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Q: Draw HyperNeutrino's benzene hegaxon icon in ASCII

xnorIn celebration of HyperNeutrino getting back their account and rep, following Mr. Xcoder. Apologies for rotating the picture for drawability. Print or output this ASCII art exactly. You may have trailing spaces and/or a trailing newline. _______________ / \ / ...

would you like to see my current progress on the hello world program?
@HyperNeutrino I think you should do this challenge
> Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.

Terry Pratchett - Mort
one of my favorite quotes :D
@LeakyNun @HyperNeutrino what happened?
the age cut-off?
or something else
@Riker ya
2 hours ago, by HyperNeutrino
1. chat made it seem like I was <13
2. I deleted the contents of my entire profile which was very suspicious
3. Apparently I was reported.
but, all's well that ends well
8 hours ago, by HyperNeutrino
my rep just +6000'd
8 hours ago, by HyperNeutrino
@LeakyNun My content was reattributed to this account, essentially merging the two.
Q: Make a program that plays chess

Matthew LangWrite a program that plays chess following all the standard rules, including en passant and castling. vertical castling is optional but not required. It must randomly choose a side, remember and display the position. It must also judge the 50-move rule and 3-fold repetition. In the case of a tie...

> vertical castling
@feersum no, I know what this guy is talking about
I have successfully put the Monstercat visualizer on my desktop
there was a very famous chess problem, back in the time when chess rules were a bit ambiguous
@DestructibleLemon If you do, then you don't know what you're talking about.
and the solution was to promote to a rook, and castle
of course, the loophole was then patched up
wtf that exists *existed?
@feersum now, that was uncalled for ;_;
@HyperNeutrino *existed
also another famous one involved promoting to an enemy knight
Do you have a good reference for this?
no, but I remember reading about it. Again, it has been patched out of the rules
I'm not going to believe it then.
Die Pam-Krabbé-Rochade war nach früherem Wortlaut der FIDE-Regeln ein erlaubter Schachzug, dessen man sich jedoch nicht bewusst war. Es handelte sich um eine Rochade mit einem umgewandelten Turm. == Erläuterung == Nach früherer Regel durfte eine Rochade dann ausgeführt werden, wenn der König noch nicht bewegt wurde, der beteiligte Turm noch nicht bewegt wurde, zwischen dem König und dem beteiligten Turm keine andere Figur steht, der König über kein Feld ziehen muss, das durch eine feindliche Figur bedroht wird, der König vor und nach dem Zug nicht im Schach steht. Dies schließt aber nicht aus,…
but it is in german
it was loophole abuse the entire time, but it was a funny loophole abuse
I don't think it was ever used in an actual chess game
VTC the rules as unclear then
welp gtg now, ಠ/
@HyperNeutrino they clarified them
what is ಠ/
So it's some kixnd of conspiracy theory claiming there's a "secret castling move" in one particular written set of rules?
no, there used to be a technical loophole
@feersum No, it was a loophole that was later closed in FIDE rules
If you tried that in a game against anyone, you wouldn't have gotten away with it.
but it was a funny chess problem, and the point is that the question asker isn't making something random up
The claim that it was an allowed move is bullshit, but I'll grant you were referring to something, so my apologies.
@feersum A judge would note that it was technically legal after a careful reading of the relevant section in the rule book, and then beat you with the rule book.
The RAW allowed it, but it was clearly not intended to be legal, so it was later banned.
I don't think such ultra-literal loopholism is typically practiced in law.
@feersum but this is game rules, not law, and the rules quite clearly did not specifically disallow it
But in practice no one would care. You would not be permitted to make that move in a tournament.
@feersum in practice, I think the grandmasters didn't actually read the chess rules.
so we will never know if they would have been able to.
also they would have been sporting enough not to play like that
Right, the actual rules of chess are known by tradition, which would take precedence over a silly legalistic interpretaiton.
Will something bad happen if I turn off my computer while it says "getting windows ready do not turn off computer"
:| ono
@feersum ok but why does this bother you so much that there was a loophole that technically was allowing a weird chess move that was patched up before it was abused?
if you were playing with a friend they certainly would not have let you get away with that, no
I would suppose that you would be more likely to get away with it with a friend than in a formal setting.
nah, the friend plays by the traditional rules
the tournament plays by the written rules
And some other people don't?
An even better question is why is this argument still going on?
@Downgoat don't tell me you actually did it
well, they have their own version of traditional rules, but vertical castling is included in none of them
:| it was taking a long tine
you just did bork
@Mego I was kind of wondering that too
@Downgoat welp have fun with a corrupted OS
wait here is a better wikipedia article
Joke chess problems are puzzles in chess which use humor as a primary or secondary element. Although most chess problems, like other creative forms, are appreciated for serious artistic themes (Grimshaw, Novotny, and Lacny), joke chess problems are enjoyed for some twist. In some cases the composer plays a trick to prevent a solver from succeeding with typical analysis. In other cases, the humor derives from an unusual final position. Unlike in ordinary chess puzzles, joke problems can involve a solution which violates the inner logic or rules of the game. == Self-solving problems == Some chess...
@ArtOfCode its ok no one like window
@Mendeleev ;_; ono is like minor bork or like major-uber mork
@Downgoat Yes
@Downgoat the latter is quite likely
LPT: when OS tells you not to do something, don't do the thing.
:| buy why does it take so long
mac don't do
Because Windows is a bad "OS"
@Downgoat You've been told on more occasions than I can count to not use "goatspeak"
It doesn't operate, so it's just S
@ArtOfCode actually if this were true, then every windows10 user would use edge or something
@Mego I'm not one to argue about rules, but you're going to kick me because I posted one ";_;" in this room?
@Downgoat It's probably because of the "mac don't do"
sorry, that message totally ruined the entire quality of the room
okay moving on...
@Mendeleev :| what is wrong with that message
@Downgoat It's gaotspek
Am i supposed to talk like shakespeare to not get kicked
how is it 'gaotspek'
I think I have made my hello world program now. now I just need to install python 3 and then download the interpreter on this computer to test
yes that was the message I was reffering to
Plus many examples from yesterday that I don't particularly care to crawl through the transcript for, and multiple warnings and kicks in the past for intentionally obfuscated messages
@Mego are you kidding me
I have barely been on this room even lately
Is grammar a critical component in stack exchange chat?
Also congrats on 20k btw. Just pointing that out.
@Downgoat :O downgoat has been haxed
@HyperNeutrino of course, screw everyone typing on a phone
I remember something about windows annoying people about using edge
Is this an 'is it' or 'should it' question
although it hasn't annoyed me about it yet...
I typically don't bother using proper grammar, and neither do I (usually) correct people on it, though I doubt that's the reason @​Mego doesn't like those messages.
idk could just be bad day
@DestructibleLemon no, not "do what your OS tells you", I said "don't do what your OS tells you not to". I haven't encountered Windows telling me not to use anything other than Edge, yet.
Plus many more from that last one forward that I didn't feel like linking
Grammar is not a critical component of chat, but intentionally obfuscating your messages (via "goatspeak", "leetspeak", or any other transformation) is disruptive and makes it harder to follow conversations.
ok we're going to need to kick Destructable Lemon ASCII-only Qwerp-Derp and more too
@Mego can you point me at the bit of chatiquette that violates, since I'm not familiar with much of it?
Repetitive occurences of the same forementioned action is discouraged. Standalone occurences are not likely to induce kick-muting.
@Downgoat Tu quoque is not a reasonable response. Yours were the ones that I noticed, because they were very disruptive.
@Mego nothing is intentionally obfuscated unless you count using u instead of you and the ;_; emoticon very obfuscated ways of talking
@ArtOfCode "Don't Be Disruptive"
@Mego your kick ban has been more distruptive the room in no way disolved into meaningless chatter or such
Now it has dissolved into ban and chatiquette discussions.
Okay, this ain't going anywhere constructive. @Downgoat try goatspeeking less; @Mego FWIW that was pretty borderline, you might wanna consider being a touch less strict on it.
This sucks
Whether or not something is disruptive is quite subjective. I didn't find it disruptive because I'm used to that kind of abbreviated and "obfuscated" language, but others might. I agree with @​ArtOfCode that there needs to be some sort of compromise otherwise this chat is going to become a mess of arguments and/or accusations.
topic change idea: have we had an OCR challenge before
hey do you wanna see my hello world program for sad-flak?
@Downgoat Kinda
I'm sure I remember one being posted before but 0 progress in search results
there's the dice one in the sandbox
shit forget the s sorry for goatspeek
too late I'm posting it anyway
wait does mathematica have OCR built in. POS
It has everything built in
@Downgoat There's the one you wrote 2 days ago
weird, I never got a notification about Peter's comment
SE sometimes eats comment notifications like goats eat tin cans
Would not be surprised if it had DoHomework or GiveMoney or SolveWorldPoverty built in
probably has something like givemoney but just displays money
I would not be surprised if it had a CreateBuiltin built in.
._____________. ok what
Also I made a userscript that allows you to type @​Username without pinging people. It restricts one of a mod's many abilities if they install it but it's not commonly used.
@Downgoat that is actually just weird
Are you sure you didn't do an HTML edit?
I see typos/grammar mistakes and formatting issues in there.
@HyperNeutrino I don't know what you're talking about >_<
> applied
you mean "applies"
@HyperNeutrino How exactly does that work? And I'm guessing it's the @@ superping ability that is impaired?
is anyone here familiar with C++'s std::unique_ptr? I was told by someone it's lifetime is 'its scope' but if that is the case how can you return it from a function
@Mego Yes. It autoreplaces @​@​ with @<zwsp>.
@Downgoat I have no idea what it is, but from the description you provide, I would think that it's used to prevent it from being used outside of the function in case it is accidentally returned.
I mean the function returns an std::vector<std::unqiue_ptr<Token>> so idk if accident :P
@HyperNeutrino maybe have it replace \@ with that instead?
makes more sense
@​@​ is easier for me to type :P
o ffs I tried writing a python thing to substitute the characters with the correct characters but when it prints it just prints =s
windows is so bad.
ok how do I make a vm.
@DestructibleLemon download virtualbox
ok I really need dennis to put this on tio because it doesn't work on windows
@Mendeleev knowing windows, the vm will probably work faster
maybe if I install emacs, that has an os
@DestructibleLemon What's the code?
Question: VSL can deduct function return types but not always. Should I require specifying function return type for all cases for consistency?
Depends. What's the raison d'être for VSL?
Oh okay, so if it's not a golfing language, then yes you should require that to prevent people from becoming confused later on.
@Mego just regular substitute code
@DestructibleLemon exact code? I can try to problem solve but idk if I can
It works on tio
@HyperNeutrino ok
@DestructibleLemon Can I see exact code? I can boot up a Windows machine on my brother's laptop right now to test/bugfix
@HyperNeutrino the problem was windows
have you found the problem
@DestructibleLemon When running Windows the problem is always Windows
^ true, I was not able to use windows but I fixed because the problem was window was open so causing glare :P
@HyperNeutrino You finally got your account back as I see!
Yes :)
Well actually, not really, I just got all of my posts, comments, and rep back from content reattribution (i.e. merging).
Except a few things were not merged; namely, my deleted posts.
@HyperNeutrino it works on tio, not windows. Problem is clearly windows
Which ended up being good :)
@DestructibleLemon yes but have you fixed the windows problem?
I went on tio. Solved
@DestructibleLemon yes but it's good to learn what the issue was
Also I'm on mobile because windows froze
unless it was literally just Windows being stupid, which I wouldn't doubt.
@HyperNeutrino :O :D that is good. Did they say specifically what caused them to delete previous acount?
@HyperNeutrino windows doesn't print the special unicode
@Downgoat They thought I was under 13, because 1) stuff I said in chat, 2) I deleted PII very rapidly which sketched them out, and 3) I was reported
@DestructibleLemon oh. that's just windows then :I
@HyperNeutrino "Windows being stupid" is an axiom for me. But sometimes Linux is too
For whatever reason, merging did not merge over my deleted posts which I am personally very happy with. Overall getting my account deleted and then remerged was good for two reasons; 1. I may have gotten sympathy votes >:-) (I certainly hope not though...), and 2. My deleted posts are no longer attributed with this account :D
@HyperNeutrino :| I think I said I was in 3rd grade a couple time in chatroom >_< @StackExchange pls don't delete account
@HyperNeutrino brb retracting all sympathy votes
:O I crossed 20,000!
Yes, I congratulated you on that a couple of hours ago. ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino oh :| thanks :P
1 hour ago, by HyperNeutrino
Also congrats on 20k btw. Just pointing that out.
Ok maybe only 1 hour
Close enough :P
@DestructibleLemon That's just numbers on the Internet though. But congrats :)
@DestructibleLemon Well yeah, I was hoping that the upvotes were because they were good questions, not just because people felt bad for me getting my account deleted.
2 days ago, by Downgoat
@HyperNeutrino excuse me I judge my self-worth in SE reputation :P
Also good thing i posted the code in chat so I can find it if it never unfreezes
rip windows
Challenge idea: write a UTF-16 program which when interpreted as a UTF-8 program, outputs itself.
Windows is popular because windows is popular. Can someone make that into a loop picture?
score is in UTF-16 scalars
So, a quine.
So a quine?
With different scoring.
CMC: Make a chatbot that automatically says "ninja'd" when more than 75% of the words between two messages are shared, case insensitive. Only needs to handle messages that are up to 50 messages apart. Please use Sandbox to test.
brb doing exactly that
@DestructibleLemon chcp 65001
Wait I need a NeutrinoBot account again :I
@Mego wat
@DestructibleLemon use the door
user image
@DestructibleLemon yea but has to handle encoding
Well, I mean, my life lack of a life is 100% SE...
@DestructibleLemon Command prompt command for changing the code page to UTF-8 so that Unicode chars print properly
Well, it's frozen anyway
wait Fixed challenge idea: Write UTF-16 program which outputs itself in UTF-8 source code when interpreted as UTF-8, and outputs itself when run in UTF-16
though not sure how challenge idea would work
not all interpreters support different encodings
is it OK to restrict to those interpreters?
So, a quine, that happens to work when run in two different encodings with like no other difference?
:I I have a file called "kms.bat"
It looks like it would kill the computer when run
@echo off
copy NUL kms%COUNTER%.bat
@echo "set COUNTER=1">> kms%COUNTER%.bat
@echo ":top">> kms%COUNTER%.bat
@echo "start kms%COUNTER%.bat">> kms%COUNTER%.bat
@echo "goto top">> kms%COUNTER%.bat
start kms%COUNTER%.bat
goto top
@DestructibleLemon Is ^^ how you froze windows?
I think the more important part is
Windows <.<
No, I froze it by using windows
So, you froze it by using it. So, windows == freezer?
@HyperNeutrino obviously
@HyperNeutrino yea but is hard no
because you can't interpret UTF-16 as UTF-8 otherwise bad will happen
because there will be null byte everywhere
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't understand encoding :P
CMC: Make a program that contains at least one space that when run will output itself without spaces. The space must do something.
@HyperNeutrino f=_=>` f=${f}`.trim()
is JavaScript
what is `stuff`
@HyperNeutrino template string (string which support interpolation)
That's not a CMC ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino yes it is beacuse there is a right answer
@Downgoat but does the space do anything
@HyperNeutrino yes it does
it changes string
-.- I meant, you can't remove it and have it not break
:| 0/10 impossible in JS then
wait actually
Change it to removing first char of string
f=_=>`f=${1- -0?f:0}`
Instead of trim
now will bork break if you remove space
Does it print without spaces?
shit :|
olol i forgot to check that
fixed: f=_=>`f=${1- -0?f:0}`.replace(/ /g,'')
Better specification and harder cmc; make a quine loop where both programs are the same except one has no spaces in it
Quine loop of length 2
Is there a golfy way to do a reduce in Haskell? I can't make heads or tails of foldl
@HyperNeutrino someone mentioned bug in anyfix in talk.tio
Make a fix for anyfix
@DestructibleLemon hm, that means the space can't result in broke
too lazy to look up room
Am I allowed to say 'bork' or will that result in bad thing happening
@HyperNeutrino i'm too lazy to figure out copy paste on mobile
CMC: type a tab on any mobile device
@HelkaHomba VTC as impossible
What happens when tab is in chat?
tab is in quotes: " "
it stayed a tab but looks like space
huh, so I guess it's a browser rendering thing
@HelkaHomba " "
Vim ftw
User Script request: use pre whitespace for whitespace in chat
@Downgoat goats don't count as mobile devices
O no bork when at start of message
I did it
@DJMcMayhem D: you don't have vim setup to convert evil tab to space?
@Downgoat Normally, but I don't have my full .vimrc on my phone :P
:O how do you gets vim on your phoen
:O idea: make vim app for iOS
Plus I can still do a tab if I want
:( I made a terminal for iOS (it was sandboxed too) and ran a linux VM but apple reject
Question: is STL statically linked by default?
I read that it was dynamically linked, but if I can take an executable from one computer and run it on another, most likely the libc or whatever it uses isn't going to be in exact same spot
@Downgoat libc and STL are different
shit mean stdlib
STL is not linked by default
@Downgoat apple is meen
its ok I can use myself :D
@Downgoat If both computers are on Linux, the easy way is just to recompile for each
i.e. take the source code from a computer from another instead of the executable
@DestructibleLemon :O you spelt wrong
what's the name for a url like kitten.academy without normal suffix?
what do you mean without a 'normal suffix'
I don't think there is any official categorization of TLDs but I guess you could just use 'non-standard TLD'
@Downgoat can you add the replacement "Mendeleev" -> "wat" to your userscript
no I will get kicked
@HelkaHomba gTLD for global TLD
@Downgoat Why?
if a mod has userscript they will think I said that word and kick-ban me :(
stop it, they're not obsessive dictators
respect them, don't annoy them
I'm not joking I was kick-banned for using one instance of ;_;
so I am not going near that stuff anymore
That's because ;_; is actually noise
so is 'wat'
no one got banned for saying wat in the context of a username
Make a thing that translates @wat to @mendeleev
why not change username to wat?
the text replacement in userscript doesn't work on chat beceause it messes with websockets
I promised to not change it until 2018
wait what when
Apr 14 at 19:15, by Mendeleev
This is my final username for a while (i.e. I will avoid changing it until 2018 at least)
pretty sure that claim is non-binding
I'd still like to respected to avoid annoying the mods (btw, that's a thing that you shouldn't do)
@Mendeleev yes, and that's why I will not write a thing to change your name to wat
i see
and in chem chatrooms you'd see a lot of watium
@HelkaHomba lies
> $140,000.00
btw a bunch of the images are broken on the site
@Downgoat Just means the category has no assigned image
Ok its been an hour, sorry @NewMetaPosts
Q: Would a golfing tips chat room be a good idea?

Wheat WizardLately I've been trying to get into Haskell golfing. And its been great fun. However I have found myself asking a lot of questions into The Nineteenth Byte (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). I've also seen people asking for tips in languages I don't know (I only know python so thats a long list). In my experie...

turns out my hello world program doesn't work
what language is it in?
@Downgoat I just did a huge update on inexpensivecomputers.net - please look at
@Downgoat I thought you had moved past that
who chose the number 19 specifically for the name of this room and why
There are 18 holes in a golf game
A pub at the end of a golf course is oft called the 19th hole
Q: Would a golfing tips chat room be a good idea?

Wheat WizardLately I've been trying to get into Haskell golfing. And its been great fun. However I have found myself asking a lot of questions into The Nineteenth Byte (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). I've also seen people asking for tips in languages I don't know (I only know python so thats a long list). In my experie...

@NewMetaPosts Yay! you did it
A: Let's think of a creative name for our chatroom

dmckeeWell, the traditional generic name for the country club bar is "the nineteenth hole", which suggests The Nineteenth Byte or something like that.

dmckee was one of the original moderators of PPCG when it was first created
@Mendeleev btw trying to checkout a giant duck and it's rejecting my card, can you send one to me and I'll pay later?
Question: if applying for an internship req. does it make sense for saying 'I'd like the opportunity to participate' and 'I think I'd be a valuable addition for your team'?
I mean I'm probably going to spend 90% time in mailroom
@Downgoat hell no
is saying "I am always looking to learn new things" too cliché
I mean it is true

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