Sep 18, 2024 13:11
@ohno I think the main point of confusion is exactly what the role and responsibilities of the "team lead" are. If it's running meetings, for example, then it's hard to imagine how this leadership change wouldn't have been noticed for months, when both of you would have been in the same meeting trying to run it. If it's more being the person that team members go to for advice and consults and leading on technical decisions, that makes a little more sense.
Sep 17, 2024 08:13
Who did the other team members think was the team lead? Were other people surprised when they found out that you were no longer the lead?
Sep 17, 2024 08:13
So when the team had meetings, who ran the meetings? When decisions were made (like "Joe, please handle bug ticket 12345") who was doing that? Or if this wasn't happening, just what does the "team lead" do at your company?? It just doesn't make sense to me that two different people really think they were "team lead" for months, or that a manager would allow that to happen.
Feb 22, 2024 01:34
@Job_September_2020 if there was any legitimate company reason to deliver something to her home address, the manager would use the information on file at the company. Clearly this is extra-curricular.
Dec 9, 2023 03:46
@Gordon do you really need an "excuse" for resigning? Can't you just resign?

 The Awkward Silence

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Aug 18, 2023 22:42
@Tinkeringbell Ok thanks, that makes sense (the STOP thing). What she actually wrote was "HOH!". She was objecting (incorrectly) to something I had done. Oh well. One minor mystery cleared up
Aug 18, 2023 20:03
@Tinkeringbell or anyone else that speaks Dutch: I got a message from a family member who has lived in Rotterdam for many, many years that was angrily taking me to task, and it started with "HOH!". It was in English but I have no clue what HOH might mean so I was wondering if it's a Dutch expression that people use in chat or email?
May 24, 2023 21:45
One thing about getting married, just thinking about it makes you really ponder "do I want to be with this person down the road". It gets rid of a tendency to drift. Unless you are stupid like I was with my first wife. And of course, there are the legal aspects, which can be pretty significant.
May 24, 2023 21:39
@AlexRobinson I think it was Gretzky who said "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
May 21, 2023 17:06
@AlexRobinson She says it's "the only means of communication I have with him". Any port in a storm. I messaged my future wife over Meetup because that was how I knew her. So it does work out sometimes.
Aug 26, 2022 16:02
@Tinkeringbell I tend to worry about the details of PST vs PDT etc because it was so critical at my last job. The whole system was really poor with how it handled dates and times so I had to do a lot of cleanup on the code. But for these meetings, it's certainly easier to just say "Pacific time" and be done with it.
Aug 25, 2022 19:59
I don't expect any answers to this, just needed to vent a little.
Aug 25, 2022 19:58
That time-specific greeting question triggered me a bit. I have some people I email with to set up appointments and such for zoom a few timezones away, and they persistently use the wrong timezone abbreviation, like "PST" when it's really PDT. I kind of just let it go and try to be general like "Pacific time" so we don't get snarled up but after spending the last few years battling times in a data logging app it drives me mildly crazy.
Aug 13, 2022 20:50
@Tinkeringbell And only way I found out was to call them at the end of the service window and the office said something like "oh yeah, looks like they aren't going to get to you".
Aug 13, 2022 20:50
@Tinkeringbell I find that the delivery services (USPS, UPS, Fedex here) are usually pretty reliable, although tracking occasionally shows interesting paths with my package going back and forth between two cities on the route. But smaller companies and independent contractors show up almost at random. I gave up on the company that delivered my oil and maintained my furnace after the THIRD time in a row they simply didn't show up.
Aug 12, 2022 16:15
and yet, wouldn't you be shocked if they actually showed up when they said they would?
Jun 10, 2022 13:37
@MiG In the particular case we are looking at right now it isn't the bank, so I think we will be ok. It's just that the bank we were dealing with was very, very inflexible. Rational discussion doesn't come into it... for this bank it was "here's our policy, done".
Jun 10, 2022 13:28
@MiG Now that I think about it, the issue may have been that she knew she could get it notarized in Holland, but our bank wasn't going to accept it. They tend to be pretty limited like nothing outside the USA exists.
Jun 10, 2022 13:26
@Mig thanks. I'll have to forward your link to my sister. I'm afraid my Dutch is pretty non-existent.
Jun 9, 2022 22:07
@Tinkeringbell Well this certainly sounds like she should be able to just use a Dutch notary. But I'm sure there will be some reason why it won't work :)
Jun 9, 2022 22:03
I was just looking up Dutch notary and it sounds like that is much more of a legal professional. In the USA it's usually a minor sideline w/o a lot of legal training.
Jun 9, 2022 22:00
@Tinkeringbell in the USA the idea is that a notary validates that a document was signed by a particular person in front of them. A lot of legal documents need to be notarized when they get signed. So I go to a notary, produce ID that I am me, sign in front of them, and then the notary has an office stamp that they emboss the document with and they sign, as proof that I really did sign the doc and someone didn't forge my signature.
Jun 9, 2022 20:57
What should we be looking for?
Jun 9, 2022 20:57
So a completely non-IPS question for you folks that live in The Netherlands. My sister lives there (near Rotterdam) and we are going to need to have a document drawn up in the USA sent to her, have her sign and send back. She has sworn up and down that there is nothing like a notary in Holland. But seems like there must be somebody who can stamp a document indicating that "yes, so & so produced identification and signed this document in front of me".
Apr 10, 2022 14:25
and he wouldn't sit on laps. Now we can't get up because he just completely collapses on the lap and WILL NOT MOVE.
Apr 10, 2022 14:24
It's true. It really is amazing the turnaround tho. Like we started him off just in my office because I was afraid he would disappear into some hiding place. It took a month to get him into the living room. And then probably 2 more months before I could move the litter box into the downstairs laundry room. I was afraid the litter box would be in my office forever.
Apr 10, 2022 14:19
He's amazing. We adopted from a local shelter. Initially he just hid all the time. Had to be lured out. I thought we had lost him, turned out he was hiding behind some books on my bookcase. Now he demands attention all the time and owns the house.
Apr 10, 2022 14:18
Apr 10, 2022 13:25
Morning :) Cat's sitting in the window by my desk so it's good.
Feb 28, 2022 14:27
@MiG off to the gym... have a good one.
Feb 28, 2022 14:27
@MiG fortunately we were very close together, we actually snowshoed one time from my neighborhood to her apartment building. So no hard decisions about where to live.
Feb 28, 2022 14:09
@MiG I knew we were doing well when we did a 12 hour drive together, which normally would have me crazy after about 2 hours, and it was all just fine.
Feb 28, 2022 14:08
@MiG The thought of running into my ex again makes my blood run cold. Fortunately I ended up meeting and eventually marrying a really really wonderful woman so it all worked out in the end.
Feb 28, 2022 14:02
@MiG Just mean that sometimes I'll run into something like some fudge sauce that I bought and tucked away in a kitchen cabinet and it's a big surprise, even though I bought it a day ago :)
Feb 28, 2022 14:01
@MiG Yeah. Let's just say that being alone is infinitely better than being with the wrong person.
Feb 28, 2022 14:00
That question really is kind of over the top. It reminds me a bit of dealing with my ex-wife. I would get raked over the coals over things that hadn't actually happened. It was "interesting".
Feb 28, 2022 13:59
@JourneymanGeek yeah... I had forgotten. The advantage of getting older, you can hide your own Easter eggs.
Feb 28, 2022 13:50
@Tinkeringbell LOL just went back and figured it out... duh
Jul 30, 2023 04:14
It sounds like there are issues that aren't "code prettiness / maintainability" but rather "user can crash app / trash data" (e.g. SQL concatenation or entering bad data causes the app to crash). Hopefully OP can demo some of these to management and at least get those fixed.
Jul 28, 2023 13:55
Can you change / clean up code w/o getting your coworker's approval? In other words, just fix really bad things like SQL concatenation? Maybe point out cases where the app can be easily crashed and try to get those fixed? You can't change the coworker but hopefully you can change the code.
Jul 10, 2023 13:59
@A.Ozone I'd have to say if someone was applying for a job at my company and listed their experience as "a boot camp" I'd be nervous about hiring them, whether the camp was last week or 6 years ago. I'd be worried that they'd think they knew way more than they actually do. Developing software isn't about knowing syntax, it's about making design decisions. The best bet would be to look for a job related to software development such as testing, or a job as an intern.
Jun 14, 2023 12:33
As I recall when I was interviewing I always showed up with a notepad and pen and never asked if I could take notes. Honestly, as an interviewer I would be surprised if an interviewee considered what I was telling them so unimportant that they couldn't be bothered to jot down a few notes.
Feb 11, 2023 00:59
@JJJ wouldn't defending Ukrainian airspace be less of an escalation than directly attacking a USA aircraft or vessel? I don't believe Russian aircraft are even venturing over Ukrainian airspace, they are launching cruise missiles from long range. Defending the airspace would mean shooting down incoming missiles. Also, attacking US aircraft and vessels wouldn't be w/o risk. I suspect the military doesn't just load equipment on a commercial freighter.
Feb 11, 2023 00:59
@JJJ Hard to imagine Russia thinking it could attack US transportation w/o starting a general war with NATO. The most I could imagine would be attacking supply depots neighboring Ukraine. Which would probably cause the USA to commit to seriously defending Ukrainian and neighboring airspace. Something that would interfere with Russia's terror campaign against civilian targets.
Apr 10, 2022 03:05
@mattfreake Exactly. Publicly humiliating people leads to people worrying more about hiding problems than fixing them. Not what is desired.
Apr 6, 2022 15:17
@electronpusher Yes. I am saying that the boss is saying that the OP must remain clocked in, and the OP should take him at his word. No theft is involved. The OP is doing the full work required.
Apr 6, 2022 15:17
Have you considered simply not logging off at 5pm? Given that your boss seems completely unreasonable, being deceptive is an option.
Apr 4, 2022 03:27
It's not just a question of offense. If the company systems are issuing documents, say for tax reporting, in the wrong name, that could cause additional problems for the OP.
Mar 28, 2022 17:36
@IMSoP I'm pretty sure my sex was determined by my biology, no need to invoke Zeus, Jahweh, Christ, or anyone else. In any event the last time I was mistaken for a woman, no pronouns were involved so it's not clear that eliminating pronouns would solve anything. I'm happy to address anyone by their desired pronouns, but going all Newspeak is not something I'm planning on doing.
Mar 27, 2022 22:50
@CountIblis Why would it be better if everyone stuck to "gender neutral" pronouns?