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considering a load of answers just leave stuff there, i'll do the same
besides, i'm not even on a second line ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@totallyhuman You probably are when viewed on mobile.
Martin would be on like the 7th line then...
and what about wheat then...?!
like the whole screen
for me wheat's answer takes 7 lines
hold on forcing my browser to render it in mobile mode
@EriktheOutgolfer It covers my entire screen on my phone
On a Galaxy S5 it would take 4 lines
though actually that might be inaccurate
because the site's giving me the desktop source code
@totallyhuman that's disturbing
what is?
I mean, two more numbers and we're at 8th line already!
Darn, there's no 666 in there
i think what you should really mention is that there's no 444 there
so... close...
Yet so far
CMC: Output DCLXVI using exactly 666 bytes of source code. No comments allowed, no unnecessary whitespaces, no unnecessarily long strings, etc. (more or less)
@totallyhuman What's wrong with 444?
oh does it have to do with 4 = death?
brownie points for doing it in jelly
@HyperNeutrino no, crossed out 444 is regular 444
@HyperNeutrino no, crossed out 444 is still 444
*1*1*1*1*1 ...
also hardly ever works
CJam: "DCLXVI"1*1*1*1*...
@HyperNeutrino "etc." => unclear what you're asking
it's a CMC though, all CMC's are unclear :P
zalgo too big
oh god i pressed load
it's 1945 bytes long
6 hours ago, by Alex K Chen
What C or python stuff should I learn to do stuff like this: http://jsfiddle.net/SalixAlba/c97ga3xw/ ?
6 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
@AlexKChen GUI?
Would that suffice ?
the rest is maths
I deleted it now
Yup, not much problem in maths.
come to the sandboxe
@EriktheOutgolfer You're alive !
Would Tkinter work?
^ Tkinter is good.
@ZacharyT For my problem ?
yee, I'm in a lot of rooms
doesn't even fit on my screen
Also, what for physics simulations like phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/physics
Apr 12 at 6:56, by Kritixi Lithos
@DownWat I favourited them all at some point (but some may be frozen atm)
@LeakyNun ^
@EriktheOutgolfer I also favourited them, but I don't join them all
there's a "rejoin favorite rooms" button...that may be the culprit
@AlexKChen Tkinter is a good python library for GUI stuff. You should look into it.
@AlexKChen no idea
@WheatWizard Yup, I know python, but very very shallow. Any analogous stuff for C ?
No idea, Haven't really programed in C, suspect not though
Can you design games in tkinter too ?
Eg snake, lights off ?
might want to look into pygame for that
you could design games in jelly if you really wanted
You can design games in Curses/NCurses. So I would suspect so. (Don't recommend it)
@HyperNeutrino gui games?
no way jelly has gui library :P
Nope, doing from relatively scratch is lot more fun. Pygames doesn't fits that criterion
But it does have a connection to python.
Chat Mega Challenge: Make a text-based RPG in Jelly
@ZacharyT Whats wrong with that? NCurses is pretty good
Well, I mean, you could use PythonEval
not gui games
(unless you write it in python then eval using Jelly)
Not like a text-based RPG. Like, a crappy-gui-thing.
Good module for designing GUI games like snake or lights off relatively from scratch in python ?
Or C
Probably TKinter
Is it relatively from scratch ?
Yeah I would say so
>.< my only PR so far has been a grammar fix
hey I have a follower on github
oK sir
wait who made charcoal
@totallyhuman ŒV is python eval and listify, so you can pretty much actually do gui stuff in Jelly compressed string
@HyperNeutrino I think ASCII-only
@EriktheOutgolfer do you have any CMC for us?
@HyperNeutrino ascii-only
@KritixiLithos sounds like my future
Ah. Cool, ASCII-only is following me apparently
@KritixiLithos I think there's a more widely used term.
CMC: Output a triangle made of a string: Example:
@EriktheOutgolfer sounds like a pain but i don't do jelly
Input: ABCD
Never saw the link, sorry.
not sure if we've had this before
lambda s:[s[i:]for i in range(len(s))]
@EriktheOutgolfer òlÙx
@EriktheOutgolfer golfing in progress: {↑(⍵↓⍨⊢)¨⍳≢⍵}
if a list of strings is ok
CJam, 8 bytes: q{_n(;}h
Jelly, too many bytes: Jṫ@€¹Y
Dang it Kritixi.
competition ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@HyperNeutrino too many...
@DJMcMayhem which language is that? V?
@totallyhuman wonder if i could use recursion just for the sake of it
@ZacharyT {⊖↑⌽¨,\⌽⍵} now :)
Does ⊖↑⌽¨,\⌽⍞ work?
@EriktheOutgolfer Jelly, 3 bytes: ṫJY
it does work
@LeakyNun congratulations :P
for some godforsaken reason I couldn't connect to chat for 6 minutes
ok so the map was just me being dumb
and having not used jelly for far too long
Anyone else when they program in a normal language keep wishing that you had the builtins?
wait is haskell the language where you can make any operator do anything and it won't care?
Does APL have an idiom for str.splitor something?
I think that's perl.
@HyperNeutrino Don't think so
in APL, May 24 at 17:37, by Kritixi Lithos
@Adám Is there a short way to split a string into two or more by a delimiter?
read a bit from there
Röda, 27 bytes: Try it online!
sigh Röda always brings back bad memories. just kidding :D :P
ಠ_ಠ :P
Why does feersum not have code-gold? he has enough points and enough answers.
@ZacharyT plzno
@WheatWizard Looks like he needs 1 more answer.
It looks like he has 202 rn
199 non-wiki answers
quick answer some random question feersum
oh there's no privilege on 2.5k :I
no it's 2k and then 3.5k
I think it's 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 75, 1k, 2k, 3.5k, 4k, 5k for beta sites
Question: What's a good font for a main header/title on a website?
Comic Sans
Cambria Math :).
Hm. Cambria doesn't look too terrible
You deserve that.
I like Cambria actually
@BusinessCat I'm making this for my profile/dev site for an appliction, are you trying to get me automatically rejected? :P
I only said it because of Cambria math.
speaking of which, i should redo my website
Are monospace fonts good for titles?
Q: Check if a string is the anagram of another

FedoneSkat I'm a fan of anagrams, so given two strings s1 and s2 write a program or function that outputs a truthy value if s2 is an anagram of s1, and a falsey value otherwise (not accounting for spaces and capital letters). For example: Input: s1 = "Anagram"; s2 = "Nag a ram" true Input: s1 = ...

@NewMainPosts remove all spaces in both and sort both and check for equality lol
but dupe
Hello guys, I have a crypto question
may i ask here, please?
This was posted by one of my friend.
You might have better luck on cryptography stack exchange
They have many chat rooms here
We're mostly just for programming puzzles :P
I recommend you check them out
sure.. :)
Thank you mate!
lambda x,y,r=str.replace:sorted(r(x,' ',''))==sorted(r(y,' ',''))
No problem :) Hope you find something there :)
@totallyhuman one of those xs should be a y
I think you could make it shorter by turning the sorted(r(x,' ','')) into a separate lambda, though I'm not quite sure. Something along the lines of f=lambda x,r=str.replace:sorted(r(x,' ',''));lambda x,y:f(x)==f(y). I'm too lazy to check the bytecount comparison but I think that might work. Another thing though, it depends on whether or not other whitespace should be considered; if so, then import re;f=lambda x,r=re.sub:sorted(r(r'\s+','',x));lambda x,y:f(x)==f(y) would be required.
my rep just +6000'd
yay :D
do i we get our rep back?
@LeakyNun My content was reattributed to this account, essentially merging the two.
So I got all of my rep back. Not sure about you guys though :(
wow, nice
but my badges died
@LeakyNun did you get your rep back?
also setting my parent account to SO increases my network rep for whatever strange reason
I haven't gotten any rep back
@HyperNeutrino wait did the rep thing in the top bar literally say +6000 :o
no :P
i wish
@BusinessCat and this is why (somewhat-)high rep users should not be deleted the normal way
Hmm, apparently you still have the association bonus from the new account
wait what
lol so I get +200 upon joining sites?
Actually I guess you still only have it once
It just says you got it 2 days ago
ah ok
A: Programming with Bits and Bytes

HyperNeutrinoJava (8), 514 483 411 366 359 239 224 229 198 194 187 186 184 182 181 180 177 characters Wow, this has been golfed down a LOT! Thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions! I greatly appreciate it! interface T{static void main(String[]g)throws Exception{int i,a=0;while((i=System.in.read())!=10)a=...

A: Implode the Box

HyperNeutrinoPython 2, 591 555 545 527 525 496 436 351 334 333 303 bytes s=input() w=len(s[0]) h=len(s) V=max(0,w/2-h) H=max(0,h/2-w) p=[[' ']*w]*V q=[' ']*H s=[q+k+q for k in p+s+p] d,c=' -=',' |"' exec"c,d,V,H,w,h=d,c,H,V,h,w;s=map(list,zip(*s))[::-1]\nfor j in range(h-4):q=s[V+j+2];q[H]=c[q[H]==c[2]];r=...

back are our memories lol
lol yep
pretty much everything user42649 ever did now belongs to me
it would be funny not funny if someone else decided to claim the content
how did you prove your identity?
are you gonna put the space back in your name?
@totallyhuman no
I don't think he can
a name change can only happen once every 22 days or so
@LeakyNun I emailed them using the email address that owned my old account
darn, the email account in charge of this account is the one I never use
so nobody else can claim the content lol
so nvm
I have 4 email addresses: my first main one which is now my back-up for my secondary, my second main one which is also one of my 2 main ones, my third one which is for applications because it uses my real name, and my school email. :P
too complicated
Hm. I think my badges are slowly un-dying.
Except I lost my 98 day progress on Fanatic :(
ah well, whatever. I should go try to get some gold badge that actually requires me to do something :P
:( also all of my bounties disappeared
wait does that mean people lost like 100 rep from bounty deletions?
wait Dennis and LeakyNun plus a bunch of other people probably lost that much just from vote deletions
This lang should be banned — Adam Copley 3 mins ago
lemme guess, Jelly?
Hey, is there an Actually builtin to remove occurrences of a character from a string?
No. Mathematica should be banned.
Let's ban all languages and go play in the sun instead! :D
@HyperNeutrino Glad you have your rep back :)
Get. Out. Now.
@Mr.Xcoder :)
@ZacharyT I think no, but you can split and then join by empty string, I guess.
Hey, fun fact, if a bounty is awarded by a user who is then later deleted, the bounty then belongs to Community.
@HyperNeutrino You got your account restored? Nice one.
not quite restored. merged. which means I have about 600 more rep than before :)
@HyperNeutrino You should update your bio. :)
you're back @HyperNeutrino!
Unfortunately, your rep isn't :(
Let's celebrate!
@HyperNeutrino I know...
@Shaggy what is sun
But it's like 35, no big deal...
Hmm ... looks like someone just went on a downvoting spree against me; is there anyway to flag it for investigation?
:o my achievements menu is completely full of badges
@Downgoat the sun is a big space egg
@Downgoat Something to do with Java!
@HyperNeutrino Yeah, just saw I'm still down 85 rep from your deletion.
@Shaggy I think you can flag one of the posts for mod attention. A mod will have to deal with it so I think a mod flag is appropriate in this case. It might get reversed soon though.
Something with the same shape with a goat eye, but seeming to be yellow @Downgoat
@HyperNeutrino Poor Dennis :)
??? I keep getting more and more badges, like I got about 30 all at once and then like 3 per minute for the next few minutes :P
@Mr.Xcoder yes :( :P :)
he doesn't need the 200 rep, he has like 150k almost
oh noes the emoji are cloning
@HyperNeutrino Thanks. 11 DVs (and counting?) in the space of 2 minutes.
:o wow. yeah almost certainly serial
And considering they're good answers, definitely serial
@Shaggy Someone hates good golfers :(
oh wait I have to update my website because the SE profile link is now dead
@Mr.Xcoder This happening to others too?
@Shaggy No, but you might be the first ;\...
And you're a good god golfer so...
@WheatWizard Hm? Oh right it says I got everything deleted but that's been undone lol
@Mr.Xcoder You flatter me, sir!
@Shaggy "sir"...
It's not happening to me, so it's probably restricted to good golfers. (:P :D)
Neither does it happen with me, so it's confirmed @HyperNeutrino
can confirm too
If it doesn't happen with Dennis, then it's un-confirmed.
@HyperNeutrino And then re-check with xnor and Jonathan.
and like 50 other people
oh wait you only get 40 votes per day
Also, of my 5 most upvoted questions, 2 of them were posted within the past like 2 or 3 days after my account was deleted :P
That limit is crappy, especially on PPCG
Anyone know Actually/Seriously ?
Mego does.
Flagged one of the DVed posts for investigation, I'll leave it in the mods hands. I think someone just took exception to the fact that I was one +1 away from 5k! :D
Of course.
Leaky Nun does too afaik
The unpig post was re-opened rather prematurely, with only small changes that left most of the questions unaddressed and the spec ambiguous. Please be more careful with your reopen votes.
@BusinessCat sure
@xnor That would be my fault partly, because I edited it from review and forgot that that automatically voted to reopen it :I
@Shaggy I noticed you began posting a lot of Japt answers lately
@HyperNeutrino Really? That seems like very uninutuitive UI.
@Mr.Xcoder Not all that "lately", about a month or so, which is about 50% of the time I've been here.
@xnor I think I may have clicked the wrong button as well. I think there's an EDIT and EDIT+REOPEN button and I must've clicked the wrong button.
@Shaggy It's lately for me... I have been here for 9 months and have a third of your rep :\
Hey I got one of my questions into the Extreme Upvotes modtools section :D
but it's the one with the second-most upvotes, the first isn't there. ???
@Mr.Xcoder Blame my addictive personality! :D It's definitely quantity over quality with me!
@Shaggy actually, you're a PPCG user for 10 months, just checked your profile.
Fun fact: my account existed before Mego's, and I have about a third of his rep :P
Though you became active like 3 months ago, so...
@HyperNeutrino Welcome to my world!
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, that's when I created my account; didn't start "playing" until begnning of April.
Well, look at this. My account has existed for 49 days, but my rep history goes back to over a year ago :D
Aha! I think I see who might have been responsible for my DVs and they've already been dealt with.
@Shaggy Actually, I have started posting in March.
@Shaggy just check who has negative rep from a bunch of downvotes
Answer downvoting is easy to find because it's logged in your rep history.
@HyperNeutrino There are just like 300 people to remember the rep of, that won't be hard at all :)
of course not difficult. ;D
Wait I think I can use SEDE to fetch the recent rep history of everyone. Maybe.
@HyperNeutrino Yeah, just did, doesn't look like it's who I thought it was.
I'm writing a challenge to celebrate @HyperNeutrino 's come-back
@Shaggy Ah. Okay.
@Mr.Xcoder oo thanks :D :)
Anyone willing to help with the text to be displayed?
It must start with "Welcome back, @HyperNeutrino!"
Were you thinking more so ASCII-art or a actual text?
But I just don't know how to continue.
Right, screw it, it's quittin' time on Friday; think I'll take my own advice and go play in the sun. I think I'll play my favourite game of "Drinkin' Things"! Have a good weekend, all. o/
@Shaggy lucky, it's raining for me :(
@HyperNeutrino you should choose: ASCII-art or an actual text?
I personally like ASCII-art :D :P
CMC: Determine which user has the most downvotes.
@HyperNeutrino Oh, I'm sure it'll start here as soon as I look out the door!
@Shaggy No, only once you're far enough from your door that you'll get drenched.
@HyperNeutrino @Downgoat, of course. Just kidding :P
Downgoat is 10th :P
Yeah it's a bit rainy here too
@HyperNeutrino Any preferences for the text contained by the ASCII art Neutrino?

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