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Wtf comcast
I only subscribe to 175 down O_o
Is it usually like this?
So, how many people are students here?
I'm getting my LL.B. while working at my $DAYJOB
I remember someone saying that a majority of PPCG is teenagers, that does not seem right for some reason.
A rather large part of active users is quite young.
At least where I'm from, activities like this aren't really popular. At all.
By anyone.
At all, not just people my age.
afaik me (@Mendeleev), HyperNeutrino, Christopher Peart, Phoenix (AKA Pavel) are under 17
Can't remember anyone else
Oh yeah, downgoat
Downgoat is my age or younger. LOL.
Q: Draw HyperNeutrino's benzene hegaxon icon in ASCII

xnorIn celebration of HyperNeutrino getting back their account and rep, following Mr. Xcoder. Apologies for rotating the picture for drawability. Print or output this ASCII art exactly. You may have trailing spaces and/or a trailing newline. _______________ / \ / ...

huh, 20001 rep, nice to see it work out that exactly
Wait, HyperNeutrino got their account back? Awesome!
(the first rep point doesn't actually mean anything because you have it by default and there's no way to get rid of it)
Well dang, how many of those people know APL?
@ais523 *evil laughs*
oh, I just got upvoted
well, it was nice for a moment
I was tempted to downvote you to get you to exactly 20k (actually I wasn't even slightly tempted to do that :P) :D
@StewieGriffin I'd time it.
except I think DVs are 2
huh, but for some reason I have 19991 rep on Meta
what a bizarre thing to cache :-P
you'd think it'd just use the same number as the main site
That's what I heard, and it makes sense :P
@ais523 I know, right?
just pull it from the same cache
@xnor Nice :) I like this challenge. Thanks! :D If I made it though, I'd have it take a truthy/falsy value and output either resonance structure based on that, but this challenge is nice. :)
@HyperNeutrino that's a nice idea, i regret not thinking of it
@HyperNeutrino I think anyone (dupe hammer or not) should only vote if they are confident. If 5 people vote on a maybe the challenge gets closed without anyone strongly believing it is a duplicate.
Looks like it's not caching's fault this time
Advice may be invalid due to caching.
If it's worth closing challenges just in case, then there's no need for someone with a dupe hammer to hold back, so either way I don't think it helps anyone to give them the option to water down their power
Question: is having lone code block useful in any way?
@HyperNeutrino Switch to Arch
void f() {
@Downgoat depends on the language; in Perl 5 a "bare block" is implemented as a 1-iteration loop, meaning it responds to loop control keywords
@trichoplax That's a very good point. I suppose actually that having a hammer is good because it allows more experienced users to make decisions. Though I think it might be a nice idea to have the option to cast a variable amount of close votes; for example, a gold tag badge holder could choose to cast 4 CVs so that only one more person needs to agree. Not sure how well that would work out though.
the fundamental problem is that close votes aren't actually votes
because the choices are "close" and "abstain", there's no "leave open" choice
(there's a "leave open" choice in review but all it does is cause the close votes to age faster)
@ZacharyT Note: I just went into Inspect Element and edited the Yes to a No :P
@ZacharyT I'm still technically a teenager (not for much longer though)
@HyperNeutrino I guess it might be worth making the system more complex if closing was irreversible, but since it's not I think keeping it simple is best
@xnor I know, I'm just too good at thinking of challenges :)))) (lol just kidding :D) but yeah remind me to rotate my profile picture sometime.
@DJMcMayhem Let me guess, 19?
@trichoplax True. Also, is it considered abuse for a person to close-hammer and then immediately reopen-hammer?
(to clear the CVs)
(I would assume so)
@HyperNeutrino I really don't know. I wouldn't expect a problem if they just made a mistake. If it's to stop other people's attention being drawn to it, that isn't much different than waiting for it to be closed first then opening it, since the people who saw it to close it the first time don't have a second close vote.
@ZacharyT yeah
Impressive guess, considering I state that on my profile :P
@trichoplax right, I forgot about that. Yes, then I think it might be considered some sort of abuse, or at least unadvisable behaviour.
I didn't use that. "But not for much longer though" was the tip-off.
If you see an example, flag it or raise it on meta. It's hard to make a general rule for something that hasn't been seen happening yet though.
Yeah, true. I (fortunately) have not observed it, but I would flag it if I saw it.
I trust gold badge holders to be more responsible than that though :P
(and mods, even more so)
Q: Should dupehammer wielders use their powers to wipe obviously incorrect close-as-duplicate votes?

ais523Occasionally, a user will cast a close-as-duplicate vote that's clearly incorrect. If that vote closes the question as duplicate, a gold tag badge user in a tag for the question ("dupehammer user") can then, as I understand it, unilaterally reopen it (thus overriding all the previous votes). My ...

What was a mod abusing that power or something?
Both groups are expected to be responsible and have an interest in what's best for the community, but both groups are also human...
Stack Exchange is set up so as to maximise the chance of mods abusing their power by complete accident
Yes, human error is always possible and will always happen. Getting a mod/the community to take a look at it wouldn't be harmful though.
But are they @totallyhuman ?
If I make a joke about someone's name that doesn't require them to be pinged, I autocomplete then take the @ off the front to avoid irritating them. It's quick and easy :)
Oh noes
Or just do @​trichoplax for example
No ping (I think) :D
Why is my name becoming a joke? D:
Because it consists of words
Can confirm. Mysteriously no ping
that could be commonly used
@trichoplax I used a zero-width space :D
ಠ_ಠ ninja'd
Ninjad because you didn't golf it...
ninja'd and outgolfed
6 hours ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
CMC: Output a triangle made of a string: Example:
6 hours ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
Input: ABCD
6 hours ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
CMC revival?
Jelly got 3 bytes.
Quick strawpoll to prove to my girlfriend that I'm right: should cookies be soft or crunchy?
And your profile picture.
@ArtOfCode If they're only one or the other something is wrong...
Unless you mean packet cookies
Do you want to cast a @Downgoat ?
4 mins ago, by trichoplax
If I make a joke about someone's name that doesn't require them to be pinged, I autocomplete then take the @ off the front to avoid irritating them. It's quick and easy :)
Add /​zwsp to the chat-commands userscript :P
That's what I did
(btw to type that it's //​zwspzwsp)
which I typed using ///​zwspzwspzwsp
Actually since I'm not Downgoat I can't tell if Zachary already did that. How confusing
Key sequence: @ (first few chars of name) <tab> Ctrl-Left Delete End
@LeakyNun cheddar: s->|>s.len=>i->print s.tail(i)
@ZacharyT wat
@Mendeleev Again, use sandbox to test things. ಠ_ಠ
More puns.
@Downgoat wait, new syntax?
@Downgoat Dang it. (@Mendeleev's isn't @wat anymore)
@ZacharyT that was never his name
That was my name
@LeakyNun what is new?
Sorry, I screwed it up.
@Downgoat what
halp such confuse wat
@Downgoat I never knew =>
@Downgoat what u want help with
@LeakyNun oh, yeah, I should add that to the tips page it's pretty useful
y... you sheep
@ArtOfCode In the UK, we have two things called cookies. Small, crispy ones in packets (long shelf life), and large ones that have enough variation in cooking to be crunchy around the circumference but still soft (possibly gooey) near the centre.
I think my name should be safe from memes (•◡•) (hint: you should try and make a non-horrible joke about my name)
saves like 6 bytes
@ArtOfCode So, have you settled the dispute with your girlfriend yet? (:P)
@trichoplax whaddaya mean "in the UK"? I'll have you know I'm drinking a cup of tea right now, in the middle of London :P
@Mendeleev :o How could you! This is meant to be a friendly place! Leave the cursing for, I don't know, other parts of the internet or something! :o
Am I right: lone code blocks are useless in C
@Riker Am I intended to collect all of those black squares!? Because I stopped looking at them after the first few.
I'm not saying you ca'nt do anything with them
I'm talking about the big ones, anyway
@ArtOfCode I wasn't assuming a location for you, just not wanting to assume the UK :P
but they have 0 useful use
@Downgoat CAN'T
@WheatWizard You can if you feel like it, but you don't need to
@trichoplax We're a rare breed :'(
@DJMcMayhem Ok good
Is it bad that "you should know better" has been said 7 times on TNB?
@ArtOfCode It's the big ones that shouldn't be all one or the other. They're big enough to exhibit the full delicious range from slightly underdone to slightly overdone all in one confection
@HyperNeutrino yep, clearly soft cookies are better
And whose opinion was that? :P
Woah. Do sheep and cookies cause this much discussion
@trichoplax I'd rather mine were mostly if not entirely slightly underdone
overdone cookies... blegh
sheep cookies
@HyperNeutrino mine :)
@HyperNeutrino :O
@ArtOfCode I must admit I like that if they're oatmeal and raisin ones
@trichoplax ...are you spying on me?
I accuse the goat of being a sheep in disguise
OK. I should not get into this.
@totallyhuman I accuse you of being a robot in disguise.
:38333333 well one of us is a computer scientist and the other is an artist... LPT: logical arguments usually win
Ah :P Makes sense
@ArtOfCode Despite the evidence to the contrary, I persist in my belief that oatmeal and raisin must be everyone's favourite really, and I'm still surprised each and every time someone says they dislike them
LPT: Don't make your profile bio this long
@trichoplax ker-snap. Who could possibly dislike raisins in cookies?
> LPT is the designation of a parallel port interface on some computer systems.
However, if you want ultra-sweet, you can't beat Twix cookies
@ArtOfCode Ew
Wait hold on since when did I have more PPCG rep than trichoplax?
how is it that we only have ~130 unanswered questions?
@trichoplax they're almost too sweet for me
@LeakyNun because Dennis answers too many of them
sweet != yum
nah, sweet's good, ultra-sweet is only occasionally acceptable
@HyperNeutrino I don't think I'm much of a benchmark but congratulations all the same!
@trichoplax :P thanks :P
I can imagine too-sweet could still be useful for crumbling over things
The 129, I don't know. The other 1 is that GoL Tetris question/
Probably never going to get answered.
There's also the freecell solver
@HyperNeutrino what makes you think that
@ZacharyT you never know (•◡•) (I've answered two long-inactive questions which revived them but I'm probably not good enough to answer that one... yet }:-))
@totallyhuman your face mask doesn't fit properly. it only covers half of that metal face behind it
What no
@trichoplax that's a decent idea, actually... Could work pretty well on a late-season raspberry crumble. I'm gonna have to try that now
@ZacharyT lol no but actually, the link is here
The stupid logo designer didn't get it right
I told him completely human
Guess what he did >.>
I found an easy unanswered question :p
Shoot. I was trying to compile a list of users.
Hit enter.
Kill me.
Q: Trying to Come up with a New Username

carusocomputingMy current username, if you haven't guessed, contains my last name. I made a poor choice with it and wish to sort of undo it, but not entirely. I have a fun little quest that may engage a few code-golfers that are bored and out of challenges. My username is "carusocomputing", if you could not tel...

@LeakyNun ooo where?
@HyperNeutrino you'll see it when I answer it
@ZacharyT throw this in your console: let chatUsers=[];CHAT.RoomUsers.allPresent().forEach(x=>chatUsers.push(x));
I was going to try to beat you, but then I realized that that's not possible because you answer challenges like before they're even posted >.<
@ArtOfCode could you not do let chatUsers = CHAT.RoomUsers.allPresent()?
no, because the return from allPresent isn't an array
@carusocomputing, Agronomic Cutups
Would someone get insta-kicked if they mass-pinged>
(I won't)
in all likelihood, yes
Someone got kicked for pinging like 3 people
Sorry about those random pings. I was creating a list of users.
Eh, too boring.
I like how you edited your message and still kept the typo in there
> SOrry
Aha, but you can do let chatUsers=CHAT.RoomUsers.allPresent().toArray()
I figured there was a golfier way :P
Or possibly on the wrong side of the line, but Our Gimp's Account
Still to boring.
let let = var
and if you want just usernames, let usernames=CHAT.RoomUsers.allPresent().toArray().map(x=>x.name)
@ZacharyT why?
It's pointless and kills compat with ES5
If ES5 compat is the only reason... yeah, I'm gonna use let.
It's a stricter var, and it's ES6.
CHAT.RoomUsers.allPresent().toArray().map(x=>'@'+x.name).join(' ') LOL
@WheatWizard the pictures on the walls?
nah you don't have to
they're cool tho
always have interesting quotes
and as you probably noticed, they do show up in a list of what you've seen
I've stopped playing the game. I did not find it very fun. It didn't feel like I was solving puzzles.
some get pretty hard later
but yea, most involve lateral thinking I guess
@ZacharyT Finally, a time when being near the end of the alphabet is helpful...
but if I join sandbox, it puts it on the side list for two weeks and I can't get rid of it
yes you can
leave it
@Mendeleev the little leave button?
wait what
you've changed my life
Let me guess. You're leaving us.
@ZacharyT opls you can use babel
@PeterTaylor Agronomic Cutups ahaha? quickly googles both words
So... I'd be the second Wheat Wizard?
haaa i see what you did there @​PeterTaylor
I wonder if that was intended, if so, lol'd.
@isaacg Thanks! I regret going with code-golf, and not fastest code, when I see how much time the computations take... ref
Gratz btw HyperNeutrino! Why were you removed?
Age restrictions, 'twas a mistake
I had a paypal account locked when I was 14 with $650 in it.
That sucked.
1. chat made it seem like I was <13
2. I deleted the contents of my entire profile which was very suspicious
3. Apparently I was reported.
@carusocomputing ouch :(
@HyperNeutrino never mind, not so easy after all
what is it?
Q: Normalise my decision map

CJ DennisWrite a function or program that processes a block of text and returns the new text. Smallest valid program wins. Each line in the block of text will have the following format: 12:34,56 The first number is the line ID, the other two comma separated numbers are references to other lines. In t...

@carusocomputing I seriously think that's my total amount of money right now.
there are some lines I didn't read
Well, depending on your age, that's not half bad.
lol @carusocomputing this never got closed :P :P :P [codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/13082/…
I deleted it
Does it need to be closed before I delete it? I still don't fully understand the S.E. functionality.
I'm an oldhead.
I was just lol'ing because I found it funny that it wasn't closed ;P
How old? Old for PPCG, or old as in actually old?
Idk what the context of either implies.
PCCG old vs. Actually old could be entirely equivalent.
Like, give me 10*floor(age/10)
0/10 use 10*age//10
Lol I'm 25.
Are you talking about length of membership of the site, or expected age given using PPCG?
PPCG old.
If old.
I'm going off of the assumption given a while back that a large portion of PPCG is teenagers (presumably about as old as @HyperNeutrino)
I'm almost 15, for reference.
Whoops, wrong guy.
@DJMcMayhem's age.
That's what I meant.
(Holy crap, I can't believe people are YOUNGER than me here!)
Ah, you can sometimes tell by language preference. Like Jorg who posts near exclusively in PHP, he's gotta be 30+.
Yeah, but on PPCG, that doesn't matter.
Truth, just always interesting to know the context around somebody's programming preference ;).
Who on earth likes PHP?
psychology goes hand-in-hand with computer science in extremely weird ways.
@ZacharyT Jorg, maybe? :P
@ZacharyT Most of the top 10 internet companies?
Nah... No way the "top" companies use PHP.
Do they?
I know people use PHP, but who actually LIKES the language?!
The most popular (i.e., the most visited) websites have in common that they are dynamic websites. Their development typically involves server side coding, client side coding and database technology. The programming languages applied to deliver similar dynamic web content however vary vastly between sites. *data on programming languages are based on: HTTP Header information Request for file types == See also == Comparison of programming languages List of programming languages TIOBE index Web development == References == == External links == Kiotviet.vn Using PHP, .Net...
@ZacharyT OK, maybe not likes...
who_likes(new Language(PHP)) == ['Jorg
Ahhhhhhh sarcastic inline programming, I've failed you.
He does give very impressive answers in a language I consider nearly impossible to avoid errors in.
And ... you forgot two bytes.
Anyone who plays fallout: https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/13081/59376
@xnor Do you like my new profile picture? :P
wait i think it's cached
@HyperNeutrino done
@HyperNeutrino Change your parent user (to PPCG)
@HyperNeutrino I see this
updated already
I forced it
@ArtOfCode oh thanks :P
@LeakyNun the challenge?
@HyperNeutrino no, my laundry.
or being serious
wait are you joking
anyway gtg make dinner brb in like idk 2 hours or so ಠ/
A: Normalise my decision map

Leaky NunPython 3, 226 bytes def f(s): S=dict([map(eval,i.split(":"))for i in s.split("\n")]);r="";L=[min(S)];i=0 while i<len(L):t=S[L[i]];L=L+[t[0]]*(t[0]not in L)+[t[1]]*(t[0]!=t[1]not in L);r+="%d:%d,%d\n"%tuple(map(L.index,(L[i],)+t));i+=1 return r Try it online!

magic happened here
Haha I didn't know there was a sandbox post zone.
That's why I posted there isntead.
> Q: "What's an anagram of Banach-Tarski?"
A: "Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski."
from the description of a video by Vsauce about the Banach–Tarski Paradox
@ZacharyT It's really more tnb that has lots of high-schoolers
I'm guessing we have nothing better to do with our lives?
Don't you have exams or something?
Or am I thinking of someone else?
A: Normalise my decision map

Leaky NunPython 3, 226 215 211 209 182 bytes def f(s): S=dict(map(eval,i.split(":"))for i in s.split("\n"));r="";L=[min(S)];i=0 while i<len(L):a=S[L[i]];L+=set(a)-set(L);r+="%%d:%d,%d\n"%tuple(map(L.index,a))%i;i+=1 return r Try it online!

Look, ma, I golfed it down to under 200 bytes
nice @LeakyNun
GTG. Hope nothing happens.
every other second the computer keeps pulling a tab into another window
stackoverflow.com/a/44725616/1541563 I know this isn't code golfing related, but I feel like I found a use for Proxy that can't be done except by atrocious function handle .toString() inspection hacks
0/10 ew it's SO (haha just kidding we love you too SO :D)
SO is kind of bad.
they have even had a design update and their site still looks crap
I don't like the design update
I just think my dependency injection that uses object destructuring as its mechanism is super elegant
SO meta even has complaints about reverting the button for Review because no one can figure out what the icon is for, proven by A/B testing xD
brb posting answer in sad flak possibly
SO's design looks weird, also it's inconsistent with the rest of SE. :(
@HyperNeutrino I agree
Q: Create a stem-and-leaf plot

Stephen SRelated: Validate a stem-and-leaf plot Input A non-empty list of positive integers. If needed, they can be taken as strings. You cannot assume it is sorted. Output A stem-and-leaf plot of the numbers. In a this stem-and-leaf plot, numbers are ordered into stems by tens, then all numbers that ...

let's see if I can do that one
CMC: given a mapping represented by [[x,f(x)]for x in S], and a starting point, determine the length of the loop which the starting point will eventually fall into after iterations of f
actually on second thoughts that looks very difficult
@LeakyNun what do you mean by that; like, the order of an element in a group if that makes any sense?
@HyperNeutrino something like that
@LeakyNun is that mathematically possible without actually evaluating the iterations until that point?
Hm. I was trying to make a recursive solution but I think that would require taking the starting point twice.
@PatrickRoberts no idea
brb making program
Can we assume that f(x) is unique for unique x?
wait that doesn't matter
lol, if that was true, there'd never be a loop
f(x) = 1-x, f(0) = 1, f(1) = 0
...oh, nevermind. I'm a derp.
I'ma go write my dependency injection package for npm now...
I'm gonna make a hello world
f=lambda m,k:zip(*m)[1][zip(*m)[0].index(k)]
while s!=k:s=f(m,s);i+=1
print i
@LeakyNun Horribly long but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ works
Q: High-rep hammers hamper high-rep humans

Digital TraumaSorry about the silly title - it just sort of happened that way and then I couldn't resist the alliteration. Tag badges are awarded when you earn at least 1000 total score for at least 200 non-community wiki answers with a specific tag. A "privilege" gained due to this is the ability to use a...

Ah okay, thanks.
And love the title 10/10 :P

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