
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Jul 21, 2017 04:30
I have 1.6 months or so to prepare for it and am wondering how to spend my time. I have covered introductory analysis, linear algebra, abstract algebra; I have been working through the basics of point set topology for fun mainly
Jul 21, 2017 04:29
Does anybody have any experience taking the math subject GRE?
Sep 5, 2016 22:16
any advice for not forgetting old mathematics? does anyone use spaced repetition programs like anki?
May 1, 2016 05:08
i want to make him a poster
May 1, 2016 05:08
does anybody have good suggestions of math objects to put on a graphic to a math-oriented friend for his birthday?
Apr 29, 2016 05:11
yes, ur right
Apr 29, 2016 05:10
I wish not to, because I haven't learned continuity yet... I'm towards the beginning of a very intro analysis text.
Apr 29, 2016 05:04
I come to seek guidance on a proof. I want to show that if $A$ and $B$ are compact sets, then $A+B$ (that is, the set $\{a+b : a \in A , b \in B\}$) is compact. I know that $A+B$ is bounded, but am having trouble showing that it is closed. That is, I am having trouble showing that if $x = \lim (a_n + b_n)$, then $x \in A+B$.

My attempt: Bolzano-Weierstrass guarantees that $(a_n)$ has some subsequence $(a_{n_k})$ that converges to some $a \in A$. Likewise, there is some subsequence $(b_{n_j})$ that converges to some $b \in B$. Consider the indexing set $I = \{n_k\} \cap \{n_j\}$. If $I$ is
Apr 29, 2016 05:03
Do you guys mind if I interject with a question of my own?
Apr 14, 2016 19:43
I am feeling frustrated because I don't think my problem solving skills are getting better despite many months of self study. I keep getting stuck on seemingly trivial problems, and my impulse after 30 min or so is to get hints. I want to get through a certain body of math within a time limit so I can't take forever on a single problem, but at the same time I want to improve my problem solving skills. Any advice?
Apr 14, 2016 06:46
but how do i use these facts?
Apr 14, 2016 06:46
and the series sum(1/(2n-1)) diverges
Apr 14, 2016 06:45
well the series sum(-1/(2n)^2) converges to 0
Apr 14, 2016 06:42
scratches head
Apr 14, 2016 06:42
Apr 14, 2016 06:40
(at least, i think it does not apply in an obvious way...)
Apr 14, 2016 06:39
yes, but that does not apply here because the absolute values of the terms of the sum is not decreasing.
Apr 14, 2016 06:38
I'm trying to prove whether or not the series 1 - 1/2^2 + 1/3 - 1/4^2 + ... converges. I think it diverges because there is more positive "fuel" than negative fuel, but am uncertain how to approach the proof.
Apr 14, 2016 01:06
The quasi-alternating signs leads me to think I should find some way to use the alternating series test
Apr 14, 2016 01:04
I am having trouble deciding whether the following series converges: 1 + 1/2 - 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 - 1/6... (two positive terms followed by negative term)
Apr 11, 2016 00:43
@TedShifrin I went to Yale, but I only took a few math courses on the side (now studying math more "seriously" in my free time). However, I do have many friends who struggled through your book, and are glad they did.
Apr 11, 2016 00:41
@TedShifrin O GOD. I just realized you wrote the textbook of the freshman honors math course at my university (which I did not take, though I do own your book).
Apr 11, 2016 00:37
have any of you met other users in person (whom you previously had only known through the site)
Apr 11, 2016 00:31
Apr 11, 2016 00:31
how do you align expressions after equals signs in mathjax? e.g. 5 = 3 + 2 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, but having each equal sign sitting on top of each other, if that makes sense
Apr 10, 2016 02:46
Do you think that all math undergraduates should take a course in topology? Topology is not required at my university (some treatment is given through analysis of course). But I've heard that topology is one of the pillars of a math foundation (along with analysis and algebra)
Mar 31, 2016 18:45
If you refer to it later, do you say $(1)$ or is there a more elegant way to refer?
Mar 31, 2016 18:34
how do you number equations in mathjax (like in a question post)
Mar 30, 2016 04:03
I am wondering how long it would take to do the Analysis text just because I have 4 months of free time left and am trying to allocate my time properly (I want to do other things too, math and otherwise)
Mar 30, 2016 04:02
@MikeMiller In undergrad I took only a few proofy math courses (linear algebra, discrete math, intro probability theory, etc) but was a poor math student (not very mature). I am now trying to build a solid undergrad math foundation through self study. I just finished Pinter's abstract algebra book and did 90% of the exercises (with a lot of help from, which took me 4 months (including weeks where i would be too lazy / distracted).
Mar 30, 2016 03:19
Hi all, do you think it's unreasonable to work through a introductory analysis text in a month? specifically Abbott's text
Mar 30, 2016 00:14
Is there anyone here that primarily works in statistics or a related field?
Mar 28, 2016 02:52
i know that the basis of $V$ spans the subspace, but that basis might include vectors in $V-H$
Mar 28, 2016 02:51
there would be no finite set of vectors spanning it
Mar 28, 2016 02:49
I'm trying to show that if $V$ is finite dimensional, then the subspaces of $V$ are finite dimensional
Mar 28, 2016 02:46
Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space, and $H$ a subspace of $V$. How do I show that $H$ has a basis? This seems obvious but I am having trouble proving it.
Mar 26, 2016 23:29
"Prove that for every prime number $p$, there is an irreducible quadratic in $\mathbb{Z}_p[x]$." I don't think there's a particular polynomial that's irreducible over $\mathbb{Z}_p[x]$ for all $p$. Any other approaches I can try?
Mar 26, 2016 17:35
Help! I can't see how $F(\sqrt{a+b+2\sqrt{ab}})$ contains $\sqrt{a}$ and $\sqrt{b}$!
Mar 26, 2016 16:23
@BalarkaSen Thanks, you had the right approach. To be more precise I think you have to write $\pi = f(\pi^3)/g(\pi^3)$ because $\mathbb{Q}(\pi^3)$ requires quotients to be a field.
Mar 26, 2016 03:22
Hey all, looking for some help... I am having trouble showing that $\pi \notin \mathbb{Q}(\pi^3)$. Any tips?
Mar 24, 2016 08:12
i.e., is it clear enough to say that $\sqrt{1+\sqrt[3]{2}}$ is not expressible as $\sum a_i (\sqrt[3]{2})^i, a_i \in \mathbb{Q}$?
Mar 24, 2016 08:09
Why is $x^2-(1+\sqrt[3]{2})$ irreducible over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2})[x]$?
Mar 20, 2016 20:17
Let $F^*$ be the multiplicative group of nonzero elements of the field $F$. Consider the subgroup $H=\{x^2:x \in F^*\}$. Why is it that any element $x^2 \in H$ is the square of only $x$ and $-x$? Why can't $x^2=y^2$ for some $y \notin \{x, -x\}$?
Mar 19, 2016 23:51
Hi all, I'm having trouble seeing why the irreducibility of polynomial $p(x)$ over some field $F$ implies the irreducibility of $p(x+c) $ where $c \in F$.
Mar 19, 2016 09:23
@EricStucky Thanks for your help. I'll think about what you suggested some more.
Mar 19, 2016 09:09
what method are you referring to by bash it through?
Mar 19, 2016 09:05
@EricStucky I'm still failing to connect the dots. if $x$ is already "assigned" to $c$ under $\phi$, how am I supposed to find which element in $F[x]/<p(x)>$ is assigned to $d$?
Mar 19, 2016 07:05
I'm having trouble getting to the end of this proof...
Mar 19, 2016 07:04
(^because each is isomorphic to F[x]/<p(x)>)
Mar 19, 2016 07:04
Say $c,d$ are the roots of $p(x)$. Then I know $F(c)$ is isomorphic to $F(d)$.