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02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

Anything gooing on this evening?
Currently organizing play-by-post.
Oh interesting what kind of PBP?
Og gosh RQBY
Err RWBY* Best show 'ever'... :)
It is quiet it in here
Heyo @JohnCraven, heyo @Songtress
hello hello hello is there anybody in there?
just nod if you can hear me
There is no pain, you are receding...
this is soooo strange... I'm able to get into here but when I go to the main rpg.se site it says I haven't logged in
and all of my other SEs load just fine
I wrote a thing about 13th Age, and not only did I fit it in less than 1500 words (barely), but I managed to do so without bashing Next. Somewhat proud of myself.
But should probably wait until I move to a new domain to post it. If that ever happens.
so... is next any good? I'm about done with DnD but part of me is still interested
There are people who seem to enjoy it. I don't.
It appears to be a directionless mess.
Try 13th Age instead :)
It doesn't seem coherent, and I've seen nothing to indicate that its developers are using the lessons they learned from previous games to make this one better.
I thought that 4E was if nothing else coherent, unless I'm completely missing what you meant by that
4e was very coherent.
Oh, very much so. It had a purpose.
Next feels like they've forgotten everything they learned from 4e, and half what they learned from 3.5.
speaking of which, I'm slightly interested to see how (if) Paizo improves Pathfinder with a 2.0 type edition
The playtesting series for Next gave the impression that the devs were using it to re-learn things they should already know.
hmm, I know people seem to actually like overpowering their characters with splatbook X, and 4E had a lot of that aspect hurt by the recession coming out just as they meant to release a lot of that stuff
(and Dark Sun withering on the vine)
do you still have the daily/encounter power thing?
Q: Do any of the pre-gens have daily powers?

user1305I've heard about dailies but I'm new to D&D and will be starting a game with the D&D Next playtest materials. Are there any daily powers in the pre-generated character sheets we will be using?

@JohnCraven Sort-of-not-really. Spellcasting is vancian once again, and "fighters" hit stuff. They typically have a daily pool of points to power cooler things. It is miserably small.
I do have to say that some people just like to have a character they can roll and move, and that used to be the fighter before 4E
@JohnCraven Essentials offered that option in 4e, eventually.
oh yeah, that's right... forgot about that...
but, well, I can't get too enthused about it anyway because meh, DnD
Heh, yeah.
I think it would be interesting to identify exactly what it is that still has you moderately interested in D&D, though.
@BESW Wark.
Is it the complex character building options? The opportunity for mindless-but-morally-justified violence? The way the default setting was so amorphous that you could move from one genre to another almost at random?
@Metool I think it's "whark," actually.
I've never figured out why so many of our D&D enemies feel compelled to ask "Are you an idiot?"
If we had good SAT scores, we wouldn't be adventurers! We'd have real jobs!
Tweets to Campaign By finds sad confirmation of intraparty conflict.
If at first you don't succeed, look around and find out who is trying to sabotage you with telepathic interference. It is someone you know.
Tweets to Campaign By discovers something unsettling about its traveling companions.
Don't be afraid of spiders! Spiders are your friends! Sorry, that was confusing wording. All your friends are secretly spiders! Better.
Why not just add that to the feed if you are going to post each one.
Except he's not.
None of those are on tweetstocampaignby.tumblr.com
That said, if he added tweets to campaign by to the feeds, I'd unblock the feeds.
You catch that, @BESW?
@Metool Suggest it on the Feeds meta post and I'll put it in the feeds when it gets an appropriate number of upvotes.
(My usual vote count req is 4, but feeds from stack citizens usually only require one... I'm not sure which I'll go with--since the feed is my own, I don't want to give it preferential treatment.)
Can you describe it?
To take a page out of @Magician's book...
"Finding campaign inspiration by applying roleplaying sensibilities to non-roleplaying tweets."
I will shamelessly plug that entry.
An easy upvote. It was born here!
It still lives here!
I will still post new ones here as I find them; not least because I'm using the SE Chat Twitter format for my screenshots.
@Magician How am I doing with this newfangled "hashtag" thing?
Ah, very well.
But if I've got my way, soon the stuff posted in chat will be weeks ahead of its appearance on the site.
@BESW Seems good. A balance between useful tags and joke tags is maintained :)
Hey, while I've got the feeds open for discussion...
As long as you keep consistent tags and don't have #ohwhataworld and #whataworld or somesuch.
@Metool I'll do my best.
Gnome Stew was grandfathered into our feeds. It's gotten a total of one vote on the meta page, and the only reason it's still in the feed is that it was there before the voting page was made.
I don't personally find their posts very interesting or useful, and since the meta post for them has garnered no love, I'm open to removing the grandfather clause.
And since I'm on a roll here...
Special mod stars?..
Since it's Official Chat Business.
Fair enough.
I'll un-pin in a few days or when they're resolved one way or the other, whichever comes first.
Only twice a day?
Hrm hrm...
I've got a backlog of about a hundred I can put in, but twice a day is probably more than I can rely on to actually find.
I can either do a ton right off and then vanish, or I can start at a rate that's close to what I can sustain.
Hah, found the RSS/Archive/Random feature on this theme.
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
TtCB added to feed. Expect the ticker to cough and splutter the next couple times it updates.
And Gnome Stew got another vote.
how are you doing ?
3 hours later…
For this year's Ada Lovelace Day, 2d Goggles once again reminds us that Ada Lovelace is smarter than everyone: the guy who invented the computer didn't know he'd done so--she had to tell him.
(I'm edition-warring on a RPG players social network.)
The other guy says he doesn't like 4e. This is his reasoning.
1) Players want to be cool playing Naruto or Samurais or Monks in medieval, LotR settings and this is bad
2) 4e has bipedal dragons and catfolks and similar non-canonical-fantasy races like 3.5 core had
I told him to refluff dragonborns into something else
And he said "why don't you take a chicken, turn it 300 feet tall, paint it green and call it a T-rex? Trying to save 4e is a loss of time"
I think I'm feeding the troll
I think so.
But everybody agrees with him!
Also, I think you'd do better to use a goose than a chicken.
You're not in a logical debate. You're in a rhetorical argument.
I told him "Ok, feel free to believe that, just don't go around spreading disinformation, please"
@JonathanHobbs, @trogdor Tweets to Campaign By hath a miniblog.
@BESW \o/
It's beautiful
I'm updating twice a day for the foreseeable future, with a mix of old and new tweets.
I'll be posting most of the new material I find here first, because the queue is going to at least a week ahead most of the time, and because I'm using SE's twitter layout for the screenshots.
@BESW aww yiss.
Twitter has their own little include markup too though
Orly? Do tell.
I'll have to mess about with that.
Very shiny!
Time for a looong day. I forgot my headphones so no music or youtube :(
Morning all
@BESW Sly Flourish just reached +4.
Thanks for letting me know.
Sly Flourish added to the chat feeds. Expect the ticker to cough and sputter next time it updates.
there it is.
I'm not sure what Gnome Stew's going to wind up doing, though.
It's got +4/-3, with both an upvote and a downvote since I pinned the message to chat.
I've no real opinion on GS its of varying usefulness it seems
I'm just glad to be rid of RPGBloggers...
Agreed on both counts.
Occasionally GS is very, very useful. But most of the time it's rambly, obvious, pedantic, or some combination of the above.
...damnit, the ants are grouping. That's never good.
big ants or little guys?
The little guys, this time.
@Aaron It's the rainy season, so the anthills are flooded and the colonies go on the move.
All I can do is keep them from getting too comfortable so they don't settle down and decide to stay.
@BESW windex!
@waxeagle Vinegar and dish soap with a splash of lavender oil.
cool. I hear borax on sills is good too.
Spritz the path, then wipe it away.
There's precious little I want to handle that will kill a colony, and I don't care about killing colonies anyway.
All I need to do is keep them from considering my house a comfy place to live or forage.
makes sense.
And that means obliterating their paths, not killing them.
Best thing I've found--better than bleach, better than windex, better than any non-highly-toxic commercial compound--is soapy water with vinegar and lavender oil. Spray and wipe. The wiping is crucial, because you need to remove the trail instead of just covering it up.
@BESW cool. Thankfully we're actually ant free at the moment (not sure how we've managed that)
That might come in handy
And if you see the ants clumping up instead of making trails, nuke it from orbit because they're starting colony behavior.
In our previous house, we'd have bi-annual Running of the Ants, a foot-wide swathe of ants marching night and day.
In the front door and out the back in the spring, then in the back door and out the front in the fall.
Took about a day for them to move house, carrying their larvae and their food supplies.
Nothing stopped them. Not alcohol, not bleach, not windex, not fire, not blockades.
fascinating. I know a lot of folks would be completely disgusted, but that had to be incredible to watch.
Yeah, and it wasn't like the annual termite swarms.
The ants were nice and neat, in one door and out the other.
Termites get into everything. Had one in my ear once.
Protip: if a termite is in your ear, he's as unhappy about the situation as you are. Shine a flashlight into your ear and he'll come out toward the light.
@BESW yikes
I had precious little patience for my college roommates who all went stand-on-a-chair Olive Oyl about a little cockroach in the hallway.
(If they'd ever cleaned up after themselves, the roach wouldn't have been interested in the dorm in the first place.)
'course, I have a problem with poisonous snakes.
Venomous critters are an issue for almost anybody.
I've had rats, monitor lizards, and chickens in my bedroom without much fuss--concern, because do you know how filthy a monitor lizard's mouth is? but poisonous snakes freak me out.
(Itsy bitsy spiders though: not so much).
Even ours, the brown tree snake, which is about the saddest, lamest excuse for a poisonous snake ever.
Its fangs are in the back of its mouth, so it's gotta chew on you for a while to get the venom in because most of the venom that goes into the wound is from its saliva.
And even then, unless you're allergic you might not react to the venom at all. Only babies and the frail elderly are at risk.
@BESW yeah gotta agree that's pretty lame for a venomous snake
@SvenB. I'm fine with spiders here: we've got very little in the way of venomous spiders and they aren't very dangerous anyway.
I mean the biology is cool, but it's rather...non-threatening
But in the mainland I have no idea what I'm looking at, so I squished everything I saw in college.
@BESW You're in Guam, right ?
We get wolf spiders with leg spans like dinner plates that hunt mice, and that's not something one ever gets used to seeing clinging to the screen door. But they're not dangerous.
Yeah, I've seen some pictures of pretty weird looking spiders, but most of them aren't dangerous for humans.
gotta love dnd wolfspider
@SvenB. hi
This classy lady (when not burdened by her egg sack) will hang upside down from a branch or the ceiling of your garage. When a roach or lizard runs past on the ground she'll let go and drop onto it like a freefalling black ops trooper with venomous fangs.
@Trajan Hey Trajan!
oh we have those :) They like my basement
They're pretty cool. Don't let them in your bedroom because the bites itch pretty bad, but in unused parts of the house they're great for controlling more hazardous pests.
But I did spend all my childhood steeled to see this peering through the screen at me every time I opened the garage door.
Our house was nestled onto a little patch of new-growth forest which quickly let out into grasslands at the back. We were literally surrounded by boonies, and we had the wildlife to prove it.
Gardens were a non-starter between the wild pigs and the feral chickens.
feral chickens ?
Started out mostly as Philippine chickens, but they got loose and interbred with the imported fighting cocks.
Many generations later, most of Guam that isn't totally urbanized has feral chickens. They're colorful, lean, mean, and fly a lot better than most people expect chickens can.
Are they invincible, and pack-minded?
Not so much.
If you know their weaknesses they're still pretty stupid.
And they go for blood--if a chicken is wounded or ill, it won't last long.
@Metool as long as you don't try to slay too many of them with your sword, it's fine
I'd give you pictures but the only decent ones I'm finding are from cockfighting sites and I'm not gonna have anything to do with that.
New favorite piece of official equipment: Pathfinder - Ultimate Equipment - Waffle Iron
> Waffle iron, mithral: 1,260 gp; 2-1/2 lbs.
I... um.
It is non-stick
I have a sudden vision of Donald Trump as a D&D PC.
So mithral is PF's Teflon ?
@SvenB. "As with other mithral cookware, food rarely sticks to a mithral waffle iron." Indeed
@SvenB. It probably still burns if you get it too hot.
I know a halfling cook who might like spending 1k gp on cookware, though.
Can't remember her actual class, but she was created as a lvl6 character with the Prestige feat. For being a famous cook. Wrote world famous books, and all.
Careful, it releases fluromithral gas when heated above 662 degrees F.
I have a mithral ring in the game I am playing. Trying to figure out what to enchant it with.
@Aaron What game?
@Aaron +1 mithral ring of flapjack flipping.
Grants a +1 bonus to all fry-related Profession (cook) checks, and lets you manipulate the contents of a frying pan from up to fifteen feet away.
@DampeS8N Pathfinder
@BESW I would actually do that with a past character I had who was a cook.
@Aaron Ring of Three Wishes. "This ring is set with three rubies. Each ruby stores a wish spell, activated by the ring. When a wish is used, that ruby disappears. For a randomly generated ring, roll 1d3 to determine the remaining number of rubies. When all the wishes are used, the ring becomes a nonmagical item."
@DampeS8N I am enchanting it myself. I am only lvl 5 XD
Ah, yes. Because miracles are cheaper if you buy in bulk.
Also, I always thought "that ruby disappears" was a cheap, unimaginative line.
"that ruby shatters," or "that ruby turns to ash," would be so much more evocative for hardly any extra effort or space.
"That ruby dances to the tune of distant music, pulls from its socket, and flips you off as it translates into the 4th dimension."
That'd be worth paying extra for, I think.
@Aaron What is your character? What spells do you have?
Do you have Forge Ring? Or is it logical and doesn't require Forge Ring if you already have a ring?
Ok, yes, you do.
"He also needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being a ring or the pieces of the ring to be assembled."
or.. no
again, this talks like you are creating the ring. I guess you have no choice but to reforge the ring to imbue it with magic
hm, pathfinder item crafting is.... strange
Oh man... I'm totally going to craft a wondrous Mithral Waffle Iron next time I play Pathfinder.
@DampeS8N What would be its wondrous properties ?
@SvenB. Does it really matter?
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles had a Frying Pan of Doom which, if wielded by the proper hero, turned anyone hit over the head with it into a gigantic poached egg.
It technically worked for anyone, but it burned the hands of everyone else so only the proper wielder could use it without wearing oven mitts, and no hero wanted to wear oven mitts into battle.
@DampeS8N Cleric. I do not have forge ring yet but will soon. I am taking just about all the craft magic item feats.
(It was going to be a Sword of Doom, with different (undefined) properties, but the enchanter was startled when his wife popped in during the ritual to ask him how he wanted his breakfast egg, and he tripped on the pig (he prefers pigs for familiars; they're smart and clean and good-natured) and the spell hit his wife's frying pan instead of the sword.)
@DampeS8N I'm the kind to think it does, but I can see your point. Magic. Mithral. Waffle Iron.
After trying to give the Frying Pan of Doom to various deserving heroes, all of whom laughed at him, the enchanter got the King and Queen of the Enchanted Forest to hold a "Well-Rounded Warrior" contest --jousting, wrestling, and baking-- to try and find the true wielder of the Frying Pan.
On a somewhat unrelated note, does anyone use 'mithril' instead of 'mithral', in their 'every day' parlance?
@SvenB. I normally spell it mithril
@BESW That implies this was at least a masterwork frying pan, doesn't it ?
@SvenB. I'm not sure the Enchanted Forest setting cares about that (it's not an RPG setting, it's a series of novels and short stories).
@SvenB. Yes.
It's "mithril" in Tolkien.
"Mithral" is either an attempt to sound original while ripping off Tolkien, or an even more pitiful attempt to head off litigation because "mithril" is actually trademarked.
(But Saul Zaentz doesn't seem interested in enforcing that particular trademark.)
@BESW I believe it is the 'pitiful attempt at evading litigation' option. Same as balrog became balor and ent became treant. Still, I'm pretty sure the Dwarven city in the original publication of Streams of Silver was named Mithril Hall, not Mithral Hall.
It's not just D&D that does the whole "mithr-al" thing, though.
Is it not?
Numerous works --games, novels, etc-- use "mithral," "mith," "mythril," etc.
Good morning, RPG General.
I've even seen "milrith."
Today's Chance card is... a disappointment.
And unlike nearly anything else in Lord of the Rings, subsequent authors can't claim they got "mithril" from some primary source shared by Tolkien, instead of ripping it off him proper--Tolkien made up mithril from whole cloth.
Yup. It is strange how it got so prevalent in the collective imaginarium.
For that I do rather blame D&D.
Since D&D is based on Middle-Earth in the collective mind, if not in fact, and mithril objects are among the few truly wondrous and magical items in the setting, it makes sense that it would get undue attention in the game--if not from the makers, then from the players.
Well, mithril gets a lot of attention in LotR. It's what you make almost the best of everything out of.
Yeah. So in a game that people think of as "playing LotR," it's going to get spotlighted.
Especially when that game places even greater emphasis on magic items than LotR did.
Good point.
Also, the way D&D 3.5 worked, it just made sense to have your armor made out of mithril for almost everyone.
Aye. It turned into a feedback loop.
Mithr-al was focused on by the players, so the developers did more with it, making it more desirable for the players.
And in 3.5, well. They worked so hard to retain some of the "iconic" elements of D&D that they over-emphasized some of them. Mithr-al got spotlighted into No Choice At All territory.
And then, Mithral Waffle Irons.
The fundamental key to balancing choices is that the choice has to be a hard one. It's key to designing classes, spells, feats, features, races, anything: If you design a choice that is obviously better than other choices, you have failed to produce a balanced choice.
Mithr-al is not a balanced choice, because it is without question the best choice by default (with a very few edge-case exceptions like druids).
@BESW As far as LotR goes, very few items are actually shown in the books to be Mithril, the stand-out example being Bilbo/Frodo's chain shirt, which is said to be worth all of the Shire and surrounding countryside. The idea that you would make something like a Waffle Iron out of it seems the ultimate in ostentatious overpaying. Like making a yacht with a pool with a smaller yacht in it.
@DampeS8N Indeed.
That's the thing. It's played up in the books as being a Big Thing, but in D&D terms what does that mean? It means it costs a lot and is mechanically desirable.
Well, D&D being what it is, a high cost isn't a barrier for PCs for long.
And players being what we are, we want the Big Thing--as much of it as we can get, as fast as we can get it.
And game developers being who they are, they want to give us what we want, so we'll buy the books it's in.
So mithr-al gets better and better, and cheaper and cheaper, until every PC is running around with mithr-al chain underwear and mithr-al fillings in their teeth, like bloodthirsty nouveau riche gangster Donald Trumps.
@BESW That is indeed a "tweet to campaign by"
at boat with a....volcano?
@waxeagle I couldn't find the yacht with a pool with another yacht in it picture. Figured the volcano yacht is close enough.
@InbarRose "Bloodthirsty Nouveau Riche Gangster Donald Trumps" would make a good name for a band, too.
I'm imagining the music videos.
@BESW The band playing on that yacht, during a shadowrun mission, where you are kidnapping cyborg Donald Trump?
So how is everyone's day going?
@BESW Would make a great name for a sandwich.
"I will have 3 Bloodthirsty Nouveau Riche Gangster Donald Trumps please. And an order of fries"
@InbarRose Ketchup on a hard roll with lettuce and gold leaf?
@DampeS8N But it can only be the palest, most colorless Iceberg lettuce.
@BESW Naah son, Arugula.
yeah, iceberg's for the hoi polloi
Don't forget the panda meat.
@JohnCraven Exactly, it's very nouveau riche. And it evokes the Trump 'Do.
@InbarRose Panda is too commonplace; only frozen mammoth meat, dripping with still-fluid blood will do.
I agree that there should be some sort of exotic and controversial meat on there
Trump ain't no vegetarian
@JohnCraven The hard roll is infused with a tincture of bald eagle tears and ivory-billed woodpecker beak shavings.
that ain't meat, libtard
we need some BEEF that was choked to death by the bare hands of a good Republican
And the whole sammich is dusted with Amur Leopard spots and fried in Northern Right Whale fat until golden.
That's a little ostentatious.
I feel the whale fat is a good direction
The Bloodthirsty Nouveau Riche Gangster Donald Trump is a simple, straightforward sandwich. Blunt and to the point.
can't miss the bloodthirsty aspect
@JohnCraven how about genuine Kobe beef
@BESW Both blunt AND to the point.
@waxeagle Made entirely of vat-grown Kobe Bryant clone meat.
A slice of raw Angus beef from a calf choked to death by a war veteran with an NRA membership.
The ultimate (reasonable) sandwich ^
(We have to make sure the sandwich gives work to deserving Americans.)
(That way it tastes like self-righteous indulgence.)
@BESW As long as that work is unpaid.
As long as the sandwich is tax-free.
@InbarRose And served on a platter of gold plated diamond.
The only form of currency acceptable in exchange for one of these sandwiches are golden bullion.
But an IOU in the form of small private islands is also acceptable.
02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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