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I leave for a day and yall start murdering people smh
@Ginger we've also started commiting people too
have you merged anyone?
@lyxal :D
I am smiling IRL
I have a life?
like in your basement?
@Ginger Another happy customer of Lyxal Analytics (tm)
@Ginger In my hands.
You're either holding a child or about to sentence somebody to death
You'd be surprised how much a newborn wants to be held.
@cairdcoinheringaahing mafia bosses be like (definitely not speaking from experience)
2 hours later…
Anyone know how to make VScode actually pay attention to editor.maxTokenizationLineLength?
I set it to like a hundred thousand and it still won't syntax highlight a line that's only like 4kb
@cairdcoinheringaahing I put "You don't need to know that" :P
Though I just checked and I did indeed enter my full name in my SE profile. Not that it's hard to figure out anyway, since it's in the copyright notice of most of my GitHub projects.
You get +50 for verifying your email address, apparently
Not entirely sure but I feel like you have more than 151 network rep :p
Oh, did it actually not connect to my network account? :P
Yeah apparently it didn't...but when I click on your account it takes me to the right network account?
A51's weird lol
I must not have done the dark rituals correctly :P
Maybe has to do with email verification?
@RydwolfPrograms As befits a site about aliens
I wonder if it has to do with how you log into StackExchange. I think I use my Google account. Maybe Area 51 doesn't like that?
I wonder if there's a way to fix that. I'm willing to put in a nonzero amount of effort to do so, since it looks like commitments from people with a high amount of SE activity are more effective toward reaching the beta threshold.
i have no idea, it worked for me and i signed in with google account
lol A51 is now one of my top sites by rep
@RydwolfPrograms how is that even possible lol
Every follower in definition gets me rep :p
How much do you have? lol
Like 1200
I can edit people's proposals and view vote count totals :p
@RydwolfPrograms Maybe it has to do with this:
Also i think it takes a day before your contributions show up on area51 after you link ur accounts — Anoushk Jun 17, 2022 at 9:35
Oh that makes sense
(well it doesn't but it fits with A51's kafkaesque brand of user experience design)
Challenge idea (posting here because idk if it's good / a duplicate): You have to map all previous answers' programs to their post index, possibly with a byte limit
Could be fun
so like u take the program source as the input or what?
@emanresuA (including your own answer)
i remember there was smth similar that input the user id and output the index of their answer, lemme try to find it real quick
Q: Which answer did this user write?

ArnauldEDIT (Jan 19, 2022, 18:00 UTC): This challenge is now over. The winner is Citty with this Pyth answer. Congratulations! This is an answer-chaining challenge where each answer must take an integer \$N\$ as input and return the 1-indexed ID of the answer which was written by the user whose ID is \...

Anyone have insight on why site traffic has declined so much over the last year or so: i.imgur.com/iFBUnN4.png
could be that lots of people started going back to offices and having less time to procratinate on code golf
Not procratinate
1 hour later…
Clearly a lot of people here knew about the proposal for a new SE site about Programming Language Design but I wonder where it was advertised here? I didn't see it on the Meta site or in the last cuple days in this chat room.
check the starboard :P
i think there was something about not getting to use meta directly for it though
Jan 27 at 16:32, by Rydwolf Programs
Quick update: Our site proposal for Programming Language Design and Implementation is doing great. However, we really need votes on questions. If you haven't followed yet, or if you've followed but haven't voted, we'd really appreciate some upvotes on questions currently between +1 and +9!
I see!
It wasn't visible in the star board, I had to click on something to view earlier starred messages!
@RydwolfPrograms why is Area51 not visible in your profile here?
@hyper-neutrino Any idea why the bot works here but not here?
1 hour later…
Wow PLD already has 75% of the required committer reputation score. I thought that would be the most difficult part, but it seems like raw low-rep users is going to be the bottleneck
Clearly we need to teach a ton of people vyxal /hj
Woohoo PLD in commitment finally
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosToggle Hangul Vowel Harmony (This post is partly self-plagiarized.) Objective Given a Hangul syllable, toggle its vowel harmony. Introduction to Hangul syllables Hangul(한글) is the Korean writing system invented by Sejong the Great. Hangul syllables are allocated in Unicode point U+AC00 – U+D7A3. ...

Q: Sum numbers which are string

EzioMercerYour function must accept 2 strings which are correct numbers, summarize them as normal numbers and return a result as string without leading zeros in integer part and trailing zeros in decimal part Correct number is a string which can start with leading minus, contains only digits and can contai...

4 hours later…
@NikeDattani it is also currently pinned:
15 hours ago, by lyxal
The pld proposal is in commitment now
Q: Reverse the polyglot, change the language

emirpsTask Write a polyglot in two languages that when run, outputs the language it is run in. Additionally, this program must also output the other language's name if the source code is reversed Example: Program ABC in language foo outputs foo. ABC in language bar outputs bar. CBA in language foo outp...

@Adám Don't expect any ads refreshes in the first half of the year, is the response I got back from a CM
If I had a nickel for every time I've had to compile Python 3.10 from source I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
That's a pretty normal thing to need to do multiple times
shame it's as slow as balls because the VM I'm compiling it on only has 1GB of RAM
whoops, I broke it
Don't do that
the VM is not responding
Q: Distance to the average of the next two prime numbers

TrivaxySuppose we have a sequence \$P\$. Every element \$P_n\$ represents the distance between the \$n^{th}\$ prime number and the average of the next two prime numbers. For example, \$P_1\$ would be the distance between the first prime number (2) and the average of the next two prime numbers (3 and 5),...

@NikeDattani caching
It is now :p
(or maybe it only shows up for me?)
that is really cool
1454 is a lot of rep on area51
@RydwolfPrograms how could caching have anything to do with it?
Oh true
1 hour later…
is it allowed to create an interpreter for an already existing language to solve a challenge if the lang was designed before the challenge was posted but is unimplemented
Usually yes, and highly encouraged actually
But some older questions disallow it
i wanna do the polyglot thing in emojistack
Polyglot challenges may have additional notability requirements
well the new one
So, what is the current topic of conversation?
well, PLDI just reached commitment
Outdated site rules regarding languages newer than the challenge
Oh yeah ^^
you should click that link and press the commit button
I've also realised that lyxal's original message was kinda vague, so I've gone ahead and 11'ed it
and definitely a good idea for golfing in
CMM: is this edit too extensive?
nooo @RydwolfPrograms i liked ur old pfp better
The ice storm is over, sorry :p
Grywolf programs
Back to normal pfp until I switch to emowolf for some time
@Seggan no
original rydwolf has arrived
I think this pfp's a little...saturated
I might darken it a bit
@RydwolfPrograms I still don't see A51 in your network profile (whether from desktop or phone). Can you check if you see A51 on my network profile? I have at least 3000 points on A51. Maybe it's just that A51 doesn't show up on network profiles when viewed by someone other than one's self.
I see A51 for you
You can hide certain sites from your network profile
Ohhh wait that might be why it shows as gray for me
I hid a bunch of sites like four years ago
@RydwolfPrograms ok that's precisely it.
If it's grey, then it's hidden.
rydwolf is NPSP still working? if you try starting up a second instance does it also work or does it break?
A second instance would work but could occasionally double post
APL bot and Vyxal bot are both not working anymore and it seems like the format for some webpage changed because the auth part can't find a specific field/element within the response or something like that
Oh huh. I reimplemented NPSP in Rust after the JS one broke a while back, lemme check if it's still working
Looks like it's running fine
It also logs in fine
hm, interesting
Here's an interesting little thing I just came up with:
I used an HTML parser instead of regexp for finding fields in things, that could be what changed maybe?
Like the order of some stuff changing
(([0...], {x % 3 == 1? "Fizz" : ""}, {x % 5 == 1? "Buzz" : ""}) map, concat) map print
I was thinking about language syntax and came up with that
@Ginger That's a very unusual fizzbuzz
Unless you mean == 0 or your modulo is 1-indexed
(actually no, a 1-indexed modulo would be == 3 and == 5 I think)
I think I'm gonna re-add the STATUS command to NPSP
Maybe make it do a more extensive self-test
@RydwolfPrograms I may have done a stupid q:
so i decided to do python style decorators
except that they can take any type (not just functions), and since functions are syntax sugar for variables in Rol, any variable assignment can be annotated
so you can do stuff like this:
val veryLongString = "long string.txt"
and then StringFromFile is like:
fun StringFromFile(file: String): String {
  return read(Path(file))
although i might make it that you have to explicitly mark it as decorator fun or have to do @Decorator
@EzioMercer most regex syntax is identical across languages. the one I added would be exactly the same in absolutely any language (assuming the backslashes are properly escaped) — Seggan 23 mins ago
I'd hesitate to say absolutely any; I suspect there's some regex flavor out there that doesn't support backslashed character classes like \d. But certainly the vast majority of regex flavors would support it.
@DLosc POSIX regex, for example
oh well, cant edit it now :P
(besides, it doesnt really change the point)
Yeah, it's close enough--a lie to children, if you will
@DLosc It often bothers me that JS regexp doesn't support \pL etc.
Q: Keep elements in sequence that have a letter repeated at least 3 times

U13-ForwardChallenge: Given the input array l with a list of strings, only keep the elements in the sequence that have a letter that's repeated at least 3 times. Like 'lessons' has 3 s letters, so it should be kept in the sequence. But, 'lesson' has only two s letters, so it should be removed. Notes: l wil...

@Adám Python flavor doesn't seem to support that either. What does it do?
match characters with the character property of Letter.
The L can be any Unicode character class, or you can write p{Xy} to also specify sub-class, e.g. {Ll} specifically for Letters that are latin.
@Adám It does
You just need the unicode flag
And brackets to remove ambiguity
Ooh, noice.
The thing I appreciate about JS regex (coming from Python) is that JS supports variable-length lookbehinds.
As cursed as it is, I like the regex literals existing
IMO regex shouldn't really be used at all in clean code, but it makes it easy to just get things working
you mean i'm not supposed to use /^(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$/ to check if a number represented as a string is in range [0, 256)?
Of course not. You forgot to support leading zeroes.
oh I don't really care about those cuz this is for param matching for routing URLs
I just want to only have /codepage/0 up to /codepage/255 be valid and everything else 404
Oh...this wasn't hypothetical....o_o
But yeah I guess that makes sense
At this rate, PLDI will hit 100% in two days. I wonder if that ever happened to a proposed site.
It'll slow down soon
Commitment tends to be the quicket stage from what I can tell tho, probably happened before
@DLosc Oh really?
printf 'aa+\n' | grep -o 'a+'
Grep's regex flavor doesn't support + :p
printf 'aa+\n' | grep -o 'a\+'
Similar problems in Vim regex
It's always bothered me that Vim regex uses * without a backslash but \+ with a backslash
@hyper-neutrino Much simpler: eval(`/^${Array.from(Array(256),(x,i)=>i).join("|")}$/`)
@Adám [...Array(256).keys()]
Big golf
Yeah, I really don't know JS.
TIL you can provide a second argument to Array.from
Guess my ungolfed code was worth it.
Isn't it possible to write (a,b)=>b as a=>b=>b or something?
No, but we allow curried functions on CGCC which is why people do that here
a=>b=>b is a single argument function that returns another single argument function
Ah, but since JS is functional, it'll just give an array of functions rather than apply to multiple args. Got it.
> JS is functional
I mean, it is deeply dysfunctional, but it is functional in the functional programming sense.
Dysfunctional would be a great name for a functional esoteric language
i’ve never really seen JS as a functional language. you can use some functional programming stuff in it but it’s closer to OOP
but i would love to be convinced otherwise since i’m a JS dev and like functional stuff
here's Wikipedia's example "functional program" written in a language I just came up with:
[1...10] ,{(2 x) mod not} filter ,{,10 mul} map ,{sum} reduce
JS is typically considered multi-paradigm I think
It doesn't really commit to functional, it sorta does to OOP but its relationship with it has always been a little weird
JS was originally intended to be functional, then they tried to make it less functional, then they tried to make it functional again
It doesn't have things that I'd expect more functional languages to have, and it didn't even have map until like the late 2010s
And even then its map is cursed, along with its other methods
E.g., [1, -2, -8].reduce(Math.max) is 2
...or it would be
If there wasn't the even curseder third/fourth param
That's not really a issue with how map/reduce works, but just how functions don't have a fixed number of arguments
IMO it'd make more sense to still have variadic functions, but to only pass a single arg in map/reduce
If JS had a proper selection of functions, you wouldn't need the second and third
The second argument is incredibly useful though
E.g., the only time I need the second is cursed reimplementations of zip since JS stubbornly doesn't have it
Third one not so much
There could always be a map_with_index method for those rare situations
yeah having to do x => parseInt(x) instead of just parseInt is a bit annoying lol
I don't think I've ever used parseInt for something other than base conversion lol
Having a seperate map with index or enumerate map would probably be a improvment, agreed
I hereby present my most cursed creation yet: A Fibonacci program in Dysfunctional
fib(n) -> ,1,1 swaplast ,{(##$)sum} replacelast ,{,1 (#$)sub} replacefirst ,{fib} ,{(#$)} (^#)if call
if you don't like the swaplast type functions I have alternate syntax that doesn't use them
(@RydwolfPrograms you might like this)
Now's not a good time to distract me. I am has SE Nitro!
This chapter will feature a cameo from everyone's favorite ghost town, Windows Phone.
OLIMAR cameo when
@mathcat didn't know my PFP had a name
(we do a little transcript diving)
... that was like a year ago
(we do minor amounts of transcript inspection)
(we do miniscule amounts of chatlog reading)
unmeasurable quantities
could go either way
if you're implementing a language which uses a custom codepage how do you do that
Hey guys! I just got back from a trip.
vacation or acid? :p
All of the above
Mostly acid, but I had some bases, too
@Ginger \⍤/
OK, I think that's enough.
Nothing's going on in the room to disrupt?
@Jacob Assuming you want to use Unicode symbols that do not match any existing code page, just provide functionality to convert between the code page and Unicode.
hm ok
It can be built into the interpreter/compiler, or stand-alone.
@RydwolfPrograms Doesn't everyone say it's prototype-based?
well i'm trying to implement emojistack but not sure how since the codepage has 553 symbols
that can't fit with 1-to-1 mapping
would it have to use 10-bit bytes or smth
I thought that was supposed to be like a gotcha interview question. Or is that just about the fact that it's not properly OOP? Is it more multi-paradigm than any number of other industry langs?
@Jacob Or reserve 2 bytes as modifiers for an adjacent byte, giving you 3×254=762 codes.
@Jacob You can always log256 the character count if there's no codepage.
@Jacob It's probably designed for UTF-8
Not very golfy but I doubt that's what it's meant for
just the codepage has 553 symbols
My recommendation would be a hamming code
@Jacob Oh, right. I meant a 256 one.
Looks like it's designed for UTF-32 tho based on the footnote
@RydwolfPrograms Isn't that a little overdone relative to what we usually do? I thought taking the log was our classic solution.
Or am I just totally missing the point of this.
Do they even document what all the emojis do?
i think so
it has most of them at least
That doesn't look like all 533 of the emojis to me.
im going to check
That's relevant because if in fact ≤256 are defined, as it looks to me, that sure makes life simpler.
yeah that's what im checking now
Alternatively, just map Vyxal's primitives to emojis and you'll get a competitive golflang :p
Plus, you'll get an interpreter for free
it's only 50 commands <:-{-0>==]
that's meant to be a face
@AviFS not a bad idea lol
i should implement emojistack in vyxal
@AviFS Not really classical, it only started to be allowed this year :p
@Ginger That translates into FunStack as Plus foldl1 Times 10 map Even? filter, though 1) that errors if there aren't any even numbers in the list (but so does the JavaScript code), 2) a more idiomatic way to write it would be Sum Times 10 Even? filter, and 3) I haven't implemented filter yet.
Oh, I guess if you want to hardcode the array as numbers 1 through 10, stick IFrom1 10 on the end.
@RydwolfPrograms *last year
LDQ: should i allow accessing uninitialized variables if they are in a higher scope?
@Seggan You mean they've been initialised in the higher scope?
var a
fun b() { return a }
a = 1
should this be legal?
note this is a statically typed language
i dont see why it shouldn't be legal
Right, that's just lexical scoping.
Q: Exactly two neighbors

Wheat WizardGiven as input a list of positive integers, your task is to determine if every integer present has exactly two neighbors in the list. The neighbors of a integer \$x\$ are the distinct characters that appear next to an \$x\$ anywhere in the list. For example in the list: [1,3,4,4,3,2,1] The numb...

@Seggan I don't think so
I'd feel a lot more comfortable if only initialized variables could be accessed
Perhaps there should be a way to explicitly tell the compiler that it's okay to access a there
@Seggan Yes
The question is, how do you resolve this:
var a
fun b() {
a = 2
return a
a = 1
What's complicated about that?
Both as refer to the variable declared at the top with var a
It should return 2, but depending on which a takes precedence, it could return 1
There's only one a
But two assignments
but the variable is mutable
um i would assume that to return 2 but
@cairdcoinheringaahing The a = 2 assignment happens after a = 1, so there's no reason to return 1
@user hehe... but then mutual recursion would be impossible in Rol
Ah, but you're assuming good language design :P
you dare assume my language design abilities? :P
@Seggan Allow marking some variables as lazy then
or maybe smth like kotlins lateinit where ure saying "i know you cant make sure but i promise you the variable will be initialized for any access"
That works too. You don't have nulls, right?
Actually, does lateinit work with primitives? There's no way to check if a variable holding a primitive has been initialized or not unless it's boxed or something
@user i borrowed kotlins typing system
@user yeah it does, it uses boxed primitives
Just note that since lateinit doesn't work with nullable types, you might want to support lazy variables anyway
Either through a Kotlin-like lazy delegate or properly integrated into the language
hrm thatll need some thinking of syntax
unless i literally do lazy val x = whatever()
Well you could always do it like Kotlin
OCaml has let rec

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