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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Can insufficient memory or CPU time cause a Node app to restart? by Ramsey Brenner on stackoverflow.com
fp- feedback received
@thesecretmaster And then if MS says it's ignored, smokey can edit it to be struckthrough or something
fp- feedback received on [MS] Postfix + Spambrella filtering
@SmokeDetector f
@thesecretmaster sounds like you need to buidl this :p
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (34): What size wire do I need? 225' run/100 amp subpanel by Kwood on diy.SE
Can't make me touch smokey
only MS :P
@Mast the post is from November 2013. It's their own blog. So self-promotion. But the link is dead. Post might be useful, so I just edited out the link...
hacks @thesecretmaster's computer and uses their account to post a commit to smokey
idk why it was picked up more recently
but you just touched it yesterday!
@Zanna bumped by Community?
@Makyen The reason why adding a 1 feedback option is harder than a zero feedback option is because of how the SQL ends up -- a is null check works fine, but it is hard to fit a count() in there because it's subsequently group by'd a different column.
@ThomasWard oh. Question got another answer (which was deleted)
@Zanna Ah, so the report was a tad late.
just a bit :)
fp feedback received on [MS] How To Install SSL for Cname
Hey @ArtOfCode SQL question for ya -- in /search, I want to throw in a LEFT JOIN feedbacks fbcounter ON fbcounter.post_id = posts.id WHERE count(fbcounter.id) = 1 which works fine, except for when we GROUP BY is_tp, is_fp, is_naa for the counts at the top of the tabs. Any way I can make this work?
@Zanna Btw, it was me who migrated that old Ubuntu version question. Ironically Unix.SE rejected it too :/
damn, sorry about that
@thesecretmaster what doesn't work with the group bys?
The count, I think
Mysql2::Error: Invalid use of group function: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, `posts`.`is_tp` AS posts_is_tp, `posts`.`is_fp` AS posts_is_fp, `posts`.`is_naa` AS posts_is_naa FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN feedbacks fbcounter ON fbcounter.post_id = posts.id WHERE (COUNT(fbcounter.id) = 1) GROUP BY `posts`.`is_tp`, `posts`.`is_fp`, `posts`.`is_naa`
@Machavity is there a U&L question I can handle? (I'm one of the mods there). Ubuntu-specific questions are generally shunted away from U&L over to AU.
Well, I learned something about AU in the process. Will try to remember it for the future. I don't migrate many
I think it's angry because the count is on a different column than the group bys
@thesecretmaster oh, yeah, can't use a COUNT in a WHERE clause in a GROUPed query
fp feedback received
you want GROUP BY x, y, z HAVING COUNT(fbcounter.id) = 1
although whether that works is still questionable because groups screw with counts
@JeffSchaller Nah. It was just a game of musical migration. I migrated this to AU, but the Ubuntu version is too old
Zanna suggested in a mod flag we try Unix but it was rejected as well, probably for the reasons you noted
Could we have the tp/fp/naa counts live in the select clause? select count(is_tp), count(is_fp), count(is_naa)?
@Machavity ahh; gotcha. thanks!
my bad
@thesecretmaster pretty sure that doesn't work
sigh why is sql like this...
you're either going to get a count of every row because they all have some value, or you'll get 2 because there are 2 distinct values, can't remember which
Can I use a having without a group?
@Machavity we might also change that policy. Canonical have changed stuff. Currently, it's a mess
it is possible to put them in the select clause with count(distinct if(p.is_tp = 1, p.id, null)), but that's horrifically inefficient and a very bad idea for search
@Zanna i missed something? o.O
@Zanna It's OK. The various site rules make migration difficult overall. Mostly we don't want to step on the toes of other sites
It's kinda sad that question has no real home anywhere tho. It seemed like a good one
@Machavity yeah. Probably wouldn't dare to throw anything your way!
So tl;dr searching for posts with 1 feedback is very hard?
@thesecretmaster welll... no, you've got the right way to do it, but it doesn't work with groups :P
Yeah, but we can't get rid of the group
you'd probably have to split it into multiple queries - the one with the left join to feedbacks for the search, then use that again as a select where id in (...) subquery for the grouped query
Does AR support subqueries?
.where(id: Post.left_joins(:feedbacks).where(blah: 'blah').select(:id))
Post.where(id: @results.select(:id)).group(...)
@ThomasWard Well now they call it ESM? I don't even understand the problems. We have had a few conversations about it in the Downboat. At some point we will probably have to try to address it. @EliahKagan knows way more about it that me
Like that?
yeah, should work
This version of MariaDB doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery
Oh wait I think that's a pagination thing
@Zanna oh you mean past-EOL support
@Zanna if it's past community support it's Offtopic on AU
that hasn't changed
ESM is a Canonical (paid) product
so if you have ESM you probably have paid support and need to get support from Canonical for issues
@Zanna unless that discussion has been happening that it needs changed? (Probably needs discussed in the Moderation channel then)
nothing has changed on AU afaik... but something probably should. I am hoping to eventually find out what's going on and try to post on meta about it. But I'm basically clueless about the whole thing
@ArtOfCode it no fix
 Mysql2::Error: Invalid use of group function: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, `posts`.`is_tp` AS posts_is_tp, `posts`.`is_fp` AS posts_is_fp, `posts`.`is_naa` AS posts_is_naa FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`id` IN (SELECT `posts`.`id` FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN feedbacks fbcounter ON fbcounter.post_id = posts.id WHERE (COUNT(fbcounter.id) = 1)) GROUP BY `posts`.`is_tp`, `posts`.`is_fp`, `posts`.`is_naa`
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer (183): Puppeteer missing responses and behaving different than Pyppeteer by turnerwhi on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received
Well, I guess it's not possible then...
@SmokeDetector Edited within grace period
Any idea why that's an invalid use of group?
fp- feedback received
fp feedback received on [MS] Android: Volley NoConnectionError
fp feedback received on [MS] Why not "Agne Dei"?
fp feedback received on [MS] COVID-19 and Penis Masturbation
fp feedback received on [MS] Website image size changer
tp feedback received on [MS] Website image size changer
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer, blacklisted user (277): How much protection do grill guards give? by The Autoparts Shop on mechanics.SE
tpu- feedback received
fp feedback received on [MS] add login menu with submenu
fp feedback received on [MS] Batch Geocoding
fp feedback received on [MS] How to buy Bitcoin in South Africa
fp feedback received on [MS] tgetent() not found while compiling vim
fp feedback received on [MS] Footer Customization with Minimum Code
tp feedback received on [MS] Footer Customization with Minimum Code
naa feedback received on [MS] Ubuntu 16.04 Ivacy VPN Config
fp feedback received on [MS] Spell Checking File Names
fp feedback received on [MS] Deleting a site having subsites?
tp feedback received on [MS] Deleting a site having subsites?
tp feedback received on [MS] Access Denied to guests
tp feedback received on [MS] Coronavirus influence
fp feedback received on [MS] plugin_dir_path wrong url
fp feedback received on [MS] plugin_dir_path wrong url
fp feedback received on [MS] How to display CJK Extension G?
naa feedback received on [MS] Plagiarism Tools in Academia
tp feedback received on [MS] Win 7 - How to customize window colors?
tp feedback received on [MS] Customize Windows Run Dialog
tp feedback received on [MS] Fascism is nonsensical
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in title (2): I have created a new android project and the build failed due to Connect to www.somehost.org:8080 [www.somehost.org/] by sarthak pawar on stackoverflow.com
FR: AIM for feedback messages
fp- feedback received
fp feedback received on [MS] Div transparente dentro de un iframe
naa feedback received on [MS] Переключатель на CSS3
naa feedback received on [MS] Переключатель на CSS3
fp- feedback received on [MS] Переключатель на CSS3
fp feedback received on [MS] RPI FAT32 Filesystem?
fp feedback received on [MS] Nexio Touchscreen
fp feedback received on [MS] What is a page in 8051 microprocessor?
@SmokeDetector f
@Rubiks domain joyoshare.com is blacklisted and has 32/32 TPs and the user has been nuked in this post
I think it's tp
@double-beep Which report?
If you still have it ready that is.
@double-beep I noticed that but also two other non-spam links. Does that not matter?
I suppose if that domain is just pure junk... but that was my thinking anyways
Anyways I'm fine going tp on it.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): STRIPE integration by Harry Rogers on stackoverflow.com
@Mithical Could AIM be modified to support this, or would that be a heckofalot of work?
@double-beep @Rubiksmoose The Joyo has been caught an awful lot of times before.
@Mast absolutely no idea
@Mast mhm fair enough
@Rubiksmoose They're to hide behind, collateral.
That's unfortunate, but one of the reasons we'll never be able to get 100% TP.
and it looks like most users have been nuked
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (184): What is a grandmaster? by Mike Gary on martialarts.SE
@Mast Matched by joyoshare\.com on line 2054 of blacklisted_websites.txt
tp feedback received on [MS] Play/pause VLC with mouse click
tp feedback received on [MS] Play/pause VLC with mouse click
@SmokeDetector Another Illuminati campaign
!!/watch-number- +1 (520) 367-0578
fp feedback received on [MS] R sample split column chosen
fp feedback received on [MS] GU10 socket longer cable
Ah, metasmoke's being rate limited pretty hard right now.
tp feedback received on [MS] Do SMD mount bases exist?
tp feedback received on [MS] Do SMD mount bases exist?
naa feedback received on [MS] Do SMD mount bases exist?
naa feedback received on [MS] Do SMD mount bases exist?
tp feedback received on [MS] URL structure with 3 subcategories
@Spevacus tha'ts because you all are pushing like 50000 reviews in xD
also why we split it from SD so SD reviews still come through
!!/watch- illuminati[\W_]*+district
2 days ago, by Spevacus
No rush. The Barbequeue train has no brakes.
funny, the NUKE train has no brakes either, probably because it's not stoppable :P
Might want to take it slow for a couple of hours.
tpu- feedback received
PR#4872 ("Spevacus: Watch +1 (520) 367-0578") opened by SmokeDetector
fp- feedback received
Yugh, numbers are always hard to verify in MS regexes.
!!/approve 4872
so are zero-length and non-printable and tag-obfuscated zero/whitespace-only links
which is why we're going to write a new mechanism to detect those
prototype bits are alredy in an SD branch, i'm just afraid to alter the rule constructor/class xD
@thesecretmaster SD does keep a cache of recently reported posts (that's how !!/report and !!/scan get responses like "already recently reported [MS]"). The issue is where the report is a duplicate of one which is outside of the report, potentially months, or even years earlier. SD would need to keep a record of all posts. It could be something as simple as a hash/checksum for each of those fields, as it's quite unlikely for changes to result in collision on the same post (don't care cross-post).
But, MS already has to do a duplicate lookup for every reported post in order to perform the autoflagging check.
fp feedback received on [MS] Material don't affect all object
fp feedback received on [MS] Use of 'Sabine' as an adjective
@Makyen If I see Ignore in an MS report, where is that stored if not in MS itself?
@Mast The only place which it actually matters is in SD, because that's where it's checked. It's only stored in the SD instance which was active at the time the ignore feedback came in.
@Makyen But it is stored in MS?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in title (1): How to add "Buy now" button in archive page WooCommerce Shop? by Mattia Pompita on stackoverflow.com
I mean, it certainly looks like MS is actually doing something with ignores.
@Mast Maybe. It's not uncommon for people to overwrite their ignore feedback with FP.
@Makyen AFAIK no
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, toxic answer detected (158): Why is the "serpent" in the Fall believed to be literal by many? by Anonymous on christianity.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Is Buddhism a religion? by Samana Johann on buddhism.SE
@SmokeDetector ignore-
tp feedback received on [MS] Cable modem speed test
fp feedback received on [MS] Not getting traffic on my website
Oh apparently it does
@Mast Besides, we don't really want most of those "ignores". Yes, there are some which we actually do want, but most of those are really either "don't report this version of the post again" or "don't report this for the same reasons", not "don't ever report this again".
@Makyen Could this be solved by SD editing the report if MS knows it's a duplicate?
hmmm is asking for money something we'd consider spam?
> A post should be marked as spam only if it advertises a product, service, or similar and is unsolicited or lacks disclosure.
If we consider "give me the money" a service or similar, yes.
@thesecretmaster Perhaps, but the issue isn't really that the chat report happens. It's that there's an additional MS post record created for an identical version of the post. If the chat report happened and no duplicate post record was created, people really wouldn't care all that much. Yes, we'd like to not report it at all. [Well, mostly, in general, we wouldn't mind all that much if we got an additional report after an hour or two for posts which got tpu feedback, but which were not deleted.]
@Mast well that is kind of the core of what I was asking XD what do you think?
I'm leaning yes?
fp feedback received on [MS] What's up with my body?
fp feedback received on [MS] Unknown mite species in plant pots
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (33): First movie set in a world with COVID-19? by preBob on movies.SE
I'm also leaning yes, but I'm not 100% sure. I'd definitely spam-flag it if I encounter it on most sites, but I'm not particularly active on Parenting...
@Makyen Autoflagging checks using the link which is passed to it by SD (which presumably comes from the SE API). If we just moved that deduplication to post creation, would that solve everything?
@Mast yeah I'd probably do the same.
I'll go tp on it.

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