but they didn't trust the stats
[Context, the 1d100 is a percentile Dice for Dark Heresy, and my character has 1 skill they can only critically fail in because we are playing Ascension]
@goodguy5 What makes them think another random number generator would be more trustworthy?
no idea
@MikeQ I mean it'd help with understanding the play by play
@Himitsu_no_Yami I don't think people outside the game can see the chat
@goodguy5 I mean, is the code opensource for rpbot? It seems fairly simple to be a random number generator.
@goodguy5 Roll20's is based on a truly random method
We didn't use rpbot, it was another one. They might approve of rpbot, idk
@V2Blast oh ok
@NautArch Relevant meta:
But you could just start up a 'game' of roll20 and just use the platform for rolling stats and never use it again @goodguy5
Q: Should we be tagging individual spells?

nitsua60I came across a question today tagged with the (partial) name of the specific spell the question contemplates. Now I like a tiny-hut as much as the next sheep, and I do believe in emergent folksonomy. But is this a point where we, as a community, say "hmm... maybe not?" To be a little cleare...

@V2Blast Technically speaking it's a pseudorandom method
@V2Blast SSD didn't contribute, but mxy did. Guess he didn't agree with mxy.
@SeraphsWrath Yes I have. Shield Master feat is great for that.
@V2Blast Or SSD was making a point of sorts.
> Rather than relying on client-side pseudo-random number generation to perform dice rolls, Roll20 now utilizes a "true random" source of entropy, based on the fluctuations in the power of a beam of light.
I stand corrected. Didn't realize that the roll20 devs were harnessing quantum mechanics for an online dice roller.
@goodguy5 I mean, not 'trusting' a commonly used dice rolling bot that has no history of being shown to be weighted or not accurate and just going off of "it seems" seems like fakenewz.
@goodguy5 Do a sampling test, with a larger sample size.
100 samples, look for a normal distribution
@SeraphsWrath I have a DM who does this with falling damage. 1d6 for first 10 feet. 2d6 for the next 10 (3d6 for 20) and 3d6 for the next to (30' is 6d6) and 10d6 for 40', 15 d6 for 50' ... and there is no cap until 200' ... but it's easy to run out of dice by then.
Ah, I see your DM saw the Ork shooting phase and thought, "I can have more dice than that" :)
@KorvinStarmast that sounds more like what my DM was trying to describe to me.
More seriously, That seems more fair than just saying, "You fall 10 feet, take 1D6" versus "You fell 30 feet, take 3D6 3 times"
@SeraphsWrath Well, I have a fairly full bag of dice (Crown ROyal Bag from the 70's) that are mostly well worn d6's.
@SeraphsWrath yeah that might've been a bad interpretation on my part from how he described it
I take the number of feet a character falls, divide it by ten, and plug that number into the function to generate Graham's Number and have players roll that many dice.
That seems like a fair way to handle fall damage.
@Xirema Does Graham get a commission or a royalty on each fall?
You are using his number, eh?
@MikeQ That's why I said "truly random" :P
Any fall that's over 100 feet I would be open to the rule that the player gets a Con Save to avoid dying, or going to the Dying state
Excluding things like slow falling
@KorvinStarmast Yes, but they never get paid because any fall damage causes so much damage that the quantity of information created by that fall is enough to instantaneously create a Black Hole, devouring the entire campaign setting.
@SeraphsWrath So I should avoid forests and caves in your campaigns then, for clearly centipedes are the deadliest foes.
Especially ones with trip attacks.
Nah, they're pretty weak.
Drop them any distance and they die
@Xirema Oh dear, that simply won't do. j
Yeah, but if I trip/fall over them, I have to make a CON save or die.
If a centipede drops 100 feet, then it's basically just a worm
Rogues gain 6 feats, right? Does that make them a spider?
No it makes them very very tall
@goodguy5 Five feats, if they are trying to max out dex, right?
Now I need to go back and read upon feats that add 1 to dex ...
with good enough rolls and a proper race you don't need any feats or ASIs to max a stat
@Xirema I divide the falling distance by ten, use that number for the dimensionality of a NP-hard problem, and then roll a number of damage dice equal to the number of minutes it takes for the player to solve the problem.
@MikeQ infinite dice...
@KorvinStarmast Resliient, Fade Away, Second Chance, Elven Accuracy, Athlete, Lightly Armored, Moderately Armored, Squat Nimbleness, Weapon Master.
@Himitsu_no_Yami No, the number is countably finite, although it may involve more d6s than those exist on earth
@goodguy5 What stat rolling method are you using?
@MikeQ "number of minutes to solve the problem" but if the problem is never solved then it is infinite no?
@goodguy5 I'm so confused. DIdn't you just ask about where to roll stats?
@MikeQ sad. I was hoping that a Human Fighter (gaining 8 feats) could become a squid, or any other decapod.
@goodguy5 They can use the extra height to become a successful basketball player
Oh that reminds me. Our DM laid out 6 Tomes of [Improve X Ability Score], and let us pick 3 (1 per player) to use to boost ability scores. So I guess my paladin is capping out at 22 Charisma instead of 20 this campaign.
@V2Blast So should I post a meta about the shape water tag? Or what's the next step?
d'oh, sorry, I was looking at Kor's mention. nevermind.

To properly answer your question, I'm not sure.
So you know that thing that goes around every now and then in D&D forums about changing one letter in spell names? Color Colon Spray.
@goodguy5 ah, okay. You may want to figure that out first :P
I don't recommend 3d6 straight down the line.
@Yuuki Thanks, I hate it.
@NautArch I'm PRETTY sure that it's 4d6v1, but I think we're all going to use points
@goodguy5 v1?
drop lowest 1
What does the "v" stand for
it's a down arrow
equivalent to 4d6^3
You mean ↓?
There's some program I used to use that used that notation...... can't recall which, now.
Myth Weavers, maybe?
@goodguy5 ah, gotcha. It also depends on how 'heroic' you want to start. Our previous campaigns were that, but we also did an extra 4d6v1 and dropped the lowest score.
ah the ol' Good Subjective, back to haunt us again
What if the heroes are the friends we made along the way?
What if the friends we made along the way were really the friends we made along the way?
@Xirema stop that
@G.Moylan who's got two thumbs a less than sign and not going anywhere near that?
< this guy!
@NautArch I 'member the crusading days.... I'm making my attempt here currently: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/159613/…
I just realized where all of the Eladrin went. They are all dead. They ended up in Mordenkainen's Tomb of Foes. plays funeral dirge
Or they snuck off to Evermeet and are still having a party that lasts for a few hundred years ...
@KorvinStarmast I'll allow it...
@goodguy5 You'll allow what? The dirge, the dead Eladrin, playing an eladrin, or the party in Evermeet?
> my singing aint' what it used to be ...
@KorvinStarmast the tome tomb pun
@goodguy5 Thank you kind sir, can I get a point of inspiration for that? 8^D
Sure, just tell your DM that goodguy5 said it was okay.
@goodguy5 That always worked before (Right, @nitsua60?)
@goodguy5 perfect, since you are the undisputed authority on everything that should work :P
@trogdor I wonder what the catering bill is for that party in Evermeet that lasts for a hundred years. Or, is it "BYOB" and all that?
@trogdor man, my life would look a lot different if that were true...
@KorvinStarmast no one pays for that right? XD
well ok no one pays for that in money
@trogdor I am not sure, since they never invited me, and of course I'm Not Bitter - Really!!
I assume they pay in "my voice" and stuff like that XD
I'd have brought the home made potato salad and my famous pinto bean recipe ...
@Xirema Musty Step.
@vicky_molokh Okay, now that you've posted the map I just have a bunch of further questions and comments certainly aren't the place.
... not bitter ... really ... man, it sucks eating all of that potato salad myself ...
@Glazius Half the time I ask how to use the basic principles, this turns into tangents and pinpoint examples that get harder and harder to extrapolate from.
That Eladrin question is really weird.

The biggest thing feels like SOMEONE should have told the person, rather than just "you can't use that try again"
@goodguy5 yeah, I wonder if the game is in person or on line? Odd.
@goodguy5 The biggest thing seems like someone should have told them they're not using the right book :)
@Yuuki What about Stocking Grasp
Because Eldarin are an option, but that's really the least problematic thing about that question.
hopefully, they get whatever resolution they need, but it's odd
@MikeQ THe alcohol based version of shape water is animate mead
@MikeQ Power Word: Dill.
@goodguy5 they took a frustratingly long time to get back to all the comments trying to clarify what book they actually had and have still managed to have a vague answer to that even now
@MikeQ That's what the kids do on Christmas Morning, right?
@Yuuki The bard's new favorite spell: arcane band
@MikeQ My home made chili is now a third level spell: fire bowl (I cranked up the heat)
@Yuuki that made me laugh way louder than it should have, but I'm at home so it's okay.
> and no, there is no bat guano in my chili!
@NautArch Bane Band. Beast Bond Band. Wall of Sand Band. Conjure Woodland Woodband Beings. Bigby's Hand Band. Elemental Bane Band.
@Yuuki By Crom, so many new bard spells!
@NautArch By chrome, the bard is barowsing again ....
As to bands and undead, Keith Richards seems to be a demi quaver lich
And his phylactery is a Gibson tuned in open Eeeeeeeeeee.
How about a spell for arcane tricksters: Remove Purse
@KorvinStarmast sadly, paul stanley not so much.
> Bigby's Hind. Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here?
@NautArch Peter Kris, Paul Stanley, Ace Freely, Gene Simmons. All stage names, IIRC.
@vicky_molokh It's unfortunately a little unavoidable with Fate because every rules element has an easy-grip slider you can grab and run with, so that there isn't so much a core rulebook as a reference implementation. So, easy one to start: is this the game artifact that every player saw and was using?
@KorvinStarmast yup! And then they made up more stage names!
@NautArch Because more is better ... wait, that was Iggy Pop.
@NautArch yeah, like when did Ace change his name to I.P?
@G.Moylan HA! And relevant because of his lawsuit :P
@G.Moylan Intellectual Property Freely ... nah, not a name for my kid.
maybe not full onlawsuit. but there goes that joke.
@NautArch Full Metal Lawsuit - KISS Joins the Marines?
@Glazius Always moving first and acting (or moving again with a roll) afterwards? That's how everyone always acted. I have already looked at the pages, and this is why I asked if there are any additional canonical sources.
For when you need some quick cash from someone: conjure fee
@vicky_molokh Sorry, I meant the game map. Is that the actual map you were using to run the game, or just your mockup? Because I'm curious how many zones were on the map you were using.
An Englishman's favorite spell: Geas Teas.
@Glazius It was the map style used in that encounter, including markers for certain aspects, due to a prior request to switch to hexes as zones.
I find myself extremely disappointed in Gutting Words
I thought that spell would be much more powerful
@SeraphsWrath Sectumsempra I believe
@vicky_molokh 1 hex = 1 zone then?
@Glazius Yes. Before that I ran with bigger and less regular zones and that was met with a request to change to more regular/clearly-formed zones, with hexes being listed as a nice shape.
If you can't find any poisonous plants naturally, you can cast Ginger of Death instead
@NautArch I suspect it'd get closed as a duplicate of the meta I linked earlier. Fundamentally, tagging is an "emergent folksonomy" - and I think ultimately the tag will end up getting removed as unnecessary and overly specific, as questions about shape water aren't hard to find via search (and it's not really a thing someone can be an expert in, in my opinion).
@V2Blast how does that happen, though? DOes it need meta or does the mod to just clean up?
and then we have a new mod vs old mod fight.
<goes to get popcorn>
@NautArch Anyone can edit tags - mods have no special power over that other than synonymizing/merging. As for the best way to bring that up - well, it can't hurt to bring it up on meta, at least, as SSD could at least comment on that meta to discuss his reasoning etc. even if it gets closed as a dupe
@NautArch I see why you dropped the GS crusade. It's very disheartening to have someone emphatically insist that their suggestion is going to be more helpful to a querant than someone with actual experience with the matter at hand
@G.Moylan ANd it seems like the site as a whole is moving away from wanting it. It was also bothering me more at a personal level than I was willing to let myself understand :)
@vicky_molokh Well, I have bad news and I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is that this is another thing where understanding the core implementation isn't going to help. The good news is that understanding the principle behind the core implementation will help you make an appropriate judgement call. The bad news is that it's going to be a decent chunk of writing I can't do until I get home.
@Glazius tbh any time someone says "I have bad news" (especially twice) I assume something awful is happening in politics. lol. I mean, I was immediately corrected when I actually read what you were saying, but still.
@NautArch yeah, I don't get it. People say "but you can't prove I'm not lying," but that isn't the point. We shouldn't have to prove anything because you shouldn't be answering in the first place if you don't know what you're talking about, via direct or relevant experience
@G.Moylan Yeah, that's not a great way to counter it, but anywho, I'm not gonna participate :)
Just gonna go cast destructive dave and let him take care of it.
Q: Should we burninate the [Shape-Water] tag?

NautArchRecently, there were several questions posted in quick succession regarding the shape water spell in 5e. Shortly after that, a new tag was created for the spell and added to the questions. Subsequently, the tag was added to older questions as well. Given the previous meta on tagging individual s...

I also just wanted to type burninate
(Nickel version: "move one zone for free" is meant more to align with tactical thoughts like "cover is good" than tactical thoughts like "this cover is three zones long and if I get here nobody can free-move to a good angle")
@NautArch should we introduce a burninate tag?
@goodguy5 seems like the right thing to do and the tasty way to do it!
@goodguy5 You have to burninate the peasants though if we do that
@G.Moylan No, that's @trogdor's job
@NautArch fair
apparently I've been paying my union dues :P
@goodguy5 Cloudkill Cloud Dill.
Summon Greater Feast
@Glazius This seems to be going away from the question of the RAW-and-FAQs and into the territory of ad hoc stuff like houserules and rulings.
@G.Moylan Or try this 9th-level spell: Dish.
we could all go to the tavern and laugh about Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Lilting
perhaps we can prevent a flood with an Arcane Loch
New Bard spell: Banishing Smile
@G.Moylan Arcane Lick.
@Yuuki reminds me of Haunter from Pokemon
A new anti-magic spell: Arcane Lack.
This Father's Day, spend a 3rd-level spell slot and Speak with Dad.
@goodguy5 We have the [burninate-request] tag already
@Someone_Evil what tag do we use to burninate though?
@KorvinStarmast I hereby declare that I will accept as canon anything @goodguy5 says in here.
uh oh lol
I love when we end up acting on meta answers without giving it any upvotes. Makes it really look like the system is working..
The DM just told me we haven't reached our character killing quota for the day... I have a bad feeling about this
@Himitsu_no_Yami Is it possible that it's meant as a joke?
Yes but at the same time I suspect he's gonna try to kill me anyway
@Someone_Evil Like what?
@Rubiksmoose This
@Someone_Evil eh, not everything needs to be a big site-wide deal. Often we can recognise the wisdom of taking an action without waiting for votes. I think we actually lean much more heavily towards wait-and-see though.
Is there a sign in button anywhere on this site that doesn't go through Meta first? The DM is trying to sign in but Meta is blocked so he can't get to a sign in button
@Rubiksmoose I wouldn't expect a whole pile of upvotes, but whomever upvoted the synonym should IMO have upvoted the suggestion they were acting on.
Unless there is some synonym-suggestion-queue I don't know about
@Himitsu_no_Yami Just log in through the main site?
@Someone_Evil hmmmm I don't think there's a queue unless it goes through suggested edits...
@Someone_Evil like every sign in button redirects him to Meta and then to the web filter blocking it. Unless I'm misunderstanding
@Himitsu_no_Yami That seems...odd. I'm not sure, but you should be able to just login on main without touching Meta.
Hi folks – small request. There's some serious Link Rot in this question's answers. rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/654/…
happy weekend, all!
@G.Moylan and to you!
@Someone_Evil I was trying to upvote the synonym, and I think I just approved it (mod-abuse!). I didn't know I could do that. If that's what I did.
So guys I was wrong about how I described the fall damage it's actually a lot closer to what @KorvinStarmast said here
except it still caps at 20d6

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