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5:01 PM
@UbuntuUser Yon don't install things in VMM ... you create a VM, install a system from the ISO / USB media to the virtual disk and then use this as a virtual system ! :)
@Serg viewable is better.
OH!!! But how would I install to the virtual disk? (I feel so close to succsess!)
@MadhavNikam How can we help ? When the memory card is damaged and unreadable ... :)
@UbuntuUser Yes Sir ?
5:04 PM
OH!!! But how would I install to the virtual disk? (I feel so close to succsess!) @cl-netbox
damage only but it still detect so still have some hope
@NathanOsman thank you ^_^
@MadhavNikam Me not ... try to format it to bring it back to life (hopefully) ... but the data on it should be lost anyway ... next time make a backup before ... :)
@UbuntuUser Dear friend ... boot that thingie and walk through the installation process just as you would do it on bare metal - only on the vdisk this time ... :)
5:08 PM
OK... I have to make more disk space!
OK! Wish me Luck!
@UbuntuUser okay, I do ! :)
Anybody else is watching the inauguration ?
@cl-netbox You look annoyed with that :P
@Serg yes, me
Hmmm. Interesting, interesting.
@Hizqeel When you roll back the chat to yesterday about same time you'll understand ... :D
5:14 PM
@Serg Obama don't looked Convinced with him :p
@Serg Of course not.
Interesting, very interesting
A lot of pretty words
@Serg Which one ? The inauguration of the "Denver Scripting King" ? :D :D :D
@cl-netbox :P
@cl-netbox hahah
@cl-netbox Hehe, somehow I doubt I can call myself "Denver Scripting King"
5:17 PM
@Serg Me NOT ! :D I'm in quite a good mood today as it seems - right @Hizqeel ? :D
@cl-netbox yes very good mood :P :P by controllering your frustration with Ubuntu User questions :D
very hmmm
trump's talking about building railroads? who is going to own these railroads?
@Hizqeel Yeah ... quite tough sometimes ... :D
5:19 PM
also, if we the people have rights now, can I get rid of NSA spying?
IS America not safe yet? that he is repeating that again and again
@cl-netbox :D
@KazWolfe AFAIK , the railroads , at least in Colorado, were loosing business
also, trump's going to bring back factory jobs.
hmm, i see a lot of problems with that.
We could need proper railways here too...
first off, corporations do whatever is cheapest. They went offshore because it's cheap.
5:21 PM
Deutsche Bahn is unreliable as hell.
The speech definitely is to excite the people, which it does. A few of his phrases sound pretty good. But we shall see how much weight and facts is in those words
thereby, bringing back factories to the US is a huge cost to corporations, which will be passed on to the consumer.
everything we buy that's US-made is about to become much more expensive.
@KazWolfe Wasn't it you who once said : I'll leave this room whenever someone uses this "T" word and never will come back ? :D :D :D
@cl-netbox We don't speak about that anymore.
@KazWolfe hahaha :)
5:22 PM
Also, what about jobs lost by Walmart or other local corporations? Why is nobody caring about that? Are we going to ban Amazon because it cuts out a lot of lower-class retail jobs?
are we getting rid of factory automation because a single machine can do the work of many humans?
Man Christ Jesus ? wat ?
Probably not. I guess Trump loves money well too much for that.
and that's why i don't get why he's saying any of this.
Also, what's with all the prayers ? Like every single speaker is reading prayers
Obviously he is a Businessmen first
5:24 PM
He's a businessman, he's going to make the best economic decisions for Trump Industries?
So... why would he bring things back to America as a businessman if it costs him far more?
@KazWolfe I think only he himself knows what he's saying ... :)
@Serg And no muslim priests. Hmm....
@KazWolfe No
And no Satanist priests, and no <insert religion here>
@KazWolfe yup . . . intentionally trolling Obama
5:26 PM
the only hope I have for trump right now is that he actually does fulfill the promise he made to rebuild infrastructure.
I'd love to have a Buddhist president, tbh. It's not like religion, really, but still most sensible beliefs system
Rebuilding the power grid, internet, etc.
@Serg pls, satanism is better.
The twin daemons of Logic and Reason.
does Trump know what infrastructure is?
@KazWolfe It's pretty good, but it's too hot in hell. I'm not sure if I like that
5:28 PM
@Serg ... not that satanism. the "edgy atheism to make a point" satanism
@KazWolfe Ah . . .I thought we're talking about goat-sacrifice type of satanism . . .
I've never heard a speech with more conflicts.
oh, hi.
,,,conflicting statements.
Maybe the weight of the jog might bring him to reality.
He was speaking campaign mode when he should have been speaking in a mode of solidarity. It was alright for him to speak of what he wants to do, but it was so wrong for him to blast how ""no good" and "selfish" the previous administrations has always been. He not only blasted the Democrats, but his own party too.
5:33 PM
@Serg i mean, that works, but Logic and Reason are (imo) better gods to worship than any religious deity. Even more so if you use the "satanic" name to annoy all the bible-belt worshippers wanting to bring prayer back into the classroom, with after-school bible study. or prayers before town hall meetings.
@L.D.James Yeah, it seems so.
Amen :P
like i said, his only hope of redemption right now would be to actually rebuild American infrastructure.
I have hope that he will wake up and change for the good. There's a good chance, the weight of the office which turned Obama so grey in 8 years, will change him.
Seriously, the American power grid is horribly inefficient and outdated. And let's not even talk about internet.
5:35 PM
@KazWolfe I'm not the type to fight religious debates and such, but bringing in religion into classroom is against constitution, no ?
(I mean, any Trump internet rebuilds would all physically pass through the NSA, but meh.
@Serg Doesn't matter, people still want it. But yes.
And that's why this little branch of satanism exists, to argue against that.
@KazWolfe I really don't agree with that. First of all because you're using the word worship and that defeats the whole argument. As soon as "worship" comes into it, logic and reason both go out the window. Even if they are the subject of worship.
And satanism is many things, including an actual religion, I think, but it is no more rational or closer to logic than any other form of worshipping a non-existant deity.
@terdon true, poor word choice, but still. get rid of worship, you get rid of lots of issues.
Well said, terdon
5:37 PM
@terdon and a few things go by that name, but most people referring to it are referring to the edgy brand of atheism that shares that name.
i need coffee.
Or, at least, get rid of organized religion. If you want to worship by yourself, go for it. Just stop building hierarchical structures around your belief system.
and don't shove it down people's throats. Especially your own children's.
Is this what you were referring to @KazWolfe?
The Satanic Temple is an American political activist organization based in Salem, Massachusetts with several chapter groups throughout the country, the largest of which is in Detroit, Michigan. The group utilizes Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice and the separation of church and state. Their stated mission is "to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people". The group was co-founded by Lucien Greaves, the organization's spokesperson, and Malcolm Jarry. The organization actively participates in public affairs that have manifested in several public political actions...
@terdon basically.
athiesm + satire
I've never heard of them before, if so, and I doubt that's what "most people" think of. Sounds like a small, regional thing. US only.
5:40 PM
WTF altera ? O.o I entered wrong password and you give me page in japanese ?
@Serg Maybe it was the right password, but for user KyotoSerg87
@terdon yeah, sounds about right. clarification, then. most people who i regularly talk to.
^_^' what is the probability of that , huh ?
It's kinda sad moment to see Obamas leave
yeah, the obama admin wasn't bad.
but it wasn't really good, either, unfortunately,
especially obama's entire enabling and strengthening of the NSA.
Obama was good for work unity.
5:44 PM
part of me wants to see what /pol/ is doing right now.
but it's a bit early to deal with that.
I hope Trump simmers down and start thinking about respect for the whole world also... I hope he respect the treaties that has been built and strengthen them.
So, here's a question: with 500,000 people watching live on Youtube @ 1080p, how many GB/sec is Google's outbound bandwidth?
@AndroidDev you don't need that much, with CDNs at edge points.
Obama wasn't ideal, made some mistakes - sure. Though when he started, he inherited country not in its best state
5:45 PM
Not everyone is streaming from the same network.
@cl-netbox I have installed the windows 10 on a new parrtition.
And I am going to go get a coffee before I get irrationally angry at a few AU users for no particular immediate reason.
@UbuntuUser good :)
@Serg Didn't Obama have to retake the oath the first time?
Because he messed it up?
@AndroidDev oh, I don't remember.
5:48 PM
sudo poweroff ... goodbye everyone ! :)
Good night !
Yes. I believe he repeated words from the oath, but the words given was slightly different. The Oath is a very important part of the process, so it had to be done again to be perfect.
@cl-netbox \> not doing sudo init 0
@Serg Thanks ... same to you ! :)
5:49 PM
@cl-netbox Take care Bye :)
@Hizqeel All the best for you ... see you tomorrow ! :)
@KazWolfe no ... I won't ... see you :! :)
Some professor just now walked in past me, and went into side lab. Like , excuse me, can you at least say hi ?
lower your expectations...
I only skimmed through the question, but it looks like somebody is about to accidentally create a honeypot... askubuntu.com/q/874244/367990
6:05 PM
@ByteCommander eh, it looks relatively safe.
sure? "PHP" and "adduser" rang some alarm bells for me...
In that case nvm...
@ByteCommander with an evil reply
see my reply :P
key word being relatively.
this can definitely go downhill fast but i'll answer.
@ThomasWard NAA?
already nuked my reply
hey @ThomasWard, does <center> work?
6:09 PM
don't think so
@ByteCommander That's a pretty good question though. I'm surprised it hasn't been upvoted by anyone else. It explains what the OP needs, shows that he's done his homework and has tried to find a solution. Yes, php is bad and the objective is probably a very bad idea and all that, but it's still a decent question.
Hmm... one can also see it that way.
Probably I just have too low skills in that area to recognize it as such.
Well, you can see that the OP put effort into the question and that's really all that's relevant when voting.
check my comment there, though
@terdon @ByteCommander They don't need to lock individual users into individual dirs if they only get the WP interface
they can just create dedicated dirs, under something like /srv/hosting/[USERNAME]/... for the data templates, etc.
6:12 PM
@ThomasWard Yes, of course. I'm not saying the OP's approach is a good one. just that the question is.
which saves them evils.
And what you're saying sounds like a good answer.
@terdon If they say "That's a good idea how do I do that" I will answer
but if they intentionally don't want to do that, I want to know
I'm just pointing out that even a question asking for shooting yourself in the foot can be a good question if it is well expressed and has had some research go into it.
just kidding :)
6:14 PM
what did i do this time?
@KazWolfe you sat on my box of chocolates.
now I cannot consume them
no, seriously.
they were really expensive imported chocolates too.
@KazWolfe discord
6:41 PM
Rinzy! o/
oh, rinzwind is here. hi rinzwind.
@Rinzwind Have you listened to Nemesea yet? They're Dutch btw.
yes sir!
hey, @L.D.James, just wanted to give you a heads up that the apache install for some of your A3 servers are really old and have a few nasty vulnerabilities that can be used against them.
6:51 PM
time for Youjo Senki
7:09 PM
@KazWolfe Thanks. Some of them are test servers. I would be curious to the address of the problematic server you see and a reference to the vulnerability.
@L.D.James www.apollo3.com
one of which being CVE-2014-0226
Thanks. I'll look into it.
and CVE-2014-0117, but neither of these may apply, but it's still best to upgrade.
if you give me a list of your servers I'll Nessus scan them for vulns :P
otherwise I'll just sit here quietly.
@L.D.James ^
why do you have nessus?
7:13 PM
@KazWolfe because I routinely use it to offsite-scan my own servers and one of my employers' web facing things for vulns?
it's also good as a "rogue system" discovery tool
but why nessus instead of FOSS utils?
@KazWolfe because i have a higher grade license for it that I paid $0 for that integrates with Metasploit?
stallman is displeased.
@KazWolfe considering i got a $6k license for pretty much free... :P
7:16 PM
Bikers for Trump O.o ?
So, I'm still watching the livestream and they're showing interviews from different people
So they showed a group of bikers who're there in DC
I wouldn't expect bikers to support Trump, and yet it exists
@KazWolfe Thanks again! I've been kind of slow upgrading that server. I"ll step up the priority and get it done ASAP.
@Seth oh god
@L.D.James glad i could be of assistance
yes me
HTis I will take to chat
If you can call it jiberish
having confidence has been interpreted as Arrogance for too long
Just to assimilate the individuals to a system developed by dead philosophers
Who didn't giuva a damn but their own knowledge
Rants and confidence are slightly different
But what I mean is when a person is speaking with confidence about his/her ideas
They are called arrogants
Because this doesn't copmply to the chess game of society
Everybody has to be a pawn
7:58 PM
I'm going to flag his other new answer as spam
Or whatever counts as abusing the system
why don't you use the off topic flag instead ?
That I ca unsderstand
Cause' AU is not for code names
Gnome-shell is a whole disto with UBuntu Gnoma
and that's what I tell you that arose this confusion here at AU and TAGS
Do you still call it non-sense
I have a good question for mETA
then post it
Q: Are questions in other language other than English accepted in AU?

userdepthSo we know the term language barrier but.. Ubuntu lets anyone install the system in different languages. So in the support channel Forum or AU we get problems maybe prolonged by Image based technical quickies to install Ubuntu. But here we want to learn and support, so should we tell users to w...

there is it
and why not Gnobuntu ?....
I'm still watching the stream, and they do way too many prayers
Prayers during inaguration, prayers before luncheon, and now after luncheon
8:08 PM
@ThatBrazilianGuy The new president and congress
@Serg Of...?
@ThatBrazilianGuy the US . . . It's the inauguration day
I'd also pray if I just had made Trump president...
@ByteCommander lol
May <insert preferred deity here> protect America from itself.
8:10 PM
@ByteCommander you have two mays there
oh, oops.
technically I'm supposed to be an example of not getting into politics so..
too late to english
Q: Are questions in other language other than English accepted in AU?

userdepthSo we know the term language barrier but.. Ubuntu lets anyone install the system in different languages. So in the support channel Forum or AU we get problems maybe prolonged by Image based technical quickies to install Ubuntu. But here we want to learn and support, so should we tell users to w...

@AskUbuntuMeta No.
8:14 PM
@ThomasWard :D :D :D
@Fabby grammar improvements. minor , but still improvement
@ByteCommander Zeus! Jupiter! Amon-RA!
@Fabby Cthulhu !
:D That's a cosmic entity! Not a god!
8:21 PM
Well . . . that exists . . .
I like the description
:) I asked him what his favourite god was...
He replied Chtulhu...
I told him that was not a god...
He insisted...
Didn't know what is was about.
and then was amazed it made it all the way through the approval process! :) ;)
(I guess no one in the approval process (3 directors) ever read H.P. Lovecraft. ) @Serg
Welcome back, @NathanOsman
hello, Nathan.
8:27 PM
How is everyone today?
Apart from the obvious events.
@Fabby Or maybe they have read it and thought the idea was awesome :)
You mean: having had a few drinks on a Friday evening???
@Serg then they would have commented something more awesome...
(only one did comment)
@NathanOsman waiting for my coworker to cover his partner's lunch and then show up to cover mine
Just watching the inauguration
no sit on snek either
8:30 PM
There they go again... Puppies next!
Fair enough.
and no snack snek
user image
@Serg That was over hours ago...
8:31 PM
I'm not much of a pretzel guy anyway.
I watched it live...
I'd run in the opposite direction if I was that woman...
@Fabby Well, I'm watching the continuation of it. They're reviewing the troops right now
There's guys in 1700s costumes . . .
Like, seriously ?
@Serg dem larpers
8:34 PM
Inauguration Fact: An inauguration of a president is the first step in the impeachment process #InaugurationDay
Ah . . well . . .
also i'm pretty sure the troops review don't include the idiot privates stuck cleaning toilets for wearing their shoes on the wrong feet.
@NathanOsman :D :D :D Starred!
so what happens if trump doesn't like a soldier? does he like yell "stop!" and point at someone, saying "you, yes, you! you're fired!"
Totally could happen, as he is commander in chief now
8:39 PM
The President shouldn't be treated like a dictator.
He should be on the ground shaking hands and kissing babies.
@NathanOsman He shouldn't be a dictator. But it gets closer with every president.
Well, yeah.
Well, if anything , I'm just watching the whole thing , since I haven't been watching the "broadcast" type of TV in a while. Current events and such. Whether or not the new president will walk the talk, so to speak, we shall see.
It's a parade and holiday and such
@KazWolfe I don't see Donald Trump yelling "you're fired" at a soldier as he's not his apprentice...
@KazWolfe I suppose everything is 404ing by now...
8:48 PM
actually the entire whitehouse page is busted right now
Q: How specific are duplicates?

userdepthHow are questions "related" enough to become duplicates ? I made this question Accepting questions in other languages An it is being marked as duplicate but I find that it is not. I'm asking about accepting answer and the duplicate is about handling.

links to things like https://edit-45.whitehouse.gov are all over the place.
I swear , people in this building have no idea about manners it seems
It's like already 3rd person just walking in and doing what they want, instead of just coming over to me and say like "Hi, I'm . . . and here to . . ."
3 hours ago, by Byte Commander
lower your expectations...

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