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@BESW there are a few things D&D has done that are gross as hell
3 hours later…
@JonathanHobbs Yes.
Guys i just got fae!!
Sorry i mean fate core system! Sorry typo
Thx that d&d pic is so gross
1 hour later…
@waxeagle post is published, feel free to find a better pic
@Grubermensch I was looking for any picture that would make a good cover for my printed 5e rules which I've placed in a 2 ring binder.
Ooh, this is neat.
Have you played it?
My experience so far with one page rules have not been successful.
Does this pic come with the pdf and I just missed it?
@GMNoob With the exception of Pilgrims of the Flying Temple and Roll for Shoes, I agree.
(And Flying Temple is kind of cheating to call it a one-page system.)
It seems like most one-page systems haven't quite figured out where all the dials are and just how far they can get turned. One-page systems have to leave out a lot of dials completely, but choosing which to leave entirely in the group's hands is rough.
@Metool I'm taking notes on that dice mechanic.
@BESW Yeah the dice mechanic is really nice, but I wish it was larger than a d6. Not enough granularity for me.
I'll have to see it in action.
I'm thinking it could be very close to what I'm looking for in my MLN system.
(But still, no escalation mechanic. I need more escalation engines to study.)
One thing I don't like about it, is that there is no obvious benefit to picking 3 or 4 as your number.
Well, sure. If you want to be decent at both.
50% isn't decent IMO
That's nitpicking; I mean that if you want a character who isn't crippled in one or the other approach, you pick a middling number.
And then one of my friends tried to use 3.5 as their number.
@Metool Congratulations, they have no laser feelings.
@BESW The point is , I don't find it nitpicking. If I don't have a 70% chance of doing something , I tend to try to avoid rolling the dice, or I recognize that I'm going to not succeed.
That's a gameplay choice; there's still an obvious reason to pick a 3 or 4: to be equally good at both. Just because you wouldn't doesn't mean it's not a clear option.
Does anyone know when the phb for 5e is coming out?
Auguest 15th
Thanks, you guys are amazingly knowledgeable about rpgs
Good morning.
Speaking of which one of the players in my group wants to try his hand at gming but wanted to use a modern apocalyptic setting. Any recommendations for a high-quality and easy to learn system.
Are we talking relatively realistic "28 Hours Later"-style zombie apocalypse, or more futuristic and fun Fallout-style mutant post-apocalypse?
Also, how opposed are you to a simple setting-agnostic system which lets you and/or your group define the setting yourselves?
28 Days later.
Silly me.
Your zombie apocalypse is a lot faster.
@BESW "Tired of spending days and weeks tearing down civilization as we know it? Our super-fast zombies will make short work of your city in a matter of hours, or your money back!"
Well he was thinking about a modern one but he is a big fan of the fallout franchise so a more complex setting with futuristic tech would be good too.
There's a Fallout-based game, but I think it's not officially published, just a fan effort:
But apparently an official Fallout d20-based game was planned, then scrapped as an official tie-in and was rereleased generically.
Huh that's interesting
Exodus is a post-apocalyptic role-playing game published by Glutton Creeper Games using the d20/OGL system. Originally the game was licensed in the Fallout universe, but due to legal complications with Interplay and Bethesda Softworks, Fallout's current copyright holder, the publisher decided to continue working on the game with retaining most of its elements and excluding all references to Fallout. History The project of creating the Fallout role-playing game based on d20 Modern system started in 2006 and the publisher obtained an 18-month license from Interplay, the creator of the o...
Never played it, though, so I can't recommend it. But if you're already familiar with D&D/d20, it should be easy to get into.
Aye, so--what's the focus of the game? Simple survival? Rebuilding civilisation? Profiteering?
I know you probably can't answer these questions for him, but they're the kind of thing--more than the setting--which defines the best system to use.
Open world survival
Is sudden, meaningless death a constant possibility, or is it more about a heroic overcoming against the odds?
(IE, will the players be creating new characters often, or telling the story of a small group of hardy survivors?)
No game does "sudden, meaningless death" better than deadEarth. Usually even before gaming starts.
No, I do not recommend deadEarth. I do recommend reading the review and laughing hysterically.
I'm not him so i can't say for sure, but are dnd campaigns have always been very cutthroat and difficult (largely by the players request) so I'd assume he would want a system where death is always a very real possibility.
Okay, that probably leaves me out; I don't pay a lot of attention to systems where my players may suddenly lose their PCs. I'll thumb through my books, though.
I'm also usually far from the "brutally realistic" style.
I suppose AFMBE could work, especially if the apocalypse was very recent.
... Call of Cthulhu ...
Twilight 2000 was going for the very harsh and realistic style, back in the day, but IIRC the mechanics were extremely crunchy and I don't know if newer editions were made.
No, CoC isn't exactly easy to learn.
Twilight 2000 is a role-playing game set in the aftermath of World War III (the "Twilight War"). The premise is that the United States/NATO and the Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact have fought a lengthy conventional war, followed by a (limited) nuclear war with all its consequences. Characters in the game are survivors of the war. History The adventures in Twilight 2000 typically involve a military unit which was stranded in Central Europe after the nuclear war and places emphasis on attempting to realistically depict military and social systems after a nuclear war. The manufacturer of the ga...
There's Cthulhu Dark; I've never tried it but I have the pdf for some reason. [reads]
... Cthulhu Dark is not the game you're looking for. Too lightweight.
Yeah, okay, I'd say AFMBE might be a place to start.
All Flesh Must Be Eaten or AFMBE (ISBN 1-891153-31-5) is a multiple Origins Award winning and nominated survival horror role-playing game (RPG) produced by Eden Studios, Inc. using the Unisystem game system. AFMBE is derived from the traditional horror movie depictions of zombies who rise from the dead as mindless monsters that consume the living. In addition to producing a revised edition and many RPG supplements, there have been many works of fiction published that take place in one of the game’s many settings. AFMBE is one of the first RPGs to focus on zombies as the main aspect of ...
Can anybody attest to the quality of the revised edition
revised edition of what?
ah, that picture is the revised edition
that is the only edition I have personally played, and I personally liked it, but it was like, maybe a 1-2 hour session during just one day
so I have very little experience with it, and I didn't exactly get to play a full campaign
so all I can give is my opinion, and it is founded on maybe 2 hours of experience
you might want more than that lol
I even have that book somewhere because my brother got it and then left it here
I seem to recall that being the reason anyway
Hey that's better then nothing.
I've only read the original, I think.
@trogdor If you can find it....
took me 2 seconds
Shiny. Bring it on over some time; while we're in the "experimenting with systems" mindset, might as well give it a shot.
keep in mind it isn't likely to be any good for a single PC+Gm game
You guys know eachother IRL
@Matt Trogdor is my most reliable--and often only--player.
@Matt BESW is also the only person who ever calls me reliable :P
You are reliable. Your situation often imposes unreliableness upon you.
I didn't say anyone called me unreliable either
but I certainly don't get called reliable either
From a conversation while making dinner:
"'The Free Will of Corn' would be a good name for an agricultural heavy metal band."
"They play their farm implements?"
"And it's Jim-Bob on the threshing machine..."
Good day everyone!
good day, indeed.
as in end of day good day, or start of day good day?
Start of day for me (just past noon here).
it's about the end of the day here is all
1 hour later…
@lisardggY I am terribly tempted to roll some deadEarth PCs.
Dying in character creation, seriously?
@waxeagle [poke]
Would you mind opening up the Back Room?
(No way I'm inflicting deadEarth on the main chat, but it probably doesn't deserve its own room either.)
@BESW A live-chatting the Quick Chargen and Regrettable Death of deadEarth characters can be nice.
Ugh. Went to my dad's place to search, but it seems that my copy of Castle Falkenstein is gone. Now I'll have to start searching for copies on eBay and AbeBooks.
@InbarRose What?
To talk about DeadEarth
It was a joke.
Anyway... I'm not really here.
Okay, I'm impatient.

 deadEarth: The Chargenning

Where characters are rolled but never played
Hah, the Apocalypse World Gunlugger has a "move" that makes them a gang in battle (mechanics-wise). A fairly literal one-man army!
@BESW opened
Reminder: I'm helping @BESW create a deadEarth character over in the deadEarth: the Chargennin room.
We're going to start the dramatic Radiations phase soon.
At my last convention one of my friends wanted to play it (if his Everyone is John session was to end too early) but had some problems translating "envoy" for the Italian speaking crowds. So while he re-read the rules again I went asking a GM who is a professional translator and a sci-fi nerd and it played this way:
him - what game is it, by the way?
me - laser something something
him - aaaah, lasers and feelings! Great game.
@BESW Same mechanic Trollbabe uses
More or less.
@Metool Good luck rolling that on your die.
My first deadEarth character survived character creation!
However, he's going to die of liver failure in 1d6 years, reverse-age and die as an embryo in 1d6 weeks, and die of spontaneous combustion in 3d6 hours.
That is, if he isn't first killed by one of the animals he invariably drives wild by his mere presence, and assuming he doesn't try to drive any kind of vehicle.
Alas, his plans for being a dictatorial news anchorman will never be realised.
Also, he was a slobbering fool.
That might have been a small impediment to his plans, yes.
And it goes a long way to explaining why he couldn't drive.
@BESW I have time.
well, 18 hours is more than enough
@Zachiel Since he starts at 42 years old and ages backwards, 1d6 weeks for 42 years, 18 hours will get him down to... oh,. nevermind.
My second character also survived! With brain damage and crippling frailty, but a poison spur on his ankle and the ability to create pearls (he appears to be some kind of paraplegic fish-man).
My third and final character is a bedridden mentally deficient invalid incapable of accomplishing even the simplest of tasks. All who come into contact with him suffer radiation mutation, and he's so overcome with arrogant pride that he taunts them until they attack him (thus ensuring their mutation). Oh, and his susceptibility to radiation has given him a driving urge to get out of bed.
All of these problems except being bedridden (including the urge to get out of bed) could be cured by a truly remarkable doctor... if anyone could stay in the room long enough without trying to kill him.
So all my characters survived character creation! The brain damaged fish-man seems to have the best chances of continued survival though.
The drooling broadcaster will die in 3d6 hours, then again in 1d6 weeks, and again in 1d6 years. The 60 year old bedridden radiation-carrier ages a year for every month, so he doesn't have much left either.
No way he lasts a month. He's gonna starve or get strangled by whoever brings him food.
The reason the fish-man isn't dying is that you had to roll up only 6 mutations.
What kind of game is this!?
Heck, with -14 Resilience he'd probably just choke on a speck of dust.
7 hours ago, by lisardggY
No, I do not recommend deadEarth. I do recommend reading the review and laughing hysterically.
@JonathanHobbs See the review I linked to in the star-list over there.
Goodnight, y'all.
seems unwise to me to be making 5e supplements when there is no clear license yet: kickstarter.com/projects/necromancergames/…
(though Greenwood is involved so they may have an inside track)
at least they're admitting that the licensing isn't nailed down...but we've been told that won't come til Spring and they're trying to publish in Nov...seems rushed
If anyone isn't following along, Evil Hat is unboxing the starter slowly (about a post a day), and it's pretty good stuff
@waxeagle Licensing should be officially published in November, and come into effect early 2015.
@waxeagle Notice how they're very coy with their language. They say "5e", but they never at any point say "D&D" or "Dungeons & Dragons".
In case the licensing doesn't allow it, I expect.
"for the 5th Edition of the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game"
@waxeagle Greenwood, Williams and Ward are all TSR/WotC veterans, but they're content contributors, if I understand it correctly. Not project leaders.
They migrated a question from History.SE to Sports.SE and now I have 171 rep in a sports site I have absolutely no interest in.
@lisardggY heh, it's a cool site, I've been there from day 1
@lisardggY lol wow, I hadn't caught that, their disclaimer made me think it was peppered in at least a little bit
@lisardggY yeah, Winter works on Tyranny of Dragons books too (through KP though). But yeah, the aren't involved in the system design, and probably aren't a ticket to resolving licensing issues
@lisardggY yeah, and they've been amazingly tight lipped bout 5e stuff, so we have no idea what thats going to look like
@waxeagle Except for Mearls' extremely roundabout hint-post.
Now I feel like some potato salad
@lisardggY O.o
How is evilhat's unboxing different from the video?
@lisardggY right, and that was basically to say "we've said nothing, there will be something"
@GMNoob He's going quite in depth, and is an outsider POV
(but still within the game design community)
(and he seems to be coming at it tabula rasa)
So I'm very slowly reading the rules and noticed that we missed the woodelf and blindsense in the hidden discussion
Also noticing that everyone seems to have missed the first page of the rules in regards to magician's question :-)
Is he doing a slow review or an unboxung?
@GMNoob publishing the unboxing slowly
(though it has a strong review undertone to it)
@GMNoob walkingmind.evilhat.com/2014/07/06/… back 2 from here to start
1 hour later…
btw if anyone is following the 5e release and isn't checking out the "Tweets & replies" part of Mearls' twitter feed, there's a bunch of good stuff there
(rules clarifications, designer insights, etc)
1 hour later…
Pathfinder people may find this to be of interest:
> The new spring 2015 book is Pathfinder Unchained. It is described as the book that the developers got to write without being chained down by something like backwards compatibility. So, a more powerful rogue, a monk with full BAB, a summoner that isn't broken beyond belief. These are the kinds of optional rules they plan to introduce, allowing GMs to swap out pieces of existing rules that they don't like. Sounds interesting.
(I am not a Pathfinder person.)
"a summoner that isn't broken beyond belief"
Uh, that's not because of writing for backwards compatability.
@Tablesalt Hi!
@trogdor Lego Smaug.
Now this is how to do Mythos horror:
> If you fight any creature you meet, you will die. Thus, in these core rules, there are no combat rules or health levels. Instead, roll to hide or escape.
Also: Cthulhu Dark looks like it might have a simple/elegant escalation mechanic I could borrow.
I'll need to play it to see.
(I think it could work for single-player, maybe?)
But @trogdor, from the 11th to the 27th or so I might be able to do two or three RPG gatherings a week, with you and Adib.

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