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@metasmoke @Rub Blog/article's written by the user, presumably. Same name.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (33): Leaflet - I cannot seem to get the basic examples working by MohammadReza on stackoverflow.com
@metasmoke Same here, then.
tpu- feedback received
fp- feedback received
@SmokeDetector Author of the linked article, translated, is Mohammad Reza Ahmadi. Username is MohammadReza. Looks like undisclosed affiliation, plus it's pretty spammy on its own.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): What would happen if you blasted a hole through the earth? by Josh Seo on worldbuilding.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): How would the world change if libs were annihlated? by John Balvin on politics.SE
@SmokeDetector blatant spam link in there
tpu- feedback received
@SmokeDetector Network troll's back.
Not that they ever left...
Took both sets of words right from my mouth keyboard
Wait give them back I need those!
Well we'd have to write a lot more code ourselves if we can't use libs...wait, wrong kind of libs.
@Makyen I'm not sure how MS would determine which the most recent revision was.
@thesecretmaster By largest MS post ID?
So highest post id with the same link, then compare all the other things?
I wonder where that first spam answer got that content. It's factually correct from a brief skim. Doesn't seem to come from comment or other answer. Ah I see wtamu.edu/~cbaird/sq/2013/10/04/…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Single hardware point of failure with the following symptoms? by Shakeel on superuser.com
@Rubiksmoose I also googled around for it and found stuff that was similar but not verbatim.
tpu- feedback received
Did a quick modification to a query and looks like I have ~170 posts with conflicting feedback. Should probably sort through those and make corrections/inform the appropriate parties.
170/19,000 could be worse though lol
@thesecretmaster Yes. There appears to be a bit of disagreement as to if it's necessary to create a new record, but I lean towards going ahead and creating the record, if it's not a duplicate of the most recent report.
@RyanM hahaha
@Rubiksmoose oh... it's also counting anything with only 1 feedback as an automatic conflict because there is 0 of the other one XD
@metasmoke @Rubiksmoose Misclick on this one maybe? Insult to injury: This one's a question.
@Spevacus oof insult to injury indeed.
Must have been a misclick
[ metasmoke-deploy ] deploy started by thesecretmaster
@Makyen Deploying, not sure how we'd test this but it should work.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Binary Serialization of Class with Observable Collection Fails ✏️ by G. M. on stackoverflow.com
@RyanM The Moose thought the same thing. I agree; that's a seed.
tp feedback received on [MS] I want to know I am okay or not
@RyanM I really can't see how it wouldn't be
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): Are you using event streaming products? by Pandio on stackoverflow.com
@Rubiksmoose Yeah that was basically the conclusion I came to. I can't prove it, but I'd be really surprised if it weren't.
@RyanM all the buzzwords and their perfectly formatted acronyms. Yeah that's totally how people write.
@ThomasWard Why do we need to clone the whole instance to have test server? Can't we just load it from a database + redis dump?
@thesecretmaster because i don't have the expertise to do a metasmoke deploy from scratch :P
I mean, once it's set up the only changes that need to happen are dump and redis loading
@thesecretmaster and if we run the infra then we don't have to rely on people actually trying to launch their own (a-la user\d*) and failing (then falling back to the prod instance)
@tripleee @double-beep @EliahKagan I believe these are all undisclosed affiliation and you may want to look at your vote.
@thesecretmaster more concerned why you're asking here and not on KB
Ah, because setting up a MS instance doesn't mean talking about anything sensitive? Although feel free to poke on on KB if I'm wrong about that.
tp feedback received on [MS] Jewish population
@thesecretmaster you're not wrong but all the cases of testing that so far we need to do require credentials
so unless someone knows enough to brute-force add their creds (which I can do because i have the unsanitized so can deduce algos, etc.)...
lol, almost any metasmoke post is conflicting feedback for Rubiksmoose now :-p
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer (168): Big O notation checking if C,K can be used as witnesses by ryelee on math.SE
tpu- feedback received
@RyanM hahaha you're not wrong XD
@ThomasWard I see no problem with just requiring a separate MS testing account and main MS account
@thesecretmaster i mean, that's true
but the registration mechanism requires that new registrations be admin approved it seems
which... you can't do without an admin account or DB knowledge about the setup/application
I believe that's a flag somewhere that can be toggled
sdc bisect 2349150407774
@RyanM Matched by 234\W*+[89][01]\d\W*+\d{3}\W*+\d{4,10}(?#comment:234\W*+(?:8032214238|8167873816|8102960248|8149470344|8133873774|8073673757|9055637784|8135790702|9051442970) on line 224 of bad_keywords.txt
@DanielWiddis you may want to check the url on this post looks like spam to me.
@RyanM I'm not exactly seeing spammy in this post am I missing something?
@Rubiksmoose It has a spammy "signature" linking their Upwork profile. I forget how we're supposed to flag those.
also at the time it was otherwise pretty much an image-only answer
Given that the OP approved an edit to remove it, I'm perhaps willing to switch to fp
I'm not too torn up about it one way or another. I agree signature links are weird.
The rest of that user's posts were kind of a mess, they're very, uh, enthusiastic with formatting: stackoverflow.com/a/61683059/208273
(there are a couple that were deleted after I flagged them. nothing super blatant IIRC, though.)
I changed my feedback to fp, thanks for the poke @Rubiksmoose
fp feedback received
@RyanM oof.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): How can 敷衍 signify both 'perfunctory' and 'expound'? ✏️ by AYX.CLDR on chinese.SE
@metasmoke @Rubiksmoose this one and this one appear to be you-know-who (as you note in the comments) - they're probably tp.
...well, I guess technically that should be you-know-whom...but that sounds weird.
@RyanM They don't deserve proper grammar :P
TIL Voldemort participates on SE.
@Spevacus Q: "Is Harry Potter literally the worst?"
Again, destroying some post records which were created as part of testing:
Metasmoke post 265275 (Docker:no matching manifest for windows/amd64 10.0.17763 in the manifest list entries) destroyed by Makyen
Metasmoke post 265276 (Docker:no matching manifest for windows/amd64 10.0.17763 in the manifest list entries) destroyed by Makyen
Metasmoke post 265278 (Docker:no matching manifest for windows/amd64 10.0.17763 in the manifest list entries) destroyed by Makyen
Yeah but Voldemort would definitely need a bot listening for any mention of his name on the site.
Who knew Taboos in the Potterverse were just the magical equivalent of website scrapers.
sdc test-q site=es.stackoverflow.com interface Tipo
@RyanM 'interface Tipo' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
o rly
> Would not be caught as a question.
> Would not be caught as a question on site es.stackoverflow.com.
...fp it is.
what is the correct domain tag for a domain that ... isn't a url and is only found in code?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): How do I format the text in a `hover` tooltip of a Slate Bar Chart? by amy.bananagrams on stackoverflow.com
@Rubiksmoose I think so, yeah. Got a domain in mind?
fp- feedback received
What on earth is this...
Can't tell if it's that troll or just...weird.
@RyanM yeah that's why I went with fp. but probably them
But still, wtf
@Rubiksmoose I think that one is actually a domain. see, e.g., metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/262401
@Rubiksmoose You can actually get your external IP address from that URL. See this FP with it. I'd even call that notspam.
Go ahead and click the link for it.
ah yes. so it does.
I think I know which report you're talking about though... This one, right?
That one is a case where MS parsed the link incorrectly. The code in that report just tries to open that URL and grab the IP (I guess?)
I decided to tp spiderman as well
@Rubiksmoose I went with tp in the end because it's not actually a real question and it's almost too bizarre to be innocent
but I could be convinced either way I think.
"Too bizarre to be innocent." - Now that's a quote.
@Spevacus Did you read the post? Tell me I'm wrong :-p
In the end we can never be sure. As long as we're clear about the reason I think either is fine.
@RyanM Oh I tp'd too. Lol.
Yeah there are definitely posts where the feedback is conflicted for a good reason ^^;
hmm I definitely seem to still be getting already-reviewed posts in my review queue.
I reviewed 3 posts just now and I was sure I had already reviewed one. And only one shows up in my history so it looks like I was right.
The queue just doesn't want you to be finished.
@Rubiksmoose Got an example ID you haven't re-reviewed? I could poke around. Also curious if metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/data/sql/queries/… has the same problem or not.
@Rubiksmoose Was it this post? If so, that's the one which thesecretmaster and I have been testing with. There have been several copies of the post record created as part of that process. At this point, all the copies have been deleted.
@RyanM Part of the problem is that the ID doesn't show in my history and I don't remember the post. But I'll be more vigilant in the future and take note when I suspect.
@Makyen I don't believe so no
!!/bisect My name is Cheikh international student at UPM (University Putra Malaysia) pursuing a master's in software engineering.

I am looking for your professional point of view regarding software migration.
@RyanM 'University Putra Malaysia' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
!!/Why is Ryan incapable of bisecting that string?
@Spevacus ... good question
!!/bisect My name is Cheikh international student at UPM (University Putra Malaysia) pursuing a master's in software engineering.

I am looking for your professional point of view regarding software migration.
@Spevacus No such command 'why'.
@SmokeDetector checks out.
!!/test-q My name is Cheikh international student at UPM (University Putra Malaysia) pursuing a master's in software engineering. I am looking for your professional point of view regarding software migration.
!!/bisect Ryan M
@Spevacus "My name is Cheikh international student at UPM (University Putra Malaysia) pursuing a master's in software engineering. I am looking for your professional point of view regarding software migration." is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
@Rubiksmoose 'Ryan M' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
but yeah what's the way to do multiline bisects? I've seen it done but I'm not sure how.
No idea.
> Bad keyword in body
Bad keyword in body - Position 48-73: University Putra Malaysia
findspam.py detection reason then?
@RyanM Matched by (?<=:?//(?:[\w-]*\.)*[\w-]*(?<![./](?:stackexchange|stackoverflow)\.com)(?<![.\/]serverfault\.com)(?<![.\/](?:superuser|askubuntu|stackapps)\.com)(?<![.\/]mathoverflow\.net)(?<![.\/](?:costco|lenovo|github)\.com)(?<![.\/](?:imgur|epson|canon|apple)\.com)(?<![.\/]asus\.com)(?<![.\/]ibm\.com)(?<![.\/]bestbuy\.com)(?<![.\/]cnet\.com)(?<![.\/]drivereasy\.com)(?<![.\/]example\.com)(?<![.\/]flipkart\.com)(?<![.\/]localserver)(?<![.\/]michael-peeters\.blogspot\.ca)(?<![.\/]microsoft\.com)(?<![.\/]needrom\.com)(?<![.\/]paytmmall\.com)(?<![.\/]projektar\.hu)(?<![.\/]r1\.ilikewallpaper\.net)(?<![.\/]usccb\.org)(?<![.\/]robsworldoftech\.blogspot\.com\.au)(?<![.\/]www\.amazon\.co\.uk)(?<![.\/]www\.amazon\.in)(?<![.\/]www\.ebay\.com)(?<![.\/]www\.ebay\.fr)(?<![.\/]www\.johnlewis\.com)(?<![.\/]zoom\.cnews\.ru)(?:/[\w-]*)*)/(?:(?:how-to-)?fix-(?:error-(?:\d+-in-)?)?)?(?:asus|canon|epson|fire-tv|ipad|hotmail|hp-printer|lenovo|lexmark|quickbooks)-(?!(?:[^<]|<(?!\/?code>))*+<\/code>)(?#XXX) on line 1653 of bad_keywords.txt
we have the most intuitive regexes
I'm just gonna go back to my level 1 regex crossword...
Wait that's a regex? I thought it was modern art.
I feel like that wasn't supposed to trigger on Amazon links like this but also I can't read that, so...
Unrelated: does the browser back button not work for going back to a review for anyone else?
@RyanM repro
It acts very strangely.
Or doesn't act as the case may be
I typically just open my History and look at my last review to do something like that. Have repro'd before.
Also whoooo cracked 1000 barbequeue feedbacks. Next goal: 10% of whatever Rubiksmoose has :-p
or maybe doubling my pre-Barbequeue feedback count, that might be easier...
Ay, bouta get to 2k it looks like.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): CONVLSTM2D supervised or unsupervised by sepehr on stackoverflow.com
@RyanM hahaha. See, I'm tricky because I only left you all with a few so nobody could beat me ;-)
wow, every single one of the last 10000 posts with <=5 weight has feedback
...and all but one of the last 20000
...now to go find that one and feedback it.
@RyanM Wow. That's... Awesome, actually.
fp feedback received
Found it. Also wow there are only 5 low-weight unfeedbacked posts total...I'll just do the rest.
ah yes "SCREW YOU GOOGLE", a wonderful way to end a post
Several had only ignore feedback
Now every post with <= 5 weight has at least one feedback on it.
@RyanM wait... how was that post not in my queue?
It's 2 years old...
@Rubiksmoose excellent question, it says you didn't review it...
Nor did anyone else, but there was a review item created...
Wait are you seeing what I'm seeing in the "domains" of that one?
...and marked completed 35 minutes later, for no apparent reason o_O
@Rubiksmoose ah nvm
run SELECT * FROM p_review_items ri WHERE ri.reviewable_id = 120913 in the SQL explorer
> 120913 2018-05-24 22:41:46 UTC 2018-05-24 23:15:03 UTC 1
ID / created/ modified/ completed
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (46): How does 即 + 使 compound to mean "even"? by AYX.CLDR on chinese.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (33): Can I write an Excel function that uses Solver? by Maleja on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received
@SmokeDetector stinky bridge dweller
@Glorfindel that post you edited is a troll BTW
I put a custom flag on the post BTW, but red flags are appreciated.
fp- feedback received
fp- feedback received
tp feedback received on [MS] Где пройти Seo Курсы
@metasmoke @Rubiksmoose Looks to be asking for an SEO course while also linking to an SEO school.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (1): What is the purpose and meaning of the Christian Flag? by Scott Smith on christianity.SE
@SmokeDetector k Appears to be undisclosed affiliation. Website/blog is written by answer author.
@Rubiksmoose Agreed, that one slipped thru my spidey senses.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): My wordpress site crashes when I login! by Mohamed Nawareg on wordpress.SE
@Rubiksmoose It's called An ode to negative lookbacks. Made by Makyen no doubt
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): VBA Excel to Powerpoint - Comments as footnotes by user14303063 on stackoverflow.com
Posted translation as comment ^
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, mostly punctuation marks in body (121): Multithreading in n-ary tree ✏️ by RUSS on stackoverflow.com
tp- feedback received
API quota rolled over with 7274 requests remaining. Current quota: 19999.
math: 666
stackoverflow: 431
physics: 127
superuser: 121
unix: 101
askubuntu: 96
electronics: 74
serverfault: 64
ell: 58
salesforce: 55
diy: 51
apple: 37
mathoverflow.net: 34
worldbuilding: 30
mathematica: 30
rpg: 27
chemistry: 27
english: 25
scifi: 25
codegolf: 25
hermeneutics: 25
dba: 24
es.stackoverflow: 24
security: 23
graphicdesign: 23
android: 22
datascience: 22
economics: 22
politics: 21
puzzling: 21
networkengineering: 21
sharepoint: 20
workplace: 20
wordpress: 19
gaming: 18
academia: 18
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username, blacklisted user (72): Is the fall in commodity prices in recessions due to EROI? by John Balvin on economics.SE
teward/Osiris: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 99e4989 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of sigmacontainer\.ca by Mast) (running on teward/Osiris, Python 3.6.9)
Restart: API quota is 19942.
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
naa- feedback received
Makyen/EC2-num02: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev fc3d591 (Undo1: plan z) (running on Makyen/EC2-num02, Python 3.6.12)
@Spevacus @Makyen and some disagreement on the feedback 💩 vs. ✔️ for those last two: 1 and 2.
I refrained from feedbacking as I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.
@Rob Yes, I based my feedback on what Google Translate indicated the content was, not just that it was not in English. A rant being in a language other than English doesn't prevent it from being TP.
#1 seems like random ramblings, #2 seems like it's barely an answer; not a particularly good one, but it did attempt to actually answer the question.
OTOH, even if an answer is actually answering the question, if it's not in English, then it's NAA, except on sites where other languages are permitted.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): Is judeo bolshevism historically accurate? by John Balvin on history.SE
OK. TP for no attempt and wrong language, NAA for somewhat attempted and wrong language. Initially I thought @Spe had offered feedback to one and you the other - and I was inquiring about the difference. Now I note that Mak fedback both. Thanks, that was all.
Woah how backed up is the the metasmoke user
Shouldn't be backed up anymore. Is it still?
It should still post on the first feedback on an old post, right?
I would think so.
Ah wait nevermind I thought that nobody else had feedback'd
I saw the UI wrong
@SmokeDetector k Our troll returns! Post was instantly nuked as I opened it by a moderator.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer (269): Is there a high quality nonlinear programming solver for Python? by jane holly on scicomp.SE
The spammers are tired.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): where do exponential and logarithmic functions intersect? by JSt- ore on math.SE
@Rob It's 23:00UTC on Friday, that's the lowest traffic day/time.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body (1): How do I remove this tiny space below my svg in my website? by Oscar Florian on stackoverflow.com
Art was saying that the virus has apparently beaten back the spammers:
@Makyen That comment was an unhooked reply to @thesecretmaster's comment about MS being behind.
@Rob At least to me, #1 was more of a rant, rather than just not an attempt. If it was just something benign then NAA is probably more appropriate.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username, blacklisted user (72): Is the fall in commodity prices in recessions due to EROI? by John Balvin on economics.SE

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