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@JourneymanGeek Like this?
Didn't the part at the back get blown up?
actually this looks almost intentional.
@JourneymanGeek I don't care if it's intentional! Who says "let's demolish half this building and call it a day"?
So do modern desktop motherboards POST faster?
depends on how they're set up
Also, a lot of systems hide the post screen
@bwDraco That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: taytaytaycatconfirmed
POST time can depend on what peripherals you have attached.
Google Now on Tap on desktop Root Access returns Taylor Swift, lol
USB is a big one.
Hey @Bob, can I add you on steam?
Root Access == Taylor Swift 😛
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse Sure. Do you have anyone else from RA?
At work right now so I can't really dig up the profile...
@Bob JGM and Allq. I looked for a "Bob" on their friendlists, didn't find one :P
I found hits site (steamparty.info) and want to try it
I'm sure @kerbalspacecat will like seeing this but I'm ignored :(
I have 39 invites o.O
@bwDraco Seeing what? Ignored what? Huh what? Wat?
:32276633 Yeah
10 mins ago, by bwDraco
user image
Apparently, Google thinks Root Access is about Taylor Swift.
The room description might be the reason for this behavior...
> For all you Super Users out there. Current topics: Technology, Tea & Taylor Swift. You have backups, right?
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse Prob is I'm sure half my game library is actually in gifts (bought as gift for a few sales in case I didn't want to play one :P) and unredeemed humble bundles
@Bob I have dozens of unredeemed IHBs in a spreadsheet.
I have to someday organize it, filter the repeated titles and put in on those giveaway sites
We also tend to find decent-sounding games to play and then buy em :P
!!/xkcd 1373
Just popped up on my mind because my Nexus 9 was 22% charged (though plugged in) as shown on the screenshot.
@ChatBotJohnCavil To me is 92348945789346896 notification icons.
It's the modern version of dozens of toolbars
I tend to keep my devices relatively free of junk.
I see someone like that on the bus and have to control my urge to clean their notifications
What's the point of having 10 messengers, 3 email apps, etc and never opening them?
> When someone posts a screenshot of their phone, I can't pay attention to the content if their battery is low.
My Android recently-ish started pushing zillions of sports-related notifications and I have no idea why
I don't even watch sports (with the exception of the Olympics)
It's not doing it at the moment :/
Pull down the notifications the next time you see it. Be sure to ping me.
...and yes, I consider 22% to be low.
In fact, I consider anything below 30% to be low.
@BenN sure its not malware?
@Bob I'm actively avoiding the "buying" part. If a game seems really interesting and is in the 10 BRL range (can't use USD because I've seen games with the same price in digits BRL/USD, some varies by region AFAIK)
I don't know how I would have gotten malware on my phone, but I guess it's possible
@BenN You can long-press a notification and it shows what app started it.
!! s/clean their notifications/clean their taskbar/
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse I see someone like that on the bus and have to control my urge to clean their taskbar (source)
I'm pretty sure it's a Google app (sometimes the icons include a G) but I'll try that
(9.5 MB GIF)
(and my NLE software crashed on exit)
I try to keep all GIFs under 20 MB. Anything larger than this will be posted as a GIFV.
@bwDraco If we're talking about those posted to chat... I'd suggest 10 MB or even 5 MB.
Personally, I think 2 MB is about as big as oneboxed data should go.
I do check GIF sizes before posting.
Problem is people on mobile...
I'll limit to about 5-10MB in the future. (I did post a 16MB GIF a while back.)
It doesn't even affect me personally anymore cause I now have more mobile data than I know what to do with.
But... others here aren't that lucky
It's not an issue for me even if I'm on LTE but about 15-20MB is as much as I'll accept.
@bwDraco I really think this is a problem that SE should fix, but they've not done so yet. Bleh.
There ought to be click to play.
@bwDraco Consider a fairly typical monthly data cap is something like... 1 GB. Maybe 2-3 on the higher end.
That gives you some 30-100 MB per day.
Using a good chunk of that (involuntarily) on a single image... :S
I have 3 GB and generally don't even hit 1 GB, but I realize some folks have very limited data allowances.
Yea, I'd prod slightly with a "try to keep it down" with something in your <20 MB (<10 MB?) range, but more than that and I'll start moving them out of the room if I see them.
@bwDraco tbh I'm not entirely sure what's normal in US, UK or EU.
Heh, I just stumbled upon your MSE request for click-to-play
I do know @DavidPostill has rather limited data even at home :\
@BenN Yea, I think I asked that after someone posted an 80 MB gif -_-
Oct 17 '15 at 18:57, by DragonLord
@tereško Sorry, but I have to flag this for mod attention. The animated GIF is 73 MB in size, which is dragging my connection down.
There's also the potential for abuse. Someone could maliciously post a 200 MB GIF :O
(200 MB is the limit for Imgur)
Of course, that'd probably be followed pretty quick by a banhammer (if malicious), but not until it's had an impact :\
@BenN This one?
Q: Can we make oneboxing optional on mobile chat?

BobAs the title says. It'd be nice to have oneboxing optional on mobile chat, especially if it were something like click/tap-to-reveal. Why? Well... my data plan is crying at the tens-of-MB GIFs that get posted now and then. Related: Add support for .gifv format in chat onebox One of the recent...

Anyone with a server with sufficient storage and bandwidth can post images of arbitrary size. I could easily post a multi-GB GIF on one of my servers and link to it if I wanted to.
Huh, there's GreaseMonkey for FF Mobile now
That's the problem. Once you think about it from the standpoint of an attacker, it becomes readily apparent that this can be an DoS attack vector against SE chat users.
I could do click-to-reveal in a userscript :D
...and this is why I need to learn JS.
Hm. Either intercept chat code or do it on DOM mod... the latter might be too late? I wonder if removing the img stops the load.
Eh... if I remember when I get home, I'll try.
@Bob Mind if I add to your post describing security implications?
ehhhh. Unless you're on mobile or have a super limited data plan...
DDOS is a bit of an extreme way to describe it
same difference. Still extreme.
@bwDraco Go ahead.
unrelatedly, I'm starting work tommorrow. I think tommorrow is 9-6, but I donno after that...
so any pings during office hours are likely to get responded to much later.
@JourneymanGeek What do you count as super limited, though?
1 GB is common (less than that is still common...). A single 200 MB gif is a good chunk of it.
@Bob a gig or two I guess. I've almost never had a wired broadband connection with restrictions.
I suppose you could say people in RA are more likely to have greater limits.
But, hey... I was on 1-1.5 GB for a few years.
but I think the term DOS is inappropriate here. I suggest "PITA" AKA "My Donkey has agony internally"
IIRC @DavidPostill has 5 GB across all devices (tethered?)
@Bob Done.
(just for the record, I think click to play/hiding oneboxes is a good idea)
@JourneymanGeek Eh... I think DoS actually describes the malicious actor case pretty well.
but not everyone is malicious.
Q: Can we make oneboxing optional on mobile chat? (Potential security exploit!)

BobAs the title says. It'd be nice to have oneboxing optional on mobile chat, especially if it were something like click/tap-to-reveal. Why? Well... my data plan is crying at the tens-of-MB GIFs that get posted now and then. Related: Add support for .gifv format in chat onebox One of the recent...

I for one don't always check the size of the gifs and other images I post.
@Bob Yep, that's the one!
If I THINK its large or know its large, sure I > it and mention its big
@JourneymanGeek Never said everyone is... just thought the potential was there.
@bwDraco -- not sure I like having that in the title :P
@JourneymanGeek I did. The last one I posted I reduced from 22MB to 800KB.
The new title might be editorialized just a little much for my taste
Edited out.
Also, sorry about the time I oneboxed a 180MB GIF - I didn't know it was so huge!
@BenN which is why I followed the whole line of "this seems an extreme term"
Wouldn't "this could be a potential security exploit" be better as a comment?
Back in a bit
Pc just died
> This has security implications because an attacker can post an image of arbitrary size on any server with sufficient storage and bandwidth and link to it on chat. Because chat automatically loads direct image links from any source, one could, with relative ease, post multi-GB animated GIFs and quickly exhaust user data allowances, effectively denying service to chat users.
This is especially true if the attacker is using a CDN for the image, which isn't exactly expensive.
ehhhh. You're overthinking it
Can't help to think about it from an attacker's standpoint.
That's just how security experts think.
True, but we have a reasonably robust defence too
Not that I'm an actual hacker but I've taken a computer hacking course and know about this.
an attacker would need at least 20 rep, and you can usually get a mod's attention within a few hours
ROs should be able to take care of such shenanigans too
@JourneymanGeek Eh. We've seen ... questionable... users in here.
they can kick but... not edit?
Anyway, that was all from a bit of a random thought => chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/32277076#32277076
@JourneymanGeek Nah, move the message.
@BenN barrier of entry is higher
the hard part is getting the 'right' mod
@JourneymanGeek read the scrollback a bit :P
I think I said above - I'd probably move (to trash?) anything > 20 MB if I see it
Deleting/moving messages ought to do it, right?
I might be ready to become a room owner but not 100% sure at this point.
(locals, mods familiar with the channel - I'd trust jokerdino or terdon to do the right thing, but we've had some non local mods overracting in the past)
@BenN moving the messages takes care of the immediate issue
@JourneymanGeek The problem is "a few hours" is long enough for a fair bit of damage.
not the person causing the issue
And we're talking monetary damage here...
^^^ This.
I've seen charges of 4c/MB, 5c/MB
200 MB can cost $8
@Bob I was thinking the prospect of someone posting a bunch of large gifs maliciously ._.
Once again tho, I think click to view is a good idea
Oh, but when it comes to getting 20 rep, you don't actually have to earn anything
Just not the whole .... "OMG PEOPLE COULD ABUSE IT, PANIC..."
Just associating 20 accounts together will do the job
@BenN nope
@JourneymanGeek Whether malicious or not, there's the potential for that damage. Malicious could be much worse - they could post far more...
you need it on one site
I saw a user in here a while back who had 1 rep everywhere
and proper earned rep (but association needs 200 anyway)
@JourneymanGeek You're kinda exaggerating the reaction there.
@Bob ehhh, Maybe I'm assuming @bwDraco is overreacting...
It's not so much "INSTANT PANIC".
It's "This could happen. If it happens, it's bad. Please fix it."
^ Yup.
@JourneymanGeek ...y'know, I agree with him here. Heck, I brought it up first -_-
Maybe I'm overreacting to the prospect of over reacting. or playing the feline's advocate...
This doesn't even affect me personally anymore. I don't really have a reason to panic. I have some 50 GB now...
But I still want to see this fixed, cause it could seriously affect other users.
That said... I'm somewhat regretting bringing this up in chat/meta now.
@BenN wierd. Coulda sworn the requirement was per site...
@Bob meh, that's what they are for
Certain people who might or might not be here might or might not be the type to do this now that they know...
I actually think its a good idea for other reasons, and asked about in the past.
I consider it a usability issue rather than a security one
@JourneymanGeek It's really both, IMO.
@JourneymanGeek The type of person to post random abusive spam is the type of person to do this.
@JourneymanGeek I think I said above - yea, we can probably clean up pretty quick. Yea, they'll probably be mod/banhammered pretty hard. But that's still enough time for damage.
Purely reacting is not really enough... it's a bit different from just saying something offensive.
At the moment, it's a hypothetical. I don't want to see it become a reality.
@JourneymanGeek Apparently they can use 20 x 1rep meta.stackexchange.com/questions/253487/…
yeah. I assumed they fixed that ._.
@Bob ROs can move messages? I can't!
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse are you a to?
R o
Dammit phone
You can click on the room drop-down on right side of screen and pick move messages if you are
Ctrl+click and Shift+click applies.
@arda I'm a gato potato sorry, wrong cat
@arda aaaah...
O_O riots in Bangalore...
@Bob yeah, they keep hogging all the water :(
el gato potato masho!
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse you should be able to
and IIRC kick
@JourneymanGeek El Gato Macho?
You sayin a woman can't be a macho woman?
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I need to use the room dropdown
@JourneymanGeek Not that I know of.
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse could you click on a regular user's nick and check?
it should be the last thing in the list.
Else I'd need to break out and RO aibobot. Can't trust em robots. They don't smell right.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, I can "kick-mute"!
Its for shorter periods, but would get you time to find an adult mod to handle things
It's more like unchecked input allowing malicious content.
So, I submitted a talk proposal to the upcoming WordCamp. It was accepted. I didn't expect it and I'm aprehensive.
Break a leg. Better yet, break someone elses leg!
Actually, I sent two proposals. One I had already presented at a security conference last year at an, ahem, top renowned national university ;P
Well, more of my boss came to me and said "we're having a security conference, you like WordPress, you're giving a talk on WP security".
So I freaked out and read lots and lots of stuff and managed to pack 60 pages of slides in a presentation of 45min
(I also helped organizing the conference with the rest of my team, by the way)
And you did all that without a head?
and this year I'm helping organizing the local WordCamp, for the 2nd year
@kerbalspacecat I hadn't been cursed yet back then
Last month I was bitten by a headless mule
The Headless Mule (Portuguese: mula sem cabeça, IPA: [ˈmulɐ ˈsẽ̞ȷ̃ kɐˈbesɐ]) is a character in Brazilian folklore. In most tales, it is the ghost of a woman that has been cursed by God for her sins (often said to be as concubinate or fornication with a priest within a church) and condemned to turn into a fire-spewing headless mule, galloping through the countryside from Thursday's sundown to Friday's sunrise. The myth has several variations concerning the sin that turned the cursed woman into the monster: necrophagy, infanticide, sacrilege against the church, fornication, etc. == Origins and... ==
@kerbalspacecat I know, right! It's almost like the men fear and hate women.
Have you read the original text of Bram Stoker's Dracula?
It's so sexist I rolled my eyes so much I became cockeyed
Anyway as I was saying....
This year I'm again part of the WordCamp team
Although the new organization chose to label me "volunteer" instead of "part of the organization team" so I'm not getting a new shiny badge.
But I digress
Besides having agreed to write a dozen and half blog posts (and freaking out on a nearly daily basis) I will help on the event day itself
And on the very last minute I decided to submit two proposals
One was the aforementioned talk on WP security, which I was betting they'd chose
Another was "Setting up a dev environment with git, Docker and WP-CLI".
It was accepted and I have only a rough idea on the contents. >_<
Well, I have two weeks to write it.
If I know myself well (and I know myself since I was born), this is what will end happening:
that durian looks... a bit rotten
@JourneymanGeek s/that durian looks/all durians look/
@JourneymanGeek yea, I found out by email
because our support offices are closed, apparently o.O
(basically they are upstream, court will tell them to release water to TN, which results in... well this. I totally blame politics.)
@bwDraco I literally mean it looks like a durian that's rotten
and I'm singaporean, and the malaysians are firm believers in letting them drop off the trees themselves...
and that looks like its a few weeks past its stink by date.
@JourneymanGeek It really looks like some fruit I almost recognize
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse jackfruit and breadfruit are less stinky cousins
Also do not require personal protective equipment to cut open
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse if the mule is headless... what did you get bitten with?
Q: Our teacher is encouraging us to use cracked software

sun qingyaoI'm taking a course on Mathematica, which is a bit expensive for me to afford. On the first lesson of this course, the teacher told us how to crack this software, and asked us to have Mathematica 11.0 installed on our computers by this Wednesday. However, I just don't want to use cracked software...

@JourneymanGeek I blame SR for my current thoughts...
I wonder something ... How does Stack Exchange, Inc. earn its money?
@PaulVargas advertising
there's actually a question on this on meta
Q: What is Stack Overflow's business model?

George StockerI once answered a question that asked how Stack Overflow makes money, but that was before the time of VC. Now, Stack Overflow has cash, and they have an ever-growing list of employees, but where's the business model? The Experts-Exchange team took the time to answer its own Q&A about its site (...

SE also has been experimenting with letting folk run their own copies a few times
The 'stackbabies' AKA SE 2.0 started with that
also its worth considering that for a site its size (and importance!) SE has a relatively small amount of infrascture
@JourneymanGeek Thank you so much. That was very helpful.
1 hour later…
!!/learn taytaytaygooglenow <>https://i.sstatic.net/klld1.png
@bwDraco Command taytaytaygooglenow learned
I think @kerbalspacecat is going to have a field day with this...
Good night.
@kerbalspacecat I like how Sony actually releases detailed specs :D
Well, reasonably detailed.
All manuals were once like this ._.
@JourneymanGeek "were"
@JourneymanGeek I think I need to ask a hwrecs :P
Gah. Never mind. Can't think of how to write it :P
@Bob what sorta hardware recommendation?
I often find talking through the requirements of what I need is super handy
@JourneymanGeek Summed up in one sentence? USB power bank that can do USB-PD, probably at 9V but maaaaaaaybe need 15V.
AFAICT they don't exist :\
@kerbalspacecat Rumors that there'll be a firmware update for the Note7 (and maybe S7?) to enable 4G/3G dual-SIM O_O
Isn't that supposed to be a hardware thing?
@Bob yes and no
I think its a matter of baseband, radios...
@JourneymanGeek USB-PD implies USB-C, yea
Hmm, heh. I would find something like that handy with my next laptop ;p
UDP-over-TCP! funfunfun
Q: someone is bullying me in computer class

Ronysomeone is sending me messages in computer class trought notepad, also they keep closing my session when I try to study, how can I know who is? is thera a way to reply, or to stop what they are doing?. all the computer are connected via ethernet

@OliverSalzburg Did you have fun with azure? :P
Whoops, I have two VMs in separate VNets that need to talk to each other.
Oh, I know, I'll just add a NIC to each with a new VNet! Wait, no, can't do that.
Hmm. Ooh, Maybe I can add a VNet to an existing NIC? ...nope.
Maybe I need to link the VNets together? Let's see...
Create a VPN gateway on VNet1... create a VPN gateway on VNet2... assign a public IP to each... pay for the public IPs...
Create a connection between the two gateways because you need the gateways...
What a convoluted mess :P
That's the way we do things? ;p
@Bob Lots!
sudo bash -c "killall sshd && service ssh start"&
what on earth is an "ocean mind"?
Thanks Burgi, is not for you, but i am new to this site and got a url in google to put a quest, so i have did here. But some people why there are making as down vote, by the way this a right quest. if they ocean mind then they should explain the same — Nik Varma 2 hours ago
open mind?
@Bob Azure is pretty neat, unless you're planning to use a domain in Azure AD with SSO. That's where most problems came from. So I dropped that idea, because it was mostly nice-to-have. The bigger problem later was that nobody in the client's office has credentials to log into their current hosting provider's website and they don't have access to the mailbox that is tied to the account
I used to have those credentials, but someone must have changed them
It's a clusterfuck of epic proportions
Same hotspot repeats 4 times?
If I wanted to connect to one broadcasting on channel 4, how would I do that?
It's same SSID
And I haven't heard of SSIDs with extensions...
fracking banks
@OliverSalzburg "pretty neat" is one way of putting it
I think half my rants here the last month were cause of Azure
speaking of Azure, anyone have any idea how to get Edge up via RemoteApp?
ah... "RemoteApp limitations"
joy of joys.
3rd attempt at calling the bank
the previous 2 times they cut me off after holding for 5 mins
@Burgi try cutting them off
sadly i need them more than they need me this morning
ah the very model of an abusive relationship
there is actually a fraud marker on my card
@Bob Well, I was mostly using Azure AD and a single Windows Server VM for testing
false positive
I want to evaluate how viable it is to run a full Windows 10 with Azure AD only in a small company
I also wanted to check if OneDrive could be a viable alternative to an on-site file server. Doesn't look like it though :P
@OliverSalzburg Eh... I have a bunch for testing but couldn't be bothered setting up AD.
Also it kinda grew organically.
Need win10? Added!
Need ie10 on win7? Added!
Need win10 1607? Added!
Need win10 preview? Added!
Need SSH tunnel? Added! (Ubuntu)
Need remote desktop gateway? Added! (Server 2012r2)
Need them all on the same network? ... ... ... crap.
@JourneymanGeek User superuser.com/users/640618/suresh-kola is posting multiple identical answers (3 so far) to ssh questions
Probably figured it was a short cut.
2 deleted. looks like oliver handled the last.
@JourneymanGeek thx
1 hour later…
is it possible to resize mounted partition ?
er. In theory, maybe
In practice, no, just no.
Blah can't do http/2 without installing nginx from a PPA in 14.04 :/
"beware of dog. He's going to taunt you"
@HackToHell or compiling it from sctatch... LTS does mean LTS ;p
throws things at old things
Its not old, its stable

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