@NobodyNada how is that R/A? It's not gibberish or hate. If anything it's NAA, but I think it does attempt to say that dance is the answer, which would make it an answer.
@RobertColumbia I read it as straight trolling. The unregistered account, which created today, has a username that tends to indicate trolling intent. The content of the post doesn't appear to be an honest attempt to answer, but does appear to be an attempt to troll.
@user227432 Pick a post, any post, although it's usually recommended that you use your own, if you have any on the site; link to the deleted answer and/or user and explain. Another good option is the question on which the answer was posted.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, +1 more (365): Sind Sexpuppen die beste Wahl? by kobedoll on photo.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in username (4): Mơ thấy hổ đánh con gì? by xosoplus on english.SE
@Shree In some way, you will need to authorize AF with MS, if you are wanting to give feedback via AF. That will mean obtaining a token from MS, which you give to AF. I don't use AF, so I don't know the exact process, but in some way, AF will need to get a token. This will be a different token than was used with your old MS account. I have not looked to see how AF stores the token, but you will need to clear and replace the token which you had installed. This may or may not be convenient.
For FIRE, FIRE sends you to a page on MS and you have to copy the token and enter it into FIRE. AF may, or may not, do something similar. You will likely need to do what is described in this chat message in order to put FIRE into a state where it thinks your old token is invalid.
As to being able to give feedback via userscripts, the thing that needed to happen from MS' side is that you needed the Reviewer role. I gave your account that role shortly after you created the account, so everything should be good from MS' point of view.
@user227432 Any post should work, as long as you are clear in your text what it is you are flagging about.
@ArtOfCode I have two instances at present, one on DigitalOcean and AWS Lightsail each. I'm currently running on DO coupon / AWS Educate credits on both platforms and one of them is running out soon, so I'll start (really) paying after that. I've already evaluated that I don't need two VPSes for my personal hobbies / projects so I plan to cut one down to reduce cost.
I thought I mentioned it before: I used to have a source of very cheap DO coupons but the shop has since closed, so no more cheap DO VPS.
@tripleee I think that's in part why the question was asked. If there's a confirmed list of "Smokey will run fluently on hardware X", it may be easier to set-up a new instance.
@tripleee That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body; append -force if you really want to do that.
I found a month old report in MS where the spam link is not listed under Contains domains. The domain ngtraveller\.com doesn't exist in MS so I can't add it directly to the report. Should I put a watch on the domain and then add it to the report?
@NisseEngström That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body; append -force if you really want to do that.
@SmokeDetector Google translation: "One can be embedded in ordinary HTML, and the other is to use scaffolding. I just want to test the answer function. . . ."
@tripleee Thanks. Should I also add the WHOIS data? Do you have a preferred source for this where I can just copy/paste the information, or is it more complicated?
@NisseEngström I don't always bother when it's a one-time hit and run; the standard whois command is what I routinely use (port 43) though some TLDs require you to use their web site
GoDaddy is pretty useless now, they anonymize all records
and of course if you are not on a real computer it's easy to find web searches like who.is though their coverages will differ
@SmokeDetector Google translation: "You did not arrive. You play with pictures. You play only for me, photoshop. And this I return. I expect a day like that. Kill your mother’s debt."
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more (489): How To Use Peak Wellness Australia? by miyakiba on askubuntu.com
@tripleee Is there ever a need to go that far back and have an accurate representation of what the score was at that time? In the grand scheme of things, what's 10 points on 1300+.
certainly not important here but it could be confusing if you investigate e.g. whether something should have been autoflagged and the weights have changed in the meantime
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad ip for hostname in title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in title, pattern-matching product name in body, +3 more (594): slimketoboost.com/true-vitality/ by mqdcgbhupokm on askubuntu.com