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So, after some thought, I decided I would create a second Firefox profile on my portable SSD. For anything that does not require me to log in, like just checking the usual news websites, I'll launch Firefox with this profile.
If anything, I could just fall back on my phone or close and reopen the browser in the main profile as needed.
can you not use private browsing mode?
I'm using an extension called BarTab Heavy to keep memory usage in check. This visibly helps given that Bifrons has a mere 2 GB of RAM.
@bwDraco still confused to why you're babying your SSD
Its a 200 dollar machine. Just run it to the ground. ;)
I'm just looking for ways to squeeze as much as possible out of limited hardware.
why not get an old p3 and use that?
Lighter, and mostly indestructable
Yup. Also, no moving parts whatsoever.
I do install stuff to a SD card to save space tho
I'll just be logged into Stack Exchange on this profile, but that's pretty much it.
i've probably said this before but you know you are nuts right? ;)
@Burgi "I used to think you were crazy, but now I can see your nuts!"
This configuration also has a fully-enabled uBlock Origin installation for performance (rather than the limited ad blocking I normally do).
UGH. Credit agencies! They have these services where companies that need to verify your info will get questions from the credit agency about you that are on "public record" via a web service and supposedly only the person knows the answers
They asked me questions about neighbors I've never spoken of, whose names I've never heard, and I said I didn't know any of them, truthfully, and they said I answered wrong
That's an extremely presumptive question, because it assumes that people know who their neighbors are
@allquixotic If you want fibre here, but share a driveway, you are supposed to get permission from everyone that shares the driveway so the contractors can come and install the cabling.
My friend just said he isn't on speaking terms with his neighbours and bypassed like 4 permission forms.
Not really related, but it does involves neighbours. ^_^'
@MichaelFrank In my neighborhood, if you want fiber, you move.
@GypsySpellweaver ditto
Verizon fulfilled their scum-ridden, bullshit contract with the county by running fiber under the street... PAST our street. Like, not coming down it at all, no service, just passing it. And that's enough for the county. All the politicians have it, but the common man doesn't.
"Fiber to the premises"... more like "Non-fiber to the nearest street intersection"
or maybe "Lies to the premises", since a Verizon rep came to our door, knocked, introduced himself and told us we'd have fiber in, I quote, "weeks", in 2007
Hey Siri, how many hundreds of weeks has it been since 2007?
"Ok, we're coming in on X to install a Fibre point. Have someone at home. Otherwise you need to pay 170 dollars for hookup"
Yea, they've put fiber down our street. We just need to request a hookup now.
Oh, but our neighbours don't want fiber.
And since we share a driveway...
@MichaelFrank living next to luddites like that and having them actively deny me fiber would lead me on a murderous rage, more than likely
I can say this for certain: if I ever move, a condition (signed in the contract) of moving in will be the ability to get fiber or a full refund of all my expenses plus a $1000 fee for my trouble
I'll even pay a higher price for the guarantee
That's ok, I wouldn't know what to do that would utilize fiber anyway. Unless I torrent I can't even peg my cable's 50M.
@GypsySpellweaver oh, I know what I'd do: I wouldn't have to wait overnight for a new game I buy on Steam; I wouldn't have to wait an hour for every game patch and system update; I wouldn't have to wait 10 minutes to download an IDE update
I'm so sick of waiting on slow Internet connections
@allquixotic Yep. All of this would be fixed for me... except waiting on PS4 downloads.
@GypsySpellweaver the big thing for me is how reliable it is
@allquixotic Yeah. Even larger patches would take only a few minutes or so for me to download on my 100 Mbps connection.
I'm on an HFC link
Because for some stupid reason, Sony decided to create short packet windows on their download connections and it is crazy slow even on fast connections.
Charter Spectrum 100/10.
@allquixotic I grew up with "slow" and seldom download anything I need "now". I don't feel slow anyway. 50M seems fast for me.
Silly window syndrome is a problem in computer networking caused by poorly implemented TCP flow control. A serious problem can arise in the sliding window operation when the sending application program creates data slowly, the receiving application program consumes data slowly, or both. If a server with this problem is unable to process all incoming data, it requests that its clients reduce the amount of data they send at a time (the window setting on a TCP packet). If the server continues to be unable to process all incoming data, the window becomes smaller and smaller, sometimes to the point...
@JourneymanGeek My cable's never been down that I've seen. Router died once, but it was over a decade old, and never had firmware upgrade, so that's no surprise either.
@bwDraco Yea, that sounds like it. If you proxy the download through a PC using Privoxy or something you can improve your speeds drastically.
@GypsySpellweaver cable is shared by X users
in a large apartment block....
Yuck. Our cable connection has next to no congestion even in peak hours.
my LTE peaks at around 45 - 50 Mbps at 3 AM, and usually only for short stints during the "LTE bandwidth roller coaster" that oscillates from around 3-5 Mbps to 20-45 Mbps
Somehow, I've usually managed to end up on a under utilized node. Low-end 'hood usually don't have too many connected homes.
what's the area under the curve of an oscillating wave?
it's not sin(x) because it doesn't go negative; it's just the positive half, like sin^2 or sin(abs(x)) or something
I've decided to do full ad-blocking on the main profile. This will only be done on Bifrons for performance reasons; I still maintain that webmasters have every right to run nonintrusive ads.
@allquixotic It's probably still a sine, just with a positive offset so that the low is still above zero.
@bwDraco They have every right to run them, and I have every right to ignore/block them.
On my other devices, only a limited subset of content will be blocked, as before.
@JourneymanGeek @bwDraco Yea, SSDs aren't that fragile... don't go to all that trouble in some attempt to 'protect' ot.
@Bob My Samsung Pro 8X0 has done 10TB of write in like... a year or two?
@Bob This is not a normal SSD we're talking about here. It's cheap, low-capacity, planar TLC, eMMC.
@bwDraco And I say meh, I'm using two of them as scratch drives and they happily absorb the writes.
The problem is magnified by the fact that the system has low memory, resulting in paging.
I've also got ... two? three? low/low-ish-mem devices.
I don't spend time or effort worrying over SSD writes.
4 GB RAM? I wouldn't be so worried. But with 2 GB, paging is unavoidable in everyday use.
Just let 'em happen, if it fails three years later so be it.
@bwDraco Two of mine have 2 GB RAM. Still not gonna worry over SSDs.
Too much effort, too little (i.e. zero) gain.
Well, some machines have as little as 32 GB of NAND, which not only means half the raw NAND endurance, but more write amplification, meaning that real-world endurance is probably going to be a third or less of that of a 64 GB device. 64 GB is better than most in the sub-$300 laptop space.
@GypsySpellweaver And what's the upstream? Common problem with cable connections is they give you something shoddy like 50/1.
As soon as you get decent upstream, you can do things like online backups.
Symmetrical DSL is 'business'-class. Symmetrical cable likewise.
Mine usually has upstream of just over 10% Last run was around 54/7
Fibre is still usually not symmetrical, but you're far more likely to get decent upstream.
@GypsySpellweaver That's not bad, then.
Here on cable you can get 30/1, or pay more and get 100/3...
@Bob Well, the basic Charter Spectrum service here is 60/5.
Though I'm still on ADSL at 24/1 theoretical
12/0.5 practical
@bwDraco That's the other problem with cable. It's shared-carrier.
You might be paying for up to 60/5, but at peak times you might get 1/0.1 on a good day.
@Bob Again, it's practically congestion-free around here.
@bwDraco Then you're one of the lucky ones.
Funnily enough, it depends what your neighbours like to do.
We're paying for 100/10 and I have never seen peak speeds drop below 110 even during peak hours. It usually hits the hard 120 limit.
And it's one of the few situations where living next to less techy neighbours might be a good thing.
With all my other connections open
Actually, the basic Charter service is 100/5, not 60/5.
However, we're on a grandfathered Time Warner Cable plan that gives us 100/10.
My plan is only for 50 down and unspecified up
@GypsySpellweaver 'unspecified' is even better. they could give you 1Mbps up, and you can't even claim it wrong.
Though it's usually in the fine print here.
Took me a lot of digging to figure out the 'upgraded' plans only went to 3 up.
I'm just waiting to see what changes take place when Spectrum completely takes over. They claim "better" but I anticipate that their better will mean better $$$ for them, not better service for me.
beta.speedtest.net/result/6305946073 (14 ms ping, 120.46/11.88 Mbps)
And it's 9:43 pm here. We're basically in peak hour and the speed never noticeably budges.
(tested on the Dragon, my primary laptop)
14 mins ago, by Bob
@bwDraco Then you're one of the lucky ones.
I like their numbers even better: 71648 Kbps 5601 Kbps
Unless you're trying to claim this is a nonexistent problem.
YouTube used to suffer from slowdowns but the peering issues seem to have disappeared.
I'm not denying that it exists. It's just that my local CMTS never seems to be running at capacity.
.... oh snap.
My boss forwarded the report I wrote about why we can't recover our DVR to the chairman directly
"It's fucked" -> "The disks are in an unrecoverable state."?
@MichaelFrank That's a good translation.
@JourneymanGeek lol. reasons to always write emails professionally.
safe the informal chatter for the internal chat (if you have one)
Oh, its VERY professional
just not at the level I would write for a 70 year old academic
> Unfortunately, it looks like the disks have catastrophically failed, so they aren't readable by any system we could hook them up to. We would have to bring them to an expensive data recovery service to have any chance of recovering data from them.
more fun than that
names sanitized to cover my fuzzy rear
Data corruption due to a software glitch. Yuck.
Proprietary file formats make it even harder to recover.
or the files are all there but they don't know how to recover them
par for the course for low end DVRs
machine crashed too
@JourneymanGeek "The spinny circly bits are not spinny any more".
Drives and FS are fine
Since the filesystem sees intact, can you copy the files onto the disk of a working DVR, same brand, and the try to access them with that?
They had backups, right?
Who backs up their DVR?
@Bob Is Commbox an Australian thing?
No backups. At all.
@MichaelFrank wha?
@JourneymanGeek Run Unleash the dogs on them.
1 message moved to trash
"Quis tergum tergum sistemis?"
"Tergum ipsis".
Boy, Google Translator Latin is hard!
@Bob They make interactive displays (touchscreen). Lecturns, Smart tables, etc.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? is a Latin phrase found in the work of the Roman poet Juvenal from his Satires (Satire VI, lines 347–348). It is literally translated as "Who will guard the guards themselves?", though it is also known by variant translations. The original context deals with the problem of ensuring marital fidelity, though it is now commonly used more generally to refer to the problem of controlling the actions of persons in positions of power, an issue discussed by Plato in the Republic. It is not clear whether the phrase was written by Juvenal, or whether the passage in which it...
Also, new basic GT 1030 graphics cards launched. Those old Fermi chips can finally go die in a fire. (384 CUDA cores in 3 of 4 SMs on Pascal GP108 @ 1468 MHz; 2 GB GDDR5 @ 6 Gbps on 64-bit bus. 1.13 TFLOPS, 30W TDP.)
@bwDraco Lenovo sold me a Fermi laptop in like early 2014 -- mildly infuriating -- but I didn't quite know wtf I was doing then or I wouldn't have bought it
it was Quadro NVS which is even worse for gaming because it's underclocked for stability
@ThatRussianGuy in theory, there's a site for that, but they don't do translations
@MichaelFrank I've not heard of them
my current main laptop has Polaris 11
@ThatRussianGuy Are you ThatRomanGuy now?
@bwDraco How does that compare, performance-wise, to mainstream desktop cards?
just a tad slower than the Radeon Pro 460, then :P
I have the HD 530 and I'm not a fan, per my earlier convos :P
460 is sufficient though
Jul 25 '16 at 1:15, by bwDraco
Why on Earth is NVIDIA still making Fermi chips?
Jul 25 '16 at 1:21, by bwDraco
Looks like NVIDIA is not going to produce new low-power chips anytime soon.
Well, we finally have a replacement of sorts for these chips.
GF119 finally has a replacement.
Similar TDP, but almost an order of magnitude faster.
@bwDraco How about relative to 1050?
@allquixotic And how does that compare to a desktop RX 460? Same? Worse?
@Bob the Radeon Pro 460 is in theory comparable to the RX 460, since both are Polaris 11, but the RX 460 desktop card has way more thermal headroom to play with, and probably more power.
they're supposed to be the same chip, but that doesn't stop "GTX 1080" laptops from being slower than a desktop 1080 by a few percentage points.
@Bob GTX 1050: 640 CUDA cores in 5 of 6 SMs in Pascal GP107 @ 1455 MHz; 2 GB GDDR5 @ 7 Gbps on 128-bit bus. 1.86 TFLOPS, 75W TDP.
Therefore, about 60% of the performance.
Hm. Anyone here with a RHEL subscription? :P
The question with desktop GPUs in a laptop form factor is always, can the power and thermals sustain full throughput of the chip at 100% load for extended periods.
@Bob Yes! I have a free Red Hat Developer sub for a year :P
@allquixotic Any chance you could grab a package for me?
@allquixotic Certainly not mine. Newer and larger laptops are probably better in this regard, but extracting 150+ W of heat (read: GTX 1080) from a constrained chassis is very, very hard.
I've been trying to get a copy of their WHQL-signed virtio-win drivers. The Fedora ones aren't WHQL-signed.
(Plus side, it's all GPLv2, so you can legally redistribute it as you like :P)
@Bob just a package?
@Bob o_O you sure? I have WHQL signed drivers for virtio-win from Fedora on my VM
@allquixotic ...o.O
@allquixotic the ones here aren't fedoraproject.org/wiki/Windows_Virtio_Drivers
they're signed by Red Hat, but not WHQL
which means they're installable but WDS won't import them
@Bob Oh. What's WDS?
@allquixotic Windows Deployment Services
I mean, I was able to manually install the drivers, I guess that means they're fine for local installs without the WHQL, but they need to be WHQL to use that thingy. okay.
I'm playing around with a little virtual network under KVM that can also-install Win10 via PXE :P
@allquixotic Yea, the x86 ones import fine :\
@bwDraco Not bad at all.
@allquixotic Basically, if I can't find someone who has RHN access, I'll either have to do without (bake the non-signed ones in via DISM, which doesn't deploy very neatly), or maybe get the RHEL desktop subscription and hope it has full package access.
@Bob It'll probably be constrained by memory bandwidth because of the narrow memory bus, but for eSports gaming (CS:GO, LoL) at 720p medium settings, it'll do just fine. People do play eSports on IGPs and this will give those folks a cheap boost.
@Bob can't you get a free Red hat Developer subscription, or did I get in with a special promo somehow?
But paying $49 on the hope that it works is iffy. Maybe if it was guaranteed to work...
@GypsySpellweaver Both DVRs crashed
@Bob $49? how about the minimum AWS EC2 instance that'll let you run RHEL, for an hour or so? :P
@allquixotic That's... a good idea O_O
You'd still need a login tho
@JourneymanGeek RHEL instances from AWS come activated via subscription manager I think
just have to hope they come with the channel he needs
@allquixotic maybe no access though :(
> If you would rather get updates from an on-premises update repository, like Red Hat Network Satellite, then you will need to have an account with Red Hat and purchase entitlements to their Cloud Access AMIs through this license mobility program. These entitlements come in the form of the traditional annual subscriptions.
@JourneymanGeek So much for a cheap test. How did they get both DVRs to crash at the same time?
@allquixotic Huh, maybe

Does this offer extends after April 1st?
lol timing
@allquixotic I'll probably give RHEL on Azure a shot. Thanks.
Can you find out what subscription channel you specifically need?
I can see a list of the ones I have
hm, no, that doesn't work with the free credits
AWS it is!
@allquixotic tbh I have no idea, though it does say "The KVM virtio drivers are automatically loaded and installed" so AWS is a good bet
> Important: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, Windows guest virtual machines are supported only under specific subscription programs, such as Advanced Mission Critical (AMC). If you are unsure whether your subscription model includes support for Windows guests, contact customer support.
RHEL Client Supplementary (v. 7)
RHEL Server Supplementary (v. 7)
RHEL Workstation Supplementary (v. 7)
I'll try AWS
let's see what the cheapest spot instance is :P

Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Container Development Kit
MRG Realtime
Red Hat EUCJP Support (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Update Support
Red Hat Beta
Oracle Java (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support
Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Performance Networking (for RHEL Compute Node)
dotNET on RHEL Beta (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Performance Networking (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support
those are mine
@GypsySpellweaver bugger if I know. roughly 2 weeks before my time.
> Note: The virtio-win package can be found here. Search for virtio-win and click Download Latest. It requires access to one of the following channels:
@bob Stop! I GOT IT!
Rather odd. Possibly a power spike that was just enough to fry the elcheapo units. Oh well. How don't matter anyway.
@allquixotic :O
No more GF119, no more GK208. Good riddance.
@GypsySpellweaver the machines are allegedly fine.
Uploading to gdrive
erm. This could have been handled better?
@Bob I doubt Red Hat will go after me for IP infringement since it's GPLv2 :P
Pascal is NVIDIA's first truly top-to-bottom GPU architecture in years.
Dec 1 '15 at 14:45, by allquixotic
Fermi. FFS. -_-
@allquixotic Thanks!
@allquixotic Yea, I wouldn't have asked otherwise :P
also, this is cool: when running the Radeon Pro 460 at max load (with no USB peripherals) on my 15" MBP, the 13" MBP charger, which pushes fewer watts, says it'll take 9 hours to charge, but the battery fuel gauge is sloooowly increasing from 88% an hour ago to 91% now. :P
so I know that even if I get "stuck" with a slow charger, it won't discharge the battery while I peg the GPU
long as it's one of the new-fangled USB-C chargers for the 2016 MBP, it'll at least increase the charge level over time
hm, how to extract rpm...
@Bob 7-zip
lxc launch images:centos
it has some kind of a cpio file inside, I think. or maybe even LZMA these days.
@Bob excessive, but it'll work
7-zip supports a ton of different formats though
it has to be one of the best engineered programs I've ever seen
@allquixotic yea, but I downloaded it to the server :P
though 7za x would probably work
@allquixotic apparently its standard USB PD
so any charger would work
it's ridiculously fast; embarrasses WinZip; embeddable with just a few files; has a CLI version that's portable; the GUI runs 100% fine on Wine; and it supports sooo many file formats
@JourneymanGeek nope, most USB-C chargers don't do PD
it's actually really hard and quite expensive to find a PD one
been there, tried that
@JourneymanGeek yeah, but chargers that don't push enough watts would simply decrease the rate at which the battery discharges
I think Apple engineered the 13" charger specifically so it would at least give a positive charge over time to the 15"
@allquixotic not just watts, most will refuse to charge unless it can push enough volts
Anyone here do web development?
@GypsySpellweaver ya
@allquixotic 87W. 20V, 4.35A.
@Bob Last I knew the use of <table> for layout was discouraged over CSS. Is that still true?
@GypsySpellweaver Yes. HTML should be semantically correct. If it's not a table of data, don't use <table>.
For reference, Nintendo Switch does USB-PD at 45W (15V, 3A). It'll charge—if you're not using it—even if you have a bog-standard 10W (5V, 2A) adapter.
That's what I thought.
@GypsySpellweaver Modern dev, look at CSS Grid (very new, not much support yet).
Thanks @bob
Otherwise you have the older CSS "grids" which are kinda emulated and not too great
Or, in a single dimension, you have flexbox (pretty good support now)
The only reason to use table is if you need to support IE6, maybe IE7/8. Not really an issue these days.
Yea, lots of options are there. Just looked as source for a project and found layout controlled by table. And it's a new one, so no reason to have done that.
Mar 8 at 10:17, by bwDraco
It's not often that you see Nintendo using modern, standardized technologies of this sort, but the facts speak for themselves.
@allquixotic Please see support.apple.com/en-us/HT201700
@allquixotic turns out I somehow broke lxd... again -_-
ugh. this is far from stable enough for real use
> Power adapters for Mac notebooks are available in 29W, 45W, 60W, 61W, 85W, and 87W varieties. You should use the appropriate wattage power adapter for your Mac notebook. You can use a compatible higher wattage adapter without issue, but it won't make your computer charge faster or operate differently. Lower wattage adapters don't provide enough power.
@Bob it's been good for me ever since the networking backend update
I think 2.8 (?) enabled support for "managed" networks or something, and that makes it way easier to do macvlan static IPs per container
@allquixotic I'm not even doing complex networking with it yet
I've got another container stuck in a weird state where lxd can't read from the zfs store and can't delete it
@allquixotic also apparently AWS has a RHN mirror, so I probably could've gotten it through there. I didn't even think of it :\
but you saved me the trouble of starting up the AWS instance anyway, so thanks :)
@allquixotic I'm actually more surprised no one seems to have publicly uploaded it already. Or maybe I just didn't know the package name to search for.
yesterday, by allquixotic
generally speaking, the display tech, screen res and viewing angles, response times, and color on Lenovo's laptops are among the worst in the industry, consistently, for many years
The viewing angles on this system's display are so poor that it makes tablet mode nearly unusable in portrait orientation.
Tent mode, still okay (but with suboptimal ClearType rendering).
Stand mode, no problem.
The lack of a capacitive Winkey button on the display frame (very unusual for a Windows 2-in-1) makes the alternate modes a bit less useful as well; this further speaks to the budget-oriented nature of this machine. On this $230 system, the 2-in-1 touch functionality is more of a bonus than a genuinely useful feature.
However, the touchscreen does mean that it's a lot more usable when working without an external mouse than non-touch laptops.
Well, what do you expect for $230...
All I wanted was a cheap on-the-go productivity solution, at least one that was flexible enough to run my most essential apps like Firefox and LibreOffice.
@GypsySpellweaver <div>s FTW!
I figured that because I had my ways of working around technical constraints like a slow CPU and low memory and storage, it had 64 GB of eMMC rather than the 32 GB common on systems of this sort, and it was a 2-in-1 touch system, that it was easily worth the money.
@Rahul2001 Working on it.
@Rahul2001 Not in php, and not using the responsive designs, only for the desktop. Still, might help out some. github.com/gypsyspellweaver/gossip
Reworked the <body> completely, added to the CSS above the body spec.
@GypsySpellweaver Whoaaa! Thanks! I'll check it out when I get access to a PC
BTW, for some reason, the <body> is missing in the php output of the login screen.
There is a </body> however.
And... I didn't point no fingers neither ;P
Speaking of Lenovo laptops... These are the screen options of the model we're currently using as company standard:
> •15.6\" FHD (1920x1080), anti-glare, IPS, 250 nits, 16:9 aspect ratio, 600:1 contrast ratio, 45% gamut, 160° viewing angle
•15.6" FHD (1920x1080), anti-glare, IPS, 220 nits, 16:9 aspect ratio, 600:1 contrast ratio, 45% gamut, 160° viewing angle, Capacitive-type multi-touch, supports 10-finger gesture
•15.6\" 4K (3840x2160), anti-glare, IPS, 300 nits, 16:9 aspect ratio, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 100% gamut, 178° viewing angle
> 45% gamut
yesterday, by bwDraco
Calibration complete. 61.4% sRGB coverage. :(
This is what I got on Bifrons, using a ColorMunki Display colorimeter and DisplayCAL calibration software.
cause its cheap and dodgy
wait. 45% gamut... IPS?
Well, they're talking about NTSC gamut from what I can tell.
sooooo odd
This is probably more like 70% sRGB.
Any IPS screen is ok tho
Even their latest gaming laptops suffer from this: forum.notebookreview.com/threads/…
lol. also...
> Lenovo Legion Y720
@bwDraco gaming equipment isn't known for its accuracy
@bwDraco I mostly replaced both my older laptops with a razer blade stealth skylake...
OTOH, the Dragon (Clevo P157SM) has one of the best displays I've ever worked with, with 98% sRGB and 90% Adobe RGB coverage. It's especially remarkable this this is a TN panel. Too bad I managed to damage the CPU heat sink mount...
That's on the P50 model. The other model is the Y260.
Which doesn't mention the gamut % at all.
However, the main laptop has aged far better than the even older Wyvern (HP Pavilion dv6z-3000 Select Edition, custom-built), which dates to 2010 (or 2011, not entirely sure).
@allquixotic ... reading the licence agreement inside the rpm, this might not be GPL -___-
(and yea, it did take me that long to extract it)
I've got a Ryzen-based desktop build (Astaroth) on the horizon to replace the Dragon, but that's probably still a month away.
guess I'll just be DISM-bundling the unsigned ones then
> 2. Program License Grant. Red Hat grants User a non-exclusive,
non-transferable license to use the Program during the term of and on systems
with fully-paid applicable Red Hat subscription(s) provided User may not:
(a) modify, copy, or create any derivative works of the Program;
(b) decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Program (except to the
extent permitted by applicable law);
(c) redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise
transfer rights to the Program (except to the extent permitted herein); or
Is this a binary?
See if you could find the source code and compile it.
@bwDraco There's unsigned binaries available too. The problem is the signature.
Kernel-mode code?
gee thanks.
Web server gave me a 500 error shortly after I made a few normal/minor changes ._.
@allquixotic Yea, if you want to delete that one from gdocs... I'm gonna toss it too. At the very least don't want to get you involved in any potential mess :P
hmm, our website had broken and mis-pointed links 0_0
(work. Personal website is as simple as it gets)
0 requests today
@JourneymanGeek Been there, done that.
Anyway, it's getting late so I'm going to bed soon.
"Oh sh.... Oh wait, shared hosting..."
virsh save susanoo temp
rm temp
...wait. wasn't I supposed to restore the state first?
Shaved another few hundred MBs compressing the LibreOffice installation and deleting obsolete program files (*cough*McAfee*cough*)
@bwDraco could always install stuff to a SD card if its not speed dependant
I know, I know. I've already installed almost all of my core apps.
@MichaelFrank still got that link? :P
that's new
when I get home I'm gonna set up 10 again in a VM just so I can try this cortana-assisted one o.O
cat videos :D
crap, forgot to set up NAT
> With VirtualBox's reported result outperforming the bare metal system
@Bob errrr whut?
@JourneymanGeek click through => some weird thing where it wasn't actually syncing to disk so the writes were going to cache
that clock animation probably hasn't been udpated since NT 4.0
it actually turns
in 30deg increments
oh god
on dell perc card at a old job
a server stayed up for 6 months! with all writes to cache never actually going out to disk
silently failing :/

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