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hm, need a quick favour. Can someone see if l.autohotkey.net/AutoHotkey_L_Install.exe will download?
@OliverSalzburg heh
we just had probably a month's worth of backups wiped out
@JourneymanGeek Works
backup program was supposed to delete old backups when the target drive runs out of space
so, what does it do?
delete multiple backups for every successful one
free space over time: 100 GB, 200 GB, 300 GB, 400 GB, ..., 800 GB...
blah, my ISP must be acting up again
of course, the reports came through as successful
and someone only bothered to check yesterday -_-
how do you search for answers on SU with the lowest votes like -20 ?
@Tanner it's not 100% working yet but the dd is done; I think I have to reinstall grub2 on the new box
right now it's guess and test: tell Hetzner to load the rescue environment over TFTP; do an automatic hardware reset; fix stuff; reboot; try to ssh in
the /boot and / partitions are intact so I'm unsure what else could be going wrong
These are the cases when ilo/drac/... is useful.
Hmm, speaking of insane questions: Can I add a graphical card to a Dell or HP and have the DRAC or ILO grab the screen? Or is that tied to the internal graphics?
I would guess it is tied to the specific servers graphics card and that no sane person would consider a graphics card (as output device) on a 1U server.
@Hennes: I was the impression DRAC/ILO were basically video cards as well
Sort of, I have no idea how it works.
The recent posts on the FreeBSD mailing lists about IPMI's, BIOS and screen redirection via serial (both real serial and the IPMI serial) got me thinking.
@Hennes KVM-over-IP systems have a graphics "card" that plugs in usually over PCI or PCI Express which copies its framebuffer over the network for you (usually VNC or RDP)
But I know I can buy the R300 without DRAC and I will get video out
a KVM over IP is a separate entire computer with RAM, a CPU, a video card/framebuffer, a network card, an IP address, and storage
that's why they call it Out of Band
the physical server box can be down and you can still act upon it as if you were physically there
Aye. I know it is a mini computer. And that I can even reflash it it a new distribution (if you want fun, run Linux on it)
But I did not know how they grabbed the screen.
And if they copy the framebuffer then I assume that is the specific on-board framebuffer
well the graphics card in the KVM over IP is shared across both systems
from the dedicated server's perspective, the KVM over IP is a PCI or PCI-E graphics card, usually no 3d support just SVGA
But without KVM?DRAC I still have graphics. ... I think
from the KVM over IP's perspective, its graphics card is a video capture device
so that's a special card that does that
its a bit like if you had two graphics cards, or ran integrated and discrete together I guess
@Qix SysWOW64 Folder? Hey, surely it's for Word of Warcraft! I'll remove it to reset my char status on the game!
@RudáAlmeida Bahahaha
user image
Q: How to make torrenting private using router

Temple FugateI'm on Win7 using uTorrent. Is there a way to proxy through the router itself? That is can I make my torrent DLs private using my router to accomplish this? I don't want to spend money on a paid VPN if I can DIY something myself.

that word, it does not think it means what you mean!
Why not run the proxy on his desktop?
That means going to c:/windows/porn/proxy and typing 'make install'
nice, had webcomic very nicely ask me to whitelist their site ... saw the ads, and went "Sorry, hell no!"
3 hours later…
stupid assholes, need to move away from them
They fix it after a month !!
@HackToHell lolymail
Everytime I log in there's a chat request from a spam bot that wants to f me :/
@HackToHell move away
more you delay, tougher it becomes
'ello @unziberla
I have been using it for 2 yrs now, I think it's kinda late already :(
I just moved in to see the ambient..
Also, flyte's ID3 tags are all f'ed up, need to fix em for every album sigh
@HackToHell I moved away from my gmail/ymail/hotmail for ~3 years to google apps.
first month was tough but had to be done
actually I have posted a question, if someone wants to have a look.. about bayes posterior
@Sathya i'll do it during the holidays, i can't move my ridiculously named gmail account tho, adsense is linked to it :(
@unziberla: >_>, you don't seem to have an SU account
@HackToHell: god, messed up ID3 tags. Yet another thing I am anal retentive about ;p
@unziberla most of us aren't pro-programmers - might want to check out Stack Overflow's chat rooms - chat.stackoverflow.com
@HackToHell create a new account. done.
yeah, I realized now I have left stats
ahh, that explains why that sounded like a foreign language ;p
@JourneymanGeek with their free offer, the tags, filenames, foldernames are really f'd up
@Sathya: I fix a lot of tags ;p
it's not related to programming, but math. that you may dislike even more :P
taking about CamelCaseFolderNamesWithNoSpace. Y?????????????????????????
@JourneymanGeek ya, I too get mad about it !
@unziberla: Math is why I became an IT major ;p
@JourneymanGeek once download offer is done, will run it by Picard
@HackToHell: for common stuff, picard is a good starting point. For manual fixing mp3tag.
is this india only? ;p
I do use it, it takes a while <_<
There's a looot of music
ok, then if you want have a look.. goo.gl/p8uh9
you can, IIRC convert folders to tags too in mp3tag... saves a lot of time
but yeah, I thought I was in the stats forum
@unziberla ah

 Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle c...
maybe this willhelp? - I see you're already there
god, just looking at that makes my head hurt
@Sathya have to get a new domain name with my name too, hth sounds ridiculous :P
I'm not even going to bother :P
@HackToHell good morning.
@JourneymanGeek lol.. I know
@Sathya thanks, I already posted there
@HackToHell: this is why picking a good online identity is essential ;p
I used to go by another RPG char of mine's name for ages
also. I know have little chance, but fwiw I've put forward my Stack Overflow election nomination
got fed up with the jokes. Geek works, though its too generic ;p
@Sathya: sadly, I have insufficient rep to vote for you ;p
@Sathya so says cpg :P
@HackToHell touché
I used to go by faileas, after my old werewolf the apocalypse charecter ;p
then I switched to geek, which was my Mechwarrior RPG charecter
@JourneymanGeek It does sound cool online but can't really tell anyone in RL that your twitter handle is hth
@Sathya :P
@HackToHell: I can actually use this as a professional handle, thats the nice thing
I'm more or less SathyaBhat everywhere
for some reason I kept only my first name on Stack Exchange
which, still isn't my complete first name :P
@Sathya: I share a name with a local lawyer ;p
so not very useful
to be fair, your name is fairly common :P
I was young when i created hth, didn't know much then :/
too much so
I might be changing my name to use my proper sirname at some point if I get fed up enough with people mangling my name.
(I don't help. I use both arrangements ;p, I prefer Firstname patronymic, legally its patronymic firstname)
24 flags to hit 1K
I'm suprised @jokerdino got it that fast on AU, cause its pretty tough
Do not understand how tf2 falls into creativity category and not in reflexes cat
dude from Croatia added me on Steam yesterday
and gave me a game in exchange for some of my TF2 guns O-o
@Sathya your... guns?
Just great, first my Windows 8 pc won't stay asleep, now it won't awake without a hard reboot :\
Its really weird, it tries to boot/wake up, the lights go on and it shuts back down. On and on again :S
If I force a cold reboot, everything's fine
sounds like my desktop...
it was the keyboard >_>
@IvoFlipse System restore?
The lights on the keyboard didn't work, which was odd
You have a mechanical one too right @JourneymanGeek?
@Bob Well I don't think I have a reliable restore point :P
naw, this was my old logitech, on the c2d
the one thats getting replaced part by part ;p
@IvoFlipse take a look; lots of installers create them
@IvoFlipse: my windows 8 box has a older model black widow ultimate, with the synapse 2.0 driver/firmware
Last update was 18-2-2013, no idea what I changed since then
@JourneymanGeek I have that one too
yeah, its probably not the keyboard tho, this sleeps/wakes up with no issues
@IvoFlipse > no idea what I changed since then that's part of the problem...
The last restore was the latest Windows update :\
eheh. Socially engineered a friend for good ;p
@Bob Its been a week :P
I updated Chrome, Notepadd++, installed Git Extensions, updated several other apps + all the critical windows updates
well, you could try a restore and undo if it doesn't work? :S
I blame that update, since it had similar problems the day after it installed those
and/or try sfc
What's that?
System File Checker, I see
does error logs say anything?
Kernel Power issue, d'uh I rebooted you myself :P
SkyDrive is moaning about something too
But I guess that's related to not being able to boot
A: Cause of "Session Circular Kernel Context Logger failed to start error in Event Log?

harrymcTrying to find out what the Circular Kernel Context Logger is, I found this article in which somebody says: Nothing to worry about, the system repeatedly tries to start the logger session until it succeeds. A temporary failure to start mostly (but not always) happens during a system s...

I found this in my event viewer too, but I guess its an effect of the problem not the cause
Microsofts help page blames the usual suspects: check memory, check PSU
in short, isn't very useful
I'll just properly shut down my computer for now :P
as I do, once I realise the darned thing hardly takes any time to boot ;p
@IvoFlipse try recreating the hibernation file
Its not the booting I'm worried about, its shutting down all the stuff I was working on
and I really recommend you try a system restore before the old restore points get purged
I had actually turned that stuff off
worst case, you need to reinstall a week's worth of programs
better than losing the option entirely :\
@IvoFlipse what? you turned hibernation off?
...so, no fast boot?
when did you turn it off (and why? :P)
I think it was related to the computer waking randomly from hibernation
voila, turned it back on
we'll see
@IvoFlipse oh, uhh.. turn off wake from HID/network activity in BIOS/UEFI and Windows? :P
Q: How can I prevent my computer from waking up accidentally?

Ivo FlipseWhen I put my computer into sleep mode, it will wake up while I'm away from it. There's nothing near the computer that could move the mouse or accidentally press a button and I have no idea what might be causing it. I tried checking what woke it, apparently LASTWAKE only tells me that it has bee...

but, yea.. that just makes this weirder
any chance of some kind off RAM corruption?
I hope not, I just got this a couple months ago
obviously its always possible
But its stupid if only occurs when coming from sleep mode
we'll see what happens when I hibernate again
make sure you don't have any tasks scheduled on wakeup?
and try the system restore, seriously :P
> Moderator edit: if you have a similar problem, please ask your own question, since it seems there are several things that can cause this situation, it is better to treat each case separately.
that.. seems to oppose standard policy?
Where who what
Well he does have a point in this particular case that each and every person can have a different cause and given that everybody pitches in with a suggestion, it gets a bit crowded
I mean, there are 22 answers of which most are deleted
@Sathya Web Apps can't possibly have a lot of flags each day right?
@IvoFlipse scant amount - maybe 5 or so
Internet disconnected and when it reconnected BOOM !
@IvoFlipse I need to get another 160 rep somehow :P
@IvoFlipse Same goes for malware questions
Indeed, though the idea behind malware is to go unnoticed as much as possible
Which makes it harder to determine what applies to you or not
@IvoFlipse yep, spotted that
> employees will never be poked with a sharp stick
Tim Post is the new Comm Manager, btw
@Sathya Ah, good on him, but I guess they always need more
@IvoFlipse since today.
A: Who are the Community Managers, and what do they do?

jcolebrandWho are the Community Managers? There are currently five community managers. They are: Robert Cartaino Shog9 Grace Note Aarthi Devanathan Anna Lear Tim Post What do they do? They help you out. No, really. But yeah, that's about the most generic non-answer ever. They review ...

I'm tempted to apply, but on the other hand I do like what I do :P
His answer belongs in the question or in the accepted answer
boilerplate comment added
and then deleted again
cause that set of instructions is.. well, it's long and not too easy to summarise
I dunno
blah, you lack cowbell ;p
@Sathya 0_0
yay one of the boys is available today in flyte !!
What was that tumblr site where you wanted pics submitted?
I think...
@JourneymanGeek it is a bit tough. yeah
one of yours, might want to fix it up, I notice a typo ;p
Tell ISPs: No "Six Strikes" Plan -- Or We'll Take Our Business Elsewhere!
> AT&T, Cablevision Systems, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Verizon
what are these
@JourneymanGeek aye, thanks
17 mins ago, by Bob
what are these
This should be the most watched video on youtube !
@HackToHell Not this?
nope, not dramatic enough :P
Friendly reminder that Adele and Taylor Swift are the same age yet one of them has a child and another is mentally stuck in middle school.
@HackToHell It's sad that in such vast undiscovered universe, there is only one small blue dot so tight in space people fight all over.
ya, shucks :/
@HackToHell ya, shucks? you mean sucks?
yes ;p
@HackToHell Terraforming 101 here we go.
how do i connect to svn in console?
under unix
svn as in subversion control ?
it's svn co address right?
like svn co https:// ...
does it work in firefox?
i think it does
svn co checkouts a repository
It copies the resp from the web
if i get the answer FORBIDDEN it means that my password does not work right?
@EinsteinsGrandson prolly
what is prolly?
probably ;p
Another day with my favorite SBS...
The Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) is a hybrid-funded Australian public broadcasting radio and television network. The stated purpose of SBS is "to provide multilingual and multicultural radio and television services that inform, educate and entertain all Australians and, in doing so, reflect Australia's multicultural society". SBS is one of five main free-to-air networks in Australia. History In 1975, concerns that minority communities might require details of the new Medicare health care scheme in their own languages led to the establishment of two ethnic radio stations, 2EA i...
but he probably means
Windows Server Essentials, (formerly Windows Small Business Server or SBS) is an integrated server suite from Microsoft designed for running network infrastructure (both intranet management and Internet access) of small and medium enterprises having no more than 75 workstations or users. Application server technologies are tightly integrated to enable small businesses with targeted solutions such as the Remote Web Workplace, and offer management benefits such as integrated setup, enhanced monitoring, a unified management console, and remote access. Since the release of SBS 2003, the sam...
The Special Boat Service (SBS) is the special forces unit of the Royal Navy. Together with the Special Air Service, Special Reconnaissance Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group they form the United Kingdom Special Forces and come under joint control of the same Director Special Forces. The SBS can trace their origins to the Second World War, when they were formed as the Special Boat Section in 1940. They became the Special Boat Squadron after the Second World War and the Special Boat Service in the 1980s. The SBS is manned by ranks drawn mostly from the Royal Marines and carries...
or that xD
Singapore Bus Services (SBS) was a public bus operator in Singapore formed in 1973 with the merger of three private bus companies, namely the Amalgamated Bus Company Limited, the Associated Bus Services (Private) Limited and the United Bus Limited. The government-sanctioned merger was undertaken to improve service standards of the bus transport system, which formed the backbone of public transport then. The fledgling company was listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore in 1978 under the name of Singapore Bus Service (1978) Limited. With the impending shakeup in the public transport...
w00t !
not sure how I forgot about the SBS(3)
weird icon o0
and i should have cropped ;p
So I have this email in Outlook that I want to print, but Outlook demands to print a header above the email, thus breaking the single page into 2. Which is a problem because I want to scan the document after filling it out
Is there no way to get rid of that?
Q: When printing emails in Outlook 2003, how to omit headers?

frankadelicWhenever I print an email in Outlook 2003, it prints at the top: My Name From Sent To Cc Subject etc. How do omit all that junk and just output the body of the message?

That is garbage
When I copy&paste it into Word, it no longer fits 1 page
And in the mentioned Print Styles, I can add more headers
Thunderbird does the same bullshit O__O
Fuck it, gonna print a screenshot
@OliverSalzburg :D
oooo. here is my chance to ramble on and on how outlook is terrible. ;)
But my thunderbird does the same. Esp. Since I manually set it to 'show all headers'
@HackToHell: which one?
first, top left ;p corner ;p
ahh, no, never seen it before
ff 14 is supposed to have this(superuser.com/questions/318914/…) but I do not have it in ff 20, anyway to enable it or something ?
@Bob The whole process of print & scan is seriously annoying to me
Like, the lady who sent me the form... I could have just told her the numbers I wrote onto it
But, of course, they need a signature!
Which I have a transparent PNG of and usually simply slap on the damn thing before I print it
So what is the point?
Instead, I spend minutes trying get the damn thing to print on a single sheet of paper. Then I start wondering if my printer is calibrated correctly because the print just "looks somewhat off". Naturally I start wasting time on looking into optimizing my printer...
next time anyone wants to troll dino : i.imgur.com/P800zpQ.jpg
@HackToHell He's a mod now... better be careful ;D
lol xD
all those sites that check email validity with regex and disallow 'plus addressing'.. D:<
if the check wasn't there, the emails would probably send just find in the vast majority of cases
@OliverSalzburg funfunfun
Installers... "Create desktop shortcut" is checked by default, "Run application now" isn't
I must be using it wrong :D
don't forget
"Install bloody annoying toolbar"
I'm convinced that half the time we submit a form online, it's actually printed out at some office in the middle of nowhere. And there's a clerk there whose sole job is to take the printed document, to be faxed to another office elsewhere, to be entered into the database by another clerk. Probably with punch cards or something.
@JourneymanGeek That don't have that. It's an installer for an IDE... used by programmers Oo
you need to put it on a desktop and take a photo somewhere
@OliverSalzburg: damned java ;p
@OliverSalzburg Probably a default MSI installer or something
We're programmers, not installer UI designers
also, WIX is painful
@Bob Nope, it's an IntelliJ thing even
Maybe they only do this on the Windows installer because they assume "It's Windows, right?"
@OliverSalzburg Still, I wouldn't be surprised if that was just the default in whatever installer creator they used.
They have like 5 IDEs which they all ship to multiple platforms. If they're still using the defaults in their installer creation software...
Well, I guess they are :D
@OliverSalzburg: people are lazy
Indeed :\
Well, I reported it as a "usability issue"
@HackToHell I use InstantFox :P
at some point FF changed it so if a word (that's a valid URI) failed a DNS lookup it would revert to search
but that was too late for me :P
also, IF has suggestions :D
Thunderbird has IRC support
somehow missed that
and apparently WLM has XMPP support O.O

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