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@ChrisJester-Young personally I'm starting to gravitate towards a statically typed compiled programming language, but with full macros and type inferrence support
@orlp You mean like Nemerle?
never heard of it
Nemerle is a general-purpose high-level statically typed programming language designed for platforms using the Common Language Infrastructure (.NET/Mono). It offers functional, object-oriented and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful metaprogramming system. In June 2012, the core developers of Nemerle were hired by the Czech software development company JetBrains. The team is focusing on the development of Nitra; a framework for implementing new and existing programming languages. This framework will likely be used to create future versions of Nemerle. The language...
on top of that I have another idea that I don't really see around
Curry on pancakes? Because that sounds weird
I like functional programming, but only at a function level
The more I hear your ideas, the more I think you'll love Nemerle.
my idea was to mark functions as 'pure'
GCC has extensions for doing that.
meaning that given the same input they'll always return the same output
any function using only other pure functions is also pure
Granted, GCC extensions are for C and C++ only, but still.
C++11 could've done this with constexpr but they made it totally backwards
Fortran 90+ (maybe 95+) has pure function
@ChrisJester-Young maybe I should rather say impure
pure would be the default
I see, impure as the annotation.
I always wonder how you are supposed to debug in Haskell, with the default pure functions like that
If you can't put a random print statement in smoewhere
the point is, pure implies constexpr, allows all kinds of optimizations / advantages that functional programming languages enjoy, but without being 'locked in' so to speak
fundamentally I like some advantages that func. programming has, but I personally believe in the von Neumann model
So, in my language, lambdas are going to be implemented as a beautiful mix of Polish and Reverse Polish notation, so that everything can be done stack-based.
Sounds very readable.
I've been thinking about making a Haskell backend for Pyth5
however I don't know enough about Monads and stuff to know if it's possible
@PhiNotPi It'll be just like the border between Poland and Reverse Poland.
In OCaml, you can put side effects wherever the hell you want.
OCaml is chaos.
So, if the normal way to perform some operations is A|+B* (array A, reduced with addition and then multiplied by B), then the lambda form will be *Y|+X
@Calvin'sHobbies Is that gzipped or not? I'd be willing to bet the percentage is at most half of that when taking into account gzip.
The | reduce is a modifier that has to be pushed on the stack before the + is parsed and added onto the lambda, so that, in the process of creating lambdas, the interpreter will know what modifiers are applied to each operator ahead of time. The * is regular Polish notation.
An equivalent way to write the lambda would be *|Y+X
The | modifies the first thing it can, which isn't the Y and is instead the + like before.
|*Y+X would be invalid though.
@ChrisJester-Young #!fold-case is an abomination :(
@orlp It is, except that it's the default behaviour in R5RS so it's required to be supported for compatibility with programs written from the R5RS era.
(That is to say, R5RS has case-insensitive symbols, and R6RS and R7RS have case-sensitive symbols by default.)
Uh, that's not strictly correct. R5RS symbols are case-sensitive too, but the R5RS reader case-folds any bare datums it reads.
@ChrisJester-Young I also do not like the way #t and #f are notated
Why not? Then t and f are just readtable entries.
I also really like implicit conversion of bools to 0/1
In the same way that vectors are #(...) (so you can have a ( readtable entry), bytevectors are #u8(...) (unsigned 8-bit), which also allows you to have a u readtable entry (and s if you want to support signed).
I don't know what readtable is unfortunately :(
A readtable is a table that the reader uses to handle anything following a #.
@ChrisJester-Young if I had to invent a language, I'd have types such as i64 (64-bit int), u8 (unsigned 8-bit int), and bool would act as if it's u1, except having a bit more constructors
(there would be no type called u1 though)
Of course, it's only worth having 8, 16, 32, and 64 (and maybe 128).
my ideal type system
has i/u8, 16, 32, 64, Int (arbitrary width), Rational, f32/64, bool
not sure how I would handle complex
@orlp Automatic bool-to-int coercion is... confusing at best. I've never seen the need, except in golf.
It's better to keep the types completely separate IMO.
What's the point of so many int types?
@Doorknob It's incredibly useful, I use it a lot
@orlp For what?
@Ypnypn Why allocate 64 bits when you only need 8?
@Doorknob Yeah, but how often do you use 16 or 32?
@Doorknob binary flags, [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6] * condition, counter += condition, etc
@Ypnypn When they're convenient. (And then they're super nice to have.)
@Ypnypn when you know you only need 16 bits
there would also be some template type, not sure of the name/or syntax, that would have arbitrary bit width
e.g. i64 = I<64>
but you could use I<31> if you'd please
@orlp That's needlessly confusing. Why not just if (condition) arr += [4, 5, 6] or if (condition) counter++? Seems much less... obfuscated.
@Doorknob I find it not confusing at all
I think the if versions are much more readable.
They make much more intuitive sense.
I disagree, especially not in bigger expressions
I totally get using 0 for false and 1 for true, especially for assembly program (think SETcc in x86). But, meh.
@orlp Use Julia. :D
@orlp In any case, what you're really doing with counter += condition is "increment counter if condition," so why not write it that way instead of hiding it behind a coercion?
Array indexing would be a more annoying situation to not to have bool/int conversion.
And for bigger expressions, ternaries also exist.
TI-Basic is also fun with this: 1>0<1 is false
@Doorknob Again, in assembly, being able to use SETcc instead of Jcc is faster, but that's a microoptimisation.
@feersum In what situation would you use that? The only one I can think of is if arr is const, in which case you can just use a ternary
e.g., SETZ AL == set AL to 1 if zero flag is set, otherwise to 0. JZ label == jump to label if zero flag is set. Conditional jumps are expensive.
(Well, less expensive if branch prediction is correct, but.)
I'm sure I've used it, but can't remember one right now
@Doorknob In R, that syntax performs array subsetting.
@AlexA. What's... that?
Something I do a lot more is if(x & 1) to test for an odd number
@Doorknob What's R or what's array subsetting?
@AlexA. Surely the latter. Surely everyone knows what R is?
Idk, just making sure
@feersum That's firmly in the "unnecessarily unreadable" realm for me. Especially considering a compiler is likely to optimize % 2 == 1 into that anyway.
@AlexA. Of course I know what R is. :P
@Doorknob What are you doing on Code Golf with your great love for verbose code :P
@Doorknob In R, you can select a piece of an array based on some condition. So if you have x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4), you can get the elements greater than 2 using x[x > 2], which returns the array c(3, 4).
@AlexA. Oh. That's not indexing with a bool though.
@feersum "Verbose"? Have you heard of such things as "readable code"? :P
@Doorknob x > 2 creates a bool vector
@AlexA. x.select {|x| x > 2}
@AlexA. That's still not arr[true] or arr[false]
@AlexA. Ah yes, I remember that.
I find x & 1 more readable because there are much less words to parse and it is still obvious.
@Doorknob arr[true] in R would return the whole vector and arr[false] in R would return an empty vector.
Yes, but that's not what we were talking about.
Anyway, I'm going to maximise my Apple event video now, so, I won't be reading this chatroom. :-P
ok this is a bit arbitrary but not an unfair example
def statistic(l):
    cnt = 0
    for e in l:
        if e % 2 == 1:
            cnt += 1
        if e < 0:
            cnt += 1
    return cnt

def statistic(l):
    return sum((e % 2) + (e < 0) for e in l)
@Doorknob I'm just saying what R does with that syntax since you asked feersum what one would do with that syntax.
I rarely have any idea what folks are talking about here because it's mostly over my head, but I try to contribute where I can. :P
I like the second version a lot more
(usually ends up being off topic)
maybe I'm weird like that
I like the second version as well
@orlp ? 1 : 0 makes it much more clear what the intention is ("add one if it's negative"). And it makes it much easier to change if you want to add, say, 2 if it's negative ((e < 0) * 2 is much less readable than (e < 0) ? 2 : 0). Or if you want to add 2 if it's negative, 4 otherwise.
@AlexA. No, I asked him what you would do with indexing an array with a bool. The syntax doesn't really matter.
@Doorknob Okay, I apologize for interrupting, I misunderstood.
def statistic(l):
    return sum((1 if e % 2 == 1 else 0) + (1 if e < 0 else 0) for e in l)
sorry, I still like my version better
Well, that's Python's fault, for having horrible horrible ternary syntax.
Even so, I'd argue that's much more intuitive than your version.
def statistic(l):
    return sum((e % 2 ? 1 : 0) + (e < 0 ? 1 : 0) for e in l)
I still like my version better
even assuming if we had this ternary syntax
@orlp You forgot to put e % 2 != 0 !
The first ternary is unnecessary. And if you removed it, I would definitely prefer the second version.
@feersum well there you go
It makes much more sense, which is well worth the what, extra 8 or so chars?
@Doorknob I disagree
if you get in the mindset of bools == ints, then it's 8 extra chars to parse
and occam's razor applies
(e < 0) in my mind is a 0 or a 1
a[e < 0] in my mind is the first or the second element
But bools aren't ints, and that mindset breaks down because you can't take Math.sin(aBool) or what have you.
a[e < 0:] either is the entire array, or shaves off the first characters
(Well, you could, but it wouldn't make much sense.)
@Doorknob Math.sin(aBool) is as nonsensical as Math.sin(1)
@orlp I'm used to programming in SAS, which only has two data types (neither of which are bools), so this is often how I think as well.
Have to go to sleep now.
that's just because sin makes no sense on integers
not because bools make no sense as integers
a = array (e.g. [1, 2, 3])
s = string
i = integer (e.g. 5)
b = bool (e.g. (e < 0))
f = variable containing boolean flag

    [] (empty array)
    "" (empty string)
    0 (zero integer)

First or second element: a[b]
Full array or everything but first: a[b:]
Empty array or full array: a * b
Same array or cartesian product of itself: a ** b    (not in Python, is in Pyth)
Same integer or added one: i + b
Zero or unchanged: i * b
One or unchanged: i ** b
Toggling flag: f = 1 - f
Or: f |= b
And: f &= b
some examples / techniques with integer booleans
@AlexA. I've updated my polyglot draft:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DennisOvercoming cluster size code-challenge polyglot string math ascii-art Fed up with the reliability of Flash storage, you decided to store all your programs on a good old 1,024,000 byte floppy. However, after copying not even 2,000 programs, the disk was full. How's that even possible? Skilled in...

@Dennis So "read a string" really means to read the entirety of stdin?
Are any of you going to try aditsu's pizza challenge? Looks pretty tough for code golf. At least right off the bat, I can't think of an approach that would be somewhat efficient and simple enough to make a good golfing algorithm. Not asking for proposed strategies, I want to give it some thought myself! :)
@feersum Exactly. I'll add that to the post.
In most languages 'read a string' suggests to read a space-delimited token or maybe 1 line
I would say it's almost always a line.
C, C++, and Java read space-delimited strings.
OK, I'll change it to read all input.
Or is there a compelling reason to restrict the input to a single line?
Reading all input sounds fine.
Reading a single line will be more complex in, say, Brainfuck, and easier in, say, Python
@RetoKoradi enumerate diagonally over all possible 2d pizza shapes
Happy Birthday <all input> is a little lacking in verisimilitude
Yeah, I changed the HB input to line.
then enumerate over all positions that shape fits for the first piece, second piece, etc, until everything is covered or all positions exhausted
at the end if no result found print no pizza for you
@Dennis any maximum input length?
I capped it at 255.
@orlp Yeah, would have to be something like that. I wrote a pentomino (well, polyomino) solver before. Not terribly difficult, except for some efficiency considerations. But still, it's more complicated than what I would normally want to golf. And in that case, at least the shape of the pieces is given.
Another basic approach for the given problem would be to start enumerating ways of splitting the input, and check if all the pieces are the same. Or some kind of hybrid between the two.
Good thing you're doing the Internet a service by removing malicious tabs. ;) — Alex A. ♦ 1 hour ago
^ sums it all up
> Optimizer is the best PPCG user ever — Alex A. ♦ 1 hour ago
^ too
LOL. A downvote for my post and an upvote for its comment. Somebody can't take a joke.
A: Goodness, it's covered in tabs!

DennisCJam, 30 24 23 bytes q{_9=NA=Seasi*' ?@?:N}/ I usually refuse to post malicious code on the internet… Try it online in the CJam interpreter.

> What can I say? Tabs are the way forward... — Alex A. ♦ 2 days ago
↑ You guys were all asleep but Alex confessed to me his darkest secret
> You really think someone would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies? — Beta Decay 1 day ago
> No, everyone on the internet tells the truth — orlp 1 day ago
1 hour later…
@Dennis traitor!!!
is SE down?
nvm it's working again
@Dennis (btw, it wasn't me)
3 hours later…
@MarcDefiant Where r u from?=)
@flawr I don't think chat pings will notify a person unless they have been in chat recently enough for their name to show up in the ping autocomplete
(or unless a mod superpings them)
Too bad=/
I sometimes work around this by adding a temporary comment to someone's question or answer if I really need to get their attention
Or if you had something to discuss I think you can invite someone to chat
(I know yours was only a passing comment but I mean generally)
Hm well I didn't want to abuse comment messages for other stuff. It is just that I think I might know MarcDefiant IRL=)
SE should implement a PM feature...
@MarcDefiant ^
@flawr SE should become Facebook Kappa
"Word search" more like "esolang search".
As in me hunting through esolangs.org, not the grid
Yes, I did that too, and decided it was too boring and stopped.
@Mauris oh you did Prelude
Another question I have to all of you regarding Funciton. In all of the library functions I wrote for it, I always included (in a comment) a pseudocode representation of each function. Do you think I should keep that, or does it kind of defeat the point of writing it in actual Funciton? I’m kinda tempted to remove them all.
@Mauris which reminds me once again that I keep forgetting about sandboxing/posting the two prelude metagolf challenges
@Timwi I don't see anything wrong with including documentation
Documentation is English text. What I’m talking about is pseudocode that’s equivalent to the relevant Funciton function. The syntax I use for that pseudocode is almost consistent and unambiguous enough that it could totally be a functional programming language in its own right...
I will make an Esolang called "Boobies" only containing following characters ( . Y . )
@Timwi I don't think it makes a difference whether the documentation is English language or pseudocode.
(or a translation of the code to a more intuitive language)
Alright then, I’ll keep it
Thanks. Gotta go now, bye
@flawr According from your description in your profile I might be from the same country
1 hour later…
How do you a count a linebreak in a code snippet? 1 or 2 bytes?
@Sp3000 so a "\n" is always 1 byte?
depends on the encoding you're using
but generally yes
(if you were using UTF-16, \n would already be two bytes)
> Who needs newlines when tabs are there? — Sp3000 3 days ago
Okay thanks!
@Optimizer Rail please.
> Aren't I clever ? I can make fake quotes ! — Optimizer 4 hours ago
nice work with the spaces there
I usually avoid space before !
No need to yell ;)
I somehow doubt Optimizer would ever say "Aren't I clever" though
I somehow doubt several recent "quotes" are accurately phrased.
I am pretty sure I saw the "edit" marker on that fake comment @Geobits, but now its not there.
"Don't believe everything that is written on the Internet" --- Abraham Lincoln
@Optimizer That's weird. I see it (and it is edited for sure).
reload made it come again
@undergroundmonorail you know what's worse than unless? postfix if (or while etc).
like in golfscript? :p
@MartinBüttner what do you mean by postfix if? if you're complaining about a if b else c i agree, i wish they had gone with more traditional ternary operator syntax
oh that's even worse
I meant Ruby style print foo if bar
yeah that's bad
or do_stuff() while something?()
@aditsu nah, for stack based languages it actually makes sense
that one's especially bad because my brain tried to parse it as do{stuff()}while(something?())
the problem with postfix if is, I actually use it a lot, but not because I think it improves legibility but because I hate the end keyword for single-line ifs even more.
at least I'm never tempted to use unless...
i solve that problem by never using ruby
@MartinBüttner I use unless frequently.
Even the suffix version.
you're a bad person. sorry
@undergroundmonorail :shrug:
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown operator #{token}" unless op
@MartinBüttner ^ Special for you, using unless with suffix version. ;-)
i think unless isn't as bad when used as a suffix, but using a suffix is just bad regardless imo
because when i read that line of code i see raise ArgumentError so immediately my thought is "this line raises an exception" and it's not until i've already had that thought that i find out it only happens sometimes
it doesn't flow well in my brain i guess
@ChrisJester-Young yeah, I'm aware that exists. I don't know why anyone would want to use it though.
@MartinBüttner Well, see my gist. ;-)
The code I pasted is from that gist. It's real code I wrote years ago. And I've written production code that uses suffix unless too.
sure, but that doesn't explain why you'd do that :P
@MartinBüttner Well, it's a one-line assertion, effectively.
can ruby not just do assert(op) or something?
@ChrisJester-Young if there was a prefix version like if(!op) new Exception(...); in many other languages that would be a lot clearer (imho) though
So, the reason you can't do that in Ruby is a carryover from Perl. In Perl, if requires blocks, not just a statement.
man, perl ruins everything
(i've never touched perl)
I actually used Perl a lot, years ago. That's what made Ruby so easy for me to learn at my last job.
I think of Ruby as "Perl with eigenclasses".
Wait. I thought Ruby came before Perl?
@ChrisJester-Young that doesn't mean that postfix if/unless is actually a good thing though :P
@MartinBüttner In Perl, that's the only way you can do something conditionally without using a block.
you're justifying why you have to do it, not that it's actually the preferable syntax ;)
@MartinBüttner I like it, so there. ;-)
Q: Let's implement Markdown!

Jules MazurAn important building block for many modern websites is Markdown, a very minimal markup language which essentially provides macros for common HTML elements. It finds widespread usage in blogging, on Reddit, and (obviously) on SE sites. Markdown has been implemented and re-implemented in a number...

that's a good joke but explaining it would include major spoilers so you'll just have to believe me
@NewMainPosts Had to downvote this one, sorry. :-P
@MarcDefiant Yes we are, I live near basel. Where are you from?=)
@undergroundmonorail I'll take your word for it :P
@NewMainPosts A question cannot be both codegolf and popcon.
Looking at the sandbox, it looks like the OP didn't even submit their problem through the sandbox first. :'(
It doesn't look like they could have, since they don't have the 5 rep needed (and assoc bonus doesn't count).
There is this, though, which has a score of 18.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FakeRainBrigandBasic Markdown Parser Write a script or function that parses Markdown. These rules must be parsed: `foo` ⇒ <code>foo</code> *foo* ⇒ <em>foo</em> **foo** ⇒ <strong>foo</strong> ***foo*** ⇒ <strong><em>foo</em></strong> _foo_ ⇒ <em>foo</em> __foo__ ⇒ <strong>foo</strong> ___foo___ ⇒ <strong><em>...

but that's clearly a very different challenge.
@Geobits are you sure it doesn't? I thought that's only for protected posts
@Geobits Well, they're certainly not getting any closer to that 5 rep.
@MartinBüttner Fairly sure. Looking for backup now ;)
@ChrisJester-Young if you're interested I could show you the GC code I cooked up
@ChrisJester-Young it's actually totally Lisp agnostic, and it should be possible to use it for any C++ code
huh... the hexagonal numbers contain all permutations of 127 which are odd numbers... I wonder if there's some deeper mathematical reason behind that
@MartinBüttner 'the hexagonal numbers'?
it's the number of hexagon tiles in a regular hexagon of side length N
A centered hexagonal number, or hex number, is a centered figurate number that represents a hexagon with a dot in the center and all other dots surrounding the center dot in a hexagonal lattice. The nth centered hexagonal number is given by the formula Expressing the formula as shows that the centered hexagonal number for n is 1 more than 6 times the (n − 1)th triangular number. The first few centered hexagonal numbers are (sequence A003215 in OEIS): 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271, 331, 397, 469, 547, 631, 721, 817, 919. In base 10 one can notice that the hexagonal numbers' rightmost...
as opposed to Hexagonal numbers
oh, I didn't know those
so yes, centred hexagonal numbers
It also contains all odd permutations of 7 and 19. Spooky ;)
@MartinBüttner the reason for the pattern you're seeing is because of the last digit
wikipedia explains it pretty well
" the centered hexagonal number for n is 1 more than 6 times the (n − 1)th"
so if the last digit is 1, it becomes 7, then 9, then 7, then 1 again
right, doesn't explain why it picks up all permutations with of 127, it just makes it more likely. might still be coincidence.
@orlp you're also misquoting that
@MartinBüttner hrm?
I think it's coincidence. There are only 6 permutations anyway, and you're discarding 2 because they're even.
@orlp "... (n-1)th triangular number"
ignore that
There are also 18 permutations of 12345679 gasp
Having said that, I do wonder. I mean, at least for square numbers it makes a bit more sense (e.g. 144 vs 441)
@BetaDecay It appears I've been sleep lying.
Not a surprise. Your true self comes out while you sleep :P
@Dennis Sorry to hear that. :/ (but also a little lol.) It's funny, John made a similar joke and he has no downvotes.
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
If my true self comes out when I sleep and my true self loves tabs... he must be eliminated.
I will never sleep again.
Well, you can take that as "your true self loves tabs" or "your true self is a liar". Take your pick :D
I'd take lying over tab loving.
How can I believe that?
You can believe me because we're graduating soon.
Oh cool, how soon?
November 1st, obviously.
Nobody believes me when I say it, but from a diamond it's Obviously True©.
I wouldn't trust a guy who hates tabs
...and admits to being a liar.
I think he secretly likes tabs, and it's all just one of his many lies.
@Geobits that's not as egregious :)
It is if the tab-hating is a lie. Then he's preaching heresy on purpose, while adhering to the faith himself.
That or I'm just trolling.
What is this "trolling" you speak of?
I wouldn't really call it "faith", it's just the simple truth
We do not want to see your selfies.
That... doesn't look like a verb.
Do we have any conventions on how to count the characters (in codegolf) of code that has to be in multiple different files?
I assumed it would just be the sum of each file.
I think it should be the sum of files + 1 for each additional file, treating a new file like a newline character
If it requires a command line switch to use them all then you have to count that
Because I had the idea of a new golfing language that just consists of empty files=)
^^ exactly why we need the +1
Only Retina answers have really counted that so far though
(as far as I can tell)
Is it anything like Folders?
If the file names matter, those normally have to be counted, too AFAIK.
IIRC scoring folders is a nightmare
@Geobits Yes
@Geobits Yes about like that but without the file/folder names playing a role=)
Sounds sketchy
Q: Counting bytes for multi-file programs

Martin BüttnerSo far, submissions consisting of multiple files have simply been counted by summing up the scores of the individual files. Also file names aren't counted as long as they are arbitrary. (We do count file names if the code depends on them to work correctly, i.e. if actual code is outsourced to the...

Found it :)
Ah, there it was, I thought there was something like that
(sorry Martin, the ping was because I remembered discussing this before)
Sorry, the ping was because I felt like pinging you without reason
Well one could make it way simpler: Write a program in [a specified language]. Interpret the bytes that make up the file as unary and place that many empty files in one folder. Voila^^
From that post:
> One could write a Unary derivative that doesn't take a string of 0s, but instead whose program consists of N empty files, where the number of files is interpreted as the unary code. This would essentially give you score 0 for arbitrary programs.
I havent even had time to read this!!!
... and a natural extension is that the same applies to, say, multiple textboxes in an online interpreter (just before anybody here gets any bright ideas :P)
I can only imagine trying to run an interpreter that consists of 10^349273773 text boxes.
@Sp3000 I only have dim ideas.
For any answer in a language capable of multiple files, all byte counts should be multiplied by 1.000703 since they have 257 bytes at their disposal instead of 256.
@feersum I think we can discuss that if we have a language that makes use of all 256 byte values and "file breaks"
Plus another for whether that file is in a subfolder, etc ;)
^ -1: That parentheses font is terrible. I feel he could have made it look a lot better (either fixed width or a sane proportional) without changing functionality (esp since he's got a buffer line on the bottom to work with).
if it was me i'd probably have tried to make a pair of parenthesis at the end so it just looked like a big function call
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

muddyfishBig big numbers... code-challenge number Whilst trying to golf several of my answers, I've needed to write large integers in as few characters as possible. Now I know the best way to do that: I'll be getting you to be writing this program. The challenge Write a program that when given a pos...

@AlexA. Take it to the mod-only room. :-P
T-mobile's account summary page makes me (somewhat) nervous about their code:
> Amount: $ 67.5

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