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@Makyen You’re right, of course, but this is on my list of stuff I don’t want to mess with at all. I only care because my domain is tied to all this stuff, and I’m not interested in dealing with some overzealous law enforcement outfit doing something stupid while they’re following the threads after nuking real CSAM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (66): How to trigger the "Refresh" printer entry in Windows Explorer via CLI‭ by Sam‭ on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector AIGC w/ spam link
Which should be added to the watchlist. Looks like another keyword to add to the "watch when GH is back up" list
!!/watch- anchorcomputersoftware\.com
watch- anchorcomputersoftware\.com
@Fastnlight Can't do that right now...
I know, thats why I didn't put the !!/ in front of it
Ah, clever. Go back and find them later
Earlier, we were putting watch commands as plain text, so I was following the pattern
@GeneralGrievance User is blacklisted (69603 on history.stackexchange.com).
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body (1): server gets a new ip-address every time I reboot on Ubuntue 20.04‭ by user2037551‭ on unix.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): Embed a dinamic customization into the Storefront using Toolkit‭ by Cesar Mendez‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): Outline shader/material in unity shader graph ✏️‭ by SeedM‭ on gamedev.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Why is my whatsapp message not being sent?‭ by Pedro de Castro Tedesco‭ on stackoverflow.com
is there a way to remove this "app" domain (that's literally the domain, not .app)
@Undo Unfortunately I can completely understand that sentiment.
or if we want to keep app as a domain, give it a new "invalid" tag?
@micsthepick You'll find that's not the only thing picked up erroneously.
do we just skip them, and leave untagged?
There's a few Python constructs that are continuously picked up as false positives as well.
Just to name an example.
@micsthepick They are not a priority.
I don't know why my site specific filter was gone, but I should have at least seen the icon depicting I was looking at a different stack...
ArtOfCode/TRINITY: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started in standby mode at rev 839550c (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of ssoidraj\.com by Spevacus) (running on ArtOfCode/TRINITY)
ok, hold onnnn, I SAW my filter there, and after giving that feedback NOW it gives me the relevant site
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (93): How to set the picturebox style using SendMessage‭ by Tyson‭ on stackoverflow.com
when I go back to the review tab from somewhere else in MS, the first thing it loads is not from puzling, even if it says it is. >:(
tp feedback received on [MS] A Deceitful Rebus‭
@micsthepick No such command 'docs'.
> You can find a list of SmokeDetector’s commands on the commands page
except that's part of the github repo
Yeah, you'll find no luck there at the moment I'm afraid.
The rest of the documentation would be available at charcoal-se.org/about under the Wiki tab.
anyways, I'd like to watch the domain shopee.vn
We can't add watches at the moment, but we can note that for later.
!!/watch shopee\.vn
ah ok, didn't quite remember if there was another command for a domain
can I find a listing for a word?
tp feedback received on [MS] zeta:know $PROOF Puzzle‭
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected (78): Failing To Setup Dynamic Enum Popout Menu‭ by Vona‭ on blender.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): how to run android on qemu‭ by jhhhhhhhhhh‭ on stackoverflow.com
can someone explain blog.com#deleted? is it all as it seems?
(the tag)
@SmokeDetector uptime
!!/blame micsthepick
@micsthepick It's Johannes Kuhn's fault.
@micsthepick I think it might be quite literal: Blog links that no longer resolve. I do not think that tag is all that great or helpful, though...
@micsthepick metasmoke is up. Current failure count: 0 (teward/Cerberus)
> How can one solve a Rubik's cube without relying on guides/algorithms?‭
could have sworn I gave another feedback after this one
watch djobzy.com
!!/test site=puzzling djobzy
> Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, potentially bad keyword in username
Potentially bad keyword in body - Position 0-6: djobzy
Potentially bad keyword in title - Position 0-6: djobzy
Potentially bad keyword in username - Position 0-6: djobzy
!!/test smartkeda
> Would not be caught as a post, title or username.
!!/test smarkeda.com
> Would not be caught as a post, title or username.
watch smartkeda
!!/test -u propertybro
> Would not be caught as a post, title or username.
@micsthepick I'm not sure what you're asking for, but I think you're wanting what the entry would be for "scrabble2019.txt". If so, it would be scrabble2019\.txt.
!!/test scrabble2019.txt
> Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, potentially bad keyword in username
Potentially bad keyword in body - Position 0-16: scrabble2019.txt
Potentially bad keyword in title - Position 0-16: scrabble2019.txt
Potentially bad keyword in username - Position 0-16: scrabble2019.txt
this should not be so
another repo containing big lists of spammy domains that GH unexpectedly nuked today
okay, something's happening
!!/bisect scrabble2019.txt
@CodyGray Matched by (?:[a-z0-9-]{1,40}?scrabble[a-z0-9-]{0,40}?|[a-z0-9-]{0,40}?scrabble[a-z0-9-]{2,40}?)\b(?!\.vip(?<=scrabblewordfinder\.vip))(?!\.weebly\.com(?<=officialscrabbledictionary\.weebly\.com))(?!\.blogspot(?<=scrabblewordfinders\.blogspot))(?!\.yolasite\.com(?<=officialscrabblewordfinder\.yolasite\.com))(?:\.[a-z0-9-]{1,40}?)+ on line 13038 of watched_keywords.txt
teward/Cerberus: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 21de582757 (SmokeDetector: Merge pull request #13070 from Charcoal-SE/auto-blacklist-1725364721) (running on teward/Cerberus, Python 3.10.12)
Restart: API quota is 89457.
@SmokeDetector That's the expression that it is matching, @micsthepick. If you're seeing a significant number of false positives for "scrabble2019.txt", then that can be added as an explicit exception, like several others have been. (But it can't be done right now, because the repo is offline.)
what flavour of regex does smokey use?
I don't know the exact flavor. I believe it's a specific Python package that it uses. If you're just interested in testing an expression (e.g., on regex101), the PCRE or PCRE2 flavors are good choices.
@NobodyNada That situation appears to have already been resolved, which is good. However, frustratingly, "We received the official response explaining that this was a mistake."
There is nothing that I could find in the ToS that would suggest there is remotely any problem with storing this type of information on GitHub.
i would not be surprised if GitHub does their own SmokeDetector-like "nuke repos with this spammy domain" and managed to mess it up in this case
But... doing that based on textual matches is very, very stupid.
There are lots of legitimate reasons why spammy domains might exist in a GH repo. There are even legitimate reasons why actual malware might be stored in a GH repo (namely, research).
So, frankly, I find this kind of difficult to believe, but maybe.
yeah it's really stupid, and unambiguously a mistake (maybe they meant to filter it to brand new repos from brand new users but messed up their filters)
but hey, at least it's not as bad as that one time Twitter banned everyone who tweeted the word "Memphis"
I mean, I can't see how a human could have disabled adguard of all things, especially without leaving any information...automation seems marginally more likely than the alternatives.
Does there actually exist a situation where one cannot say, "hey, at least it's not as bad as that one time Twitter/X ..."?
Not a very high bar.
...good point.
I have no idea about that particular incident. I'm saved a lot of drama by not actually having or using Twitter.
Memphis is, however, a fantastic song by Kitten.
@CodyGray except this one doesn't match...?
oh, silly me, forgot that fake domain
@micsthepick What do you mean? Yes it does. Test on regex101.
Ah, the ".txt". Are there other FP matches with that suffix?
literally .t is the matched part
also, does this part of the regex make sense? (?!\.yolasite\.com(?<=officialscrabblewordfinder\.yolasite\.com))(?:\.[a-z0-9-]{1,40}?)+
What, specifically, are you asking about? What is your concern with that portion?
I guess it does but personally I would just match officialscrabblefilnder in an optional group unless performance reasons
it just seems nonstandard and unwieldy, like it's kind of (not) DRY
Isn't that excluding "officialscrabblewordfinder.yolasite.com"?
Regexes aren't really DRY...
that should be euqivalent
unless it's meant to be a NEGATIVE lookbehind?
I'm actually not sure the details. As far as I know, this is the standard pattern that is used when we want to exclude something from matching, where a simple negative lookahead is not sufficient because the "anchor" portion is variable.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (2): MacOS shell script (video contact sheet) creates files with no permissions on SMB server‭ by J Wolf‭ on superuser.com
actually, that's correct as is, but we could move the negative lookbehind to the left
It is no different than the other exclusion patterns in that very regex.
and save characters and time spent matching those characters in a limited domain
@CodyGray "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds adored"
Sorry, I'm confused. Which thing are you moving? There's no negative lookbehind in that expression that I can see.
@micsthepick I mean, yes, it absolutely is. I'd say that most of us here do not have big enough brains to fully understand regex. I am definitely in that camp. If there are standard patterns that work, I can learn and use those. Outside of that, if it gets too complicated, I struggle.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Problem with adb root on Samsung Galaxy A04e on Android 12‭ by Garby‭ on stackoverflow.com
I'm ok at regexes, when I have the tools handy or the documentation and some time to wrap my brain around the regex
I did get a bit confused earlier though, that regex (?!(?:officialscrabblewordfinder)?\.yolasite\.com)) is not the same
With sufficient time and documentation, I can usually figure out what an existing expression does, but creating patterns from scratch is still mostly a no-go.
technically (?!(?<=officialscrabblewordfinder)\.yolasite\.com)) is the better way of doing it
(without the ? after the lookbehind)
is that more readable, IMO yes.
I'd wager that it wouldn't ever hurt performance my way
plus an already long regex is shortened, that's gotta be beneficial
Hmm, that's interesting. So, not sure if you're aware of this, but the most common place that pattern is used is if we want to watch, say, the name of a company, but exclude their domain (because that's matched by another watch). For example, if you have a company named "Foo Bar", with a URL of "foobar.com", we'd typically create two watches: foobar\.com and foo[\W_]*+bar(?!\.com(?<=foobar\.com)).
Your permutation of foo[\W_]*+bar(?!(?<=foobar)\.com) seems to work equally well, and be more optimal in the sense that it requires fewer matches.
I'm not sure what other limitations it might have, but it's an interesting suggestion anyway.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): How to represent a limit of an infinite sum as an integral‭ by EMar‭ on math.SE
Makyen/MS-Relay: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev ee0f84fecd (Makyen: Log as debug MS WebSocket messages) (running on Makyen/MS-Relay, Python 3.11.3)
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.

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