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@PhiNotPi yeah but then it is semi easy to get a win by just playing to the side upwards or something
You could start with all spaces fully visible and gradually obscure them over time
@Mego Thanks
Anyone want to play contact chat word game? Game starting: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/53490/contact
@DestructibleLemon yeah, that's kinda the extreme option
I should keep a tally of this as counterexamples for when people claim it's impossible
I'd like to see people outgolfing me in RProgN2.
It's particularly good with quines, for some ungodly reason.
"ungodly" is right ;P
it's because it's concatenative
Underload and 7 are good for the same reason
Or are you not talking about the 1\n1 answer?
err, I should say, concatenative and eval operates on strings rather than parse trees
I'm not talking about 1\n1, which is now considered invalid.
Oh good, do we have a new consensus then?
actually, GolfScript is also good at quines for the same reason again
is there such a thing as a regex which will only match itself?
RProgN2's quine works almost like golfscripts.
A: Regex that only matches itself

jimmy23013PCRE flavor, 261 289 210 184 127 109 71 53 51 44 40 bytes Yes, it is possible! <^<()(?R){2}>\z|\1\Q^<()(?R){2}>\z|\1\Q> Try it here. (But / is shown to be the delimiter on Regex101.) Please refrain from making unnecessary edits (updates) on the Regex101 page. If your edit doesn't actually in...

But instead of eval'ing/Calling, it just straight up starts reading the program from just after the function definition.
{`{.}{ is the quine right now.
Which bests Golfscript's {`"_~"}_~ by a few bytes.
Underload has (aS(:^)S):^, which is the same as GolfScript's if you allow for the fact that GolfScript has implicit output and Underload doesn't
I'm not sure if I've ever written a quine with an explicit :^ equivalent in 7 (because it does it implicitly at the end of the program), I should do that
looks like it's 3713256371325: Try it online!
that's 5 bytes long on disk:
00000000: 7cb5 73e5 ab                             |.s..
there are a ton of different ways to write quines in 7, though, of various levels of cheatiness
7's quines are short, but are a pain to expand.
e.g. 23723 is two parts which each output each other, 223372233 consists of one part that outputs itself twice and one part that doesn't do anything at all, and 3713256371325 consists of one part that outputs itself and then a copy of the other part that's stored in itself
and no, they're very easy to expand
as long as you know the language
it's hard to write a quine in 7 that isn't payload-capable; even 23723 is
e.g. 22323722323 is a quine that works on the same principle and outputs itself twice (with a 7 in between because that's 7's equivalent of whitespace)
I just added a 223 to each half, "output a copy of the TOS"
Hey everyone I just saw the question:
Q: Print the Russian Cyrillic alphabet

MayubeApparently, we really like printing the alphabet in different languages. How about the Russian Cyrillic alphabet? Print/output/return this exact text (trailing whitespace is permitted) АаБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя This is the Russian Cyrillic alphabet wi...

It's a dupe of this one that I posted:
What language is this?
@HelkaHomba Did you make the 2048 Sandbox app?
@ZacharyT 7
Is 7 a valid program within 7?
@Mendeleev 404
@HyperNeutrino I did
It's really cool :D
@HyperNeutrino YOu can't see it yet
Thanks :)
Not enough rep
Oh yeah right.
(I will STOP now)
@ZacharyT yes, but it doesn't do anything, it basically entirely consists of trailing whitespace
I set it to always spawn a 4 in the top-left corner and set voids so that it made a snaking pathway :D
in fact trailing 7s aren't even representable in the compressed format
How ... does this language even work‽
Is this an actual user? @ಠ_ಠ
it basically contains a bunch of primitives (six of them) which are very simple and collectively Turing-complete (apart from 3, which is rather complex because it's responsible for I/O in a number of different formats)
I should make my username that (/s I'm not changing it until 2018)
Wait it actually works
I thought it would be an illegal char
If you change it, it should be @wat again.
Perfect username
I wanted to make my username U+202e once
Illegal char unfortunately. I tried :P
ಠ isn't invalid probably because it's used in the Kannada language.
What is U+202e
RLO: causes characters to render right-to-left
(I just looked that up, hence the spamming of that face)
But spam is still bad
LOL. @ಠ_ಠ
I wonder why chat can't update immediately
like, from main profile
Is the interrobang a valid name‽
I wouldn't doubt it.
@ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
Too much
I don't want to know what that's going to do to I am Typing.
Oh, apparently nothing.
please do not ping me just because of my username
it should be changed already c'mon SE stop being slow
@ಠ_ಠ, of course we will, your username is ಠ_ಠ
@ಠ_ಠ you are rather pingable my dear friend.
How do you change your chat name‽
That shouldn't even be my username anymore.
I changed it about 3 minutes ago.
there we go?
There, it changed.
There we go.
How does one go about changing the name that appears‽
Ok done messing with usernames. I now realize I should have gone to Sandbox for that :I
you have to toggle your parent user from PPCG to somethign else, then back
@ZacharyT change your parent site to a random site to force it to update
lol ninja'd
Crap, I don't think it works, it's not a letter.
You can have non-letter characters
Numbers, dashes, underscores work
Hey look I can close vote things. I wonder when that happened
(Adám should suffix ‽ to his name) [jk, obviously]
can I just put on record that I really hate the interrobang character and get annoyed when people use it
ಠ_ಠ I've become a challenger over an answerer lol
@ais523 I agree; it looks very "messy" almost
I really dislike that character.
It just, looks so ugly.
this is why we need to standardise it
so we can get a not crap version
it's also massively overused despite being hardly used at all
the situations where it applies are very rare
Usually !? is sufficient.
@ais523 Why‽ "!? just looks ugly" :p
usually ? is sufficient
questions normally don't work as exclamations too
they have to be highly specific questions (rhetorical, and disbelieving of the current state of affairs)
(I adapted my typed usage from Adám, I've always used it when writing)
Apparently [compose] ! ? works to get it
Why exactly does the interrobang have an upside down version⸘
for Spanish, probably
Yeah, that should work ⍴robably.
Oh yeah.
Spanish questions go like ¿<phrase>? right
(incidentally, for those who don't know, most Linux keyboard layouts put compose on left shift-altgr by default, although I rebound it to caps lock)
Si<insert acute accent here>
[compose] i '
I remapped it to Alt Car because apparently I have that key and it makes sense to use it for alternate characters
[compose] C C C P
@DestructibleLemon that looks like the communist symbol
@HyperNeutrino it is, I think
⍳t ⍳s.
oh yeah it is (zooming to 500% lol)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LukeFind the distance between two points Your challenge is, given two points, find the distance between them. Inputs Inputs must be in the order of X1, Y1, X2, Y2. It can be given as four inputs (e.g. 0,0,3,4) or with each point as an array (e.g. [0,0], [3,4]). Output You must give one output, a...

I'd be surprised if that's not a dupe.
U+1F595. (DON'T KICK!(
What is that even?
Do I want to know?
Can't you guess‽
@HyperNeutrino it's not that bad
@ZacharyT ok stop forcing the interrobang
I am forcing it‽
Well, a nonstandard punctuation mark has no correct usage, so ಠ_ಠ
@ZacharyT u wot. maybe, but you're still forcing it
A sentence ending with an interrobang asks a question in an excited manner, expresses excitement or disbelief in the form of a question, or asks a rhetorical question.
Why are you using it so much!?!?!?
^ works too
I have no idea, must have rubbed off to a horrible level.
Half the time I use Sandbox is just to figure out whether or not my challenge is a dupe :P
Because I'm bad at looking things up.
almost everyone has trouble finding dupes
I should get to the 05AB1E of this problem!
I'm getting better at it but it's still nearly impossible
@ZacharyT please no
I'm officially out of letters/numbers to do puns with.
@ais523 yeah. it's hard but with a bunch of people looking usually someone can find it
It's not like I have 7 more up my sleeve. (that's bad. even for me)
you still have all of the other characters
Do I look like a dead FISH to you or something?
one underrated maintenance task that people should be doing is editing old challenges to make them possible to search for
often they manage to describe a problem without using any words that a typical person would use to describe the problem :-)
that would be a good idea actually. meta post?
although if they were mass-edited that would cause the same problem as the sandbox rapid edit
Seriously though, I just can't Cm to run out of puns, can I?
@ais523 such as instead of "exponentiate" use "repeatedly add repeatedly" :P
@ZacharyT Actually, you will eventually.
Wow, Nice one. (I think that's one)
@HyperNeutrino right, I don't mass-edit
normally only when a question is duped to that question, or when I answer the question
OCaml, wherefore art thou Caml?
I don't think mass-editing is ever good
@ZacharyT these are starting to not make ¢ anymore
(in the former case, bumping it is probably a good thing, in the latter case, it's being bumped anyway)
oh, or when I bounty the question
but in that case I feel entitled to bump it :-)
actually, does bountying a question naturally bump it?
I had to try. OK (It's so eC when language names are 1 character)
CMC: Given a cubic array, extract the major diagonal.
@Adám lambda x:[x[i][i][i]for i in range(len(x))]
that's what you mean?
[[["A","B","C"],["D","E","F"],["G","H","I"]],[["J","K","L"],["M","N","O"],["P","‌​Q","R"]],[["S","T","U"],["V","W","X"],["Y","Z","A"]]] → ["A","N","A"]
@HyperNeutrino Yeah, I guess.
Darn it, ŒD just applies to each element because it only works on 2d arrays :(
OK, maybe that was too easy. How about given an equal-sided N-dimensional array, extract the major diagonal.
I think a Jelly solution is something like (untested) ŒD€Ḣ€ŒDḢ
I might have put the dot on the H in the wrong place
@ais523 i tried something like that
did you remember the ?
oh wait lemme go try again
@ais523 We use £ :-)
oh, looks like I forgot an too, fixed :-)
$. $RunningOutOfPuns = false;
@Adám but that means "run a function from elsewhere in the code with no arguments", which is much less useful than "for each element" is for this specific problem :-)
@Adám I think that's )%ab!e
uh what did I just do
looks like you wrote "05AB1E" but held down shift for some reason
with caps lock on
no, I pressed shift on the wrong things :P
console.log(puns.length); // infinity
That was more of a PHP: PHP: PHP: PHP: PHP: PHP: ... pun.
console.log(puns.quality); // -infinity
More like undefined.
f=lambda x:1+f(x[0])if hasattr(x,'__iter__')else 0
lambda x:[eval('x'+'[i]'*f(x))for i in range(len(x))]
GNU APL everyday keeps the good dfns away
@Adám ^^
looks horrible but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@HyperNeutrino Ugh. That look complicated.
@ZacharyT Can we stop bashing?
Did you just make a pun?!
@Adám It's not too complicated; the first just recursively finds the depth of the array and the second repeats [i] enough times to get down to a single element. :P
@ZacharyT pyth-e stop using the inteo'bang
There, happy?
Interrobangs make my monitor sad.
did anyone get my pun?
I didn't. It just looked like a major typing fail to me.
pronounce pyth as pith
oh well that's not pun-ny enough for me to get it (btw that's <----- not a pun)
@ZacharyT The people behind GNU APL have a noble goal of providing a free modern APL. The fact that they have less experience in APL development than certain others does not make their effort less praiseworthy.
@HyperNeutrino notice that interrobang is missing it's Rs
ok i'm bored time to make a new programming language
@DestructibleLemon I noticed that :P
@HyperNeutrino please link together more parts of the language graph
pyth-e = prithee
I know, I just like bashing things for the hashhell o vim
That's the ⍴○⍳n⊤ when APL becomes totally unreadable.
@HyperNeutrino Dyalog APL (second challenge): ×∘⍴⍉⊢
@ZacharyT ^ better?
APL eats multi-dimensional arrays for breakfast.
@ZacharyT change vim to vitsy
I totally do love the fact that GNU is open-source. Eh, at least you can change ⎕IO though!
@ZacharyT As opposed to ngn, you mean?
Yeah, thought that was implied.
It's still open source and cool.
@HyperNeutrino CMC: major diagonal of multidimensional array where sides are not necessarily equal length (although it isn't ragged).
And APL chokes on arrays as elements of arrays, to be honest.
(Unless I just am bad at APL)
@ZacharyT What are you talking about? APL allows infinite nesting.
I know that. Just the way it handles them compared to multidimensional arrays is ... blech.
@ZacharyT Really? Are we rehashing that again? Sometimes it is useful.
It just ... seems unnecessarily long. It's probably due to the fact that I'm used to APL code golf.
@ZacharyT You mean 3 instead of two characters? In most cases the isn't needed, and btw, APL is not a golfing language.
@ais523 This keeps happening. ;)
CMC: Given any arbitrary array, replace every leaf with a copy of the original array.
By leaf, you mean non-array element, right>
@Adám How does that work exactly?
@HyperNeutrino Cut short according to shortest dimension.
@ZacharyT Yes, if you do not consider a scalar an array.
@Adám ah okay
@Adám Darn it, Jelly's doesn't work :(
@Adám Jelly, 2 bytes: Wṁ
@HyperNeutrino Whoah.
I'll stop making CMCs. They're all too easy apparently.
No, Jelly Dennis is just too good
Jelly dennis
brb making jelly dennis image
Jennis. LOL
oplz what have I done
hovers over ban button
sorry Dennis I didn't want this to happen D:
please don't ban me D':
@Dennis Said to which person?
not... like... this..... DD:
1 min ago, by Destructible Lemon
brb making jelly dennis image
oh so i'm safe for now
CMC: (n+1)×√((n-1)/(n+1))
Replace your o's with greek omicrons. 100% guaranteed to get you kicked eventually.
^^ Does Jelly have a built-in for that?
@Adám No, but Mathematica would.
I'm gonna guess Jelly's solution is 6 ~ 8 bytes long.
brb trying to mathematically simplify/modify
@HyperNeutrino Good luck. I don't believe it can be.
It's just sqrt((n-1)(n+1))
which is sqrt(n**2-1)
@HyperNeutrino How in the world do you get that from my formula?
move the (n+1) under the square root
then multiply
shoot i messed up
@Dennis why is this so bad
does it hurt your feelings when I edit your image?
@Adám Jelly, 3 bytes: ²’½
New CMC: Calculate (n+1)*sqrt((n-1)/(n+2))
@DestructibleLemon That pretty much depends on the nature of the edit.
@Dennis ok, but so far I haven't made any mean edits
Pinged the wrong guy.
@DestructibleLemon As a general rule, I'd refrain from editing any user's avatar into something they could consider not nice. My mod status isn't special here.
@ZacharyT no I didn't. well actually I did; I forgot the accent :P
I think the meanest edit I made was that one where I made jan dvorak on the yelling at illusion
@Dennis Your avatar is already a menace.
You still screwed up in the math. Where in the world does ] come from?
@ZacharyT me being bad
@Adám destroyed
Adám: 1 Dennis: 0
Round 2!
@Adám All the more reason not to mess with it.
= Round 2
Round 3! = Round 6
@ZacharyT darn you (kinda?) ninja'd me (?)
I seriously ninja'D you?
the D didn't make sense there, it was just a letter ffs
D goes with everything. D is one awesome language.
@HyperNeutrino OK. OK. You're right. But that means there is something wrong with the text where I found the formula. Why didn't they use a simpler form?
To make people Think
@HyperNeutrino Wolfram|Alpha is wrong. Who can spot the error?
@Adám to confuse you
oh wait
I assumed n>0
didn't i
Dennis: 1 HyperNeutrino: 0
ATaco: undefined
W|A isn't wrong. (Assuming n is positive)
It lists sqrt(n-1)sqrt(n+1) as an alternate form, without restrictions.
complex numbers?
@HyperNeutrino Ah, yes, I thought we'd missed something. So, back to my CMC!
Equalities between multivalued functions are hairy.
Oh, n = -1
^As well.
That's just sqrt(2)i
sorry no it's 0
which isn't wrong
because the original relation also gives 0
The original relation gives division by 0!
The original is undefined for -1.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

noreGolf a program whose behavior is independent from Peano arithmetic Your task is to write a program that doesn't take any input, and whose termination cannot be proved or disproved inside Peano arithmetic. This is code-golf, so the shortest byte count wins! Rules Standard loopholes apply Short...

CMC: (n+1)×√((n-1)/(n+1))
sigh back to the drawing board
I did the math on the whiteboard behind me lol
@Adám What is the CMC?
Just do it easily using increment, decrement, multiply, divide, and square root in Jelly.
I can't do it right now, as I'm out of here.
Implement that in code?
@WheatWizard Given n, evaluate that formula.
Write code to do that?
@WheatWizard Yup, but golfed, if you can.
@ZacharyT Really?
what does the flip('R') mean?
@ZacharyT See you. Clever.
@HyperNeutrino "Ya"
@Adám ’÷‘ב
ooh, I held down the ^ key for a random amount of time and landed right on the CMC
@HyperNeutrino even for complex n?
appears to work?
@HyperNeutrino What? What is the ^ key, and what does it do?
(3+4j) gives (2+4j)
@Adám caret reply; it allows you to type n carets in from of a message and it replies to the message n above it
^ does that work in chat by default?
Apparently not.
no, it's a tacoscript
@HyperNeutrino I get 2.94+4.08i for 3+4i.
lemme do a simple implementation in python3 first
@HyperNeutrino https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=((3%2B4i)%2B1)*sqrt(((3%2B4i)-1)%2F((3%2B‌​4i)%2B1))
Using closest Wolfram|Alpha interpretation: ((3+4i)+1)
@HyperNeutrino URL isn't working: Enter ((3+4i)+1)*sqrt(((3+4i)-1)/((3+4i)+1))

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