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@nitsua60 Thank you for this answer, like everyone around was inventing ways to punish that knight who facetanks the traps for GM's fault, while you actually addressed the main problem. A mechanical decision would work, but even then it would probably be far from "Kill that damn knight so he learns to never fail to guess what I have in mind!".
On that answer, @nitsua60, you might consider using a word like "participant" to mean "everyone at the table" rather than repeating "player" with a parenthetical caveat.
@BESW Are you talking about the instance in the paragraph with the tag-links? Or are there others that I'm missing?
If it were just one instance, I'd be inclined to let it be, but you have to repeat the caveat in the second-to-last paragraph too.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Well, to be fair, everyone else is answering the question as posed: OP explicitly asked for in-game ways to incentivize/punish the character. I just think that's a bad question to ask and answered thusly. Note: that's a really dangerous stance to take, and easy to badly botch.(It helps that I was piggybacking on the shoulders of Angry, which lends a lot of credibility in some's eyes.)
@BESW Ahh... gotcha. I was losing that second one in a blind spot. I'm trying to thread the needle between "bad writing" and "remind people that GM is a player, too."
Made a small edit.
I kinda want to bounty answer #3 on that question, but I also kinda feel like my grubby fingerprints are all over that Q&A in lots of ways already... =\
I mean, I've closed, reopened, edited, protected, and answered. And commented a bunch on others' answers. It seems a little stalker-ey... =(
@nitsua60 You just love it too much to let it go.
@nitsua60 Even those in-game ways were mostly bad. Really, killing the knight who disposes of traps by tanking because you can't talk to them and he doesn't guess it by reading your mind that you don't like it...
A: What is the point of increasing the Strength attribute?

PolisurgistThe main answer to your question is "when you want to play a character who is more naturally strong than naturally dexterous." But you're looking for an optimization strategy, so that's not a complete answer. From a purely optimization standpoint, I'd say: You don't explicitly call out in your...

Dexterity rules all? I should play this system more.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy It's a sadly common attitude, fueled by weird "GM as elite" notions that tie into social forces like the Geek Fallacies and the idea that creativity is a rare gift rather than a universal quality.
NItsua did in a year more rep than I did in 3.
Damn monothematicity on 3.5e
I admit to using the idea that the GM is de recto the social ringleader of the group, in my early RPG years, to manipulate the environment at the table and force social choices on my friends.
Damn looking at some questions and thinking "who cares?" XD
An' goodnight to everyone!
@Zachiel I happened to luck in at a time when I'd pretty-well gotten my head around 5e's ruleset (and I think coming straight from 2e was helpful there) and a lot of new people were starting up with it.
While I am still all "5e? I don't want to mess my mind with yet another different D&D ruleset, I already have problems remembering 4e straight because of 3.x" :p
(I'm a little bit baffled that the ion cannon question gets more attention than "do you keep DCs secret?", but hey, that's the Internet for you.
Yeah, the ion cannon is a special beast. Serious title-awesomification at play, there.
@BESW Well, by the way, good GMs are rare. But good GMs don't kill characters for not behaving as they wish.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy agreed
@Zachiel I am in an even worse situation -- I only play VtM and it seems like there are is only likely half a dozen other players on this site. Even though I know that there are actually more, it just feels like this.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Beware of One True Wayism, friend. I've been at tables where the explicit game we were playing was: let the GM come up with something diabolical and then play it "by the book", and let's see if we can get out with our skin intact and some full sacks of loot.
So long as everyone involved is safe and happy, there's no objectively wrong way to play an RPG.
It doesn't seem like it's terribly en vogue these days, but it's a perfectly fine way for a bunch of friends to spend an afternoon.
Death by failure to railroad is, perhaps, a very uncommon way to make folks happy. But I'd avoid saying it's always going to be a bad play.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy the funny thing is my highest-rated answer on the site is on a VtM question and I have 0 experience with the system (doesn't stop me from having an idea for a VtM character should I ever get to play it though)
@nitsua60 You know, for an inexperienced GM it is probably way better than something diabolical not even played by the rules. As a very inexperienced GM myself, I am going to strongly avoid not playing by the rules in my chronicles. I just don't feel the rules as good yet to be able to ignore them.
By contrast, I once had a game ruined by a GM who refused to let any of the PCs put themselves in danger.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy want to hear what I've come up with?
@Shalvenay No, it's not for VtM (Vampire: The Masquerade), it's for Vampire: The Requiem, set in a completely different universe with not a lot in common with VtM, played by almost completely different rules.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy oh :P wow. two different Vampire games from the same publisher, :P
And, to make things worth, there are four different editions of VtM
And, as I know it, 2 editions of VtR. But I may be mistaken.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy that's worse than D&D :P
White Wolf: The Fractalling.
The editions of VtM don't differ as strongly as VtM editions, but it is even worse, cause it leads to arguments
Like we were arguing with a veteran player about ghouls
I used the rules from the Corebook
And, listen carefully, he was using the rules from a supplement that (on purpose!) contradict the rules from the Corebook
It is stated somewhere at the beginning of the supplement
But he, as it seems, didn't read that those rules are intended if there are no vampire PC in the chronicle, if all are ghouls.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy one of those must be VtR, right?
@BESW Starred my 1st post in this chat :3
@nitsua60 Nope.
@nitsua60 Both were VtM
I'm sorry, I can't parse this sentence: "the editions of VtM don't differ as strongly as VtM editions...." Little help?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy He doesn't mean the Corebook and Supplement.
If you're not on mobile, you can hover over a direct-response message (the kind with a little arrow at the front) to see exactly what message it's responding to.
@BESW Not failure to railroad, but rather failure to, say, listen to a supportive NPC who wold you not to go out during the day, because you will die. If you do, I will roll the dice and give you the result. THe odds are high that you will just run back in the room in panic, but you may be able to overcome it and go to your death which would take aroung 9 seconds.
@nitsua60 Synchronised 'splaining.
Good horrible name for a band: Synchronized Explaining
@nitsua60 Aye
The editions of VtR don't differ as strongly as VtM editions, but it is even worse, cause it leads to arguments
One of those is D&D
I am too sleepy
I wanted to go to bed like 8 hours ago
VtM is not as diverse as D&D
But things change
And it makes people confused, because they don't tend to have a habit of checking the edition before reading, say, a character sheet.
Well, nothing wrong in designing something while stoned if you publish while not stoned.
@Zachiel Oh, wow, I am in the SE twitter!
so: re my vampire concept, want to hear it out?
Go ahead.
so...Vlad the Night Flyer -- Toreador who is a FO flying overnight cargo (think "Next Day Air" a la whatever your in-universe UPS or FedEx is)
I understood almost nothing after the words "Toreador who is"
@Baskakov_Dmitriy FO = first officer
You want your character to fly?
There are several ways.
fly airplanes, yes :)
That's the way I would probably never think about
as in, no amount of magic-ing can beat the payload capacity of a widebody
WoD is actually out normal world + supernatural additions
Well, yeah, you need an airplane to transport things
But that's what ghouls normally do
Even though very experienced ghouls
(A ghoul is a human who drinks vampire blood; it makes him supernaturally strong and be able to posess some of the vampiric abilities, such as high resistance to bullets, but addicted to drinking vampire blood and emotionally attached to the vampire)
Why would a vampire spend his time on flying an airplane?
flying is his first love -- an art form to him, even
(OOC: hence him being a Toreador)
That makes sense
So he flyes for the sake of it, and also makes it his job.
Why doesn't he just buy a private plane then?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy well, you have to make a living somehow, right? xD
@Shalvenay I think a lot of people assume every vampire has figured out some kind of self-perpetuating cash flow.
@BESW it sure seems so
@Shalvenay Looks like somebody's never read of the Tippyverse =)
@nitsua60 I was more referring to Vampire-ish stuff than D&D xD
@nitsua60 -- you available for some Traveller tonight btw?
@Shalvenay Still trying to play catch-up from playing nurse-maid =\
@nitsua60 not sure what the "easy there" was a response to, but I guess whatever it was is water under the bridge
@KorvinStarmast The comment you left on meta, which I worried would resurrect the piracy issue in that whole debacle. (Which you may not have even known of?)
@KorvinStarmast I wouldn't have wanted someone who might have been following that meta Q and its comments to think they were being teased.
(Which I don't think you were doing, but I worried that the comment might have been construable that way.)
@nitsua60 Heh, you caught me. That was most definitely a sideways ref at the inanity of the past week after someone with your name tried to be helpful.
@KorvinStarmast No worries. I was amused, but also feared a break-down of the cease-fire =)
@nitsua60 I stayed out of that debacle as I noted in a note to SSD, my first instinct on the question was not charitable, so for once I kept my mouth shut for a while.
@nitsua60 After the RAW tag drama and emotional discussions, I have re evaluated what I will or won't engage in on meta. Less is better.
@KorvinStarmast It might not have been charitable, but it couldn't have worked out worse than mine!
I approve of this philosophy, but have a hard time with self-adherence.
@KorvinStarmast Likely wise. Ditto BESW.
Also, jokes are hard to make on meta.
I once had someone sincerely try to correct my use of relephant.
It's too easy for a misunderstanding to derail the conversation already, so I try not to add extra points of possible confusion.
@BESW You misspelled "relevant" there.
@nitsua60 Actually, it's "relevent."
@BESW I thought it was "pachyderm"?
No, that's a psychic skin condition.
@BESW I thought that was "psy-or-Isis"?
(Wait, in this scenario am I Sock on the Left or Sock on the Right?)
@BESW No, Wait's on second.
does that actually matter?
Sock on the Left is the straight man, Sock on the Right is the doofus.
Ahh... I was missing that. I made my deadpan-face ( =| ) a while back, so I think I claimed straight man.
[digs for a good example]
Consistency is the hobgoblin of an unrepresented mind.
Q: How does a perception check while flying work? Is there a min/max height to fly when scouting?

Al SunAs a flying character I'm trying to do some aerial recon/scouting and wanted to know how a perception check works (passive and active) while flying. Aside from lightly/heavily obscured (PHB p. 183), what other penalties/factors are there? For example: Does height play a factor? Does speed pl...

Need one more vote to unhold my question
I think I have changed it enough to unhold it
@nitsua60 welp, no one should have to represent him after that XD
three strikes and you are out, as far as I am concerned
I wonder if he's playing the long-game: having assumed he's going to jail for whatever the original crime was, he's setting up an easy ride there.
"What're you in for?"
"Stabbed three different lawyers."
"Guys! This one's cool."
ah, and the judge agrees with me
he has to represent himself now
@trogdor smart judge =)
good luck with that, jerk
@nitsua60 XD
@nitsua60 keeping in mind that I have no way to truly judge this guy's intelligence level, just from this article he doesn't seem bright enough for that gambit
also, my guess is he is originally in for stabbing a guy in the neck, I assume pencils are just his choice when nothing else sharp is around
@trogdor I dunno man, he grabbed a pen when there were no pencils around. That's some flexible thinking!
@nitsua60 yes, the gist would be "this guy gets math". I subsequently re-read my question and tried to determine if I somehow came off as condescending, just in case. And yes, humans make stupid mistakes. In one answer here, I asserted the Cleric casting stat was Cha. :(
I don't think that qualifies as especially flexible
@trogdor depends on the kind of pen, really
@JoelHarmon I've certainly got no mental note along the lines of "JoelHarmon--whatta jerk!" No worries on this end.
@nitsua60 that's weird; I do
Yay or nay on mainsite...
Q: What would be a good name for a band?
A: 10% Fabulous Androgyny (glam tribute)
90% Dead (probably Rolling Stones cover band)
A Fistful of Fate Points
A Helpful Soul (possibly presumptuous)
A Prod Ungently
All the Lurkers
An Indefinite Ben
Analysis Paralysis
Analysis Paralysis Hell (band that uses floppy drives as primary instrument)
Angry Time God (Trock band)
ASCII Moustache
Blindbag Dalek ("Pretty good")
Bloodthirsty Nouveau Riche Gangster Donald Trumps ((posted in 2013))
Nay; list questions are off topic :P
I thought it was "nigh-infinite" lists that were a problem; this is a "functionally-infinite" one, so that should be good, ne?
Also, @BESW: behold what you've (mostly) wrought ^^
what, keep list sizes under aleph-sub-2?
Now that we've got MathJax enabled, why limit it!?
hey there @JoelHarmon
hey @Shalvenay
@JoelHarmon how're things going?
waiting for laundry to finish, then folding laundry. Yourself?
Q: Those are good, but turns out I need a great name. Where can I find some of those?
A: right here!
2nd Phone Booth Youth
Abyssal Whale Fall
Back From Confusedville (band that just got back together after a decade-long breakup marked by abjectly failed individual projects)
Baffling Wombat
Death Penalty Elimination Count
Dystopian Rabbit Hole
Glaive Phase
Huge Brass Pistons
Invincible Landsharks
Killer Suggestion Charm (shoegazing band)
Leaking Abstractions (backup)
Shooting the Breeze
Skunk Static
[Stopping now. But I want you to know it takes self-discipline, 'cause I've got albums, songs, and "other" sitting in my back pocket!]
@JoelHarmon think I might pack it in for the night soon over here
3 hours later…
@nitsua60 Opened up as become licensed under the Open Game License.
2 hours later…
I was browsing 4e builds and I found a - mutants and masterminds, I think? - thread with some Marvel heroes and enemies statted in some obscure system.
This Lady Lotus seemed promising.
She's not even using the lotus pose!!!
[righteous rage]
@trogdor I think I need your help. It really depends. Have you ever played Guild Wars?
I have not
I am aware of it, but I have no personal firsthand knowledge of it
@Zachiel what do you need help with?
I did see my brother play it briefly, but I wouldn't say I learned too much about it from that
@nitsua60 I think you just described Fourthcore. Even if usually there's not loot at stake. The future of the universe is a better choice for it, given that it runs on time limits.
if you post what you need help with I can get to it later, currently I am on the way out to go to my group's weekly RPG night
@trogdor I have found a couple new players for my D&D game, they're both new to the hobby (they altready got the dice, but they couldn't find anyone else to play with at the time, and a friend of mine happened to know them. Things happen.) One of them wants to play some sort of arcanist, we'll see what, one is interested in playing some support character - his favourite GW builds were traps-and-bow archer (which might be a seeker?) and monk-healer (which might be... I have no idea. Any ideas?)
I might even not feel so tired that I could get on it after I get back, but no promises there XD
Oh ok
No problem
it isn't especially time sensitive is it?
Not this time sensitive, no
I just wanted to briefly tap into your knowledge of builds, as faded as it might be, to see if you had some starting point
Arcanist seems like kinda a broad thing, traps and bows might be seeker, monk healer may be a particular variant of cleric (the cleric that doesn't do damage and instead focuses on healing and severely debuffing opponents)
be back later
@Zachiel Seeker fits if it's about debuffs and ranged attacks, and the seeker is a great choice for an optimiser in an otherwise non-optimised party. But if you've got a party of optimisers the seeker will be a lot more work for a lot less payout.
What's the appeal of the monk-healer? Melee ability combined with buff ability?
That sounds like a battle cleric or a paladin, or possibly one of the psionic classes I can't remember much about.
@BESW My problem currently is that everyone wants to do support. The ranger player wants to play an ardent (leader), the fighter doesn't want to change his character, the runepries is ok with having an ardent take his place but he wants to try a swordmage next. And the new players might end up being a seeker or another ardent and hopefully not a second wizard.
That would amount to 0 strikers.
(That's really the worst scenario, tho')
Okay, so that's a tendency. What problem is arising from it? An already slow combat system dragging out even longer?
Drop enemy HP by... maybe 1/4, and see what happens.
OTOH, that might make it easier for the seeker, since dealing damage is a thing he does better than controlling, IIRC
@BESW Dutily noted.
Yeah, a major problem with the seeker is that he's a controller who never gets reliable access to the big control debuffs.
As I remember it, its biggest problem is that his controlling style is "don't get in that specific square"
I'm wondering what other type of controller I could refluff into a good seeker-like character
...rangers make great controllers if you build and equip for it, and they accidentally do awesome damage too.
I've also seen horrifying things from a rogue wielding bolas.
@BESW control-wise, you mean?
I think he was more effective as a ranger, but as a rogue he was still pretty nasty.
...Trogdor has informed me he was a monk.
He sacrificed all his damage in exchange for debuffs like slow, immobilise, prone, and whatever his weapons added (he liked "can't teleport" for obvious reasons).
There was also a cleric who sacrificed damage for attacks that debuffed the enemy and healed his allies.
I had a pacifist cleric in the party not long ago
mmmmh... moonbow initiate wizard...
2 hours later…
@BESW @Shalvenay But it is actually common for vampires to do it. Not only do they have supernatural instruments to do so (or simply get more contacts), but they also need way less to sustain themselves. They don't need food, for example, or medical insurance.
@nitsua60 Well, Vampire: The Masquerade isn't a Tippyverse, by no means can it be. I has enough details to leave small gaps for guessing. World of VtM is like our real world, but it just has ~70 000 (active) vampires to add to our existing situation who manipulate some parts of the world.
It is covered very well how do they sustained themselves, how do they get money etc.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy and here I was with notions of Vlad running around with a Thermos of chilled blood
3 hours later…
@Shalvenay Nope, a package of chilled blood in a fridge, he pours it in a cup and drinks slowly. :3
@Baskakov_Dmitriy the thermos is way more practical for him when he's in the cockpit
@Axoren So the 5e SRD with OGL lets you write what you like and distribute however you like; catch is that SRD is a somewhat-limited subset of core. Alternatively you can use all of 5e if you distribute through DM's guild; catch is that it's either FR or setting-less. See here for the overview, and feel free to ping me with more-specific questions =)
@nitsua60 I have a question for you.
I hope not to offend.
You seem like such a reasonable, well-informed, thoughtful person. Why do you play D&D?
[responses will come slow; I'n one-finger typing with a sick kid curled up in my lap]
lolfigsl =)
[that's so much less offensive (not at all) than it could have been]
Is the kid going to be OK?
oh yeah-just some summer cold/fever
(Sorry--got a phone cal, too
Back to D&D
I'm going for pizza, read later (how's that for PRESSURE?!)
I guess I got started on heroin D&D just like everyone else: an older brother/cousin/neighbor got me hooked.
@eimyr gotcha--enjoy.
not everyone, I didn't
eimyr's endless struggle: not being able to tell people D&D was like his 3rd or 4th RPG played, because everyone assumes it was the 1st and asking is pointless
SO my older brothers let me tag along a little bit (this was during BECMI and 1e), but not much, and soon they were out of the house and I had no game. But for a good decade of 1e and 2e there D&D kept me company playing "solitaire." Designing dungeons and castles, building characters and towns, pretend-playing through Mentzer's Elemental Evil over and over again....
All through HS I could never get friends to give RP a try. We were the "drama crowd," so creativity and goofiness wasn't the barrier. I got 'em all hooked on MtG, so fantasy wasn't the barrier. I got 'em hooked on Axis & Allies, so time wasn't the barrier. Don't know what it was.
@eimyr I got started in freeform stuff which probably was part of my problem :P
Nowadays I play because it's what's going on in the FLGS, I run the group with the HS kids... I think it's largely market-share and name-recognition that drives it. Despite all its flaws, with a GM who recognizes what D&D is I still feel like it's a decent first game to expose people to. 'Cause they're going to be able to tell people what it is, and they'll be able to find other people using that keyword.
(With the HS group we play D&D+1 every year. That is, we play whatever's current in D&D, alternating sessions with something else. Last year it was ODD, two years ago was one of the Cthulhus, this coming year we're thinking about something scifi.)
@nitsua60 and @eimyr -- so, I think I just figured out why people started thinking optimization and roleplaying are incompatible
@Shalvenay Uhm, let me guess
Is it because some editions of D&D have the optimal choices be tied with incoherent character choices that contrast with each other, like the double-betrayer of Shar or the elven cleric with the elf domain polymorphing into an arrow demon?
@Zachiel no
@Shalvenay Oh, that's easy. Because in any situation the intersection of the set of people who want to roleplay and people who want to optimise is smaller than the union of the two.
there are three intrinsic dimensions of optimization: effectiveness, versatility, and resistance
effectiveness is "how good is this char at their intended job/how well do they fill their intended role?"
versatility is "how many jobs can this character do/roles can they fill?"
and resistance is "how well can this character preserve their effectiveness and versatility when faced with adverse conditions?"
You forget about the holy grail of optimisation
effectiveness is fine from a RP standpoint -- (Fate characters are assumed to score well here, if that's any indication)
appropriateness: "How good this char will perform overall in the scope of the current campaign"
@eimyr that's not intrinsic though -- it's out-of-scope as a result.
@Shalvenay Of course it's intrinsic. Optimization isn't a process that happens in a nutshell.
well, inappropriate optimisation is not an optimisation at all
@Miniman I'm saying "intrinsic" as in "properties of the character and the character alone"
@Shalvenay Then your understanding of optimisation is pretty seriously flawed.
@Shalvenay I know! They've been listening to too many Enormous False Dichotomy albums!
@Miniman -- what @eimyr is referring to is what I call "demand" -- how much demand is there in the world for the role or job the character is optimized for?
@Shalvenay Call it what you like, it's still intrinsic to the optimisation process.
@Shalvenay Optimization is in essence an eigenvector problem - abandoning this "demand" makes you optimise without even being able to measure the effectiveness or success of your optimization.
@Miniman I'm assuming we're starting at the requirements-specification level here not at the "raw world parameters" level
You also left out "how well does the character fit with the party", which is arguably more important.
(Oh, geez, @eimyr! Do you have any idea what they'll do once you put linear algeba into their hands!?)
@Shalvenay Huh?
Hey! I optimized for an unrequired skill (escape artist) and my effectiveness is measured in how big of a bonus I can get, compared to how big of a bonus people can get in skills of their choice.
"arguably more important"="leads to more arguments" in this case, yes?
</peanut gallery>
("You can't judge Pun-Pun without referencing hyperbolic space! He's not broken at all!"
@nitsua60 Well, probably. But this idea of char-op happening in a vacuum is pretty ridiculous.
@Miniman my thinking in separating the demand factor out is that you can take a world and concept and turn them into a requirements specification for a character to fulfill, and then optimize a character to fit that requirements specification
@Shalvenay How would that not be intrinsic to the optimisation process?
@Miniman you're conflating intrinsic-to-the-process with intrinsic-to-the-resulting-character
> there are three intrinsic dimensions of optimization: effectiveness, versatility, and resistance
> I'm saying "intrinsic" as in "properties of the character and the character alone"
@Miniman intrinsic-to-the-resulting-character
In any case, I should certainly shut up, as I don't even really follow what people mean when they're talking optimization. (In RPGs. In lots of other fields, yes. Here, no.)
[Note: this ^^ should not be construed as an invitation to educate me on what "optimization" means. Not interested, from all I've seen.]
@Shalvenay Please don't shift your goalposts.
@Miniman eh? I haven't!
you're the one who made a faulty assumption about the meaning of what I was saying!
@Shalvenay Read the 2 quotes of you that I put above, please.
(BTW I feel like I just started a flamewar)
@Miniman I was clarifying what I said because you introduced something that wasn't relevant to what I was trying to explain
@Shalvenay Ok, so you really do mean intrinsic to the character, not intrinsic to optimisation? Because in that case, none of your dimensions fit that criterion.
@Miniman anyway -- this is irrelephant to the point I was originally trying to make
@Shalvenay Ok...
as in utterly irrelephant -- demand doesn't matter for the conflicts I am trying to explain here.
@Miniman Well, the first two maybe yes, but the adversities are outside of the character (the resistance itself is internal)
@Zachiel yeah, it's the internal resistance to external adversities
Just one clarification
No no ok nevermind, I can't rationalize the difference I was trying to ask about. Go on.
so... effectiveness optimizations aren't a problem from a RP standpoint at all -- you can make a character effective at their intended task/role without "breaking RP" IOW
versatility optimizations can be a problem because they can lead to a character overshadowing others, but they can also allow a character to "come in off the bench" and allow other characters to shine by filling in gaps in parties
and resistance optimizations are often a problem -- they make the character's performance more consistent and reliable, but at the cost of taking away tools from other participants that they can use to influence the character's performance and behavior
@Shalvenay You're suggesting that players should be able to make it more difficult for each other to excel?
@eimyr We should totally switch back to an uncontroversial topic... what ever happened to "why the hell do you play that stupid D&D game, anyway, you seem so nice?" [giant grin, totally joking, hopes this doesn't become Pompeii =) ]
@Miniman what I'm saying is that when the GM (in a campaign structured environs) or other players (in a persistent world environs) don't have the ability to cause meaningful adversity for a PC, that PC becomes an obstacle to RP
@Shalvenay That's not 100% true, but it's certainly a valid point.
The issue is, the GM always has the ability to create meaningful adversity.
And trying to play D&D as a persistent world is yet another classic case of "using it for something it's not designed for at all and wondering why it doesn't work".
@Miniman in a GM-based system like D&D, that is mostly true. resistance optimizations aren't as big a problem there. however, when you don't have an overarching GM with that level of power over the world, resistance optimizations loom large as a problem
@Miniman agreed -- but I'm talking at a system-agnostic level here.
@Shalvenay These aren't system-agnostic concepts. I don't have the expertise in any GM-less system to discuss it properly, but all of the ones I've looked at have controls to prevent one player's power from outscaling others.
@Miniman in other words, they limit resistance optimization
@Shalvenay Honestly, any of the GM-less systems I've seen don't really support optimization at all.
(Which is another important reason why this isn't system-agnostic at all.)
Any specific examples you have in mind?
@Miniman Optimization is not just mechanics. Optimizing a character's mindset is equally formidable in freeform RP
@Zachiel no kidding!
In writing, that would be the "give your character weaknesses, don't let him be a Gary Stus!"
But once the rules of the game state that any weakness can bring to your demise, character advocacy almost mandates optimizing to remove weaknesses.
And if this is freeform and the rules of the game are "whatever would happen in the real world", well, we already got to the aforementioned point
That said, I need to shower. See you later
I've been trying to write a response for 5 minutes, but it's impossible to succinctly express the issues of freeform in this medium - I'd need to write several essays. Suffice to say that if you're playing freeform RP not with a group of people you trust completely, you've already stuck your arm in the meat grinder and everything after that is just symptoms.
@Shalvenay Anyway, it's 3am here and talking in sweeping generalities just isn't useful - I'll read anything you leave here tomorrow, but right now I have to go sleep.
Sup, all?
@JackStout Nothing, really, apart from some D&D 4e character building going on
Ran our first game in a new 5e campaign. I always forget that people don't make characters as fast as I do.
First session was improvised but went quite well.
@JackStout cool!
See ya later, people!
hey there @JackStout
@JackStout homebrew or published?
@nitsua60 Did you just ask @JackStout whether he's homebrew?
@nitsua60 Homebrew. I knew we were going to start a campaign but wasn't expecting it so soon. I threw some things at the party and tossed in some hooks.
@eimyr lol
I knew it! All hail Craft Stout.
It gave me more than enough to work with.
Jack Micro-Stout
@eimyr @nitsua60 Only the tastiest, please.
I live in micro-brew country. More than a few friends have asked me to brew with them. I might... someday.
@JackStout I think you just need to license out your name!
@nitsua60 That would imply he's a dwarf.
Ya, so, my campaign is homebrew. This weekend I need to nail down what it is and is not, terrain, local communities, and a couple NPCs. I also need to decide whether this is the same campaign setting I've used with a different group, or a new one. There is some demand for the existing setting.
Q: How does a perception check while flying work? Is there a min/max height to fly when scouting?

Al SunAs a flying character I'm trying to do some aerial recon/scouting and wanted to know how a perception check works (passive and active) while flying. Aside from lightly/heavily obscured (PHB p. 183), what other penalties/factors are there? For example: Does height play a factor? Does speed pl...

can anyone help me remove the hold from this question?
I just need 1 more to reopne
Thanks =)
It has still some parts taht do look unclear to me. Just below the two bullet points, what do you mean with "do we assume a speed of 50 ft.?"?
Are you asking if a standard speed should be assumed (this makes no sense to me, if speed was a factor, the modifiers would depend from the speed chosen by the reconnoiter), _or_ are you telling us "if speed is a variable, let's suppose it is 50 ft. for the examples in your answers"? Or is it something different?
ok ' ill take that out
in the PHB it says at fast speeds you get -5 to passive percetion checks - but this may be another question to deal with later
I'd also change "does height play a factor?" into "does height (i.e. distance from the target) play a factor?"
@AlSun does it really say so without telling what a fast speed is?
For comparison: if this was 3.5e I'd say that you get penalties at full speed (and if you move half your speed or less you don't get them), or something similar.
well i supposes thats 2 questions
height up and height to the target
If I was you I would also consider that bigger creatures might have the range of their bows starting (and ending) a little bit higher.
the higher up you are the longer/further you can see
for example if Im 20fr up or 1000ft ft up, I get more distance
Ooooh, I see. That's probably worth mentioning, but I fear D&D doesn't deal with planetary curvature.
lol - I think you are correct
my understanding - based on the rules - is that it doesnt matter the distance as long as you have LOS to the target
Yes, but it's worth asking. Maybe as a separate but related question. I guess the distance from the target matters way more here, but I'm thinking D&D 3.x here (-1 for each 10 ft. of distance)
but id like to confirm that with others
I supposed so.
yes but in 5e they took all that out
I wonder if 5e still has the random encounter starting distance roll
the only think I see (about vision is on pg 183 of the phb)
Q: Is this a new flag?

nitsua60On one recent answer I saw the following box-text at the bottom: Nothing about it appears in the post's source. Why is it there? Who put it there? Is a post that outright states "this is how I would rule" really on notice for deletion? I've never seen this notice anywhere else--should I be f...

@Zachiel - thanks for the help!
@AlSun Note that's in reference to "Travel Pace" on PHB p.182; the "fast" pace there is characterized only in relation to minutes, hours, and days, not combat rounds. It may be worth asking (separately) something like "if my character moves 40' in a combat round do they incur the -5 penalty from the Travel Pace chart?"
ok - i will
@AlSun I formatted the table and added references from the bullet points to the notes (they also got their nice separator)
i saw that - very nice
thank you
Anyhow, I will mention that menacing to bypass the voting mechanism by asking the question again is only going to flame things up
@SevenSidedDie also (and this probably goes without saying), feel free to edit/massage my meta Q to help it serve as a better FAQ if it occurs to you there's something that'd be good for people to realize but which I didn't think to ask about.
@AlSun A guide to formatting is available by pressing the ? icon and then "Advanced help »" while writing/editing a post.
I'm also very happy I remember the Alt+number combination for "»"
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 Yeah, I was able to get that from that niche little area the blogpost linked to. Is it just me, or is Wizard's site now atrocious to navigate?
@Zachiel @Shalvenay @eimyr Actually, all the tabletop RPG systems that I know about have such an issue at least to some extent. If you don't think of optimization and another player does, a campaign will suck.
A good optimizer and roleplayer can easily make a character who he wants to roleplay also very strong.
@Axoren It's always been atrocious to navigate, except maybe the M:tG site at the times when Mark Gottlieb was a columnist (around 2005)
A descent one may just make a good story for an optimized character.
For example, in VtM it is always good to have as much Willpower as possible. Willpower stat is a key feature of winning.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy I can't make a very strong archer debuffer in D&D 4e, despite there being a class that expressly does that. T_T
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Also, always raise that perception check.
@Zachiel Why would you want to roleplay an archer debuffer? It is not a role concept.
Well, Willpower, Perception, Iron Will, True Love... And you have a good combination for a Tremere. Very good.
Can you make a good story for that? Surely!
Even if it won't be unique.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy It's not me, it's a guy who played Guild Wars a lot and loved the idea of trapmaker / ranged support
It is not a roleplaying wish.
It's a gameplay preference.
Which, surely, may be a poor tool to be strong.
But it is always possible to make an overpowered character and write a good story for him.
In my example of a Tremere with Willpower 10 and True Love/Iron Will, the story is pretty obvious, and I actually want to play something like that. Even though I know that it's a classical Mary Sue.
However, a Toreador who can only dance and seduce isn't going to be a good gameplay solution even if you like to RP something like that.
Yes, RP is important -- but combat is resolved by rolling dice.
However, even in the case of that Toreador.
He (or she) might be using Celerity and high natural Dexterity to be good at dancing. And Auspex 2 is what he or she uses to easily find a good victim for seduction. Add some Firearms, and that character is already not completely defenceless. For vampires, a sawed-off shotgun with Dragon Breath ammunition may be useful, for humans -- a simple SMG. Both are highly consealable, and may be a great threat to not very dangerous foes.
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