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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword with email in body: How to get your love back by phyllis hardy on rpg.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Can I substitute a d3 with a d6? by Vladislav Yakov on rpg.SE
It's summer, and the spam is swarming?
I LIVE (kind of)
have had a cold/flu/virus thing for the last week. back at work but unlikely to last the day
Reconstituted Adeptus! Just add water! You won't be able to tell the difference!
Water, and meds. Truckloads of meds.
am on antibiotics & decongestants
Hot tea with honey/lemon/ginger.
Tackles dehydration, inflammation, indigestion, and sore throat all at once.
(And if you use local honey, it also helps with allergies!)
@AugnarRoinstoff You're going to be starting at level one, and are going to play for 5-6 of RL hours? but those 5-6 RL hours are equivalent to 4-5 in-game days? How heavily is combat sprinkled on during those days? Because, by my experience, you should get to level 2 after 1 in-game day of adventure or roughly 3-4 hours of play. It would be safe to assume your PCs will reach 2nd-level to face the final boss.
*sigh* aaand another note accredited to BESW.
@Papayaman1000 It hasn't been subject to rigorous clinical testing, but it's reasonable to believe unpasteurized honey acts like a kind of live-culture vaccine against allergies to the plants the bees visited to make the honey. So local honey from free-ranging bees offers resistance to a variety of local allergens.
Local honey tends to be rather expensive though, even for honey, so I don't use it for all my honey needs.
We got some local honey recently, I might have to eat more of it. (bought a jar from the beekeepers association at a market day). There's also an off-the-shelf brand that I think is produced locally.
To be fair, there's also reasonable arguments against local honey as an anti-allergen, but from what I've read it's mostly a matter of scope and debunking it as a "magic cure" rather than a mild boost to specific resistances.
It's obviously not a very controlled dosage, which can have its own problems.
It also depends on what you're allergic to; some common allergies are to plants that bees probably don't visit. But I can't argue too hard with anything that convinces me to support local beekeeping.
(Seriously, support local beekeeping. It's literally an apocalypse-aversion measure.)
hey again @Papayaman1000 and hey there @daze413
@AugnarRoinstoff cont... there are some cool demons you can throw at a presumably 2nd-level party. Personally, I would go for a Shadow Demon (MM 64). It's in the deadly range for the PCs, but that's a good thing because it gives you something to work towards: letting the PCs find out its weakness, get an item that can help them (or be creative themselves), like a scroll of daylight or a Gem of Brightness (DMG 171), to even the odds.
It rewards the PCs for thinking and trying to find a weakness in an otherwise too-difficult-to-handle encounter.
@Shalvenay ohai! Am going in and out with posting a link to my discord channel where stackfolk can join in playing in my modified west marches game
@daze413 ah, that'd be more than welcome here :) 5e I take it, or?
@BESW, I find that most old-wives tales have nuggets of truth in them that were more useful before Scientific Medicine overwhelmed the field with more broadly and potently useful techniques.

Which is to say, dig into them, as the ones that are right are often better prevention tools than what science has given us so far because science has been laser-focused on cures, rather than prevention.
Yeah, I'd rather call that sort of thing something less dismissive and sexist, like traditional medicine.
@Shalvenay yep. I wanna basically introduce another party to compete against my RL party
oftentimes, traditional tools can be distilled into more useful stuff by judicious application of the scientific method
or even repurposed
make it harder... better... faster... stronger
who'd have thunk that atropine would turn out to be a lifesaving drug?
@BESW Our school's started up a colony this year; my kids and I have some small responsibility of seeing them safely through the summer unti lour apiary students come back =\
Translating traditional medicine into modern medicine does, however, often wind up leaving us reliant on responsive, rather than proactive, health practices.
We haven't figured out yet how to balance it all out.
@nitsua60 Awesome.
(I know someone who knows ginger tea is better at settling his stomach than calcium carbonate tablets, and that calcium carbonate interferes with processing his other medication, but he still prefers to pop the pills because psychologically it feels more like medicine.)
he needs some placebo pills he can wash down with ginger tea... or ginger tea pills?
...do they still make lifesaver holes?
I haven't seen them recently... but I haven't really looked
@BESW, I don't see how acknowledging the collected knowledge of our old women offends men's sensibilities. I must be missing something.
@BESW based on this article from 2 years ago, I'd say "no"
@Adeptus I saw that, yeah. Wikipedia says they're discontinued, without elaboration. I find references to a 1991 packaging recall...
@godskook Yup.
Don't know what those are, but the manufacturing process sounds so inefficient, is that why they discontinued it?
and how were you reminded of them? @BESW
@Adeptus You know what's really weird? Tums seem to be weirdly addictive.
@daze413 I think it's a joke... like "donut holes"
@daze413 It's a 90s marketing gimmick, not a description of how they were made. And I was reminded of them because they'd do very nicely as a placebo pill.
I also found a hilarious rumor about their discontinuation which furthers the false etymology of the Lifesaver candy.
maybe tic tacs? also, there's another thing that's similar to lifesaver holes, but I can't think what it's called... usually comes in a mix of colours
@Adeptus Donut holes are a thing
Like, I understand how donuts are made, but they sell little blobs of donut as "donut holes"
Or is that what you were implying the joke was
yeah, I'm saying lifesaver holes are the same idea
donut holes, I have learned to be not actual donut holes at an embarrassingly advanced age, thinking: "If there are that many donut holes, then there should be an equal amount of donuts!" (which there weren't.
@daze413 Well, Lifesaver Holes are part of the same misinformation campaign.
Though technically, they should be called "Donut Dumps". In coin making, they part they punch out is called a "Coin Dump"
Nice alliteration, but I can see some marketing challenges.
2 days ago, by nitsua60
@JoelHarmon "groan" button next to "star" button.
OK, I'm finally getting enough courage to let more people into my modified-west marches game of Darkest Dungeons and Dragons 5e, playable through play-by-voicechat in Discord. Here's the chat-message limit elevator pitch:

_The PCs are mercenaries hired by a mysterious well-paying nobleman to clear out his ancient family's estate, which has been overrun by eldritch horrors, cultists, brigands, abominations, and monstrosities. They must delve into the darkest regions of this noble's huge property, find the source of all this evil, and destroy it, if they can._
The schedule is flexible, but will most likely be between 10:00 to 16:00 GMT+0 on weekdays, and more flexible on weekends. The game will focus on (in decreasing order): combat, exploration, and roleplaying. Since this is Westmarches, anyone can come and go as they please, with up to 6 of players able to play in one session, which will span from 3 to 5 hours. To join, enter this discord server: discord.gg/pRvXY8 . And wait around for more instructions for char creation :) See you!
@BESW I believe we have found a way to re-star things we feel deserve more than one star per person :P
@daze413 I'm interested. Just to confirm, that's 8pm AEST, right?
If that's what your offering, of course
@Ben I think AEST is also GMT+8, so that should be 6PM to 12 PM?
@daze413 GMT +10
I'm usually pretty good with math. Except timezones
@Ben ahh, hmm... google said +8. So, yes, 10 PM for you
Timezones are terrible
@daze413 That's Western Australia.
I live in QLD
it doesn't help that the stack doesnt keep its own time, as I understand. If it did, I could just say "X:00 stack server time, then we can have something in common to look at.
Which doesn't follow Daylight Savings, either.
"AEDST" is what everywhere else use. Since America got confused when we were still using "EST", we had to step up to "AEST", and because Queensland says that Daylight Savings is dumb, they stepped up to AEDST
@daze413 Also, 8pm. Not 10. Lol
@Ben Time Math is hard. :/
Is it daylight savings? Is it a leap year? Was it a new moon last night? so many questions!
@daze413 And what about travelling. Which way are you travelling? East or West?
@Ben Forward.
And you also have to account for leap seconds.
@Miniman How very progressive of you
20 mins ago, by BESW
2 days ago, by nitsua60
@JoelHarmon "groan" button next to "star" button.
@Miniman It seems I'm full of them today
So, for this month's weird dream input:
It starts with a galactic-sized version of Alien, latching itself to the Hull of the US Enterprise. After 20 daunting minutes of crashing into asteroids to try and shake it off, they finally managed to dislodge it. It was all very cinematic.
Cut to my parents backyard, where this thing lands. It immediately runs off into the bush to recover, and sends in waves of Aliens to try and kill us. Using the weirdest set of rapid-fire-staple-gun-Uzis I have ever seen, we managed to stem the flow of the horde.
By now, the Brood Mother returns. Only, it decided to shed its skin, reveling it's true self:
A Texas-Chainsaw-Massacre version of David Hasselhoff.
He refused to die. After running out of stapler bullets, we had to beat him to death, impaling him, seemingly forcing every single drop of blood from his body, and only then did he stop moving.
the aliens represent your childhood, and david hasselhoff represents your fear of commitment. (I am spouting BS, btw)
Which one of these is it polite to star? Is it rude to star all of them at once?
Sleeping is most definitely getting stressful
@JuneShores as a summary you can star that one ^
Cool cool.
@SevenSidedDie you have inspired me to purchase a new rainbow dice set
@Ben … Is that just a set with multiple colours of dice (nice), or is that a set where each die is multiple colours (NICER)?!
@SevenSidedDie The latter
Definitely the latter
@Ben how have I not heard of these before
I don't need more dice right now as of a minute ago put I believe that fact is now obsolete
I'm not even sure if there is something like that... But I want it
@Ben That is the best.
May 10 '16 at 21:41, by BESW
Hey, folks, this is your semi-yearly reminder that The room sidebar is intended to be a collaboratively created mini-timeline of interesting room events for people who don't have time to read the entire chat transcript for that particular room. Stars aren't "like" buttons, and if you star several things from a short period of chat it pushes the other cool stuff off too fast.
@Ben ...they look like Jell-O.
Thanks, @BESW!
@BESW I was looking through the posts "starred by me" and I would like to apologise I had/have that mentality. I blame Social media
@SevenSidedDie there you go
@Ben Are they the same? These look opaque, but the patterning is right. (Tho dat exchange rate… and shipping… ;.; )
Not the same ones from the image, no. Those were from etsy, and the user doesn't exist anymore :(
Good night, everybody.
@JuneShores Night
@Ben Aw. I bet those translucent rainbow dice would be amazing in sunlight. But those solid ones are very tempting, despite converting from British Imperial Paperweights to anemic Canadian plastic bills.
meta mini-Q: would this answer benefit from putting the actual kid's names in the quoted text?
or would it not matter? haha
@daze413 If you're suggesting using "bob" sand "dave" to help identify between the two?
@daze413 Oh, wait, you mean from the actual show
Cos I saw you put "Will" in there
@Ben no, I mean the actual kid's names in the show: Mike (the DM), Will, etc etc
@Ben what? where?
> DM: Can you find it yet?
Will: No, I can't find it!
I didn't put that there :) Yeah, it's weird he poster only put in Will as the proper name.
For reference, the names are Dustin (kid with no teeth) Mike (I believe he was the DM?) Lucas was the Black kid and Will
Oh, It's not your answer.
though going through the episode again to get who-said-what, will take a little time
See I have a thing where I jump to conclusions.
A lot.
I have that too! Twinsies!
@daze413 [perfectly synchronised handshake/high five]
I found a transcript but it doesn't have the names of who said it. :/
That's even less helpful lol
@KorvinStarmast check meta =)
All in all though I don't think it would really make that much of a difference. He's using it to demonstrate his point, rather than pointing out something specific within the conversation.
And even then, he's identified that each person has said one thing or another, so if he does refer to a specific line, we can still follow the discussion.
Unlike in the transcript you found
@Ben yeah, I think it's too much effort. If this were tv and movies SE, I think it would be ok.
Those guys helped me (surprisingly quickly!) with a Frasier scene that was bothering me.
[Something about how Frasier bothers everyone once in a while]
Also something wrong with the question: The first scene did present demogorgon as their enemy, so presumably he was a full health. But! They didn't actually kill demogorgon in one hit, IIRC, they killed the thessalhydra in one hit and only at the end of the season.
dangit, we need to do that TV series watching chat event! cc: @Miniman
@daze413 They didn't kill “the demogorgon” in one hit at the beginning, but they were talking about how they could but only if he rolled very well, and they were arguing about whether he should risk it or cast a different spell that would save them all. (And then the die rolled off the table and Nightmare Fuel leaked into their world before they got a chance to return to their game.) The idea being that the risk-aggression/safety-saving-friends dilemma is foreshadowing later events.
@daze413 It's been a while since I saw the series.
Also, if you want suspension of disbelief: The way they returned so easily to everyday life after the events of that series.
@SevenSidedDie IIRC and looking at the transcript, they didnt actually say it would kill the demogorgon.
@daze413 IIRC you recall right. :) Though it does in the last episode, and I think they imply it in the first? So it's just as well to assume that's what they mean in the first.
Because continuity.
@Ben I think levels of madness would be appropriate. Which, btw, the characters really showed well, I think. How Nancy changes from Miss-bends-the-rules-slightly-acting-out-teen, to break-a-lock-with-no-hesitation
@SevenSidedDie ok, but now the target is different. Im not sure how much HP the thessalhydra has, but should be lower than a demon prince :)
@daze413 No, I mean both the first and last episode they confront “the demogorgon”, and they're just re-doing the same fight/scene. IIRC the death of the thessalhydra is just setup for the trogs and “the demogorgon”.
@daze413 Someone else will have to set it up - I'm just not in a position to host anytime soon.
@daze413 I'm on a family vacation next week, but was thinking of trying to set up a time for the watch-party when I get back. (I don't want to be the only person hosting things, because that ties things to my schedule, but I also don't want to not host things that interest me.)
@nitsua60 That's when you suggest things.
Hey, someone should TOTALLY do (xyz) sometime soon!
@Ben I kinda recall writing a meta to that effect =)
Q: Purveyors of fine cheese!

nitsua60[modeled on this well-posed and highly ranked meta over at WB.SE] We've got some answers that've really gone above-and-beyond in answering rigorously and completely some superlative questions. And by "superlative" I don't mean that the questions are excellent, I just mean that they contain sup...

@TheOracle Well that was well timed
I thought it was the post @nitsua60 was referring to
@Ben No, but it is another meta I've written suggesting that other people do things to amuse me =)
@nitsua60 Just because you're a mod now doesn't mean you can force us to dance for your amusement
@Ben Implore? Entreat? Persuade?
Better. That implies the possibility of choice.
@nitsua60 Can we post our own question?
@Ben sure!
In which case I would like to put this question up for consideration: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/99161/can-pcs-create-a-mob
(I say "consideration" because I'm not too sure if it meets the quota)
@Ben if you think it's cheesy, I'd say go ahead and put it up there. And drop a line or two about what makes it cheese. Perhaps, through assembling this list, we'll end up at some closer-to-common understanding of what people mean by the term =)
do closed questions count?
@TheOracle @nitsua60 I will never be able to post an answer to this question :(
@Miniman Why not?
@Ben There's a limit of one submission per user. So if I ever post an answer, it means any better, stinkier, cheese I find or remember I'm stuck not posting.
@Miniman Oh, the "what if something better comes along" conundrum
I submitted mine. No regrets
@daze413 You misspelled "RAGRETS"
"You just keep doing your thing, Strongman"
@Miniman @nitsua60 can we put comments on (whoa, deja vu) the question, on candidates of cheeses we found/remember, then maybe another user can pick among them? Or is that a bad idea?
nah, I think it's a bad idea
@Miniman off-topic, I was having some serious issues with the watchers last night, so I'm wondering if I should just re-start the game, and focus my build a little better, or just re-spec
horizon zero dawn?
@Ben The Watchers?
Dark Souls
I don't remember the watchers, where were they?
Oh, Abyss Watchers.
Yeah, that fight is a pain.
Currently running quality (balanced dex/str) and knight armour. Having serious issues. Rarely make it to round 2, and then just get destroyed
Them, Pontiff, and Nameless King are (IMO) the hardest fights in the trilogy. (Excluding DS2 and 3 DLC, cos I haven't played those yet.)
@Miniman DkS2 Iron King DLC is just ridiculous
@Ben By the time I had gotten partway through SotFS, given up, and played through DS2, I was too fed up to think about DLC, and honestly I just didn't enjoy 2 enough to go back and play all the way through to try out the DLC.
@Miniman Yeah, 2 wasn't the best in the series. It just got a bit too much by the end of it
DS1, on the other hand, I've beaten several times, and it never gets old.
I remember taking days to get through that fight, took a week off, then returned and beat it.
And I am going to beat 3 again, probably with the DLC, but it'll have to wait until my living situation improves.
@daze413 It's funny how that works sometimes.
I remember cheesing something about that fight, too... Something about exploiting how the AI keep attacking each other
@Miniman what happened with your living situation? (if it's ok to ask)
The even weirder one for me is how, sometimes, your first run at a boss will be the best one you ever have.
@daze413 Nothing bad - just not favourable for anything beyond the most casual of gaming.
Which reminds me, even if it's of no relevance to anyone:
Killing Floor 2 brought back the HSG from the original game, and it's amazeballz, and I'm super happy about it.
@Miniman I love Dark Souls 1 so much
I had a friend start playing 3, after playing 1 and ragequitting hardcore (like nearly putting the controller through the screen) several years ago.
I suggested going back and playing it again
@daze413 Yeah that's my current mentality. Realx, breathe, re-think, then re attempt
@Ben It's really interesting to me - 3 is a much harder game than 1, but much more beginner-friendly. Which makes 0% sense.
toughest fight in the trio, for me, is the smelter demon - in DS2. Maybe it was the choice of weapons and build as a mace cleric, but that fight was HARD.
@Miniman Very true
@daze413 I ran DkS 2 as a Pyro Greatsword tank
@daze413 That's the guy in the Iron Keep who hurts you as long as you're near him, right?
@Miniman Yeah. Sets his sword, then himself on fire after certain damage tiers
I even rank it higher than Ornstein and Smough (braces for rotten tomato) :(
I just went straight damage race for him. Nothing fancy, just continual wailing and estus until he went down.
@daze413 For me he was pretty easy (though considering the build I had probably explains that).
@daze413 No tomatoes from me - O&S just aren't as hard as most people seem to think.
For me, Pontiff and Nameless King are the hardest fights in the trilogy.
Oops, I already said that.
O&S are probably my favourite fights from the entire series
And Artorias
Artorias is a really awesome fight once you understand it.
Before that, it's just a crazy beatdown.
oh oh, the right hand thing? blew my mind
@Miniman That's what my friend suggested about the Watchers. I disagree
@daze413 Right hand thing?
@Ben The Watchers is...weird. Really, really weird.
Kalameet. And Manus. Top hated fights so far
@Miniman It's just chaos and stunlocks
@Ben Sometimes you'll literally be able to sit there and watch the watchers. Gets you all the way to the second stage for free.
Yup. Did that once.
@Ben In the game, Artorias uses his right hand, right? because the left hand is crippled, he only has his right hand left.
Then just got flattened
you following? XD
@daze413 Oh, right, yeah.
But... so does everyone?
but, there is evidence, if you watch closely (I forget exactly where), that Artorias is LEFT handed, so he's basically fighting you with his off-hand, at a serious disadvantage
@daze413 That was a theory put forward from the box art
In the game he uses his right hand, but the box art depicts a character with the sword in their left hand
The theory that this is Artorias is based on the shield
@Ben So, this really exemplifies the difference between DS1 bosses and DS3 bosses. Kalameet and Manus are both brutal. But their moves are big, and there's only a few of them, and they do have different telegraphs once you know what to look for. But Pontiff and the Nameless King both have lots of small, fast, subtly different moves, with weird timing.
So, personally, I find that I can learn DS1 bosses, and if I get hit by a move it's because my execution was off.
But in DS3, I'm generally improvising everything, and I get hit a lot. But individual moves do a lot less damage, so a combination of luck and estus gets me through.
@Miniman I think my current problem is that this is still my first run-through. My first build is usually always way off-base. I know what I want, but I don't know what I can use, so I just work with what I do know, and end up just bloating my stats, using the wrong gear, and I just end up being... clunky
@Ben Gotta admit, I certainly wouldn't recommend quality build on your first playthrough.
@Miniman Which is exactly what I did lol. Using the Longsword and Knight Starter Gear.
@Ben If you find you're stuck, I do have some suggestions - there's at least one build I know of which gets massive damage for basically no stat investment.
@Miniman Well I was thinking of re-speccing. But the fact that I've been running around hollowed for the first half of the game, and just creating this bloated character, I just feel like I've done it wrong. (Not that it's technically possible to, but you know what I mean). I had an Idea of what I wanted to do, but with no idea of what the game had to offer, I missed so much.
So I think it's probably better to just re-start and focus on doing my build properly.
@daze413 Have you seen the alternate boss fight scene for Sif if you fight Artorias first?
@Ben In-universe, it's based on you having rescued Sif in the Abyss first.
@Miniman I've still done that without rescuing Sif
@Ben played DS1 in Xbox, so no Artorias for me :/
@Ben Yep, I know the actual trigger is the Artorias fight. I mean from a lore perspective.
@daze413 There's the DLC for it. And you can get the game with the DLC as a purchase for the console. Cos I played it on Xbox too
@Miniman That doesn't make sense though?
@Ben Huh. I always heard Artorias wasa PC-only fight, so I kinda just forgot about it. Neat. Don't think I can go back to playing DS1 though
@Ben Why not?
Well A) cos it doesn't match up with the actual in-game trigger, and B) I dunno, I always thought that he recognised Artorias' scent on you, hence his reaction.
If Sif recognised the Undead's scent, I dunno, he'd probably still be like "oh it's you. Ah well"
@daze413 Aww come one... Why not? Haha
@Ben Not just scent - you're a pretty distinctive guy, after all!
@Ben Ah, Fashion Souls.
@Ben The old xbox 360's CD spin speed is getting slow, and getting it to run any game is a real chore :/
@daze413 What about the NeoGeo?
(Or whatever the Sega console was that used discs)
@daze413 But then again that's partially why Xbox gives the option to install a game
@Ben Can't recall now why we didn't do that. Or I think we did, but only partially? I don't know, my brothers did all the tinkering with it
@daze413 I just remember loving it once I installed it. Everything went so fast!
"Aww I'm going so fast - AW F***!"
@Ben When I see some particularly egregious starring, I'll often wait an hour or three and then quietly cancel all but the most representative or most starred line in a conversation.
(Especially if the stars I'm cancelling are on my own lines.)
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, May 16 at 16:02, by nwp
if the single stars on the right are yellow you did it wrong
it actually happened to me too, for the only star I gave in this room yet -.-
@Ben I put in an order! …and got another set for a friend whose birthday is coming up, plus a few one-off dice that would make neat/cute gifts… and a type of d7 I don't have yet… 💸
@BESW You heard it here, folks. BESW eats stars.
PSA: Saturday the 17th of June, tomorrow, is a Free RPG Day. See if your FLGS participates, get some free stuff, and support them if you wish.
@Magician Sadly, the Finder can't even find Guam.
@BESW That's because it's not real.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title, +1 more: greentheorygarcinia.com/nuavive-derma/ by jackiejon on rpg.SE
@SmokeDetector "Nuavive Derma" would be a good incantation for a cure-light-wounds type spell.
@SmokeDetector More importantly, Smokey, stop interfering with my quest for the Marshal badge! I'd have it by now if it wasn't for you meddling kid!
@SevenSidedDie I'm glad I was wake to inspire a spending spree haha
@BESW well it's good to know it can be managed then.
@Ben Well, I mean. This is the only chat I've ever seen that didn't treat stars as a thumbs-up button. So obviously it's doesn't (usually?) trigger a catastrophic failure of the system.
But we seem to (generally) prefer keeping stars as a Special Sometimes Treat rather than devaluing them with overuse.
...yes. Stars are a special treat. Wouldn't want to overindulge. Brazenly Eats Stars Whole.
yeah if I was getting stars every time I said something I wouldn't value the times I got 6 very highly anymore
May 7 '13 at 14:23, by Problematic
@MadTux another thing you should know: if @BESW ever achieves total dominance of the starred comments sidebar, he'll ascend to deityhood and consume us all with glorious fire in the process.
hey now, someone just did that to be cheeky
I think in truth for me it's sort of a half/half, sort of. Sometimes it's a "like" reaction, but mostly it's a "interesting" reaction. I think actually maybe the comment invite system also confuses it a little? You would probably state that the intention for the comment invites is the sane thing, but people often use it for funny things as well.
I'm not sure what you mean "comment invite system."
@Ben You mean comment upvotes, I think, rather than invites?
I see I have to do this again
@Miniman That would make more sense, yes.
@Miniman yes. Auto-correct is not on my side
Also same* not sane
> Auto-correct to right of @Ben,
Auto-correct to left of @Ben,
Auto-correct in front of @Ben
@BESW Would also have expected a tree beard "nobody is on my side" joke
@BESW lol
@BESW Here I am, stuck in the muffin with @Ben
@Magician hahaha
I will give auto-correct kudos on one feint though: I need to tone down my swearing for my daughter. Auto-correct is the best way to manage that.
Ducking shut. Front* not feint
Auto-correct can tone the feint out of your sane invite.
I have a tablet which does not want me to talk about RPGs.
Feb 24 '16 at 5:34, by BESW
What I'm trying to type: weretigers. What autocorrect prefers: wiretappers.
Jun 19 '15 at 11:29, by BESW
Autocorrect just changed "chargenning" to "chagrinning."
Autocorrect is of the demons. I do apologize.
Honestly though when I'm on my phone, the auto-correct fails I do have are far less severe than what usually happens. My phone like to jump to conclusions and starts go NY g no roundabouts America if spoon rewards
2 hours later…
Character aspect: I'm good at ignoring stuff!
Hmm. Would Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead be better paired with Henry's Crime or Stranger than Fiction?
I have no idea
@BESW also, I feel like we already knew that about Unity
@trogdor Yeah, that was definitely "new plot arc so jam in reminders of relephant character traits" dialog. But that's how we get good aspects!
this is fair
2 hours later…
@Miniman mmmm... cheese for breakfast =)
@nitsua60 Maybe questions don't need a cheese tag...but answers? Also love that change back to Infinity.
@NautArch Thanks!
@Miniman although the other cheese answer is actually pretty interesting. The ranger/fighter is a crazy horde destroying machine.
@NautArch Gotta be honest - if it ws me, I'd've restricted the question to attacks against a single target. No point in hundreds of attacks if you can't use them against the BBEG.
@Miniman Yeah, I added a piece kind of about that to the start of my answer.
@NautArch I find your answer to be the most useful. Especially considering the context of the question. The others are neat as far as thought experiments go.
@Adam Me too - I definitely consider it to be the real answer.
@Adam I think the querent was going for useful :)
i'll stop there to Be Nice.
@Miniman, I feel like the use-case precludes taking an infinite amount of time to prepare for a given combat. And as a side point, do 5e hydra extra-heads fall off over time like in 3.5?
@godskook Nah.
? 1 word answers to multi-pointed comments are hard to parse.
Nah, 5e hydras' heads do not fall off over time.
They knew Hydra Polymorph was broken in 3.5, and they made it WORSE for 5e
[face/palm] What happens if a hydra gets leprosy?
@godskook If my bard stays alive to level 9 spells, i know what i'm picking up!
@godskook sammiches hydra heads for everyone!
@godskook Regular old polymorph only lets you turn into a beast, but a hydra is a monstrosity. I think you would need true polymorph if you wanted to be a hydra.
@Miniman is there a polymorph method in 5e that's of sufficient duration to use for your trick?
@godskook True Polymorph is permanent, fortunately.
@Adam, in 3.5, I'll be honest, I forget what 4th+ Polymorph spells do specifically after determining that they're all too busted to allow in a real game as-is. I'm sloppy, and just say "polymorph" to refer to all of them.
@Miniman Only if you concentrate on it for the whole duration.
@Adam Yep.
How hard is it to make an infinite number of concentration checks against 25 damage?
In 5e
Well, damage during concentration still provokes a concentration check, right?
@godskook Nah, once you concentrate for an hour, it's permanent, no concentration required.
@godskook Yep, although you'd probably get someone else to cast it on you anyway.
Ah, Animorphs rules.
at higher levels, inspiring leader is a pretty great feat (if you've got short rest classes in your party that your DM gives short rests to :) )
@godskook If you had 20 con (+5 to saves), +6 proficiency bonus, and proficiency in Con Saves, you could never fail that check. The DC is 12 for 25 damage, so with +11 you could never fail
@Adam If you're casting level 9 spells, getting more than 25 damage is quite likely.
@NautArch Yes, but @godskook asked about 25 damage, so that was the target to shoot for.
The recent See Invisibility question got me thinking of a concept: a dungeon you can only safely navigate by having one person who can See Invisible and another who cannot. There are hidden walls and bridges and walkways, but being able to see through those (because they're still invisible to you) lets you see other important things, like instructions and signals.
@doppelgreener Nice, very Zelda.
Yeah, now that you mention it :D
@doppelgreener I've done that. The dungeon was made of mirrors -- floor, wall, ceilings, all smooth mirrors. But when you use See Invisibility, you see eldritch clues scrawled on these mirrors which tell you how to get out (also you see the ghosts of all those who've failed, just wandering the halls).
It's not an exact incarnation of your idea though. The guys without See Invisibility couldn't really do much.
@doppelgreener I'm not... seeing what the sighted part of the pair does?
@nitsua60 For example, you write an important clue on the botom of an invisible bridge.
The guy with See Invisibility can't see it, because he can see the bridge in the way.
Ahh... gotcha.
Or there's an invisible wall, and on the other side are signals as to when or how it's safe to move through a room. You can only see the signals if you can't see the invisible wall. The guy with See Invisibility sees the wall in the way and would never realise they're there.
@doppelgreener that's a very cool idea. Never thought about a potential repercussion of See Invisibility
@markovchain I may steal this :) Although, I'm not sure any of the other PCs have See Invisibility.
@markovchain that's pretty flavoursome. i like it.
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