CMC: find a valid english word that has only been said once in any chatroom on chat.SE, as of the posting of this CMC. declensions and conjugations count as the same word
@Poke Geobits liked to troll that we were graduating on Nov 1. Other people started playing along with the joke. Then we actually graduated, and the joke died, but it was revived because we still don't have our design.
Ethopoeia (ee-tho-po-EE-ya)is the ancient Greek term for the creation of a character. Ethopoeia was a technique used by early students of rhetoric in order to create a successful speech or oration by impersonating a subject or client. Ethopoeia contains elements of both ethos and pathos and this in noticeable in the three divisions of ethopoeia. These three divisions are pathetical (dealing with emotions), ethical (dealing with character) and mixed ( a combination of both emotion and character). It is essential to impersonation, one of the fourteen progymnasmata exercises created for the early...
Good news: Firefox for Android supports extensions Good news: Tampermonkey _does_ work on Firefox Android Good news: It's compatible with my userscript Good news: now I have to re-fix the userscript to work in mobile chat.
@HelkaHomba Without giving any spoilers, it's still not obvious why he would write a brute forcer in that situation, you have to think about it. I consider it an easter egg.