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@Burgi lol
Oh, are the election results out?
they were out at 8am
Who won?
basically nobody
It's a hung parliament
Conservatory + DUP coalition probs
which is going to be crap
Strong and Stable government, yo
the irish fundamentalist terrorists are in government with the tories
woah there
wat. Does Vox have a video/article on this?
they are mainstreamed now
still ex-terrorists
@Burgi funny eh?
'Don't select Corbyn he's a terrorist symphiser
'Lets go into a colleition with ex-terrorist group!
hm, the guy is giving me looks, I hope that he doesn't see that I downloaded such a big file, he'll kill me
you ded?
he should fix up look sharp
@jokerdino ye mon.
yu mon?
what did you do?
he downloaded 1.5GB of pr0n in a cyber cafe
and didn't share it with the owner.
wai u do this?
@Burgi Linux ISOs - Porn for geeks!
Wow. Search Everything was updated
@jokerdino because teenager
he has a gf
@jokerdino yeah and?
Actually I don't 'download' anything
at least in the sence of downloading being illegal etc; )
oh dear
streaming 4tw
ok lets stop right now
before @JourneymanGeek comes back and tells us off.
lol, mum called
I said I went on a long walk, she's like 'ok'
@djsmiley2k wai u tag him pls
@jokerdino because enforcement rules :D
wai i do ths
Download complete! YAYAYAY!
@Rahul2001 wait, you already said it was done
wat u download now
i can hear this low growl each time i start joking about
wat about patches D:
I'll do the riwg riwg riwg riwg thing for you
@djsmiley2k i didn't, I said 1Gb was done
This guy might kill me if I boot into ubuntu on his computer, I think I'll copy iso to usb and leave
he might kill u anyway ;D
@Rahul2001 "long walk" is code for sexeh time btw
guyz, what pentesting tools do you recommend?
@Burgi Is is!?
Root Access
@Burgi right at ankle level?
Well mum knows gf is not in this city
@JourneymanGeek yes
@Rahul2001 i recommend posting your IP and root password in the channel
My mum and sis kinda suspect who my girlfriend is (THEY READ MY CHATS WITHOUT ASKING!), but I keep denying it, because I know how much I'll get taunted if I confirm it
@Burgi heh, I don't control the firewall here
why will you get taunted?
@Burgi cuz india
I was under the impression "It was just not done"
India has changed a lot
Whenever they're angry, they'll bring it up, whenever mum wants to punish me, she will forbid me from contacting her, if she totally loses it, might even call her parents
Her parents know though
@JourneymanGeek My mum is very weird
She thinks I've dated 8 girls and never have heartbreaks (HAHA YEA RITE) so I'm emotionally dead.
You have, right? ;p
I think my human's had fewer crushes in his first 20 years of existance.
i thought you were up to about 12 girlfriends now
@Burgi That's what my mum thinks. Who says it's accurate? :P
Okay, so. Should I leave a copy of the ubuntu ISO for these nice folks?
@Rahul2001 deja vu?
or did you say that before?
@jokerdino I deleted it
@JourneymanGeek quick question: do you control your human like remy controls Linguini in Ratatouille?
@Burgi vaguely
though my human has a pesky job which he hates, and leaves him less time for dogs and chat ;p
its improving slowly though right?
Damnit, exFAT won't work with syslinux
@Burgi eh, the work tempo is exhausting
dance, faster, dance!
On the bright side, at some point, I can afford to do certs and claw my way out of this.
Hm, which should I use, FAT or NTFS?
guys, fasttt, I gtg
He rarely use that chair cause He hardly has time to sit
Hm, installing multiboot...
@JourneymanGeek You mean your human, rite?
Man, not looking forward to running 5 km home
LMAO, there's a poster in the shop which says "Be positive, patient and persistent"
Ironic on so many different levels
@JourneymanGeek does the chair have wheels?
could you pull him round like a husky?
@Burgi yeah. It has a busted gas tube...
@Burgi no
dodgy wheels?
Wauzers are not beasts of burden. The Wauzer is carried, when he deems necessary, but is not a creature accustomed to the harness.
@Burgi dodgy everything
If they don't move the office furniture when everyone else shifts offices, I'm stealing the nicest seat I can
(i'm staying in the old office to take care of the classroom stuff, corporate office is moving elsewhere, and marketing to another building a half km away.)
get a desk fan and fly round the office like an airboat in the everglades
@JourneymanGeek urrrrgh
setup as much remote access as you can before they move
@djsmiley2k this isn't bad
Means, in theory, less interference
why does everyone from northern ireland sound like they want to murder you?
Maybe they do
do you remember stealing any potatos?
@jokerdino who?
@Rahul2001 NTFS, for large file support
Also ACLs if your system checks those
does syslinux run on ntfs?
Not sure, but given a choice I would definitely go with NTFS
Yeah, syslinux runs on linux and ntfs
But I already did FAT, will switch to fat later
i went here for lunch, feeling the effects now
i've gone very sleepy
ah here
@Rahul2001 Burgi
@JourneymanGeek You support anyone who's just far enough away to make it really annoying, yet?
Fat is only good upto 4Gb files
do you think a desk fan has enough power to move an office chair?
needs sails.
i was thinking more like an airboat or hovercraft
@Rahul2001 if ur home
that was the fastest 5k ever
@djsmiley2k nope, on my way
you can buy a lot in india for that!
Okay got a rickshaw
:O dont die
Man, this city is cheap...
@Rahul2001 Is that like a rickroller?
@DavidPostill lol, Google it
"cycle rickshaw"
@Rahul2001 I know what it is, I was making a joke :/
@DavidPostill you get a single "ha"
Man, I need to do this question related to vectors which my uncle left me, and I just cannot solve it
dem vectors
> an organism, typically a biting insect or tick, that transmits a disease or parasite from one animal or plant to another.
math vectors?
they are friends
@Rahul2001 What is the question?
Vectors in physics is the same vector in maths.
The seagulls... MMH!... Poke your knees
@DavidPostill meh, I'm not going to cheat :P
Supposed to do it myself
Yay! Ubuntu! Finally!
This is cool!
What do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?

Nothing. You can't cross a vector and a scalar.
Hm, I'm wondering if any tech startups in India will sponsor a couple of my projects
R they good?
Summer of Code is a good thing to go for, if they are
@DavidPostill haha!
@jokerdino I've been using Ubuntu for about 5 minutes and the experience hasn't been very good
Like, the only thing that has impressed me til now is that this thing has better trackpad drivers then the official elan ones for Windows
Ubuntu is a mess now
it did have potential
but kinda flopped, as their coping strat for everything was very windows centric 'reinstall'
@Rahul2001 lol
I don't know what you were expecting
Were you hoping for a more powerful shell?
Everything is broken! Cannot even install stuff
he wanted something lighter than batch like bash
@Rahul2001 everything?
@Rahul2001 Yeah, that happened on my first install of Ubuntu as well. I reformatted and set up again and it worked better
My first ever Ubuntu suggested update killed the installation, it never booted again
@Rahul2001 need specifics like what exact problems/errors you're getting
also version
initramfs-tools, whatever it is, is very broken
my minion leaves on the 28th, we haven't even started interviewing yet... :(
So I removed it
very broken?
it didn't let me install anything
I'm very cynical about peoples' problems with Ubuntu; I've never encountered an Ubuntu install (at least in the past 4 years) I had to reinstall
Ubuntu forums is just like "PURGE IT ALL!!!"
@Rahul2001 sounds like PEBKAC
you're not using a prerelease, are you?
@allquixotic LTS
I told him to get 16.04
@jokerdino I am on lts
okay wot.
Wifite requires tshark, which requires wireshark-common, which requires libgnutls-deb0-28 which requires libhogweed2 which requires libmobiledevice6 which cannot be located
Welcome to package management
its linux, nothing works properly
@Burgi But... *tears up*
Format, install Windows
*runs back to windows*
@Rahul2001 come back to me after you've spent 4 days awake trying to get a university project to work but it won't because canonical haven't included the BT stack
curses 12.04
I left the ISO at the cafe computer, installed on usb and came back
Gonna have to go fetch it tomorrow
that was a silly thing to do
@Burgi Why are you running a legacy version of Ubuntu?
because it wasn't legacy back in 2009
Feb 7 '16 at 4:28, by bwDraco
> And when luck fails him, Zemalf falls back on his slow and thoughtful playing style, methodically considering every option before making a move. He narrates his Let's Plays the same way, speaking in a deep, calm voice.
Back to windows
why does the last minute always take the longest?
@Rahul2001 No no wait don't go
So I wrote a question and in two days it got 600 views
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Deleted. It's better if you told me directly to stop.
Can you move these messages to the Trash room? Sorry for the disruption.
I didn't want to be rude, I was just trying to playfully lightly tease about it.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy It's okay. I tend to work best when given direct instructions, but I recognize that directness isn't always appropriate and can be counterproductive at times.
I probably shouldn't have said that too, I will delete my message as well.
1 message moved to trash
@ThatREDACTEDGuy huh
19 mins ago, by Rahul2001
*runs back to windows*
5 mins ago, by That REDACTED Guy
@Rahul2001 No no wait don't go
Linux is both cool and so much better than Windows, I SWEAR!
well, I'm back to Windows now
The learning curve can be difficult sometimes, but it is SO MUCH WORTH IT
huh, maybe I'll give it another chance tomorrow
I use windows for Steam and nothing else. If I did movie and graphics editing (Adobe suite, etc), I'd use windows for that as well.
Apart from that, I don't know much fields where Windows is exclusive or even better.
@JourneymanGeek Apparently they fixed the other IP address now.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy The GUI, especially remotely-accessed, isn't half a dozen half-broken parts patched together with shitty spaghetti code.
See: my recent adventures with Xorg, various VNC servers, xrdp, and parts of LXDE.
@bwDraco @ThatREDACTEDGuy Eh... there was absolutely nothing wrong with those two messages at all.
Well, I removed them because the response came from a room owner, so I assumed that an authority didn't want it here in chat.
Sorry =/
@bwDraco I think the safe assumption, most of the time, is that we speak as users. Very very rarely does it ever come to 'acting as a room owner' or 'acting as a mod'.
^---- agreed.
Even then, I would've taken @ThatREDACTEDGuy's message as a joke. Perhaps in poor taste, but an attempt at a joke.
I'm just used to harsh discipline at home.
I strongly disagree with harsh discipline.
Well, I have to go. I have to be in the IRS office in 50 min and I forgot the damn papers at home +_+_+"
@ThatREDACTEDGuy runrunrun
/me leaves in a hurry
what's next on my list
oh yea, setting up that matrix server (cc @JourneymanGeek)
Quote of the day:
Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. But I'd like to add a third certainty: trash. And while some in this room might want to discuss reducing taxes, I want to talk about reducing trash.
Ruth Ann Minner
Let's get rid of the trash :)
@DavidPostill Reduce, reuse, recycle :P
May 18 at 5:24, by Journeyman Geek
@bwDraco could always install stuff to a SD card if its not speed dependant
Unfortunately, the SD card slot does not allow the card to be inserted flush against the system chassis. About half of the card sticks out.
It's UHS-I capable as any modern SD card slot ought to be, but as benchmarks indicate, the processor is the bottleneck.
just make sure it's not too short or you aren't getting it back out :P
@Bob why not go really hardcore and just sand the sd card down, wire directly onto the circuits?
Anyone got ideas for more levels for the hacking challenge?
(cc @Avery @BenN)
I can't think of any
@Rahul2001 The next level is clearly to hack a TLA website - and not get caught :)
@DavidPostill Hah, I have a challenge for you :)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "postText=echo %%25path%%25"
set postText=!postText:%%25=%%!
Please please please somehow manage to make this work, the command doesn't get executed...
@Rahul2001 yeah
@Avery Share them!
On telegram if you prefer, or here, I don't mind
Next level should require you to hack turkish elections while behind russian/USA VPN [Gloriously Ripped Offâ„¢ from @DavidPostill]
relevant (on USA)
in The Bridge, 8 hours ago, by Avery
Also I found anti-american propaganda by our lovely local communist party: https://s.ave.zone/b8b.JPG
@Avery -_+
and the blue messages here
@Rahul2001 wtf is %%25
@djsmiley2k % url encoded
@DavidPostill didn't @Burgi do that already ;D
ur doing nasty things to uri's in batch?
@djsmiley2k shut up batch is like a million times better than bash like what even is that monster
@Burgi 12.04 released in 2009??
@Rahul2001 lol
@Rahul2001 Replace !postText! with call !postText! :)
> type test.cmd
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "postText=echo %%25path%%25"
set postText=!postText:%%25=%%!
call !postText!
> test
C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\apps\WSCC\Sysinternals Suite;C:\apps\WSCC\NirSoft Utilities;C:\apps\Calibre\;C:\apps\Git\cmd;C:\apps\Git\mingw64\bin;C:\apps\Git\usr\bin;C:\apps\nodejs\;C:\Users\DavidPostill\AppData\Roaming\npm
Press any key to continue . . .
@DavidPostill YOU GENIUS
microsoft pls
@DavidPostill trashes come in all colors.
it's start vs call
Jun 3 at 18:10, by djsmiley2k
@Rahul2001 cmd vs start quote fun
ah yeah
Gotta run an errand. Have to go to the local Post Office to send out my main camera for repair due to autofocus issues.
Under extended warranty so cost is not an issue.
@Rahul2001 they handle qwuoting differently, confused the hell outta me
oooooook wtf
pretty sure there's some aimbots on cod now
the guys cursor was stuck on this guys head
until he died
then it dropped to looking at the floor
MLC is disappearing as the NAND shortage deepens. The only TLC NAND I really want to trust is Samsung TLC V-NAND.
@djsmiley2k cod always a ton of hacks
lol appently not on ps4 y et
cept I'm sayuing there is now
most older games are unplayable
that's AW right?
The way I see it, MLC will probably remain available in limited quantities as there are recent enthusiast/workstation products from Samsung that use it (read: SSD 960 PRO) but the extremely high price per GB, in excess of $0.60/GB, reflects this shortage.
@Avery Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
ah, yeah, that was what I guessed
Your thoughts on the NAND shortage and (admittedly disturbing) SSD market trends?
3 hours ago, by That REDACTED Guy
Well, I have to go. I have to be in the IRS office in 50 min and I forgot the damn papers at home +_+_+"
...missed deadline for SIX F@#$@#% MINUTES!
12 year wait now @ThatREDACTEDGuy?
@Avery And the Publisher? IW :D
yes, IW Published IW.
@djsmiley2k Not really, but it took me 40 minutes to convince them to reschedule. Ten days from now.
The purpose of the meeting is for them to tell me what's wrong with my request. Before agreeing to reschedule, they kept asking me what was wrong with my request.
@Rahul2001 SQL injection is a classic
Could also get into hash cracking or, if you expect your participants to have moderately obscure knowledge, hash length extension attacks
5 hours ago, by Rahul2001
This guy might kill me if I boot into ubuntu on his computer, I think I'll copy iso to usb and leave
So... Once I booted Kurumin on this girl's PC and she freaks out: "THERE'S A PENGUIN IN MY COMPUTER!!!"
Kurumin Linux was a Live CD operating system based on Debian. Its main features are the advanced hardware auto-detection (inherited from Knoppix) and a Portuguese user interface, and its main goal is ease of use. As of release 7.0, the size of the disk image is approximately 603 MB. Version NG 8.06, based on Ubuntu 8.04, was released June 24, 2008, and was discontinued on January 29, 2009. == Features == The distribution boasts an open-source control center (a series of shell scripts and Kommander based panels) named ClicaAki (roughly: "ClickHere"), which features a series of "magic icons" that...
Kurumin. Wow. Such memories. Much old.
@jokerdino 9.04
sorry for the confusion
Going through renovations. The wiring in this house makes absolutely no sense at all. Here's a sample of text from my circuit breaker spreadsheet, which isn't even complete:
> Includes master bedroom single (AC) socket, second bedroom ceiling fan, and first-floor backyard sockets. Excludes outdoor lights and second-floor deck sockets. Further testing is required.
How on earth is this compliant with code? I mean, who the heck wired this house in the first place?
Why the $#&% are the backyard sockets and master bedroom AC socket on the same circuit?!
Granted, this house has central HVAC, so there's no need for dedicated AC sockets, but still, this makes zero sense.
I'm not at liberty to go into any further detail, but I am completely flabbergasted at the nonsensical wiring in this house.
Hmm. This might be compliant with code by reason of the existence of central HVAC, but it still doesn't make a lot of sense.
2 hours later…
@bwDraco You should see how wiring is made in Brazil... It's a tangled mess of kludge.
and suicide showers!

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