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also the small words D:
The other pages of the character sheet are spells (you don't have any) and backstory/appearance/personality/allies - basically roleplaying information - and I think you already have that down
Are the skills you wrote down the ones you have proficiency with?
I was about to ask... what's the Proficiency Bonus?
Some stuff you're "proficient" with. It basically means you're good with that thing. I'm proficient with my warhammer, for example, because I'm a Dwarft. Also Medicine because I'm a Cleric. You get a bonus if you're proficient in something. The Proficiency Bonus is the size of that bonus
(+2 at Level 1)
If you would normally have +2 for something based on your raw skills, and you're proficient in it, then you get 2 + PB
And yeah, the short version is you have +2
2 hours ago, by bobble
user image
it goes up with your level - so since you're a ranger, at level 5 your Proficiency Bonus becomes +3
You guys are slowly becoming D&D masters already :D
Then I guess yeah that's what I'm Proficient in
I am good at absorbing large quantities of information when I want to, and also at transcript searching
Features and Traits is also something I'm unclear on
(opens up the handbook, which is being slow because of its large size)
It's basically a catch-all for your racial and class abilities, things that don't fit in other boxes.
i.e. your halfling racial traits
between calls at the moment
I see
How do I calculate Perception, especially given I've chosen it as one of my skills?
And sorry if this has already been explained... long day
Perception uses Wisdom, so it's your Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus if you are proficient in it. And Passive Perception, which is bottom left ish box, uses 10 + Perception modifier.
So my Perception would be... 3, and Passive Perception 12?
If your Wisdom is +1 and you're proficient, yup, it would be +3. Then passive perception would be 13.
I guess now I have to look up again what the stats are for the armor and weapons I've chosen are
...and race specific abilities
For armor, note how it calculates your Armor Class (AC). For weapons, note what type they are (finesse/ranged/thrown is Dexterity, reguluar is Strength).
15 hours ago, by Sciborg
so, Clerics start out with either scale mail, leather armor, or chain mail. Scale mail grants 14 + Dex mod (max 2) AC. Leather armor grants 11 + Dex modifier AC and is light. Chain mail (heavy armor, so you might not be proficient) grants a flat 16 AC.
you're using Scale Mail, right?
Your Dex is 16 (+3), so you would get an AC of 14 + 2 = 16.
Ooh, I miscalculated pounds and kilos >.< that should be ~10kg / 22lb weight
@Sciborg got it
i must now go into my next zoom call ;-;
Short swords are finesse weapons, 1d6 piercing damage
list of weapons
Mith, I could fill out a character sheet for you if you want?
So that'd be 1d6 + ...16 for the damage?
@bobble that'd be wonderful, thanks
@bobble dexterity
add your dex mod, not dex
and if you're proficient then add you proficiency bonus
(not to damage - prof. bonus only applies to attack roll)
Which number is the dexterity modifier again?
ah i have my sheet wrong then
also North has his wrong >_<
(it is confusing, my bad :p)
Oh, +3
I... think that's the entire character sheet except spells?
you don't have spells
Cool, simpler
Is your strength mod a +2 or +0?
I didn't mark the modifiers in the picture I sent
They're on the sheet now though
Are you proficient in any saving rolls?
I don't know what that means :|
I'll look it up. Halfling Ranger
(AFK for a few)
Hm, I'm trying to figure out if I want to meet Kithri and Astrid both at once or just Astrid
I want to be taught Common Language by the party but not know it right away
Kithri would teach you Common
But does Kithri speak Sylvan or Elvish?
Halflings don't like teaching Halfling, and they would need a way to communicate with you
I dunno
Those are the only languages Lae speaks
I speak Sylvan through my religion, so I could converse with you in that
I mean, Astrid speaks Sylvan
Right, but would Lae want to speak with a hill dwarf?
Well actually
I assume that I would meet Fen before you
Like he went running off one time and I calmed him down, you came looking for him and ran into me
What would be interesting is if I don't have that strong of a dislike towards dwarves to begin with since I was raised by wolves
Like I don't like dwarves in general, but it's not like a bitter hatred
If it helps, you tower over me by 2'2''
So I dislike dwarves, because they're dwarves, but because I was not raised that much by the Elves, it's not a bitter hatred
@bobble That's almost my entire height >.>
So if you climb on top of me, we could be taller than Lae!
So, Astrid and Kithri meet Fen, Fen attaches to both Astrid (dunno why) and Kithri because they're good with animals
I can talk to Fen
or at least I can burn a spell slot to talk to animals
Lae calls for Fen in Sylvan, and both Astrid and the halfling get excited to meet a fairy at last... and then to Astrid's horror it's a damned wood elf!
Eh, I've met elves before...
But Astrid is the first dwarf
Well, dwarves don't like elves so
Rangers are proficient in Dex and Str saving throws
Astrid starts telling Kithri about all the horrible things she's heard wood elves do ("They feed wanderers to trees!")
I dismiss those as unfounded rumors, but am still slightly wary at first
I have no prejudice against either elves or dwarves, just meeting dwarves is rarer
I'm trying to get Fen to come back to me (he ran to you)
Astrid tries to lunge at me with her Warhammer but hits Fen (Fen isn't hurt, of course, being invulnerable) but I take it as her attacking Fen
Fen then bites my clothes and pulls me back before I can do anything
At this point Kithri is just laughing on the floor
I make a flower bloom and offer it to you
I take the flower and I crush it
Hey, I protect wild things. You just destroyed a bit of nature!
Now I'm upset at you
You try to talk to me in Common but obviously, I don't understand
(Mith, did you pick a background?)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr You don't speak Common? Ohhh dear :p
At that point - he's going to learn from one of us
@Sciborg Nope, not initially. By the beginning of the campaign I will because Astrid teaches me
Ah, gotcha
I speak, write, and can read barely enough in Common to get by
You can do the D&D equivalent of Spanglish :P
as in, you speak Common, but idioms/metaphors might be lost on you
I also don't understand the concept of "pronouns" so I always refer to people by name, making sentences really awkward sometimes
you sure you want to commit to that?
"Astrid went to the city but Astrid lost Astrid's book" :p
Mith's sheet is only missing Background, Personality Traits, and most of the second page
Oh, as an outlander, I can play an instrument. So I play the pan flute :P
Sounds like it's time for Backstory :D
@PrinceNorthLæraðr the Pan flute you say? :P
Second page is specifically missing Character Appearance, Allies and Organizations, Additional Features & Traits, and Character Backstory
you mean the pan pipes?
They're the same thing, actually
@Sciborg Sylvanus's flute actually. I'm not a follower of Pan
Yeah :p just thought it would be funny
I like the profusion of Nature Characters we've got
And a wide pantheon of gods :P
We have followers of three different nature deities
Mith, could you specify what you want me to put in for Personality Traits? There's a bunch of stuff scattered over the transcript; not sure what you want to condense it into
We shall hug all the trees
unless they're carnivorous
in that case we run away
Hm, I wonder if I can be 6' 2" but only weigh 140 pounds
Okay, I'll make it 150
That should be fine - weights don't usually come up unless it applies to pressure plates and traps
does 4' 120lb sound good for a dwarf?
they're supposed to be short and stocky, I think
Yup :)
@bobble only half here - what type of stuff goes there
Sciborg, help?
Personality Traits can be very loose, but basically: Bonds = things you are tied to and people you know, Ideals = what you believe is most important in life, Flaws = character flaws and things you struggle with.
there's separate boxes for those
I have Kith's bonds, ideals, and flaws written down
Ah - sorry, thought you meant those boxes
Oh I thought bonds were why you are on this campaign-whoops
The main Personality Traits box is just "what's your personality like"
Bonds can be that, too - it's loose
> Shy, but always up for a ramble about stonework. Loves friends fiercely. Optimistic due to faith.
that's what I have for Personality Traits
> "Quiet, unassuming, but not brooding. Makes very awkward conversation starters. Loyal."
"Makes very awkward conversation starters" is such a relatable mood
me trying to talk to people
I imagine Astrid as the kind of person who runs headfirst into things for friends and trusts it will all come out okay in the end.
Adventurous; likes interacting with people but shy at first. Good with animals. Tries to be open-minded about new things but once mind is made up can he difficult to change. Vegetarian. Slightly sarcastic, and a realist.
Additional flaw: She's a bit too trusting of people that like animals (e.g. people with dogs) without knowing much about them.
So the text is getting really small now
I've got most of this on my phone and / or on the paper as well
I think you're missing money and Background
Do you want a list of Backgrounds?
Also are you still Lawful Good?
What does under treasure?
@bobble Chaotic Good
Background... Yeah, I probably have to look at the options
Hehe, we have two chaotic goods :P
What's msh's race, btw?
Ah, human bard? Nice
I tried to be neutral good but couldn't justify it, so I'm True Neutral
Is allies and organization our party?
I assume it's people who you're allied with and organizations you're a part of
Not sure if my faith counts
Your faith can count for that if you want :)
It's technically an organization you are part of
Hehe, I have pixie friends!
Or had
Hmm. Outlander seems to fit most closely
Two Outlander Rangers :D
Outlander Ranger squad unite
Thankfully Mith is most likely going to be a beastmaster, so at least we won't have two of the same paths
@Mithical What fighting style are you considering taking as ranger at level two?
So you got Athletics and Survival
What musical instrument is Kith profiecient in?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I haven't gotten that far yet
I'm trying to decide between the archer specialty or duel-wield
@Mithical Technically I haven't either but
@bobble bone flute
...if that's an option
@Mithical What extra language does Kithri speak?
i dig that, it is an option now
@PrinceNorthLæraðr (looks up options)
Urm there's a lot, let me see
Or, bobble can look for you, I guess :P
17 hours ago, by bobble
Q: What are the official languages available to players?

JackThe D&D 5th Edition Player's Handbook lists some languages on page 123, giving players with characters who can choose a language a number of choices. There are other sources of player-choosable languages across a variety of published materials. What are the official WotC-published languages ava...

You also get a trophy from an animal you killed - what animal, and what trophy?
...Abyssal, just don't ask why 👀
that's an incredibly ominous sentence, i am down for it
Bear, trophy is a tooth
Hellhound tooth is my trophy
There a reason why you kept the tooth?
Eh, I'll make it a claw instead
I want the story!
Tell us the story North :P
Actually do hellhounds have claws? Whatever, I'll keep the tooth
@Sciborg I'm getting there
i need the lore immediately
> Specialty
You've been to strange places and seen things that others cannot begin to fathom. Consider some of the distant lands you have visited, and how they impacted you.
Options: Forester, Trapper, Homesteader, Guide, Exile or outcast, Bounty hunter, Pilgrim, Tribal nomad, Hunter-gatherer, Tribal marauder
There's this thing for Outlander, not sure what it means
Basically some backgrounds have features that give you roleplaying perks, this is one of those
I'm like 60% finished
write faster dangit :P
I'm also interested in Kith's story, if they care to share
That's the tooth that left the scars on my elbow
(I think I mentioned the scars)
i am loving the implied Epic Backstory here
hey, msh is here! :)
Want to choose one of the Specialties for Kith?
I have bits and pieces of a background in mind... nothing fully fleshed out though
@bobble there are lots of things to choose
Guide sounds interesting, I have no idea what it means
I don't plan to read through the entire transcript since I was last here. If I should, please lemme know, and I shall. Otherwise, I'd appreciate knowing anything important that I missed.
> determine your occupation during your time in the wild
We have just been discussing Mith's character and going over some minor rules, so you probably don't have to read the entire thing :)
Seems like I left out an important bit here
Basically, what have you been doing while you're adventuring around?
In that case Forester is probably the best option
Terrible writing but I like the story:
Læraðr was born to a tribe of peaceful wood elves in a distant forest, whose name has been lost to history. His family was a devoted follower of Sylvanus, the nature god. However, their village was ransacked by a marauding group of hellhounds and fiends. A pack of hellhounds found young Lae attempting to climb up a tree to escape the onslaught but was ambushed by a pack of hellhounds. One bit off the left arm of Lae while another scratched his right eye, leaving a large gash across. As the hounds closed in, however, a brave young wolf cub jumped out of nowhere and started barking at the gro
@Sciborg if and when you can continue your tutorial, I'd appreciate it. I have read the intro to that gargantuan rulebook, and picked up a very little more from the good folks in this room.
> A pack of hellhounds found young Lae attempting to climb up a tree to escape the onslaught but was ambushed by a pack of hellhounds.
What's a "treasure"? We don't have any of that right?
two packs of hellhounds?
@msh210 Definitely - we left off with you being a Human Bard, I think, so the next thing we can do is pick a Background. This is basically your character backstory, so i.e. where you come from, what you did before being an adventurer, that kind of thing.
There is a list of backgrounds i can grab you, hang on
Like what North just wrote?
North basically expanded his choice of Background (Outlander) into a backstory, but you don't have to do that - it's just for fun :D
@msh210 No, that's backstory. Bit different
And what 'borg wrote too
How do I save it so that's it's still fillable later?
This list explains each background, and each one gives you more skills that we will discuss later.
You can't
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Hit "print" and change printer to export PDF. It doesn't allow you to change it, yeah
I downloaded a new version and copy-pasted
Okay, I guess that's not too bad to do
@Sciborg Do you have a character? Or do DMs not have one?
I think that Astrid hasn't met anyone who follows Pan other than the one priest, and she really wants to find some other believers. (Mostly I find the idea of a worshiper who's never interacted with the church interesting)
DMs get NPCs
@PrinceNorthLæraðr DMs don't have one :)
I get to play all your NPCs, basically
@msh210 What's your character's name?
@Sciborg What are Azorius, Boros, and Rakdos?
@msh210 Those are related to a Magic: The Gathering expansion, so skip over those.
Click on Filter and deselect all but the Player's Handbook
@PrinceNorthLæraðr dunno yet
@Sciborg oh darn, it sounded good :-)
(Rakdos cultist)
One of my real-life campaigns is currently using that Magic expansion and doing Rakdos backgrounds, it's very fun but would not fit well here :P
Whew, finally finished my character sheet, hopefully didn't miss anything
@Sciborg maybe Athlete?
Sure! I dig that.
Is there really nothing I can do? Gray hasn’t showed up since they made their character and you said hopping in sporadically was ok.
That's not a PHB background
It's fine - i think it's sufficiently general to apply to any campaign setting.
Well, since we're just creating characters, and Gray's mostly done, they don't really have to show up
I got to go right, now have mock trial meeting
I just want to be included somehow. As is there’s no Point in even asking for the crash course
I don’t even know why I care
Also mith, I can’t look up campaigns on discord because a. I don’t know how to play and b. I don’t know those people that well
I don’t have to play
I can’t even help with puzzles because I lack creativity
Platypus, i love you, but you've gotta chill a bit and try not to self-deprecate. Take a breather. You seem like you're having a rough day and I care about you.
Do you need some help or?
That wasn’t self deprecation
> I can’t even help with puzzles because I lack creativity
I am honestly not that creative; haven’t posted a puzzle since 2019
And only one of my riddles was a non-riley
Do you need to talk to someone, Plat? it sounds like you're going through some stuff right now and could use a friend.
I’m fine. I think I’m just being selfish and irrational.
Just a bad day.
im not depressed if that’s what you’re thinking
It's okay, totally understand. I just want to do a wellness check. If you need somebody to talk to, please Discord or message me okay?
Just feeling a little left out. And thank you but I’m fine.
I got the same way the time my parents went to italy
Message me if you need a buddy, okay? Genuinely. I'm around if you need to rant in DMs.
I really shouldn’t care; my experience with dnd is watching some let’s players play it
Thank you but I’m fine. I just want be involved somehow. It looks fun.
I really shouldn’t care
There are lots of people on the Code Golf Discord who might be missing D&D and want to start up a group that you could join. Maybe you can post in the D&D channel?
Related: can Druids wild shape into a platypus?
Again, I don’t know how to play
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus I mean, I understand, but you just need to remember that Sciborg is dm-ing, and I you shouldn't keep on bothering them about it.
So I can’t do that
I’ll need the crash course before I do that
maybe later
Could you at least answer the Druid question?
You can wild shape into a platypus, yes.
My crash course offer is always open, but I would like to help msh and Mith now since they are working through characters.
Well I know what my character is if I ever get into this. Platypus venom is no joke
@msh210 are you going for Athlete background?
It is non-PHB but that should be fine, gives you Acrobatics and Athletics and an interesting feature.
Oh D'Arvit, it's midnight
@Sciborg yes
I think your character sheet is pretty set, so you can sleep - sorry if we kept you up!
Just saying, it’s only 5pm where I am.
@Mithical yes

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