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(Which strikes me as a risky pastime pasttime way to amuse oneself.)
@nitsua60 [help]
@BESW Hmm... a third comment just feels like I'd be spamming the poor guy. That's not my favorite past[t]ime.
On the other hand, "Sucker-Punching Metallica" would be a great name for a one-hit wonder.
@BESW lolfigsl!
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here--actually, I have to go meet with a client soon.
the only reason the characters in the show were calling the monster a Demogorgon was because they were kids who were playing a game in which one showed up
they were thinking of monsters being Demogorgon's at the time
at least as far as that, it kinda made sense
And primarily opinion-based wins! Congratulations, winners!
the actuall connection to D&D was basically non-existent XD
Mmm. It's that kind of sloppy reading which gets me downvotes on scifi.se when I say Dumbledore isn't as powerful a wizard as everyone says.
@BESW Yeah, I mean he basically just fell on top of that Balrog.
@nitsua60 Charming fellow.
@SevenSidedDie I missed the comment--based on the reaction I wish I'd been there to see it =\
well, half wish I had anyway
@SevenSidedDie Did you somehow dissociate him in the process?
there is a certain allure to not seeing an acidic hostile reaction to someone simply trying to help you
@trogdor yes, this.
@nitsua60 Given the comment, I just nuked the account. It was the charmingly succinct “**** YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
@trogdor Oops, sorry. :)
@SevenSidedDie I don't know about succinct. He could have held back on some of those U's =)
@SevenSidedDie no big deal, like I said, I only half wish I had seen it
@trogdor Apropos that you got to see only half of it. ;)
Eh, that's actually pretty anticlimactic. Note to jackasses: PUT SOME FRIGGIN' EFFORT INTO YOUR INSULTS!
I don't think I saw any of it
unless I repressed it REALLY fast
@nitsua60 Inorite? At least it made it clear how little they cared about their question / account here.
(Makes me glad I didn't go back and waste the effort on shoehorning a [help] link into there...)
@SevenSidedDie , oh, unless you mean this was literally it XD
@trogdor Yup. ^^
ook then
You got to see the part I didn't star-out.
I was a little confused as to what you meant for a moment
I am sometimes clear as mud. v.v
well I am not always that perceptive sooo
@Shalvenay I don't think I've got it in me tonight--drained after a long afternoon on the water. Tomorrow or Saturday work?
@nitsua60 Saturday will have to be during the day
That could work; depends on weather.
Sorry, buddy.
(I've also got one kid with a stomachache and one with a fever, so the responsible part of me realizes I should head to bed now to tank up for the inevitable mid-night commotions.)
I hope they get better soon
@trogdor Thanks. It may be nothing, but it will be getting up a few times to check in on them.
seems like a good idea to me
TIL: Spielberg and Lucas each thought the other's of Close Encounters and Star Wars would perform better, so swapped 2.5% stakes as a "bet". Even with Speilberg's subsequent record, I've gotta wonder if that 2.5% of SW outperforms everything else! (source)
Look guys I made an inspirational image! ARE YOU NOT INSPIRED?! (Also, it's a caterpillar, but poetic license.) https://t.co/yEMcZeCNuf
@nitsua60 I'm really not sure what Taran saw in him, anyway.
@BESW Probably his performance in that wizard's duel with Mad Madam Mim.
@BESW I'm shocked. Shocked, I say(!)
Apparently you're not the only one.
@BESW yes, I do like this thing
@BESW catching up for today, re: local hot pepper identification. Did you try asking cooking.se for help on that one?
Nah, if I'm really interested I'll go ask Ag.
(Also, Seasoned Advice and I have... history.)
Between their chat not being very vegetarian-friendly and my coming down on the less popular side of The Coffee Debate, I'm not really comfortable over there.
Coffee debate?
@BESW I don't know why this makes me so happy but it does
@nitsua60 just stumbled on your "death saving throw chance" answer, and it makes me feel bad about my DW success question/answer. I could just as easily have suggested comparing probabilities and let you work them out in your head on your own.
@Ash When Coffee hit beta, there was a lot of hurt feelings over Seasoned Advice's taking it personally.
Some very vocal folks felt it was stealing their users, implying they were incompetent to talk about coffee, etc.
Did the same thing happen with BWS?
@Ash Ursula Vernon is very good at hitting that particular emotional chord.
That's not it at all, though. I doubt that even made a dent in things.
@BESW I see that! :D
@Miniman bws?
Ah. I dunno, I was only active in Seasoned Advice for a short while.
Ah, fair enough.
And I also saw the spillover into Coffee, as a beta participant there.
BWS is an Australian retail chain of liquor stores owned by Woolworths Limited. BWS, is an acronym for Beer, Wine, Spirits. == Founding == BWS began operations in June 2001 as a local neighbourhood bottleshop. BWS is a brand of the Woolworths Liquor Group which also includes Dan Murphy's, Cellarmasters and Pinnacle Liquor. The Freestanding Liquor Division of Woolworths was distinguished from the former Woolworths Liquor and Safeway Liquor stores (Victoria), in that it stands alone from Supermarkets. The first BWS was opened in Cabramatta, New South Wales, the site of a Woolworths owned Mac's Liquor...
I... would not be very useful as a participant in Beer, Wine & Spirits.
@Adeptus Today in Reading Too Fast: "local neighbourhood battleship."
Okay, popping out to get lunch before the SDA counter closes. See you guys late tonight, probably.
hey @JoelHarmon and @Emrakul
@BESW Useful if your local neighbourhood is an island. Got to protect those neighbourhood borders...
@BESW you may well be a "useful participant" by asking thoughtful newbie questions, with the intent of learning things (even if you don't think you'll ever apply them)
@Shalvenay how are you?
@JoelHarmon doing alright here, as for you?
I've been volunteered to help with a wedding this weekend
@JoelHarmon probably will have to save any exercises for next week then I take it?
yeah, sorry
no worries man
although one quick question re: that if you don't mind....were you envisioning Leoj as more of a purist mage, more of an archer/sharpshooter, or more of a melee fighter?
@Shalvenay I didn't have much in mind for fighting ability, if any. The premise of the character was "haughty elf", so I threw in some random tricks of prestidigitation as seemed appropriate for a magic-based contrast to your science
@JoelHarmon nods if you want to switch out characters as well if we do the more...martially oriented version, that's cool by me
"Perseid, Aurora, and Noctilucent Clouds" would be a good name for an Enya cover band.
Monuments under attack by living slime. Bonus XP for using the phrase "...it doesn’t have a specific class alignment".
3 hours later…
In my Star Wars/Shadowrun game, two players had to leave due to moving away, and I got permission from them to murder their characters. Got a new guy in to replace one of them. I may have gone overboard describing their last stand, because by the time I got to "the guys who killed your buddies haven't seen you yet, do you want to get the drop on them?" they were already running away.
21 hours ago, by RollingFeles
yesterday, by BESW
The more TPK, the better.
the less context the better
Hah. It would have gone okay, I think. It was three versus three, and they had the element of surprise. It was a hit squad that had killed another party member previously, though, because the party was very disorganized at that time. I had expected them to see this as a chance for revenge. Oh well, the best laid GM plans.
Tonight's botch belongs to @BESW: In Which It’s My Fault I’m Alone.
We currently only have 2 more posts ready to go, which'll cover us for next week. Confess!! :D
I think my best botch was on a charisma roll, as a charisma character. I decided he started drooling on himself while talking.
We're after player (or GM) mistakes, rather than bad rolls as such. Everyone makes those...
Once I roleplayed dwarf grudge. My character remembered how party fellow called him stupid during hard fight and some time later he got his revenge. I asked this fellow to bend lower in order to hear something very important that could only be whispered in ear. Well, with such convinient position my dwarf hit that fellow in the face.
Player was offended and this act spoiled all his fun with dnd for session or two. And my actions(even harmless and good overall) irritated him. He was fed up and left the game.
Fortunately, we discussed this, he let the steam out and I apologized to him. We discussed some points that irritated us in each other and continued to play together.
Typical "my character would do this" way to ruin someone's fun.
I'm not sure if this botch story would be useful at all, since internet is full of articles about this.
There was this one time I actually prepared a story for Exalted. I ended up using maybe half a page of the prepared material, total.
@Fibericon And how many pages there were in total?
@RollingFeles Uh... seven.
@Magician ah, I had meant to post another yesterday, I can get it done today
well, post for review, technically "post" would mean I had already put it on the site, which is silly because overview/editing is a good thing XD
No rush :)
I have nothing better to do than to work on it at least
I won't try to promise it will be done today, but I am definitely going to start it XD
hmm, for some reason it keeps saying the draft is failing to save
is the title not supposed to exceed a certain length or something?
I dunno, maybe? The new post is definitely not saved, I'm not seeing it in the list.
I haven't posted it yet,.. or can you (read are you supposed to) see it while I am working on it?
I can see saved drafts.
maybe the title contains restricted symbols like < or / ?
I got rid of a -
and that didn't seem to help
and I shortened the Title
It's possible wordpress itself is having a hiccup.
certainly possible
Though I just made a test draft, and it worked fine.
copy the post somewhere else, like a local doc file just in case
then you can totally test it out in safety
@eimyr yep, already thinking of doing that :)
I am guessing I might need to re-log on
I'll try that
I've enjoyed reading these: rpgbotch.wordpress.com , I was disappointed when I realised there were only 4 so far, I look forward to seeing some more!
hopefully a lot of people will have things they can add
welp, that seems to have fixed it
@Matt it has only started
yeah, it has only been up for like, a day or two?
oh, maybe a little longer than that
it says your post is from near the end of June
@Matt but people around RPG.SE have some blogs of their own too - Magician, bankuei, SSD, mxyz, even I started one recently.
@trogdor It launched 2 days ago. The first post had been "published" when we had just started and the blog was private, then quickly un-published.
ah, ok XD
so it has indeed only been two days
so is the format "post two things every week" ?
Yeah, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Until we run out, which'll be soon :D
@Magician hopefully not before someone else steps up to the plate
currently the one I am working on is the last one I can think of to add
@eimyr Yeah, I checked the dates and noticed it was all recent, I'll be keeping an eye out for updates
@trogdor That's the thing about the format, everyone's got only a couple of stories to share.
@Magician that is why I figure it is important to have some more people step up with some stories
I have like, another campaign that I planned to run with just BESW as a player, but the only thing I can think I learned from that one is that just us two doesn't seem to work for RPGing
I wouldn't mind sharing it, but it doesn't seem to me like good enough , or even just "enough" period, material for a post
A story on how to stop playing if the game is not working?
Man this is gold and everyone should read it.
@eimyr but there were no lessons to learn or other factors than "nevermind doing this with just us two people"
how about "not playing an RPG is fine too"?
this is true
RPG's are not everything
I know too many people who prefer to play a crap game instead of not playing a crap game and doing something else, just because they believe it's a slippery slope and social thing will crumble as soon as the game is gone.
in any case, I won't be trying to work on actually making that a post until I have at the very least finished the one I am working on now XD
which is actually coming more easily to me than I expected, though I did take a relatively substantial break just to putter in this chat XD
I have to manage my enthusiasm and free time to divide it between this blog, my own and some other pieces of writing
I have to admit being more excited than I would have thought I would be to have an opportunity to try to contribute to something like this
still not sure I can make this third post work, but you have at least convinced me to try it XD
later though
ok, I think I finished it, submitting now for the reviews
mm, I previewed it and one of the paragraphs was rather large in the blog format, so I cut it in half into two paragraphs
I wouldn't worry about this sort of stuff too much.
Paragraphs should make sense content-wise, everything else is secondary.
this one had an easy "this is where it looks like it should be cut in half" spot
hmmm, still pondering about a good question for my clue advice I wrote for a question put on hold, then deleted...
Oh man, one of my players is metagaming because he thinks he knows what comes next out of character. It's going to be so much fun when he realizes how wrong he is.
well, are we cartophile here?
Nah, this is a plot thing. He assumes some NPC who disappeared is going to turn evil. That guy's been dead for two months in game time.
heh.... "he disappeared! clearly must have turned evil!" hmmm, how about you give him what he expects, twisted? He is still dead, but /also/ evil - he's a rotting zombie without a brain now!
@trogdor I honestly can't remember big game botches I participated in, with lessons learned. The things I can very vaguely think of are “Assume that you can resume a game after Summer holidays”, “Assume that more than 3 people can sort out a regular game date for an amazing pitch they all signed up to” and “Assume that when the known intrigues-and-at-table-secrets GM runs a dungeon crawl to the other side of the world, there will be dungeon crawling and not intrigues in there”.
@Trish Hmm... I mean, it's Star Wars. I could ghoul him. There is such a thing as a force sensitive ghoul.
@Anaphory sounds like "assume the 10 people game you started at a birthday will ever conclude" "assume that the 15 people open world (chat) game will survive chrtistmas holidays" and "assume that playing with people in 3(+) timezones via chat (CET, JST, EST) will not impact some lifes"
@Anaphory yeah, the first two things I could think of were things I have thought over and that I know pretty well what I learned from, the third thing might take some work even if I can use it
@Fibericon sure! or that slug from... genosha? Geonora? that thing that lives in brains.
@Fibericon Kill him. The guy is dead. Player has a "huh" moment. Then two months later turns out the dead dude is a sith returning in a force ghost form.
Those are both beautiful. Or, I could take a third option. The party spends so much time investigating a dude that everyone else is sure died a long time ago, people begin to suspect they killed him, and are just trying to cover for themselves.
those brain slugs though don't kill the host, but removal does (unles you freeze the body to near death...)
@Trish Yep.
Science Fiction plot seed: The players spend some time travelling faster than light. When they come out of the hyperspace they realise Heat Death of the Universe has happened.
hmmm, another option: he was never a human after all! he is an ancient Assasin robot that dressed himself in the body of a deceased - and he ditched the disguise when it started to rot. Now it watches them as they investigate his abscene, and he starts to plan to take one of their skins next!
Jul 27 at 13:12, by eimyr
OK, so I totally want to play a character that is a robot, but tries to pass for a human and is incredibly conspicuous about it. Not to mention the clunky robotic body, the robot would completely miss the point and not exhibit any humanlike features all the while informing others he does.
@eimyr I had to think of that, as well!
na, it is an assasin bot, it is smart enough to do that... Think about.... a very very crafty and smart Necron nightmare
just it does not leave the body parts open on his body, it sews them over his metal body.
ehh, Flayed ones.
Sure! @eimyr's one is much more comedic than anything.
I'm more the creepy @.@
Just like eimyr himself... [sniff]
Okay! Off to Slovakia in a bit, I'll probably read you again in two weeks!
Bring back a few blades! they have still good smithes there!
@Trish the whole region does. Regenyei, Cervenka, Ensifer, Marek...
I own a seax made somewhere in chech or slovakia.
Poem for #WorldElephantDay The real elephant in the room, if you'll beg my pardon, is why on earth you do not keep him in your garden.
Ah, doesn't preserve the spacing. Still. May be relephant to @BESW.
I can support this.
@JoelHarmon I think you're saying "this guy gets math," in which case, thanks! That said, I'm as prone to screw up stupid mistakes as anyone else--if you check the revision history on the death save probabilities, you'll see I totally goofed the expectations times on my first pass.
On a different note, I know lots of people around here can perform those calculations. My hope is that I did a decent job explaining them, threading the needle between glossing-over and pedantic. Feedback is always welcome!
@Magician I'm two drafts into mine: "system matters", but I haven't really found its voice yet. Killing as many darlings as I'm putting out there, which makes it hard to amass any words!
So far our format seems to be quick notes, a few hundred words at most. So don't worry too much :)
@eimyr [tag, you're it!]
@nitsua60 System masters? As if! pfft
@Miniman You're right, of course. That's why every game I run--no matter what I tell the players--is actually FURPG. I just quote the rulebooks of other systems to keep up the charade. But die rolls are all--after converting in my head--FURPG. Keeps me sharp =)
@nitsua60 Good clarification. I understood FURPG that as "F*** You RPG" in which the GM's rulings are the way they are because "FU, that's why".
I'm so stupid I removed something from my laptop during one of those CCleaner / Spybot cleaning frenzies of mine and now the ol' good 4e offline character builder works no more. T_T Help!
> To whoever has children and didn't know it: we have a kindergarten area
> The self-esteem recovery group meets on thursday - please use the doors at the back.
[plays some lift music]
@Zachiel Reinstall?
@Miniman reinstall windows, you mean?
@Zachiel I meant reinstall the character builder in question, actually.
Already tried that, does not work.
System Restore?
I was thinking about it but I fear my last restore point is quite old...
I will try that, however
Any idea what you removed?
Lots of cab files from the download folder
Huh. Odd that reinstalling doesn't work then.
installed the new version of Spybot and ran a complete clean and deleted quarantine using the previous one before uninstalling, as suggested
ran CCleaner once too much maybe
deleted %appdata%/skype hoping to have it run smoother
uninstalled some suspicious codecs that probably came with Icecream Screen Recorder, and the screen recorder itself
I admittedly went into a liiiiittle panic when clicking on some deviantArt links brought me to porn sites.
...and I tried to undo any recent installation that I didn't really need, and upgrade my security suite.
@Zachiel I'm assuming you mean porn sites that aren't deviantArt?
@Miniman You'd be correct, yes XD
Okay, this might sound weird, but I'm just going to throw it out there...
I think holding someone--a child, a lover--as they fall asleep is just about the nicest thing there is in the world. You feel those waves of twitches roll down their body, and it's like you're protecting them as they pass from one world to the next. Transcendent.
(Working at home with a sick daughter right now.)
Ok, I'm out

No, seriously, I need to try the system restore, I'm out for real.
@Zachiel luck
@Zachiel you my try some soft that restores removed files. Recuva or such.
2 hours later…
VTC opinion based, idea generation rpg.stackexchange.com/q/86567/1204
3 hours later…
Hello. I posted an answer, and I think about addin some personal experience to illustrate the techniques I propose, about my first VtM character. Is is OK?
(I didn't know VtM at all, only read rules of a LARP game set in oWoD, and asked the GM for a combat-based character, he made me a Pander shovelhead of 14-th Generation embraced just a month ago who has fit me just perfectly, I still use this character, sometimes just slightly changed, when I play LARP)
@Baskakov_Dmitriy I don't know anything about VtM (or any of the WoD), so won't comment on that. But as you've gone 20 min without an answer, I just wanted to let you know it's often much quieter around here on weekends than during the week. For certain parts of the world (and lifestyles) it's now the weekend... enjoy yours!
you know, we go to play our tabletops on weekend days... or Conventions...
@nitsua60 There are no day-offs for me as soon as there there are questions to answer!..
@Trish Plus, my only player for now has driven home until Sunday to help her parents with something, so no storytelling for me. :(
Gonna go sleep. Cya.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy book a ticket to some con. Somewhere in the US there is always a con!
Hey guys. I recently heard from a friend that WotC opened up 5e lately, at least for core stuff. I'm having trouble verifying this. Can anyone confirm?
Searching for D&D on a curated search will get me everything D&D related because they don't like to officially brand it with an edition number anymore.
And adding "5e" brings me to sites I suspect aren't official or even officially allowed.
@Trish Sadly, I live in Russia and need a visa to visit US.
@Axoren Just googled for "WotC opened up 5e" walkingmind.evilhat.com/2016/01/12/5e-opens-up
BTW, I am no D&D player at all.
@Trish I will probably move to Germany in a year... This will mean that I start to visit cons frequently.
Wow. I should have just spoken to Google with common parlance.
I was trying to play the keyword game.
Thanks @Baskakov_Dmitriy
@RollingFeles I had recuva installed, but I don't know for which files to search.
Now things seem to work properly, except that I had uninstalled some software between the date of my useful restore point and today, and after restoring the uninstallations failed.
Now that I've started seeing the 'Messages' icon as a little circus elephant it will never be an envelope again.
BREAKFAST CULT, my tabletop RPG about cosmic horror and high school drama, is now available! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/182520/Breakfast-Cult https://t.co/IiWiKNcILP
ok then
gotta be honest, I expected something a tad different due to the name
@Axoren What do you mean by "opened up"? I've got my head pretty-well around what's going on with 5e, IMO, and am glad to help but I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.
@nitsua60 According to the article you fetched, they are using the same OGL they used for 3.5e
hey there @nitsua60
@Zachiel what article I fetched when? I think I'm missing some context...?
@nitsua60 Ah, no, it was Dmitriy. I got some messages mixed up.
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/788/follow-needs-playtesters/ "Help playtest Ben Robbins' new game!");
[playtest](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By3enwcFNlhKa0lpbXNjTFpWZkU/view "Help playtest an RPG for kids 4 to 7");
@Zachiel No worries. Glad to know I haven't [completely] lost it =)
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@nitsua60 It's me having completely lost it, or so it seems.
@Shalvenay Stayed home from work with a sick kid; starting to try to catch up on some work. I.e. procrastinating by lecturing people on the internet =\
@nitsua60 :p
@Zachiel The fact that you didn't say something like "it was Baska", but understoond which part is my name makes me glad. ^_^
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Well, Dmitriy is a well known Russian name (with Ivan, Igor, Vania, Sasha and a few others).
Can anyone help me unfreeze - How does a perception check while flying work? Is there a min/max height to fly when scouting?
its on hold, but I think Ive modified it enough to onhold it
@AlSun We'll see. Since you modified it, it is probably in the review queue for reopening, now. I'm not strong on 5e so I don't really trust myself with this question, but I'm sure other people will.
@AlSun It'd be good to link it here--not all may have been following active questions
And welcome to chat!
how do I link it here?
same as in mainsite: [displaytext](linkdestination)
Q: How does a perception check while flying work? Is there a min/max height to fly when scouting?

Al SunAs a flying character I'm trying to do some aerial recon/scouting and wanted to know how a perception check works (passive and active) while flying. Aside from lightly/heavily obscured (PHB p. 183), what other penalties/factors are there? For example: Does height play a factor? Does speed pl...

Oh, yes, that's even easier =)
Certain sites--Wikipedia, twitter, xkcd, any Stack--the chat engine "oneboxes" like that =)
cool. hopefully the question makes sense now.
It's got 4 reopen votes (of the 5 necessary) already
We played last night, I went scouting and DM said I didnt find anything - was flying 1000ft up, not sure if that was the problem
I've got to ask, though, @AlSun: in your night-scenario, if you're intending to fly outside of "night vision" range, how do you expect to see anything?
yes - if I fly at 125 ft I can either toss light stones or cast the dancing light spell to see on the ground
dancing light spell is 120 range
can move the lights and then move myself - all in the cover of darkness
also the point of night patrol is to see anyone else coming to our campsite - hopefully they will use a light source...but im guessing most wont as we have the light source
So ground-based observers would just see dancing lights running along the surface, and likely not think to look 120' up
yes - thats the point
Also, even if they look up, the light is not as strong as to light up where Al's character is.
in the dancing light spell the ring is only dim 20ft
so that wont come close to me
RANGE (of the dim light)
Ill also try to be in stealth
@KorvinStarmast eeeeasy there... =)
@nitsua60 Reverse Google Image Search, tracked it as far back as I could, added citation.
Does the cite only show up if examining the source, or is there a way it's supposed to be visible to the casual reader?
Umm. It shows up with TTS software. There's a way to make it a mouseover but I can't remember how with the link structure the OP is using.
[pokes around]
Ahah. I was doing it right but the http:// was breaking the code.
It is now in the mouseover text as well as being the alt text.
@BESW cool
So arguably still piracy, but not plagiarism.

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