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You may get the feats with polymorph, or something like that. There was an explanation that made more sense before wild shape was changed to alternate form
There's also an entry in the FAQ on page 87 about it, but that's contradicted by an entry in the FAQ on page 88
because the FAQ is like that. :P
I think players need to realise at one point that the dm is the judge, and they need to drop it
hey imo MoMF is still pretty cool for being a spy (no-one ever suspects the generals horse/dog!), and at lv 7 becomes viably strong
what about if your form is multi limbed? Do you become proficient in the limbs?
@ReaperOscuro that actually depends on the game, but most of the time, yes, you've got to know when to fold them
@waxeagle poker style! Afternoon!!
still mid morning :)
@Tridus ah i thought i saw it: this is prob what your players is getting stuck on: "The Official Game Rules FAQ notes that racial feats and skills are extraordinary qualities, so you get them when you each MMF level 7."
Yep, and then on page 88 the same FAQ says this: Unless a racial trait is specifically referred to elsewhere as
an extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like ability (such as
blindsense or damage reduction), it isn’t any of those.
(Besides which, racial feats are ones marked specially in the monster entry as racial. It's not the entire feast list)
(It also doesn't cover getting the racial properties itself, since Alternate Form says explicitly that you don't get that and nothing in Wild Shape or MoMF changes that)
It's so easy to miss important rules for tactical combat.
> Spreads expand evenly in all directions. If a spread originates from a square, its radius is measured from a vertex of that square. (The source of the effect that creates the spread chooses the vertex.)
@Tridus yea just meant i suspect your plauer misinterpreted racial feats as all feats
@ReaperOscuro Probably, yeah.
imo if the bible says yay, i go by that lol
@Metool lol thats ridonculous, it would originate from a point anyway, why the heck need to play around with the square!
@Tridus i mean why think when something is written down to do it for you ;)
Ok gotta schedaddle, need to work
@ReaperOscuro Yeah. :) What I"m going to have to do is go through it with him and explain what he gets and what he doesn't. Which will probably be an extended conversation, because ugh. But anyway, once it's done it should be happier.
@RedRiderX Hi!
@BESW Howdy!
What's up?
@BESW Nothing much, actually.
Just thought I might hang out in RPG chat.
You guys have the nicest looking chat.
It's so fancy.
We do, don't we? [grin] My hat is off to whatever brilliant person did our site's design.
Others are fancier, but at a cost of utility which this site's design does not sacrifice.
It really does work well as a design.
IIRC Jin designed it and balpha implemented it
(I can't read anything on Arqade because the pinstripe background matches my monitor refresh, which makes the background flicker like a bad florescent light.)
the site design is Jin's conception, but a 3rd party artist did the header art.
@BESW Oh my.
@RedRiderX Do you have much/any RPG experience?
@BESW Well, actually none at all really.
Fair enough. We shan't kick you out, don't worry.
It's always something that's intrigued me, but I've never had a group to attempt it with.
Balpha hangs out in our chat channel on SO. Cool guy.
I've been looking at FATE and OpenD6 as a maybe simple way starting out.
But I don't know how to build a scenario.
@RedRiderX I can identify. Finding players, much less ones I want to play with, is a bit of a challenge for me, and a number of people around here.
Or setting, or whatever.
@RedRiderX I'd highly recommend running something pregenerated for your first time.
@RedRiderX A lot of game systems have pre-written ones or third party ones you can buy and use. I fyou're just starting out, that's a much easier way to go as you have to think about less stuff.
@waxeagle That's what I was thinking yeah.
I would say Fate is more for experienced role-players, but I only recently learned it (as an experienced role player) and I might not be able to see how it can be played as a non-experienced user - but I may be wrong. :)
Stuff like Lady Blackbird seems neat.
Hmm. I wonder how hard it would be to modify the Night Fears pre-made one-shot adventure from DFRPG to Fate Core.
I'm honestly not sure what I'd recommend for a first time player.
my first game was 4e's Redbox and it's OK, but 4e is kind of intense for a first game
My reasoning is because Fate has the player more involved in the story and meta is used as part of the games flow.
@InbarRose Yeah, I would certainly have to have a system that I could explain to a group of non roleplayers.
In my experience, "meta" is not a problem for people unexperienced with RPGs.
things like Dread and Role For Shoes are good intros when the players are new or the group is mixed. But if the DM is new they aren't good fits.
A system that introduces concepts like modifying the game masters story, introducing new aspects into scenes, and other such concepts may not be good to introduce someone to "roleplaying"
@BESW Yeah, I was thinking of a light one-shot in a fairly simple system.
A player's avoidance of metatextual interactions is learned, not inherent, taught by systems like D&D.
@waxeagle Me being new is also a problem, yes.
I've seen stuff like the RollPlay series, but that's about it.
@RedRiderX Night Fears is a free one-shot for the Dresden Files RPG (which uses the Fate engine, but is much more complex and fiddly than Fate Core).
@BESW Ah yes I have heard of Dresden Files.
But yeah it does seem more fiddly than Fate.
I'd be happy to help you revise it for a Fate Core experience.
And then, as @waxeagle said, there's Roll for Shoes.
in Roll For Shoes you don't necessarily need to be an experienced GM, but if not, you probably want to be practiced in on the fly story telling which is a GM skill
Yeah, RFS is a little too unstructured for a completely new group, I suspect.
@BESW That's a really kind offer, but I'm thinking that if I'm going to be roping in some friends who aren't already in to RPGs, I might need a more lighter, Old West setting.
That seems like a setting they would be into.
I guess I should have mentioned that earlier. >.>
I guess I was just trying to develop a scenario on my own, and having no idea of what to do.
But it sounds like using something premade is the way to go.
@RedRiderX Yeah, that's why it's not a good idea for a first time. :)
The thing with developing your own scenario is that you really have to know it backwards and forwards, or be good at improv. Players will do the unexpected
@Tridus Wellll.
@BESW I love RFS :)
The alternative is to not have a scenario.
@BESW what about something like fiasco? I haven't grabbed it yet, but it seems like it might give enough direction with little enough rules
In my game on Monday I had a funny thing with an offhand comment about some statues appearing in town, and the next thing I know the players are out at the limestone quarry trying to figure out who would have bought enough statue sized blocks to be making them
@InbarRose my DM went so far as to make an emergency RFS kit
That was an amusing mental dexterity test. ;)
without even having played the game yet
@waxeagle oooo, please do explain! :)
@waxeagle I've seen that too, seems neat, but I'm not sure if it's a theme that my group might be into.
Also it costs money so...
It requires more thinking on your feet, but I've run Fate games where we knew nothing about the setting, characters, or plot going in, and just discovered things as they happened. I'm not sure I'd recommend it for a first time, but the idea could be useful: you don't need to know everything if you can make some of it up as you go.
There's that.
@InbarRose he printed the rules, grabbed some d6s and some chips, takes it with him in any situation where he might be in a place for an extended period with people.
I have no experience with Fiasco, but I think it might not have the right... tone? for a starting group.
@BESW that makes sense
@BESW That would be if you're good at improv, yeah. If you're doing it the first time it's probably hard to think on your feet like that without a safety net to fall back on, and a premade setting provides that.
@RedRiderX One thing about Fate - because it is able to be used in pretty much any setting or story, is that you can latch onto something you all know, Like playing in the X-Men universe, or playing out your favorite Game Of Thrones episode.
Fiasco is about orchestrating one's own spectacular failures.
@BESW And there is quite a bit of time spent on character creation I think.
It was on TableTop once.
@Tridus I imagine so, though I don't know from personal experience: improv was my personal strength from day one.
@RedRiderX Not just character creation, but game setup.
@InbarRose Yeah, I had considered making a setting based on a 90's TV western.
@Magician Ah okay.
@RedRiderX Fate Core or Fate Accelerated?
Why don't we show him my game as Sen the Magnificent? :)
@BESW Fate Accelerated is what I have been reading.
@InbarRose You're the one who did it up in conversations, go for it.
@BESW If you're good at it, it's awesome. You can react to anything, no matter how off the wall. When I was new I needed help, and a premade setting was really useful for establishing that. If I didn't know what to do when the players wanted to do something, I had the resource to draw on to help
@BESW Where is the Fate Room link?
(I once ran a game in the Wheel of Time universe, which wasn't so much a premade campaign as it was "everybody at the table has read the books and we know how the world works, so lets play")
(That was all we needed, really.)

 Fate chat and game room

Good questions raised here should hit the main site too! Fudge...
@BESW Oh right I should check that out.
@ReaperOscuro MoMF has no disguise or bluff as class skills. Anyway, any form of true sight kills all his spyishness.
@RedRiderX This is a game BESW and I played: part 0 part 1 part 2 part 3
@BESW [grumbles]
@RedRiderX @BESW probably should install the dice plugin.
@InbarRose I'll go dig up the link again.
@InbarRose Oh yeah I guess a 2 person game is a thing.
And why not? :)
@InbarRose The dice plugin is indeed cool.
well, you can roll dice here already
The Fate Dice plugin just makes them look like Fate Dice ( Fudge Dice).
@RedRiderX As you probably know, if you've only got d6s you can read them as Fudge dice using 1-2 as minus, 3-4 as blank, and 5-6 as plus. But we've got a snazzy script that makes d6s look like Fudge dice in the Fate Game Room.
@DiceService Oooh.
@BESW Oh my, that's cool.
It's still 4d6 to the dice service.
The script just changes what you see in the chat--and it only works in the Fate Game Room.
@BESW Could you not just add http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11/rpg-general-chat to the site list in the script?
@RedRiderX you could, but I think part of the point was to preserve normal dice behavior in here
Yes on both counts.
@waxeagle Oh, right.
new game based on the Numenera Cypher engine (which I haven't played yet)
Well, I have to skip out for a bit, it's been a great chat with you all.
I'm feeling lucky
Are there docs for the dice service anywhere?
I got my d10000 in the mail a couple days ago.
If the formula is XdY, then X can be any number from 1 to 9 and Y can be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 20.
Well that was a hellish half hour.
If you leave X blank, the system assumes you mean one. If you leave Y blank, the system assumes six.
You can combine expressions, like 4d6 1d20 3d8, but the system does not understand modifiers
Note to self: Archive more frequently or else never archive again.
What? No Seven?
@DampeS8N Why the heck do you need a D10'000? Are you planning to play FATAL?
Mail locked up my computer.
@DampeS8N hey we had to fight hard just for d4 and d10
@SvenB. I have an excuse... I'm opening a Roleplaying Guild.
@waxeagle really?
@DampeS8N yeah, we didn't have those until we gradumatated
Well, for anyone who cares you can roll xdy on my site for just about any numbers. And yes, it might bring all of godaddy down if you pick unwisely.
format is actually: roll AdB+CxD
so roll 2d6+1x10: 5 10 9 3 8 8 8 8 9 9
also marks min and max rolls.
I just have a few lines of Python that I wrote that rolls anything I want... It doesn't crash godaddy.
I doubt you really could crash godaddy.
Lemme see...
roll 10000d10000x10000000000 still going...
hmm.. seems I did build in some kind of maximum.
oh, I forgot it could do multiple sets of dice too.. so this works: roll 3d6+2d8+-5x4
lol my parents are staying at Fawlty Towers...in Zambia
It doesn't do roll and keep, does it ?
@SvenB. No, but I could probably add that... You can certainly do it yourself by doing roll 1d6x10 and doing the keep part yourself.
@DampeS8N Obviously. But roll and keep is one of the hardest things to code.
@SvenB. hm.. I don't see why.
Because of exploding dice.
Again, I don't see why that would be hard to code. It could potentially never end, but that's a different matter.
I wrote code for an answer about a question someone asked earlier, and it had exploding dice.
Hm, sorry, not thinking straight.
You are probably not a coder :)
Especially since you call it "coding" instead of "programming"
Sad part is, I am. Not in one of my best days, though.
Well, I suppose not then.
Could just use a while loop that is set only to exit when the roll is below a certain number.
Could do many things, while loops are a bit overkill, recursion is probably best in this case.
Also - probably should keep the conversation about role playing and not about programming.
adding roll and keep to my script now.
just recurse and add, you think?
However roll and keep (à la L5R), is probability nightmare.
Why would it be a nightmare now?
My answer with the code
A: How do I calculate average damage for WFRPG using AnyDice?

Inbar RoseA more technical answer.... I used Python to write a simple enough code that can calculate this. For the non-coders, I am sorry... (I have put the code at the end of the answer so not to get in the way) I used the variables I got from the chat to get these results: >>> calculate() most common:...

hmm.. This script is quick and dirty, I need to refactor it if I wanna add roll and keep.
That code is also kind of Q&D.
If I were to write it now I would totally use recursion
do you explode both dice or just the damage die?
"both" ?
@shatterspike1 Because of decreasing probability, yet never totally impossible, dice explosions
That's not really an issue, I wouldn't think.
See my code, its not so hard.
haha, I'm not even adding exploding dice. How would I format that. I've got AdBkC so 4d6k2 would be roll 4 d6's and keep the top 2. I'd have to feed ranges for explosions..
I'm still not sure what the expected outcome of 1k1 is. I think 6.1111...
The power of modular code (Python)
1k1 ?
4d6k2e5,6 lol
1 dice of 1 thousand sides?
@SvenB. I don't the L5R mechanic, but it looks like there's already a ton of dice rollers out there for it.
*know the mechanic
because I can't access the editor for some reason.
Sorta off topic, but does anyone know of any cRPGs that use exploding dice? While we are on the topic.
From a mathematical standpoint, expected outcome of any XkY roll is just a pain to calculate. All people I know who've tried to figure it out, ended up saying "screw this", wrote up a roller, and logged the results of a million rolls, for each roll from 1k1 to 10k10.
I bet, if the question isn't there already, you get a formula for it inside of 5 minutes on math.se
Could be...
@SvenB. limits
it's really not that hard.
I'd have to remember more math than I care to, but it would not be hard to figure it out.
It's basically just discrete math, right?
granted due to the time it's been since I was proficient in this stuff, I'd just do a calculator and be done with it as well.
@DampeS8N or it would be closed for being too basic :)
@waxeagle Are they doing that now? I have not looked at it since I was Mod Pro-Tem of Scifi.SE
@DampeS8N probably not on Math.se I know Mathoverflow.se is research level
@waxeagle lol, I didn't even know there was mathoverflow.
@DampeS8N it was an SE 1.0 site that was brought back into the 2.0 fold a few months ago
@waxeagle cool
there you go
@shatterspike1 once upon a time I could have solved that
I had to dig through my notes from last semester for that.
@SvenB. if you're interested, google "combinatronics formulas".
For k dice and n sides.
@shatterspike1 I'm assuming that last factorial is ((n-1)!) and not (k!(n-1))!
@DampeS8N should be written as (k)! * (n-1)!
@shatterspike1 that's what I figured.
What happens when you have an autocorrect fail around a concept artist: scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/q71/s720x720/…
that's pitamat.
@waxeagle That may be the greatest thing I've seen in my life.
@waxeagle That is a Bloodthirsty Nouveau Riche Gangster Donald Trump sandwich.
@BESW Open face, of course.
Of course.
I had to refresh because I could have sworn we were talking about noveau riche Trump sandwiches yesterday
And now we are again.
The B NR GDT for short.
that was one of three simply amazing images to be linked in the Reaper KS comments last night. The other two were a tiamat crustacean hybrid and a Sophie riding a waffle eating belly dancing tarrasque riding a gazebo being flown by kaladrax
damn.. can't do italics inside an acronym.
@DampeS8N nope
Afternoon all (@waxeagle still morn?)
@waxeagle lol. Epic reference with the gazebo.
@ReaperOscuro nope, it's lunch time
for(i = 2; i <= n; i++): x = i*x
for calculating factorials.
@Zachiel yea but its a neat concept! Plus its not like your going to get someone routinely true sight animals (which im sure you could wildling clasp a magic item to block), and take one lv in rogue to sort out the skills!
@waxeagle lunch and chat, perfect combo. Dont even have to worry about talking with your mouth full!
@ReaperOscuro indeed, I actually need to go make my lunch...I don't usually take a real break
More foo you @waxeagle ! Unless you love your job, why wouldnt you take a break?!? And dont tell me because youre busy, its part of your rights!
@ReaperOscuro Mostly practicality. I like getting off half an hour earlier. And my job isn't stressful or intense.
@waxeagle ah ill left you off, going early is ftw :)
That is... a tarrasque in a diaphanous belly-dancing outfit, holding a waffle, on a gazebo, with a dracolich inside the gazebo and... something... on the tarrasque's horn.
@BESW That's Sophie, Reaper's Angel mascot
and the dracholich is Kaladrax who do to a CAD error ended up being about 3x the size he was supposed to and is monstrous.
@waxeagle iirc scifi.se's angel in the header still has no backstory... just saying.
@DampeS8N really? they should totally fix that :)
@BESW it was like day 12 of a 25 day kickstarter...people are getting a bit punchy :)
@waxeagle nice drawing, is it from your fair hand? I take it the tarrasque is on the quest for mithril waffle griddler?
@ReaperOscuro no, sadly not my hand, I have not art ability. The Pitamat is from a concept artist named Talin, and I don't remember the artist on the tarrasquelichzebo mount.
Nm, i also have very little artistic capabilities. Still, nice composition :)
2 hours later…
Should Gnome Stew stay in our ticker feed? Vote yea or nay.
I'll give that another day or so before pulling it if it hasn't gathered 4 votes.
well, I gave it one because I like ticker feed stuff
So my MoMF player from earlier today got back to me. He was happy with how we ruled it, and then said he needed Monster Manuals 2 and 3 to make it workable...
which is A) BS, and B) a stupid question, since there's a list of allowed books and those aren't on it
So we're solving the problem by simply changing him to straight Druid
I really don't get why some people don't understand what "you can use stuff from X, no matter what your min/max reading on the Internet says" means.
What happen?
Oh, a player made a new character based on misunderstanding rules, and was unhappyt when I corrected him. We worked that out, but now he wants material in disallowed books or the thing isn't playable apparently
So we're making him a straight Druid instead
gotta go, later :)
See ya.
it kind of sounds like dude only wants to make a character on his own terms, damn the rules...
I would kind of prefer not to play with a guy like that in the first place, but that's just me and, well, there could be 20 other issues that make you want to keep him
@JohnCraven Not the least of which might be lack of other players to join the game.
yeah, that was first on my mind
(especially given my COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE to set up a local FATE game) :( :( :(
@JohnCraven Where is local?
Seattle area
In the next several months I might be able to help you with that. Working on a game scheduling app that is part of my Roleplaying Guild in the Baltimore MD area. It'll enable anyone anywhere to be able to list a game and find players for said game in the local area.
Including, of course, located at the tables in our game space. But that's a bit of a trek for you. lol
I wonder how someone would convert a system with a single GM to one that's GMless or has rotating GMs...
I am planning on working on making PDFs that actually WORK that auto calculate everything for 3.5 and pathfinder with spaces for house ruled stuff.
Anyone have any recommendations on other systems that might benefit from such pdfs?
@Aaron So just like PDFs that auto-calculate stats, spell slots, and what not?
@shatterspike1 Yup. I will try to make it so there is one that covers all the classes but that might not be possible.
@Aaron As a PDF, no, as an app (web or local) that outputs json/xml I can import into things, HELL YES.
I'd pay for that.
@DampeS8N I might do something like that. Especially for pay.
Especially if they all output in a standard format, so I could take the info and plug it into a display that could make sense of any game's data.
So, it would have either a number or null for the HP section of the json/xml
I could use that so bad for my gaming table I am making with a 4K TV.
I'd be able to display stats/status for players on screen at their seat.
If you could flush out exactly what you want and send requirements to me I would take a look and see what I could do. It might be awhile as I would have to have my own computer to do this on so I don't break any rules with my job.
@Aaron You don't have your own computer?
@DampeS8N :( No just a work laptop.
I will soon though as we are going to have a room mate so I can save up and get my computer I have wanted for a long time :)
Nuts, I need to get going. I'm sure I'll see you in here again. We'll talk more soon. :)
@DampeS8N Shall we exchange emails?
You should be able to figure out mine. :) But I think this could turn into a cool community project.
@DampeS8N Yup
@Aaron have you tried heroforge? Uses excel i believe, does a damn good job of what you are aiming, might help figure further details out
for 3.5 only i believe though
@ReaperOscuro I am trying to make something that can be downloaded that is simple to use but I will look into it.
@Tridus aye gevoi...i can see why he'd try doing such though: one of the most amazing things of dnd is the truly marvelous selection of monsters. Now im not of course suggesting you rescind on your decision, but in future what about ever MoMF lv allow one creature form (from those that you are allowed) from an exotic source?
@Aaron yea it is heavy in size and pdf would be mucho better, but just thought could help point in the right direction :)
Wait is he online
I think this is the first time I have not seen him online lol.
BESW is everywhere :D
probably a mixture of the weather and ants
reminds of that tornado shark film
tornado ants!
@BESW I think I found an example of the creepy brony room imgur.com/gallery/MjuZsFV
@BESW Although the picture of RD over the window does look cool.
@Aaron ....one of the ponies looks disturbingly like sporting a sexually provocative look...
@ReaperOscuro Which one?
ah....im sorry @Aaron...i think its the one you mentioned :/ the rainbow one?
i mean lol looks cool, but seems to me shes saying "come and get me big boy"
but hey, i have a strange mind
@ReaperOscuro It does look a bit like that I suppose. I like art though so I look at is as art and not associated with MLP aside from using their character.
@Aaron ah, glad i didnt put my foot too much in it lol. Oh art it is defo the best one there, that i concur
@ReaperOscuro is a "trotter"
@JohnCraven Trotter?
one who fantasizes sexually about MLP
@JohnCraven actually im a canterer, EVEN WORSE!
@JohnCraven I thought you were going to say something about trotting around offending people or something. We were thinking two very different things.
evening Mr Craven
good eeeeeeevening
@ReaperOscuro Do I want to know?
ok what's the proper html to put a link lol?
Bad title
apart from just posting the link
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canter anyway its only this
@Aaron HA! Bleeding rphaven is based just round the corner from me!!
@ReaperOscuro What do you mean?
rphaven is based in Lewisham in London uk, which is round the corner from me @Aaron :)
unless im looking at the wrong rphaven lol
HAHAHA yea its the wrong one
its the .co.uk one :P
awww dont have privileges to view the MLP rp group there!
What error are you getting?
Perhaps you actually have to log on.
@Aaron i havent created a log on yet, its probably a sensible move to stop...undesirable elements from viewing it
i just flt it amusing considering the current discussion :D
Most rp sites I have been on have a MLP group. Most of the female RPers are in those groups
since it's a show aimed at little girls I do not have a real issue with that
i would of thought it were populated with younger users, hence why it cannot be viewed without login
true, but mlp are awesome full stop
and meh, it's a pretty well done show in all honesty, way better than the crap they gave to us when I was a kid
well, better than carebears, sorry carebears lovers
but I just don't get all the insane love for it... it's just My Little Pony, people
well not sure about the newer shows as havent seen em, just saying the ponies are awesome
me and wife have mlp around the house :D
sadly not too many :/
if you grew up with it I can get that
if they came out with like a halfway decent Thundercats cartoon I'd probably be cool with it
lol me mostly grew up with animes as they were very big in Italy, just love cute things @JohnCraven
I mean, I wouldn't be like OMG CHEETARA because I am a grown ass man, but yeah
haha you know you would be, dont lie!
I liked Transformers when I was a kid but I've been supremely meh about the movies
I like just about anything with art I can enjoy. I like MLP Fan art but the show drives me up the wall.
granted that the movies are awful
@ReaperOscuro What were the big animes in Italy?
@JohnCraven alas the movies were very...not good for me
@Aaron lets see...sailor moon, lupin (awesome), ollie and bengie (football one), mighty max...
the first two are those i recall the most vividly
there are others, but i canna recall right now
MTV was a big provider of more unusual animes, like cowboy beebop and master mosquiton

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