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Q: Suspended in chat on trying to make the other user compliant to etiquette

AhlelbaytI and another user @infatuated were suspended in chat after I tried to make a case that we shoud not speak ill of sahabas , but she hesitated and did not agree with me, this caused the only mod to suspend both of us for 7 days and one can easily see the chat log there were no abuses thrown by me ...

3 hours later…
@Caleb, all you've contributed to this controversy so far have been spewing out unfounded accusations against users critical of moderation decisions with no obligation to substantiate them! Frankly, leave us to ourselves and we muslim know better how to handle moderation problems on this site! You're not helping us improve this site by your unconditional support for moderation practices against all evidences pointing to their failure to interact positively with users and occasional abuse of their powers! — infatuated 21 mins ago
^^^ I am also not muslim - if others on the site make it clear you don't want any contributions from those who don't share your faith (but do share the aims of the site), please say so, and I'll make myself scarce
@JackDouglas Oh, no, you're more than welcome to stay here.
@goldPseudo Thanks, I thought so, and I imagine that is the voice of a tiny minority.
not as tiny as I'd like, just wholly unreasonable.
we don't check credentials at the door.
and allowing any sort of "Muslims-only" policy would just be untenable.
and basically turn the site into an echo-chamber which we're very much trying to avoid.
I think it would give rise to a lot of arguments about who is allowed to participate
even the local moderation team has been accused of bias for not having "the right kind" of Muslims in it.
it's basically a case of "I only want to be judged by someone who believes the same as I do"
That always ends up just being one person :)
one or less
usually the one who hasn't weighed in against him yet.
3 hours later…
Long time @JackDouglas
wa 'alaykum assalaam
Welcome back
wa alaykom assalam @I'll-Be-Back
When is Eid?
october third-ish.
I hope its on Weekday :) then will take 2 days off from work :P
i can't get that weekend off work at all, sadly.
or the Friday.
it's exactly the weekend that our annual "absolutely must be done this weekend no exceptions" job comes in.
Ah man
What do you do?
on paper i'm a programmer.
Ah nice
de facto i'm pretty much an assistant manager slash systems administrator.
What language?
mostly legacy proprietary stuff.
i muck together scripts when i need them (in whatever language is handy) but the bulk of my work is done in a proprietary database language that appears to be derived from COBOL.
Not bad. COBOL is really old
I do PHP / MySQL at work.
keep meaning to learn PHP. not so much for work as just because it's a useful language.
most of the stuff i actually do is console-based. don't do much if any web programming.
I do console-based sometime, usually executing php script on Linux console.
i've got a minecraft server running for a bunch of friends and generate a map nightly. i like to muck around with the source code of the mapper to get it to draw the maps I want.
that's the bulk of my web-based programming, but most of that takes place in the actual source code before it even gets to the web.
I never tried minecraft
you're probably better off.
it can be addicting.
I don't really play game, not my thing.
I went to Umrah on Feb 2014, it was really nice experience Alhamdolillah
i've never been. gets rather expensive when you're stuck on the wrong side of the ocean.
Where are you from?
Alberta, Canada.
Ahh ok, I am from UK. For 2 weeks Umrah package with Flight and Accomodation cost about £600
Q: Why was My answer deleted?

AminMy answer to this question was deleted because a moderator came to the wrong conclusion that I plagiarized the answer! While it was not anywhere near plagiarism. How can I talk him into changing his mind and making the right decision?

Q: Moderator Change possible?

AhlelbaytI see many meta posts complaining against the alleged action of some moderator particularly @goldpseudo. As these posts keep coming up , I would like to know is it even possible for a mod change to occur while the site is in beta? and who decides the new mods?

Q: Is there any rule in Islam that without my parents acceptance I can't convert?

navyaI want to convert to islam and the biggest problem for me is my parents they will never accept my decision. Is there any rule in Islam that without my parents acceptance I can't convert to Islam? If there is so then what should I do?

> If there is so then what should I do?
doesn't that look opinion-based?
@JackDouglas ^^^^
1 hour later…
Extremism in Islam: Kharijism to ISIS - A Brief Historical Analysis by Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 22 Aug 2014
Beautiful lecture, I recommend you guys to watch it

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