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'tout seul' pour un homme, 'toute seule' pour une femme
et pour un truc de la grammaire? ;-)
quoi comme truc ?
> Mais quelque fois j'ai vu « ne » (ou « n' ») tout seul
et ?
'tout seul' oui
@Jez C'est masculin (en fait neutre, mais peu importe)
@Jez You should say "regarde" instead of "vois"
Q: How to translate Dutch expression "Ere wie de ere toekomt" to French?

JoubarcHow to translate Dutch expression "Ere wie de ere toekomt" in French? I found this in Concise dictionary of European proverbs: à chacun selon ses oeuvres à chacun selon son dû à tout seigneur, tout honneur rendez à César ce qui appartient à César rendez donc à César ce qui est à César, et à Di...

Le tag "néerlandais", c'est acceptable? ça fait un peu meta-tag, non?
t'as raison
ça me parait correct
Mais je ne connais pas assez bien la nuance entre les tags normaux et les meta tag
peut-être il ne fait pas un meta-tag pour les questions de traduction cependent?
Je ne suis pas très au fait de la politique de SX sur les tags, mais il me semble que ça a déjà été dit, non?
pour ces questions il indique la langue source?
@Jez Dans ce cas, oui, mais il faudra rédiger les notices dans ce sens
@Jez I hompe I'm not discouraging you when I'm correcting you. You have a better level for French that I have for English :(
de rien @Louhike
Est-ce que votre compte FLU apparaît sur StackExchange?
@Evpok ok je le fait et nous verrons
@Mvy probablement quand il serait en beta publique
@Mvy Non, pas encore
@Jez :)
Pourtant il est dans la courbe de reputation :P
@Mvy Les voies du seigneur...
"Questions qui s'agissent avec la traduction de néerlandais." - c'est correct?
Questions de traduction depuis le néerlandais perhaps
Question en rapport avec la traduction du néerlandais
"Ce tag indique que la question s'agit d'un traduction depuis la language néerlandaise à la language française."
c'est correct? :-)
Ce tag indique que la question concerne une traduction du néerlandais au français
pas 'la langue...'?
il devrait être plus longue
"Ce tag indique que la question concerne une traduction de la langue néerlandaise à la langue française."
@Jez language => langage. C'est une erreur courante, j'écrivais souvent 'langage' en Anglais avant.
@Jez concerne => porte sur
@Jez L'emploi de la langue pour désigner un langage se perd. Ça sonne vraiment étrange pour moi, As if I theed thee :)
la langage?
le langage
Je dirais : "Ce tag indique que la question porte sur la traduction d'une expression du néerlandais au français"
et je vire les coups de langue :-)
je me suis soumis avec 'la langage' :-)
@StéphanePéchard +1
Mais on ne dit pas "le langage français", on dit "la langue française" ou "le français"
@Jez Be bold :)
wtf? now it's la langue again?
On utilise langage de manière plus générale ou pour désigner une langage informatique
quelle bordel
@Jez tu t'es soumis toi-même ? :-)
Le langage C
la langue, mais le langage
@Louhike \o/
c'est logique ;-)
j'ai entendu "la langue" beaucoup
oui c'est bon
un langage* je fais les mêmes fautes que @Jez :p
il a besoin d'approbation de la communauté
FL&U Community Seal Of Approval !
750 rep
nobody has that much
ask a mod
Or upvote the nice chatters here so they could approve
FX will soon
French Language & Usagefrench.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the French language.

Currently in private beta.

I'll get that in some days too I guess
per day
Hit the rep cap again
pas mal ;-)
Gilles and Raphink will be close soon too
99% answered, almost perfect !
@Louhike je ne vois pas d'unanswered sur le site...
C'est mis à jour à une certaine heure toutes les nuits
@StéphanePéchard le support de l'objective-C moderne s'est bien amélioré pour GCC 4.6
sinon, ça reste limité par le runtime que tu as derrière (i.e. Apple ou GNUstep)
oui, mais de toute façon, Apple passe sur llvm
mais c'est assez confortable pour tout ce qui est programmation d'IU
@StéphanePéchard et llvm n'a pas de front-end Fortran :(
donc j'espère que le support de GCC pour Mac va tenir le plus longtemps possible
ben le dernier XCode inclut llvm et lldb
ils ont pas encore viré gcc ni gdb mais qui sait...
on fait plus beaucoup de Fortran
notamment pour faire de l'UI
@StéphanePéchard hum, hum :)
non, mais ne plus avoir de compilo Fortran libre pour une plateforme qui sert pas mal de besoin scientifiques, ce serait pénible
par ailleurs, llvm semble pas encore parfait pour le C++ moderne
enfin bon, j'ai longtemps été impliqué dans GCC, donc c'est sûr que je porte encore un peu la bannière :)
non, pas encore, mais ça aussi Apple s'en fout
A: L'usage de « ne » sans un mot associé?

GillesIl y a trois manières de former une phrase négative en français. Avec « ne » seulement. C'est un usage vielli, qui ne se rencontre plus de nos jours sauf dans quelques expressions figées (qui elles-même appartiennent en général à la langue soutenue). Voir la partie I.A de l'entrée du TLF. F...

"Cette forme est relativement moderne appartient exclusivement au langage familier, parlé."
Je flame ou pas?
A: J'ai bien peur que tu n'aies raison : faut-il mettre le mot « ne »?

RaphinkLes deux formes sont correctes. La deuxième est une figure de style appelée le "ne explétif" ou "semi-négation" (voir http://grammaire.reverso.net/3_1_40_ne_expletif.shtml et http://french.about.com/od/grammar/a/negation_form_2.htm). Ce "ne" n'a pas de sens négatif et n'a pas de caractère obliga...

Je pense
Il y a ce principe du "ne explétif"
oui j ai hésité sur le duplicate
mais là c'est une négation
Pour moi Personne n'est parfait c'est une phrase positive, dont le pronom personne est le sujet et dont le n' est purement phonétique
Mais le "exclusivement familier", c'est pour l'utilisation de l'auxiliaire négatif seul
Genre j'aime pas
Pas pour le "ne" seul
Donc je ne suis pas d'accord avec sa réponse pour commencer, mais le coup du exclusivement familier, parlé ça me gonfle vraiment
Surtout après une conférence d'un après-midi sur le thème "c'est une évolution naturelle pour les langues romanes"
Il fait quoi dans la vie ce Gilles pour répondre autant aux questions ?
@Evpok Est-ce la suppression du "ne" qui est l'évolution?
@Louhike Oui, ou sa contextualisation. En gros le même phénomène s'est déjà produit en Piémontais et est en cours en Italien et peut-être dans d'autres langues.
@StéphanePéchard Je ne sais pas, mais ses réponses sont souvent intéressantes alors je ne m'en plains pas.
oui bien sûr, mais ça soulève d'autant plus la question :-)
Je ne savais pas que les Piémontais avaient leur propre langue, je pensais qu'ils parlaient aussi Italien
Même si L'italie est assez récente
Qu'ils ne parlaient QU'Italien plutôt
Dans un sens, la France a presque 1600 ans et il y a encore de nombreuses langues, même si ça se perd
Le Picard a presque disparu
Le piémontais (piemontèis en piémontais, piemontese en italien) est une langue parlée par plus de 2 millions de locuteurs dans le Piémont, une région du nord-ouest de l'Italie. Le piémontais fait partie de l'ensemble linguistique italien septentrional (avec le lombard, l'émilien-romagnol, le ligure, le vénitien et l'istriote) et se rattache au groupe occidental des langues romanes, comme le français, l'occitan et le catalan. Le piémontais est considéré comme une langue minoritaire distincte de l´italien par Ethnologue.com et par le Red Book de l´UNESCO[3]. Bien que parfois considéré com...
@Louhike Et le breton, le gallo, le basque, le catalan, le franco-provençal, l'alsacien...
Ah, et le corse. lmao
Parler ce type de langue parait ringard pour de nombreuses personnes
Ma femme parle le Papiemento :-)
@Louhike Les pauvres gens. Ne savent pas ce qu'ils perdent :)
Le problème c'est que l'on considère ces langues comme des patois de vieux et paysans, et qu'on ne les met pas au même niveau que le Français, l'Anglais,...
The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) is a European treaty (CETS 148) adopted in 1992 under the auspices of the Council of Europe to protect and promote historical regional and minority languages in Europe. The preparation for the charter was undertaken by the predecessor to the current Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe because involvement of local and regional government was essential. The actual charter was written in the Parliamentary Assembly based on the Congress' Recommendations....
Parles-en au parlement français.
@Evpok Le problème c'est que l'on craint une augmentation du 'patriotisme régional' en défaveur du nationalisme
Le mot 'nationalisme' est peut-être un peu fort
Mince il est parti
Je vais partir aussi d'ailleurs
Aurevoir !
le "patriotisme régional" d'un homme est le "nationalisme" d'un autre ;-)
pour exemple, les écossais; nationalistes, ou régionalistes?
4 hours later…
@Jez Conversely, you're ignoring everyone who committed in the hope that the site would be unilingual
@Jez I don't see what's arrogant about proposing something. <removes French.SE participant's hat, dons SE chat moderator's hat> On a related note, this isn't the first time you've been reminded: be nice
<swaps hats back>
@Gilles I don't know where they would reasonably have obtained that hope
21 hours ago, by Gilles
Consider: what will happen if someone proposes a French-only site?
21 hours ago, by Gilles
I'll bet it gets closed as a duplicate of this one.
21 hours ago, by Borror0
Bet? It happened. I proposed it. It got closed as duplicate.
@Borror0 I can't find it on Area 51, was it deleted?
you're talking to me and not Robert?
@Gilles I suppose so. It was immediately closed after I proposed it.
I didn't close it, and whatsmore I seem to recall Borror0 changing the description to point to my proposal
my proposal talked about questions in English and French
Yeah, Robert changed that, but against my wishes
@Borror0 you're not talking about Bon Usage, then...
@Jez No. I'm talking about a proposal I made less than a day after you've proposed yours. I figured, if his isn't too close to Bon usage, my version of it won't be.
Apparently, the Area51 gods has no problem with double standards
if you say so.
anyway, you know what my position on it is.
It's always very easy to know what your position is, Jez
and yours likewise :-)
@Gilles Everything I posted about it is gone, except this MSO post.
@Evpok Ben non, je ne suis pas le seul
@Jez Yeah, I remember that. It was an exact duplicate of an existing proposal (which IIRC was less settled on allowing questions in English). That proposal was eventually closed as a duplicate of yours, for some reason.
@Gilles His got in the commitment phase first. That's how it is supposed to work.
which existing proposal?
there was no existing proposal for that
Le bon usage du français
that was french-only
@Jez I don't remember, it was deleted
English-French translation, then?
But I do remember I'd been following that proposal for a while, and then one day I learned that it was closed as a duplicate of yours
that's not the same as FL&U
@Borror0 I think that's the one
@Jez Still, it was closed as a duplicate of this proposal
@Borror0 again, you're talking to me when i didn't close it
The title was in French, the original plan was to allow English questions but there was some debate about that
@Jez I'm answering your questions, Jez. What I am doing is very on-topic. Never did I accuse you of closing them.
well ok then. for the record i don't remember a duplicate proposal of mine having existed before i created mine, i don't consider bon usage a duplicate
@Gilles You're thinking of Le bon usage du français. It planned to allow English questions, but not English translations.IIRC.
but... can't we all just get along?
@Jez But the SEI closed it as duplicate. Same for my monolingual proposal.
I personally have no problem with your creating a monolingual proposal.
I know.
@Jez The problem is that we want contradictory things. I want a site that's attractive to a French native who doesn't speak English. You want a site that has questions in English. SE doesn't want to set up a way to filter questions by language.
@Gilles actually they might. aren't they going to do localization?
I think Borror0's concern is different from mine (but happens to have the same goal), I'll let him explain
@Jez UI localization, yes. Not question filters.
@Gilles If you look on area51, i did post a comment where i supported the idea of tagging by language
unfortunately they consider that meta-tagging and so said it wasn't appropriate
@Jez And that's not going to happen.
Plus how do you tag questions that have answers in a different language?
localization interface is needed. you'd only tag the language of the question.
frankly, most of the time, if the question is asked in french, the answers will be in french
The fact is that there are two audiences you can appeal to: anglos who are learning French and francos who are looking to improve their French. Note that there I'm not talking about native speakers of the language; I'm talking about people who have a decent grasp of the language, enough to browse a site in that language.
@Borror0 And I think you can have both living on the same site and you think you can't.
@Jez The problem is that not every expert on the French language is like @AlainPannetier
There are people who know their stuff but won't venture anywhere near English.
@Gilles I understand, but I think the solution is not to have a french-only site; it's to have functionality to allow them to get a french interface, and filter out the non-french questions
Obviously there aren't many here now, most of them wouldn't be interested in Area 51 or Stack Exchange in the first place
Those audience are mutually exclusive, in the fact. While it may seem they are not, this is fallacious thinking. A monolingual francophones that drops by and sees half of the content in English will simply leave the site. It's clearly saying the site isn't for him. Similarly, if an anglophone with only a so-so grasp of French drops by a site which is 50% in French, he'll get the impression the site isn't for him.
there are also many who would like to browse the french and the english questions
@Borror0 Except that if the site is about French, it makes sense to discuss it in French
really? my grasp of french is so-so and the site seems ideal
in fact there has been a lot of activity so far in the beta.
it seems to have been going really well
So, you got to pick which is your primary audience. You can't have your cake and eat it too. It's one way or the other. And if the site is about French, all the experience with Stack Exchange has taught us that French is the better choice, You want the most knowledgeable community possible.
Hi guys...
Having a go at it again hm...
Can I jump in?
@Jez That's a non-sequitur. You have built a site for users like you, and the users who applied are mostly users like you (wanting to improve their French, fluent in English). You then use those users' appreciate of the current site to determine that it's the most successful recipe possible. You can't do that. It may work for now, but that isn't the same as saying it's the most successful way to build a language SE site.
Did any of the proponents of the French-only proposal come up with a decisive argument proving why it is beneficial for French and detrimental to the German and Japanese sister comunities?
Or is it another example of the "French exception"?
I voiced my disapproval long before German, Japanese or French even existed (apparently, they were already in commitment)
If japanese were only in Japanese I could not be part of it.
Do you know Japanese?
Q: Should we do anything about the huge language mess on Area51?

Borror0There's a long list of languages proposal on Area51, varying from an all encompassing language site to a focus one language site like the successful English Language & Usage. When I say they vary, I do mean that. As I just said, there's a site to contain all the languages question, whether...

@AlainPannetier I speak neither German nor Japanese, which is why I didn't go protest on their respective metas. I did protest on MSO and Area51, to no avail because Area51 is a failed site.
I speak enough German to avoid starving if dropped there but all my contributions in german.SE are in English. Yet I'm hugely interested in what happens in that forum. It is of high interest for would-be linguists such as myself.
Should the leaders of german.SE decide to enforce a German only policy, they would lock me out in a matter of days.
Is this what we want for FLU? put off everybody and lock everybody non native out?
@AlainPannetier What is detrimental to the German and Japanese communities?
@AlainPannetier No. I'm not a native English speaker, and yet I participate actively in many English-language sites, and even a little in English Language and Usage
Leaving non native speakers (resp German and Japanese) out is detrimental. Do you question this?
@AlainPannetier If we put off people who can't write a comprehensible sentence or two in French, I don't mind.
@AlainPannetier No, but I don't see what this has to do with the debate at hand.
@AlainPannetier That's not an accurate portrayal of what would happen. I suspect we,d see our deal of broken French, and also a non-negligible amount of fluent French speakers whose mother tongue is not French. Our policy for French isn't all that different from Stack Overflow's abut English use, and SO is doing quite well.
These people can participate in English and I have no doubt that they will always opt for the easiest alternative. Let's keep it that way.
@Borror0 Come on. SO is the locomotive of the whole SE network. Most participants in the language sites are still techies.
Allowing English has great costs: a smaller audience, less experts, and more beginner questions. I fail to see what we gain in exchange.
"Allowing English has great costs: a smaller audience, less experts, and more beginner questions". Completely unconvincing. But please feel free to fork a proposal.
More beginner questions: yes, I'm OK with that
Fewer experts: debatable; would they come to StackExchange even on a french-only site? it has an English interface.
How come "The number of participants in French would be higher than the number of participants in French + The number of participants in English"?
@AlainPannetier I did this. It was closed as a duplicate when this site was a proposal with less than 10 followers. If you have a problem with my actions, feel free to complain to SEI. Maybe they'll see their current actions are not optimal. In the meantime, I'm going to act in the most rational way possible: improving the site that was a duplicate of my proposal.
@Jez Then you fail at Stack Exchange 101.
If there were less than 10 followers then that should give you a clue about how reliable your assumption that "French only entails more participants" is.
@Borror0 no; i've always said that StackOverflow made it big by allowing lots of (relatively mediocre) questions.
If it had insisted on 'expert only', it would be dead by now.
Jeff may have forgotten that but I havent
@AlainPannetier Who cares about the number of participants? Theoretical Computer Science has a vastly smaller number of participants than Programmers. Yet the first has very high quality, the other not.
@AlainPannetier Here's a thought experiment: imagine that, when Stack Exchange launched, it allowed questions in Korean, Japanese, English, and Mandarin. How would you, as a someone who only speak one of those language, enjoy this site?
There are plenty of ways to filter out sub-par questions.
@Gilles The number of participants was not my argument.
@Jez Theoretical Computer Science insists on experts-only, and it's working very well. Programmers is not working well, and they're trying to fix this by insiting on more expertise.
@Gilles They can afford to say "experts only" now because they have a massive user base from Stack Overflow.
If I created an experts-only site on anything, it would fail, because I don't have a massive userbase
If we compose good answers and questions we set the standard and have the moral high ground when filtering out sub-par questions and answers.
@Jez They've been expert-only from the start
@AlainPannetier You're telling this to a Skeptics mod. I know that. I also know that it's a lot of work, won't scale well unless the community concurs (which isn't easy), and non-optimal and undesirable.
@Gilles They've had the userbase and advertising of StackOverflow from the start.
Math Overflow didn't have an SO user base at all, and they're also working well.
@Gilles interesting site. I didn't know about it.
@Jez Of course. Similarly, SO had the userbase of Joel and Jeff's blog. That's hardly news that publicity helps you get critical mass. It's also irrelevant here. SEN has a good amount of users fluent in French.
Guys, you're like me. You sometimes read forums in French. Does that not make a depressing reading? Sloppy spelling if any. Very ordinary ideas. Schoolyard atmosphere...
Is this what you want???
You do know that SE sites are moderated?
Of course I do... How does that make a difference in our FLU special case?
@AlainPannetier Forums in English make me equally depressed
On Skeptics, we have a referenced-required policy. I don't see how we couldn't require a "write in a reasonably high quality French" - especially since f it's a site whose attraction is improving your French. I suspect most people who want to help others with their French will want to write in a good French anyhow.
As for the juvenile attitude, that's mod-worthy action.
That's not so bad. Although I agree the quality has degraded recently. But
1/ I'd say this argument goes my way: this is a monolingual site.
2/ after betas, the quality of enthusiasts is diluted.
@Borror0 I don't see how we couldn't require it either. I also don't see a good reason why we'd want to.
@Gilles In my experience, the francosphere is way worse. Generally, people will make an effort to not write in txt speak on English site. The same isn't true whenever I go on a French site. Usually, the quality is depressing.
Basically we disagree on details.
- you want to raise the bar by keeping English NS out.
- I want to raise the bar by keeping them in.
@AlainPannetier I wasn't talking about EL&U, I was talking about forums
@AlainPannetier Wrong. I want to raise the bar by requiring a minimal level of French to ask questions here.
@Borror0 "References-required" is an arbitrary policy enacted to try and keep the quality of questions to a certain level. "English-and-French-questions-only" is equally an arbitrary policy that could be enacted for the same reason.
@Borror0 there's a difference between "requiring a certain level of French" and "allowing zero level of English".
@AlainPannetier If you can't ask your question in at least broken French, your French is usually pretty bad (in which case your question likely too basic) or you're not willing to put enough effort into your question.
@AlainPannetier I see the connection between requiring a certain level of French and keeping the quality high: the entry bar is a minimum level of expertise in the subject
@AlainPannetier I don't see the connection between requiring a minimum level of English and keeping the quality high
Neither do I.
@Borror0 Can you state clearly what level of English you deem acceptable?
As far as I know English is part of "culture générale" and a good indicator of it.
@AlainPannetier None. Ask your question in French. If we can somewhat understand it, and your question isn't general reference, I see no problem with it. Plus, if we correct that person's post, he/she will learn from her mistakes.
Stakc Overflow operates similarly w/r/t non-fluent users. If their question is good, but the phrasing is lacking, someone will improve the question and the asker will get an answer.
@Borror0 I'm ok with askers posting in a language other than French, but with a high threshold. That's why I proposed that non-French questions would be closed, but could reopen if they sufficiently interested someone that they'd take the trouble to translate it.
What I'm proposing isn't revolutionary at all.
First-year students of French asking their homework questions... not.
@Borror0 You're fighting a lost battle then. Not a chance.
@AlainPannetier I'm fighting the right battle. I don't care if I lose. What matters is that I'm right. Worse case scenario, I'll get to say "I told you so."
The vast majority of subscribers have committed on the assumption that FLU would be as bilingual as GLU and JLU. Jeff will never let you have this way...
@Borror0 I'm well past my quote of I-told-you-so on Area 51 wrongness
Good point. Me too.
Guys are there no monolingual French linguistic Q&A around?
@AlainPannetier That's a weird argument. How many meta discussions have you been in on SE? Appeal to Jeff is usually the last resort of the incompetent/troll (which you're not).
@Borror0 @Gilles One fundamental point is that English is the lingua franca of the StackExchange Network, and many of its users. Sure, some have a good grasp of French, but there is going to be a skewed number who have a good grasp of English instead. This is an important fact.
I'm not appealing to Jeff. And thx for the troll. Just asking you to be realistic.
This backs my remark that you are fighting a lost battle.
@Jez Again, there is no such thing as “the lingua franca of the StackExchange Network”!
@Jez No, this is an irrelevant fact. If this site doesn't have enough experts, then it should die. If this site has enough experts on the French language, then making this French-only won't change that.
In either case, what happens is the preferable outcome.
@Borror0 It could have enough experts even if it allows English and French, though.
@Gilles There are some monolingual proposal such as Persian or Spanish SO clones but as far as this site is concerned, the assumption (sound in my view) is bilingual at least.
@AlainPannetier Where do you get this assumption from?
You could be right if all the subscribers were French NS.
Very unlikely.
@AlainPannetier what is NS?
native speakers?
RegDwight's famous pineapple
@Jez Of course, but it would appeal to a large pool of appropriately-knowledgeable users if it was in French. I have many francophile friends who would love this site, but won't enjoy it if English is the primary language.
@Borror0 This is misleading. Nobody's suggesting the preeminence of English over French.
@Borror0 does 50/50 count as the primary language?
And not the other way round either.
Fair. If English is as prevalent as it is now.
@Borror0 I think that having a large percentage of English post is the indication that we are reaching out to non NS.
@Borror0 At the moment, it's about 50/50 for questions, with a slight prevalence for English in the answers
Would that be something to be worried about?
@Gilles I count the top bunch of questions as 10 French, 8 English.
Guys, please rest assured that I hold you both in high esteem (especially Gilles as a user of Unix.SE) but I'll have to leave it there for tonight in a minute. In the meantime please don't nurture bitter feelings.
@Gilles I don't see a single English answer to a French question.
@Gilles If I were a french purist I could use the site and just ignore the English. I could also refuse to use it because there is some English there. C'est la vie.
Let me answer a more interesting question: if we are attracting more users with a poor grasp of French (sub IRL1, for example), then it suggests that the quality of questions is similarly low. And that would be a problem.
tags are in french too
I must also leave it there. Night ;-)
@AlainPannetier I'm drawing more on my experience on other sites. Unix is a remarkably low-drama site
@Jez It's not about purism. It's about welcoming design. If you are monolingual, you won't feel like you fit in on a bilingual site. That goes for all monolinguals.
All, I'll call it a day. TTL.
@Evpok C'est différent, il ne me viendrait pas à l'idée de taguer une question sur comment prononcer « plus » avec .
@Evpok Flamme, non. Par contre, si tu n'est pas d'accord, tu écris un commentaire poli (comme tu l'as fait). Cela dit je ne comprends toujours pas où tu vois une erreur.
@Evpok Possible. Dans un siècle ou deux je répondrai peut-être différemment. En attendant, je ne vais pas recommander à quelqu'un de ne pas mettre le « ne » dans un article de journal, une copie d'examen, une lettre d'embauche, ...
Je trouve quand même ça curieux que tu me reproches d'être trop prescriptif alors que j'utilise le TLF comme référence
@Gilles moi non plus, je ne vois pas le problème. Suite au message de Evpok sur le chat, j'ai relu ta réponse 2 fois, puis son commentaire, mais je ne vois rien qui cloche…
@Gilles You misread the "temps" question. I have edited to make that clearer, but lack the reputation to make it automatic.
It's about etymology, not definition.
@Borror0 edit approved :)
just come here and ask, until tomorrow when more people can chime in
I was about to check if anyone had the rep to approve
@Borror0 Yes, and?
Don't remember what is the threshold during private beta
@Gilles I feel Stack Exchange can provide us with a better answer than that (in terms of length and detail).
Not just "yes" but "how"
@Borror0 You want me to copypaste the section from a bigger dictionary?
@Gilles Sure.
Ok, I admit that TLF's etymology section isn't very readable
But I'm not inclined to go through much effort to help someone who hasn't done basic homework
If @AlainPannetier wants to write a dissertation on the etymology of the word, then fine
The problem is, this kind of dedication can't be maintained for long
Whereas the level of questions can only go down, so it's especially important to insist on expert questions now
I'm not disagreeing. I improved the question to be clearer, not because I approved of it.
En tout cas merci, c'est comme ça que j'espérais que les choses se passeraient (évidemment je ne pouvais pas faire la traduction moi-même, si on n'était pas en beta privée j'aurais posté sous un nouveau compte)
@Gilles un oubli de ma part
sur ces questions de langue du site, je n'ai pas trop le temps de discuter avec vous, désolé
les 2 principes qui me semblent importants sont :
1. be liberal in what you accept, conservative in what you do
2. pragmatisme: un site existant et marchant pas mal vaut mieux qu'un site idéal mais dont l'infrastructure ne sera pas mise en place par SE (ou sur laquelle SE mettra un veto)
ce qui veut dire, pour moi: allons-y comme ça, faisons évoluer le site, quitte à influencer ensuite si la mayonnaise ne prend pas (mais je pense qu'elle peut prendre comme ça, avec une bonne dose de #1)
@Fx Ça c'est un truc d'informaticien :) Quand il s'agit de modérer un forum, ça ne marche pas si bien.
Si tu veux une explication physique : le niveau du site n'ext pas une fonction extensive du niveau des questions
Une mauvaise question a un coût.
@Gilles je regarde les questions existantes, et la qualité ne me semble pas corrélée à la langue
y'a des questions en français que je juge mauvaises, et de bonnes questions en anglais
@Fx Faire évoluer le site, c'est complètement illusoire.
@Gilles EL&U le vit en ce moment (changement assez radical de la philosophie de fermer les questions), ça a un peu clashé mais ça va bien se faire
sinon, avant de partir, j'ai essayé de régler la question sur le temps avec une réponse simple : la double signification vient directement du latin :)
ce qui, je suis désolé, n'était pas clair d'après le TLF (et c'est le wiktionary anglais sur le mot Latin qui m'a donné la réponse, confirmée par le Gaffiot)
et sur ce, je vous souhaite une bonne nuit (ou autre) !
@Fx Je suis d'accord que les sections sur l'étymologie du TLF sont dures à suivre, mais l'info y est
Dans la partie histoire : B. 1. a) Ca 1160 (Eneas, éd. J.-J. Salverda de Grave, 191: tone et pluet Vante et esclaire Molt comanca lait tens a faire); b) 1536 (R. DE COLLERYE, op. cit., p. 264: Après pluye vient le beau temps);
Dans la partie étymologie : Du lat. tempus, temporis « période, moment où quelque chose se produit; temps considéré dans la durée; période particulière en référence à l'histoire, la vie d'une personne...; moment propice pour quelque chose; circonstances, conditions particulières [sens auquel se rattache le sens B, cf. anni tempora, caeli tempus, v. OLD]
@Gilles non, ça n'y est pas (ou c'est erroné), puisque le latin tempus (-oris) qui est mentionné (le temps qui passe) est différent de tempus (tempi), pour le temps qu'il fait
cela dit, oui, on est d'accord, c'est super dur à lire
@Fx Ça y est, j'ai copié-collé. Par contre, si c'est faux, c'est effectivement embêtant.
@Gilles mais bon, je ne suis pas assez en forme pour continuer le latin ce soir
cette fois-ci, c'est la bonne. ciao !
@F'x two separated declension → two separate declensions
et etymologic → etymology aussi
et je suis même trop crevé pour l'anglais :)
cela dit, je mettrai etymological
merci pour les corrections
Je reçois mon Grévisse Mardi !
@Gilles pour explication, ce qui m'a donné envie de flamer c'est le "exclusivement langage parlé", c'est un peu mon berserk button personnel. J'essaie de me raisonner, mais c'est dur :p J'ai aussi tendance à contredire la grammaire traditionnelle dès que je peux, c'est un genre de déformation professionnelle, après avoir entendu mes profs de linguistique taper sur les grammairiens pendant des années.
@Gilles Après j'ai effectivement appris en syntaxe que personne n'est venu n'est pas une phrase négative, mais c'est vraiment un point de détail et c'est plus une convention qu'autre chose. Donc, pas de soucis, ta réponse est tout à fait correcte (du point de vue qui intéresse le site, on est pas sur SX.linguistcs), c'est juste un peu de dérive de ma part.
@Evpok merci, c'est intéressant d'avoir un point de vue de linguiste

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