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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

aw but you can just hack stuff in later!
Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY for strategy
it says it right there xD
in theory that gets rid of the header and stuff
@ASCII-only should I add =/= as alternative for != :P
@Downgoat for the sake of all that is programming, please no
@Downgoat yes
(but !== is totally acceptable)
@SocraticPhoenix Question: What are the 0 and true parameters here?
0 is level and true is "don't use headers"
I have no idea what level is but it works
Aha, that helps. Thanks!
If you want, you can play with the tokenizer I wrote Here
>>> z = zlib.compressobj(level = 0, strategy = zlib.Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY)
>>> s = z.compress(b'Vlang\01\0neim\0F.code.tio\01\02R')
>>> s
> −9 to −15: Uses the absolute value of wbits as the window size logarithm, while producing a raw output stream with no header or trailing checksum.
Q: Convert RGB color to websafe

JustinYou will take in 3 integers between 0,255 inclusive and output the converted 3 integers, as an array or similar structure (representing red, green, and blue values). Websafe colors are in intervals of %51, in hex they include 0,3,6,9,c, and f as digits (such as #993333). As this is code golf, l...

>>> zlib.compress(b'Vlang\01\0neim\0F.code.tio\01\02R')[2:-4]
>>> s = _
>>> requests.post(u, s)
<Response [200]>
>>> _.text
"8vfopOoyG2Z9xuLc\nThe variable 'lang\x01' could not be declared.\n"
@NewMainPosts this sort of question would be caught by my potential chatbot because it contains no code at all
@HyperNeutrino Clever
@LuisMendo hi
I was thinking the other day about this idea and I thought "hey, if a question has no code, that means it very likely contains no test cases nor explanations, right?" so I wanted to test it out
@HyperNeutrino code as in code block?
unfortunately, by the time I get the bot working, PPCG will be gone xD (that is to say I probably will never get around to finishing it :D)
@SocraticPhoenix any code; backticks, <pre>, four-spaces
@HyperNeutrino That could also mean the apocalypse is tomorrow
haha maybe, who knows
Dennis probably knows
You're fine. For now.
@Dennis How long is "For now"?
@Dennis While you're here, do you think you'd be able to help us a bit with the TIO API? We're having trouble making it work D:
@HyperNeutrino Sure. What's the issue?
>>> requests.post("https://tio.run/cgi-bin/run/api/", zlib.compress(b"Vlang\0001\000neim\000F.code.tio\0001\0002R"))
<Response [200]>
>>> _.text
just 16 bytes apparently means TIO didn't understand the input or something
zlib.compress uses the zlib fromat, which is DEFLATE, plus a header, plus a checksum.
Use [2:-4] to strip both.
oh cool, thanks :D
Hey I got output that makes sense :D Thank you very much! :D
@HyperNeutrino The command-line utility tiodryrun uses the TIO API and is written in Python.
oh cool :D
well great I accidentally changed my terminal color in Python and made it stop showing what I'm typing
@EricTressler Hi! Not much time now, but if I can be of help...
14 messages moved to Jelly
I wonder: has there ever been a problem where the output of a program ended up being the same as the TIO output separator, and if so, how would that break TIO (and would it in the first place)?
This won't happen by mere chance (it's 96 bits of entropy), but you can run into issues if you try hard enough.
@Dennis enumerates all possible 16 byte sequences
huh interesting
is there any mantainer of the site
Moderator here. Not sure if that classifies as mantainer.
can't search for
gets immediately replaced by
but, to be consistent, it should not be replaced
Tags are usually searched in the search box, so it's just doing what it does.
It's more common for someone to search for a concept than a title.
if i want to search a tag, I [] surround it
And if you want to search a title, surround it in ""
If you feel like this should be changed, you should make a post on the StackExchange Meta.
(PCCG doesn't have much authority over it)
yay I just finished my CS assignment for a GUI thing
I think I overkilled it xD
it was just meant to be a GUI introduction with a Happy Birthday message dialog thing with like labels, buttons, and basic string concat but I got bored so I also made it process the date input and determine the user's age xD
anyway gtg o/
> I think the current non-T-Rex methods of incapacitating or destroying tanks, while much less romantic, are more likely to succeed.
This is why I love Worldbuilding.SE
Worldbuilding is great :D
couldn't sleep so I recorded this
is that something you played :D
(piano I'm assuming)
Yes, composed as well, it's a synthesizer of a Fender Rhodes
ooh cool
Q: How do you output fixed-font formatted multiline messages using ChatExchange?
but from the bot interface
Oh, no idea.
I think if you prepend 4 spaces to each line, it works.
I tried
odd, it works now
but not from the TIO output
2 hours later…
@EriktheOutgolfer iso. Or, 7-bit ASCII, available via packed-pyth.
Most complex challenge I've ever Sandboxed incoming
@Mego What is it?
I'm going to be patient and wait for the feeds bot
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoDraw 'til You Drop! code-golf random game In D&D 5th edition (as well as most other editions), there exists a magic item called the Deck of Many Things. It is an incredibly powerful item, as the cards all have very strong positive or negative effects. To use the deck, a character declares a numb...

There it is
CMC: Given a string, output all its contiguous substrings of length at least 2 that only contain vowels.
PPCG -> [] (we really need vowels)
The Nineteenth Byte -> ["ee"]
You can choose whether y is a vowel or not
Btw no need to handle both cases, so my test cases can either be taken as lowercase, Or uppercase.
"aae" -> `["aa", "ae", "aae"]
@Mego Very interesting, I'll probably try it.
(I've left a comment on the sandbox post btw)
@Mr.Xcoder QuadS, 16+1=17 bytes: Try it online!
@Adám too greedy
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenSequencus Indexus Digitnietus code-golfsequencenumberinteger Title is made up, from 'Sequence Index Digit Niet' ('niet' = 'not' in Dutch). Challenge: Given an integer n in the range 0 ≤ n < 1,023,456,789, output the n'th number of the following sequence. Here are the first 50 items, with it's...

@FrownyFrog You're right:
@Mr.Xcoder QuadS, 21+1=22 bytes: Try it online!
@Mr.Xcoder QuadS, 20+1=21 bytes: Try it online!
@Mr.Xcoder I like this one. I think you should post to main with the title Find my Diphthongs.
@Adám I am going to post it to main later today, do you want me to ping you when I do so (in a couple of hours I think)?
CMP: Should Charcoal use ASCII characters for builtins in a namespace
e.g. <fullwidth A>f for factor
@Mr.Xcoder Sure, although I doubt anyone knows QuadS… Also, beware that vowel runs are not actually diphthongs, rather they are digraphs. But many diphthongs are spelled with digraphs, so you can say that "for the purposes of this challenge…"
@ASCII-only I wouldn't. Too hard to read. And doesn't line up well in code.
@Adám wdym
@ASCII-only You mean like prefix characters like Jelly's Æ, right?
@Adám yes
well I mean ASCII as a postfix character, but yes
And you want to use fullwidth chars for that?
no, I already do
@ASCII-only Then I don't understand what you are asking.
because normally all ASCII characters are part of strings
@ASCII-only Ah.
also: i need a list of common mathematical functions e.g. probability, trig, factors/totient but too lazy to list them all
@Adám neither digraph or diphtong makes sense
di means exactly two
@Adám Can’t I just use Find my digraphs?
@Mr.Xcoder No, because pp is a digraph in too.
Ok, I am not aware of the English denominations, I will just use diphtongs and add a note that for the sake of the title, diphtongs are runs of vowels
Gtg, maths class starting soon :-)
Call it a polyphtong
It’s not a word but at least it’s not a wrong word
@FrownyFrog ""diphthong" is used even for more than two.
@Adám there is a thing called triphtong though (for 3)
@Mr.Xcoder Wikipedia "vowel cluster" redirects to "diphthong".
Diphtongs are literally just a [semi-vowel, vowel] pair
Yay I will use Find my vowel clusters!
Noun: polyphthong (plural polyphthongs)
  1. (phonetics) A complex vowel sound that begins with the sound of one vowel, transitions through another vowel sound, and ends with the sound of yet another vowel.
@Adám Thanks for the idea Adám
@Adám Thanks 🙏!
Thank you
Hmm inverse trig functions should be included but not hyperbolic ones right
It's funny that someone would try to use resume info to figure out which programming technologies are liked or disliked.
A resume is about trying to make yourself look good, not writing true statements.
The most dramatic example, which the author points out, is git...
Clearly lots of people don't like it, but no one says that on their resume, since it's tantamount to wearing an "I'M DUMB" sign.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Antti29Take one to make one Challenge Given a list of positive integers, find if there exists a permutation where taking up to one bit from each of the integers, a binary number consisting of all 1s can be created. The number of bits in the resulting binary number is equal to the highest MSB in the l...

What does it mean when you have 2^set?
(cc @SocraticPhoenix @VoteToReopen) I got a TIO chat bot working! :D It's on my home computer so I can't access the code or start it up right now but I might be able to demo it later tonight (but probably tomorrow)
CMP: Name suggestions for an extended Python interpreter that autocompletes brackets semi-intelligently, quotes, and uses partial evaluation? (Same concept as ARBLE for the last point.) Essentially Python, but for golfing xD
hm interesting
@HyperNeutrino Pytho
@HyperNeutrino "Python, but for golfing" or PBFG
@HyperNeutrino Partial joke, partial serious suggestion :)
@HyperNeutrino Auhg you beat me to it! I would have made it if i hadn't played games all last night...
I was also considering Pyon (parody of "Pion" which is a subatomic particle which goes well together with the names of my practical language and failed Mathematica/Python combo)
@SocraticPhoenix xD I was motivated enough to finish it to not go do something else :P
@HyperNeutrino but games... also homework, I had some homework
It took a while to figure out why the output format was wrong until I realized that I was placing the four spaces after each line so it wasn't becoming fixed font :P
@HyperNeutrino Maybe you can allow it to participate in tonight's (UTC) APL learning session?
@HyperNeutrino Does it still output the debugging info with ======== ?
@SocraticPhoenix well I did too ಠ_ಠ and besides, yesterday I managed to write half my history essay (which is due in like 10 minutes), overkill my CS homework for this week, play minecraft, and finish the TIO bot :P
@Adám You can check its output format in the Sandbox; it just takes the array of strings returned from TIO and outputs them separated with ==========
@HyperNeutrino I wrote a 3-paragraph script and took 3 hours facing stage fright trying to record it..
no one was even there to watch...
Then I played games until 1 am
and now im tired
and totally not chatting on the internet in capstone class
@HyperNeutrino But it isn't active in Sandbox right now, is it?
@Adám Maybe. When does that run (UTC)?
@Adám Not right now, no. But it was running last night and I was testing it there.
That's 2:30 here. Unfortunately, I don't get home until 5. So no, sorry, I can't run it :(
Python for Golfing:
@HyperNeutrino Too bad.
yeah :/ next week I can try to get it running in the morning, though I don't have internet that early so the bot will have to keep making connection attempts.
@HyperNeutrino Like TI-Basic. Ahhh, high school.
@Adám Lol maybe I can write one in 6 hours
or actually I can send the code to someone once I get home if Socratic Phoenix doesn't finish theirs before I get home :P
it's not just for golfing, actually:
@HyperNeutrino Much easier on the eyes, but why do you need (? isn't print f 2,3 enough?
Unless I make it such, no. It only auto-closes brackets and occasionally auto-opens them under very specific circumstances
CMC: Given a numeric list, determine if the first element is the largest.
Python: lambda x:x[0]==max(x)
Proton: x=>x[0]==max(x)
Pyon: lambda x:x[0]==max(x
@HyperNeutrino Ninja'd.
Jelly: <head>=<maximum> (untested)
Snails auto-closes and auto-opens all brackets.
What does auto-open mean?
print(1]) will evaluate as print([1]); if it finds a lone close-bracket, it looks backwards until it finds the first unclosed bracket, and opens it next to that one
o.}5 is equivalent to {o.}5, for example.
@HyperNeutrino So why not Pyon: lambda x:x0]==max(x ?
ah, because it becomes [x0] ?
@Adám because that would open it before the lambda. It's weird but that's how it works
@HyperNeutrino Huh, how can a bracket span a colon?
With Snails-style bracket deduction, print(1]) would go to ([print(1)]).
@Adám x[a:b:c]
Uh, I prefer APL's not needing so many parentheses.
Of course its needs (regex-like syntax) are rather different than a C-like syntax.
@feersum Huh, what? APL is regex-like‽
Any final thoughts on this sandbox challenge before I post it to main?
@HyperNeutrino Should be maximum = head.
ah ok
@user202729 Yes.
right because head pops facepalm
While reading the mt19937 source code (cython) I notice that there are 2 /* non linear */ comment. No wonder why feersum 's Seed Hello World program need to be that excessively long.
@HyperNeutrino I still don't understand. Why does Jelly's docs talk about pushing and popping if Jelly isn't stack based.
@feersum How could you resolve ^ ?
@Adám no it pops the value off the list using list.pop(index = -1)
@Adám That's about the parser.
@feersum So collecting all the distances and returning them upon quitting is not ok?
@AdmBorkBork It mixes two unrelated tasks: "Detect click locations on a canvas" and "Given two points, calculate the Euclidean distance"
Question: Should I start working on the next OEIS or waiting for someone to post an answer and (highly likely, may be false if HyperNeutrino post it) get disappointed because that answer hardcode 1000 first items or use builtin function? (I still have Logo left, though I'd rather using Logo for some graphical-related sequence)
Didn't you use Logo already? Or was it unused from 1-150
The latter.
anyway gtg o/
how does one format a code block in chat? Is it possible?
@SocraticPhoenix Ctrl+K for multiline message, backtick for single line message.
so just spaces
Also if you run into any problems you can send me the code and I can help since I made a bot yesterday so I know some of the potential errors :P
@HyperNeutrino What do you think about the question above (about OEIS challenge) then?
you mean about formatting a code block
@HyperNeutrino What bot?
@user202729 I think SP's making the TIO chat bot? or are you just asking how to format :P
@user202729 I have to look at the challenge again; I forget what the next one is
@HyperNeutrino Number of (unlabeled) poset of order n.
Q: The shortest distance between two points is a line

AdmBorkBorkCode a program or function to construct an interactive canvas on the screen of at least 400 pixels x 400 pixels in size. The canvas can be any color you wish, bordered or borderless, with or without a title bar, etc., just some form of obvious canvas. The user will click on two distinct areas of...

how does one obtain the chat room id? Is it just the number in the URL?
@Adám Posted. Awaiting your QuadS answer :-)
@Adám Made something; it's alive in the sandbox for now
Q: How do you deal with tied winners usually?
Don't accept any answer xD
Many people don't accept any answers at all. I usually don't until it's been inactive for a few months.
Pretty sure this is my new best answer, my fingers are crossed it will stay the winner: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/146778/42091
Q: Find my polyphtongs!

Mr. XcoderFor the purposes of this challenge, a polyphtong is defined as a contiguous slice of a String, that only contains vowels, and has length at least 2. Given a non-empty String as input, your task is to output all the polyphtongs it contains. For example, "abeoic" has the following contiguous slice...

julia can have 126427 snippets
If you can produce a running example, then post it and remove the non-competing tag
i posted a script generating the answer. i am a bit more lucky than you that julia has a isidentifier function
  public static void doStuff (int a[], int b)
        if (/* Missing Code */)
              for (int i = b; i < a.length; i++)
                    a[i] = a[i] * 2;
java code from my school's course
What is with those indents :-/
@AdmBorkBork they're hideous
did you screw up chat formatting or is someone drunk?
@AdmBorkBork I suppose that's because some tabs being converted to 8 spaces instead of 4. Specifically, all the spaces before all lines except ones start with a {.
what is this code supposed to do?
0/10 should be using *=
@HyperNeutrino it's for a beginner course unfortunately
@NieDzejkob most definitely the latter
also ew indent :P
CMP: Do you think that you have/had to learn (Computer Science / programming) course that is much easier than your skill?
is currently doing so
@user202729 Yes. My CS course is extremely boring; we're starting on what I learned 3 years ago xD
anyway gtg o/
we've just done for loops
I could do for loops 12 years ago
@user202729 Had to, or opted to? I took a Keyboarding class in high school which sucked, but everything I can remember from college was useful in that I learned new things.
@user202729 Kind of. I already knew basically everything I was teached on my 1st to 3rd semesters in uni.
I mean, some of it was re-hashed, but other portions were good.
Had to only. If you are not forced to and you find it useless you would have quit already.
I considered quitting the Keyboarding class, but I needed the credits. It was just very frustrating because I wasn't "showing improvement"
what's 'Keyboarding'?
Probably learn to type keyboard quickly.
Board Keying and Unkeying
@user202729 That
I'm always surprised by google's search by image
sometimes I'll upload a photo and it will return back "a tree" or something, but other times I've got a "colorado blue spruce tree" on my hands
@Adám Jelly, 3 bytes Ṁ=Ḣ
Pyth, 5 bytes: qhQeS
assist here?
On what?
Julia language golfing
Specifically, I'm having trouble with function composition in it
Sorry IDK Julia
@user202729 I'm pretty much positive that everyone in this room is someone who programs for fun, and if you program for fun, any CS course that isn't advanced will be way too easy for you
I took one class that was too easy (CS 1), but was worthwhile because I didn't know c++, and a second class (CS 2) that was not too easy, but I was one of the very few students that did well
Oh, and I also took a web-dev class that was waaaay too easy
I knew nothing about web-dev before taking that class. After taking that class, I still know nothing about web-dev. And yet it was still boringly easy
In our first web dev class, we got taught how to use the <font> html tag :P
wait there's a font html tag?
i've been using css
Yeah there is. Usage like <p><font face="somefont">text here</font></p> IIRC
@eaglgenes101 what's your problem?
I know a bit
if you come back and see this: use |>
i.e. x |> g |> f == f(g(x)
you can also do smth like *(f::Function, g::Function) = x->f(g(x)) to make your own op, but it's not golfy
@Adám Is QuadS just another APL dyalect?
@Riker I think you are missing a trailing parenthesis.
am i? whoops
no, don't think so?
oh, yep
nope I'm good
Wait is it f(g(x) not f(g(x))?
I'm creating function programming stuff for golfing, and trying to keep the types straight in my head is hard
@Mr.Xcoder I have f(g(x))
I think I cracked my original problem
I'm trying to golf giant numbers, and this is what I have so far: u=2;s(x)=x+u;a(x,y)=foldl(∘,fill(x,y));b(x)=y->x(y,y);print(typeof(a(b(∘),12)))
@Riker ಠ_ಠ
3 mins ago, by Riker
i.e. x |> g |> f == f(g(x)
a is a function iteration function, and b is a binary to unary higher order function
u is a placeholder for now so I don't hang my environment every time I mistakenly press enter
@Riker You are most definitely missing a parenthesis
The definitions of u, s, a, and b bring me up to 56 bytes out of 100, and I'm trying to extract the most out of what I have
I guess my goal right now is to iterate the iterated function composition function
Can someone tell me what this function type expects as arguments?
Actually scratch that, it references way too many line numbers
Q: 8 8's make 1000

sergiolPrint the following output of a happy coincidence addition pattern: 8 8 8 88 +888 ---- 1000 Rules: No leading spaces except the ones already present There can be a trailing newline + sign needs to be displayed Order of parcels needs to be the same No winner. It is code-golf per ...

@Riker What a rollercoaster of emotion that was.
@Mr.Xcoder No, it is just a wrapper for one Dyalog APL built-in.
@AdmBorkBork very much so
@Mr.Xcoder oh, that one >_>
yo, @Riker, go get me coffee :p
@Mr.Xcoder I could technically clone your Py2 answer for Py3 and add two bytes, but that'd be theft :)
(I took the less simplistic, but still workable, approach xD
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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