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Q: If a Gelatinous Cube takes up the entire space of a Pit Trap, what happens when a creature falls into the trap but succeeds on the saving throw?

Mad_JoeA player character falls into a 10 foot x 10 foot concealed pit trap, which is 20 feet deep. At the bottom of this pit is a gelatinous cube, which occupies all of the bottom 10 x 10 x 10 (width x height x depth) area of the pit. The rules for a gelatinous cube (from the Monster Manual, page 242)...

@V2Blast nitpick: that wasn't a clarification in your recent edit, it was a rewording.
@goodguy5 I've just joined Fate and Gumshoe servers on Discord.
1 hour later…
Q: How is it possible to have an ability score that is less than 3?

Greg0141The “Ability Scores And Modifiers” table on page 13 of the phb indicates that an ability score of 1 (resulting in a -5 modifier) or 2 (resulting in a -4 modifier) is possible. This, however, does not seem possible given the methods (provided on said page) used to determine ability scores. I mus...

@HotRPGQuestions just play Baba is You for about three hours to feel your brain melting
That will about do it
Necromancer: [checking the wanted posters to see if he's on any of them]
Rogue: Are you a criminal??
Necromancer: Not here
@trogdor I haven't played that, but I suspect the logic it wants would make me explode
I'm not good at those sorts of sideways thinking
Depends on how much the DM likes you
@Ash I've literally played three hours of it last weekend
So my brain already exploded a little
gets out the mop and bucket
@Ash I thought I would be good at it, u watched someone else play it and was like " look at this idiot failing when he almost has the puzzle and moving on to the next thing, I'm gonna do way better"
It didn't happen
My brain is still melting
Help me baba, baba is not helping
Baba is defeat and melt
tucks wads of cotton in your ears to keep the brains in
Baba is stop
Baba is sink
Baba is not you
Baba is you and defeat
Turns out that guy is not idiot
That guy is me
Baba is me
Baba needs the easy levels back
I've gotten stuck on,... I think all the puzzles I have available that I have not already beaten I think
I feel like I'm missing something even though I understand all the rulesets
And I'm pretty good at this kind of game
This isn't me trying something just because I thought it was easy, I though it would be a little hard but that I would beat it In one or two sittings
I'm not even sure that this moment that I will ever finish baba is you at all
To futilely beat an undead horse, baba is you is the dark souls of this kind of puzzle game
hey guys! i made a new layout for my lasers & feelings spider-verse hack, EVEN MORE SPIDERS! it's v much inspired by @john_harper's l&f layout and i'm v proud of it! get the pdf for pwyw here: https://metagame.itch.io/even-more-spiders
It's a game about Changing the rules you are working with and trying to predict what the consequences will be and realizing the thing you did four moves ago made everything you are trying to do impossible
@Ben Oh hey, I got sick of waiting for you to show up here and pinged you in Discord - I beat Big D last night!
@trogdor that's my impression yes
@Miniman Oh nice :D
Setting idea for @Sk1mble & @EvilHatOfficial's Secrets of Cats: Humans who walk Dubrovnik Old Town's walls unknowingly reinforce deep protective magic. When even that can't stop the Kudlak, the local cats shoulder the burden instead. (Starring Ser Pounce.) https://bit.ly/2FPqu28
Yeah I have no idea why, but I just don't get notifications on discord :/
@Ash you are smarter than me, I thought I could change the rules and just win, in fact changing the rules is how I am losing the game XD
It's frustrating but also somehow invigorating
@Ben Lazarus was pretty disappointing, after all that hype (including trying to figure out how to get into his room for longer than I'm willing to admit) - 2 fireballs wiped out him and his entire bodyguard contingent.
But Diablo was pretty serious.
It's been so long since I fought Lazarus and Diablo.
It was interesting, compared to D2 Diablo - in D2 his stuff is pretty easy to dodge, which is good because it's almost a 1-hit kill, but in D1 you're getting hit so often it's hard to cast anything, but it does very little damage.
Of course, it helps that my buddy Lachdanan gave me a hat that maxed out my resistances to everything.
Oh interesting.. It''llbe interesting to see how it goes with Aidan
I've opted for the sword/shield combo
Which basically ends up in a fairly repetitive "clunk clunk clunk"
hey there @Quentin
Yeah, I ended up tanking him with him in a firewall and me not, which isn't going to be an option for you.
@Miniman Mage armour, hydras and fireballs is the common mage tactic lol
@Ben I just found it way easier to sit there - my hydra does good damage, but it's not too reliable at hitting moving targets. Same with fireball, whereas as long as I let him whale on me, he's guaranteed to sit still in a firewall and burn to death.
Prjectiles are unfortunately very unreliable
Couldn't do it in D2, but potions in this one are just amazingly good.
Though - Hiddens will actually retreat in a straight line when they turn invisible
@Ben Yeah, I noticed XD
Sunny days keep on coming, yet I wish rain'd come and flush the dust off the streets. What's up elsewhere?
The weather here doesn't know what it wants to do. It was drizzling this morning, but the heat has doubled and the winds picked up, but the sky still looks like it does when there's a big magical doom storm coming like in the movies
It's pretty ok weather wise around here
I also re-re-re-fixed my research code yesterday
I'm trying to remember what I did on Tuesday
I had a stupid little convenience for a parallelism library: if a set matches a propery, return it --- otherwise return an empty set. Too bad empty sets also often have the desired property...
A few days of work wasted, but it was fun to debug
@Ben Sounds exactly like a Tuesday
But for me, it was Tuesday.
I'm trying to figure out how I lost Thursday, or maybe today?
Because I thought today was Thursday
Time seems to have been running at a very strange pace lately. Yesterday I thought it was still Tuesday.
I felt like Friday yesterday
Maybe it balances out?
And the week before felt like it had been nearly 2 weeks, but the days hadn't been any different. The week had just been twice as long
I'm glad this wasn't just me
The bus route I take to work goes near where I lived when I was a kid. Gotta love the familiar scenery
Even if the dusty fields before the first proper Spring rains are an acquired aesthetic taste.
Q: How many spell slots should my level 1 wizard/level 1 fighter have?

JS_7I am working on making a wizard fighter multiclass character where the wizard is the original class. How many spells should I have in my spellbook if I am a level 1 wizard and level 1 fighter? I have looked, but I could not find an answer and I am a little confused by what it says in the PHB.

@HotRPGQuestions the same as your level one wizard?
I don't understand the confusion
the confusion confuses me
The confusion ties in with WotC in their wisdom having decided that "spell slot" is a perfectly good name for the mechanic it is
yes that is true
I just don't understand,... if they think they get spells for fighter levels
I realize the whole thing together can be very confusing though
lots of people get confused about how multiclassing interacts with spellcasting
lots of people get confused about DND
in this case, they might think "I'm a level 2 character, so should I look at the 2nd-level row of the wizard table?"
and that's Wizards fault
> lots of people get confused about how multiclassing interacts with spellcasting
Fixed it for you.
when in fact they should see that the multiclassing spellcasting rules state that you know/prepare spells as if single-classed in each respective class
lots of people get confused
But you know what? It's not 4e.
@BESW no it isn't and that is sad
This is one place I'm gonna tip my hat to every other edition of D&D because 4e's attempts at giving you opportunities to mix two classes were wild.
or do you mean 4e multiclassing because actually that was pretty bad in many ways
Multiclassing was kinda cool but usually underwhelming, and hybrid classes were insane.
@BESW actually yeah I revise what I said, HYBRID CLASSES WERE FROM THE FAR REALM
I used it on,.... maybe all the characters I played actually
besides Tak Tha because part of the point of him was making a crazy scary fighter with nothing at all from other classes
and cheating a little with the racial choice
Yeah, multiclassing had potential but was limited to a handful of useful options. Hybrids were "Why is this even an option" or "Do you like bookkeeping? NOW YOU ARE THE MASTER OF THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE" and nothing in between.
we did use Hybrid for the warlord though
because he just literally had,... a concept we could only make by hybriding two specific classes together
Oh yeah, we had a couple of hybrids. They were NOW YOU ARE THE MASTER choices fueled by The Power of Bookkeeping.
but in general it was not worth it
A couple of Lars' characters were hybrids... because Lars, mostly.
I was not even gonna mention that
but like, what more was anyone supposed to expect from him if they had ever met him at all
But yes, the Roll No Attacks character was beautiful.
not that I ever knew him for as long as you did but I mean come on
@BESW it was a masterpiece
the only character I am more proud of is the push fighter
the freaking stupidly good at what he does "goodbye forever" push fighter
I also loved sitting next to his player to just be the living database of what he could do
I've never played 4e so I only know bits and pieces of the shenanigans involved
which was mostly "this is your push bonus now"
@V2Blast it had them for sure
I feel like some of the people who never gave it a chance would have liked it better if they realized even half of what you could do with the system
@V2Blast if you want an example I could give you one
@V2Blast Put it this way: our group had one guy who never rolled any attacks. Instead he used all his actions to have other people attack, charge, swap places, and so forth. And we also had a guy who, if you even came near him, would send you flying halfway across the map and fall prone and only able to move two squares per move action on your next turn.
@BESW good summary at least XD
And the guy who granted attacks? The attacks he granted the other guy triggered all his "go away and think about what you've done" nonsense.
that was extremely deliberate
or well,... really it was more like a side effect of "no yeah I am just going to build this guy so it works on all his attacks"
Trogdor played a character who would pick a target and go invisible to them... but if they attacked anyone except him they'd take damage. And he was the reasonable build.
@BESW oh my
@BESW compared yes indeed
it did interfere a little with the fighter though
because it used a mark
Then there was the one who dealt no damage, ever, but his attacks made people fall over, unable to move or teleport and only able to use one action on their next turn.
@BESW yeah the guy who just used his turn to make other people do nothing
I don't know why he enjoyed that but it was effective
And he could use it as an area of effect in case his target was invisible but he could guess where they were.
looks like this posts needs some more spam flags:
Q: Network error: Software caused connection abort winscp

sandyi had issue in winscp last three days, then what should i do, issue is Network error: Software caused connection abort click to resolved

(it has links in it, which is what gives it away as spam instead of a lost user)
It has the same link twice, specifically
Yeah, good catch.
@V2Blast 4e was really really complex... but all the piece fit together nicely, which was a welcome change from 3.5 where complexity was synonymous with confusion. It achieved this by having a limited set of standardized mechanics and being very careful about ever introducing significant exceptions to them... but being VERY creative about how you could mix them together.
Standardized phrasings meant that two similar effects probably interacted the same way with a third effect. [gasp shock]
and to think when we started I was afraid 4E wouldn't have enough options
no joke
but it totally had more than I could use (and I made at least 100 different characters that I never used, and that never got used by anyone all to see if I could execute interesting concepts)
heck, even just the fighter class entirely changed how it played depending on which style and weapon specializations you chose. Like, the fighter class's signature playstyle was "If you get near me, I can keep you near me and punish you for trying to leave or attack anyone except me." But the guy who specialized in pushing people across the map? Was a fighter.
and that's on top of the handful of characters I made for myself and also other players for their own concepts that they didn't want to dig up the system to figure out how to do
@BESW yes
and after doing that I made Tak Tha to literally just Supercharge the "stay near me" thing
Tak Tha was a fighter who grabbed one person and dragged them to a corner where he'd rip them to shreds.
literally force people to in other words XD
@BESW yes, they couldn't leave obviously
totally the original concept fighter
nothing silly/horrible/terrifying about it
noooo reason to be scared at all
he definitely wasn't hilariously introduced to the party like some horrible monster
(Important additional information: Tak Tha was thri-kreen, a rare D&D playable humanoid insect who is super-fast and looks like a xenomorph that burst out of Freddy Krueger.)
well, a Xenomorph that burst out of a large preying mantis
the rest of the body isn't very preying mantis but the head of a Thri Kreen is actually a pretty good copy of one
more or less I guess
depending which art you use
except he only used one handed weapons so he could still grab people
I had hoped to eventually let him grab like, 2 or 3 or 4 people at a time but that didn't happen
so instead he was so good at grabing one thing it would never get away
unless it could teleport
which I could never fix because that was a weapon enchant :/
Q: What defenses are there against being summoned by the Gate spell?

VigilThe spell Gate allows the caster to summon any creature whose name is known to them. When you cast this spell, you can speak the name of a specific creature (a pseudonym, title, or nickname doesn't work). If that creature is on a plane other than the one you are on, the portal opens in the n...

hehe animals are so dumb
(obligatory joke about how humans do dumb #@$#$# all the time)
that I don't have the energy to come up with
oh man too far
Source is A Girl and Her Fed, a comic (and novels) about a government conspiracy, cyborgs, and ghosts of the famous dead.
I thought it might be that
@trogdor Me at 8 years old: "I'm gonna see if the stove is already hot by feeling it with my hand!" Also at 12, 13, 16, 23, 25 and 26 years old.
from the art style
@kviiri I touched it accidentally a little less than a week ago
I swear I was reaching for a plate near it
not the stove itself XD
well specifically the grille thing over the burner
which is freaking huge by the way
I've got a nasty blister from getting a casserole out of the oven.
takes up way more space than it should
so yeah that dog is actually pretty smart, he doesn't touch the stove
and he did get that stick
1 hour later…
@BESW I never got the point of Hybrid classes
I tried to read the rules, briefly
But I didn't get the point at all and it sucked what curiosity I had toward them in almost no time.
Honestly I think they exist because the designers felt like they should rather than because of any particular effect they felt was missing.
But in practice they wound up filling a much-needed system mastery "hardmode" function for players.
For one, I have zero idea what is the defining difference between multiclass and hybrid, in- or out-of-universe
Or what is it supposed to be.
Mechanically? in 4e multiclass gives you a smattering of one class added on top of everything from your primary class, at the expense of a few feat slots. Hybrids give you a lot but not all of the features of two different classes mashed together into a new kind of class that may or may not be playable.
Diegetically, 4e didn't really care. Mechanics and flavor are held at arms'-length from each other in that system.
@BESW Ah ok. I guess my perspective on what multiclassing means has been coloured by DnD 5e (where multiclassing is almost "equal" respecting one's original and later class levels)
But now that you mentioned, yeah, I do recall a friend multiclassing into cleric and gaining a single Healing Word, daily, or somesuch.
@kviiri Yeah, that's how 3.5e did it too.
In 4e, multiclassing was a feat you took which gave you a skill boost and a couple of scaled-down class features, and access to anything else which had that class as a prequisite, and access to a line of feats which let you take that class's powers instead of your primary class's powers as you leveled up.
In 4e, it's impossible to just... take a new level in a different class. That's not how the system works.
So multiclassing was implemented via feats, and you could only take one multiclass feat unless you were a bard.
Hybrids were a choice you made at character creation, where your chosen class was actually a mashup of TWO classes, getting some features from each, and every time you gain a new power as you level up you can choose from either of the two classes.
That's why we made a hybrid warlord/shaman for the no-attacks-ever character; only by gaining access to BOTH sets of powers was it possible to get a non-attacking attack power at every level.
All in all I disliked multiclassing a lot back when I first played DnD (and 4e)
Yeah, it often felt underwhelming.
Sometimes you could find a really cool trick, otherwise it was basically pointless or just a gimmick to get access to a paragon path you want.
Trogdor's warlock (fey pact, his at-will made him invisible to his target) multiclassed into paladin (once per encounter, pick a target and they take damage and -2 to hit if they attack anyone except you). It was hilarious.
The trolladin
"I challenge you to single combat!" [vanishes]
@BESW yeah and I feel like that was a horrible way to do it but it worked sometimes?
Didn't hybrid give you kinda the worst of both classes, which would just hopefully be good in unison?
@doppelgreener that's what I discovered when I wanted to use Hybrid with,.... paladin and Warlock
Yeah, sorta. You'd get most-not-all of each class's features, some of them watered down a little.
You usually had to find synergy gimmicks by combining multiple feats and powers that usually no single character would have access to all of.
at some point, I don't remember if it was early or a little later, but I looked at that because I wanted to mark and go invisible and maybe do more stuff from both classes
but it was BS
almost all the stuff I actually liked about Paladin and Warlock were the things that went away with hybriding
it's,..... really bad
Like hybriding ranger for its at-will powers with really cool debuff effects, with rogue for its feats that let you replace sneak attack dice with really cool debuff effects, to make a debuff-bot.
the only reason we had a Hybrid character was because of the no attacks thing
and only because that was the only way we could accomplish that
@BESW there are some things like that but,.... it was mostly bad
as far as multiclassing, for example
the horrible unusable vampire class?
take the multiclass feat for it and you get everything good in the class with almost none of the bad stuff
it was silly but I did that
There was also some hilarious gimmicks you could pull off with the healing-class druid variant which used the cleric's healing power so they didn't have to invent a whole new set of feats and items to support the new class... and it was the third druid class they'd invented.
with one of my many side characters
So if you hybrided druid with cleric, you could qualify for feats and options that were designed for five or six different classes.
I had wanted him to just be a vampire but I looked at the class and it sucked (ha ha unintentional pun)
It was so so messy, but highly amusing.
@BESW did anyone do that actually?
in our group anyway
I'm sure someone under the sun did it anyway
I tried but gave up.
The bookkeeping of which effects applied to which features under which circumstances got waaaaaay out of hand.
I also have to give props to 4e for how "tanks" were designed
instead of just being the guy who wants to force everyone to hit you, you are the guy that gives them door number 1 and door number 2 and behind both doors is disappointment
Yeah, the mark mechanic was clever and they kept coming up with cool new ways to implement it.
@BESW yes exactly the fact that every class that did it still used the mark mechanic but did it in a different way was great
like I would have loved to play that one Dragonborn Warden I made
who marked people all over him and then made them explode
in lightning damage
to be fair that wasn't entirely normal but that's just part of how cool 4e was
For people unfamiliar, in 4e "mark" was a thing that defender-style classes (tanks) could do to enemies. It imposed -2 to all attacks that didn't include the defender who applied the mark.
you could build so many different things and for him the gimick was that being marked by him was really bad for your health
and he was a warden so being marked by him meant going anywhere near him XD
Every defender class had a different way of applying the mark (fighters applied it for one round automatically to everyone they tried to attack, every time they tried to attack; paladins chose one guy who was marked until dead or the paladin changed targets),
and every class had different effects they could apply to the people they marked (fighters got free attacks if you did pretty much anything except attack them while standing next to them; paladins dealt automatic damage if you attacked anyone else even if you were far away from the paladin).
(wardens spend a minor action to mark everyone in a square touching thiers, I think Swordmages got to pick one target like paladins)
(battleminds don't even get started they mark 2 million different ways because Psionic classes are weird, yes they have some normal way they did it but I looked at their powers, and there was a lot of mark em this way mark em that way)
(like mark the target of this attack, or everyone around the target of this attack, or attack and choose someone else to be marked or wtv)
My issue with multiclassing in 5e is that it as a mechanic meshes really bad with level tiering, and that it seems to always invariably either significantly weaken a character, or produce a really powerful, broken build.
Oh, yeah. It was a nice thing that 4e just operated on a basis of character level.
There was no concept of class levels.
And even in 4e multiclassing and hybriding were some of the biggest potential trap choices.
@doppelgreener I mean, to be fair, if they had tried that it would have been even messier than any other edition
Everyone took a paragon class at level 10 and it just gave you powers at three specific character levels. You didn't have to start taking one instead of your regular levels, they were just part of your regular levelling.
@doppelgreener that too, it would have sucked if you had to choose between stuff
(for those who don't know: 5e characters grow at "spurts" where different class levels give vastly varying amounts of power, causing a potentially wide gap between two characters one level apart)
@kviiri 3.5 was like this too
I kinda like the idea of "mandatory" multiclassing, where everyone commits to taking multiclass levels (or even better, have a rule set working like that) to give a bit of color while preserving balance
@kviiri That's pretty much what 4e's tier system felt like, and it was awesome.
yeah 4e had all the balance I could want between classes
that was my personal favorite thing about it
Except vampire and seeker.
instead of being worried about the wizard carrying everyone you could instead worry about fulfilling your role in a group
Those were terrible. The best thing you could say about seeker was that it sounded cool.
yeah Vampire,... had some really cool almost broken bonuses,.... and then also horrible drawbacks
and then the powers and feat support were just bad
(Call upon primal spirits of nature to empower my thrown weapons to do amazing things? Yes please! ...oh wait this is all deeply underwhelming and if I leverage system mastery to its utmost I can compete with a mediocre ranger.)
I tried to build a seeker one time in my :File of the Never Played 100" and he was at the boooooooooooootoooooooom he was mediocre at best
and I freakin tried man
I did
I think basically, after getting to about level seven he could,... hit two people with each attack and do less damage than most strikers who I had made
Seriously all the build guides for seekers basically boiled down to "If you're really sure you want to do this (are you sure? okay...), the trick is to use one of the overpowered gimmicks that any class can access because being seeker does NOTHING."
and like,.... maybe pop nearby minions if any where near his targets?
The major problem with seeker was that, bafflingly, it was a class designed to debuff targets but all its debuffs were five to ten levels behind what they should have been.
it sucked
So its debuffs were sad, but it still had the lowered damage output that control-based classes always get.
I mean,.... just play a warlock
better damage AND better buffs
So it couldn't contribute effectively as a striker either. And it had underwhelming utility, especially movement utility.
minus to hit on targets at low levels, or invisibility to a target, or dots
and at mid levels start dazing people
at slightly higher levels start dominating
look back at the seeker and he's finally giving minus to hit
Next time I play a PC in a fantasy-ish Fate game I'm gonna make a seeker.
And he's gonna actually be fun, because Fate.
what a seeker should be
I wonder how Seeker came to be that way
so do I
I think 4e is generally regarded as being quite excellent in class balance --- did they get unlucky once? Or lucky many times?
most other classes (just forget vampire) were good
even out of the box you could make them work just fine
@kviiri again, the class balance was really good on the other classes
Toward the end of 4e they started running out of really solid ideas and started experimenting--partly because they needed to keep pumping out material despite running low on good concepts, and partly because the last cycle of an edition is always experimental.
not every class was going to be as good as the others with the same level of optimization at everything, but they all did the things they were good at at the same level
@trogdor I know, it's why I'm wondering
@kviiri yeah
It's ok ^^
I just have a knee jerk reation about that XD
I love 4e class balance
Seeker was baffling, it's really obvious what its problems are and how to fix it.
Psionics, urgh... the 4e version didn't work well with me. I never got PHB3 and I don't really miss it
Vampire... eh, it was one of the last splat books in the edition and the whole book was very experimental.
Yeah, 4e psionics were very clever but not so playable.
Psionics were weird
I would say they were playable but what they were not was worth the effort
they were actually powerful and versitle
buuuuuuut you had to really dig into the system to do that
the effort involved was like 2 or 3 times more for a psionic character, generally, than from an equivalent class
Psionic classes tended to take at least 25% longer per turn than most other characters at the table: the bookkeeping was annoying and the options were paralysing.
yes that too
IF you were some kind of ACTUAL MIND WIZARD you could play a psionic character at the table and be real powerful and versatile though
on paper they were great
Actual Mind Wizard would be a good name for a band.
believe me, I made a lot of characters, on paper XD
@BESW indeed
@BESW Please do! I'd like to run one.
@doppelgreener Whenever you like.
Q: Does Otiluke's Resilient Sphere beat Magic Circle?

VigilMagic Circle has the following effect on creatures of a specified type: The creature can't willingly enter the Cylinder by nonmagical means. If the creature tries to use teleportation or interplanar travel to do so, it must first succeed on a Charisma saving throw. Otiluke's Resilient Spher...

it certainly sounds fun
Wait, "bearded but stylish"?
> bearded and stylish
@kviiri A year or two back we played a campaign with my school group where all PCs were the remnants of a thieves' guild that'd been wiped off the map. So we all started with 1 level of rogue, then had to take other levels. Because there had been nobody to teach us thief-ey things. So we had a bunch of Th/Wz and Th/Ftr and Th/Bd types wandering around trying to find who'd massacred our organization. It added a lot of flavor =)
Oh, that's cool.
@nitsua60 A more focused chargen seems like it'd be pretty fun.
@nitsua60 Ooh, fascinating concept
@Yuuki I don't know about that but wtv tickles your fancy I guess
@nitsua60 that's really cool
@trogdor let your beard get long enough and it gets really good at tickling
@BESW Sometime in May or June?
Cc @trogdor
As far as I know that would be fine
@Rubiksmoose tis true
A little too good, I don't like the fact that itch it gives me
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