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@cairdcoinheringaahing 5 - zaima
Anyone one how to select a single word in vim?
@Pavel vw?
@NieDzejkob That selects from the cursor the the next word, including the first character of the next word.
Which is almost good but then I wase a byte on moving the cursor left.
@EriktheOutgolfer Meaning, as two separate strings rather than combined into one string.
but how
what do you mean
"H "
" 9 "
still unclear
one string containing H, the other containing 9
instead of only one string, I'm outputting two
split on...?
Like "H" with 20 spaces and "9" with 9 prepending and 11 appending spaces
no split
um I guess yes? function or full program?
Full program
so it would appear as in one line normally
@user202729 In this particular case, I neither have nor like Mathematica, and so I never use it. And to find the formula for the coefficients of the series for the q-Pochhammer function I had to understand what that is, compute some coefficients and find them at OEIS. And yes indeed, then I just selected a useful way to compute them without asking for a proof, only struggling with how to explain that to axiom...
No, two lines, because it's two separate strings
Basically my algorithm constructs four strings, one of uppercase, lowercase, digits, and other, then selects from them which one(s) to output.
If I have to merge the string(s) back together at the end, it'll cost a bunch more bytes
@Pavel viw or vaw to get the surrounding spaces. blog.carbonfive.com/2011/10/17/…
@DJMcMayhem Ah, thanks. I'm actually configuring my vimrc right now, so I'm really glad you're here; how do I make left-right arrow keys wrap lines?
Oh gosh
I know you can, but I don't remember the option
Wrapscan I think?
@DJMcMayhem Ah well, I'll look it up.
Also, I found several options relating to copy-pasting from clipboard in your vimrc and I have no idea what they do.
@Pavel also consider ve
@DJMcMayhem ._. how do I paste from system clipboard
I found what I'm looking for on the internet and I realized I don't know how to paste it in
@Pavel "*p
I've got noremap <Leader>p "*p in my vimrc
but you need vim compiled with +clipboard
makes it so you can just do \\p (literal backslash, not an escape) to paste like that
So does dj, but what is this <Leader>
@Pavel default it's backslash
you can set that
@NieDzejkob most vims are though?
Neovim apparantly is
mine is from the debian repo and I think it isn't
@Pavel you can use ":map leader" if you want to set it to smth diff, I'd reccommend keeping \ though
I think tmux is messing with $DISPLAY, maybe when I connect to the session outside of X?
What's the difference between "+p and "*p
@Pavel + or * is the register to paste from
iirc + is the vim clipboard, and * is the system
ah, + on *nix is 'XA_SECONDARY', desktop clipboard
not sure what that is but I've never used it for anything but golf
Huh. Dj's vimrc has noremap <leader>p "+p
And I know he has Windows
might be the same on windows
one is the one for C-c C-v and one is for selecting and middleclicking
I was just going off some wiki article
@NieDzejkob ah ok, makes sense
@Pavel does it also have a <leader>P defined?
capital P
"Faster clipboard copying/pasting
nnoremap <leader>y "+y
nnoremap <leader>Y "+Y
xnoremap <leader>y "+y
xnoremap <leader>Y "+Y

"Paste from system clipboard
nnoremap <leader>p "+p
nnoremap <leader>P "+P
xnoremap <leader>p "+p
xnoremap <leader>P "+P
(Also don't know what xnoremap is, but meh)
he copied that from a online rc and changed some bits :P
@Pavel xnoremap applies in X mode, idr which one that is off the top of my head
might be execute
and nno applies in 'n'ormal mode
Hmm, is there a way to paste so the the cursor goes to the end of the pasted text?
@Pavel probably
I don't know it though, sorry
@DJMcMayhem halp
@Pavel Sorry, I'm in and out, seeing bits and pieces of this conversation. <Leader> is whatever you want it to be. Conceptually, it exists so you can have room to make your own mappings without overriding defaults
@Pavel use gp
Ah, ty.
@Riker o_O woah
@Riker x mode is basically just visual+select mode
ah ok
Q: cursor position after pasting in vi / vim

JoelFanOne thing that has always bothered me in vi / vim: If I "yank" (a.k.a. "copy") some text, then move to another place in the file and do a "paste", my cursor remains at the beginning of the text I just pasted. This is different from what most modern editors do, which is put the cursor at the end...

I googled it
How do I set the colorscheme? I want my neovim-qt to be solarized.
(I know I should google these, but my school blocks all SE main sites, github, and the neovim website, so I'm kinda stuck)
The colorscheme option
So set colorscheme=solarized?
It solarized is installed
@Pavel gotham is good too
but for any of them you'll need to download the theme
Better yet, install flazz/vim-colorschemes
That's the first time I've needed a Captcha for pastebin
The only problem is that it doesn't come with hotdog
@muddyfish oh, did I set that? didn't mean to
@DJMcMayhem no
I don't think you did but it showed up with some reason
@Riker Hotdog is beautiful, and anyone who disagrees is wrong
@DJMcMayhem will do
@DJMcMayhem ;-; but I don't want to be wrong
@Mr.Xcoder -1 for no up/downgoat button.
@J.Sallé IDK I prefer boats
Also, ^^^ DJ!
@Mr.Xcoder are those boats? I thought they looked like dropbox's new logo
Those are boats.
Okay then, noted.
GOL-themed boats.
I like boats 10/10
I still think the downboat looks too much like a smiley
I see where you're coming from but only after you said it. :P
@AdmBorkBork I thought so too
Is the downboat too similar to a smiley? Maybe a simple ++ and -- would be better? — AdmBorkBork Feb 22 '16 at 19:07
Also @AdmBorkBork thanks for your wonderful hexagon triangles challenge, since I am terribly amused by the fact that Charcoal is only 3.3 times shorter than Python :D
I agree, they look like smileys. As much as I like downvotes, they shouldn't look like happy faces. — Geobits Feb 25 '16 at 16:01
What even is the difference between Vim and Neovim, they seem to be the exact same.
@Pavel Neovim is a refactor of vim. It's main design goals were 1) a more open community so that development didn't all go through one person, and more people felt free to contribute, and 2) Async support. However, since vim 8 added async support, the differences aren't that marked now
Hexagonal Tessellations are three-colorable, right?
I'm pretty sure
Q: ASCII rhombic grid

Galen IvanovWrite the shortest code by character count to generate an ASCII grid composed of rhombi, given the following parameters: m - number of complete rhombi in one row n - number of rows s - side of the smallest rhombus r - level of nesting Examples 1. Input: 5 3 1 0 Output: /\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\...

@Whoever uses the ppcg graduation theme: how can I access the settings? I can't find it since the new top bar went live
you can't
the new top bar messed that up
Wow, that's sad.
I just installed it on my work computer but I need the dark theme D:
CMC: Given a String, insert N spaces in front of each character, where N represents the sum of the positions in the alphabet of the characters preceding it (in the String).
(must use 0-indexing)
I just golfed 50% off of an old answer of mine :)
"abfe" -> "ab f e"
(26 -> 13)
@DJMcMayhem Lemme guess, V?
Yeah, how'd you know? :P
@DJMcMayhem Dunno, complex analysis :P
You must be stalking me. No one could have possibly made a guess that lucky
Indeed, I must admit I am stalking a DJ cat (which also claims to be allergic to itself :P)
Hey, self allergies are a serious medical condition, not something to joke about.
@DJMcMayhem yup, I know someone who's allergic to their own (and only their own) sweat.
Yeah, please excuse me
Now imagine living in a place where 30ºC is a cool day
It's a pleasant 1ºC here in sunny Colorado
Same here
Lol I wish. It's currently 28ºC here probably because it's raining buckets.
Where I live, temperature ranges anywhere from [-25ºC, 35ºC]
real temperature ranges here are like [-35, 35] C
@J.Sallé where are you?
@HyperNeutrino -35? Dang.
@Riker Rio de Janeiro
ah cool
apparent temperature ranges are [-40, 40]
I think the coldest I ever got here was like 16ºC
In the summer anything under 35ºC is abnormal
lol maybe canadians are different but how do you even live when it's that hot xD
@HyperNeutrino 22 years of practice, I guess? hahahahahahah
then again canadian summer is usually about 20-40 degrees (it can change between those two several times within a week)
@J.Sallé lol :P
When I went to Scotland I got -1ºC, that's the coldest I've ever been.
lol that's when I start wearing a jacket/sweater
yeah lol I saw some people jogging while waiting for a bus that day. With jogging clothes. Like short shorts and sleeveless shirts
I wanna go to canada some day though. I've got a cousin in Vancouver and a couple family friends in Calgary
come during the summer xD
@HyperNeutrino Why random float in [0, 1) rather than [0, 1]?
For sure. I like my appendages attached and preferably not frozen :p
@Mr.Xcoder because random.random
Is it really that hot in RIO? Didn't know that.
Temperature ranges from [-10ºC, 35ºC] in the city I live in, but I don't really stay here during summer, and in the other cities temperatures range from [-25ºC, 40ºC] :P
@Mr.Xcoder during the spring and summer, usually. Fall and winter are milder, ~20-25ºC
@J.Sallé Insert a minus in front and you have our winter D:
If you see me answer any questions or comment on a post before September 2017, please down vote, leave an angry comment and give me a smack in the face! Thanks!
Shamelessly stolen from Stewie's SO profile
@Mr.Xcoder -~20? That's not much different. :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing not sure about your timezone, but here it's october 31 2017
@AdmBorkBork Yeah tehnically -~20==21 :P
@EriktheOutgolfer Make that 2018 D:
@cairdcoinheringaahing I’ll make sure not to follow your advices! You’re welcome :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing wat
@HyperNeutrino C or F?
I'm guessing C
(Canada and all that)
I doubt that
40 C is really hot
I am sure he means C
how is summer 20 F then that's really, really cold even for canada I think
also 40 C isn't impossible it often happens
40ºC is very hot. Last year we had 4 or 5 days in the summer that reached 40ºC (in some places feeling like 43~45)
@EriktheOutgolfer doesn't seem canadian to me but ok
I mean, it's regularly 40-45 C here in the summer
There's one neighbourhood here that's usually 3 or 4 degrees above the average in the city. I saw someone put a frying pan over the pavement and fry an egg to prove a point
@J.Sallé last summer in greece we had 40-something which felt like 47 one day and generally very hot summers in greece
iirc the local record is 117 F / 47-ish C
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah, unless my geography fails me (it usually does) Greece is close to the Equator isn't it?
@J.Sallé not really
around the midway point of teh north pole vs the equator
the equator goes through the middle of africa, greece is well above that
actually it might be F indeed
@Riker 40C is really hot, but it's not unreasonable for canada
@Riker hm, yeah that's the tropic of (cancer || capricorn)
I knew there was a line somewhere there :p
@Riker yes
@DJMcMayhem huh
around here I'm constantly frustrated by california's stupid temperature ideas
how is that related to where is greece
see: october, it hit 40 C easily last week
today its' around 15 C
104 F vs 60 F
There was some stuff melting in GA a couple months back wasn't there?
the state? no clue
that's around 3000 miles from me iirc
@Riker what greece
Yeah, I saw something about it in the news
@Riker below the midline, since Romania is situated in the far north of Greece, and the 45-degree parallel line crosses Romania
@J.Sallé 2.5k mi away, sorry I have no clue :p
@Mr.Xcoder far-northeast tbf iirc
local news is filled with the fact that a giant portion of land is on fire or has been on fire in the last couple weeks
Yeah, somewhat to the East, but that’s not the point really
@Mr.Xcoder are you in romania?
and huh cool
@DJMcMayhem I'm leaving for a year
he's romanian
@Riker yes
> September 2017
@cairdcoinheringaahing why
@cairdcoinheringaahing not even chat?
@EriktheOutgolfer GCSEs
a year?
oh, tha'ts a 2 year thing? huh
@Mr.Xcoder Especially chat
thougth it was tests like the SATs here
@cairdcoinheringaahing do you need a year for gcses?
flashbacks of zyabin
Yeah, but I actually need to work until my exams (which end in August/September)
I have some exams coming too (June), but they’re so easy that I don’t even care about them :-)
Literally the first exercise last year sounds like: What is the square root of 4...
> It’s impossibly hot in Arizona right now, like a Qatari summer hot. Temperatures are hovering around 113 degrees Fahrenheit and are even higher in some locations.
> impossibly hot
> 113 degrees Fahrenheit
lol wut that's an average summer
I do not think CBS knows what that word means
D: Mass Media dramatizes a looot
Well, stuff was melting. Mostly plastic.
that's pretty standard?
I mean, melt into liquid, no way
but get really squishy n stuff? yeah
@J.Sallé I mean, yeah it's hot as hell, but that's honestly kinda a hazard of living in the desert
IDK, I've never seen stuff melting on the streets like that. This is the pic I saw
Some pics show temperatures over 121F
@SoCalVall It's crappy you stole an old pic and are not telling news stations that.
@J.Sallé well, 120 is hot af, but 113 is not that far above average
Of course, you could just have rain, rain and more rain like me :P
@Riker lol I saw the picture in the article, it (conveniently) didn't show the twitter dash.
yep :p
poll: do you leave spaces between parentheses and their contents?
e.g. ( like this ) vs (like this)
I do however for one-line objects, e.g. { foo: bar }
of course not
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnThe Keyboard Shift Cipher Given the following input: An integer n where n > 0. A string s where |s| > 0 and s~=[0-9A-Z]+ (non-empty alpha-numeric capitalized strings). Using a standard, simplified QWERTY keyboard (as shown below): 1234567890 QWERTYUIOP ASDFGHJKL ZXCVBNM Perform the follow...

Q: Concatenative counting

Conor O'BrienYour challenge is to write N snippets of code such that, when you concatenate the first K ≥ 1 together, they produce the number K. The higher N, the better. Here's the catch: you may not use any character more than once across your snippets. Rules You may use the same character multiple times ...

@Riker why would anyone do such a thing?
@Riker ( nope )
I did weird things to my powershell.
λ  . (1 -lt 2) --version
true (GNU coreutils) 8.25
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by Jim Meyering.
@AdmBorkBork false broke completely. All if statements would evaluate
I ended up deleting true.exe and false.exe from my mingw install
@Pavel I sincerely hope that is a joke...
@SocraticPhoenix Nope
I added MinGw executables to my path. It mostly went well.
@isaacg what is pyth's encoding? isn't it iso-8859-1?
or it's unicode?
@NieDzejkob not sure but my biology teacher does
@Riker no that's not golfy enough
@Riker Celcius. The summer here can get really hot :P
Also, how do you undo an edit review? I rejected an edit but I'm pondering whether or not in could potentially be beneficial, though I don't think so. I marked it as harmful because I wanted to add a note though really at its worst it would probably just be "doesnt' help with anything"
@HyperNeutrino that sounds wrong
How is it not PHP
I have an idea for a challenge but my English isn't good enough, would someone be kind enough to help me please?
Surprisingly, PHP is far behind VBA, Delphi, and Perl.
@HyperNeutrino I was reading that earlier and was upset that Java didn't make an appearance on the most-liked list...
@drobilc Sure, I'd be glad to.
@SocraticPhoenix Java is pretty great for some things, but overall it's a pain to use most of the time...
@HyperNeutrino where should we discuss this? here?
The only things for which I still use Java are image processing and graphics. Once I learn how to do that in Python, I probably won't use Java anymore :D
@drobilc You can discuss it here but I would suggest you write out your challenge idea in the Sandbox (just post as an answer) and send us the link, and we can review it for you. It's easier that way in my opinion.
Also, C# is better
@HyperNeutrino For scripting it is evil... for small programs it is evil... for larger projects I favor it... (that being said, I use it for almost everything... for scripting, I open IntelliJ and run the interpreter for one of my languages, which is written in Java)
@HyperNeutrino oh, okay, thanks :)
Java makes short programs much longer and long programs a minute amount shorter I think
@HyperNeutrino s/a bit/a tiny bit/
Personally, I think dynamic typing is a manifestation of the true evil within us all... that being said it is sooo much easier to implement
Dynamic typing is great though D:
Type safety is a pain. Then again it's also safer (huh I WONDER WHY)
Type safety is wonderful...
@HyperNeutrino Tell that to swift!
Type safety is wonderful... - EUGH
Also apparently the "tag rivalry" phi coefficient is greatest between Linux : Windows :P
Gradual typing ftw
especially inferred typing
Duck typing is 10/10
but I don't like ducks...
Shame we only really see gradual typing with Perl6 and modern PHP.
what is gradual typing? It sounds like dynamic typing tried to be static but decided it didn't want to be halfway through...
In Swift, You cannot use pow() - basically ** - on two integers, you must cast them to Doubles or Floats first... It is a horrific thing
@SocraticPhoenix Basically, optional static typing
@Mr.Xcoder D: D: that sounds horrible
@Pavel I think there are other languages which can do that too
@Mr.Xcoder horrible
@EriktheOutgolfer Not many do it well
@Pavel But... then how do you know what type things are
@SocraticPhoenix You don't unless you explicitly specify it
@SocraticPhoenix well a sane program will surely know what type its variables are
I don't really remember why I still use Swift though...
it sounds like inferred typing made more dynamic... I still don't like it :)
@Mr.Xcoder iOS?
It's worse than java at golfing...
@SocraticPhoenix yes
@EriktheOutgolfer Which is why static typing is great?
I like duck typing because as long as the thing you have has the attribute you need why case about what type it is? As long as it has what you want it's fine. Don't discriminate objects D: :P
You start writing with dynamic types and then specify types when you're done with the structure. Or just static types the whole way.
@SocraticPhoenix no
Or dynamic types the whole way.
Good compromise
static typing isn't great because usually it comes with other downsides (e.g. number limits)

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