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4:00 PM
rPi glass: (similar to google glass, just a tad bulkier)
4:11 PM
Yay for doing server upgrades on a holiday :)
@Bob XD
4:23 PM
@Bob What's so unclear about me dreaming?
@Boris_yo Work in government. That's what I do
Full time pay, part time hours :)
@CanadianLuke huh? how?
I am paid to be here for only 35 hours / week, and FT is 40
@Bob you still there?
4:27 PM
And, being IT, if everything is working properly, I don't need to be here all day
@CanadianLuke o_O
That's what my boss tells me, and that's what my co-workers (the other IT guys) tell me
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda3
smartctl 6.2 2013-04-20 r3812 [x86_64-linux-3.11.0-12-generic] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
# 1  Short offline       Interrupted (host reset)      60%      3936         -
# 2  Short offline       Completed without error       00%      2309         -
Someone help explain me this:
what if something breaks while you're in your car on the way home?
I ran this on my Windows hardisk partition to get the SMART data out of it, as asked by @Bob
@psycogeek ^
4:32 PM
@DemCodeLines I don't think it's very complicated to explain. Your disk self-diagnosed itself and determined that it's failing. If it's doing that in the short test, it's pretty much toast. Replace the disk.
you've got to be kidding me
I already replaced this computer's hard disk once
This is a second one and now this is also going?
@DemCodeLines Disks fail. Expect it. Deal with it. Recover what you can while you can.
^^^^ what he said
Though, it would help to view the detailed report (I think it was either -H or -a).
I find that WD drives last the longest, and there was a report that also proved it online somewhere
4:34 PM
No. I'm not kidding you. Replace the disk. The short test is not very rigorous, which means that if the short test fails, the disk is pretty hosed. The short test is more likely to pass (i.e., report that everything is fine), even if something is wrong. If the short test fails, you KNOW it's toast.
@CanadianLuke I thought it was Hitachi? :P
But everyone has their anecdotes of success or failure with a given brand.
Funny @Bob :P And Seagate was rated number 2
It's difficult to find a consistent pattern.
how old is this disk?
two years
4:36 PM
two years is on the low end of the life expectancy of a disk, but I wouldn't call it unusual that a disk would die after two years.
Got the laptop in 2010, replaced disk in 2012 and now it's almost 2 years
basically a disk dying in two years is akin to someone dying at the age of 60
not very old, but ... kinda
I have a desktop that's been running fine since 2008
I have an IDE 20GB disk that's been running since 99 :P Maxtor!
@DemCodeLines Laptop disks are even more likely to die.
Especially if you're rough with it.
That said, I've only ever had one disk fail, and that was a portable HDD that was physically damaged.
4:38 PM
@Bob or if the cooling is abysmal
I expect my laptop's one to give out soon, though.
cold vs. hot disks don't fail that much more often, but extremely hot disks drop off a cliff as far as failure rates
@Bob Not sure how to do that
@DemCodeLines smartctl -a /dev/disk? I mean, just how precise do you need the instructions? -_-
> If the device reports failing health status, this means either that the device has already failed, or that it is predicting its own failure within the next 24 hours. If this happens, use the '-a' option to get more information, and get your data off the disk and to someplace safe as soon as you can.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ smartctl -a /dev/sda3
smartctl 6.2 2013-04-20 r3812 [x86_64-linux-3.11.0-12-generic] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Smartctl open device: /dev/sda3 failed: Permission denied
4:40 PM
@CanadianLuke Sounds like half-passive salary
@DemCodeLines Run it with sudo.
@Boris_yo Kinda. But we're also expected to be on call sometimes, if there's a major issue. But the rarity of an issue is nice
@Bob though, in practice, if you took the platters themselves out and installed them perfectly in a same-model unit with the same firmware, there's a good chance the platters would be "happy" and maybe even run fine for a long time... definitely long enough to recover the data
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda3
smartctl 6.2 2013-04-20 r3812 [x86_64-linux-3.11.0-12-generic] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Device Model:     Hitachi HTS545032B9SA00
Serial Number:    101119PBN3084TGB0MRS
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 66fc50278
Firmware Version: PB3OC64G
User Capacity:    320,072,933,376 bytes [320 GB]
Sector Size:      512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate:    5400 rpm
platters-themselves failing is rather unlikely
4:42 PM
@allquixotic Not even.
Alignment issues.
> Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 096 096 005 Pre-fail Always - 0
It's done.
Toss it out.
so the hard disk is done?
@allquixotic Looks like high temps weren't an issue here (44 peak).
@DemCodeLines Ya. Shit happens. Treat your next one nicer, or get a SSD.
And, sometimes, you're just unlucky.
My disks last a long time when I tuck them in to their own bed... JK JK
I had a Hitachi fail in a ThinkPad. High quality brands, and it STILL failed. Shit happens.
4:47 PM
if it can happen to a (pre-Lenovo) ThinkPad, it can happen to anyone
Q: Copy user accounts

lastprimeIn Win7 is there a way to easily copy a set of user accounts from one system to the other? I am having 15 laptops and I need to set up >50 users and gropus on each of them all having different privileges. For each laptop its the exact same set of users / groups. How can I do this without manual...

SSD's are incredibly expensive
@DemCodeLines But more reliable for most everyday uses
it's like $100 for 100 gigs, or probably more
Once you go SSD, you don't go back. If you're cheap, just get a 120GB SSD for Windows and your programs, then get two inexpensive hard drives for doing a mirror on.
4:49 PM
@DemCodeLines for laptops they're a much more reliable bet, because they are more or less indifferent to being bumped, dropped, moved while running, etc. -- it takes a much larger amount of force to break an SSD
also, performance
yes, but it's way too much money
for too little space
I don't use my laptop for surfing, I have tons of stuff on it and will always have it. I can't just put everything on an external HDD and have nothing on the laptop.
Then use the cloud, or setup your own server
!! s/loud/butt/
@Bob Then use the cbutt, or setup your own server (source)
4:52 PM
@DemCodeLines then you pretty much have to just get another HDD
@Bob I don't get the cloud to butt reference
Don't worry @allquixotic, no one does...
W: Failed to fetch http://mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/mirror/debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/binary‌​-amd64/Packages Something wicked happened resolving 'mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca:http' (-11 - System error)
Go Debian Upgrades!
I'll BRB
@Bob does that test mean that the partition on which Windows is installed is corrupted?
5:11 PM
Yay... Grub doesn't work anymore! Any experts on Grub Recovery here?
@DemCodeLines The partition may be fine, depending how the disk is damaged. Point is, copy all the stuff you can off it first
Doing that now, should I just reinstall windows on it?
If you are tryign to recover data, STOP USING THE DRIVE IMMEDIATELY
I know, I meant after I backup everything
should I just re-format it and re-install Win 8.1 on it?
If the disk is failing, it's only going to get worse. Don't bother using it once you get your data
I'll BRB, gonna try to fix the bootloader on the server
Does AHK normally associate with .ahk files and add context menus?..
I don't get this...
5:25 PM
@DemCodeLines After you have all the data off it, check if the data is fine (e.g. browse though pictures, see if they are fine. etc etc). Then hit the disk several times with a hammer.
Download and install AutoHotkey.
Right-click an empty spot on your desktop or in a folder of your choice.
In the menu that appears, select New -> AutoHotkey Script.
Type a name for the file, ensuring that it ends in .ahk. For example: Test.ahk.
Right-click the file and choose Edit Script.
On a new blank line, type the following: #space::Run www.google.com.
Save and close the file.
Double-click the file to launch it. A new icon appears in the taskbar notification area.
I don't get the context menu they describe at step two. And I don't get the New -> AudoHotkey Script option. And double clicking one of these files .ahk doesn't run anything.
Can someone help?...
I do get the green H icon in the system tray.
Does AHK come in portable version?... maybe it's not the installed one...
I have AutoHotkey111403_x64.zip unpacked and then there's a AutoHotkey.exe inside.
Yay!! So it is!...
I got the portable version..
If I go to that site I get a `AutoHotkey111403_Install.exe`.
I assumed that you also got that one, downloaded it and installed it.
@Hennes Yes, that's the one I got now. After scratching my head there for a while and thinking "what the hell are they talking about". :)
@Hennes All good now. Thanks anyway.
MyClip := ClipboardAll
clipboard = ; empty the clipboard
Send, ^c
Run google.com/#hl=en&q=%clipboard%
Clipboard := MyClip
Nice little script that does a Google search for a given text term from anywhere in Windows where you can select text (or do copy and paste).
Q: Is it possible to add Google Search to all Windows context menus?

MihaiBasically, I'd like to select some text in Notepad, Word, my RSS reader, what-have-you, and be able to lookup that phrase in Google. Are there any utilities that allow me to do that?

Unfortunately, this does not directly address the OP's original question, but it's a neat solution.
5:50 PM
@Hennes well...
And no, do not literally do that. Though it drives home the point.
@Bob To buy a new one? That's the solution you suggest?
6:06 PM
Or find out why the first ones failed before plugging in a third.
As mentioned, extreme heat is one possible cause. Rough treatment is another. And 'rough' can be as simple as moving a laptop while the disk is powered on. Or clicking on [sleep] and then putting it in a bag without waiting for the OS and the disk to spin down.
As for SSDs: Heck yes, they are expensive. But the price is dropping fast
I recently got a 120GB SSD for abot Eur 100 (same price as 2TB 3.5Inch disk)
And 120GB is more than I should ever need in a laptop
Anyone have experience (or better Googling skills) for getting Grub2 installed in a CHROOT environment, when the error mentions "embedding is not possible. grub can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are unreliable and their use is discouraged"?
@CanadianLuke wait, what?
Is /boot mounted in that chrooted environment ?
why are you trying to install grub2 in a chroot? chroot has no concept of a boot system
chroot (alone) is a terrible method of virtualization, if that's what you're trying to do
Yes, it is. I tried doing the apt-get dist-upgrade, and apparently, Grub didn't install or it didn't install correctly. When it reboots, it just says 'GRUB' in the top left corner. I'm on a live disk now
6:16 PM
oh, i see what you're trying to do -- well, the way I'd do it is, first get out of the chroot, then mount your boot volume under /mnt/somewhere, then run grub-install with the --root-directory parameter
> # mke2fs /dev/fd0
# mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/boot
# grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/fd0
# umount /mnt
just replace fd0 with whatever your block device for the boot volume is
I'm on a live disk... grub-install doesn't exist here yet
@CanadianLuke it "doesn't exist"? what kind of a "live disk" is this that doesn't even have grub-install?
Debian Live 7.0
the Fedora live CD, the Ubuntu live CD, the OpenSUSE live CD, every single one I've ever used, has grub-install out of the box
just use a recent Ubuntu live CD, like 14.04, since the Grub version should be about the same
Found grub-installer, trying that and going to reboot
6:25 PM
All these newfangled bootloaders like GRUB. What is wrong with old fashioned LILO?
What's wrong with telling me if something won't work before I reboot it? :(
At least let me type something at the GRUB thing when it reboots...
@CanadianLuke there isn't enough space in an MBR partition's boot sector to program an interactive shell of any description
once boot loaders finally drop all MBR support and explicitly require UEFI/GPT, they might be able to create a proper boot loader with a GUI and USB keyboard/mouse support and much more robust features
but for the time being they are required to suck because of restrictions from the 1980s
That sucks... I don't have any MBR partitions though, i don't think. it's a GPT disk
that's also why grub is so unreliable -- it has to store enough info in the boot sector to know where to look on your disk for the stage 2 files, which are in essence, extra code taken from your /boot filesystem that gives GRUB its full feature-set
@CanadianLuke doesn't matter, GRUB's UEFI support is designed around the legacy MBR restrictions
6:36 PM
anyone is free to write a new, open source, multiboot loader that is about as featureful as a modern UEFI BIOS screen (mouse, clicky buttons, etc), but it won't work on pre-UEFI systems
I'd rather have the OPTION
I think most non-PC people already did that.
Just flash the program into the firmware.
(No ancient BIOS)
SU is having an election?
6:43 PM
10 positions available?
very cool. I thought you guys decided previously not to have another mod election because you had enough mods? that has changed? (I'm not accusing anything, just asking because I don't understand what's up)
@CanadianLuke I thought it was nominees.. but something's wrong with that.
yay everyone gets a mod!
@Sathya heh, I'm pretty sure SU doesn't need ten new moderators ;) someone must have keyed in the wrong value
it should be like, 2 or 3, correct?
@allquixotic most of us have had our RL duties gone up a notch; flag handling time's increased
plus one's stepping down
6:46 PM
who's stepping down? :(
@jokerdino he stepped down long ago..
ah, yeah. I rarely see or hear from Troggy
@Sathya oops
it's not right Ask Ubuntu has more mods than SU.
I see at least 2-3 mod posts up for grab, which should settle the matter.
6:49 PM
I'm definitely going to run, but the primary reason why I want to run is that I want to give some people, who will probably be a "lock" to get elected, some competition -- so that they can't just write "hi, I'm awesome, I have a bazillion rep, elect me"
JMG maybe?
maybe? I think he's guaranteed
if there's only one mod position I won't bother to run because there's no way it won't be him
expecting @Canadian & @Jour to nominate
but he's been a puppy since becoming softrec mod
@jokerdino he was already a puppy
6:52 PM
@Sathya I am more excited about SU election than our parliamentary now
@jokerdino :D
so 2 new Moderators it is
@Sathya it's almost like it is posing for the shot.
Wait, does Ivo have his birthday on April 20th?
@slhck yep. (had)
That's the same day as me. Creepy.
6:54 PM
@slhck O-o
happy belated birthday :D
@Sathya Well technically he has it every year :P
@Sathya Thanks :D
@slhck lol
what's with 4/20 everyone?
Happy belated birthday anyway @slhck
6:55 PM
@jokerdino Thank you! :P
@jokerdino A very famous (if not the most famous) Austrian was also born on that day.
@slhck his name begins with A and ends in dolf....
Hitler. Confirmed.
Now I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing.
Eh, nothing to brag about really.
7:10 PM
Is there any way to create a portable version of Windows 8.
I have divided my hard disk into two partitions with primary Windows on one partition and the second partition for backup files in case the other partition crashes.
Is there any way I can configure it so I can boot into that backup partition in case my primary partition crashes?
@DemCodeLines if you're still using that broken hard drive -- worrying about "partitions" crashing is not logical; if one partition ends up unbootable, it's extremely likely that the other will soon follow.
a disk doesn't fail one partition at a time.
the physical disk knows nothing about partitions or any other software abstraction.
Right, but I can't just put away the laptop until I order a HDD online and it arrives.
@DemCodeLines your best bet to get a stable system in the mean time is to install Windows directly onto a thumb drive or external hard drive -- it won't be fast, but it will work reliably
even if you had ten installations of windows on your dying hard drive, all ten of them could very plausibly "crash" within the span of a few hours on a dying disk
or the disk itself could just fail outright, in which case you'd have nothing
what the heck
I mean, if this is your only computer, and you need a computer that will work until your HDD gets to you, you need a stable disk subsystem on which to depend
a dying disk that fails a SMART test is not stable by any stretch of the imagination
if you have no external media at all -- no bootable Linux live DVDs; no thumb drives; no external hard drives; no other computers; no nothing -- then that's your first mistake; everyone should have at least one of those
I have a credit card in my wallet that boots Linux, even... slow, but works as a fallback of last resort
7:22 PM
how the heck does a credit card boot linux?
I have all those tools. This is not my only computer, but its the main one. I could use a linux live cd
But that would really halt all the productivity for me.
@DemCodeLines it's a very small version of a thumb drive with a USB connector
@DemCodeLines but you'd have a web browser with the internet, which is more than what you'll have if you keep trying to use that dying disk
yeah true i guess
why can't there be a windows live cd
@DemCodeLines there's this, but it requires a license of Windows 8 Enterprise
if you're somehow able to get a license of Windows 8(.1) Enterprise, you can flash a Windows To Go on a thumb drive... but I'd advise doing that from one of your other computers that isn't dying, because it requires a lot of I/O to do it
Can't I create a DVD of it instead of USB drive?
@DemCodeLines no, because Windows requires instant access to a writable persistent storage partition, which is only practical on a flash drive or external hard drive... in other words, the time it would take to even change one byte on a DVD is like 60+ seconds because the "burning" process is slow and inflexible, so they can't be used like that
Windows can't run on a read-only partition, in other words, and DVDs are essentially that
7:31 PM
lol can I use my phone as a Windows to Go device?
I mean, it has an 32gig SD card
How does Ubuntu Live CD work then?
@DemCodeLines Ubuntu isn't Windows, and it's designed differently... it does some magic with partition mounts and having a RAM disk (using RAM as read-write storage, though it's non-persistent) for your user data
if they redesigned Windows, I'm sure they could get it working as a Live CD, but they'd have to change a lot of things
right now the only component of Windows that'll run off of a CD/DVD is the Pre-Boot Environment (PBE), which is basically a heavily cut-down Windows that contains the core OS kernel and drivers, plus an extremely limited GUI that runs either the Setup Installer or the Repair stuff (recovery console, etc)
the PBE can't run arbitrary programs though because the full Win32 subsystem isn't present
that's why recovery cd's are possible
@DemCodeLines Right.
Can I put Windows to Go on my phone's SD Card?
@DemCodeLines probably, if your phone mounts as a Mass Storage Device
actually, if your phone's SD card is exposed as a mass storage device, you should be able to just install regular old windows on it
7:42 PM
But will I be able to boot off it?
Just connect the phone using usb and boot off it?
@DemCodeLines again, if it mounts as a mass storage device, yes... but if your phone is Android 4.0+, they removed that
Yeah, it's 4.0+
Then SD card?
@DemCodeLines Android 4.0 (and all later versions) removed the capability to mount the phone's NAND or the SD card as a mass storage device; they use different USB classes now, none of which are bootable
I mean I have 27gb free
on the sd card
if you disapprove, go look on the android bug tracker for thousands of people complaining about it and Google not giving a shit
be sure to bring popcorn
7:45 PM
Yeah I know a little about it
8:18 PM
20 minutes and no nominations. tch, tch
@slhck Yeah just like that other famous Austrian :P
So @slhck had his birthday yesterday as well?
darn the stats page is slow: elections.stackexchange.com/#superuser
He hasn't spotted @allquixotic his nomination yet
@allquixotic Good luck! :D
I'm not very sportsmanlike. :-(
8:24 PM
I'll be voting for you
(I get to, right?)
nor am I a copy-editor, which would surely disappoint everyone who's seen my Wikipedia articles
@Undo lol, sure :D
as long as it's not a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" just because I voted for you before
@allquixotic But you do have tick all the other boxes
I don't have 20k on SU either, but I have 20k and some change network-wide
You might be right that mods are less active during the hours you are
I'll make sure to vote; won't nominate myself, too busy and haven't been active at all. I'd rather nominate myself for lurker or slacker; dunno, whatever fits better.
8:26 PM
since our US mods seem rather busy
I can declare you a slacker without an election @TomWijsman ;)
@IvoFlipse I tend to do a lot of SU in the late afternoon US time, which is approximately when Oli is drunk and slhck is sleeping ;-)
only half-kidding about Oli being drunk, too :D
I must have instinctively felt an election coming on, because for the past 2 to 3 months I've been investing more and more time into meta and moderation (moderation as in, voting and flagging) and relatively less of my free time into answering questions
@allquixotic well good timing then :)
Did Evan really have to do that? Again?!?
@IvoFlipse Yes. Always.
It isn't a SE election without the ever-outspoken Mr. Carroll. I think it's funny. There is zero chance he'll get elected.
I think if the SE folks didn't have a sense of humor, they'd have canned him long ago -- permanently, site-wide, etc.
9:10 PM
in The Comms Room, 56 mins ago, by Wesley
@HopelessN00b If you auto-migrated all SuperUser content to /r/sysadmin, the denizens of Reddit would think "Man, where are all these hardcore geeks coming from. This stuff is tough."
@allquixotic can I has moderator status
> 723
I am not a rep whore
talk to the cat, bub.
9:12 PM
in The Comms Room, 1 hour ago, by HopelessN00b
I'm tempted to run on a platform of bringing the surly cruelty of ServerFault to SuperUser, just to see how musch support that idea would get.
9:48 PM
He's getting my vote (if I have one).
The question is... what is the question?
@sammyg first time connecting to your server?
@PatoSáinz Yes, that is correct.
SSH server on my local router.
@sammyg There are no questions, only options.
@MichaelFrank Exactly! That's the joke...
9:54 PM
@sammyg it's just the first time PuTTY sees the fingerprint on the server, which just identifies that the machine is actually who is it claiming to be
if it's the first time and you trust the machine, click yes
you'd have to worry if the fingerprint changes without your knowledge nor any modification from you
look at me, helping lusers
@PatoSáinz Sounds like someones been reading the ModElection thread too much.
@MichaelFrank i'm gonna be a mod lol
9:57 PM
@PatoSáinz Pretty sure you have to nominate yourself first...
You can't have Yes/No options when it's not a question. "Trust once" / "Trust and remember" / "Cancel" would be more appropriate. Or even having three statements like that but with radio buttons and a single OK button at the bottom.
But on the other hand.... if you want to confuse users... and make them read that ALERT message two or three times before they answer... then sure... you do that.
@sammyg ssh in a terminal is way more simple
"wanna trust XXXXXXXXXX fingerprint: y/n"
@PatoSáinz Amen!
@PatoSáinz "helping lusers"
Was that a mistype? Or am I missing something?...
SVensson's ITS on KLH-10      Welcome to SV! SV ITS.1648. PWORD.2660. TTY 11 2. Lusers, Fair Share = 2% * Classical use of "luser" at the ITS login screen In Internet slang, a luser (sometimes expanded to local user; also luzer or luzzer) is a painfully annoying, stupid, or irritating computer user. The word is a portmanteau of "loser" and "user". In hackish, the word luser takes on a broad meaning, referring to any normal user (in other words "not a guru"), with the implication the person is also a loser. The term is interchangeable with the hackish t...
10:07 PM
> a luser (sometimes expanded to local user; also luzer or luzzer) is a painfully annoying, stupid, or irritating computer user.
Yea... Let's not use this term again! ^_^
@MichaelFrank SU so touchy-feely
I use luser as "local user" rather than looser but whatever lol
@MichaelFrank SU needs someone with SF's iron fist... @Hopelessn00b
@PatoSáinz Oh my... I've never been called that before.
@sammyg I still lurv you
10:19 PM
"It can also signify a layman with only user account privileges, as opposed to a power user or administrator, who have knowledge of, and access to, superuser accounts."
@PatoSáinz I have a superuser account! :o
Oh dear
So it doesn't apply to me! :)
Q: HP 8570p - connecting two monitors

DanielThanks for this help. I am NOT using a docking station. I have VGA out to Dell monitor 2007FPb and then DVI-D from first monitor to second monitor: Dell E1910. The VGA works fine. Second monitor - E1910 gives message that NO-DVI-D cable. Huh? Cable is plugged in. Is my cable bad?

@JourneymanGeek It's a valid question. Might be a good time for a thunderbolt/display port/daisy chaining lesson :P
I had a user do the exact same thing recently.
@Jou throw something like this in there:
Meh I would but answering on a phone is crap :p
10:32 PM
Would something like a VGA/DVI switch solve this?
He essentially needs another graphics output
@JourneymanGeek How does the adapter that Michael posted work? Is that like a small graphics adapter?
Pretty much.
Over USB. The USB 2.0 models are supposed to have terribad performance though
Q: Can I use openwrt on non wireless machine?

mm1I own tiny mini-itx pc, which I want to use as home router & server (samba, cups, torrent etc.). It dosen't have wireless card, whole network is wired only. Can I use OpenWRT x86 for this?

This guy hasn't taken any advice on board at all. He got his answer then "NOPED" at any other suggestions.
@Sathya Added my hat to the ring
10:46 PM
Ugh... I just realised why I'm so tired. I woke up exactly half way through a sleep cycle. -_-
@CanadianLuke Totally just ninja'd a late answer review for that 'thanks' post you just commented on. :P

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