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...and yet another bunch of downvotes for no clear reason. What is the big deal with that answer? The fact that it is posted to an old question? Or the fact that I refer to my personal experience?
Really, with each downvote without a comment I start to hate the voting system more and more.
comment added
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Try leading with the answer to the question (the bit about the game the person's playing) and make the commentary about real-world parallels take less text than the direct answer.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Well, first of all the comment about how things work in real life, even if your answer is not based on it, is going to upset someone. Trying to explain game rules by comparing them to real-world physics just does not work.
It may not be strictly fair, but when voters are asked to read the digression before they get to the meat of the answer to the problem they tend to be less charitable.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy It can sometimes be useful to open a meta question asking “How can I improve this question that is getting downvoted? What's wrong with it?”
...and get another bunch of downvotes. While in chat I got my answer in a minute.
I don't think I've ever seen "How can I improve this?" get downvoted.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy On the other hand, the meta and its answers would live on to help future users in your situation, should they exploring community norms on what makes Q&A well- or poorly-received.
@BESW It may not be exactly fair, but it's an unavoidable effect of how we process info that has a well-documented and understood solution.
Now, "Downvotes without comments are trash" or "The system stinks" or "Stop downvoting me!" those I'll happily watch get downvoted.
@Shalvenay hiya
@BESW How about "let's turn RPGSE into a LARP, with diamonds and gold pieces"
@nitsua60 Been there, downvoted that.
@nitsua60 I actually read every word of that. My sense of duty compelled me against my better judgement.
@SevenSidedDie I read it top to bottom too, but I was just doing it to try to work out what point they were trying to make.
Also, it looks like the querent is looking for a mechanical explaination of how two system feature works, and you first suggest a different strategy
(which is not the one he has problems understanding, he is not looking for advice on how to use the character, he is trying to understand the rules), then you dscuss the defensive utility of the sword (and not by the rules, but introducing a "probably" and a "I would"), lastly another "I would do this". Basically, you didn't ansswer the question.
Spoiler: I didn't find one.
@SevenSidedDie [proffers a selection of painkillers and soothing teas]
@BESW The answer I wrote was wonderfully cathartic at the time.
@SevenSidedDie I read it all, too. But then again, I read people's bad algebra and people's bad group theory proofs for a living. I'm clearly a masochist.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy If I'm getting downvoted, the first thing I do is check that I'm definitely answering the question in the way the querent wants, or that I'm addressing why I'm challenging the frame. (In this case, you'd notice the tag and the querent's focus on mechanics.)
Yeah. "here's a random untested thought for a house rule" might get a downvote on a normal question; on a RAW question it's guaranteed.
The second thing I'd do is check to make sure I'm presenting my answer clearly and in order of relevance to the situation. (Here, discussing game mechanics before real-world experience.)
(If anyone's missing the context for the good-natured grumbling we're giving to an old meta post about making RPGSE into a game, here it is)
After people helped me do this a few times, I now know that uncommented downvotes often expect me to be able to do those self-checks on my own.
I always like it when there's a sweeping site revamp suggestion by some momo with 1 point of rep on the site
hey there @nitsua60
(he had 101 rep but 100 was just other-site-user)
@mxyzplk This is the author of the StackApp that assists users in performing serial downvoting with a minimal number of clicks. And no, I'm not kidding.
@BESW Well, I am pretty much new to the site, so I don't know what does community tend to like and disclike. Other communities with voting systems that I joined had a guide for that. Now I got my answers and am going to do something to the question.
@Miniman Lulwhat?
It's not about like and dislike, really. It's about giving clear answers to the question being asked, and not letting digressions dominate your post.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Your guess is as good as mine.
Also--be respectful of the downvote, but not fearful of it. It takes 3 downvotes for every 1 upvote to get a net loss of rep.
@BESW Well, on questions. On answers it takes 6.
@Miniman Stack script request: most downvoted (regardless of upvotes) posts made by a designated user.
The problem with uncommented downvotes is that nobody can learn from it. Unless he is lazy enough not to care about some existing knowledge he already has.
A downvote is a prompt to you to take a closer look, as I outlined above.
If you're content with your post, then you're free to ignore the downvote as noise.
If someone has a useful suggestion, rest assured they WILL comment it.
People like to share opinions, there's no need to force them to. And you really don't want people to feel pressured to make comments when they don't feel they've got anything to say.
If there's no comment, they probably feel the downvote tooltip is sufficient; take that as an implied comment.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Demanding that people give you their wisdom generally doesn't work out well.
@Miniman That's... not the result I'd expected.
@BESW You didn't expect alignment questions to be contentious?
@Miniman I expected to have more downvotes somewhere.
@BESW Ah, right. I removed the "top 1" bit, since it wasn't really helpful, so you can check out your list a bit more.
Ah, I've got five with that same score.
...I still expected some to have accrued more, but okay.
Not complaining just challenging my vague impressions of my downvote history.
@BESW Sounds like that "use it as a prompt to check your answer" thing really works ;)
Could be.
My worst contenders are all ones where I know exactly why they've accumulated downvotes, but decided a long time ago that I didn't care enough to fix.
For many of my downvotes, I'm pretty sure I know exactly why I got 'em, and I feel no need to change my post in response.
@BESW Wow, only two at "worst." Subtracting off the one I assume will always be there and that I just ascribe to cosmic noise, that's mighty-impressive.
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@nitsua60 Grats!
@BESW No, sorry--I was "wow"ing your results. Mine are like Minimans--a handful at 4, which I expect and don't have any strong feelings on.
(A lot of my downvotes come from answering a question by assuming certain values of fun which other people disagree with.)
@nitsua60 Oh, I have five "worst."
@BESW yeah, but your "worst" is practically just noise.
Or, yanno, an angry ex =)
I have zero, but mainly because I have posted like, 10 things ever
@nitsua60 One of mine is actually a 6 :(
@nitsua60 [amused]
I assume if I was more active in that I would be getting them all over
@Shalvenay Good. Today we celebrated keeping a daughter alive once-more-round-the-sun.
@nitsua60 always worth celebrating :D
@Shalvenay you?
re: downvotes -- yeah, I went through a downvote-heavy phase on this site -- trying to wrap my head around the gamist-first philosophy (I suppose that's one way to put it?) commonly used with D&D took me a while :P
@nitsua60 asking very very strange electrical questions on DIY.SE involving using junction-box-bits in ways I'm sure their designers never intended ;)
@Shalvenay but it might be worth checking how heavy... the common (three-user) reaction here seems to be "oh, I thought it'd be a lot worse than that."
@nitsua60 I think I had a few pick up half a dozen or so downvotes
@Shalvenay Using the pry-off tabs as temporary fuses?
but that's about the worst of it
@nitsua60 thank gods no. more like putting a mudring on backwards from how it's supposed to go to work around monkeys who permanently embed 3.5" octagons or pancakes into exterior walls -- good luck if you want to change that light to a receptacle, because you'll need it!
@Miniman I'm only seeing two 4s on yours... perhaps its displaying-or-not results from deleted posts in the correct manner?
...I'm very surprised my answer that compares and contracts D&D elves with LotR elves hasn't accrued more downvotes.
(i.e. only showing a user their own deleted posts?)
@nitsua60 data.SE is updated on Sundays, so the results there are generally out of date.
@Miniman yeah, but why would you and I see different query results?
@nitsua60 There's no association between data.SE and the rest of the network, so that's sadly impossible.
(When querying UID 15469, for instance)
@nitsua60 The query shows it as a 4, I looked at the actual post and found it was a 6.
@Miniman Ahh... makes sense. The one I just answered....
Increased traffic, and I saw your score drift up more than my new one, but I didn't look and see that downvotes came in for you, too.
@nitsua60 Yeah, a lot of those downvotes are entirely your fault :P
[bows, appreciates applause]
I chipped away 6 points from a user with twice my rep! Where's my badge!?
@nitsua60 There'll probably be a hat for that come Hatmas.
@Miniman I'm going to have to tiptoe around Hatmas this year, I think. My new avatar won't wear synthetics.
@nitsua60 Why not?
They're baaaaaad for you.
The Secret Service is aware of the comments made earlier this afternoon.
@BESW Now there's one that you can insert ominously into any conversation.
No ****, man. You've got me checking my phone logs.
J/k, NSA--I'd never cheat on you.
@nitsua60 Because of James Earl Jones?
@nitsua60 you get a cookie sir
[nom nom nom]
@nitsua60 Sneakers.
Oh, good. I was worried it wasn't a Sneakers reference.
@BESW :)
@Miniman Wow... digging deep for that one. I did not remember that JEJ was in it. Closest I was coming was him cancelling the torpedo in Hunt for Red October. "That torpedo hit its target. And I... was never here."
[Meanwhile, throws "Sneakers" in queue, as it's clearly been too long.]
@nitsua60 It's one of my all-time favourite movies, so it's not deep for me. (Ok, that sounds kinda weird, but you know what I mean.)
@nitsua60 And, in fairness, he's in exactly 2 scenes, and in one of them he's only a voice.
@Miniman Oh, certainly. [Slightly embarassed.] Like the Coming to America quote for me. [Not actually embarassed.]
Although I know a lot of people who'd argue JEJ is his voice.
@Miniman I'd be one of those, but... oh, that smile.
(Also, Conan.)
The National Security Agency is always a little weird for me because I grew up with "NSA" standing for "National Spiritual Assembly." VERY different connotations.
(The Barbarian, not O'Brien)
@nitsua60 See also Long Ago and Far Away.
However, I also found a very interesting houserule for dual-wielding. Would it be OK if I add it to the answer, mentioning that I know about the rules-as-written tag, but there is no such a canon rule?
...and that glorious set of cameos on Mathnet.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Can I assume OWoD is a relative of V20?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy With that explanation, it sounds absolutely appropriate.
V20 is a part of oWoD.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Yeah, but make sure it's separate, and more importantly after, the rules answer.
Aye; put it at the end after you've addressed everything more directly relephant.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Looks good to me.
Thanks, people.
If you have experience with the houserule, or can otherwise speak to why you think it'd be useful, that'd be a good addition too.
(Anybody can write a rule. Why do you suggest this one?)
@Baskakov_Dmitriy That houserule part does look a little suspect to me. "I googled this for you" isn't really relying on your expertise, unless you've got some argument as to why what you found is worth considering. Best is in the form: "I went ahead and tried this with my group, it worked well in ways." But even an argument from experience is better than "check this out" with nothing supporting it.
(Or, just what BESW said)
No need to try things out if I can calculate how good it is. And people don't tend to like answers that consist of statistics by 40%.
I can add this to the answer if it would be more apporpriate.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy You can calculate how good the houserule is?
I ask with incredulity because I have no doubt that you can calculate the impact of the houserule. But judging whether a houserule is good or not to inject into a game usually has a lot to do with usability, how it fits with theme/style, how it compares to a constellation of other existing mechanics, &c.
@nitsua60 Actually, you can calculate the average damage it provides with ease.
(Also, don't despair of people liking statistics around here. I wrote this question just so that I could write this answer. And it turns out dozens of other people liked it, too!)
And a houserule is generally bad if it changes balance too severely (as I understand it)
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Sure--that's what I'm calling the "impact" of the houserule.
Average damage is just one tiny part of "good." Does it clash with the thematic feel of the rest of the game? Does it add unnecessary complexity to the resolution mechanics? Is it furthering the game's ethos goals?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy I think there's probably a lot more (in most games) that would go into evaluating whether a houserule is good or bad, whether it's worth recommending. But again, I've zero experience with these games, so maybe I'm way off base. (So I'll shut up about it.)
eg, say what you will about 3.5's grapple mechanic in terms of power and balance, its relative complexity makes it a poor rule alongside the other combat mechanics of the system.
And while DFRPG's Laws of Magic are pretty well balanced and feed the aesthetics of the setting, they create major conflict with the intended interplay of agency between player and GM.
@BESW 1) Depends on what is this game for you. Really, there are probably even more points of view on VtM than there are GMs (Storytellers). 2) Not more than any other way to have more actions per turn (splitting dicepools, which is even harder to calculate and Celereity)
I don't know about D&D grapple rules, nor anything about "DFRPG's Laws of Magic"
There's no amount of armchair analysis which can substitute for experience with a thing at the table, and what many people on the Stack object to is not the statistical analysis of a mechanic, but the idea that statistical analysis can fully replace play experience when judging a game element.
@BESW Someone I follow on tumblr was complaining about how hard to understand the DFRPG magic rules are
If you say something like "The numbers on this house rule seem to check out, but I haven't played with it myself," that's great. If you say, "The numbers on this house rule seem to check out, so it's a good rule," that's... less great.
@Adeptus DFRPG magic is a bit overcomplicated, yeah. And the Laws of Magic have nothing to do with that system!
The Laws of Magic are more along the lines of, "If you misuse magic you'll get a magical hit squad after you."
On an entirely different note, space crystals.
THIS JUST IN MAMMAL SCIENTISTS APPROXIMATELY SIXTY-FIVE MILLION YEARS BEHIND THE CURVE https://mic.com/articles/150768/space-crystals-frosterite-rocky-planets#.ZNp61UMre FILE UNDER NO DUH
@BESW OK, that's what I will write then.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy That does seem an improvement to me. (One last nitpick: I'd probably strike the phrase "on the Internet." Given that you link it, it's clear that it's an internet resource.)
(And, if you're curious, this is no more scrutiny than I give my own posts. Even my simplest of rules clarifications usually get a half-dozen or so self-edits by the time I'm done.)
Actually, I am curuous.
And it seems to be very hard to find a solution to a rules-as-written question without actual rule that fullfills the subject.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy "There is no rule for that" isn't a solution, but it is an answer.
@BESW lol
Sometimes, the best answer.
"There's no rule for this, and so here's what my group(s) has(have) done" tends to go over pretty well, too.
I've bookmarked questions like that because I had an untested idea and I wanted a few weeks' experimenting with my groups before saying anything.
For example, this answer was very easy for me to build, as a part of the Corebook directly offers the way to resolve an issue.
And it was actually strange for me that not Jessa nor the question author didn't find it.
@nitsua60 The "no rule for this' part is easy.
The "here's what my group(s) has(have) done" is not that easy.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy If you're liking imaginary internet points, you can do worse than reading the rules of a game that's complex, poorly organized, and spreads things over many volumes. And then having them on hand at all times. =)
I get most of my points from variants on "You're playing a game with your friends, that's what's important."
Well, different volumes in V20 Anniversary Edition actually tend to present rules for different types of game.
For example, if your PCs are vampires, simply use Corebook. In it ghouls are pretty weak and very limited.
@BESW Corollary: "Listen. Also, talk."
In Ghould&Revenants ghouls get a lot more potential, and special measures are present to protect PCs from too much abuse from their domitors.
@nitsua60 My equal second-highest game tag is Pathfinder. Which I've never played. But, the rules are all online, and it's based off D&D3.5, so I'm able to interpret the rules.
But as in Corebook ghouls are instruments, they are also stronger at character generation.
(My highest is D&D5, which I also haven't played)
@Adeptus I feel myself pretty limited in potential points, as I am only interested in World Of Darkness and am unlikely to learn D&D/Pathfinder.
@Adeptus I thought I could interpret 3.5 rules in re: the Tarrasque. Boy was I wrong. =)
And to think, I just upvoted your Tides of Chaos answer!
@nitsua60 \o/
@Adeptus o/
Alrighty. Night, all.
@nitsua60 Cya!
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 I'm glad to hear(read) that :)
Q: What did I do wrong now?

MalaI am asking this because I was just banned from chat and I have no idea why. Maybe someone can explain this to me? These are all my statements in the chat. @BESW You mentioned legal digital tools to search 5e spells for keywords. What did you refer to? @BESW ? No, I am wondering what ...

@TheOracle I want to answer this, but I feel like I'll just make things worse if I do.
how does The Oracle decide what to post in here again?
@trogdor All meta questions.
ok then
@trogdor It's the Oracle, duh. It knows what to post.
fair enough
@Magician that is just silly
@Magician The Oracle is my puppet! I control the voice of destiny! MUAHAHAH.
it is a silly answer
Heretics, the lot of you.
@Miniman I didn't seen anything specifically objectionable myself, beyond a refusal to accept any responsibility for the recent history of drama and a rather condescending tone when engaged on the subject. Upvoted because this Q is asked without the blame-casting.
@BESW I think d7 was reacting to the bit where you declined to answer a question, then kept getting asked.
....that is also a thing which happened.
But yeah, this meta has a much nicer tone, so hopefully we'll see some positive results.
Oh, @BESW. Are we still doing the whole botch blog thing? I've been busy, so kinda lost track of things.
I've got a picturey thing to put on the top of the pagey thing.
@Magician There's a classic mistake worth a post; starting a blog that you don't really have time for :P
@BESW Send us, send us!
@Miniman Boy do I do that.
@Magician It's a pretty common one.
The only reason it hasn't happened to me is because I'm too lazy.
@Magician Remembering which version I decided was best.
Actually, scratch that - I do have time for a blog, it's purely a case of being too lazy.
@Miniman One of the reasons I don't have a blog. The other is, I don't really have the content.
I've basically accepted that my blog is an outlet for occasional (very occasional) ideas I get, rather than a vehicle to grow in popularity
(Unless you count tumblr as a blog, since some people use it that way. But mine is 99% reposts....)
@BESW Check it out now.
@Magician Yey!
I hope it's satisfactory.
It is!
Now. Do we need anything else to launch? We were going to post 2 of the 5 posts we have waiting at the start, AFAIR.
I guess that's all?
Awesome. Any preferences as to which of your botches you want to see go up first?
Trying to remember how to get to that page again.
Yeah, that one's nice and dramatic to start the blog with.
I thought so. Putting 3 up, so that there's something to read.
Hm. They've changed their order upon posting. Weird.
Ah, that's because one of them had been published already, before being taken back as a draft. Eh, whatever.
Hmmmm. Not sure if I like the current theme after all. It only has widgets in the footer of the page. That's not optimal for navigation.
Switched to the "default" wordpress theme and I think I like it better. Thoughts?
The only issue being, its header is 1200 × 280 pixels, because of course it is. I'm currently cropping the image, but maybe BESW can adjust it if he's got the time?
And if we like this theme more, of course.
I'll fiddle with it later.
I might be blind, but I'm not seeing a way to remove generic images from About and Contact pages.
Edit the page, then find the "featured image" box and click "remove featured image."
Wow. Thanks. This interface...
Ok. So. Header can be adjusted eventually, but it looks decent enough now, I think. Unless there are any objections, lets launch?
We've been sitting on this idea for a while, would be nice to put it out there :P
I'm cool with it.
Ladies and genltemen, we have lift-off! Botch blog is officially up and running. Come, read about our mistakes, and contribute your own!
Thank you for spearheading it.
@BESW I feel I mostly did trivial things, pressed a few buttons. Thanks for the header, and the botches.
The header was fun! I don't usually get to do physical prop designs.
I've posted about it on twitter, too. But my reach is minimal...
I suggest you tweet your Fate-specific botch with #fate and maybe an @ to a Hatter of your choice.
And/or do something similar on the G+ Fate group of your choice.
For the first time I can ever remember, there are so many "discussion on answer" chats that the Not A Bar has been pushed to the second page.
@Magician nice, it is finally up
Aye. All we need now is your confessions.
I guess I have at least two things I could share XD
Do that!
where do I put it
I'll invite you to be a contributor, hang on. Gonna need email or wordpress account name.
Or you can write it up elsewhere and one of us can post it with attribution.
mk, just a minute then
I have an email specifically for this site sooo
I can dig that up
@BESW While an option, I think we'd benefit from people posting their own stories. Makes it more obvious it's not just a couple of writers.
I guess we could use a "confession user", to relay anecdotes and optionally mask authorship. But we'll deal with that if and when the need actually arises.
ok, I have it
should I post it here or the not a bar maybe?
I can pass it to him.
Give it to me in Skype.
@Magician Your Hangout IM has Troggy's email.
mk, cool
one of my stories is also about killing the party, I assume that isn't a problem, but I could just go with the other one if it is
Invitation sent
We can absolutely have more than one TPK story :)
I kind of expect it to be at least 30% TPK eventually.
fair enough XD
The more TPK, the better.
now that isn't true
hmm, so what should I call it,... I feel like "my accidental TPK(s)" but I don't know if that is too generic/stealing the name from someone in the future XD
That'll be future generation's problems.
ok then
you just had to say it was ok for me to make more problems for them :P
"Accidental TPK(s) Episode VIII: The Crit Awakens."
there was no criting involved
so that name is certainly not descriptive in the right way
I do like my first idea, making it with that title at least as a draft
@nitsua60 O'Brien would have been fine by me. Even if I must admit Jimmy Fallon and several female singers singing silly songs while impersonating (other) famous singers is slowly taking the place of Fan Corrections in my life
@Magician nice! Players botches are welcome too?
mk, I submited it for review
gonna be AFK a bit
Well, despite you not being really interested in D&D I might enlighten you on that, just to have you better understand the context.
Melee combat in D&D 3.5e is usually pretty simple. Position yourself in the right spot, then start swinging your weapon. You roll once to hit (d20 + modifiers, must equal the enemy "armor value" at least), once to damage (dice depending on your weapon + modifiers).
Grappling someone is uaually a pretty effective tactic if you're confident you can win, because it prevents the enemy from making a lot of things, but (unless a character specializes in it) it is rar
It reduces "roll one die, then perhaps another die or dice" for an attack to, at minimum, "roll two or more dice, then perhaps another die or dice for each of those rolls," with special rules for some of those rolls that never get used otherwise.
@Zachiel wow. I've never imagined that it's so complicated in 3.5e
@RollingFeles That's one big selling point of Pathfinder. "We've made grapple rules simple". They've also made grapple rules so that the chances of actually winning a grapple decrease as you level up, which I don't personally like...
@BESW thank you for the tl;dr
@Zachiel [amused] Quadratic wizards, retrograde warriors?
@BESW Warriors who just want to hit things are still linear, I presume. But again, most 3.5e grapplers were druids to begin with.
Our best grappler was a half-giant with a druid friend who knew Girallon's arms.
And, obviously, rules for grappling while wildshaped into a creature that has improved grapple are different from those I detailed before.
Obviously. Because animals have special rules that mix with the base PC rules in weird ways.
@Zachiel I've only played 5e. My DM started with GURPS and switched to 5e (at this point I've joined the game) and he always stressed convinience of this edition. I know that 5e is made to have more fluent gameplay and it really is. Grapple in 5e is just one skill contest. But I feel that it's not that useful in 5e. What advantages grapple granted in 3.5e ?
Grapple lets you influence or override your opponent's positioning options.
It also potentially allows you to bypass certain kinds of high armor class when dealing physical damage.
And it limits your opponent's fine motor options, like spellcasting with gestures.
@RollingFeles You could stop the opponent from speaking (which is needed to cast some spells), he can't move except by slowly moving the whole grapple, he can only use small weapons, plus you share the same square so area spells who hit one must also hit the other, you can try to immobilize your opponent so your allies can stab him better...
If you make a guy focused on grappling, he can ruin a certain class of enemy.
...then the GM starts giving them rings of freedom of movement and your character is useless.
yaeh, one full round to produce a material component for a spell from your pouch is insane.
@BESW Funnily enough, having a lot of ranks in escape artist and being able to escape a grapple far too easily is still not enough to win against a grappler, because he can basically keep you from going anywhere and just the act of grabbing you again deals damage.
The character pictured in my avatar has both freedom of movement and lots of escape artist modifiers, because being a contortionist extraordinnaire was pretty much the character concept.
That's interesting. 5e just forbids target's movement and allow grappler to move with his victim. There were two more or less fun application of the grapple by my fighter. First: I grappled and threw bandit into acid pit. Second: I jumped at griffon and grappled it(sticked my maul handle in it's beak) and it couldn't fly.
@RollingFeles 3.5 is the poster child for the problems with an exception-based rule system that's designed to have an ever-expanding list of exceptions, not all of which are intended to work together but all of which are supposed to be able to work together.
@BESW sounds like a formula for disaster.
4e used a limited set of pre-defined conditions which various powers or features could apply in various combinations, which sounds more like 5e.
@RollingFeles One player's disaster is another player's treasure trove of opportunity.
Q: Can I get my question reopened?

SimanosI asked a question at Incorporeal Creatures and solid creatures And a mod closed it as "too broad". It clearly is not too broad and there is already an answer to it and a comment lead me to a book that can answer it even better and completely in a short space, but I can't even put that answer t...

@BESW I ultimately came to like that you can be immune to grappling, for it avoids my character being grappled. This also drives me to never play grapplers, reducing my options. D&D has reduced my options to the point where I have problems finding characters I want to play that might also work - but I still haven't found a way to avoid things like force damage.
@Zachiel To my mind, it's a problem with the principle that every exception must be universally applicable.
If freedom of movement were only available to PCs, that'd make grapple a very different beast.
At the same time this whole "a rule that completely bypasses all others" is haunting me in 4e as well. Ways to always get combat advantage, ways to ignore fire immunity and resistance, ways to ignore provoking opportunity attacks...
This is one of the things 4e did well, I think: drawing a clear line between the features available to PCs and to everyone else.
I do agree with that and this is one of the biggest reasons why I like 4e. Also, no need to give lots of magical stuff to the enemies in order to make them challenging, just to have the heroes loot the corpses.
Still, I think this could be drawn further. Monster attacks need to have more "targets only enemies" AoEs and more "Effect:" lines.
Aye, one thing I appreciate 4e for is priming me for Fate's correlation of power to the individual rather than the individual's stuff.
@Zachiel Well, and that's where you and I differ drastically in our use of 4e. My eagerness to design custom enemies with custom powers means my 4e games DID have a lot of Effect: lines and peculiar targeting parameters.
I have noticed that most monster encounters in the adventures I'm running rely on showcasing nasty comboes, like "this monter immobilizes, this monster does things to immobilized characters" - then both get assigned to the "Hit:" line of attacks that are unlikely to hit reliably.
There are ways in 5e to ignore opportunity attacks. But it doesn't really sound like "rule to bypass other rules". It's a feature and it costs you.
@RollingFeles 4e things that let you ignore opportunity attacks while casting: either take one of these two feats, this staff or this armor.
@Zachiel Yeah, a few things like that felt like the return of the feat tax.
As a result, getting enemies close to the casters or to the archer is not useful at all.
@Zachiel 5e have one or two feats. I'm not aware about artifacts: I don't have much expirience yet.
Magic items in 5e are a different beast, they're rare treasures with lots of flavor. In 4e, they are the tools of your trade.
(@RollingFeles In 3.5 and 4e, the "feat tax" is a feat that everyone agrees all PCs really must take in order to meet baseline effectiveness criteria, and should probably have been baked into the PC's base features instead of forcing you to waste a feat slot on them.)
YAY, Botch!
@BESW thanks for explanation. I don't feel that such thing exists in 5e, but someones milliage may vary.
(late-period 4e tried to fix this by introducing new feats which gave a variety of extra benefits, so instead of everyone taking the feat that gave a +1 to attack, now they had to choose between a selection of feats that gave +1 to attack AND something special depending on their weapon or spell type or whatever.)
(it was a clumsy fix, but an appreciated one that added to the pre-game play of chargen.)
The thing that sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable is that combat system limits abilities. I'm fighter and I want to hit this creature knee. If I hit it with my maul it would hurt a lot and creature will fall prone. But if I'm not using maneuver, I can't do that.
Aye. It's an inherent restriction of that system form, and one reason I prefer the system form of games like Fate.
But proper DM can give you proper feels from combat and even bypass system sometimes.
Games like Fate or Danger Patrol or Lady Blackbird encourage freeform "called shots" and similar narrative details, rewarding them mechanically--especially when they match your character's qualities and resources.
@BESW Aren't Fate elements specifically designed to be exceptions at a certain cost?
e.g. Stunts that have the "pay X cost to ignore/bend/change Y rule"
@BESW I thought about Danger Patrol and/or Dungeon World.
Talking about Lady Blackbird, @BESW, have I told you that I played a V:tM hack of it and that I really liked it? (Well, part of it was because I really liked one of the pregens, but still.)
@eimyr If I want to bash someone in the knee with my mace, I don't need a feat to do it. I can use Create Advantage to give him a Smashed kneecap.
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