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@Graylocke What's "the duration"?
@Graylocke I assume it shouldn't be too heavy, eh?
How long the magic lasts for :)
Yeah, that's what the screenshot says. But what is it?
Uhm? So if I cast Mage Hand, the hand only lasts for 1 minute before the spell stops and I would need to cast it again.
oh! I just saw "duration" at the top. Previously I had only read it in the text.
If I cast Prestidigitation, then the effect (say I drew a magic marker moustache on your face) would last for an hour before it wore off.
Now it all makes sense. :-)
Also, where are you getting these screenshots from?
And what's "Components: V, S"?
Basically, almost everything in the book will have a little "stat block" at the top, and then it will repeat some of that in the description.
You did invite questions. :-) Feel free to tell me to shut up.
Oh the screenshots are from the huge set of spell pages later on in the PDF.
And "Components" are the things you need to be able to do to cast the spell. They are mostly "flavouring" that you get to choose the specifics of... unless you are constrained in some way.
Sorry, that's not very clear -- perhaps if you explained what "V" is, it would be clearer?
The three components are V (verbal - you need to be able to speak in order to cast the spell), S (somatic - you need to be able to gesture, so not while bound!) and M (material - you need some kind of "spell component", often thematic bits and pieces)
ah I see
Sorry - I was trying to get all that out (and remember what the 3rd one was)
@Graylocke I guess I shouldn't pick a heavy one, since I assume we'll be traveling a lot, eh?
Oh - there is a 4th which is "F" (focus) - it is usually the replacement for M. A single object for channelling magic. It is pretty much what Cleric holy symbols do, and you can have arcane casters do that too
Oh yes! lol
@msh210 Sure , so ... pipe organ is probably not a good plan.
Also, the rest of the characters are pretty "outdoorsy" :P
Something you can strap to your pack probably :)
Or you could sing!
(I still need to actually watch that)
Yeah, so, um, maybe the ocarina?
@Mithical where's it from?
The Road to El Dorado
Ooooh ocarina! :D
And El Dorado is awesome :)
@msh210 . . . it's definitely portable.
I have pan pipes that I play... poorly ^^;
(since I am not a Bard... o.o)
@Graylocke or maybe this
I just looked at Bard... and you are apparently allowed to know 3 musical instruments of your choice :) (Not that you necessarily carry them all around with you!)
oh nice, then I will definitely sing as one of them
Btw - if navigating the PDF is a pain, then you could use:
The search bar is a little more friendly and you can more easily open lots of tabs >.>;
@Graylocke thanks!
I'm reading the intro and it says "Without the healing magic of clerics and paladins, adventurers would quickly succumb to their wounds.". So maybe one of us should be one of those....
Yes :D bobble is playing a cleric :)
bobble can heal
Though bards also get a little bit of healing magic too I think
oh okay
Our Bard will know uh... 4 level 1 spells!
And Cure Wounds is in the Bard list too :)
(though you will only be able to cast 2 L1 spells before you need to rest to recover the ability to cast more)
Does that mean, like, not do anything for one turn?
or just not cast spells? or....?
rest? Uhm it needs to be an out of combat, rest for a few hours
like overnight or in a safe place or whatever.
that restriction is also on the rest of us magicky ppl
you have to get tougher to cast more of the non-cantrip spells
As a second link (same site) is really useful for looking up spells -.-;
@Mithical - looks like Rangers can cast Cure Wounds when they are level 2 o.o; So not to begin with but not too far away. I think I will be the only one incapable of healing ^^;
(And knowing that, I may as well not throw away a spell choice for something literally everyone but me can do better lol)
I don't expect Cthulhu-involved people to heal very well >.>
what is "lawful good", "chaotic good" that you (pl.) wrote in your self-descriptions?
I don't follow Cthulhu! >.>;
@msh210 Alignment! A short-hand way of describing your general morals/ethics.
2 axes:
- Good | Neutral | Evil , which is mostly obvious, I guess.
- Lawful | Netural | Chaotic , which is more about do you follow rules, or do you do whatever you feel like at the time.
People tend to think of it as a long scale from Lawful Good being "the most good" to Chaotic Evil being "the most evil" but that is ... not really true :)
Oh, Neutral Neutral is usually referred to as True Neutral
Tabaxi is a race like human or elf?
Tabaxi is a race, yes :)
And halfling means a half-what and half-what?
Halfling is basically hobbit
ah okay
The Hobbit, at least, I've read.
(Also LotR, but that was years and years ago and I don't remember it well.)
yes "halfling" is the non-TM hobbit ;p
I also like how everything else "half-" is always "half-human"... how human-centrist ;p
Humans just like to get with everything they can >.<
The excuse is that they are supposedly the Ditto of the D&D universe.
Oh Pokemon reference. Basically, they can have offspring regardless of the other partner...
For whatever reason they thought that was sensible
ah I see
> Ditto, is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Ditto is a unique Pokémon because it can breed with any Pokémon in a Day Care Center regardless of its gender, except for...
Why they're breeding in day care centers, I don't want to know.
Don't try to understand Pokemon... It is terrifying when you go to deep.
Is there some kind of convention once a game starts to indicate whether the character is speaking or the person who manages that character? Like, having the managing person speak in parentheses or something?
(I understand it's usually played in person not in a chatroom. I'm asking about the chatroom case.)
Very true! I think we will have to go with whatever Mick decided the convention should be :)
sounds good
gtg, bbl
have a good day, night, respectively
Bai :)
I should probably also do things like dinner and suchly :)
then spend the evening attempting to draw a tabaxi with limited art skill ^^;
see you later :)
2 hours later…
@Sciborg when you're around and can continue your tutorial, I'd appreciate a ping.
3 hours later…
Eep - I should sleep instead of doing character art..! (scampers to bed)
1 hour later…
@Sciborg Bobbly-controlled minds, you mean :P
@Mithical What's your character?
9 hours ago, by Mithical
Kithri Tealeaf. Lawful Good. 19 years old, lightfooted halfling. Two and a half feet tall. Brown hair worn shoulder length, with hazel eyes. Two small circular scars on her right elbow, and a long jagged scar down her right leg.

Spent every minute possible in the outdoors, teaching herself everything - staying out for months at a time. Naturally curious and loves to explore. Her parents live in a town with other races.

Open and talkative to other people, but if asked about a SO she immediately clams up.
Are you a rogue?
Ah. We have two rangers now!
Maybe I should switch to rogue just to keep it diversified
Or sorceror?
Switch back to druid >_>
Ooh, actually, '@Sciborg could you like "make" a race like you did for gray?
I would like to consider being a half-celestial, kind of like a tiefling, but like, angelic
I might not end up changing my character at all, but I want to see options :P
Also, my character has changed to True Neutral in alignment
I was reconsidering my alignment
Chaotic Good might be a better chance
I'm staying Lawful Good - Dwarves already tend that way, and that's how I want to roll
Also, huh, does the "show full message" not show up in the transcript?
Most elves are chaotic good, but like being raised by wolves would make you pretty True Neutral :P
only on mobile
Good to know, thanks
I discovered that while trying to read Codenames logs on my phone
...I still miss the always able to edit power...
you can click on your message, that should let you edit?
(maybe I'll change to Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut)
@bobble not after two minutes
I'm not good at visualizing people... or anything... I can't "see" what things look like in my head
So figuring out Astrid's physical traits is being hard
I'm not good with visuals either. Much better with concepts.
My mental "images" are limited to relative positioning (so I can remember floor plans very well) and sounds.
Oh, I'm pretty good at visualizing things
I have terrible relative positioning though
The fillable boxes aren't showing up on my form
How do you get them back?
What form?
Sciborg emailed me a fillable-PDF charcter sheet
I have all my stats stuff filled out, but I want to record some character information now
...I have a phone note
'borg could email you the character sheet (they also have a Word document); I could also forward you the form-fillable one. If you want
I can email you both mith
It's fine, I'll just use my phone note and rely on Mick to keep track of everything :p
Individual character sheet matter more in things like combat, when Sciborg will have to keep track of all the enemies and we're expected to keep track of ourselves
...although it might be useful to see if I've forgotten anything
form-fillable or Word?
only North can send you the Word
Either, I have no idea how to use either of them
The form-fillable one is a PDF that allows you to type directly onto it
North, are you conformable emailing Mith? I can otherwise
I can email them
Oh wait ctually
Bobble can you email them? I just realized I saved my blank form fillable one as an edited one
I'm bobble Poofy
We have two rangers, a cleric, a warlock, what's Msh?
Nice choice
thank you
Do you know the pan pipes?
I'm considering switching to a spellcasting class but I'm not sure yet
They're my god's symbol
Eh, I'll keep it this way
@bobble never heard them in person (live) AFAIR, but yes. Why?
as in, does your character play the pan pipes?
@bobble oh.
@bobble no - I was told I can choose up to... three? instruments.
I haven't done so yet.
@bobble is your god Pan?
How did you guess :P
I didn't know anyone still worshiped the ancient Greek gods.
I found a little religious book someone dropped, that's how I converted.
Shouldn't Sciborg tell us what place and time we're in before we decide what people to be? Like, it might be more useful to be a dwarf in Middle-Earth than in a Martian colony (just for example).
I think the vague idea was a forest of some kind, since we're all nature people.
14 hours ago, by Sciborg
Oooh, i like the sound of Magic Forest
ah okay
@Mithical What route are you planning to for ranger? Hunter or beast master?
Probably beast but I have to study the handbook more
Nothing is decided yet, though - they said today/once people's characters were more defined, they would start worldbuilding/plotting in earnest
^ searchable spell list, with effects
I think someone needed to look through them?
> How can I save a fillable PDF on Google Chrome and have the resulting PDF still be updateable?
You can't. You have to use some other application. Microsoft used to have a free PDF viewer that did a fine job of this, but they discontinued service for it and now you have to use Microsoft Edge.
well drat
will copy my stuff onto a fresh PDF then
It doesn't look like I can edit the PDF from my phone in any case.
Did you download it first?
I'll see if it works from my computer next time I'm at home
...which will hopefully be in less than 24 hours depending on lockdown restrictions
In the meantime I'll continue to use phone notes
Based on 'borg's activity chart, they should be getting up about now :P
They're still offline according to Discord
Also, good thing that I'm copying stuff over - it appears I mistranscribed my Wis modifier
Okay, so for appearance I decided to go with me in dwarf form :D
This game has 4 noobs out of 6 people. We're going to have fun.
Oh, it's going to be so much fun
OKay so some notes about my character's appearance:
Læraðr, true neutral, real age unknown but is presumed 16-18. A wood elf, tall (6'2"), slender, and well-built, he was raised by wolves after his family was killed by a pack of demonic wolves. He has copper-brown skin, long, hazel brown hair typically tied into a rat-tail that hangs over one of his shoulders. His left eye is a sapphire blue eye inherited from his parents, and a gash across his right eye, along with blood red pupil from his encounter (cont'd)
(cont'd) with the demon wolves. It is said to glow during the hunt. He is missing a majority of his left arm, except during combat and other situations where the left arm/hand is needed. During this time, he is given a magical arm to use. The arm is similar to his right side in terms of length and size, except has a faint, transparent green aura emanating. The arm is also entirely made from vines and roots. It is see through, almost ghost-like in its appearance (the arm is entirely cosmetic)
Is usually okay with people calling him "Lae" (pronounced "lay"). Seeks to find Yggrasil's Bowwhich is said to be made from the very branches of Yggdrasil itself, to slay the monsters and even the goddess herself who killed his village
easy name would be the Yggdrasil Bow
Bow of Yggdrsail?
Yggdrasil's Bow?
Now it seems like Yggdrasil owns the bow O_O
@bobble thanks!
Although works well with others in fights and combat, he is quiet, reserved, and VERY awkward (flaw) and does not open up well to others, much to Kithri's chagrin. Having grown up away from civilization his entire life, he cannot read or write in Common Tongue, however, he can speak somewhat brokenly in it. Strangely, he is completely fluent in elvish. Despite his incredible awkwardness, he is loyal to his "pack", but more importantly, in preserving the very life balance of nature.
would bow-seeking involve dragging the party along or would you run off by yourself?
Wandering off on his own
His major flaw being overly independent
You know
"lone wolf" (ba dum crash)
Bond: "I will bring terrible wrath upon those evildoers who destroyed my homeland. Which is the forest."
Preferred enemy: Fiends
@Mithical What's yoru preferred terrain, btw? Mine is forest
What is this "preferred enemy" thing? I've never heard of anyone preferring an enemy IRL.
Oh, that's a ranger specific thing
We get a special bonus for when confronting/fighting a "preferred enemy"
Or sorry, the proper term is "favored enemy"
@PrinceNorthLæraðr uuuuh
what are the options again
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ah, interesting
also a bonus in your preferred terrain?
@Mithical arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or the Underdark
@msh210 Yup. And a bonus for your party, I believe
Arrrggghhh, I don't know what my spells do :(
2 hours ago, by bobble
Also blocked
Okay, wikidot worked
Ooh, fog cloud works really well with mask of the wild
Okay lv 1 ranger spells for Lae is Fog Cloud and Hunter's Mark
Lae's first words to (whoever was the first person he met on the party): "So, when was the first time you learned how to gut a deer?"
I think that a perfect precedent to describe the awkwardness of his personality
I think there was an idea someone up there to have us meet first/know each other well
Since I'm planning to just be wandering around, it'd be fairly easy to say I bumped into you at some point
Like we've already bonded?
I mean I already assumed that, it's just for backstory
what specifically do you mean by bonded?
Do we already all know each other at the beginnings of our journey or do we meet each other throughout the beginning of our campaign?
i dunno
remind me if you please - how many people (who) are playing and who among them is new to D&D?
6 people (5 players, and 'borg is the DM) and 4 of us are new
Me (noob), Mith (noob), you (noob), North (noob-ish), Gray (experienced)
got it, thanks
I'm a noob-ish, I know a bit about the game because my friend plays it, and we were going to do a campaign but never got around to it but I've never played myself
the noobish on the block
Oh wait, I don't think I'm allowed spells at level 1 as ranger yet
I'm so confused
yep, you get Spellcasting at level 2
stuff rangers get for leveling up
I think that sub-classes might get other stuff on top of that
Ah. I thought I read in the handbook I had to choose two spells as ranger

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