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10:00 PM
maybe you should stick to your guns, pardner... after all, she does have a better camera, if you get my drift
@allquixotic I use both regularly ;)
that's cheating!
@allquixotic so wait... lemme get this straight. You're wife is a Smartphone/Laptop and she makes you watch chick flicks? Thus your need for caffeinated popcorn? Maybe I'm missing something, but something seems a bit.... off...
And the Android security camera network I had planned earlier seems to die quickly
have they met eachother yet? I guess not; the SGS1 at least doesn't have NFC
10:01 PM
The application says it can't background on all devices because some require the video to be drawn to a surface for the capture to work
but just imagine the, er, improprietous nature of watching your first NFC phone and your new NFC phone, er, "get on" with one another
So the screen is always on
ohhhhhhhh goodness me
@allquixotic :D
Things have gotten weird :P
10:02 PM
@KronoS and yeah, things are a bit off, that's the nature of the beast
one of these days, I'mma stride out into that nasty world out there, n' grab me a REAL bread winner, so I can be happy and fulfilled for life rather than hanging out with all these toys who get old and boring after a year or so
you know what I mean. a supercomputer :D
... And I just came back to learn about cheating
10:18 PM
@FasihKhatib I'm not sure why you tagged me... Sorry, not my area!
@WilliamHilsum hiya Will :P
... My machine hasn't rebooted at work!
I love power management, loose cables, and silly programmers who don't test their code
@allquixotic proper Windows... sort of scary, but, it must have been it! no drivers other than the defaults
anyway... need anything? I am about to go to bed
my laptop? when it shuts down, the Linux kernel says "System halted." and the CPU turns "off", but the motherboard and fans and display stay running, and continue to run until I remove the power or hold down the button :D
nope, didn't need anything, just a herro :3 have a goodnight :)
10:21 PM
@allquixotic :) you too, whenever it is night for you!
a few hours heh
@allquixotic hmm... I had something like that a while ago... wrong power level support set in BIOS... the cpu off is the old style "Now safe to turn off your machine"
see if you have the option to change the reported levels... apart from that... still learning Linux... and the machines I am learning on need 24x7 uptime, not really learning how to turn them off!
I'll play around with the supported ACPI levels or whatever
... Any Americans here know if Colbert/Stewart are doing anything special for the election like last time?
@WilliamHilsum you rock... just saying
10:23 PM
@WilliamHilsum I'm Canadian, but I"m sure they are
no idea. I'm American but I don't watch those losers
I love how curiously / morbidly interested non-American citizens are in our election though
it's funny and appropriate at the same time
I voted for Jill Stein, FTR...
Jill Stein? Never heard of her
most haven't. :-/
@allquixotic lol... I find it funny! TBH, I am just interested in news... we only get very brief US news on the standard channels (well, a lot more around election time)... just nice to see American stuff for Americans rather than dumbed down things for an international audience... if that makes any sense
I know it isn't proper news... but, I enjoy it!
@KronoS brilliant thanks
@KronoS haha... I feel obligated to star that!
10:26 PM
Do with it as you please @WilliamHilsum
I think, last election, a lot of people outside the US were really hoping Obama got elected
his opponent was basically proposing to go to war with the rest of the world except for a few privileged countries, that was the main thing
his logic went something like: if they have nukes and they're far away, go to war with them. if they're close and have nukes, they're our best friends. if they don't have nukes and they live anywhere else on the planet, go to war with them.
I'm just... I don't know... I almost don't want the election be over with? It doesn't matter who wins I'm cringing either way. It's like if I don't know what I'm in for these next four years, it doesn't hurt yet. >_>
@r.tanner.f yeah well it's basically going to be the same either way, except if it goes with Mitt I'll probably lose my job due to budget cuts, and if it goes with Obama I'll probably keep my job for at least the next couple of years
aside from that they aren't all that different despite them attempting to make it sound like one of them is the devil and the other is an angel
it's all rhetoric but it's really just a one-party system
@allquixotic Budget cuts due to Mitt? How come?
@r.tanner.f Mitt is anti-government almost to the point of being libertarian, and his running mate wants to abolish almost all civilian entitlements programs
any of that kind of activity would more or less wipe my job off the face of the earth, as well as all of my colleagues
we're already just barely hanging on by a thread
10:37 PM
Interesting. I think my company would do better if Mitt were elected. Wife would have a really, really hard time though...
most private industry that isn't directly tied to the public sector would do "better" in the sense of having lower taxes under Mitt; but at the expense of the people... also, the probability of your corporate leaders passing on your reduced taxes to the employees is, judging from historical figures, approximately 0%
basically, the Republican ticket's sole goal is to pad the wallets of the top 0.00001% richest people in the country, and screw over everybody else, and do so convincingly so that they accrue popular votes by successfully padding their eyes in wool
to make someone think that doing something that's not in their best interest, is in fact in their best interest, and then get them to do something for you... that takes quite a lot of persuasive power
@allquixotic What numbers do "the other parties" usually get in the US?
I always wondered
...why did I never look it up?
@OliverSalzburg Other parties?
you mean in terms of election results? aside from democrat and republican, the other parties rarely scrape 1 or 2%
@allquixotic Yeah, wow
10:41 PM
What "other parties"? :P You can lump them all in as a joke.
there's very little difference between democrats and republicans as it is, because the main point of contention right now is whether to favor the public sector or the private sector in policymaking and funds allocation (Republican = private, Democrat = public), otherwise they agree 99.9% on the rest of the issues
If it's not R or D, they may as well put hippie-baby-killer-militant-socialist party
so essentially it's a 1-party system because nobody even hears about the other parties, and even if they sympathize with another party, they feel like their vote is wasted if they don't vote for one of the big two
both presidential candidates for D and R are anti-environment, have no long-term energy policy, and most certainly do not have the everyday citizen's best interests at heart; furthermore, they are both war hawks and feel the US should police the world
@allquixotic Well, economically speaking yes. Then there's the whole host of hot-button moral issues that generally make people blindly follow one party or another.
neither of them would be in favor of a virtual democracy or giving more referendum powers to the people on national bills
neither of them is willing to take a strong divisive stance on controversial social issues
they're basically scumbags
10:44 PM
@allquixotic forget the people, states can hardly get any power nowadays
Democracy has too many flaws... In Canada, we're all pissed because our government won with 30% of the vote
@Luke So how's Canada anyway? And how lax are you immigration laws?
We had lots of parties
@r.tanner.f Honestly? If you want to move here, pack up and come
What about Mexican citizens?
10:45 PM
We'll welcome you, and they'll take more taxes from my pay cheque till you get on your feet... Assuming you'd work like a nice person :)
I know a few Mexicans who moved here, and they seem to love the snow
@Luke I have yet to find a governmental system that both (a) provides a fair chance for everyday, mostly-uneducated or mildly-educated citizens to make a living wage, AND (b) doesn't provide so much "free" social support that people can just sit at home, mooch, and not do anything
But I've found that the people on welfare most often are the ladies (get pregnant, take 3 years paid time off to "raise the kid", then pop out another), and the natives
I would love to get rid of the Welfare system, and only have EI... You put money in, you get money out if you deserve it
Problem is, no one can see JUST black and white, so rules start getting lenient and get bent
Can't please everyone 100% of the time
@r.tanner.f Are you from the states or Mexico? I thought you were American
getting rid of the welfare system would be a mistake, though. failing to recognize that there are cases where there is legitimate need coupled with legitimate inability, such as disabilities, old age, etc
@Luke I'm white as snow. Wife is Mexican though. (In fact I'm so white my kid came out 100% white O_o)
Welfare =/= Social Assistance =/= EI =/= CPP
Welfare is for people who don't qualify for any of the above
EI is when you have to leave your job (i.e. laid off)
CPP is the Canada Pension Plan, paying me $65/wk once I hit 65
Social Assistance is TEMPORARY assistance, for up to 3 months, to get back on your feet
10:49 PM
so they can be totally healthy, have no disabilities, be within prime age group, have no ailing family or disabled family, have no wife and just say "give me money because I'm too lazy to work"?
@BenBrocka A bare drive and an external (eSata) dock work fine as backups.
Esp if you have two and alternate them.
You betcha! Welcome to Canada
My ex's family figured out the system
that's pretty extreme.
And before anyone calls me paranoid. I had a powersurge once during backup. Timing--
They are all having kids 3 years apart to basically not work
10:50 PM
Main disk died. Backup survived but could have been lost.
For the past 7 years, between the 4 of them, one kid per year. This year, 3
And they're all 3 years apart from the siblings
so they get more money for having kids?
They get a small bonus per kid
k, maybe I'll pass.
10:51 PM
And I pay child support
@OliverSalzburg How's Germany? =D
And I don't get to write it off or claim it
It's a messed up system, especially for the dads
Or did you mean politically? :D
... Heaven
@OliverSalzburg Politically. I've got that in my back yard ;)
10:52 PM
@Luke I can see how you would be against entitlements after living with a system like that, but there are valid cases for entitlements that I think even you would support... we have them here... I'm not sure just how far our system goes, but it doesn't go that far
I'm 26, no disability, no kids, no nada -- if I weren't working and didn't have support from my parents, I'd be on the street and just have $0
I'd have temporary unemployment but then I'd be back to having $0
@r.tanner.f We have 2 major parties around 30% but also a green party and a liberal party which are usually in cooperation with one major party
And we have the thriving pirate party of course :)
It's pretty messed up though :D
I agree that there are good uses, but I've had agents from the government tell me they know people abusing the system, but they know how to get through the loop holes, so they can't do anything about it
We have: The NDP, the Liberals, the Conservatives, the Bloq-Quebec, the Green party... And probably one or two more. Stephen Harper (Conservative) won with only 30%... Meaning 70% didn't want him
@Luke the closest I've seen to abusing the system is a guy who gets social security for his disability (legally blind and it takes him 30 minutes of very careful movement to traverse a flight of stairs) who for some reason let his sister and her husband live in his house and basically squat and eat food off of his money (with absolutely no benefit to the guy receiving the check, other than the occasional help with stuff around the house)
I kept telling him to get rid of those leeches, and eventually he did :) now he's got his whole check to himself
but from what he tells me, the husband dude of his sister QUIT HIS JOB the moment he learned he could squat there and mooch
so yes, we have scum, but their existence doesn't bleed more money out of the govt, it just makes my disabled friend poorer
@Luke Whoa... 30%? Here it's teh end of zhe world if somebody loses at 51%
@r.tanner.f yeah exactly
hell, it's the end of the world if someone loses at 50%
11:00 PM
@allquixotic No then it's just endless recounts.
it's only slightly less controversial and involves fewer political lawyers if one of the candidates only gets 49%
but even if one of the dem/repub candidates lost 30% to 70%, there'd still be lawsuits
@r.tanner.f why did i always think you lived in Canada
i mix you up with @Luke damnit
haha Washington state. Getting pretty close to Cananda. :P
I'm just up here way in the cold lonely corner, plus I'm from a small town, so you must've just lumped me in with my northern neighbors.
MD here, the land of rolling over to the federal government to give up part of our territory to be controlled by Congress (DC)
also the land of subtropical climes (of late) and increasingly worrisome hurricanes and nor easters
Yeah all we get here are wildfires and snow.
that's all, huh?
also, you probably shouldn't really talk about snow with a canadian in the room
he's like, psh, you barely get a few flakes
he's probably got more snow than you'll get all winter just laying around in his bedroom, and in his sock drawer
anyway it's HOME TIME \O/
11:07 PM
We actually get some fairly legit snow here, though as of late I haven't even been putting snow tires on...
@allquixotic one more hour for me @_@
@r.tanner.f Got mine on yesterday :D
No more black rims :(
What a tragedy!
psshh, rims. :P
@r.tanner.f I'm about 10 hours north of you
@Luke Ah, so you do see real snow huh?
Two weeks ago, we got about 3 feet of snow
It's down to 2 feet
Sorry, I was helping customers :P Just came back
11:12 PM
@r.tanner.f You gotta put the tire on something :D
Anyone else have some insight on this?
Q: Can the People app alert me to incoming SMS messages from a Windows Phone 8 handset?

corwin01Will the People app in Windows 8 have functionality like the Message Center in OS X, allowing you to send/receive your SMS messages from a Windows 8 machine? And if not, is there a 3rd party solution to accomplish this?

Anyone know if you can remotely manage a Surface using PowerShell?
11:33 PM
I wouldn't think so... Unless you got a cool hack

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