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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

CMC: find a valid english word that has only been said once in any chatroom on chat.SE, as of the posting of this CMC. declensions and conjugations count as the same word
for example, "scrabble" has been said 1167 times
bonus points if you get one that's been said 0 times, but that doesn't count for the CMC
Dang it
I thought I found a valid answer, but it was only once for TNB, not for all of chat
people can keep going though
I feel like that's a form of scooch and thus invalid tho
which has 2 other occcurences
7 bytes: scrooch
it's still a valid english word
you didn't say it had to be in the present tense
but it's not a serious competitor :p
6 bytes: moocha
@Poke oh your'e right it doesn't have to be
scooch != scrooch
missing an R
new rule: cannot be from that msg with a lot of weird words, other than poke
@Riker insert link to the relevant "things to avoid" answers here
@Mego exactly why I did -1
changing rules after answers have been posted >_>
this is a CMC and poke already won :P
OK so unfortunately there's someone who literally posted an entire list of uncommon 4-letter words: chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=aglu&user=&room=
can we make the sandbox not count
@EriktheOutgolfer diff person I'm talking to on a differnet chat
people post the weirdest shit
@quartata yes
that is now a rule
@quartata because they can't post it elsewhere :p
bonus: try to find a word nobody has said, including derived words
I suppose that means my "aglu" doesn't work now either
Yes it's a real word
@quartata this is honestly true of the interblag in general
@quartata it returned 2 messages, it never worked tbf
@quartata ok I feel like taht's a typo >_>
> valid english word
shit it's an acronym
yeah cafs is an initialism
I should read the dictionary more carefully
@Riker If XKCD words count, then only one person has ever said BlogoBlag
is not in my dictionary :p
poke already did
but he had 9 bytes
but Q wins for not in a list of obscure words
@EriktheOutgolfer it's a CMC not always codegolf
@Poke not said by a user
@quartata have a 1 star bounty
3 mins ago, by Riker
bonus: try to find a word nobody has said, including derived words
speaking of stars I hope you're ready for November 1st
*valid english, same rules as above
@quartata ... dear god no
when that meta post drops it's going to be star heaven
it's coming for real
@quartata reliable source?
what's nov. 1
old (now deleted) meme
deleted but not forgotten
something something graduation?
Sep 10 '15 at 15:51, by Alex A.
You can believe me because we're graduating soon.
source: a little birdie (literally)
not to be confused with bernie
@quartata btw, have you seen alex's new github avatar? I ran across it while looking somethign up about julia
cute dog
@quartata in terms of stack exchange, there's no "soon" :-p
he's had that for years
and yes it's a rare pupper
@Poke Geobits liked to troll that we were graduating on Nov 1. Other people started playing along with the joke. Then we actually graduated, and the joke died, but it was revived because we still don't have our design.
@EriktheOutgolfer 6-8 weeks
@quartata ah ok
that's just another meme ;-) I don't remember ever seeing something ever being done in "6-8 weeks" for real
I thought he had the old selfie one
oh yeah
ok this one might be from like a year ago tho
I don't stalk alex enough to know
word that has never been said in chat ever: ethopoeia
not sure if that's a word
@EriktheOutgolfer definitely a word, it has a wikipedia page and it's my english homework assignment :D
but if you think of greek a little but then you can see it might mean "the creation of addiction"
@EriktheOutgolfer no?
Ethopoeia (ee-tho-po-EE-ya)is the ancient Greek term for the creation of a character. Ethopoeia was a technique used by early students of rhetoric in order to create a successful speech or oration by impersonating a subject or client. Ethopoeia contains elements of both ethos and pathos and this in noticeable in the three divisions of ethopoeia. These three divisions are pathetical (dealing with emotions), ethical (dealing with character) and mixed ( a combination of both emotion and character). It is essential to impersonation, one of the fourteen progymnasmata exercises created for the early...
> character-representation
I don't get where addiction is from :p
because there's a word εθισμός that means addiction, and a word ήθος that literally means ethos
the Η transliterates to E in latin-alphabet representation
@EriktheOutgolfer ah ok
(note: in my opinion a latin-alphabet representation of greek that is used very commonly is a complete failure)
A computer joke xkcd maybe hasn't done:
user image
can I have some feedback here?
@EriktheOutgolfer I have a vague feeling that's a dupe
I think you're referring to the 0xbeef challenge?
but maybe yes
it's kinda hard to search for this though
hmm...maybe it's a dupe indeed
although that one asks for edges
btw I had intended to make a more difficult challenge regarding this, hence "(simple version)"
Good news: Firefox for Android supports extensions
Good news: Tampermonkey _does_ work on Firefox Android
Good news: It's compatible with my userscript
Good news: now I have to re-fix the userscript to work in mobile chat.
@LeakyNun Fusilli pasta with tomato sauce, minced meat, sliced olives and garlic
@orlp stop making me hungry
@SocraticPhoenix you gotta munch on something to stop being hungry then :-p
and a bunch of salt, pepper and italian herb mix
but I just ate dinner -_-
then wait a bit because the "I'm done" feeling can be delayed
Alright! I made a Repl for Funky!
I like how bob actually wrote what amounts to a reasonable brute forcing program in Stranger Things 2, instead of some completely fake code.
God I'm dumb tonight...
2 questions answered without actually reading them...
@mınxomaτ Well, it'd be embarrassing if a Netflix made show had bad programming
It has four nested for loops, still not good.
But jokes aside it's good to know a show takes coding seriously. (though did they explain it legitimately?)
Unanswered [kolmogorov-complexity] problems: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/…
(laughs in static text)
@HelkaHomba Without giving any spoilers, it's still not obvious why he would write a brute forcer in that situation, you have to think about it. I consider it an easter egg.
We don't have enough AI challenges.
@MagicOctopusUrn that's because ai is hard
@SocraticPhoenix but that was my focus in school :(
HMM Neuro networks, etc... All pointless now lol.
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