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Guten abend!
hey all
Wie gehst du?
some little shits have tried breaking in to my girlfriend's house
Das is nicht gut!
@rahuldottech this is not news
@Burgi Has du die Polizei angerufen?
yeah but like all police in the UK, they have "better things to do"
like fining motorists
Well sure, Krispy Kremes might still be open...
it happened over the weekend while she was staying at mine
Ah. So no real idea when it happened
Taken anything valuable?
she got home from work tonight to find the windows all smashed
nothing taken
Just smashed windows?
Well that's something, still shitty, but something
Any idea why?
they know when it occurred because the idiots tried to break into the neighbours houses while they were all in
the neighbours chased them off but didn't have my GF's number to call her
it was kids off the estate, they'd found a metal bar and were trying houses
seriously if my girlfriend had been about 20 minutes later leaving she'd have been in the house when they tried it
Could have been hurt by broken glass or worse. Though would they have tried it if lights were on? Or was it late at night?
it was 730pm
her house is quite isolated
its a block of 3 and they are set away from the rest of the estate and back on to a wooded area
Urgh. Hate kids. Glad she's okay though.
they are clearly defective to begin with, who tries robbing a house at 7pm?
Kids who have to be in bed before 10PM
i am in two minds, one part of me wants to build a machine gun nest and mow the little buggers down, the other part of me wants to go "guys, seriously??? this is how you rob a house"
they'd tried the first house and been scared away by the owner who was in the kitchen and watched them come down the path
all the lights in their house were on
So they are actually retarded.
shes obviously really upset
she forbade me from going round
I'm not surprised. It's a massive violation of personal security and she's got a world of shit to deal with now.
Can't go out until the windows are fixed and secure.
her mum is staying the night with her
Maybe change locks.
Check all her stuff.
Yeesh I hate people
@Burgi Good. That's something at least
i'm going to insist she gets cameras now
I lived on an estate and the house that was joined onto ours was abandoned for a month or two. Pretty sure the neighbourhood kids used it as their personal playground/den and set fire to whatever was left in the back garden. Little shits.
I pity the poor sods who had to clean up or moved in after that.
she is a jumpy, nervy person to begin with and she's only been in the house about 6 months
@Burgi Yeah, that's not going to help at all.
Hope they catch them and she gets everything sorted though.
meh, the police won't do anything
like i said, they are too busy fining motorists and stuff like that
@DavidPostill thanks, you said that just as the office arrived to make feel awkward and give me cake
@Burgi That's why I took today off ;) We get balloons tied to our chairs as well as cake :(
i got a balloon last year
we've stopped doing collections
i said it should be capped at £2 each
OpenSSH is now included as an optional Windows feature: blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2018/01/22/…
oh hey it's on the powershell blog (@BenN) blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/2017/12/15/…
looks a tad weird though :P
@Bob That's cool!
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|        .        |
|         o       |
|    . + + .      |
|   o B * = .     |
|   o= B S .      |
|   .=B O o       |
|  + =+% o        |
| *oo.O.E         |
|+.o+=o. .        |
Are these just something cool, or are they as important as the key itself?
Q: What's the purpose of the randomart image for user (not host) SSH keys?

syntagmaThe ssh-keygen generates the following output: The key fingerprint is: dd:e7:25:b3:e2:5b:d9:f0:25:28:9d:50:a2:c9:44:97 user@machine The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | .o o.. | | o +Eo | | + . | | . + o | | S o = * o| | ....

Q: What is randomart produced by ssh-keygen?

dlamblinWhen you generate a key, you get "randomart" from newer versions of OpenSSH. I am unable to find an explanation of why, and what I'm supposed to use it for. Generating public/private rsa key pair. The key fingerprint is: 05:1e:1e:c1:ac:b9:d1:1c:6a:60:ce:0f:77:6c:78:47 you@i The key's randomart i...

Seems like they're just for easier visual verification of the key.
@MichaelFrank I still use the fingerprint :P
@MichaelFrank BooBS?
I don't play online games, but was thinking about PUBG's cheating issues.
The game's battle royale format makes it uniquely sensitive to cheating. Unlike most competitive FPS games, PUBG puts 100 players into each match when others may have at most a few dozen players.
It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.
the bad apples are caught out by the shrinking, moving safe zone
the only cheating i heard about in PUBG are the AFK loot boxers
The chances that at least one player will play dishonestly out of a group of 100 is much higher than the same out of a group of, say, 24.
the nature of the game is that subtle cheaters are (likely) indistinguishable from good players, and therefore won't really affect the experience for others too much
obvious cheaters are still easy to catch and report/ban
it depends if your goal is just to provide people with a good experience, or to go on a crusade against the notion of cheating
Among other things, I've read they're improving cheat reporting and have been more closely monitoring games recently.
if it's the latter, you have already lost, no matter the game or number of players. and even then it only really makes sense in a competitive environment.

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