Dec 19, 2014 04:41
Q: Can we make sure to not throw away logic and rational?

masfenixI am a lurker (active on majority of the Science SE network as I am a graduate Applied Math student). I usually read the questions/answers here to help me understand Islam and bring me closer to it. That being said, it is in my opinion, the following question/answers should not be allowed on thi...

Dec 18, 2014 01:14
Q: Is there any way to make Truth questions constructive?

goldPseudoI have recently gone through the review queue, and came across a lot of low-quality and/or first/late answers which were answers to very weak questions. Many of these questions were basically of the form: "I tried to find the answer to this question and got multiple answers; one group says this,...

Dec 13, 2014 03:37
Q: Why is answer 18946 was deleted?

Mohammad HosseinIt seems that it is hard for moderators to ignore their viewpoint while judging the posts. I'm telling this on the ground of my answer which was deleted recently. However it is what I think, and the fact might be sth else (I hope that the fact is not as what it seems to me). Can any one tell why...

Dec 12, 2014 17:26
Q: What is a logical fallacy, and why is it so bad?

goldPseudoI recently had a post criticised for being logically fallacious. It also may have been downvoted and/or deleted, which sucks especially because I know my conclusion was correct. What is a logical fallacy, and why is it such a big deal?

Dec 10, 2014 16:45
Q: Is it OK if one asks about dream interpretation over here?

Kamil Hassaan I can't find a proper scholar in my locality. Will it be okay if I ask what my dream meant on this site?

Dec 7, 2014 18:16
Q: Can we we accept answers from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

Mohammad HosseinRecently, I made an answer to one of the questions of this site. When searching the sources with the aim of finding the answer, I came across a complete and referenced answer from Wikipedia. As you know: 1- Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licens...

Nov 27, 2014 22:17
Q: Should question 18722 really be closed?

السید____علیIt was my question: What is the importance of the unity between Muslims? (According to Shia traditions) I wrote a question regarding the importance of the unity between Muslims. I mentioned a verse of Quran and also a view of a Shia scholar (about it). Then I inquired if there is any relevant H...

Nov 17, 2014 11:42
Q: Why is there not many answers and so many unanswered questions?

BilalmWe need to encourage people to answer questions regardless of how trival the question maybe to help those that are need of an answer

Nov 11, 2014 06:32
Q: Suspended in chat on wrong charges! Why the intolerance?

infatuatedYesterday, following the deletion of my answer on this question on propaganda charges (which today was proven to have been unfounded), I got suspended from chat. Originally I had prompted the moderator in chat asking why the answer was found to be propaganda, but upon a second exchange I got su...

Nov 10, 2014 09:22
Q: What makes a post 'propaganda'?

infatuatedYesterday I answered this question titled: Is Sunni versus Shia the main division in Islam? But it got deleted by a mod with the explanation: This is nothing but anti-Saudi/Salafi propaganda masked as an answer. Is it not appropriate here. And here is my deleted answer quoted verbatim: ...

Nov 4, 2014 00:19
Q: We need to set a standard for fatwa questions

goldPseudoThe issue of allowing fatwa questions on this site has been brought up before. The two most pertinent examples I recall are, Islam: Should requests for rulings and/or fatawa be permitted? A higher standard for “fatwa” questions? In summary, despite us explicitly not being a fatwa site, we do...

Nov 3, 2014 11:34
Q: Dream interpretations

khanafghAs I am aware that this site closes questions on dream interpretations, where can people post their questions with regards to dreams. This is a islamic site and dreams have meanings behind which can be very important in a persons life. If a person has a dream that may have a meaning behind people...

Oct 29, 2014 19:57
Q: The [imam] tag needs to be cleaned up and then probably destroyed

goldPseudoAs is known, the term "Imam" can mean very different things, depending on the context. It can refer to the leader of a prayer, the selected leader of a masjid or religious community, or even just a general term of respect for particular Islamic scholars. And under Shi'ite Imamah, it also refers...

Oct 28, 2014 08:09
Q: Is it better to allow the users to write the tags with capital letters? (Their starter letters)

السید____علیI think it would be better if you allow the users to write some specific tags by capital letters. I mean let them write the initial letter of the words with capital letters. For instance, for specific words such as: Hadith, Haram, Sunni, Shia, Tafseer and so forth. Besides I assume that it could...

Oct 27, 2014 08:55
Q: How do I make a complain against a moderator?

MinunAre there any higher authority? Like in case the moderator is not following the guidelines himself. Moderators are humans too and religion is a sensitive part of our lives

Oct 19, 2014 20:34
Q: Why was my answer deleted?

ErciyesThis is the answer that I gave to this question: There are two distinct words “nafs” and “rooh”, which are both translated as “soul” in English. The word rooh is the same as the English word for soul. Nafs, however, is slightly different. The word nafs is defined as “a feature of the soul. This ...

Oct 16, 2014 23:21
Q: How can we improve voting

ali.abdulaleemI asked a question a few days ago at Can I pray in this shirt? and like it says in the Help centre I made sure to ask for Hanafi references in the question so I would not get answers that were not Hanafi answers. But the answer on the question gave me references that were not Hanafi rather it had...

Oct 16, 2014 17:39
Q: Standerd of meta islam

HamzaIs it or anyone else start to relies the standard of Meta Islam is getting down. The number of new user and there question are not relevant to meta Islam how we can Improve it?

Oct 16, 2014 10:58
Q: How can we promote Islam.SE

muslim1This may sound like duplicate but I am just asking this again after my experience yesterday. I want to ask a question about Mehr and I wanted a more authentic view so I search online and went to some of the top sites like IslamQA and some others. May sites would let you ask question but there we...

Oct 16, 2014 01:40
Q: What is the difference between tags islamic-rules, islamic-law and islamic-ruling?

shoe ratAt time of this writing: islamic-rules× 427 Question relating to shariah or Islamic law, based on the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. islamic-law× 95 indicates that the question demands a solution or suggestion from Islamic sources, viz. Quran and Ahadith and islamic-ruling× 17 Personally...

Oct 15, 2014 07:47
Q: Can we ask the view of both Shia & Sunni in a question? (if we recognize it won't make a bad argument..)

السید____علیOccasionally we can recognize that the answer of a question (from the view of Shia and Sunni) will relatively be the same, but we want to see the precise answer of them, then, can we inquire such questions and ask the view of Sunni and Shia in a question if we assume that it won't make a bad argu...

Oct 14, 2014 14:50
Q: Should question 17942 be closed?

Mujahid مجاهد Is it permissible to use the phone of our office (which is not personal) in order to talking with our family? (the view of Sunni scholars) In my view, the above question is quite pointless, as well as the answer can vary, for the user is talking about an office, which can mean anything...

Oct 12, 2014 20:48
Q: Is there any academic value to explicitly calling out Sunni sources to prove Shi'ite opinions?

goldPseudoI don't mean to limit this question exclusively to Shi'a->Sunni arguments, but it was directly prompted by the recent question, According to shia, (by relying on Sunni sources), What evidences prove that the Prophet(s) appointed Imam Ali as his successor, at Qadir-Khum? For the sake of argume...

Oct 10, 2014 11:18
Q: How do you know if you have passed a trial and calamity set on you?

BilalmIf your going through a calamity, How do you know if you have passed the trial that has been set?

Oct 10, 2014 10:00
Q: Revenge on another muslim

BilalmWhen someone brings you harm and makes you suffer, and everyday you are suffering because of that someone, what does Islam say about revenge, and is it true what goes around comes around, will that person suffer later in life or on day of judgement as a result of what they did to you?

Oct 9, 2014 19:16
Q: Why was part of my old answer to a question removed?

infatuatedI recently had to reverse a minor wrong edit in an old post of mine (posted in June) which brought it to the front page. The answer back then was upvoted and nobody apparently found any fault with it. But I noticed part of the answer was removed just yesterday with the explanation, "removed unne...

Oct 9, 2014 14:53
Q: What is the point of you all criticising other peoples questions?

khanafghThis is an islamic site where people are free to ask what they want, what you people are doing is closing other people questions just because you don't think its good enough, with all this downvoting and put questions on hold or closing them off when they have a genuine concern. There is lack of ...

Oct 8, 2014 20:03
Q: How good a fit is question 17757 for this site?

Mujahid مجاهدHow should questions like this one be dealt with? should they be closed, and if so as what? should they just be left to get down-voted? or should such questions get deleted?

Oct 8, 2014 10:37
Q: No "exclusive" answers - allow multiple opinions

OmarAll questions should be open to all opinion in spite of their doctrine/sect. What's going on now, is that if the "OP" asks for a specific "doctrine" viewpoint, all comments and answers opposing the desired doctrine/sect are removed.

Oct 5, 2014 00:10
Q: What's up with suggested edit no. 35?

Bleeding FingersWell, I was just trying to see what was the first suggested edit. So I tried, Okay that didn't work nor did 0. Doing some bisection the earliest suggested edit I could find was 31. Okay SE could be starting that counter from 30. But what's...

Oct 4, 2014 21:18
Q: Should pre-Islamic questions like "Did women in Arabian peninsula have “Hijab” before Islam?" (7830) be on-topic?

Bleeding FingersShould questions on pre-Islamic history (like, Did women in Arabian peninsula have "Hijab" before Islam?) be on-topic, unless their relevance is established by OP?

Sep 26, 2014 22:04
Q: Should we close the question, "I love a girl and I want to marry her, but my family refuses her" (11200)?

Bleeding FingersShould the question I love a girl and I want to marry her, but my family refuses her be closed for being primarily opinion-based?

Sep 14, 2014 19:01
Q: Should plagiarized posts have links when they are closed/deleted?

muslim1I have seen this answer and many others being deleted for plagiarism reason. When I personally try to dig in and find out the original text, I am usually out of luck. Can we add a link to the original post so that it is clear to other users, the answer was indeed plagiarized. This would clarify a...

Sep 14, 2014 01:50
Q: Why was my answer to a too broad question deleted?

AminMy answer to this question was deleted due a claimed plagiarism. The moderator provided me with no proof that I'd plagiarized the answer. To tell you the truth, I'm answering the questions in Yahoo Asnswers as well. a few months ago I came across this question for which I posted an answer by this...

Sep 12, 2014 20:31
Q: Moderator Change possible?

AhlelbaytI see many meta posts complaining against the alleged action of some moderator particularly @goldpseudo. As these posts keep coming up , I would like to know is it even possible for a mod change to occur while the site is in beta? and who decides the new mods?

Sep 12, 2014 20:14
Q: Why was My answer deleted?

AminMy answer to this question was deleted because a moderator came to the wrong conclusion that I plagiarized the answer! While it was not anywhere near plagiarism. How can I talk him into changing his mind and making the right decision?

Sep 12, 2014 11:44
Q: Suspended in chat on trying to make the other user compliant to etiquette

AhlelbaytI and another user @infatuated were suspended in chat after I tried to make a case that we shoud not speak ill of sahabas , but she hesitated and did not agree with me, this caused the only mod to suspend both of us for 7 days and one can easily see the chat log there were no abuses thrown by me ...

Sep 11, 2014 18:36
Q: Are big-list questions accepted?

HakimAre big-list questions accepted? And to which degree? If so then please make such tag. This question is inspired by this one.

Sep 11, 2014 05:38
Q: Should content representing an offical scholarly view of an Islamic sect critical of another sect be banned?

infatuatedI hope I never had to write this, but I have to, to prevent new cases of moderation abuses in future which I assume are mainly caused by hurried and unthoughtful evaluation of content or lack of knowledge on the topic of Islam. Yesterday, following a discussion on the merits of ISIS (A Sunni Sal...

Sep 7, 2014 08:37
Q: Can a moderator vote twice on a single post?

muslim1I have raised a concerne in the past that some of our moderators use double votes in their favor. Someone probably @celeb corrected me that it is not even possible. I want to clarify that. Example: A user asks a question. Moderator "A" down votes it right away. Then moderator "A" uses his moder...

Sep 6, 2014 20:44
Q: How is question on Islamic politics not relevant to Islam?

AhlelbaytI am getting folowing message for question Is ISIS performing under Islamic rules?: "Questions on politics are off-topic as they're rarely productive or relevant to the teachings of Islam." – goldPseudo The caliphate is an Islamic entity, so is the prophethood all of them are clearly politi...

Sep 6, 2014 08:45
Q: Why was the islamic law related question put on hold?

AhlelbaytI am getting following message in the question Is ISIS performing under Islamic rules?: put on hold as off-topic by goto, goldPseudo♦ 16 hours ago I dont think this is a political question but a question which asks about the validity of the actions of ISIS , it is like asking "XYZ" is doing...

Aug 31, 2014 21:04
Q: Answer Deleted due to Lack of Knowledge?

AliI posted an answer to the Question : Can we ask another person who is more faithful than us to ask our demands from Allah ? is this Tavassol or not?(Sunni view ) It was closed by a moderator with the reason "The question is now explicitly asking for a Sunni view. This does not answer the questi...

Aug 29, 2014 03:07
Q: Let's get critical: Aug 2014 Site Self-Evaluation

CommunityWe all love Islam Stack Exchange, but there is a whole world of people out there who need answers to their questions and don't even know that this site exists. When they arrive from Google, what will their first impression be? Let's try to look at this site through the eyes of someone who's never...

Aug 29, 2014 02:39
Q: Surah Al Bakrah verse 62

Aslam anwerI was reading Qur'an in English, when I came to verse 62 of Surat Al-Baqara I was really confused with the verse. As the English translation of the verse says - Verily! Those who believe and those who are Christians,Jews and Sabians who beleive in one god and perform good deeds, they will su...

Aug 27, 2014 18:32
Q: Why has question 16544 been put on hold once again?

fatemah3This question has been put on hold once again. Can somebody tell me why this had to happen?

Aug 26, 2014 00:11
Q: When should a post on the main site be deleted?

KavehThere seems to be a lack of consensus on when a question or answer should be deleted and this frequently leads to conflict on the site. We should discuss the issue clearly and reach a clear policy. We can then use it as a guideline for users who can vote to delete (moderators and high reputat...

Aug 25, 2014 18:25
Q: Can somebody fill the gap between the rules and Mujahid's understanding of the rules?

fatemah3Question 17085 and 17125 were closed by Mujahid. Why? Can somebody let me know what Mujahid has been up to?

Aug 24, 2014 17:37
Q: Why was my question locked?

KlutchI would like to know specifically why my question: Does Allah commit shirk? was put on hold. Moderator asked me to clarify my question, I did so, yet it remains on hold.

Aug 24, 2014 11:18
Q: Moderator abuse of power?

KlutchNearly all of my answers and questions are either being deleted or put on hold, despite meeting all the criteria/not breaking any rules to my knowledge. Example: Does Allah commit shirk? (Here is a backup since it's about to be deleted: In a couple days it becam...