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Q: Surah Al Bakrah verse 62

Aslam anwerI was reading Qur'an in English, when I came to verse 62 of Surat Al-Baqara I was really confused with the verse. As the English translation of the verse says - Verily! Those who believe and those who are Christians,Jews and Sabians who beleive in one god and perform good deeds, they will su...

Q: Let's get critical: Aug 2014 Site Self-Evaluation

CommunityWe all love Islam Stack Exchange, but there is a whole world of people out there who need answers to their questions and don't even know that this site exists. When they arrive from Google, what will their first impression be? Let's try to look at this site through the eyes of someone who's never...

Oh, It's finally there! The long-awaited, long-delayed Self-Evaluation!

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