To go from Paris and L'Ile d'Yeu, you will first need to get to Nantes (the biggest city near Yeu).
This can be done using TGVs (High speed train) from Gare Montparnasse in Paris taking 2 hours
At Nantes, you have two choices, you can either go to Fromentine or go to Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie.
Thing is, this is true regardless of covid. But anyway, my point is that forcing masks on people in public places, for their own safety, is not a limitation of my freedom. Rather, wearing a mask, especially a standard surgical one, is a selfless act done to protect others from your germs. The fact that the government had to force people to do this only tells you that people are selfish. And not intelligent.
@JonathanReez No for sure wearing masks has a huge psychological effect. It reinforces the notion that out there there is something from which you must protect yourself.
@JonathanReez In truth, I don't think we can ever go back to our 2019 lives. Or at least it'll take longer than we expect. Think about the social implications of home-schooling most of the children for nearly two years, or the fact that for the last few years we've reinforced a general fear of others as they may be contagious and therefore dangerous to us.
Is this an actual problem you are facing, or are you just asking about condoms as an example where really you are concerned about carrying thousands of laptops/phones/jewels/etc.?