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I made my own, it's okay. And there still aren't docs.
I have no idea how to write docs of this scale.
@VoteToReopen that's just Seriously/Actually. Seriously as a language only exists for a pun.
@ATaco well if the stdlib is also in funky, add doc-comments to everything and autogenerate docs.
At the very least give a guide on syntax and list the available functions so people can try to tell by the name.
Yeah, right now i'm having a look at readthedocs, to see if I can do something somewhat usable.
@ATaco I went to the main page and found Funky. Heh.
> Welcome to Read the Docs
This is an autogenerated index file.
Yeah, I'm working on that.
CMP: What's the most stupid (according to you) code you have written?
not everything has to be a chat mini something
Hey, I'm only following suit. :P
I really just wanna see some stupid code.
I'll start with something fairly stupid: n>1 and ... or [0, 1][n]
@VoteToReopen Everything that comes to mind for me is just me doing something that's considered bad practice (like writing a python program without defining a single class or function), but I don't really have any intresting examples. However, a friend of mine once had the problem of not wanting to resize arrays in Java, and he didn't know how many objects the array would contain, leading to new Object[Integer.MAX_VALUE]
@VoteToReopen code that prints simply "I lost the game"
@Pavel The objects in question (they weren't actually Object but I don't remember what the type name was) also knew about this array. By copy, not reference. Every onject in the array also had a Object[Integer.MAX_VALUE].
@VoteToReopen I was just starting out in C++, and I hadn't yet fully grasped the concept of arrays, and I definitely hadn't yet grasped the concept of std::vector and friends. Cue m00, m01, m02, m03, ..., m10, m11, m12, m13, ....
About to post this:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienConcatenative counting source-layout code-challenge number Your challenge is to write N snippets of code such that, when you concatenate the first K ≥ 1 together, they produce the number K. The higher N, the better. Here's the catch: you may not use any character more than once across your snip...

any last complaints?
i am now extremely annoyed ._.
@VoteToReopen this
Lame. Wait, that isn't a regular rickroll...
TFW you think someone rickrolled you but they actually rickrolled you indirectly.
it's the the stupidest thing I've coded
damn. You got me
does anyone here know much about audio/music theory?
@ATaco: I must admit neither I nor my math instructor ever solved it.
@LuisMendo might be able to help you out
@ConorO'Brien me, or Joshua?
maybe both but primarily you
I'll keep that in mind
@ATaco: "sudo mv / /www" Now that's where actually logging in as root is superior to sudo; that mistake is within reach of reversing if a root shell is already up. "cd /www ; usr/lib/klibc/bin/mv * /" and now put what belongs in www back
sudo rm -f /dev/null
@Pavel I finished writing the documentation for all the globals.
@HyperNeutrino: Boring. I keep a backup of /dev in a tarball.
@EricTressler I took a few relevant courses in college
@EricTressler: I'm having trouble seeing how that test doesn't find the simple harmonic series convergent.
@ATaco I think you forgot to push, I'm still seeing the mostly blank "Hello, World!"
I haven't pushed intentionally.
I did sudo rm -f /dev/null once and my computer stopped responding after a while.
@Mego do you have any idea what the general description of, say, a flute's C is in terms of compositions of pure tones?
@ATaco Ah
yeah lots of stuff doesn't like a missing /dev/null. you won't be able to unhang terminals very easily after that mistake
is it, for example, a pure C with extra tones at pleasant fractions around C, or Cs of other octaves mixed in, or random noise added to a C, or ...?
@HyperNeutrino To my vast dissapointment, mv /dev/null ~ caused it to become a regular empty file instead of acting like the normal /dev/null
don't mv across devices unless you like surprises
I want to finish writing the libraries before my push.
@EricTressler IIRC from physics courses, it should be mostly comprised of the note, the upper octaves of the note (where the amplitude is 1/(2N) for N octaves above the base note), and a small contribution from fifths.
@Mego that's exactly what I wanted to know, thank you!
I know that stringed instruments mostly work that way, and so since wind instruments are very similar in terms of mechanics (with the air as the medium instead of the string), it shouldn't differ too much
the harmonic overtones for strings and wind (especially flute) are quite different...
I can ask my friend about this one; he knows sound mechanics way better than I do.
@HyperNeutrino if you can give me other ideas, I would like to test them out too
@HyperNeutrino The basic physics is very similar, but with strings you get additional overtones other than just the 5th
What are you trying to do?
@Mego yeah. basically it's just a note and a bunch of other random stuff mixed in :P
I wrote a barebones audio synthesizer and i'm playing around with it
ooh cool
general suggestions: only add fifths, fourths, and octaves above the principal note :P
maybe thirds but that can sound weird sometimes
Since a flute is a half-open metal tube with resonating air, the other overtones destructively interfere with each other, leading to them not really contributing much
if you want, you can play around with adding really quiet and high up other things like seconds, tritones, etc
I'm also trying to figure out whether my discrete fourier transform code is screwy or not, but I don't think anyone else can help me with that one
Regardless, you can fake a flute pretty easily with just octaves and fifths - IIRC it's one of the easiest instruments to synthesize
no tuning forks are easier /s (they're not instruments, ik ik :P)
what's the hardest then? o_O
(maybe timpani? no idea actually)
@HyperNeutrino Probably euphonium out of the typical concert wind instruments
hm maybe
Timpani should be pretty simple - they're drums made out of a skin with tension over a resonance chamber, which is basically an intro physics problem :P
There are too many math functions ;-;
I just understood ;-;
For the longest time, I thought those were arms...
so when we talk about fifths, are we talking about C*(3/2)^n, or C*3/2, 2C*3/2, 4C*3/2, ...
@Mego oh rly? lol
well a fifth above a note C is C*2^(7/12)
or really you could just say C*1.5 but it might sound a bit weird
so fifths are I guess C*2^(k+7/12) for integers k
anyway brb o/
@EricTressler 3/2 ratio
@Mego right, but the second fifth, is it the fifth of the fifth of C, or the fifth of the octave of C --- (3/2)*(3/2)*C or (3/2)*2*C
@EricTressler It should be (3/2)*2*C - though the fifth of the fifth would also sound, it would be so faint that it would barely contribute to the total note. It's simpler to just base everything off of the root note.
it's impossible to say what a fifth is
without mentioning what tuning you're using
HyperNeutrino is referring to
An equal temperament is a musical temperament, or a system of tuning, in which the frequency interval between every pair of adjacent notes has the same ratio. In other words, there are equal ratios of the frequencies of any adjacent pair, and, since pitch is perceived roughly as the logarithm of frequency, equal perceived "distance" from every note to its nearest neighbor. In equal temperament tunings, the generating interval is often found by dividing some larger desired interval, often the octave (ratio 2:1), into a number of smaller equal steps (equal frequency ratios between successive notes...
but for example in Pythogarean tuning
Pythagorean tuning is a system of musical tuning in which the frequency ratios of all intervals are based on the ratio 3:2. This ratio, also known as the "pure" perfect fifth, is chosen because it is one of the most consonant and easiest to tune by ear and because of importance attributed to the integer 3. As Novalis put it, "The musical proportions seem to me to be particularly correct natural proportions." Alternatively, it can be described as the tuning of the syntonic temperament in which the generator is the ratio 3:2 (i.e., the untempered perfect fifth), which is 702 cents wide. The system...
it's exactly 3/2
For physics purposes, Pythagorean tuning is preferred
jsdoc is making this much easier.
I'm really glad I have this site now.
@Mego thank you. It's bookmarked; I think my DFT code is broken, though, so I need to go look into that more deeply now.
Good luck!
These are actually starting to look like docs.
ooh cool :D
@EricTressler Also don't ask me about reed instruments. I've played clarinet for 10 years, and the only thing I understand well about their workings is that reeds are evil.
reeds are great D: except when you leave them for a while and then blow into it and it sprays spit everywhere :D
At the end of each concert season in high school, all of the reed players would take their broken and crappy reeds and burn them in a large fire. It was very satisfying.
@HyperNeutrino Reeds are more temperamental than the teenagers using them in high school bands
@Mego that sounds fun :D our school does it with broken cellos
(I've never gotten to see one IRL though because I haven't gone to any of the music retreats lol)
@Mego haha yes from my experience you're playing it and then you touch it slightly wrong and it breaks into like 10 pieces (slightly exaggerating but yk :P)
@HyperNeutrino They usually don't physically break, but they do like to give out in the middle of using them :P
yes :P
that's why during concerts I always have a spare, or during the musical last year, like 3 spares all of different thicknesses :P
I usually carried 2 spares during concerts - one slightly harder, and one slightly softer
ah I see
yeah I used to only use 2.5 and then I started using 3 and it was much better IMO
Marching band was nice - the crowd/judges couldn't hear us anyway, so lower-quality reeds were fine
I usually only carried 2.5 if I needed low tones
@Mego HA "couldn't hear us anyway" lol
I used 3-3.5 for marching band and 4 for concert band
I've never done marching band stuff before (my only chance would have been my cadet band but that didn't start up until last year and they didn't march anyway and I couldn't join it because of my rank)
I don't get how people would prevent the mouthpiece from jumping around randomly and making weird sounds :P
It's all in the marching style
Marching band isn't just walking around while playing an instrument - you use one of several deliberate step styles to keep an even tone
ooh interesting
(also my one friend who also plays clarinet is flat half the time because he holds his clarinet at the wrong angle or something like that - I know another people who plays clarinet as his (probably) main instrument so that's helpful :D)
A lot of high school marching bands in my area used what's called the "bicycle step" - lifting your knees up and planting your foot down flat
My director thought that looked stupid (he's correct), and so he taught us the DCI style of marching, which is much more physically difficult but looks nice and produces smoother steps/sound
hm interesting. from intuition it would seem that it's ideal to like "jolt" (?) as little as possible
is that correct or totally off?
That's pretty correct
I have played clarinet for like little over 2 years now, 4 counting bass clarinet
Oh, I don't have a string.sub method...
but that was middle school stuff so didn't really learn much in school :P learned most of my altissimo range when I got bored at home though :P
@ATaco hm might be useful :P
I've got a sublist function, that's all I need. :P
Glide step is what the nicer style is called
hm interesting
who knew walking could be so complicated xD
I want to say that I regret picking 6 as the perl to learn, due to all the weirdness, but I don't know wether or not perl5 is even weirder.
anyway gtg o/
Lovely, sub declares a function in the global scope, method declares on in the scope of a class, submethod is, therefore, the equivalent of Java's final.
# Also,
try {
    CATCH {
        when X:IO { ... }
        when X::AdHoc { ... }
        default { ... }
@Pavel the docs are currently hosted here, although they don't explain the syntax or anything yet, just constants and functions.
@ATaco Suggestion: Put a (small?) descirption of Funky under Home, so it isn't 3/4 empty space.
Q: Five Character ASCII Map

jakekimds ΨNote: In this post, the terms 'character' and 'color' mean essentially the same thing This image: can be represented as ....'''333 .eeee'''3e ..dddd33ee %%%dd####e (mapping colors to ascii characters) The four color theorum states that "given any separation of a plane into contiguous re...

3 hours later…
@Mego since when did overtones stop being whole integer multiples of the fundamental?
@Neil When Fourier analysis was invented
Also harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental. Overtone is a musical term, not a physics term.
ah right we only studied simple instruments whose overtones were always harmonics
@ConorO'Brien @EricTressler I'll be happy to help if I can. What is it?
1 hour later…
Q: Does everything have to be original?

Stewie GriffinMany kolmogorov challenges are closed as duplicates of the Rickroll challenge. ascii-art challenges are closed as duplicates of various other challenges that are somewhat similar. code-golf challenges are closed as duplicates of challenges that touch the same concepts as other challenges. The qu...

Q: creation of "Hello World" in Multiple indian Languages

Web Designer PromoterTask Create a program or a function that is valid in multiple programming languages, and when compiled/interpreted as a different language outputs "Hello, World!" in a different natural language. Winning Criterion The solution that can output the phrase in the greatest number of languages wins...

why indian?
for no reason. The php tag makes it even better.
There are quite a few Indian languages, maybe that's why.
I will never trust someone nicknamed "Web Designer Promoter"
Q: Should we have a new, improved matrix determinant challenge?

MegoThere is currently a challenge to compute the determinant of a matrix. However, it was written 5 years ago, before our current quality standards were established. It falls short of those standards in several ways: Inflexible I/O (must be STDIN and STDOUT) Cumbersome I/O format (whitespace-separ...

Q: Highest or Lowest Occurrences?

Kevin CruijssenChallenge: Inputs: A string containing printable ASCII (excluding spaces, tabs and new-lines) A boolean † Output: The parts of the String are divided into four groups: Lowercase letters Uppercase letters Digits Other Based on the boolean, we either output the highest occurrence of one (...

@Pavel You can either launch the console as an admin, or use runas.exe to run a particular executable as an admin. There are other ways, too, if that won't work for you.
CMC: chop a string from the first letter until the next occurance of that letter, not including either. e.g. there are multiple words here => here are mul. there will be a starting and ending letter, and will have at least two letter
Q: Solve the equation `a*x == b` with Int32 arithmetics

Jeppe Stig NielsenIn this thread we use 32-bit signed integers (assuming the usual two's complement). For simplicity I shall call this type Int32. The range is from -2147483648 through 2147483647. Any two values can be successfully multiplied (the result is an Int32 as well) since we use multiplication without ove...

Helka changed his name back?
Looks like it...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ZgarbMinimum rectangle cover code-golf optimization matrix Rectangle covers Suppose you have a matrix of bits, for example the following. 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 We would like to find a rectangle cover for this matrix. It is a set of rect...

^ Make up your mind already, protect or unprotect.
Has been protected/unprotected 8 times this year.
Which I find to be a bit absurd.
Q: Tag Proposal: [Interactive]

AdmBorkBorkI'm proposing a new tag named interactive for challenges that go beyond simple stdin/stdout processing. This would be challenges that require the program to respond to user input in some fashion, interactively. My current sandbox challenge Create a Checkbox Create a Paint program! Type the Alph...

@SimplyBeautifulArt Oh, we've made up our minds. Community is a bot and doesn't care for what we think.
@VoteToReopen Oh... then what is it doing?
Unfortunately, @Community doesn't reflect the community itself.
@SimplyBeautifulArt It's programmed to protect a question that has had too many bad answers by answers by users with low reputation. Or some criteria like that.
Hello World challenge has been protected/unprotected like probably a hundred times
I've unprotected it at least 10 times already :D
(also, I unprotected that challenge again)
Thinking about updating the leaderboard with my new score, but I'm too lazy + answer is subject to change soon possibly.
\o/ Calvin's back!
I actually prefer helka now :p
Hello peoples o/
\o ollɘH
@HyperNeutrino ɘ
How can I answer after the question is marked as duplicate? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/146735/69850
You can't.
@user202729 because client-side lag
Probably you didn't reload it after it was closed.
And the server still accept it? Weird.
the server doesn't check at all
So it means I can somehow post answer to some locked questions?
not sure for locked
Not really. If they're already locked, no, otherwise, probably.
Never tried though :D
I think that locked is different from closed
Why does/should the server behave that way? If it check for locked, why don't it check for closed too?
If you answer a question while a mod locks it, it might still get through, same as closed question. You can't answer a question after the server confirms that it is closed or locked
I once saw someone answer a closed question hours after it had been closed lol
it's the client that does regular checks for closure
But you can manipulate the client, because it is on your machine.
@SimplyBeautifulArt well, if they put their computer in stand-by mode in the meantime (i.e. no checks) then resumed it and answered quickly enough so that a check doesn't occur, it's perfectly possible and maybe unintentional too
I want to answer these two challenges in Add++ simply because it has no concept of strings :P
that may be slightly difficult
@HyperNeutrino Well, it can take strings as input, but it has no string-related commands :P
Ah okay, I see :P
It can manipulate strings as long as that manipulation is identical when applied to arrays
ah okay, I see
you could just make strings equal to character/codepoint arrays
@HyperNeutrino Strings are Python strings
And I'm not adding in implicit casting
but you could make them arrays so you can actually do things with them lol
then again Add++ isn't exactly made to be easy to use :P
@HyperNeutrino Wait, you can remember my language, but not yours? o.O
Next OEIS sequence (Not my answer): oeis.org/A000112 (Yay, no formula)
@cairdcoinheringaahing well all I remember is it's weird and confusing :P
> Yay, no formula
which is less than what I remember about Proton so meh
@HyperNeutrino Its not that confusing
Because I hate it when people don't understand the sequence and use the formula without proof.
@user202729 +1 I agree
@HyperNeutrino Nope, new type of grammar :P
Like this one , but I don't downvote any answer because of that reason.
even at the doorstep of challenge death I won't just copy the formula into Mathematica :P
But in this case it is more likely because Mathematica is already used.
Alphabetical characters, ಠ and _ only are allowed in my new type of grammar (and spaces)
@user202729 well, I'd say that the formula being there is already proof :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing that sಠunds like a very bad idea in my ಠpiniಠn
@cairdcoinheringaahing Your sentence describing the grammar already violate the grammar.
@user202729 Exactly what I was going to say ಠP
what is that emoticon ._.
Happy cyclops
This "Jellyfish" looks like a llama — HyperNeutrino 1 min ago
@HyperNeutrino ^ ಠ_ಠ
@EriktheOutgolfer But they just copy the formula from OEIS and say something like "Because the formula is listed on OEIS it must be correct".
Do you have that image bookmarked or something? :P
@HyperNeutrino Yep :P
@user202729 I don't think they accept formulas without proofs...
Also, is everyone excited for tomorrow (Nov 1)? We're getting our site design :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing ...whyyyy (ಠ_ಠ)
@HyperNeutrino Nov 1 is graduating, and we've already done that
@HyperNeutrino who said that? any link to such a thing?
@HyperNeutrino I use it a lot :P
really? wrong joke?
@EriktheOutgolfer I thought it was a Geobits troll
that's part of the reason why I asked
It clearly says that tomorrow is Nov 1st
@EriktheOutgolfer oh ok :P :P :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing are you intentionally trying to troll me? :p
@EriktheOutgolfer "who said that?" could be talking about any part of Hyper's message innocent look
except that in this case it didn't say "tomorrow is November 1" it was in () ;p
so it could only refer to the whole message or the last part
@EriktheOutgolfer Sooo.... you want a link showing excited people?
I have been outgolfed :D
Nice work!
and found a bug in jelly too
Wh.. What?
shh it's not a bug, it's a feature. dennis never does things unintentionally
What bug?
where the ³ is it should be able to be a instead
but it's not
and dennis did confirm it's a bug so no it's not a feature
RIP test suite
Hey guys, do you think the secondary answer (after the Edit:) from my answer here would be valid? It takes input as two arguments instead of one, but OP didn't specify it clearly IMO.
It would definitely be ok IMO
@J.Salle Taking arguments as a list is generally considered acceptable, so itshould be fine
Okay, thanks hahah
CMP: What is the smallest number of letters you have to type in the chat username search to result in yours and only your name showing up?
Mine is 5 (caird)
@EriktheOutgolfer Can I borrow your ØWṖs26 trick and give credit to it? It would save me 4 bytes.
@EriktheOutgolfer I hope you don't mind me "borrowing" your ØWṖs26µẎØṖḟW⁸; tricky for 6 bytes with credit :D
(lol semi-ninja-ish? xD)
@cairdcoinheringaahing 10 (my full username) -- For some users whose username is a prefix of others it is impossible.
suddenly people want to borrow my trick :p
since I can't read Jelly, what's so tricky about it?
@Mr.Xcoder um, sure
@cairdcoinheringaahing technically 1 because . isn't a letter (I need J.)
@cairdcoinheringaahing con
@J.Salle ಠ_ಠ
Just call it 2
@cairdcoinheringaahing deal
@EriktheOutgolfer well yeah because I wasn't smart enough to notice the other nilad with all of the characters I need conveniently slicable by 26 :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing So change your CMP to count number of bytes.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Several combinations of 5 letters results in uniqueness for mine
I can't look for Neutrino because my brother :P
RIP Dennis can't do it. There are 9 pages of users with "Dennis" in their name
@Neil It is a nice trick to generate [['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'], ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']]
@cairdcoinheringaahing ha xD rip people with normal names
@HyperNeutrino Is your brother TauNeutrino?
I think only people with a username not really resembling an IRL name can do that :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
@HyperNeutrino rip o7
My screen name is my real name though >.> kind of
I wonder if 0 ' can do it :P
@HyperNeutrino It removes spaces before searching, and there are a few with 0'
@cairdcoinheringaahing 2 (Mr)
> yours and only yours
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, mine and only mine.
I get 95 pages for Mr
@HyperNeutrino Weird.
Mine can be reduced to 5 bytes 02729
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait, I though you were talking about pinging.
@Mr.Xcoder how were you generating it before?
@Neil Mine was concatenating the lowercase alphabet, uppercase alphabet and digits, Erik's chops ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 into sublists of length 26 (keeping shorter substrings at the end)
minxomaτ can get 4 bytes (2 chars) by .
@EriktheOutgolfer Well I got to an alternative to yours xD: ØBUs26
Dang, that "output all of them that are the same length" is killer for my code. :-/
@Mr.Xcoder I think its quite interesting that yours still works by replacing ¢ with Ç
because e¢$ makes a monadic chain so as a monadic chain would work too, plus the helper link doesn't use any implied stuff until the first µ
@EriktheOutgolfer Does that mean that using dyadic Ç would work as well (don't have TIO/quicks open)
I don't think so
then I think the e will first execute and then the ç separately
Yep, doesn't work
yeah, I think <L>fg<R> is g(f(L, R), R)
not sure tho
Has show/hide preview on SE been there forever and I've been blind or is it new?
what preview
@Mr.Xcoder It's always been there
Dang I am so blind...
@Mr.Xcoder To be fair, it isn't obvious
The next OEIS sequence seems to be not too hard. (but related to graph again)
@HyperNeutrino f(L, g(L, R))
Oh? Cool, thanks :D
that is, either with ¥ appended or at the very start of a dyadic chain
Using Haskell as an analogy to explain stuff. Good joke. — NieDzejkob 23 mins ago
Remind me to explain my next C/Perl/Python solution with equivalent Befunge
@cairdcoinheringaahing NaN
@Adám I searched Adám and yours was the only one highlighted, but it came up for non-highlighted users as well. Weird.
In fact, I get the same result with Adá
@cairdcoinheringaahing 5
outgo or utgol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Same with dám. I think it only begins looking at 3 chras.
Anyone up for a bit of JHT?
@Mr.Xcoder I should be good for 30 mins
CMC: Given a full username for which a string exists which causes the chat username search to result in that name and that name only to show up, return the shortest such string.
I've set a CMC there

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