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Drinking games: Drinking responsively
@doppelgreener Incidentally, just to check that I understand this correctly, flags on comments are always either a) helpful if the comment is deleted or b) declined if the comment is not deleted?
@Miniman Overthinking things: destroy all sense of logic since the discovery of anxiety.
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay heyoo! Tryina get @Ben's multi-engagement question reopened. Not sure how. Looks like the high-level encounter is on the verge of getting closed too
in other news, my phone bricked on me alluvasudden :p
@daze413 too broad, or?
@Shalvenay Too broad on both questions, yes
What can I say... I apparently have the nack
@Miniman I've seen some of my flags to highly-upvoted comments get them edited instead.
but those were on meta, not sure if that holds for mainsite. I think I remember a 31 fake-score comment disappear once, can't recall which question now
@daze413 I mean, it wasn't a "please delete this" kind of flag, just a "I think you should look at this". And I know they did look at it, so I just want to make sure that the "declined" in my flagging history is just because of the way comment flags work.
@daze413 related, sure, but !=
Like, I would say that encounter design is encompassed by GMing techniques, but encounter design is, in itself, its own category
@daze413 Creating good, broad questions since 2015
@Miniman Ah, I was going off the example of flagging a comment for deletion. I didn't know you could see the history of your comment flags :o
@Miniman "I think you should look at this", like "Hey, check this out, it's interesting"?
@Ben No, like, "this is a problem that needs correcting".
Ok. Cos my understanding is that flagging a comment simply mean "I think this needs to be removed".
@Ben That's certainly the primary purpose, but it's not the only one, necessarily.
@Miniman Non-blues can only see our own flag histories, not others'.
@BESW Yep, that's daze's.
@Miniman how do you navigate to there from the /user/ page?
(As far as I can tell, you can't use the users/current/ to get to flag history.)
@BESW blues? Is that a type of moderator?
Man, I'm taking a practice exam atm, and it is completely kicking my ass. This has never happened to me before.
Elected moderators have their names appear in blue.
@BESW ah, I was thinking diamonds. (mental note to synonimize to )
added , and synonimize with
@Miniman Practice exam for what? Also, don't answer that question! Focus on your exam! =D
head tag description: "also known as Diamond Moderators, Diamond Mods, or Diamonds (from the DIAMON of DIAMONd, and DS of moDS, happily coinciding into one catchy word)
@nitsua60 Microsoft CRM Dynamics 365.
@Miniman Funny--looked like you were taking a crawling exam =)
@nitsua60 Apparently everyone was!
I was typing up an answer and saw three come in while I was adding page refs. Figured there was no need to pile on.
5e protip: when looking for something first look it up in the index, roll 2d20, add the first to and subtract the second from the page number listed in the index, and start looking there.
Unless it's two-weapon fighting rules. Then you have to use 2d100.
Alternatively, ctrl-f the SRD and then find the corresponding section in the PHB using the relative position of stable reference points.
@nitsua60 After you've gone through about 3 layers of see related thing
@diego Strictly speaking, every search should start at the index entry for THAC0.
Crafting my pre-session-0 campaign-starting e-mail for Tomb of Annihilation. All the talk in here during the last week about over-sharing GMs has me nervous!
@nitsua60 When is the book release?
My understanding is that the early release (preferred locations) is 9 Sept, then like a week later for universal distribution?
But 15 Aug I believe some of the season info and possibly the first few DDAL drop. (GenCon? SomeMidwestCon, definitely.)
(But I only know this because I know principals. Gods, has there ever been a huge company so bad at selling their own product!?)
@nitsua60 That sounds about right, yeah. I was just curious, since I wouldn't have thought you'd do this until you'd seen the book, if you see what I mean.
heh-heh. [fumbles nervously]
@nitsua60 Yes. Yes, there definitely has. Many of them.
> **Plead Extraplanar Diety.** 1st-level Divination.
Casting Time: 10 minutes (ritual)
Components: Verbal, Material (a copy of The Player's Handbook, costing 50gp)
Brandishing the book, you open a rift into a dimension called the fourth wall. Present an argument over how a certain aspect of the world should work (like whether magical fire should behave like physical fire) to an extraplanar diety called a Dungeon Master.
@nitsua60 Well, that maybe answers something I've been wondering about for a while. And I'll leave it alone :)
@daze413 Extending the ritual casting time beyond 30 minutes widens the rift to include other similar deities, though of different alignments. After 1 hour the ritual destroys the campaign world.
@Miniman =)
@Miniman To be blunt, I think we're basically a year to year-and-a-half ahead in the pipeline.
@Miniman Will look into the book with some interest, as well, assuming one of my friends get a copy
@daze413 Speaking of alignment, if alignment is involved reduce all times by a factor of 10.
@nitsua60 Wow. Interesting to know they even have stuff that far ahead.
Gah! So much stuff I'd love to ask about this. You shouldn't whet my curiosity like that.
@Miniman discord?
@daze413 new homebrew rule (disadvantage to cast if you are also using the "my world, my rules" ruling)
[5e] is Storm Sorcerer SCAG?
@nitsua60 Yep.
Although I know a few people think the original UA version is better balanced.
I wonder when someone's going to follow my lead and post a "archetypes in 5e" QA?
@Miniman What're the defects in the SCAG one?
@nitsua60 There was a thing they were doing where they were giving UA sorcerer subclasses an equivalent of a domain spell list.
The SCAG SS is (from memory) identical to the UA version, but without that.
So they've got some neat features but no restriction on the spell list to help counterbalance?
@nitsua60 Sort of.
@nitsua60 Ah, no. They've got the features, but no automatically-known spells to help the sorcerer with their crippling lack of spells-known.
Or to put it differently, the version they released is balanced with other sorcerer subclasses.
@Miniman Oh yeah. I forgot about that one. (For some reason I find it much less helpful in the Book --> resources organization than in the resource (book) one.)
The UA version, a lot of people felt was balanced with other classes.
@Miniman Oh, gotcha. The published SS can't really get at the stuff you'd want.
@nitsua60 Well, yeah. It'd be a problem for sure if one of the subclasses was objectively better than all the others. (Although I feel compelled to point out that, at PHB release, this was in fact true).
I can't comment too much, personally, because I haven't seen the sorc much in play.
(Although I find that somewhat telling in itself.)
@Ben but you don't roll anything, notice there is no somatic component, or a material component of an icosahedron
> **Otherworldly Perception**
Conjuration Cantrip.
Casting time: Bonus Action (ritual)
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (an icosahedron, costing 5gp)
Looking around, you magically conjure an object or creature that was not part of the DM's description text. Make a Wisdom (Perception) check against a DC that the DM sets, you may automatically succeed if the object/creature you are trying to "find" is harmless and makes sense that it would be there, such as a mug in a tavern, a piece of cloth, or a rock. On a success, you conjure that object or creature in a space the DM determines, depe
13 hours ago, by Ben
GM: [rolls d0]
@Ben so... are you just waving your hand, there, pretending to roll?
@daze413 what... do you think a GM is actually supposed to roll?
@Ben his eyes? :D
2 days ago, by daze413
Jun 16 at 2:57, by Miniman
20 mins ago, by BESW
2 days ago, by nitsua60
@JoelHarmon "groan" button next to "star" button.
Wonder how far we can quote that
no, let's reach that point organically
@daze413 Hehehehe.
@daze413 If only it pinged Joel every time. For some reason that would amuse me.
@nitsua60 just proves you are a horrible person I guess :P
I think it's more like a colonel chat, maybe brigadier.
@daze413 Nice!
Q: Where do our example tags come from?

the dark wandererSo, we have two kinds of example tags, from what I can see. The first is when you ask a new question, before tags are entered, three are provided as suggestions. For example, today it says (for me) "at least one tag such as (fate monk feats), max 5 tags". Previously, I've seen (fate monk feats...

2 hours later…
@Miniman that's right, we don't get to not delete but mark helpful for those
@doppelgreener Awesome, thanks. As sad as I am to have that declined in my flagging history, it's good to know it wasn't because it was a bad flag.
Think I found my new favourite line of gifs
"How do you always balance the combat so well?"
"ah, but the rulebook says that it's [xyz]"
1 hour later…
1 message moved to Trash
Sorry, but there's no reason to force everyone in the chat to watch that on repeat.
I find that fair
@BESW good point :)
Why does it not apply to the magic guy?
I mean "Magic" is a different message than "Fuck you" but the "force everyone in the chat to watch that on repeat" makes that difference pretty meaningless.
I could edit it so it's no longer oneboxed if people find it annoying to watch on repeat
or we could say a lot of stuff and scroll it up
I guess either people are active and it disappears by itself or nobody pays attention so it is also not an issue.
> Animated Gif License. If an animated gif is posted you may spam the chat without repercussions until the animated gif has scrolled out of view. The animated gif must not have been posted by you.
@nwp seconded
To help push out the gif -> DnD 5e question: Can a Lizardfolk (Volo's Guide to Monsters) Monk use his Bite Action when the Monk class references unarmed strikes?
@Secespitus "Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes." So yes, as you are making an unarmed strike.
but it would only help any on low levels
@Szega Ah, thanks
I was wondering if in 5e a rogue in darkness could sneak attack, because it would have advantage, but also disadvantage so it kinda doesn't count. The PHB is clear that if you have both then you have neither, so the rogue doesn't have advantage.
The question is if this was a good outcome. On the one hand I had a question about the rules which was answered by RTFPHB. On the other hand I missed out on asking a question, someone answering, voting, rep and social interaction.
@nwp "Magic" is annoying, but it's not a rude word and a middle finger.
@nwp But you got the good feeling of solving a problem yourself.
1 hour later…
@nwp You can go ahead and self-QA, of course. It probably won't get much in the way of upvotes, but it was a real question you had that required pulling things from disparate PHB locations to solve (my personal bar for not downvoting), so it's totally legit.
@nitsua60 I tried the time pool yesterday. We never got to the point where we actually had to roll the time dice.
@kviiri Easy to explain/manage? Any pushback from players?
(Once I realized it's just tracking the "tens digit" on a digital clock, it clicked for me.)
@nitsua60 No pushback at all! The urgency came more from the fiction than the mechanics, though. They sort of created their own hurry there :P
The situation was like this: they were about to infiltrate/raid a mansion, under which was the shrine of Tiamat I mentioned earlier. The mansion was owner by a greedy pharmacist, whom they trailed there. He had a mercenary company protecting the house, but he left the bugbears guarding the front door because he found them too disgusting to be let inside.
Great. I've had a similar situation in Sunless Citadel (the 5e version), where the players are totally hooked into the "we've got to rescue $TARGETS so there's no time to waste" part of the fiction. But even then I like it, since it's such an easy way for me to feel like I'm not abandoning this important part of making sure there are lots of dimensions to the game.
@kviiri Naturally
The players were very wary of facing the bugbears (one of them was a large-sized, hulking one that would've used ogre stats if they had fought). So they climbed in through a window, one of the players used Disguise Self to fool the bugbears to fetch a little something from his store in town (about an hour of round-trip time).
bear bee thing
So the players sort of made their own hurry... they wanted to be in and out before the bugbears came back.
That's pretty awesome =)
I like your players.
(funny thing is, the bugbears NEVER came back. The town where the apothecary was was heavily militarized because of nearby hobgoblin raids, and the bugbears were slain at the gates, poor things!)
@nitsua60 My players are awesome! ^^
@nitsua60 Our party's cleric cast detect magic inside the mansion part, and detected a "protective ward, possibly an alarm" in the next room. It was a magical painting that shrieked when they entered the room - and yep, they managed to trip the alarm. Our druid used Wild Shape to turn into a cat and scurried out of the room as the others broke the painting to trick the guards into thinking the alarm was caused by just a cat.
General question: I assume there's a simple way to set up a Word document that pulls info from a spreadsheet and lays them out in a form. What's that called? (So I can look up instructions/tutorials.) I've got a single-page sheet summarizing my PCs I usually make, and the next group'll be using shared spreadsheets a decent amount, so I figured I'd make my life a little easier....
@nitsua60 A macro?
@nitsua60 i only know it in hungarian and my google-fu seems lacking. The direct translation would be "circular" and should be in a menu dealing with letters
I think they're linked documents or something.
@Szega merge?
howdy howdy y'all
@Miniman Macro'd probably do it, too. (In the sense that it'd do anything I can figure out how to script...)
@NautArch Good morrow
huge boss level battle for my group last night. Campaign nearly complete. Funny when the DM goes looking for additional magic items outside the DMG - but still makes it random so they're basically not that interesting.
@NautArch Do tell! What kind of stuff was in the boss level battle? And what was the loot?
Monsters and loot are why I play this game, I HAVE TO KNOW! :)
I'm growing warmer towards DMG magic items. Random loot is cool at times.
But I still like homebrewing the occasional item for my party, to fill in the gaps in gameplay. Eg. our other party's barbarian has a magic axe that rewards last-hitting.
@Adam 4 human guards, 4 efreeti, the boss was the king of an invading land who has driven most of our story line (caster), and some sort of weird octopus thing who likes to collect stuff (like Tamatoa, but an octopus) and we're fighting in his lair.
@kviiri I like random loot mainly because it can give the party something less than ideal, which reinforces the idea that the world isn't tailor made around them. It also means that they have to use some creativity when they get something that isn't obviously beneficial.
It was set up as a trap, so lots of narrow ledges in straight lines and drops of 40' so misty stepping wasn't an option if you fell into the lake.
I know the octopus thing you are talking about, but I can't remember its name. It's in Volo's guide I think.
@Adam This is well-summarized. But then again, the world actually is tailor-made for them to enjoy, so I take care to fix some problems with gameplay with carefully planned magic item drops ;)
But I agree on the creativity thing in all respects.
Loot was mostly from something called an Arcanum or something like that. Boots of balance, bridle of horsemanship(or something similar), a +1 warhammer that no one in the party really uses, gloves of missile snaring, potion of putrescence, potion of resistance (unknown which type), maybe a couple of other things that i'm not remembering :)
@Adam It was pretty awesome. Great mechanics on it.
The battle started off really really poorly. We all rolled bad on initiative and then the Barbarian was climbing with me holding a rope to catch him if he fell.
@kviiri Oh most certainly. In a perfect world you supplement the tailor made useful item drops with stuff that's less than ideal.
He fumbled and fell. I fumbled on the save to catch him. We both go in the drink. I fail the WIS save on the octopus and just start "swimming toward the light"
But then that turned out to the best possible thing for me. I broke the charm next round and it attacked me with a grapple. I could now see it and I gave it my Vow of Enmity - cancelling out the disadvantage for being underwater and for not really seeing it (DM gave me enough sight to give Vow, but not to target it well, which seemed fair)
@Adam Yep
And instead of my normal Maul usage, I whipped out my +3 trident and went to town on it.
@NautArch does the name "Morkoth" ring any bells?
@Adam he didn't tell us any names. I'll check Volos...
@Adam yup, that was it. The hypnosis on me was it's downfall :)
I'm really proud of how I narrated a failed roll yesterday. One of the players was disguised as the mansion's owner, the pharmacist, and was trying to persuade the bugbears to go to the town to fetch something from the apothecary shop, so I gave him advantage on his persuade check, DC 15. He failed miserably, despite that, but it didn't feel right to declare that "the bugbears don't believe you, even if you look and sound like their employer."
It hit me with two lightning bolts
tried to get me with Evard's, but I made the save
So the bugbears just looked at him and said "Sure thing, boss," but continued: "but we'll need the keys to get in."
The rest of the party burst out laughing, the disguised character's player froze for like five secs and then started spinning some quality lies about having had forgotten to lock the store.
@godskook Apropos of nothing, I've got to confess that the reverse of this is a bit of why I like 5e so much. I played becmi/1e/2e then stopped for ~20 years and picked back up with 5e. I've had no trouble bringing into 5e things I liked from 1e and 2e, to the point where I'll run 1e/2e modules without any conversion-prep time. And a lot of the gm-directed 2e splat has been super-useful with almost no effort.
@ryan @NautArch @nwp @GreySage @Adam @CM_Dayton all this conversation about oversharing GMs has me nervous. I sent the following to my next campaign's group last night--look like too much to you?
/* *** begin message *** */
Alrighty, I've been starting to prep Tomb of Annihilation and brainstorm some things, have fielded some questions and gathered some info. Before people get busy with cons and getting ready for school I'd like to throw a few things out there:

**Table.** We've got [player1], [player2], [player3], [player4], and [player5] committed to play the season. I've got feelers out to one regular face from around [town1] and two people from my [town2] game; if we go 0/3 or 3/3 on those feelers it could be challenging, but either of the other outcomes would be a nice result.
For the scheduling consider using doodle.com
@nwp There's no real scheduling question: we're all committed to play Wednesday evenings; the core of this group's been doing that for 3+ years.
It's just that one guy's in Mongolia when the book drops, so it's "do we start without him or start later?"
@nitsua60 What does oversharing mean here?
@nitsua60 that seems fine and reasonable to me. One message, clear concise.
What's bothering me is when I get 4 or 5 messages a day from the guy. Like dude, quit spamming me.
@kviiri Ryan's gm sent him a large pre-campaign setting document that started a conversation in here (a few days back) about gms who assign too much reading.
Ah, gotcha.
I think that list looks reasonable, for the record. It's stuff they need to know.
On the same day I was planning to send my pre-campaign message and had a couple of scraps of notepaper with bullets for all the things I wanted to put out there.
I'd get more upset as a player if I got, say, a huge dump of the GM's homebrew lore without any hint on how our party's supposed to fit in there. That has happened to me once :P
@nitsua60 I think doing it how you're doing it is fine. You never told them to read the entire Tomb of Annihilation. You basically just said, here's the rules. Here's how long the campaign will last.
@kviiri Understandable. I've gotten to the point where I'll only put the time/effort into a homebrewed setting if the players are going to be impactfully involved in the process. At the very minimum a session or two of Microscope....
[wipes brow] whew. I only sent two follow-on messages to that one. Well under the 4-5 that you find annoying =)
(Only one was to the whole group, with a link to the description of DDAL07-01; the other was to one person.)
@nitsua60 I told my players up-front that they'll be playing a minimal fantasy world which will evolve as they adventure. Most of the exposition happens in a "newsletter" published between sessions. It also reveals plot opportunities and strokes the players' ego by covering their adventures :)
"Five adventurers face wererat in a sewer, return smelling of victory and poop"
i still havent gotten back into a 5E game :( the one I was all worried about entering last week that wanted me to level up got cancelled
got AD&D tonight, starting my druid. Considering DMing a 5E game. I'd need to buy some miniatures and maps and books and whatnot. Not sure if I'm ready but 5E seems easy enough with the pre-made books.
@nitsua60 I think that's pretty good. Formatting will go a long way to readability and understanding.
@Ryan I found 5e to be rather easy to pick up rules-wise, both for the player and the GM. I think the hardest part is doing what's not covered by rules, but if you're a seasoned AD&D veteran that shouldn't be a problem for you.
And thanks to the marvels of bounded accuracy and all that, it's easier to craft winnable encounters.
Easier than in 4e at least - that game was fun but got sour fast if one didn't follow the guidelines in DMG very carefully. Easy mistakes to make include thinking level 7 normal monsters are appropriate substitutes for level 4 elite monsters!
yeah I haven't been playing very long at all for 5E or AD&D but from reading, watching videos, and seeing the differences I know what I didn't like about 5E and kinda want to DM a 5E game that's a bit slowed down I guess would be the way to put it
@adam We also got a drift globe (which was the one thing I could use out of all of them besides the potions), some sort of spider mantle thing that gives some spiderclimb abilities, and a straw hat that protects you from weather. Those last two things went to the barbarian (pending attunement verification)
@Ryan For me, 5e was sort of a friendly reminder about the things I liked in 4e :P
@kviiri you're the first person Ive heard say anything about 4E
@Ryan It must be quite a taboo then! :P
@NautArch I like the driftglobe. I think it's a pretty cool item.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loathed DnD 4e soon after trying my first non-DnD systems. But one's taste evolves with time and things that previously were utterly weird and limiting and stupid start to make sense with more context.
@Adam good for my human paladin. I've got light cast on my maul, but having the globe is better. And I can 1/day cast daylight. That may come in handy and free up our light cleric from ever having to do it.
@Adam although I don't get that it emanates Light at 20 bright/20 dim (40' total), but only stays within 60' of you...which is not illuminating you.
I think it's the "low-magic" items like Driftglobes that are the coolest, somehow.
@NautArch It's enough that it illuminates whatever you want to see :)
@kviiri But what I need to see is someone in melee range :)
which it may not
seems like it should be stays within 40'.
I don't follow why it should illuminate its user at all times.
The best thing is to wait until they light their torches / activate their magical light sources, and then let that be the target of all the things out in the darkness with ranged attacks. You can see a light MUCH FURTHER out than you can see BY that light... ~evil GM
@kviiri The purpose of the drift globe appears to be a light source that doesn't occupy your hands. Yet if the drift globe is drifting, it will stay 20 feet behind you once you move out of its range. So you are totally in the darkness and cannot see ahead of you, kind of negating the most direct use of the drift globe.
@Adam Oh, now I see! I somehow assumed it was a controllable light source.
Maybe it would still be useful for an artisan working in an otherwise dark space. But that's not what DnD characters tend to do...
@kviiri Exactly. It's useful for illuminating one small space and working within that range, but it isn't useful to replace a torch, or a light cantrip cast on your weapon or the like as you move through an area
@kviiri it's 'kinda' useful. my maul with permanent light on it is more useful for my direct needs. But being able to potentially dispel darkness is big.
@Adam Thanks, that really shed some light on the issue ;)
and if my maul is taken, i'll have another lightsource while I take out my greatsword or trident.
We don't usually work that much with darkness, although I guess it could be a cool tactical addition to the game.
It sort of feels weird if everyone in the party except the one guy who plays humans has darkvision.
@kviiri Just wait until some drow or something casts a darkness spell around you guys and everyone but the warlock is totally blind.
I played once with a rather conniving thief. She had a stone of continual darkness and a stone of continual light. She loved to use them during combat.
@Adam that Morkoth cast darkness around me during the fight (in an area already silenced...and then dropped Evards on the same area). Drift globe would have been handy for that.
@Adam Do drows see through magical darkness? Usually the plain ol' darkness thing in DnD 5e is rather boring.
@nitsua60 That doesn't look like oversharing to me. I would have no problem reading it (in fact I read it just now. It took about 5 minutes). I wouldn't worry about that.
@kviiri No. Not without some special ability that would let them do so.
Thanks, all. Was, perhaps, unnecessarily worried about it. And I'm sure that they'll all get the fourteen FR books I assigned as "light background" read in time =D
@Adam In my current campaign, 4/5 players have dark vision. It creates some humorous effects as the 5th, a fighter, narrates his adventures running into things and attacking the wrong targets.
@Adam So effectively it's just a blocker for "can see" spells and a mutual disadvantage-advantage canceller in combat.
@kviiri Those are some uses, yes. It's also useful for making a retreat since you have to be able to see a creature to take opportunity attacks against it.
@Adam Good point, yes.
Does a person inside magical darkness see a person outside magical darkness, assuming it's otherwise light?
@kviiri nope
Huh, that's strange.
@kviiri A person inside magical darkness is effectively blind unless some other effect gives them sight
@kviiri No, because the magical darkness isn't an absence of light, but a darkness that cannot be penetrated. It is like turning on a very bright light in a dark room, but opposite.
"obscurement" might have been a better term
@kviiri It's not strange, it's magic
So it's sort of like very thick fog?
@kviiri Exactly. A thick fog made of blackness.
Would have taken care of the whole "mundane darkness blocks line of sight between two well-lit areas" problem.
Darkness spell. Like a thick, black fog. California requires that casters rapidly say this in additional to any verbal component: "This spell has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals."
@nitsua60 Well, and area of darkness in 5e is heavily obscured. That's one of the examples they provide for heavy obscurement
@nitsua60 I always used to laugh at this in Splinter Cell (it's a video game that revolves around sneaking in the shadows), where you can stand in a shadow in the middle of a corridor that's otherwise well-lit and be effectively invisible to anyone looking through the corridor. Even though naturally they should see one's silhouette.
...not to mention the glowing trifocal goggles and that little patch on Sam's back, but I'm ok with hand-waving those as player aids :P
Shadows attack humans because darkness spells are actually just dead Shadows, robbed from their Shadow graves.
@Adam Yeah, that's the problem. Because you and I have both experienced mundane darkenss, and having mundane darkness between my eyeballs and a brightly lit area does not stop me from seeing things in that brightly lit area. But in D&D the mundane darkness obscures anything on the other side.
@CM_Dayton [stars for addition to headcanon]
So if the spell had just been "obscurement" or "blackness" rather than "darkness" we wouldn't have this clash. Currently the darkeness spell creates darkness, and then to achieve the effect the spell wants, we have to have a rule elsewhere that (all) darkness obscures things. Which is nutso, given our experience with darkness.
@nitsua60 And likewise, being in darkness doesn't prevent ourselves from seeing light. In fact, it often makes it easier.
I mean, I put up with a lot from my game engine, but this is one I've just thrown my hands up at.
Case in point, one-way mirrors :)
Or windows in general I guess.
@nitsua60 actually this was errata'd. If you are in total obscurement, you are not blind, only things in the area cannot be seen
(I houserule that everyone can see everything at all times, unless magically or physically impeded, until someone comes up with a workable "Light and Vision" replacement.)
@nitsua60 Yeah, I would ignore the obscure rule except when using magical darkness.
@Szega [double-take] whaa-aaa?
@nitsua60 "A heavily obscured area doesn’t blind you, but you are effectively blinded when you try to see something obscured by it. " Errata v1.0
@nitsua60 True, from a strict reading of the rules that's what we can gather. But I also think that the system expects you to use some common sense if you see something contained within that seems contradictory.
@Szega Right, but the errata doesn't fix the notion that an area of darkness between you (holding torch) and me (in darkness) obscures you.
@Adam In my experience, common sense is one of those feats no one ever takes.
afk a bit. Have fun!
@nitsua60 no, it only "kinda blinds" you in regards to things inside the obscurement
@CM_Dayton Well that's because "common sense" isn't actually "common". But I do believe that if you come across something in the system that feels wrong or contradictory to you, that 5e explicitly tells you "Yes! change it! do whatever you want. It's your game"
Or just get a Staff of Swarming Insects and create a Heavily Obscured area for everyone but you.
Yeah. I totally agree with the "fix our problems when your table needs that."
As a player and a GM, having a sensible general rule is still preferable. Whether as a houserule or as an official one.
I'm just not sure how I'd formulate it.
"Creatures and objects inside a dark area are considered invisible for creatures that don't have a way to see in darkness, eg infravision." would fix the "darkness blocks LOS" problem, but would still leave the "silhouette problem" open. Maybe that needs a ", unless..."
If you grant everyone permanent invisibility the matter of silhouettes sort of solves itself. That is, unless you hard-science the question of how an invisible person can see, given that their eyes are invisible too.
@CM_Dayton Obviously the invisibility spell includes a supernatural sense enhancement to one's body.
Your cells somehow interfere with the photons as they pass through you or something.
@CM_Dayton In quake, invisibility power-ups would cause you to be totally invisible, except for your eyes.
Let's not enter the Invisibility issues again :)
@NautArch Wh<at, Invisibility with the Invisible Spell metamagic feat? XD
@Zachiel So meta.
So the build server starts working after everyone else left and I'm about to leave too. Guess I'll work late today now that I got the chance...
@kviiri RUN AWAY! Sneak out now! Pretend no one told you the build server is working. Ignorance is your friend. Trust in ignorance. The computer is your friend. Trust the computer.
@CM_Dayton But I wanna see if my fix works ;_;
that's rough.
I think the build server chose me... it waited patiently until I was the only one at the office.
cant do 4d6 more than once in the roll room :(
LOL. But if it works, you have additional work? And if it doesn't, you definitely have additional work.
That's for monday, not today.
<--- 20+ year IT worker. Nothing good happens on Friday. Ever. Trust me.
@CM_Dayton If it works, I have peace of mind over the weekend!
@kviiri peace of mind? That's why we have rum.
@CM_Dayton I have a bottle of white wine at my desk, but I try to cut back on casual drinking.
...not to imply I intend to increase my serious drinking. I hardly ever do that either.
What was the quote from a TV ad I saw last night? "I haven't been Saturday-drunk on a Thursday since last week!"
One of the annoying local hit songs here is about a five-day drinking streak, and speaks of "the night between Tuesday and Sunday".
5-day binge drinking... oh that's a bad idea. There's no alcohol worth THAT hangover
(granted, the generation preceding had a similar hit-song about a two-week drinking streak, but at least it was more somber in tone)
says the guy with nostalgia tinted glasses
...(which is why I cannot properly roleplay dwarves)
@CM_Dayton The song's title directly translates to "Motherf'n hangover" :P
Anyway, of my three RPG parties, the one that plays most often has a usual habit of taking a beer or two to "lube up the imagination", and while that little alcohol isn't really a health risk or anything, when such little rituals start accumulating it will be.
New house rule: "Players must drink on any critical failure rolls." and possible future house rule "...and on any critical success rolls."
@CM_Dayton I should only really roleplay dwarves. We had a fight against a mastodontic dragon "yesternight" and he died with a roar that caused the cavern to crumble. First thing I did, pick up my costy metamagic rod I dropped earlier during combat.
Monday, RPG beers. Tuesday, student org's planning night with a glass or two. Wednesday, software release celebration with wine at work. Thursday, other RPG party and more beer. Friday, friday beers at work. Saturday, sauna beer. Etc. I like beer but I'm not comfortable with the idea of being forced by habit to drink more than I actually want to.
...too bad even slightly tipsy players are occasionally really hard to deal with when sober oneself :P
@kviiri I am reminded of a trick I learned in college, when someone would hand me a glass with really bad, cheap, booze in it: walk around with the glass all night, but move around enough that people don't realize it's the same glass. You don't have to actually drink its contents.
New feature deployed! Praying for the best!
@CM_Dayton That won't work. I drink out of boredom without thinking about it. (not just booze, anything)
I can't keep a cup of anything, it just disappears when I forget to concentrate on not-drinking.
It happens especially fast when I concentrate on something else, am hyped or something. I guess I just like imbibing of liquids :P
@kviiri steer clear of gasoline!
@kviiri I first read it that that is the new feature: praying for the best :)
@Szega That's what I read it as too
@Zachiel I must now point you to the pinned quote to the right: "fire certainly is interesting" by Ben.
@Szega Well, much like praying for the best, my feature doesn't work, so kinda? :P
anyway, with the feature not working I guess it's weekend for me and fixing on Monday.
@CM_Dayton it must be pinned too low for my screen resolution
"3 Fire certainly is interesting - 1d ago by Ben ▼"
1 hour later…
Neat. Just saw a mearls answer that high level Charisma casters could prep before a big caster fight with Glibness and pretty much counterspell anything guaranteed.
Considering you only get one 8th level spell, or two if you cast the second at 9th level, I think that's a fair buff if you have the forethought to use it. Plus your counterspells can still be countered as usual, so it isn't really like it's unbalancing too much
Or foresight?
@nitsua60 I chose my words carefully for just that reason :)
very true
assuming the table allows original casters to counterspell a counterspell
Fought an archmage+archdruid combo once: the archdruid cast *foresight on the archmage first round. We dropped the druid pretty quickly, but that archmage came as close as anything to rekking us.
@nitsua60 jiminy. That's a tough fight. And I thought last night's 4 efreeti was hard to deal with.
@NautArch If they dont, then I would just stick in some apprentices with any boss mage fight whose real sole purpose is "sit around and cast counterspell/dispel magic"
E1: 3 clubs.
E2: pass
[adventurers enter]
E3: I *wish* we could just get through one game of bridge without being interrupted!
[adventurers banished to randomly-chosen planes]
E1: it's still your bid.
E3: oh, sorry. I'll go 3 notrump.
E4: [sighs] pass.
nitsua will be here all day folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress and try the veal!
@nitsua60 And yes, there two long "bridges" on the map :P
@nitsua60 that reminds me of one reason why I hate OSR published modules... Let me hand you this pretty dungeon full of monsters -- monsters that never wander out and eat each other (or anything else), never leave spoor or messes, and just wait, idly by, for your PCs to show up.
(by OSR I mean old 1st edition AD&D )
@CM_Dayton do the new editions NOT have that same problem? or even most tables?
I haven't bought a module since 2e. And those modules were (usually) above ground, so my experience is fairly limited. I am rarely a fan of published adventures...
@CM_Dayton I've never actually played a published and we don't really do dungeons.
I didn't use to hate them, back then. But in high school I went on an overnight spelunking trip. After that, I realized how horribly unrealistic those dungeon maps were. It wasn't a long stretch to start (finally) observing the absurdity of the monsters too.
I was going to say we don't incorporate that in ours, but it's mostly because when we encounter monsters, they haven't been just sitting around waiting.
@NautArch Did you start DMing with a self-written adventure then? Or have you not DMed so far?
Well, obviously the monsters were caught unawares while playing DBAs and CPAs.
@ACuriousMind self-written
Huh, I think I definitely needed the experience of playing adventures written by others to figure out what I actually wanted from my own adventures
@ACuriousMind I can definitely see that. I've mostly been figuring it out as I've gone along and watched others in my group DM.
For me, understanding what the table likes took more time than understanding what I want. And parsing the two :)
Imagine you were part of a small group (8ish) of Lizardmen who suddenly found themselves teleported to a foreign land, with lots of plains and forests. What would you need?
Food. Shelter. Lizardwomen to expand our new empire. The usual.
shade :)
Probably a body of water, depending on the variety of lizardpeople
given the description of lizardfolk in Volos, it doesn't seem like they'd need much. They can survive hostile environments, so as long as there is food to be found, they'll find it, eat it, and kill it. Eating each other until then.
A decent body of water might be a good one. Food I would assume they can hunt for themselves, even if the animals are very different.
I'm trying to think of a sidequest they can give PCs
I feel like this is the setup for a Doctor Who episode...
Water I think will work well, since it can be guarded by elementals or fey, which the lizardpeople wouldn't be adept at dealing with
Any DM here ran sunless citadel with his group before, preferably 5e? If so, did you use the two exits that were there towards regions of the Underdark or did you do something to keep those exits for later? I would like to run the sunless citadel but I think my PCs would instantly run towards those exits and I don't (yet) have anything useful I want to place there.
@Secespitus I ran through it pretty recently, but my players didn't really use any of the underdark access points. They never went into the room where the kobolds were getting in, nor were they particularly inclined to go to the area where the goblins came in either
@Adam Interesting. My players always try to search every corner, twice peferably.
My players are absolutely paranoid that any sound or area of darkness is a shadow dragon rearing up to kill them, so they tend to take the least risk possible
@Adam Have you considered having them actually be stalked by a shadow dragon for a bit? (So they know what that's like and may be less paranoid in the future)
Y'know, apply their fears directly to the forehead?
@Delioth The "it's not paranoia if there really is a dragon" approach?
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