@Makyen Thanks, but I'm confused: how/why does that work? Isn't the authorization token for the MSE account different from the authorization token for SO?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, repeating characters in body, +1 more (327): kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ✏️ by Logan Ward on stackoverflow.com
@Makyen Then I'm not sure that will solve my problem. My problem is that I do not seem to be able to authorize FIRE for Stack Overflow, because every attempt to authorize fails, presumably because the flagged post has already been nuked.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, luncheon meat detected, no whitespace in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, +2 more (368): llllllllllllllllll ✏️ by Logan Ward on stackoverflow.com
@CodyGray If you mean "I can't get FIRE to send a spam or R/A flag to posts on a site on which I'm a moderator", then, no, it's not possible to do that. The release version of FIRE sends all flags through MS. MS does not permit itself to be used to raise a flag by a user which it knows to be a moderator on the site the flag is for. In order for FIRE to raise a flag for you, it would need to do so directly with SE.
I actually wrote the code for FIRE to do that a long time ago. However, for quite a while I was not permitted to merge it. I've (relatively) recently been given permission to include that functionality in FIRE, so it will will be included in the not too distant future (probably the second update from now).
@CodyGray np. When you get a chance, please describe the issue you are having in more detail. So far, it appears I've failed to understand what your issue is; sorry about that.
@CodyGray FIRE is only in chat pages. The popup it produces in chat has buttons which will just give feedback or both give feedback and raise a spam or R/A flag on the post. There's no way to use FIRE to just flag without also giving feedback. The statement you've made here makes it sound like you're talking about an issue with a dialog on an SE site question page. If so, it's definitely not FIRE, because FIRE doesn't run on such pages.