Jan 22 19:57
"this court upturns what is settled law" When they overturned RvW... they overturned what overturned "settled law". Judicial activism in response to judicial activism. You can't support RvW overturning law and then cry about RvW itself being overturned. Likewise, previous laws get overturned all the time and have happened under previous SCOTUS courts.
Sep 17, 2024 08:13
What paper trail is there for the "demotion" and "proof" of being rude? Presumably, your pay hasn't changed? Otherwise you'd have noticed months ago. Or did it? Are you getting paid less? If someone calls and asks HR what your position is, what does the business respond? These "rudeness episodes" are being tracked anywhere or just via word? Personally I'd be putting everything into emails and sending them to both bosses and HR to cover your tracks and to get clarification. This is toxic and chaotic to say the least.
Feb 22, 2024 01:34
"I've been reliably informed that gender doesn't matter" You've been informed wrong if you think that's the case. In the day and age of #MeToo? Gender matters more than it's ever mattered. "I've been reliably informed that I'm unattractive" Likewise, good & bad things happen to "ugly" people so whether or not you're unattractive is immaterial. It's telling that you're not answering relevant questions and deflecting with irrelevant statements to questions even when you're anon.
Nov 10, 2023 09:35
@RobertF As an aside after seeing the email... here's their Linked in: linkedin.com/company/alimentiv/people - and from their linked in, I found this person in HR: linkedin.com/in/chiragkamath - all things being equal, if you want to reach out to the company? find someone on that list (maybe the guy listed) and contact them via LI or go to the source: alimentiv.com/contact
Sep 18, 2023 19:21
"An employee" and you are? A coworker? manager? CEO? Owner/operator? Locality (country/city/state/zip)? Standard "get a lawyer" and if necessary involve the police comes after verifying that it's YOUR job to do that. if you're just a coworker? Then your job is making sure the company knows then stay out of the way and let them handle it. This isn't even including stuff like boss' son doing this or other complicating factors... TL;DR: more details needed
Nov 14, 2022 20:28
@user1937198 they replaced 1 with 2 for "free" with the exception that cosmetics are earned differently. I think it's bad that they sold it right up until release - those who paid within a time frame should get a refund or the first season or two of "premium" for "free". It's still an online game with "we can shut down at any time" as their ToS. They are legally allowed too (per OPs question) and replaced it with a freemium game. So you still have access to Overwatch - just the "upgraded" version.
Nov 14, 2022 20:28
@Chengarda OP got 6 years of gameplay out of the money. "I give you nothing" is a bit of a stretch in light of that. Servers to host multiplayer isn't free. And... fiat money in exchange for fiat game is entertaining in its own right.
Oct 8, 2022 19:50
@Steve I have a "2 hour each way" commute and I've never had any performance issues. In fact, I was hired directly from a contract position and last year, I got a 20% pay raise. Can everyone do it? of course not. Could I move closer? Yes and no. If anyone was asked, I'm 100% certain they'd not know if I lived 15 minutes away or 4 hours away. That's the key - some can work with that extra strain... some can't. OP seems to be okay workwise ("we have no complaints") and the problem is perception (IE: way he dresses and interacts) rather than work ethic and results.
Feb 2, 2022 19:53
@Kai "I suspect" and I suspect you support those ideas because the failures "aren't real marxism". 100m+ dead and counting? Not real! fake. Just like the idea that American left is left. "none of those stations support UHC" lol the left in the US absolutely supports UHC - including those stations. Maybe you've heard of the ACA? It's the first step in that direction (Destroy the market so the government can save it - built on lies upon lies, of course). You say I don't know marxism because I won't ignore the failures of it... yet you show limited knowledge of the US spectrum...
Feb 2, 2022 19:53
@Kai I've been conditioned by media bias checkers? I'm going to have to pull the BS flag on that play Cotton. When the rest of the world says that something is "left"... maybe you should reevaluate what you consider "center right" to be. "bernie sanders" Because intelligent people stand against communists and bernie is a hard left commie/socialist/marxist. "european standards" meanwhile, those news stations are still hard left/left...
Feb 2, 2022 19:53
@Kai "lean center right" lol is that your example of double speak and misinformation? MSNBC is HARD left. CNN is left. WaPo is left. What world are you in that hard left media platforms are "center right"? mediabiasfactcheck.com/msnbc allsides.com/news-source/cnn-media-bias allsides.com/news-source/washington-post-media-bias
Jan 20, 2022 05:58
Just wait until 70 years after she dies. No need to get her permission with such permissive and well thought out Copyright law.
Jun 24, 2021 19:06
Unobtanium is the obvious answer. Comes with complementary Blue Avatars...
Jun 16, 2021 15:52
This site is about academia... why wouldn't it include humanities and human interaction?
Jun 15, 2021 10:02
@henning and where I live, we live in a world where even the hint of impropriety can lead to accusations which can lead to career ending consequences - even if nothing was done wrong. Why do people find it hard to believe that men might have just reason to be uncomfortable? I can - and do - act professionally... but I also know it only takes one accusation. The world TODAY is different than the world 5 or 10 years ago. How could someone learn in adolescence when the world is changing around them? My points: It's not as easy as "just work together" and it's not as easy as "you should know".
Jun 15, 2021 10:02
@henning while you can learn control, we live in a weird time where, for the first time in history, men and women are working together and have to figure out how to get along on a day to day basis. In the grand scheme of evolution, it's been not even an eyeblink since women gained the freedom to work outside the home. From feminine products to running water... They aren't tied to "home". How exactly can someone learn in adolescence how to work on a day to day basis when we, as a society, don't know how to do it properly yet?
Jun 15, 2021 10:02
@Sursula "your learning period should be over" Why would you think there's ever a point in a persons career where "learning is over"? Does that mean that men who got to the level of manager 20 years ago and learned what they know are done learning? What a silly comment... I guess we shouldn't try to teach those guys anything. They are DONE!
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
@JoelEtherton When you say "you're being held accountable" - your words - then you are making him lead. He doesn't have the title, pay or expectations (or he shouldn't.). Why is a new hire being held accountable for stuff many layers above his paygrade? You seem to think he shouldn't be surprised... I would be surprised if, as a Junior, I was expected to pick up managerial tasks. Just my 2c and my last comment :) We'll have to agree to disagree but I'm responding to your words.
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
@JoelEtherton He indicated he was an Engineer with Senior experience and Lead responsibilities - not title or pay. There's a disconnect there that needs to be addressed - a junior shouldn't have lead responsibilities.
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
@GabeSechan without wanting to go into too much more "discussion" I think expectations matter... because my expectations (more hierarchy-ial) vs yours (more free-flowing-iness) are going to make a WORLD of difference in expectations vs reality. Both in employee and leadership.
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
@GabeSechan My current job at a major bank has 3 levels of developer... Roles basically amount to Junior, Senior and Team Lead. Last job didn't but we had 5 programmers in the company and there was differentiation between CTO, Lead and the other three. Job before that was for State office and there was DEFINITELY levels in that job with varying responsibilities. I agree with the lag part (always try to act like a level above) but 2 levels+? not expected at any of those jobs.
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
@GabeSechan Every job I've had has had differentiation between Programmer, Lead and management - of varying degrees but differentiation none the less. Maybe that's a point of question that needs to be asked since obviously there's shades of grey that affect expectations of management and employees? "lagging title" I don't disagree... but there's a difference between getting stuff a little above your paygrade and many levels above. I'd expect an intern to work on stuff a Junior does... but not a senior and definitely not a Lead/Manager+.
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
@JoelEtherton He's an Engineer (started as a software engineer) and he'd consider himself a Senior (I'd argue that I'm a senior) but he's been handed the responsibilities of a lead (essentially the role I adopted). He's not got the title, pay or perks of a lead... just the responsibilities. He's being held accountable for actions two levels above his paygrade.
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
"With me and me alone" Is this company "agile" with daily meetings? Is this "one on one" in addition to daily team meetings or is this literally the only daily meeting you have? Are you able to move this type of meeting into an agile direction for the team if it isn't agile and if it is, why isn't there daily meetings so stuff like this isn't found out "weeks" later?
Jun 13, 2021 03:30
@JoelEtherton A Senior given the role of Lead without prior notice seems right to you? Why does THAT seem reasonable to you? Why should a new hire be held accountable for, all intents and purposes, scope creep?
Jun 4, 2021 08:49
@Caleth trying to find where I said racists don't exist... I don't see it. Saying that China is the source of the Wuhan Virus isn't "racist". Nor is it denying that racism exists. Nor is it downplaying REAL racism. But labeling everything you disagree with as "hateful" and "racist" DOES downplay real racism... which is my point and why I assume you are putting words in my mouth that i never said...
Jun 4, 2021 08:46
@Caleth 3) in a world with 7 billion people you'll find racists of ALL colors... the disturbing focus on only the white ones is a large part of the problem in the greater conversation. There are just as many examples of others being racist yet that gets ignored. Why? Why are you so invested in only focusing on a part of the problem and putting words in my mouth that I never said to do so?
Jun 4, 2021 08:45
@Caleth 1) I Neve said they didn't exist. not once. You putting words in my mouth adds nothing to the conversation. 2) Racists exist. But they are in a diminishing minority. So much so that real rallies with them are BURIED with "anti-protestors" - many times over.
Jun 4, 2021 02:28
deccanherald.com/international/… and "advises against" is not a restriction from... using common names is still standard around the world and no one reasonable thinks Chinese People are responsible for the "Wuhan Virus" - anyone unreasonable can be mocked accordingly without destroying free speech or making equally stupid statements like "wuhan virus name is racism"
Jun 4, 2021 02:23
@OwenReynolds Dr Fauci changed his stances on political winds and isn't necessarily trusted to be honest. Masks are good... bad... good... wear multiple... He's admitted to lying and making politically expedient statements. He's stated he does stuff not because of science but because of optics.
Jun 4, 2021 02:21
If violence happens against a "non-white" by a white person, that doesn't make the action "WS"... what make the action WS is... declarations that its because of race. IE a political platform that states that would probably be WS... violence against a mosque? Not necessarily.
Jun 4, 2021 02:20
@Caleth you can do violence against "someone of color" and not be a WS (White supremacist). The term is grossly overused - just like "Nazi!". To the point those terms (and others) are meaningless (like the "OK symbol is racist" trope is meaningless consider the 4chan origins).
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@Caleth it wasn't a "symbol" until 4chan trolls made it one for people to get offended by... and then they laughed as idiots took the bait and cried like bleating sheep. "White supremacists" are the boogeyman of 2021... no one really has any nearby but we have to say 3 Hail AOCs and Praise Bidens to protect from those evil white people. Woke Religion DEMANDS it. When everything is "white supremacists" fault, nothing is... when everything is racist, nothing is. When everything is offensive, nothing is.
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@Caleth it's been "hijacked" by trolls in 4chan that love watching offended people get offended by being offended. Them being upset is exactly my point... people today get upset over OK (Trolls: bbc.com/news/world-europe-48293817 "Internet trolls turned trendsetters") and sandwiches (huffpost.com/entry/is-peanut-butter-and-jelly-racist_n_1874‌​905). People get offended because that's their way of making noise and gaining power. Why are they offensive? not because they are ACTUALLY offensive... but because weak minded people need to cry over SOMETHING even if it's madeup.
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@Caleth labeling things offensive - IE Okay Symbol - doesn't make them racist. Just like the number 3 from a Jepordy contestant who also did a 1 and 2 isn't offensive. "There's just some things people are offended by" and there are some people who get offended by everything and seem to the think the world operates based on their bad attituded. Likewise, there are those who take what everyone is doing and label offensive when specific people do it. IE: OMB people labling Wuhan Virus offensive AFTER Trump says it. And after all of this... hating China still isn't "racism" and never has been.
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@Caleth I did say "not YOU in particular" as that I'm not talking about you you. My point is that if someone is offended by something doesn't mean its offensive - people today are offended by lots of stuff that isn't offensive simply because of who says it. So much of, for example in the topic at hand, what Trump says is the same stuff other people say. IE: Wuhan Virus or Kung Flu. Its not offensive until Trump does it. Or, say, the OK hand signal. Or so many examples. Listing the place of origin isn't racism and has never been so... until Orange Man did it.
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@PaulJohnson I've never implied that there must be one... especially since there's already multiple: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@Caleth People are okay with Spanish Flu and MERS and hundreds of other descriptions that simply state where it originated. As has been used to describe these things for... well... almost all of human history. YOU being upset about a name doesn't mean the name is bad... it just means you're easily upset (not that it's YOU in particular). Lets be honest... people didn't get mad about it until Orange Man said it. IE: It was repeated consistently for MONTHS without issue on, say, CNN until Trump said the same thing. And now, more evidence is coming forward on it's origination in labs there...
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@PaulJohnson where is it listed anywhere that there must be a "single" public square? That would imply we need to combine Twitter and Facebook into one since right now we currently have two "public squares"? Uh oh... we can't have two! and splitting Facebook doesn't mean that THAT part gets split... could split the ad business from Facebook or any number of pulling apart the business options that's isn't making two front ends...
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@Caleth lol if it's China's fault, then implying it's china's fault is simply stating facts. A country isn't a race and blaming a country isn't hating the race. The reason calling it The China Virus is "Bad" isn't because calling it the China Virus is bad... otherwise, people would have been mad about that in December 2019. The reason it's bad is because Trump did it. Otherwise, the people mad wouldn't have called it that themselves for months beforehand. Orange Man Bad syndrome: Perfectly acceptable until Trump did it.
Jun 3, 2021 15:28
@Ryan_L "constant chinese hate" saying that a virus originated from where it originated isn't hate anymore than when we talk about the Spanish Flu or MERS (Middle Eastern Raspatory Syndrome). Especially now that more evidence is coming out that corroborates statements that it originated there. It was fine when CNN called it the Wuhan Virus... but it's "asian hate" when Trump does it? When everything is racist, nothing is. realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/03/12/…
May 27, 2021 23:52
Question 2: Does stuff attached to them teleport with them? IE: Ankle bracelets? A GPS implant? You can teleport, but you can't hide if you are tag'd... or if a GPS implant is put in you...
May 27, 2021 23:52
Final question: Can electronics attached detect the teleport? Something like Cartmans V-Chip and the "don't do that" zap? You can pair the GPS with a V-Chip to punish the baddies by geo-locking them and knocking them out if they leave an area if so
May 27, 2021 23:52
Question 1: "5 times their weight" Do they get to choose? IE: If you stun them with a stun gun and then wrap them in chains or chain them to the ground? or do they just poof out of restraints?
May 27, 2021 02:54
@Riorio Question: What was the impetus for the Developers comment? was it without prompting - out of the blue - or did one of the Stakeholders ask for his opinion? There seems to be a lot of details that could affect the deeper opinions... In our team meetings, everyone has their opinions but the estimates are consensus based and we go high if there is a disagreement. Maybe your private standups are the same and that "open discussion" attitude bled out?
May 27, 2021 02:54
@Fattie Yes. Estimates are guesses and based on personal experience, strengths, etc. AKA: Opinions. "Simple question" your reply says nothing to responses on YOUR comments: Your version of work is a dictatorship and not a place of business. "Should a subordinate contradict" As others have said repeatedly, the problem with YOUR replies is that you ignore your dictatorship attitude. I'm waiting for your ANSWER to get posted with detailed experience and backing evidence - not a thread of comments. I promise I won't downvote but I'll bet you end up -10 or lower.
May 27, 2021 02:54
@Fattie Another employee can most definitely have a different opinion. Employees. Not slaves. Your "flat fact" and other comments makes me think that if you're a manager or in control of something, for some reason, you have a high turnover and can't understand why people don't stick around to enjoy the dictatorship. With regards to this question(s), there are definitely communication paths when a unified front isn't presented, when estimates vary greatly and other questions... but end of day? It's a job not a king and his/her serfs.
May 20, 2021 13:37
"bigotry is not a protected class" No where have you shown that the religious group has "promoted" bigotry. Believing something you don't agree with is not promotion. They are 100% allowed to believe and they are 100% protected.

Again... show case law where a group is dissallowed to believe in questionable things - especially in America. MANY religions across the country and world have questionable beliefs - including "gay is bad". That belief is not discrimination. It is not bigotry.

Bigotry is being unable to accept someone elses lifestyle. Definition: "obstinate or unreasonable attachm
May 20, 2021 13:29
If I have to make a cake for you... and you beleive something I don't. That doesn't mean the cake I'm making for you has a message you disagree with. NOTHING so far has shown that except for WORKING WITH the company, is there anything disagreeable.

"Seriously? SERIOUSLY?" yes. Seriously. At what point is it acceptable to be a bigot in response to something you disagree with? I don't think its appropriate to "out bigot the bigots" by preemptively be intolerant of one protected group in the name of another.
May 20, 2021 13:26
* he has to work with the org

Nothing in those three statements says he is being asked to create offensive messages. ONLY that he has to work with a religious org that has something he disagrees with.